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tv   News  RT  May 16, 2018 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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a secure and prosperous and democratic. deep anger on israel on the united states must prove. world as the turkish president calls for them to the times labeled israel an occupier. israel took the steps in the region motivated by i am strong therefore i am right it's not possible for us to accept israel's right to say this with regards to the steps they made israel is an occupier and it keeps terrorizing. also in the program this hour north korean councils are meeting with the south threatens to call on what's supposed to be a historic summit with donald trump the young youngs furious. continuing with large scale military drills near the border. there is high level condemnation
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against ukraine over a crackdown on russian journalists after a bureau was raided in kiev and its director to take. a minute past four pm here in the russian capital wherever you're training in from right around the world welcome to moscow and to our international our top story there have been mass demonstrations in several countries against israel and the united states it's after more than sixty palestinians were killed on at least three thousand injured in clashes with the israeli military over the past two days tensions flirt with washington moved its embassy to jerusalem on monday in iran protesters torched the u.s. is really flags stomping the ashes into the ground many held posters of the israeli prime minister with the words go to hell in turkey demonstrators destroyed an
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effigy of trump on the turkish president israel's actions calling the country an occupier. israel took the steps in the region motivated by i am strong therefore i am right it's not possible for us to accept israel's right just as with regards to the steps that are made israel is an occupier and it keeps terrorizing well the u.n. security council held an emergency session on the killings on choose they which the u.s. ambassador claimed had nothing to do with the opening of the embassy it has no bearing on jerusalem's always like it does not prejudge whatever the parties might negotiate and if you so grim as it does not under mine the prospects for peace in any way and yet for some this is supposedly a cause for violence well nikki haley's squarely blamed hamas which controls gaza
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for the deaths but her accusations may prove to be a double edged sword as killer by been explained. the day that the american embassy was officially moved to jerusalem it was a day of great jubilation for american and israeli officials one to. remember this moment. but across the palestinian territories it couldn't have been more different in beleaguered gaza there was nothing but suffering and chaos our greatest hope is for peace the united states is prepared to support peace negotiations united states is prepared to support a peace agreement in every way that we can and i don't think it hurts the peace plan. the peace plan will be introduced at the appropriate time there was certainly not any criticism of any of israel's extreme use of force by anyone in the trumpet ministration hamas terrorist backed by iran have incited attacks against israeli security forces and infrastructure so israel is not responsible for shooting malice
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tinian protesters some of whom were just children shot down by their own soldiers but if you're a place israel with syria suddenly nikki haley's heart bleeds for the dead in far less clear cut situations. yesterday morning. we awoke to pictures to children being carried in the arms of desperate parents yes all the talk about human rights does not apply to palestinian protesters they do not get america's support because they're not protesting in the right country. big protests in iran the people are finally getting wise to how the money and wealth is being stolen and squandered on terrorism looks like they will not take it any longer if us is watching very closely for human rights violations with israel all bets are off on world press freedom day heather now it was all about championing the rights
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of journalists that is until somebody mention gaza we see all too often that journalists continue to take great risks to pursue this important work would you also condemn the recent deaths of journalists and also in the gaza strip look there are unfortunately a lot of journalists who die all around the list every single death of a journalist and we understand that israel has a right to defend itself back in april yasser move taja palestinian photo journalist who was wearing a jacket clearly marked press was shot by israeli sniper now if this was intentional it could possibly constitute a war crime by israel but heather nauert thinks it was self-defense either way she doesn't have time to talk about every journalist who's been killed and apparently his death doesn't fit in with washington's agenda caleb mop and artsy new york well amid all of the u.s. president can brown to leave the muslim world as it begins to observe the holy month of ramadan donald trump sent his best wishes in a presidential message on called
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a time for reflection and spiritual growth here some of the reaction in jerusalem to donald trump's recent middle east this. but the way i read of moore's mouth is saying one thing and his heart is feeling another. he could be kept i've got to think it would be good if there were a good thing to be fed a constant of you know he wants a quality run i think it will be the guy they to i think that is the most important thing because they are the ones who are opposed to what you don't believe but what if you want to make sure that the ribbon on the other room and i'll do that onion deal you know you know i think trump is a liar he's saying nice words but he is a lawyer he gave a slap to the palestinian people during the worst period they've had. north korea has counseled weapons these high level talks with the south not at all so might not attend this summit with the u.s.
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it's after america and south korea cari died large scale military drills described by pyongyang state media as a rehearsal for an invasion with more details in washington d.c. you're saying your account months of intense diplomacy and hopes of a historic breakthrough with north korea could all be reduced to nothing by war games i i i i there are exercises that are legal there are planned well well in advance we will continue to go ahead and plan the meeting between president trumping kim jong un dozens of american bombers and fighter jets flying near the north korean border to pyongyang this is more than just a provocation it's a rehearsal for an invasion so now after scrapping a summit with seoul the north is hinting that it could also band in a highly anticipated meeting with trump that's scheduled for june twelfth in
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singapore but the timing couldn't be worse the united states and south korea routinely carry out the simulated invasions and destruction of the. north korea military exercises another set of these exercises began last friday i believe this goes against the spirit certainly and i would say even the letter of the pan with john declaration between moon joining in in conjunction where both sides agreed not to do anything that would be provocative towards the other both north and south korea these military exercises again as i mentioned simulate you know elation of north korea holding off on military drills was in fact one of the points agreed upon back in january when the north froze its nuclear tests and that was confirmed last month when kim and moon met and promised to bring peace to the korean peninsula and just a week ago a u.s. senator suggested awarding trump with a nobel peace prize for promoting peace between the two koreas and of course trump was in full agreement. thank you this is
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recklessly needlessly provocative on the part of the united states it makes you wonder if some part of the u.s. military establishment actually trying to sabotage or subvert any effort to bring about a peace treaty between north korea in the united states why else would this exercise go forward. russia is stressing its concern over the safety of journalists in ukraine in a diplomatic memo to the country it's after security forces raided the kiev offices of a group partnered to a russian media giant detaining its director let's get some of the details now across the story this hour is our correspondent making the cost of a hyena just bring us up to spec but how the director was a arrested here what led to that well the security service of ukraine has a raid at several offices of a foreign partner precious news agency ria novosti and now the raid started tuesday
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morning and the last it for eight hours before that journalistically deal missions . who is the had the ukrainian bureau of this particular agency was detained near his home in the ukrainian capital kiev ukrainian security services say that he is at the moment are facing charges of treason his whereabouts are currently unknown but there are reports that he is being deported to another ukrainian city now according to a recent statement which was issued by the ukrainian special services the rest and are quote part of an investigation into a network of media structure is used by moscow to. war against ukraine as i told you before now not only the how the office of this particular agency was raided but also other locations including the apartments of the drawer in the list working for that particular news agency documents means of communications were
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confiscated during these raids and some of them lasted for several hours through their house the reaction to this of course the russian foreign ministry immediately condemned to this crackdown on during the list of the ministries a spokesperson body has a heart of a criticized western states for not paying enough attention to what happened in ukraine to the suppression of the press. but. we are outraged by the huge violation of russian journalist rights and once again call in ukraine to stop illegal abuses against journalists under the farfetched pretext of. not only russia and we did condemn to these particular searches but also other international organizations as well criticised this particular incident in ukraine representative on the freedom of the media raised concern over this raid and cooled
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on the ukrainian authorities to refrain from imposing limitations on the work all for entering the list which and these limitations can lead to can a fact of the freedom of the media in the country and how his concern was also supported by other international organizations. and it's russian ophelia. demanding immediate release of to rule i reiterate my call on the authorities to refrain from imposing unnecessary limitations on the work of foreign journalists which affects the free flow of information and freedom of the media it looks like a large scale excuse for a government to attack journalists for the distribution of information that is not liking the committee to protect journalists today expressed concern over the ukraine security services search of the kiev office of the russian state news agency ria novosti and detention of the office direct security. just in terms of history to this meeting this is the first time listening to russian journalists in
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ukraine or house or being something of this occurring or not at all in general it is quite dangerous to be a journalist in ukraine back in twenty fourteen for example ukraine ring a third among the world's deadliest locations for a media professions in the same year the country actually arranged as the world leader and journalists kidnappings now of course this intuition has changed since then but still it is quite a volatile place for journalists to work now in the past three years several journalists who criticized quite openly the new government in the country were killed and among them were russian journalists as well now ukrainian authorities on a regular basis six ballo russian journalists from the country or refuse access to government buildings or to or to some state events now last week two journalists were expelled earlier in me three journalists from italy from russia and czech republic war deny and treat to the country and the latest example was just
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a week ago there was we can call it a scandal that broken in the country involving the channel interests t.v. now it's revolved around a schedule to concert program. advocated to the victory day the channel offices in kiev were blocked in order to prevent this program this concert from being broadcast and the ukrainian radicals even issued threats against this particular channel so these are just some latest examples that i can give you it's a worrying concept but this is becoming more regular as well medina cost of our bring us right up to date on the detention of a russian journalist thank you. well while many journalists are supporting russian media workers under pressure in the ukraine and one american magazine has something more destructive in mind an article in the washington examiner such as should
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resort to blowing up the newly opened crimea bridge the writer even describes how it should be done ok let's go live now to political commentator john boston for his take on this john good to have you on the program. this is some pretty cold journalism isn't it how surprised are you that it's appeared in a publication like this. well interestingly enough i was just in washington two days ago and i got a paper copy of that magazine and i can tell you that it's par for the course the people who pose as journalists in washington are nothing more then weaponized lobbyists and so when a lobbying firm attempts to get its bills or its or its funding through for new weapons systems or war systems they often call on one of their engaged journalists to do the dirty work of saying something publicly that they couldn't dare say and then using the right of freedom of speech in america the journalist can call for
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anything it wants murder execution bombing attacks on civilian bridges and so on so that's what this is and if we're talking about a new level yes we've hit a new low a new low outward call by a journalist so-called journalist for an attack on a civilian structure i was quite shocked just reading through it indeed yesterday's opening of the bridge got an angry response in kiev there's no doubt about that which still rejects crimea's vote to rejoin russia four years ago do you think this article stories on three russian emotions in ukraine is not its purpose of course that's the purpose as i told you the the information era has led to literally the weaponize ation of the media i can i can recall during the nato bombing of yugoslavia that the chairman or the president of the international committee to protect journalists was the wife. of richard holbrooke who was
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conducting the bombing so if one of our journalists was killed during the bombing we would have had then to apply to richard holbrooke's wife after he bombed us we would have had to apply to his wife to ask for some sort of compensation so the united states government has soley and entirely incorporated the media into its weapons systems and the media therefore gives advance notice of who is going to be killed who's going to be attacked and how it's going to be done and then the public is somehow immunize against the actual event when it takes place because that they say well well this was all known in advance surely they should have anticipated it and therefore we are guilty because the military only did what we were told in the media was going to happen and that is a part of the script we're just running an attempt i want to get your thoughts on this last specked much of a connection do you think or otherwise there is between the bridge opening and the
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detention of the russian journalist in kiev that we were just thinking about one hundred percent when you have an infrastructure as big as the american empire head is you've got literally thousands of people whose job is to coordinate similar events to overpower by simple force of weight the other side so if you can schedule a bombing of a bridge with an editorial with a comment with the imposition of sanctions all on the same day or on the same week then you can try to overcome the defenses of the other side nothing happens by chance anymore john thanks as always for coming on the program and giving us your take john boston's political commentator. were all of the day's big global stories and ninety seconds were back then.
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when gold make this manufacture come sentenced to public wealth. when the roman closest protect themselves. with the famous merry go round of lives only the one percent. we can all middle of the room see. the real news. is the middle east stumbling towards a region wide war it sure looks like it trumps decision to withdraw from the iran nuclear deal and set into play a cascade of events difficult to manage and control does anyone gain from this intending cataclysm.
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twenty minutes into the program welcome back unger is growing over government inaction in canada over a self-confessed islamic state executioner who's living freely in the country after lying to immigration services now he revealed it openly on a new york times podcast called caliphate well the former idol fighter who went by the name of. left canada for years ago when he was just seventeen he told his parents he was flying to turkey for a semester abroad but five months after joining the terror group in syria he decided he wanted to return following what he originally said was his second execution who. did those comments claiming he hasn't killed anyone well officials had hoped who had said enough on the new york times podcast to incriminate himself
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as he detailed accounts of executing people but that may not be enough to charge him according to documents obtained by a canadian news network canada's prime minister has been fending off criticism of the case and when justin trudeau was asked about terrorist return knees he seemingly shifted the blame to attack conservatives in the country instead. and is the prime minister going to say look we're going these bloodthirsty terrorist to walk on our streets but to throw him in jail instead. mr speaker once again we see the conservatives trying to drum up fear here is we only to call attack when will the prime minister finally imprison isis terrorists instead of the arming of these candidates right. now this approach in the last election by the previous government it doesn't work to try and scare and if i could use all canadian intelligence estimates a run sixty people have returned after joining extremist groups in syria and iraq
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now while many countries have tough policies to prosecute those who wage terror or seems it seems kind of that might just be allowing them to slip back into society. turns out you can't build a caliphate on the foundations of killing rape plunder and more killing they tried tried with bloody abandon but no luck so that was isis jihad ists went home to perhaps start a new life while they may have engaged in terrorism abroad and broken the law not all return he's continued to post a threat that may now be disillusioned with the cause the canadian government even has directives on how to deal with them all right they may have decapitation a prison or two war a dozen may have repeatedly raped a young girls they considered infidels but that's all in the past what they need
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now is apparently help the intervention team can engage with the return the and the returned his family to open up dialogue with the individual and to help support the return of these disengagement from their radical ideology and past behavior before you go thinking that canadians are crazy no most people never knew how lenient their government was being with murder as terrorists but what really riled the public up is an interview with a former jihad just who was left free. you know you have to you know to bring yourself to do illegal carry find finally killing someone. you kind of have to close your eyes and do it. for a reason this is justified you can do this and i can be held accountable now imagine you live in the same city as this guy your kids walk by his house on the way to school that's how many canadians feel this guy is apparently in
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toronto canadians disturbed answers from this government absolute doing something. it's amazing people in canada get in. he is in jail for possession of marijuana but a guy who may have cut off people's heads is leadfree because he had a change of hot now that people are outraged his stories changed he says he doesn't deny saying them but he's insistent that he didn't actually do those things no charges against him have yet been filed if they ever will be but you must understand what he is not a monster no isis fighters different to any other immigrants they will brings something new to canada those on my words that's the prime minister talking and me i need to know how you're going to protect your canadians like my two young
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daughter and you know ten to fifteen twenty years from now when you're letting people in with an ideology that just doesn't conform to what we're doing here one of the reasons canada is successful as a country is because we have been open to people fleeing persecution fleeing war zones whether it was people fleeing the devastation of the second world war from southern europe in the fifty's and sixty's italian communities to create communities that the portuguese communities and others just belonging to a tourist organization it is it is enough to convict someone it's a serious crime so unless you cannot prove that all the fellow was in isis territory here and you loose there to. help isis unless you cannot prove that at all you know we. just says well i made up the story then if you can prove that he was actually there you can make a case against
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a person who prosecuted the person for terrorism and sent to jail if the government were serious i think that's where do you would do but i don't think they're serious about pushing multi-culturalism to the limits is not certainly not a good thing. we're back going underground in just a moment this is our to trust. someone else chose seemed wrong. but all roads just don't hold. any new world that is yet to shape out this day comes to educate and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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welcome to max kaiser financial survival guide. looking forward to years that's without. yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain. you watch kaiser report. the united states can always. use. tax on other country's. economic sanctions are just the beginning another thing you like to do is play some military pressure on the countries and talking about. and there to be an effort to demonize that country and the leader of that country. we have a responsibility for the head. and we need to make rules for the rest of.
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this without us there will be. i'm not sure attention we're going underground as nato has military committee convenes a chiefs of defense session in brussels today the head of tomorrow's meeting between nato boss again stoltenberg and donald trump coming up on the show how biased is the media being when more people have been killed at the gaza wall in six weeks than the berlin wall in twenty eight years and former a b c w ambassador marc bolan allegations that donald trump's national security advisor john bolton once
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threatened the o.p.c. w. bosses children all the civil coming of a judaize going underground but first the boss of britain's controversial domestic spying agency has been talking in berlin this week the first time ever the serving m i five g. g. has spoken publicly outside the u.k. but he wasn't like his nine hundred forty s. predecessors talking about zionist terrorism he was talking about existential threats to the u k. i mean the deliberate targeted malign activity intended to undermine our free open and democratic societies that's free in open democratic societies that cia whistleblower edward snowden revealed to be under full spectrum surveillance and what is this activity for to destabilize the international rules based system that underpins our stability security and prosperity prosperity he's obviously not referring to the over four million children in poverty in britain and why does he use the term international rules
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based system instead of the more common phrase international law is it because m i five has broken international law is it because m i five breaks u.k. law because here signed in prime minister to raise a maid's oda hand is the organist twenty second twenty seventeen memo explaining how a commissioner will oversee the breaking of british law or criminality by m i five the investigatory powers commissioner shall keep under review the application of the security service guidelines on the use of agents who participate in criminality and the authorizations issued in accordance with them not only that but inquiries are continuing into allegations that m i five spied on the leader of britain's opposition labor party jeremy corbyn earned other politicians who oppose the iraq war and that war was memorably based on intelligence or dissin from asian produce.


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