tv Boom Bust RT May 15, 2018 1:30am-2:00am EDT
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resorting to duty tactics and writing a threatening letter do you consider the vote i want you to know the president and the us take this vote personally he will be watching this vote carefully and has requested our report back on those who voted against us thank you for your consideration and more more questions of being aust if the common file and said we witnessing is a response to the embassy me well then just how exactly does the american president try to think that he is going to cut as he has said the deal of the century between israelis and palestinians the israeli military has defended its use of live fire on the border and a spokesman for the i.d.f. blamed among us which controls gaza our message to the hamas is clear we will not tolerate this violence we will continue to defend all seventy our civilians on our border we will do so while trying to minimize the amount of casualties but we will not let the rioters through and to harm israeli civilians that are
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a running distance away and white house spokesman echoed the view of the israeli government saying only one party is to blame in the deadly unrest but the death toll is over fifty in gaza you might call him a restrained. as well we believe that you know hamas is responsible for hamas is the one that frankly bear responsibility hamas is responsible tamasha is responsible hamas bears the responsibility the hamas as an organization is engaged in cynical action is doing these tests we asked our guests for their views on the shock waves caused by the u.s. stance on in jerusalem. it's a glorious day of course we are happy by the declaration and the embassy but we are counting not only on these events by all our bottom history fifty five palestinians were murdered by the israeli occupation and occupation that
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is protected by this american administration administration today we saw a celebration of mythology and political zealously and and religious fanaticism over politics and international law and you have israel and iran. and iraq hostilities you have the situation in syria heating up between israel and russia you have this incredibly. provocative gesture by the americans and i think the system there is cracking wide open already here in israel some people around us want us to expose korans to those who declare that they want to kill us who declare that they want to get into israel by booby traps by clutching called by it are you fools who are that they're just you know at the regional high limit has always very our other one is not exactly an island that
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miller under some years later in that has only two for for eleven years you're the one who initiated this you initiate this you thought you know well your start up that always what policy is brought to the way you tell where you have anything resides raising schiffman and that is a lot of not anything if you define greater israel as the area between the river jordan and the mediterranean sea the area under effective israeli control jews are now a small minority and that poppy. and the more of a minority they become the more undemocratic. and racist israel becomes there are zero israeli injuries zero israeli casualties over two thousand palestinians injured over fifty seven palestinians killed including al
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i'll show you how mad they. do all of these protests. all of these are zero tests in guns that were happening on gazans inside the area occupied by israel in one thousand nine hundred sixty seven israel used disproportionate force in an illegal manner that invited the condemnation of all the human rights organizations that have any semblance of respect for international law including israeli human rights organizations like you have thousands of people protesting inside there the seed occupied territory and they are being mowed down by an occupation army that is still considered under the law as an occupation army killing scores of power civilians and wounding thousands literally thousands more
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but you know hamas is not my favorite organization. so you know hamas is a politically bankrupt group which has completely failed to exploit israel's gross gross contradictions and to use them against the this increasingly race a state where the hamas has failed consistently by attacking. jews qua jews and therefore forcing making sure that israelis will band together all the more tightly against what they see as an external for. i have something to tell you where you want to stop. in the future where you know for the first to start a missionary there will be a palestinian state but in any stops you have said i'm talking about the palestinians only enough you know part of jerusalem would be. covered don't for
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a fake story and we will accept your handouts the two state solution is the international solution it's not the palestinian solution alone i do believe still that there is a chance for this solution but it will take courage and it will take resolve from the international community to step up there has been a surprise a result in iraq's general election that story is after a short break stay with us are two international. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guests of the
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world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. so some officials do not. fully understand or do not fully accept the principle of football being beyond politics that's a fundamental principle of the world for both. it were granted some people may have opinions but it's their own opinions and doesn't influence opinions of the many other football fans who are buying tickets every day in large volumes. i welcome back this is art international live from moscow now
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a hardline shia cleric is on course to become the most powerful figure in iraqi politics. coalition appears to have one of the parliamentary election with most votes now counted all tough as the latest from back to. there's also that we have up until now i suggest that same sort of who is a prominent shia cleric in iraq seems to be the frontrunner this however does not mean that mr holder has full control and cannot guarantee to choose iraq's next premier because according to they work a lot in the next ninety days following their results in the political blocs have to establish a parliamentary majority to push for whoever they think should be prime minister whether it is. known for his hardline stance against u.s. and u.s. presence in iraq or the by their organization had hardly a llama also a key commander in the popular mobilization it's was time and again called for the called the us presence in iraq i'm justified you find that the ultimate result is
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that the us influence in iraq has alternately diminished to you. and we cannot cross live to middle east experts. and associate professor at york university in toronto thank you very much for being with us here on our international. to be with you so. if we get right down to it is known for his anti-american views and led to uprising against u.s. troops in two thousand and three how could a rocky american relations change after this victory. let me just start with three remarkable facts about this election before we go back to this question the first one is this is the lowest. turn out of the election in iraq since two thousand and three only forty four percent of the iraq ablation voted with me fifty five to fifty six didn't vote because the prostrated with the status
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quo and the corruption etc this is the second thing is that both actually iran and the us lost in the iraq election because they're bedded on different candidates more than became second third and third know much more promising is that for the first time since thirteen years you have across sectarian a religious secular. civil current coalition between most of those in the common as another civil currents movement in iraq which is something very promising for a new start of a new and a new reform iraq and this is. a positive and an end as a big surprise even for those who are predicting that news the prison garb badly would win the election already supported by iraq with the election so the arc of people prove all these. new moscow b.s. and predictions of rome so when we go back to his question you're right the sun and
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his movement and since two thousand and three there pours the rocky a capacious although of course they were against them the scenes but that doesn't mean that they bet on bet they bet it on the and they're going to compassion to bring democracy and reform in iraq they knew exactly was about patient they were on a military and economic interests for the us rather than the interests of there are people so they waged a in an armed struggle against them they're going to be patient until two thousand and seventy eight and then they abandon this on star goal and join the political process. and nobody our jewelry in the last few years predicted that the southern movement would ever win the election in iraq so winning. the election in iraq is of course a setback for the united states but also set back where you are armed and much more . in. accordance with the some two norm in
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iraq it's rocky a national independent politics well sutter himself cannot become prime minister as i understand as he did not run for a seat himself how much control can he have over the next government if this is the case. does this difficult to put it because we as you know only ten or eleven provinces out of nineteen are can't get it and so the movement has a one mark for reform heading the election so i assume they will win the election with a small margin in visibly an army and about so then you will have a long. process of negotiating and bargaining and backdoor deals and so on and till you will see a clear contours of the new iraqi government so that something will probably take months. i would say not weeks months until we really know who will be that it was mr president now if that is another of which is victory quotient
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agreed to align with the with your son his and the comes party. badly might be again there is a president if he accepts the demands of the sort of movement for reform fight against corruption push back against the influence of the united states and iran and iraq etc that might be probably a possible scenario but again it's just a nation on our i had very interesting to hear thoughts hope you will join us again as this plays out so it'll be interesting to to watch how this will all change things billy sexpert on a ferry an associate professor at york university in toronto. thanks for having me . all right switching gears a u.s. special forces soldier as subjected himself to waterboarding tim kennedy posted a facebook video of being mocked drowned and then explained his reasoning for doing it imagine me having it does this look like torture to you guys it doesn't look
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like torture to be either the reason we're doing this out of base. hero is ready for our that's been deployed to the director the cia waterboarding is an interrogation technique that has been used by the c.a.a. many human rights groups and the united nations say that it amounts to torture and can cause serious health consequences like brain and long damage or even death and the acting cia director mentioned in tim kennedy's video has been widely criticized after allegations of her involvement in enhanced interrogation techniques which included waterboarding what is more president trump who chose for the job is often said that torture works we discussed the waterboarding issue video with former guantanamo detainee. begg. many people can withstand different types of georgia for example i know it might be. the pain of
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having his own twisted fate and. to others who can't but it's not based on the individual's ability to be able to take that torture although it is according to the definition of the law it's a natural interest in just recently the two people captured by the syrian defense forces who are alleged to be water. what. american captives isis also water that. they have to so if the americans are saying that these two individuals that have committed war crimes which include what or so this kind of notion of it isn't torture it's only torture when we say it is when it affects us it's complete hypocrisy and it's complete and it opposes more importantly international law which which outlaws torture completely i said is that not only physical torture for those so it's psychological the use or to force confessions out of the.
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authorities in the indonesian city of sora by a say a family of five was responsible for a suicide attack at a police headquarters earlier it came after three churches were also bombed there on a sunday if you see t.v. camera captured the moment of the most recent attack in which at least six civilians and of four officers were reportedly wounded police say an eight year old daughter of the perpetrators survived the blast and is believed to be explosions that targeted church goers on sunday were also the work of a single family thirteen people were killed in that incident and dozens more injured islamic state has taken responsibility for those attacks but so far no one has claimed the latest explosion the director of the code child and family research center told us he's extremely alarmed by the involvement of young people in such atrocities. it's a possibility that that could be replicated in other countries i mean obviously it is very very disturbing and very upsetting and very disconcerting that this is
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happening to your familial and young children involved in attacks but you know having said that the issue of child soldier in is not something new unfortunately in civic society it's only that i've been there the one thing we do know that is a deterrent is the whole issue of conversation and we need to have conversations to understand better why it is that people feel there are so driven by that they've been radicalized or for whatever reason they feel there are soldiers and within families you know and in some cases it may be that children are not willing members in these attacks but we need to understand more about what's going on that is extremely urgent. and that does it for me i'll be back in thirty two and a half minutes with the full stay with us. through. the full one.
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bad and the politics in washington not been driven by the fossil fuel energy lobbyist they could have gone into renewables ten twenty years earlier and those jobs would be in place generating good paying jobs in america would be part of a growing world beating industry because they kowtow to those lobbyists they got stuck in the coal business which up liberated by the gas business which is extremely dodgy and for a lot of reasons and now is going to be obliterated by the chinese led revolution in song. water company is a profitable public firm that supplies cheap water has a more than half a million households a small percentage five point four six is already on by the french multinational suez. what it was like you make it this way is best known as the banks
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and i use of course i'm going to die so you know that is the simple message that he bought down of the doesn't get him out of this only get out of the market is an. unannounced she has more so to float up top with elizabeth that they'll be able to find he's not fitted maybe you know if you took the feed. in a moment for your kid then. eve you'd go b.c. . they know and as an adult last the bull's eye she is the. bit i was never jealous upon a bit as you say that santa research record if you eat out of a stick or man of the. d.a.p. is greece's largest water company it provides five point five million people with
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water. in it by the looks of the africa. it saved up same day. by norse anything that's then. it's a lot better kept as the means of assessment as a limit on a settlement addition of as you know i know most in my system of i can see it's a bottom up and what they just tell minimize we think you might get. something that is a strong less than or so. but enough about the. purity is a strong less risk you raised for the bulk of myself at least it ought to shape doll if it were your funeral know what i'm up to c.b.s. said this is your particular about. the increases that are dead.
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or fashion across your. there's a. still decision. if you know pretty nifty. and what's a privatisation officially it's not the commission's policia mississippi state however it's true if you look at the troika it's and if you look at the memorandum of understanding between for example the troika and portugal the commission a spot of the troika is asking to further privatized across the board to go so in the troika the commission is still pushing for privatization so if it is really a human right if you really are serious to the citizens at today's initiative we should start acting on policies instead of celebration. thank you.
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thank you. senior producer and i wish was sitting on. the sleeve of. your. sympathy. for us as you go from them involvement. that i compose. each could have. but if it is a song you could if you're. concerned about the pressure being put on southern countries european water movement activists ropes to read. the highlights of the european commission as part of a troika so to force southern european countries mainly greece and portugal to
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privatized that was. the services they say that is unacceptable and must stop. a few months later the commission's reply leaves everyone speechless. the commission believes that the privatization of public utilities including water supply firms. can deliver benefits to society when carefully made. to death. in bunches was as they counted a duffer to cosign. such a nice best son i consume of accepted don't go see best you can put out if it was something i want. to do i could do so much also did some enormous economic every nothing yeah if it's out of the depths of a thought it bites it out of the id goes
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a little behind me see need to shift to be all. and not by deed. you sure could get or get into disuse your bridge you know that. is what makes premium him opinion dissenters extreme events you can be good as a good people secretly taped it got lucky let me be the last i did. not look at dog ac their salaries do result was that he's gone and a very serious one will be there. when detroit became to ireland they wanted to privatized the water utility. but there was no water utility. the water was sprayed in twenty seven local authorities so they were told or government by the troika to build all.
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governments that are. a company called irish water. which began installing meters. and side to people's homes. on divorce protests took place. in sketch of the city of clark loreal one window to moni and said you are not putting up be the outside my house. i told him that one from into this tears vision one of the water meters that was asked. what he and i were to there was a mass of supportive people here to stop that. and this was the forst time that the irish people had taken a stand on any issue since austerity had begun says the troika ride to toes in the not. knowing. i think i thought it was my.
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god i think for some people it probably was the straw that broke the camel's back. i don't know if a sudden mood in the street together. and people who are joining the docks and you know what have the water meters got to do with the fact that you can't see a doctor should go to a hospital what have the water meters got to do with the banks coming in taking people so this. you know this is true or own a little bit of power you can cool and fun to try but you can stand to thank your folks. there's a polar and it like it might be true years and we're still not finished. but people are still resisting this because it is the one thing that they have power and they're never going to give it up. and we knew that this is big something different is not. it's about water forced to
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foremost but it's also about much more than war it's about to hurt to be trailed the surrender of sovereignty and the redistribution of our west upwards on their debt downwards. there is a problem with the leaks and we couldn't find them until we have brought in some measures so if i see my solution suddenly it says there's a million liters of milk for a couple of people in my house i call that temperature so that's the reason for that was. an island there were no meters because they had a completely different system of water charges. the irish paid through general
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taxation. over one billion euro was intended for the maintenance and operation of the water system. some people think those paper water through taxation is a little bit crazy we really only country in the o.e.c.d. . zero zero poverty i will be only woman see a lot of poverty because we only want to pay for a trip to the us a general taxation that's the one thing we got right and we'll keep it and the rest you should look at for photos listen to us because it all irish got this one right . we really need to modernize our russia structure so now we really have to invest. so we need a structure to invest we need to wage borrowed money and then we need a way to pay for it paying out general type stations people who work would probably end up paying more taxes. we are losing forty seven percent of our trees it will
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fall into the ground and leaks before it gets to the top. no one would be a new rope to spend do i choose to spend it on meters or do i choose to stand up billion year old in fixing the leaks and building a new one structure. despite the water having been paid through the general taxation. no tax exemptions with plans to offset the new charges. against people's risk. the threat of paying for water twice led most citizens to regard the introduction of meat as an charges as another austerity measure and the establishment of irish water is the first step towards privatization.
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