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tv   Sophie Co  RT  May 14, 2018 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT

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i think that he is going to cut his he has stayed the deal of the century between israelis and palestinians. we also spoke to a political science professor from gaza he told us it's unlikely the protests are going to end anytime soon what is happening today is a message of on god from the palestinian masses all over the girl's us to the west bank and it is joe most of them that this semitic of admission of those of us that have a ton of as well as not accepted by the palestinians on the palestinians out decided that the u.s. is no known got on almost a book out in the mideast peace process between the palestinian that is why it is and it also will lead to further palestinian rage where the palestinian on god the u.s. the is why even today has been that this day since the start of the march of return some six weeks ago and it does also expected that the palestinians will continue their focus that guinness is well known over the border area between gaza and
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israel while the embassy move a partly means so much to the israeli government that the u.s. president's name and face are non appearing in all sorts of on likely places want to create peace between israel and the palestinians. well speaking of football with the twenty eighteen world cup exactly one month away
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britain's biggest selling newspaper is warning fans to expect a bruising from berne knuckle fighters it was used a series of pictures by a serbian photographer who'd been working in moscow for an article highlighting how his supporters should expect a hostile welcome the photographer those days his work has been taken out of context taking a closer look this hour dunya hawkins. as thousands of england fans pack their bags for russia this summer it seems one thing they won't be needing are travel guides forget trip advisor or lonely planet the sun has all the crucial info along with a handy photo guide it's not for the faint hearted though ultraviolence images ahead of the world cup uses some pretty hard hitting photos from a twenty fifteen project by a serbian photographer known as boogie well the images and captions certainly make an impression nationalistic pro-government messages labelled this photo of army cadets a tattooed pensioner next men drinking and smoking in broad daylight
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a woman with a bruised face perhaps a victim of those very russian football folks with a few references to ultras and drinking thrown in the article then a finishes with a classic touch lytle makes for a pretty grim picture of the upcoming world cup although some comments under the piece certainly do seem to disagree i would invite the sun to room around some of america's inner cities in the heartland cleveland detroit chicago baltimore and take pictures that night's report back on what you find if you still alive absolutely nothing connecting any of these photos with football hooliganism two men share a smoke and a beer in broad daylight oh my god satan so let's assume for just a moment these are all russian bots and trolls don't take their word for it we caught up with the photographer himself to see what he made of the sun story clearly. and that really trusted. that
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article will be it will be. soon it will be anything where i go. wrong he was context is everything and looking at that article those found some a football trip seemed more like a nightmare journey to more door. the fact is the weird shoot the received things. out i think even if i shoot flowers and barbies is going to look dark there's nothing to do with the real situation i'm going to be perfectly suited their world cup me and i feel safe in moscow don't get us wrong these tough been portrayed as are a stark reality of what you can find here in russia as in every major world city but how does that relate to football many would agree that tabloid press pieces
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should be taken with a pinch of salt but this article is just one drop in the ocean of stories featuring the horrors of russia and its football thugs waiting around every corner to jump unsuspecting visitors although none of that seems to have put off the tens of thousands of foreign fans who've snapped up their tickets and will arrive here in just a few weeks from now just a note on this we have puffed the photographer's claims to this son and forwarded his request to have the article removed if anyone at the paper gets back to us we'll let you know what was said. and he continues here in r.t. in seconds. make this manufacture consent to stick to the public well. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the final merry go
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round be the one percent. we can all middle of the room sick. of and walk selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battles that. the new socks try to tell you that every gossip the public myself. has been telling you all enough by product. of the hawks that we along. with what.
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a u.s. special forces soldier has subjected himself to waterboarding to try and show that it is not a form of torture tim kennedy posted a facebook video of being mocked drawn and then explained his main reason for doing it magically having it changed to this is look like torture to you guys it doesn't look like torture to be either the reason we're doing this out of beijing. hero is readied for our that's been appointed to be the director the cia but kind of a stunt is not proving convincing to everyone here so if the online reaction if waterboarding wasn't torture then the be no reason to do it. i was a navy pilot and went to the e.r. even one hundred eighty one water boarding each store sure waterboarding is not torture it's just a process replicating the sensation of being drowned to inflict physical and psychological pain in a prisoner in order to extract information so get totally different from torture
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waterboarding is an interrogation technique that has been used by the cia many human rights groups around the united nations say it amounts to torture it can cause serious health consequences like brain long damage or even death the newly appointed cia director mentioned in tim kennedy's video has been widely criticized after allegations of her involvement in an hunts the interrogation techniques which included waterboarding what's more president trump who chose gina hospital for the job has often said that torture works. well with the no life in the program a former guantanamo bay detainee more zam bag who is now a war consultant more welcome what do you make of the video he's personally experienced being water boarded and concludes it's not torture from your experience is about how it's carried out. look the truth is this many people can
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withstand different types of torture for example i know an individual might be able to bear the pain of having his on twisted or having the final pulled out compared to others who can't but it's not based on the individual's ability to be able to take that torture or not it's according to the definition of the law international law whether it's torture it's really important to remember waterboarding was first used during the spanish inquisition and in spanish it's actually called put to it the water torture so the original inquisitors used it against muslims only against jews to force them to convert or to meet the faith of this noble judaism were tortured by this technique and they understood it to be torture in fact this technique was throughout history used by people like c'mere ruge stop or hitler like pinochet the south african apartheid regime. and interesting to just recently the two people captured by the syrian defense forces
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who are alleged to be water goulet if you want to captives their american captives for isis also water boarded that. they'd have to so here the americans are saying that these two individuals a committed war crimes which include waterboarding interesting during world war two japanese soldiers who waterboarding american g.i.'s at the end of the war were prosecuted and then executed for war crimes ok so this kind of notion of it isn't torture it's only torture when we say it is when it affects us it's complete hypocrisy and it's complete and it opposes more importantly international law which which set out mauls torture completely and said is that not only physical torture for those so a psychological port but the use or to force confessions out of peoples of there's no sense at all it was of them or all the tried yet this this special forces
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soldier he also said gina hospital is the right person to lead this cia your thoughts on her appointment. i think you know she was in charge of what's known as the cats prison entire in two thousand and two where the waterboarding of it was of a turn up to him in the shoot took place no she's not supposed to being physically present while i was of it was tortured but there are arguments that she was there when in fact in charge when that plane and this year was being water boarded now if that is the case and as we've seen through congress sort through the senate intelligence and sketching where she was asked questions as she repeated the time was asked to say whether the waterboarding that happened under her watch word by her colleagues whether that was immoral and con unconscionable she refused to us and that is because she knows that the rest of the world no matter what is watching and they'll they'll take from her what she says and if she condemns torture then essentially should be speaking against the president to whois essentially saying
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not only does he believe in torture but he would do waterboarding a lot more let's make no mistake at all about this that waterboarding is torture and it's a war crime in the context of war crimes because nobody being prosecuted that he thought ok imagine that anybody else did this they would be prosecuted for war crimes more some big former guantanamo bay detainee giving us a first hand experience of what was talked about in that video what was shown thank you very much. thank you. iran is continuing to comply with its obligations under the nuclear deal according to the head of the un's atomic watchdog who's been meeting president putin in russia's resort city of sorts here for us is important. well despite this summit having very little to do with the issue of spread of nuclear weapons meeting with the head of the international atomic energy agency has been at the very top of lattimer putin's agenda now to
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basically discussed how the run nuclear deal would be fairing from now on with the united states in fact ditching the whole deal last week now russia's permanent representative at the a was at a meeting and he said that basically agency's director general has one sick and reiterated that iran is being fully compliant with the deal. of the atomic energy agency has confirmed iran is complying with its obligations under the nuclear deal now iran's foreign minister is also in russia but he's in most school meeting with his russian counterpart sergei lavrov judd zarif is on sort of a tour he's meeting with the representatives of the countries who are still in the deal and that's of course everybody except the united states divides a reef seeking assurances from those countries that they are still in the deal that they will protect iran's interests even with the u.s.
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pullout he said that basically the u.s. decision to abandon the deal has knocked it out of balance now with europe in turn is also scrambling to keep the deal or life but that comes with a catch because the united states have indicated that they are prepared to sanction europe into a beating and pretty much openly threatening those european companies that keep doing business with iran with penalties is the u.s. going to impose sanctions on european companies that continue to do business with iran the answer is it's possible it depends on the conduct of other governments and just a quick reminder twenty fifteen when the story deal was reached a lot of european companies entered the iranian business scene this includes some side. giants as they are but still tough folks a bargain and now the united states are basically saying well you have to make a choice and france has already said that it will not allow washington to boss its
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companies around like that. who want to be us always double blind what americans tell them. economic interests and wants economic relations with iran now another issue raised in the talks between vladimir putin and the director general of the i.a.e.a. is the potential denuclearization of north korea and so i asked the russian permanent representative at the agency whether or not the iran example could hamper the negotiations and the efforts with pyongyang. america's decision to pull out of the nuclear deal wasn't discussed during this meeting so but there are concerns that it could virtually affect efforts to stabilize the situation on the korean peninsula. has stressed that russia will be seeking for denuclearization of north korea and north korea in its own turn has also indicated that it could be ready to
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move in that direction but as we know the deal with iran two years to reach still with north korea we could be in for a long run. authorities ensure a buyer in indonesia say a family of five have carried out a deadly suicide bombing at a police headquarters that comes after three churches in the city were bombed on sunday a c.c.t.v. camera captured the moment. in which at least four killed ten wounded police say an eight year old daughter of the attackers survived but. it is believed the explosions that targeted church course on sunday were also the work of a single family thirteen people were killed in that incident dozens more injured islamic state has taken responsibility for those attacks but so far no one has claimed. the latest explosion let's now bring in professor patrik dolan director of the unesco child and family reach search center for more on this you're very welcome what is surprising is this that children were brought along in these
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attacks well it is a bit surprising on it is something that is new house and actually been occurring and certainly over recent times that we're aware of and it is both disturbing and very upsetting. for want of a better term generational. kind of destruction and so excited he would involve please and what is bothering about it is the fact on it. you know children in this case very very young children have been involved in me where we are of child soldier and so exciting for many years but in the context of extreme violence in the context of. you know attacks which are well either suicide attacks or very aggressive terrorist attacks like the ones we've had in europe is obviously this one in indonesia it is very disturbing indeed what does it tell us that in terms of the motivation behind it is it does it would have been easier to avoid drawing
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attention. well i don't it's not i think the problem is that we are still struggling to understand the modus operandi behind attacks and you know there is no one single pattern. among perpetrators that's one thing that we do we do know is that we don't know all that much so we can't you know typecast. suicide bombers are people who can be commit these attacks into any one classification but we do know whoever is done it in terms of the work that's been done and you know asco particular around preventing mind extremism and i was involved last week for example paris working with the tunisian libyan a moroccan youth who've come up with very good models about trying to get social justice on the table but through peaceful methods i mean the main thing is about how is it that families now are becoming radicalized not just youth and what are the indicators that we can find out that leads start to happen and it seems to be
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right you things and i think it's already semple just to say that it's the internet and things like this it's quite a complex set of things which we do know this and take so much for coming the program give us a secure thoughts on what's been a deadly a terrible couple of days for in the news here professor patrick dolan director of the unesco child and family research center kevin owen is here in iran in thirty minutes time or more a global news stay with r.t. international. that is pretty. i think since i called.
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in and give you from the view. these. homes. if you don't know. that if you take. this you dog on all the. last fifteen years increasing their release we could call a spontaneous emergent track global track of water and it's policy which goes in the opposite direction taking water back into public happens only a few years ago the problem was the only game in town.
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has recently. come up but he she leaned. from forth and. if you. take it you can. make use of people base but. it's becoming more more. be who highly profitable might be tradeable those people who see everything has something to investigate they want. they want our water.
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water is the driving force of life. a scarce natural results to which one out of ten people on us have no access. to the sky so it becomes management of it that is who provides water to big cities becomes more significant. for more than half a century this was a domain of private water companies however since two thousand things have begun to change. ninety four cases of this awful fronts and i think that this is quite
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important as a transfer especially because france is the kountry that as invented with the proposition as we know it today the contrie that those brought out is a should best. be and yet look at all this on the resource like on plan b. upon you stupid to. heat up your community saw him enough not that. mr bennett this a good dollar to me he said since you think you have enough. you know when you buy the origin of a only. decision that. it should you and then easy. possibly a resort. town lehi you separate a party or. the successes to that era are today's french multinational companies veolia and suez two of the world's largest private water corporations. do
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you see. this to see. stoic see in. local markets lessons seen. this was all cindy looked more. developed morsels or. was bought out but i put it on
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a collision that will smith who is who and what would you have been seeing qualities. is to start a new. rejected deadworld only breed you should have. a fair good libby did know are. fast. a precaution or a plea deal would be due should. be plenty of you very excited about it all back down us to shows you the so-called. i. look to leave it was a trade unionist said veolia when he started to publicly condemn company practices . that cost him his job and led to a long legal battle that ended with him because exonerated and rehired by veolia. going to give us up on that mack video even did you did more for deceit that you
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know mention last year extraordinary something to me on the all. the demo i think the field shows. a protest on that. it include do loop until december and all i still see by like top. it off then it how many ma owns that it would sound me pull them or us really he fell it is reduced really a pool to the neon i phone. is sussy us physics the two of them put on them and then they get their t.v. call charges on the inside to talk all on see who told them to postpone i do it is from. new on up
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a pretty juicy. bottom and there it is that's when the only person big enough seen it on this when i. was no sis all seven could look into for a moment pretty bleak in the brain did a guest show ibut to cut. costs he had to go only to the us for not don't use each cd. don't guess you know there is no unit out there on his own that pounding you. might miss something for not only. it was surely.
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in that side one nine hundred ninety percent an annoyance just as in the lean in the neo liberal possible gun mitt yeah. political satire. that is your business good democrat mongers do this fun get. this to do such a list must be done. as a display towards them and man had. between us and sledged couldn't. know the sawdust glint till we once loved to go and meet him but if you see ads if it. can barely no matter between written preventives it wouldn't sound. good after stern to so turn him off it could be never chaffed it i'm just one billion up the first one out there does not believe. for sure it had this
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fair up front front i.c. . sure it. does in their living space and when they shouldn't and wish to put it out to see it all militia could forbid. kalinda sharma the social democrat m.p. timbaland's parliament passed. for and was granted permission to read the contracts between the state and the two companies. she was led into a windowless room where she wasn't allowed to copy anything or even bring a pen to take notes. no matter what in public private partnership. that's is p.p.p. is all. ready they're leaving now they can barely manage to move said
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michigan who. is calm this didn't work then given the easy first problem that undecided had allie it went on in there and she had skittish and get high as she'd skittish angles when we as indecent hit him for taking all kinds of beer does and she's going to just. gave a disk attacked one see how from atlanta i live in. fear and gal in the given and. back gas is i can cliche i can tell on youngish slow and up a scheme come in for a tough. one as a dismissal of prima shift is would you might desire to play batter. and i'm game of the nation under name or here we're. behind nor are these equal by reason for tarak discounts of these.


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