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tv   Keiser Report  RT  May 15, 2018 11:30am-12:00pm EDT

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aggressive democrat what was a progressive democrat who ran against. debbie wassermann schultz who is you know basically hillary clinton's body and neo con neo conservative neo liberal sort of democrat and the way so the progressive democrat they're all russian bots are a well the theme of the merging here as it relates to the energy industry yes ok this is an underlying theme yes that you're going to be exploring as i understand it and of course the energy industry in america is possibly the most corrupt of all industries and so they need this type of media manipulation and scapegoating to justify two very important facts that they're responsible for one is in collusion with wall street in the financing of their industry they've created the biggest wealth and income gap in the history of the world and bigger than the robber barons and opiate addicts from coast to coast and to environmental whole accost what they don't want to point that out the extra now it is of these energy companies end up
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in our cancer cells thank you energy come in they want to point that out so there's got to be an existential threat it's got to be coming from somewhere yes. so i want to read this final paragraph here in order to set up our headlines we're going to cover because according to member consider this this is mcclatchy they've won pulitzers in there are like illegitimate you know a legitimate news source here so you must abide by their what they say the social media propaganda was part of a broad kremlin campaign to disrupt the booming american energy industry which seemingly overnight has emerged as a threat to russia's global dominance u.s. authorities say notice that phrase they often use in the progress of so-called progressive media whenever they talk about these so-called russian bots and trolls they always say u.s. authorities. say even though this statement this assertion is easily
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any journalist could say could go investigate use google research the stuff and make their own determination they get out of having to basically sully their own reputation this is higher price i think that i thort him because this is what i was remembering the us authorities say phrase yes that's the key phrase yes so mcclatchy newspapers a set of setting out a journalist to go discover the truth and do journalism they write as boilerplate shipped to them from the pentagon or from exxon and they cover it by saying u.s. authorities say yes not that they're journalists say now that we have any journalist that they were not propaganda meisters no us authorities say therefore we don't question it that's not journalism by the way that is by definition propaganda propaganda mcclatchy newspapers do you cop to be a propagandist continue please go look at the go use google and search for yourself
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they'll say like us authorities say r t supported trump. u.s. authorities say they all the material is fully available freely available on you tube you can go watch all the hours of footage leading up to the us elections and see whether or not yourself you could determine that is true though nobody nobody ever challenges that really shows is it because you're too for getting lazy when you're just a shoot marilyn and trans fats and worry about what jenna tell you is appropriate for your can tell him transition into something that maybe you'll regret in five minutes just look at the facts ok so we're going to look at some stories because you and i have been covering fracking for a long time but we've been covering it because we cover markets finance and scandal we cover of finance the stupidity of financing something that loses money and we're going to cover some of those from c.m. d.c. and bloomberg news articles from there and only in the past month these articles have come out we've also covered it because we do we have a long history here r t a b.b.c.
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world and al-jazeera covering basically peak oil and also renewables the emergence of renewables so fossil fuels squeezed by a plunge in cost of renewables b n f says as bloomberg new energy finance the economics of generating electricity from fossil fuels are deteriorating rapidly as renewable energy technology plunges and costs that's the conclusion of bloomberg new energy finance we pour on the level lies cost of energy a measure that takes into account the expenses from buying equipment servicing debt and operating power plants using each technology in most places wind and solar will work cheaper than coal by twenty twenty three according to the research they have found and also we're going to go over the details but just to show you the sheer scale of the drop in the past year or two in the price of solar technology solar
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provision of electronics electricity and power and a lot of it has to do with china and batteries and batteries again from china which is ironic because like a lot of this whole russia gate stuff the the the theory that. if you care about the environment or if you care about fracking and we've always mostly heard it on a financial how stupid financial investment is and that you know if you're going to invest as a government you would better off investing in solar and wind and all and clean technologies renewable technologies i just. it's just a smart choice that's just like obvious right so that right now a lot of the claims that it's russian trolls are russian so that somehow russia which by the way produces natural gas and oil doesn't need to frack it's just like puts a straw on it comes out so it's so absurd but a lot of it comes from bill kristol scoop hamilton sixty eight and bill kristol by
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the way is the co-founder of policy for the new american century which he presented to bill clinton's last year in office he tried to get bill clinton to invade iraq and part of it well they lay it out in their own words go read it you can download it just go to google policy for a new american century and look at their report that they put out rumsfeld cheney bill kristol and they said part of the reason why they needed they said to invade iraq was to control the oil reserves so that tiny didn't get them so it's quite ironic that china is putting all of this this whole oil and carbon based industry out of business by just driving down the cost of solar wind and other renewable energy technologies so bill kristol is so wrong about the project for a new american century and how the energy industry would develop over the following fifty years yes and completely missed the fact that renewables and solar energy costs would plummet down the a some part of curve toward zero the same thing you see in
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the microchip industry in the band with industry in the technology industries big becoming silicon valley eyes and he's so powerful and he's so embarrassed that his way of relieving himself of the embarrassment of being probably the biggest idiot that's walked the face of the earth the past fifty years is a start a war with russia and send as many young kids there to die as possible so that i don't i think it is not i don't think it's that i think it's just he's putting tin foil on the six spreading conspiracy theories in order to confuse and create chaos and people's understanding of the world around them so i think he wants people to forget it goes into the memory hole the memory hole is help. by creating all sorts of chaos and and conspiracy but this is more than just gaslighting it's more than just bill kristol acting like the movie gaslight is a way because i don't know where in their drawers are they get confused he's actually starting my letter i want to really talk about how stupid fracking is based on just the stupid economics and here we're going to go you mentioned lithium ion battery so one new factor in the cost of why renewables are so much cheaper
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lithium ion batteries have enjoyed a seventy nine percent drop in costs since twenty ten making the idea of storing energy a possibility for coming years the price per megawatt hour for generating from wind farms built on land fell eighteen percent in just the first half of twenty eighteen and we're not even the first end of the first half to fifty five dollars while photovoltaics dropped eighteen percent to seventy dollars so where already the costs are plummeting we have some more in the second half about how much the costs are plummeting and what those sort of plummeting costs due to the existing infrastructure grid and the sunk costs into hugely expensive nuclear energy products projects coal and the debt to service all that so we're going to talk about that a lot of buckminster fuller you know thirty forty years ago said that earth uses less than one percent of the energy it gets every single day from the sun ok now
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forty years later finally harvesting that energy and it was as predictable as night follows day and anyone who banked their future on fossil fuels is going to get their head handed to them because they're. you know biased toward a political financial wall street centric model that promotes war and wealth and ink and quality gaps well in the second half i have a whole bunch more data and we're going to look at the fracking the cost of all those bonds those junk bonds that we have financed and also some more of the data of actually what reduce falling prices does to the existing grid that bill kristol loves and again i want to say listen to bill kristol he's your guy like the guy you know he listen to his. like support of what u.s. authorities say and what the facts and data might say you do your own research exactly so let's get more more more into this after the break don't go away stay right there.
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for a world cup twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goalkeepers of all time but there was one more question and by the way who's going to be our coach. guys i know you are nervous he's a huge star and the huge amount of pressure come out you have to be i mean eight percent of the poll we are with you and we will show you all the great game the great you are the rock at the back nobody gets past you we need you to get the ball going let's go. alone. and i'm really happy to join the team for the two thousand and ten world cup in russia meet the special one come on both appreciate me to say the review the aussie team's latest edition to make up a bigger need to just say look. i've
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been saying the numbers mean something they've matter us is over one trillion dollars and more than ten white collar crime champions each day. eighty five percent of global will you long to be old for bridge eight point six percent market saw thirty percent just last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one one does not show you know for a minute the one and only. but. the united states can always had a tool to use and it's a tax on other countries. economic sanctions are are
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often just the beginning another thing you like to do is place some military pressure on the countries a talking about. and there has to be an effort to demonize that country and the leader of that country because. we have a responsibility for the home. and we need to make rules for the rest. because without us there will be. seventy four design submissions. seven thousand pilings. to join judges. and eight hundred sixteen nonstop days of work. a
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russian w.b. a champion of it. and a russian mob stuff. show you how. long the crimean bridge was built. witnessed the construction living you need to transport. that will help the house of crimea the first most of those you know what google for more snow you have it a bit but it's going to. welcome back to the report on the skies or stays there are we are continuing our
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conversation about fracking energy data. ok we're continuing our story about fracking and i must reiterate that bill kristol who used to be much more lion by the likes of m.s. n.b.c. now is part of the resistance and the democrats love them and embrace them so if you're part as unpatriotic i'm. ok we're just breaking into the program not to go live to the u.n. security council emergency meeting where russia's represented a deputy prime and representative of carly speaking with us live as collation tension in the occupied palestinian territories it reached a dangerous level against the background of these ceremony which symbolized to the beginning of the transfer of the american embassy from tel aviv is also coincided with the momentous day to all palestinians of the day of catastrophe not about the new one with the number of victims is something that is
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a cause of serious concern and we share the feelings expressed by security council colleagues at. the security council resolutions. state unequivocally that the resolution of for all of the issues related to the definitive settlement of the israeli palestinian situation can only be done exclusively through a direct dialogue between the leadership of israel and palestine we think that this also applies to jerusalem and the city with which needs to be open for the representatives of all three monotheistic religions that are observed in the unilateral actions in order to review the agreements which were in trying to in the decision passed by the international community have become boringly frequent. it is obvious for us they can not help with the attaining of job of just and lasting
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peace and when it comes to the middle east settlement. they cannot implement the national aspirations of the palestinians or ensure the security of israel. unfortunately those who undertake a vacuum do not only do not demonstrate their readiness to see reason and stop bought to they try to provoke a new states and this increases the risk over there and valmont of the destructive middle east conflict. and we overeat affirm the right to peaceful protest and we condemn the interests criminate use of force against civilians we call on sides to refrain from steps which could further worsen the situation. of. these events says shown yet once again. within the political vacuum which has been in existence for about four years the appeals to the resistors and by
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force or change the early agreement agreements are becoming increasingly high impact and destructive. but they have a very specific price and the price is expressed in human lives in tears and broken lives and dashed hopes. but irresponsible politicians are not stopped by that. as a result we end up with a vicious circle and while as follows violence but you balance of what was given these explosive conditions there is a need to urgently intensify the efforts by the international community aimed at resuming their political process between the palestinians and israelis on the basis of well you know an international legal basis include this includes the security council decisions and principles which are contained in the arab peace initiative. and the outcome of this should be the implementation of
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a two state formula and creating an independent and sovereign palestinian state with a capital in east jerusalem of the new. we will continue to consistently facilitate the two state solution approved by the international community who are for the. israeli palestinian settlement we have offered our mediation offices more than once we have offered to host the a summit between the leaders of palestine and israel in order to launch a direct dialogue. and this offer of ours remains in force. the vacuum at the last in constructive international efforts as was shown by recent events is very dangerous. with think in particular that it is timely to activate to the work of the middle east quartet of international mediators which remains one of the no matter what anyone says about the universal
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unique mediation format which is in trying to in security council resolutions on the reasons why while we also welcome and support the involvement in the middle east settlement constructively minded regional players in particular egypt. we underscore the importance of work which is being carried out by the un and specialized agencies at the occupied palestinian territories and in refugee camps. it is irreplaceable for the hundreds of thousands of palestinians this support that is they receive from the un relief and works agency for palestinian refugees in the near east. to sum up i would like to point out the following. despite of the vicious plans of some international players and their grandiose projects. in a recently the world including the region of the middle east has not become safer.
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many international actions were undertaken which are at variance with international law. and they only compound with their destabilizing tendencies. and the situation in the palestinian territories now is a good example of the fact that the situation is going in the wrong direction. unfortunately in the past two days we have a firm conviction that those who undertake such steps have no intention of changing that direction thank you. i think the representative from russia the ration for the statement and now i shall make a statement in my capacity as the representative of allah. at the outset lamie saying the special code the natal nikolaj madden of for his very comprehensive but
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in fulton italy profoundly briefing. we express our great concerned about tragic loss of human lives in the gaza strip during protests near the gaza fans high number of people have been killed and in durban unfortunately including children. as we might face more tensions in the coming days we call on everyone to show the outmost the restaurant and to avoid further escalation of violence resulting in a loss of life we condemn all acts of terrorism as well as incitement to violence and we expect all to ensure that civilians and particularly tradition are not food in any danger. we call for an independent and transparent investigation into these incidents and further call for respect for international
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money that human rights you know and international humanitarian law including protection of civilians. while recognizing israel's right to protect its border we strongly underline that the use of force and mass be proportionate in this context let me stress that israel must exist maximum restraint in the use of live fire. while of talking about the monster ations we end up in size that israel must respect the right to peaceful protest why hamas and those who are leading the demonstrations in gaza mass ensure that the they remain peaceful streak to be nonviolent and without any provocation. we call upon all. parties to strictly comply with their obligations under international humanitarian law and human rights for all. given the number of the casual it is among civilians in the
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recent escalation in the gaza strip it is our imperative to protect them at all levels therefore we encouraged all efforts to enhance protection of civilians and respect for international humanitarian law and human rights law by parties to conference. the current situation in gaza could have significant consequences on the regional and international peace and security the last three conflicts in gaza in the past decade where a clear example of that therefore the security council should contribute to their escalation efforts including the rare appropriate public expression. why talking more broadly about last staving off went we would like to once again
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interested our firm commitment to do two state solution and in this context underline our position under rosalie. this position remains unchanged we strongly believe that the aspirations of both parties for dodo's alem must be fulfilled and her way to resolve the status of jerusalem as the future capital of both states must be found throughout negotiations. the status of jerusalem should also ask your mutual recognition of historical relations and national rights of both parties to the city we will continue to respect international consensus under rosella in about being into our young un security council resolution for seven eight including the location of the damage diplomatic representations in time the final status of jerusalem is result let me once again underline that the
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reaching a peace agreement will be possible only through peace talks based on international law and the principles governing peace what about asians between states a key element in this context would also be a meaningful dialogue on the three main monitor you stick rallied us i resume now my function as president of the count's. i now give the floor to the paramount and observer of the observer state of palestine. thank you. thank you. thank you madame president. say that i use. that madam president first of all. i would i just go and its capacity as president of the security
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council. for the holding of this important emergency session. we also like to express our thanks for the sympathy send the condolences expressed by or members of the security council during the minute of silence in honor of our marchers we thank the members of the council for having felt the urgent need to discuss a. serious situating situation occupy percy and territory in particular in the gaza strip because of the he ness deliberate crimes created by israel against an armed person in civilians we also share idea of gratitude. towards coate because of the efforts it is making. the only arab member of the security council would also like to thank mr malone of for his briefing and
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president. we meet today at a sad painful moment for the palestinian people with great sorrow and bitterness we express our most sincere condolences to the families of the marchers may they rest in peace. we also wish a prompt her recovery to all those injured because of the brutal israeli attack on the palestinian people who express their resistance in besieged gaza strip or on the eve of the sacred month of ramadan. we condemn in the most emphatic terms c odious the massacre. committed by israel in
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the gaza strip. because for a halt to the military aggression against so people immediately and we call for in a transparent independent international inquiry to be conducted the occupation is the main source of violence in our region any attempt to fortify the us by by some does not match reality to those who have different rhetoric and agendas we ask why have you so often blocked and transparent independent international inquiry we say this in this council we accept the results of such an investigation beforehand even before it takes face the secretary general has agreed to it assertion investigations has mr learned of and fourteen members of the security council on
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many occasions. i reiterate we accept whatever the out of such a diverse a geisha in areas as long as they the other parties accept such an investigation themselves why are some blocking the will of the majority of this council what is happening on the ground is not clear if this is not the case. then letter sent to get what is happening on the ground and as i was saying we accept the outcome of such an investigation are the other parties willing for such an independent impartial and transparent investigation to take place and there the auspices of the secretary general of the united nations
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so that things will not remain on the level of accusations and mutual suspicion. let's have such an investigation israel continues its brutal attack on an armed person you civilians in the gaza strip in a flagrant violation of international law including international humanitarian law human rights law and the provisions on the protection of civilians what they say is a war crime a crime against humanity in accordance with the rome statute that created the i c c we have come to the security council many times so ask for immediate action to stop the.


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