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tv   Cross Talk  RT  May 15, 2018 8:30pm-9:00pm EDT

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that's all rubbish that the i.a.e.a. has certified that they were they were complying with the deal this is why there's been so much hysteria in europe and they tried not grown came to washington they all failed he pulled out why they pulled out one could only imagine it's because they are planning a regime change in iran i think we're seeing all the signs of that you know one hour after trump made that speech in which he said he was getting out of the deal the israelis massively bombed iranian targets inside syria according to time magazine one hour later that's the message that was sent so while the attacks made against iran maybe just in syria now there's no question in my mind that when the military directive that trump also gave to the defense department to prepare against any threat by iran they were going down a very very dangerous road here ok it's go to their second joe and why he didn't how do you assess what joe lauria just said right there because it all of the hallmarks of you know i feel like we're back in two thousand and three looking at
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the how the media is dealing with this here i mean the massacre of palestinians of the last few days and the way the media described it it was a conflict is it was some kind it was equal to equal sides i mean joe wrote a great article it's called news us media white washes gaza gaza massacre it's perfect title because that's exactly what happened so joe what do you think that this is a preamble to some form of regime change. into round go ahead joe. i mean i get it i get it with the other things but the old agreed that we had both to to have a regime change in the british in change in iran or it why the original call from creationists. use if you use the word old troll they're trying to sort of the potential is the one or the the pressure on those two not basically is to create this alliance between with this between not the neo who and some of the. states
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basically to put the pressure on that's the series of steps taken in the past few weeks between the strikes and here the other nuclear sanctions. possible something in yemen. you have elections also in lebanon who allowed iran also to flex its muscle somehow in other countries but i don't think that our boat in two thousand and six we had enough in this. coming from the top of the spaciousness over you know but the posture of the girl didn't change we didn't see it well at all well i think i think but i think things are changing and i think they're changing very rapidly we have to work throughout the u.s. with drawing for the nuclear deal we have has a ball coming out very well in lebanon we have a surprise in iran and iraq which will we could see seeing iraq from the united states and possibly iran as well where it's a lot more complicated in the media's pre-training and a lot of things are happening on the ground let me go to jonathan steele in london
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also i really like the analogy that joe lauria gave you know how who's got their hand on the driver's sering wheel because we do have it seems patently clear to me that israel and saudi arabia in tandem would really like to see do something about against iran i mean they may not do it themselves but they're certainly egging on the president to do it in the rhetoric that's coming out of his administration is just unbelievable i mean it it really it's two thousand and three on steroids to answer our second show in washington i'm not saying it's going to happen next week or next month ok but it's they're building towards it but just to put it in london go ahead and say well i think it was a good nuclear deal for two reasons one was to impose sanctions to get in the excuse to ramp up sanctions not only u.s. sanctions but intimidating the europeans to cut their dealings with iran to serve its kind of slow motion. color revolution there. and perhaps they've already had
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their big demonstrations earlier in the year in iran are very economic issues mainly and then if they want to you know if they want more demonstrations like that . in an economy and get people out into the street they think there's a chance they can topple the wrong sort of color revolution the second reason was to provoke if you like the hawks in turn around in the course there are who never liked nuclear deal to do something stupid which would give a kind of funny justification for his role to bomb well the nuclear sites in iran so i think there's no danger of a u.s. ground invasion of iran right i think it's this kind of color revolution provocation and allowing the israelis to find an excuse to bomb ok joe lauria it seems to me that the europeans are are you know beating their chests and. making a lot of statements that we have to go on our own and we don't we can't merkel says we can't look to washington protect us that's really bluster because they have painted themselves in the corner since the end of the cold war they've basically
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defanged themselves castrated themselves they're going to have to do what the trump administration wants here what's really interesting to me is what coming out of the white house is that even though the u.s. has withdrawn they demand that iran honor the nuclear deal this is really quite amazing well if the europeans are going to end up being spineless as we i predict that they will be iran is going to start thinking about other options here maybe going back starting its program but it has assets in the region that they can use a and they can show that they can push back against the united states in an asymmetrical way this is something i worry about go ahead joe laurie and washington . first i agree with jonathan said i think they would prefer a regime change through a color revolution and not war but that's on the cards if that's as far as the europeans go if so or twice since the cold war since they have the second world war i want to sixty. one goal pulled out of nato and then of course in two thousand and
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three as you were bringing up peter the europeans and not vote the germans and the french are on the security council of course the french are always on the security council they didn't vote for bush is a resolution to invade iraq and that became a big crisis those are the two main times when europe showed some independence against united states this is the third opportunity and unfortunately i agree with you i'm with alexander mccurry as road in the durand that i republished in that sort of news that the market the iranian market is much smaller than the us market and the economics of it are going to determine that europe will go along with the us unfortunately although this is an opportunity for europe in my view which has had until recently anyway the best social system probably ever devised but now it's been under the pressure of neoliberal economics particularly with a guy like emanuel macron in france but that this is a chance for europe to be neutral to be independent to be neutral from both nonaligned if you will between russia and the us and to lead the way but it's just
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that the will is not there you know they've made a lot of noises about standing up to the u.s. when push comes to shove i think they will cave and it's going to be because of economic reasons and that's very unfortunate ok let's go to the second joe in washington i'm going to stand in the position that they will cave so that essentially means they're going to abstain ok. how is iran going to react to all this because joe is already pointed out is and i'm in jonathan that the hardliners in to around or are quite probably happy there this is something they didn't like the deal in the first place and they're going to have to start thinking in terms of defending themselves because we do have american troops in iraq in syria supporting the saudis in and we have i pointed out also has flaws come out on top here in lebanon that it's a powder keg here so how do you think iran's going to react to all of this it does have some strong cards in its hand it has some weaker. go ahead joe. i mean it has
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strong words but i know there are hundred of them in iran and the hardliners in washington but so far we don't see them in e-bay sickly came out very strong against against us we didn't see a two thousand and six kind of rhetoric so what's happening is there is some kind of iran. u.s. deal sisters of fourteen in both iraq and libya on those these are largely still in place the local flotation of those going to there's an attempt basically to to share power so for the two the two sides to change what's wrong with the change the fuse what changed. i don't want this. deal as a cornerstone of a tacit understanding with with iran if iran doesn't change her regional behavior so i'm going to take this out and basically go back to the previous order but doesn't mean the kind of sharing power between between the two is not. obvious and beirut in and by the un and other places so as this war i don't see
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this rhetorical as very we are on the verge of world think big but i think iran yes the people edition but it has said it's still early days and we do have the rainy and so on a charm a tour around the world with the chinese with the russians and the europeans that isn't done yet so we don't know what direction it's going to go go ahead finish your point. i know but i mean the issue now is they're going to give the iranians are not talking to each other so they are talking to each other through the europeans so both the americans and the iranians out of pressure to the europeans know this is what about in a very crucial weeks no but it doesn't mean that if it's fatal the europeans at the museum are going to go down the confrontation war i think in the u.s. the mood in the me in the public that won't call for what they should know but there's ok. joe joe joe hype of the jesuit on being for civil rights or we go to the break here the u.s. has already been threatening european companies with sanctions ok i don't see any
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dodgy law going on there ok all right gentlemen i'm going to jump in here we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on the middle east stay with our team. and the politics in washington not been driven by the fossil fuel energy lobbyist they could have gone into renewables ten twenty years earlier and those jobs would be in place generating good paying jobs in america would be part of a growing world beating industry because they kowtow to those lobbyist they got stuck in the coal business which operated by the gas business which is a true dodgy turn a lot of reasons and now it's going to be obliterated by chinese led revolution in some. seventy
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four design submissions. seven cells pilings. to join judges. and eight hundred sixty nonstop days of. the russian w.b. a champion of that. underbrush. show you how. the premium bridge was built. with those the construction moving you need to transport. the twelve dollars of crimea to foster most of those you know all go for more familiar quite a bit but it's clear. join me every thursday on the alex i'm unsure when i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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seemed wrong but all in all just don't call. me lol yet to shape out these days to come out ahead and in again trade equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. i've been saying the numbers mean something they've mater the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten like colored crimes happen each dish. eighty five percent of global wealth you longs to be all for rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five
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hundred trade per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember is one in one business show you can afford to miss the one and only boom bust. welcome back to crossfire where all things considered i'm peter lavelle remind you we're discussing the middle east. ok let's go back to jonathan in london and quite sadly as these proxy civil war in
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syria is winding down we have more. growing passions in the middle east here with decision here how what role do you think syria is going to play in all of this because syria is a sovereign government a sovereign state a member of the united nations has invited russia and the iranians in his advisors and more to protect their sovereignty here is this going to be the epicenter here because this is where the israelis can snipe at the iranians and they already are doing it and if we have this cooling off period from this decision that's made because like i pointed out the iranians are on a charm offensive if they don't get anything out of that charm offensive they may decide to do other things and do you think that syria is going to be the epicenter where we could see a simmering conflict get warmer and until it gets hot go ahead jonathan. well i want to talk about iraq in a minute but let me first mention your central question was about syria i think
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this is the danger is that if something happens on the golan heights area in southwestern syria as we've already seen that could escalate and then has been or could come in with its right massive amount of rockets in southern lebanon as if that is the big danger if israel provokes and gets a response that it may in fact want to have if it wants war with lebanon that could be very dangerous for the region but i think it's important to talk about iraq because u.k. really a very important developments of happened there and it's one of the best pieces of good news for iraq in several years is the victory of mocked outside in the election i mean here's a nationalist he's very anti iran he's very anti the u.s. he stands for non intervention by either of those two countries in his country iraq that's really important and the paradox is that you may actually get secret talks between the iranians and the americans to try and prevent. having the real choice of who becomes the next iraqi prime minister i think both turn around and
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washington would like. the present prime minister to carry on and they will work their way through these back door negotiations to form a new cabinet so you could actually have cooperation alone won't be admitted publicly between turnaround in washington over the future of iraq that's a very good point john when we go to joe lauria here nor nominally and under normal circumstances i would completely agree with jonathan but i think in the wake of trump's decision there is a trust deficit and that's saying something because the united states and iran have had enormous amounts of distress ever since the one nine hundred seventy nine revolution here but i don't see the iranians want to doing the americans any favors right now the americans have dug themselves the deepest possible holes when it comes to iraq and afghanistan here so this could be more of a bargaining chip with the iranians and in some fashion or another go ahead joe laurie in washington. first to put it on the record neither peter nor i said we're
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on the verge of a war no yes i'm not saying that i'm not saying the u.s. or that you're right no no i'm just going back to we talked before and also you your question was never answer about what iran might do the head of the answer to this nuclear program still a said that today i'm sorry on tuesday he said that they would start to route to enrich again stronger than before was the words he used now as far as whether the iranians i think johnson has a point there because it's not just doing the americans a favor they don't want. to have power in iran and iraq either because that would. possibly diminish iran's influence in iraq so they do they would have a common ground to work and to forget even but after the ninety seven revolution in iran ronald reagan worked with iran in the iran contra scandal so there's nothing just precluded in real politic though we have john bolton who's who's an idealogue of course and you know con so that may or may not happen but it's something to consider that iraq would be
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a problem for both countries but that would not stop. them to drive towards regime change in iran even if they cooperate on iraq and it's going to the second job in washington you know what the the paradox here is that there is no evidence that the iranians really had a serious nuclear weapons program but they signed the deal for for sanctions relief the i.a.e.a. certified that they were in compliance of course then we have trumpets as it was the worst deal in history and they withdraw from it and now it looks like the iranians may possibly return to firing up their centrifuges i mean the then they'll say look they're going after the bomb i mean you can't win for losing in this type of logic here and then throw in the saudis saying well we'll go for the bomb too i mean the the administration did not and i used the word cascade effect in my introduction. and this is what's happening we could have an arms race here and then
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we already have a nuclear power in the middle east and that's named israel here i mean before we didn't have it we weeks or a week ago two weeks ago we didn't see the possibility of an arms race now we do go ahead joe in washington. i mean i know we are caught up in the moment now with the with all of the don't see we're going to build this structure that iran is has has doesn't need a nuclear weapon at this point it never asked for it this was part of the to be on the table with the with the international powers know that's an attempt to change the dynamic but iran is basically cough the bullet with where they are now in syria and iraq and libya and they don't need to go into reasonable from station or. to the. race as you measure yes make sure the you know they make sure that if it you know i agree with joe i. hang on for say i agree with you i mean i think the radians are happy with the status quo it's the rhetoric that's coming out of
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washington that threatens that status quo and if i were in the interim i would start reacting to this kind of bombastic ideologically driven. aggression you know you have people like bolton ok i'm not worried about what the iranian you know the revolutionary guards are saying i'm more worried about what john bolton is saying go ahead joe. it's. this one you have like a little of the of the body of thing we put on this oh this. will for the day and then make you the u.s. french american the british like that if it gets close to the if it gets close to i think that's a movie i don't really know know if this is this i'm sorry i mean remember the rhetoric of two thousand and three joe it was that this words and guess who was around joke john bolton was around so i tend to have a memory here and so does that leave me at the foot of the road changes the u.s.
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changed. that mindset as you are going to vote in this mindset change no it hasn't i'll agree with the what's important i don't think. it's not that important it's better not it's better not to underestimate people like that in the other people might pompei oh these other people that are surrounding trump here. you know let me go to jonathan here go you want to react to this here go ahead. well i think i turn to other to agree that one shouldn't overdo the the rhetoric thing there's a big step between rhetoric and action and of course these are hardliners they would love to see a different regime in tehran but the question is how we're going to achieve it so i come back to my first point i think the slow motion regime change agenda not a fast motion one they want color revolutions they want a collapse of the economy they want sanctions to bite and they want to keep putting the military pressure on the table but they're willing to wait two three five years maybe they're not coming in tomorrow joe you were disagreeing earlier i'd like to
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put in a cab here is it. we're after this charm offensive that i've mentioned already twice i don't think it's going to come to anything here but the iranians do have the opportunity to turn to china and russia and russia has certainly been interested in that the chinese is well i mean. iran will do is just going to have to completely give up on the west we i'd like to remind our viewers you know opinion polls global opinion polls year after year iranians are quite pro-american that is changing right now as the population go ahead joe. well first of all i think we're not just seeing rhetoric missing action here and out of this nuclear deal which is the absolutely absolutely worst thing that trump has done is done many stupid things this is by far the worst the most dangerous thing he did this is action i agree with jonathan that they prefer a regime change by overthrowing the government but with some groups on the ground that they could control or influence rather than going to war it is no doubt about
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that but they are not taking i think war off the table there's no timetable here of three to five years maybe too long truck may be gone in two years is going to be an election so this is a dangerous situation right here as far as china goes there's an interesting article in the washington post you know they very interesting the way it ended it's explained our china is just ignoring all these threats from the u.s. and they're going to continue of course to trade with iran because they don't trade in dollars for one thing and they're going to avoid american financial institutions to try to evade some kind of sanctions and that europe in fact may want to work with china as a middleman to continue to work with iran i'm not sure that would would work or how would work but the article ended by saying the u.s. may be the country that finds itself being isolated itself rather than actually being iran so. china does play a huge role in this and i think we have to look at that in terms of how these sanctions might be evaded and the penalties that the u.s. might try to put on europe i think still think that could happen even if they trade
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through china they might find say air bus or other companies right if they continue to sell their wares through to iran germany's siemens is already come out they've caved they're afraid of the u.s. treasury here i mean let me go to our second joe here how how much does riyadh in tel aviv drive all of this i mean you know i've used the word char many times in this program but i mean trump seems so very charmed by the saudis and by bibi netanyahu go ahead joe. i mean what is the is the nothing to do with the lies between the between the u.s. and israel and sold. the us goes back to lies the interesting part is the saudis in this radio doesn't care much about the clear d. the they care about deterring iran and they want the us to do it themselves mostly but the us is mostly focused on of the deal at this point not on you who is using this the score basically to take a green light to
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a lot of the from the so basically do. some bell struck against against israel which is by the way approved by both the us and russia was a stroke because it happened and following up on yahoo visit to one of the side of the i don't it go no i went i wouldn't say russia agreed russia might not be able to do anything about it there's a big difference between the two going last word here ten second show last word for you. no i mean to the point is i don't think we're going to confront ation know this that there are already away level ok might be at that speed for the coming weeks but i think it is a very tense period and i think it's only going to get worse because we don't have leadership in the world right now in either real leadership in the u.s. or in europe it's going to fall in the model middle east that's it gentlemen many thanks to my guest in washington in london and thanks to our viewers for watching
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us here darkie see you next time and remember. across europe municipalities are taking their water supply back from private
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companies to meet. alone even some company elsewhere they invite private companies to take over the utilities many bought a hell of. a lot of trauma she got she got. them out. of what you. brought up the locals are ready to stand up for the basic human right the access to water it's about water but it's also. much more laura it's about the hurt and the redistribution of all or was to. date downwards do you want. the united states can instead of tools to use in its tax on other countries. economic sanctions are are often just the
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beginning another thing you like to do is play some military pressure on the country music you're talking about. and there has to be an effort to demonize that country and the leader of that country because. we have a responsibility for the home. and we need to make rules for the rest. because without us there will be. when we all make this manufacture come sentenced to the public wells. when the remain close to some project themselves. with the famous merry go round be the one percent.
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we can all middle the roots to. the real news group. in twenty four to you know bloody revolution to the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just go ahead. i mean you know i was with did you a clue in the new bill is that i knew the spelling needed a little the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. those who took part in it invested over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. led . out. of.
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north korea casts doubt over kim jong un's upcoming meeting with donald trump after the u.s. carries out large scale military drills with the south. the . u.s. claims the relocation of its embassy in israel to jerusalem what was not the cause of monday's deadly unrest on the israel gaza border. and it does not under mind the prospects for peace and anyway and yet for some this is supposedly a cause for violent. european leaders to speak out in defense of the iran nuclear deal saying it should not be changed despite the u.s. pulling out.


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