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tv   News  RT  May 16, 2018 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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or is there a date downwards we want to. get the latest officials of president sure. she will fit. with. the e.u. turns on donald trump accusing the u.s. leader of not being much of a friend for pulling out of the a brand new plea deal but. israel is an occupier and it keeps terrorizing turkish president announces the israeli military's deadly response to the palestinian protesters deep anger at israel in the united states the mass protests across the arab world and r.t. hears from doctors in gaza too who say wards there are overflowing right now and medical supplies are running out. plus this high level condemnation tonight against ukraine over a crackdown on russian journalists after a bureau was raided inc here and it's directed to table.
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highlights from r.t. studio here in moscow this wednesday and i welcome to this latest half hour up they would make half an hour in first and the transatlantic friendships getting decidedly frosty with the european council president saying donald trump is not exactly europe's best friend right now he added that brussels is under no illusion since trump pulled out of the iran nuclear deal for to agreement guaranteed that iran would limit its nuclear activities in exchange for tough sanctions being lifted. looking at the latest decisions of for them to try someone could see them fitting. with that move. but frankly speaking. europe should be grateful by president. that if you knew the hoping and. you will find one of your. it's
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not just being donald tusk that's been well handing out the zing is towards donald trump we had angle of merkel speaking in the bundestag on whedon's. well it was part of her budgetary address where she sets out where she sees her government right now and where it stands and she took part of that speech to directly look at the transatlantic relationship and she said that you ripped right now sell for the crossroads then we didn't listen to them on the multilateralism is under great pressure at the moment and because it's under great pressure europe must take its fate in its own hands more than before therefore we need european answers almost certainly the biggest strain on that relationship at the moment is donald trump's decision to pull the united states out of the iran nuclear deal it's this whole well of non consultation with allies policy when it comes to diplomacy that really
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isn't winning donald trump any friends in europe but then there's also the well extreme possibility of the likely possibility he doesn't care about winning friends in europe if we look back to his campaign he was incredibly dismissive of europe on his way to power he had to be dragged and cajoled and poked into getting on board with nato by to resume a we also saw what could at best only be called awkward relations between donald trump and angular merkel whatever they met in public and then we've got to remember when it comes to a money will he come well he publicly supported marine le pen against him in the election there so all of this is led some people watching this relationship to suggest that should it continue this way then europe may well start looking in another direction. we look forward to working with russia and china to see deal that is important part right now we are hoping for both moscow and beijing to act
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as a responsible international player but it's watching that relationship suggesting that america first could well end up with america alone if america first end up being america alone we live in a globalized world and three it is very very important and if he actually end up by still living america. it's not a good idea can he be elected for a second he's the question. also tonight the mass demonstrations in several muslim countries against israel and the united states it's after more than sixty palestinians were killed and at least three thousand injured in those clashes with the israeli military over the past couple of days tensions flared when washington moved its embassy to jerusalem on monday in a protest as torched u.s. and israeli flags they say the ashes into the ground held posters of the israeli prime minister with the words go to hell written all over in turkey demonstrators
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destroyed an effigy of donald trump the prime minister there called for the arab world to cut ties with israel while the president labeled the country an occupier. israel took the steps in the region motivated by i am strong therefore i am right it's not possible for us to accept israel's right just as with regards to the steps they made israel is an occupier and it keeps terrorizing next these pictures to brief you we have seen here the israeli ambassador to turkey as he left the country the news crews watched as he underwent strict security screening on his departure turkey to be recalled bastards from israel and the united states and let's get a live view from turkey now and go to a doctor with the lecturer on the middle east at istanbul's university hey sir not a chance to say hello to be on the scene see it so you can hear me it's kevin are you talking to you live on air or is this going to go it seems. we're getting more and more serious some of the protests in several countries this week how mass now saying in gaza they're planning more next month is it going to escalate is someone
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to keep a lid on it what's your prognosis. will this move donald trump and israel. themselves from the whole world not only the muslim world this kind of move that they breed is a source of donald trump didn't to do now donald drumbeat is trying to do it in order to show himself as different from the his brain and he wants to completely disregard the legacy of barack obama now by doing this he's brought to catering the muslim world as well as the arab word and even the christian world by doing less completely disregarding the feelings in the sentiments of the people who are refusing this and coming back to the palestinians who think that this is the crux of the whole negotiation of the peace process now if you decide at this particular moment that jerusalem is the capital of the jewish people and it's the capital of
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israel then by this you just destroying the whole peace process of twenty five negotiations they were just nonsense and you were buying you were selling and promoting pipe dreams to the palestinians in the region then there is no way that you're going to have a two state solution on the table and that's what they are in good at the time you are disregarding the no killer deal with iran and now you are completely provoking the sentiments of the whole muslim world where turkey is trying to show a kind of understanding to what's going on in the region you're completely trying to push them out of this and this is provocation that can't be accepted by a big country like turkey so the turkish probably syria as closely arab world now to cut ties with israel was actually going to mean practically. the the bra problem is you know the arab word the leak of the arab word didn't call
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for any emergent you know session to discuss the problem after two days they started to discuss kuwait asked for and meeting for the security council and the united nations but on the formal level you see the united arab emirates is completely supporting any rule that the notrump is doing the same as the crown prince and be asked mohammed bin so many also during a beer as well as age of general photographer to have sisi all of them are on the same page of what donald trump and israel is trying to do by formulating what is known as the sunni color shield against what they call the hegemony of iran in the region while on the other hand they're completely disregarding the other nations i mean the palestinians they're completely ignoring what is calling for so it is a kind of more complicated when it comes to the dynamics of the other word and i
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don't think that they will be able to review the relations they're working more or normalizing these relations and creating this so-called coalition with and they can't by any means but i can reject or object to any decision that donald trump is making dr really really quickly while you're on the line another element to this israeli believe the reason you are maybe you can hear we can distill in we talked of a loss of signal to. i see we've lost the connection thank you very much dr up there from istanbul's university i thought he wasn't yielding there but indeed ok now inside gaza hospitals are struggling to cope with an influx of wounded patients r.t. visited one major hospital where doctors say critically short of medical supplies and operating theaters are literally packed out and we are facing many bradley.
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sure to c.v. a shortage of medical supply all of them thirty percent shortage will. mean more than sixty percent and we need with a huge number. more than i want capacity our job is to twenty bids here in a marriage is about when do thirty million how do you deal with it won't be five more than our capacity it's voted situation overclouded all of our hospital. is. really an extension and it's also all. we have to see about five hundred cases. two hundred of them are admitted to hospital and. i.c.u. is full and we get to extension for i.c.u. and also it's full what are some traumas for too many be something for. all the additional remark. by. its what about the situation and we have shortages to many things stuff disposable. the israeli security forces
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meantime are giving their reaction to how they handled the incident insisting that they acted in self-defense against palestinian protesters as the violence intensified on the borders of disputed territory. so relocating that u.s. embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem was always want to donald trump's election campaign pledges it was never going to be uncontroversial and it's not the only controversial promise he's kept as artie's down quarter explains. promises politicians make them and break them trump has something of a reputation for at least making good on some of his president trump's decision tonight is yet another example of donald trump keeping promises to you the american people the president. president john she'd be his running mate any american week starting today so let's give the guy credit where credit is due but here five times trump should have perhaps parked those pledges first up
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valley to recognize jerusalem as israel's capital we will move the american embassy to the eternal of the jewish people during. while the israeli pm proclaimed a day of peace deadly protests raged elsewhere dozens dead and over two thousand injured including children. next up bailing on the iran nuclear deal trump's always been pretty clear about what he'd do when he got the keys to the white house my number one priority is to dismantle the disastrous deal with. yeah scrapping the deal and a slew of new sanctions trump expected others to follow but what he got was a multinational shaking of heads leaders who voiced regret said they were deeply
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concerned and called it an unfortunate step the new deal is not a bilateral agreement and it is not in the hands of any single country to take me made it you know not europe's not happy and americans probably won't be so happy about the next thing on trump's checklist either valid to boost the military budget as soon as i take office i will ask congress to fully eliminate the defense sequester and will submit a new budget to rebuild our military the commander in chief has already secured a sixty one. billion dollar increase for twenty eighteen taxpayers also might like to know how that will send the two thousand and twenty deficit to about i don't know a trillion dollars but that won't stand in the way of trump's promise to storm off from the paris climate accord we're going to receive all that job destroying obama executive actions. including the climate action plan sure he kept his word but this time the rest of
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the world just shrugged its shoulders gave a collective mess and is carrying on without him finally let's not forget that white house one eighty one trump took over from barack obama and vowed to keep america's notorious terrorist suspect prison open for business i watch president obama talking about get right. which by the way which by the way we are keeping open and we're going to load it up was a bit dude's believe me we're going to load it up no surprises there what's more trump is a bit of a fan of the waterboarding interrogation technique even if the u.n. says it's torture in fact he's so sold on it he's lined up a cia pick infamously linked to torture methods but gina haskell is so controversial that police have twice had to remove protesters from her senate hearing for the job so the don's being good on his word fair enough but perhaps the world might be a calmer place if he just occasionally let
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a few promises slide you know like the others do donald quarter r.t. . russia is concerned tonight of the safety of journalists in ukraine in a diplomatic memo to the country comes in response to security forces raiding the king of offices of a group of russian media giant detaining its director in the process kill the shinseki who's in charge of written overseas ukraine bureau was detained choose day for alleged treason his relatives have heard nothing from him since you know neil. more details and reaction from correspondent within a culture of the security service a few crane has a raid at several offices for import no fresh news agency to read started tuesday morning and lasted for eight hours not only the had office of this agency was raided but also other locations including the apartments so journalists working for the agency documents means of communications were confiscated during these raids
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and some of them lasted for several hours much in the house the reaction to this of course the russian foreign ministry immediately can damage to this crackdown on during the list but we are outraged by the huge violation of russian journalist rights and once again calling ukraine to stop illegal abuses against journalists under the farfetched pretext of an anti propaganda fight not only rushing needed to the condemn to these particular searches but also other international organizations as well criticized this particular incident in ukraine representative on freedom of the media raised concern over this raid his concern was also supported by other international organizations and it's russian affiliate are you demanding immediate release of to rule the shinseki i reiterate my call on the authorities to refrain from imposing unnecessary limitations on the work of foreign journalists which affects the free flow of information and freedom of the media it looks like
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a large scale excuse for a government to attack journalists for the distribution of information that is not to the oath or disliking the committed to protect journalists today expressed concern over the ukraine security services search of the key of office of the russian state news agency ria novosti and detention of the office direct security missions just in terms of history to this meeting this is the first time listening to russian journalists in ukraine or house there being something of this occurring before in general it is. why it's dangerous to be a journalist in ukraine back in twenty fourteen for example ukraine ring a third among the world's deadliest locations for a media professions and the same year the country actually reigned as the world leader and journalists kidnappings now of course the situation has changed since then but still it is quite a volatile place for journalists to work now in the past three years several journalists who criticized quite openly the new government in the country were
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killed and among them were russian journalists as well now ukrainian authorities on a regular basis six ballo russian journalists from the country now last week two journalists were expelled earlier in me three journalists from italy from russia and czech republic war deny and treat to the country just a week ago there was another well we can call it a scandal that broke in the country and that scandal involves ukrainian channel t.v. channel and it revolved around a scheduled concert program dedicated to the victory day now the channel offices in kiev for a block in order to prevent this concert from being broadcast and the ukrainian radicals even issued threats against this channel so these are just some latest examples that i can give you did a coaching over the human rights watch has condemned this calling on the ukrainian authorities to provide evidence not a buck opens charges against the journalist or told to the organization's deputy
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director for europe and central asia. under no circumstances should the government be criminalizing speech and media activities that groundlessly and ukraine i think this is out of line with ukraine's these raids and detentions are out of line with ukraine's obligations to protect media freedoms there's a there's an obligation to provide some kind of transparency about what exactly is grounding treason charges that's an extremely serious serious charge that carries a hefty prison sentence so they better continue to come forward with what it is that's causing the grounds for this charge because working for you know working for ria novosti or having a russian passport are not grounds for or for a treason charge we and other organizations have have been expressing i think more frequently concerns about media freedoms in ukraine and judge him based on the fact
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that their work to get the website down of last year and journalists who were who were either banned or were expelled because of the views that they project a couple of criminal cases that are ongoing on that you for example against what i did ski and others based on what they you know based on things that people have said or written and so on i and also there are you know cases of killings of journalists that have that remain unresolved unsolved so i think we're probably quite were what concerned we were saying last year. no side to this story something else while many journalists are supporting russian media workers under pressure in ukraine one american magazine or something more destructive literally in mine an article in the washington examiner suggest kim should resort to blowing up that newly opened crimea crimea bridge only out yesterday the right to remain describes how it should be done political commentator john bosnich believes it shows that the us press is in a really poor state. it's par for the course the people who pose as journalists in
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washington are nothing more then weaponized lobbyists and so when a lobbying firm attempts to get its bills or its or its funding through for new weapons systems or war systems they often call on one of their in gauged journalists to do the dirty work of saying something publicly that they couldn't dare say and then using the right of freedom of speech in america the journalist can call for anything it wants murder execution bombing attacks on civilian bridges and so on so that's what this is and if we're talking about a new level yes we've hit a new low a new low outward call by a journalist so-called journalist for an attack on a civilian structure. and is growing of government inaction in canada over a self-confessed islamic state execution of the living freely and still is in the country after lying to me gratian services he revealed it openly on
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a new york times podcast called caliph it now the former i still fight he went by the name of abu cypher left canada four years ago when he was just seventeen and told his parents at the time he was flown to turkey for a semester abroad but five months after joining the terror group in syria he decided he wanted to return back to canada following what he originally said was his second execution whosoever is now retracted those comments clearly in fact he hadn't killed anyone either which way officials hope that his side said enough to incriminate himself a-z. gave detail the combes of executing people but that not be may not be enough to charge him it turns out according to documents obtained by a canadian news network canada's prime ministers chipped in he's been fending off criticism over the case and when justin trudeau was asked about terrorist return he simply shift the blame to conservatives in the country instead. and is the prime minister going these bloodthirsty terrorist to walk on our streets but three women
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generally stack. mr speaker once again we see the conservatives trying to drum up fear. we all little attack when will the prime minister finally imprison isis terrorists and stand there are going to use canada right. this approach in the last election by the previous government it doesn't work to try and scare and if i could canadian intelligence estimates around sixty people are turned off to joining extremist groups in syria and iraq and while many countries have tough policies to prosecute those who've waged terror overseas it seems canada might just be alone it was slipped back in society is explains turns out you can't build a caliphate on the foundations of killing rape plunder and war killing they tried tried with bloody abandon but no luck so that was isis jihad ists went home to perhaps start
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a new life while they may have engaged in terrorism abroad and broken the law not all return he's continued to post a threat that may now be disillusioned with the cause the canadian government even has directives on how to deal with them all right they may have dick capitated a prisoner to war a dozen may have repeatedly raped young girls they considered infidels but that's all in the past what they need now is apparently help the intervention team can engage with the return the and the returned his family to open up dialogue with the individual and to help support the return he's disengagement from their radical ideology and past behavior before you go thinking that canadians are crazy no most people never knew how lenient their government was being with murder as and ten. but what really riled the public up is an interview with
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a former jihad just who was left free for as you know you have to you know to bring yourself to do you really do care if i'm finally killing someone and you can have to close your eyes and do. you kill you for a reason this is justified you can do this and i can be held accountable now imagine you live in the same city as this guy your kids walk by his house on the way to school yeah that's how many canadians feel this guy is apparently in toronto canadians deserve answers from this government absolutely i do is something . it's amazing people in canada get years in jail for possession of marijuana but a guy who may have cut off people's heads is leadfree because he had a change of heart now that people are outraged his stories changed he says he doesn't deny saying them but he's insistent that he didn't actually do those things
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no charges against him have yet been filed if they ever will be but you must understand what he is not a monster no i says fight is different to any other immigrants they will brings something new to canada those on my words that the prime minister talking and i need to know how you're going to protect your canadians like my young daughter and you know ten fifteen twenty years from now when you're letting people in with an ideology that just doesn't conform to what we're doing here one of the reasons canada is successful as a country is because we have been open to people fleeing persecution fleeing war zones whether it was people fleeing the devastation of the second world war from southern europe in the fifty's and sixty's italian communities to create communities that the portuguese communities and others. just belonging to arcturus
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store guys ation it is it is enough to convict someone it's a serious crime so unless you cannot prove it all the fellow was in isis territory you least there is to me. help my sis unless you cannot prove that at all you know with a fellow just says well i made up the story then if you can prove that he was actually there you can make a case against a person who prosecuted the person for terrorism and sent to jail if the government were serious i think that's where they would do but i don't think they're serious about pushing the multiculturalism to the limits is not certainly not a good frame. for this getting a few spending tips from the u.s. ambassador to london woody johnson thinks the u.k. should perhaps shift cash from hospitals and schools and instead pump it into the defense budget health care is always going to be an issue education is always going
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to be an issue transportation and infrastructure are always going to be issues but how important is it to defend yourself you're going to have to make tradeoffs the american envoy was speaking at head of the imminent arrival of the first fighter jets which britons purchased from u.s. manufacturer lucky martin it's a nine billion pound deal but it's not defense chief might look to get that slimmed down a bit as they try to rein in their budget we asked people in london what they think of the ambassador's advice on how to spend tax money. that occurred to me i could force. i'm a nurse said to me healthcare and accounts of people so. far about. killing each other we in britain made to increase the. expenditure of military yet
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no less saw health respect him her own health and education rather than military to be honest but the way donald trump's going on the night need some military. just seems crazy to turn from face crazy to say i think we should meet our two percent commitment. but i think two percent appropriate figure i think there's a lot of merit scaremongering trying to flee this country and following that very aggressive for the posts on the say have you said almost always a course on our side this was a your comment section there it was good to hear from you that's r.t. dot com it's twenty nine and a half minutes past eleven o'clock here in moscow now tonight kevin saying thanks for watching this update but with more in just over half an hour's time.
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it was in the nineteen fifties that our secretary of state john foster dulles proclaimed our policy.


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