tv News RT May 14, 2018 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT
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i mean this is an open hearing is to inform the american people which is you know i'm sorry that's class and that's senator that's classified but. apparently gentlemen her her nickname bloody gina. number one parent she kind of like the nickname and number two there are reports that she enjoyed that kind of well in hand to a geisha and i mean this is kind of a reflection of the mindset you know nice nice nicknames these people have the defendants of democracy a mad dog bloodied gene they're going to defend democracy a bunch hundred percent can you imagine someone that the newer trial you know the german nazi spite of that accused of torturing people can you imagine good i can tell you if i did this this is close you fly you know they will say that they were fighting coleman isn't what they are different resisting jewish law but they will never say it was collection this is as if there are never happened i mean this is
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what happens to a twenty four year veteran of the cia when he protests against torture and war criminal let's be clear you know haskell is a war criminal. for not wanting to torture to be the director of the cia and it's not the first time we've seen this type of brutality of course i mean we all remember occupy wall street pepper spray cops ferguson black lives matter and so i keystone x.l. anti the code of pipelines we've seen this again but but really i'm i'm glad that you i'm trying to keep a sense of humor and i've got a couple twitter quotes for you what you in that vein jeremy scahill who i'm sure you know as well as i do but jena high school is waterboarding the glass ceiling movement of the. because you know in america at least at least women have the equal rights to torture you because thirty seconds. in her school serge
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she worked very hard and sometimes even slept on the floor of her cia station that must have been torture for danielle drawing an irish journalist. both gentlemen i'm guy i'm glad we're making light of this and i'm really glad that ray is ok but again it seems to me this is a sign of time in the times that we have a person that is obviously committed to greed just illegal acts the moral acts i was i was i found it galling that he even talked about repeatedly the morality of what the cia does it's quite remarkable i gentleman i'm going to jump in here we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on some real news stay with our team. of some officials do not. fully understand or don't know fully accept the principle
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of football being beyond politics that's a fundamental principle of the world football. for granted some people may have opinions but it's their own opinions and doesn't influence opinions of many other football fans who are buying tickets every day in large volumes. in twenty forty you know bloody revolution of. the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be increasingly violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it you know here but i mean you know i live with to do it to me in the new bill is that i'm spilling into the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. those who took part in this today over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. i am.
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what politicians do something to. put themselves on the lawn. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president or injury or somehow want to be breast. cancer like to be for us this is what the forecast for in the morning can be good good. interested always in the waters of our. question. welcome back across the uk where all things considered i'm peter we were discussing some real news.
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ok gentlemen let's change gears here a fascinating article came out in. line titled time for europe to join the resistance here of course this is a reaction to. my decision to move to leave the iran deal which is a multilateral treaty that was supervised and signed under the auspices of the united nations security council so it is not a bilateral agreement as it is betrayed in western media here. mark i thought it was interesting the title time for europe to join the resistance i would say that's a bit too late but you know they might try to go ahead. europe was a member of the resistance before the resistance and you know existed as european leaders you know had a problem with donald trump during his election campaign and now they've they initially when he took office they tried various attempts to butter up to him and
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to try to in the. way in the most embarrassing way but they obviously are invested in this deal with iran and they have good reason to be u.s. trade with iran last year was two hundred million dollars each trade with iran was twenty five billion dollars so that that tells you that there are there are vested interests they're all there then you know just preventing a war in conflagration across the across the middle east but you know i have problem believing that the e.u. will stick by their guns we've seen them i mean bow down before even when obama was was wiretapping angela merkel's phone but that the reason the reason why this is not let me go to rain. in washington the one of the reasons why the using the term resistance is all nice and fine but what power do they have to resist there's not much there and this is a result of the abrogating their own security interests their own borders i would
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say and going along with american postmodernists social theory i mean they've just essentially castrated themselves now they're angry and upset but they're defenseless more or less go ahead. or they have castrated themselves and the question really is peter it's seventy three years since the end of the war. now i lived in germany for five years you know germans and i know the younger generation for which there is grille hope but the notion that after the war germans would act like well like juveniles or adolescents and all was about to to the winners of the war i mean that seventy three years when are they going to grow up and act like adults when their own economic and other interests are concerned i think this may be the time because never before have we had a certifiable crazy person in charge of washington. it's quite
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a pass when the. when the restraining influence has to be exerted by a guy who likes to be called mad dog mad dog madison ok so you have a situation here which is new and i don't rush the kasia no i won't see europe acting as an independent entity in my lifetime i think i agree with ray but i think it's far too late they would have to i mean when you have these globalist salutes of so integrated i mean that is assuming that merkel mccrone in may actually have a lot of power i don't think they do and actually and they all they're certainly out of touch with their electorates ok well they just drug syria together with trump and he wasn't mad and they were proud about it you know mark said it was a matter of order for that for europe to go along with trump against syria so in order to resist the main problem is not have been the financial power to do it the
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main problem is the moral the moral right to do it europe went along with every action against iran and against many other middle eastern countries in the last thirty years so when wednesday or speak it writes that in terms washington the only thing that matters is dismantling the legs. peaceful legacy or his predecessor barak obama said this is a peaceful well this is what exactly you know not at all not in countries that make a bomb a said he has all the all because he's got a nobel peace prize right that he has he was bombing only nine countries is peaceful for the us president really want to jump in go ahead. yeah i just point out that there was the iraq war i. said no you know now he said no and then of course he he let the u.s. use all his bases and everything else in germany but it is
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a known sort of the french so there is some hope here i mean situation is really different than ever before you have people who are not fully in possession of their faculties running our country and running the alliance so to speak you know places like turkey drifting away from nato montenegro i don't think that really is substitute for turkey so this is a time of flux and if the you know. sadly in germany you have. in charge of the foreign ministry when they lie and you know how did defense minister get to be defense minister for. russia well enough. for him and for me is that it's not i agree on the economics thing of course the europeans would be afraid of being sanctioned by the united states they're more than willing to give up on their own national interest
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we've seen this for thirty years this is a pattern here but the for me it's the dimension of leadership there's a huge leadership gap we don't have. we don't have it to goal ok we don't have a margaret thatcher i mean she had a vision you could agree or disagree with it but she had a vision i would even say helmut kohl had a vision for europe i don't see any of these characters now have a vision for europe they've gotten so used to taking orders from washington and now we have this situation where we have not just a president we have mike pompeo we have john bolton. and we're going to have bloody gina i'm sorry i want to disagree with i think he's going to make a good team you want to jump in there but i just wanted to say that when i begin. clever resistance is necessary and necessary as sad as that may sound resistance against america and quote it's not just i mean i guess this is the source is that there is sort of already julie so here oh it's so euro it's weak it's moaning it's
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snowflake not only since here it's too late to be the first to have a problem with the term resistance we can't even talk about the us democrats since they approved a sanctions bill that not only targeted russia. north korea and syria but also targeted iran while this agreement was still in effect so i mean which would seem to be a breach of it. to my mind at least and in many others. i think the e.u. will just wait donald trump out their problems with him is mostly partisan and ideological if this was hillary clinton leading the charge in the dissolution of this agreement she'd be holding their hand and they'd be going along we were assuming trump is a one term president ok what would make that assumption would make that assumption well. this week when faced with the possibility that a u.s. may put tariffs and saying sions on european companies if they do business with
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iran now he said what are we americans vassal to which my reply is we yeah you are merkel and merkel said. we. we can no longer rely on the us for our defense too late yeah angela i hate to tell you something honey but the biggest threat to your sovereignty and security is the u.s. ok you know you know ray one of the interesting things is that we have the tribes decision to withdraw from the iran deal but what's really quite remarkable is that we hear from the state department even though the united states is no longer a member of this multilateral treaty we expect the iranians to comply with the treaty i mean there are so many different dimensions right there that don't make any sense why did the united states leave if they are in compliance and we don't want to part be party to that agreement but you must being still and you must
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comply with the rank hypocrisy of all it's so illogical ok how people countries around the world look at the united states as a reasonable actor now. you know well peter it's giving hypocrisy a bad name let's face it but it's not the first time i what i want to introduce a factor here that's overwhelming significance and which is never even mention it is major speech on one march and president putin talked about a growing very very substantial alliance in effect with country named china ok now i earned my spurs analyzation in the sino soviet dispute when they were in a loggerheads when they were fighting military clash is it because they're riverine borders i know what that was like in my short lifetime i've seen a complete change if there's trouble china supports russian policy in syria and in ukraine if this trouble in either of those places mark my words you're going to
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have trouble in the south china sea in the taiwan straits that's how close the military alliance is witness the fact that the chinese newly appointed defense minister the first thing he did was travel to moscow they asked him why he said because i want to express my solidarity what the russians are doing in this era of challenge so that's a new element and that is something that i've been trying to get into the pressure of now because i don't think i don't think mad dog mattis i don't think trump i don't think of bolton they don't know that they're they're proceeding from the old paradigm where after the war in ninety one in iraq the main lesson was we can do these things and the russians won't stop us you have the russians are not alone now the russians and the chinese can stop us yes but another historical analogy ray considering what you just said about china visa v ukraine in syria august one thousand four hundred ok the the the possibility of these
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interconnecting alliances dims getting out of control in escalation going to market china's got its own interests i mean after russia. iran is the biggest supplier of energy to the chinese industrial you know economic machine so they've got their own interests with it with iran thirty seconds you know when people say that calling me is so important ok china is following its economic logic which markets just drive just very well here europe despite the fact that they trade with iran to that you know twenty five billion a year just told me they destroyed their relationship with russia it cost them a lot more it cost them at least fun condor rice is building across russia four times. more than that with a wrong and they still went ahead with it despite the fact that russia was no threat no threat at all and can you spell castration ok gentlemen that's all the time we have many thanks to my guests here in moscow this is the end of our broadcast segment stay with us to be expanded version on our you tube channel so
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you next time remember across the. united states can we. use. tax on other country's. economic sanctions are just the beginning another thing you like to do is play some military press or country music talking about. there to be an answer to. that country and the leader of that country. we have a responsibility for the. weekend to make rules for.
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those without us there. the politics in washington not been driven by the fossil fuel energy lobbyist they could have gone into renewables ten twenty years earlier and those jobs would be in place generating good paying jobs in america would be part of a growing world beating industry because they kowtow to those lobbyists they got stuck in the coal business which it up liberated by the gas business which is extremely dodgy and for a lot of reasons and now it's going to be obliterated by the chinese led revolution in stone. across europe municipalities are taking their water supply back from private companies to me to people this was simple song alone even some company gets full else with oh
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they can find private companies to take over the utilities many bought a telescope of a laxness you guys forgot to be a while in the going to go buy been pieces of us to quote them out. for you bill if. locals are ready to stand up for the basic human rights of access to water it's about water but it's also over much more than water it's about to hurt and the redistribution of all our west course. date downwards be won or lost.
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dozens. are killed. as tensions flare over the united states' controversial embassy move. ahead this hour a british tabloid newspaper. before the world cup kicks off in russia using a photo project to highlight this it pose a threat so violence but the photographer saying is his work being taken out of context. and a u.s.
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soldier subjects in self waterboarding to refute claims the interrogation technique is a form of torture we've got live reaction. to. just after midday in miami nine pm in karachi and seven in the evening where we start this hour this monday marks the deadliest day in the israel palestine conflict since twenty fourteen. to the united nations forty five gallons how being killed by israeli soldiers while protesting close to the border over two thousand more have reportedly been injured the violence comes as celebrations are held in nearby jerusalem over the official opening of the united states embassy there it
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medics in gaza say of the dozens of people killed by israeli snipers six were children the palestinian government has issued a statement calling on the international community and then to the quote bloody massacre numerous human rights groups have also issued statements condemning israel's action. hundreds of thousands of palestinian protesters are still here and palestinians are still protesting for the philippines of may and tomorrow there are going to still protests on the fifteenth of may which is the next card because times are fewer the palestinians were driven out and fled out of their homes in nineteen forty eight well so far at palestinians have been protesting and the israeli forces have been out flying tear gas canisters and flying live ammunition we saw a lot of injuries and that had the need to test where this is very obvious that they're intending to go on these kind of thing is here we see women the families that demand women children everyone is participating today everyone is here today
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and that everyone is here to spread the message of the palestinians that they are fed up with all that the patient throughout the day there was a bunch of highs regarding violence he talked two hours ago during the highest peak of violence where the protesters. and the israeli military forces clashed almost head on israeli military forces using rubber coated steel bullets tear gas canisters stun grenades and other armament at their disposal against the palestinian protesters were mainly throwing stones and chanting against israeli military forces this had increased as the day went on with things calming down but make no mistake this area was a battle zone before with many protests happening across the west bank from ramallah to nablus to bethlehem and even hebron and other protests have occurred in the region as well with different places such as lebanon and even a man with some protesters going against the these decisions and rejecting these policies that are being presented by the americans. i'm
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a spokesperson for the israeli military has released a statement saying the i.d.f. is trying to minimize casualties and stop the gal's a border fence being breached our message to the hamas is clear we will not tolerate this violence we will continue to defend all sovereignty our civilians and our border we will do so while trying to minimize the amount of casualties but we will not let the rioters through and to harm israeli civilians that are a running distance away the new u.s. embassy has now been officially open in front of a host of dignitaries including president trump's daughter in law both israel and palestine have long held claims to the ancient city of jerusalem here's a brief look up the background to what's next after washington's and the same. jerusalem is a city that's been a point of contention for nearly a thousand years ever since the first crusaders arrived to drive the muslim
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population away for nearly two centuries the area was governed by christian congress under the name of the kingdom of jerusalem but the end of the thirteenth century had been a crusade of the holy land and up under muslim control with so much turbulent religious history today the area holds significance for christians jews and muslims alike all regard different parts of the old city to be their holy sites and since the formation of the state of israel in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight israel considers jerusalem to be its capital the subsequent conflict with the arab neighbors so israel captured and annex the entire city of jerusalem the move has never been recognized by the united nations stands firm on the idea of establishing the two state solution where israel and palestine exist independently so by president trump announcing moving the embassy to jerusalem he's on the line that the u.s. recognizes the holy city to be the capital of israel for the international community that goes against the notion that any change in the city status should come through
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negotiations and not a unilateral action as of now out of eighty seven countries that have embassies in israel the u.s. will be the only country to base its facility in jerusalem. i'm standing here in front of the american embassy where in the last few moments an angry crowd has gathered there protesting against him if he meet any israeli police are trying to keep the crowd. why you have. a mere poser this is a by the u.s. administration to relocate their embassy in the heart of the contested city in the heart of the there were thirty to forty percent of its residents living under occupation most of them are not citizens of that he stated that i did basic rights i mean the group at all that's left for the day after jews against the occupation we're here because we oppose transcendently we think it's playing with the lives of israelis and palestinians alike in our lives and it's been. it's not a game what's happening today is illegal and unacceptable and it's our duty to say no admittedly anybody parliamentarian why what it means what do you think about the
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whole incident we are. in a demonstration which has been licensed by there's a police but immediately after we arrived they attacked attacked a member of the knesset just because we had it been two of the best known for them and then they attacked us and pushed us to the back we are here to see that jerusalem east is ok i did it or it could be the capital of the state the palestine tensions are definitely running high here as you can see this scuffles and clashes and we're being push for it and it was a lot of anger out of. what happened let up in fact right out the heart of the firefight up the materials that up there sure it is that before we went i don't know. what all of this coming as the embassy just across the road is opening so while the
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mood is witnessing crum pictures of a historic occasion are featured the same industry opening just across the road are these kind of scenes unfurling where there is a lot of anger and out of frustration and a lot of disappointment that the american government went ahead with the smooth now the americans have been putting a lot of pressure on countries to sign up and approve this move although there is a lot of resistance internationally to it we have seen the u.s. ambassador to the united nations nikki how he was sorting to do teach tactics and writing a threatening letter do you consider the vote i want you to know the president and the u.s. take this vote personally he will be watching this vote carefully and has requested our report back on those who voted against us thank you for your consideration and more more questions. being hasta if the current violence that we witnessing is a response to the embassy me just how exactly does the american president try to
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think that he is going to cut his he has said the deal of the century between israelis and palestinians we also spoke to a political science professor from gaza he told us it's unlikely the protests are going to end anytime soon what is happening today is a message of i'm gonna from the palestinian masses all over the girls lost to the west bank and is jos in them. this america of admission of them as the covenant of israel is not accepted by the palestinians and the palestinians are decided that the e.u. us is no longer out on our nose to broker zero in the mideast peace process between the palestinians and israelis and it also will lead to further palestinian rage where the palestinian under the us the israeli today has been that did this day since the start of the march of return some six weeks ago and it does also expected that the problem is will continue their protest against israel over the border area
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