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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  May 17, 2018 1:30am-2:01am EDT

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manufacture to censor. the living. room so. we can all. see. welcome to watching the hawks let us recall in twenty fourteen the senate intelligence committee issued a report on the enhanced interrogation techniques of the george w. bush war on terror the report recounted the two thousand and two interrogation of
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abu zubaida captured in pakistan and held in cia black sites from poland to diego garcia but it was in thailand that his torture became so intense that some cia officers present choked up with tears and requested transfers from the facility according to one cia cable provider was waterboard to the point that it became completely unresponsive with bubbles rising through his open full mouth. and you tube videos of his interrogation were destroyed by cia officer. now that the hospital who oversaw the torture of thailand has received the support of the senate intelligence committee ten to five setting up a floor vote on her nomination as director of central intelligence the house will claim she would not follow president orders to revive such enhanced interrogation techniques call it what it is torture if you were to reintroduce them even hawks like senator john mccain are not convinced the best suited for the. job but how
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much should other cia officers be held accountable for a fundamentally flawed cult of intelligence that was empowered by the president and his department of justice to conduct such torture are they just doing their jobs in an effort to prevent further terrorism or perhaps the cia as an institution needs to be scrutinized as much as the officials who sanctify their abuses and a dangerous cycle abusing power in the name of national security that abuse was on full display as former cia officer ray mcgovern was arrested and dragged from the senate intelligence committee hearing for daring to protest nomination here was a seventy eight year old veteran of intelligence forcibly detained by capitol police for speaking his truth how far we've come from the principles of our founding fathers his attorney. there he didn't hillyard noted there are only two people who have been jailed for the torture program not the cia agents that conducted them but cia whistleblower john kerry and now former cia officer ray
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mcgovern can our country really expect the rest of the world to follow our example with such blatant hypocrisy we're not watching the hawks here looking in the mirror at our patriotic. with. us former cia officer re thank you so much for joining us today now do you think the appointment. of gina house for as cia director is a worse than our former d.c.i.
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john brennan who was deputy executive director of the cia overseeing many black sites while she was only overseeing what now wasn't she just following orders when administering enhanced interrogation techniques. well choice my german friends would would say it's a choice between pest. plague and cholera ok now john brennan. he was on the routing for all the torture memos ok he publicly defend the kid while we say rendering kidnapping people off the streets of europe and sending them to the egypt since he was fully cognisant of thing now with respect to gina house bill we know she was actually supervising the torture at that base in thailand and when. senator ron wyden aster at the hearing just
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a week ago were you there supervising the top he said the waterboarding of about on the sherry she said. senator that's classified. and he was out of town out of town so you know if he should have what he would have asked those who will classified that she would have to say senator i did i choose classified my own incriminating incriminating evidence and so we'll have to go and close section this afternoon so now this is a public airing that means the idea is to tell the american people who this person is and they were deprived of finding out who she was because she classified the incriminating evidence they can assert this is a great country oh well it goes to show that she's been an insider in the cia at one point she was briefly the head of the well director of national clandestine services which was previously helped you know position
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a position that was renamed but people like allen dulles frank was in there other extraordinary members the cia had previously had this type of office inside cia so she's a longtime insider thirty three years in the cia as far as i know why do you think trump chose her because she will do what she's told that's how she got in the position where she is you know trump sr torture works it's great we're going to waterboarding and worse so why would he pick somebody who would not carry out those orders i mean hello it doesn't parse so for her to say well i might not i might not obey the orders the president will follow that's why she was picked and you know this business about you know having a woman to head the cia i think that's great i think that should happen. but not this kind of woman who pretty much followed orders from the men in charge and that was served up as the person that will continue to take orders not only from them but from the president so it's a bad omen so what is it with john mccain who is
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a notable war hawk and he actually seems to not support hospitals nomination having said that her role in overseeing the use of torture is disturbing and her refusal to acknowledge tortures and morality is disqualify. vying for her but here is someone obviously who did oppose brennan and he talked about his role in torture so what do you think is going on with mccain's position i think mccain is aware of this very specific evidence to cheese soup of the waterboarding of ellen the sherry she can't get away from that would a boarding cannot be made legal and then the circumstances torture is illegal it's immoral but it's not illegal because it's laws against it is illegal because it's just plain wrong ok now mccain is getting close to his maker. sometimes that explains is pretty simple i mean does he want to go in record and meet his maker and say well you know i voted for because it's a thing you do in washington don't want to book the well i don't know i don't know
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what his motivation is but he's much closer to the hospital thing because haskel herself was directly involved so maybe that's the explanation or i want to switch gears a little bit here i want to talk about your arrest that took place last week out what exactly were you doing that led to this a rise and did you get hurt well i did get hurt. let me tell you how it started when the committee hearing began the chairman richard burr of north carolina he sort of in a different way said well now as an open hearing in some of you will probably want to make statements so if you have to do it do it quickly do it fast and and be gone . i'm sitting here paul. i thought of it before i may have to do that and i did when senator wyden asked her or you supervising the would have boarding development shiri that's she said you know well senator i can't tell you because
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because because it's classified because they classify it and nobody said anything everybody knew they had the documents showing what she had done the chair should have said now ms haskell we all know what the answer to that is you certainly know it's a yes or no it's simple it's or could you just tell us and she would have had to say. yes sort of choose the center i can't because this is classic classified so i thought that you know the american people deserve a little better than that you know here they are millions of i'm looking at the t.v. and so when the police officer who was between me and hospital went to the bathroom or something i just approached and i said quietly i'm sorry to interrupt but i think senator wyden is entitle to a straight answer to his question and here it is. and then i got to be set set on by for four offices and you know in the bronx where i come from you know in this kind of case you'd look at your wounds and people that are asking you say well
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you should see the other guy right here should see the other guy well you should see those other four guys they were in hospital still you know well not really make a joke but you know it was a little overwhelming with the four of them and we soon got that though you saw it happen a low i mean did they not hear what the chairman said at the beginning of the session apparently it was all over although sure eight they would they would be ready to pounce on it wherever did what i did and what i did was simply interject some sensible state and saying look you know she knows the american people are entitled to know why you were in charge of the waterboarding in the shiria and the answer to that is yes now the american people still don't know the answers to that is yes why well because senator it's classified and i classified it isn't that great. and is the federal government to pursue charges against you i have to go to court
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on the twenty fifth i'm accused of disrupting congress and resisting arrest while you resist is very hard for graft in brooklyn and if you think about it we're not really resisting from my perspective but i want to get to this question about the cia because victim our city famously called it a cult of intelligence and you know we talk about you know someone like gene hospital following orders and knowing how to obey is it really a cult i mean it is the cia operating under that mentality and under that auspice that be pretend to be operating for our best interest but really it's all about power in their own internal politics essentially and they serve other masters than we are aware of. where you know it's really hard to explain this sort of thing with their basically to cia's the one the truman intended to be an analysis group which would have access to all information is there for central write and tell them what's going on in the world now that became corrupted very early on when all the money started pouring into the covert action people who overthrew governments and
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now torture people so they get all the attention and it's always a better idea to have an operator like that as head of the whole thing because the analysis gets the emphasize where was the analysis on the latest russian strategic weapons systems who's going to tell the president look bibi netanyahu is lying through his teeth we've been telling presidents that fits for two decades now that evidence that he that the slide show with was concocted by mossad his intelligence agency who's going to tell them that not the analysis that not the analysts that they seem to be devoted mostly to targeting drones and you know trying to find evidence of russian collusion with trump i mean the whole place is to hell in a handbasket and and the operatives us you know who they who are they responses to . they do what the president says and the president well we know what the
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president's a bit after many of them don't want to lose a war and so they say well maybe we should put maybe if we put moderate rebels in syria maybe we won't lose that war. quite so bad we're just kind of salute and they're all in favor of mostly the only people in new york times talks so you know very very popular well of course she's popular with the people they talk to work for and tortured people would you have any recommendation for who the d.c.i. should be yeah who should not be is. come out of congress like tenet. come out of the operations directorate there was only one good director that came out of operations that was bill colby you know what he said i worked directly for him should be a person who has made it in his or her own right and it's a person who did think that she or he has to play on the president's team right ok so she needs to assert herself or his self and say look this is what the president
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he said only to tell it straight if it messes up our operations so be it i'm going to do it. thank you so much for joining me. actually. as we go to break watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on facebook and twitter. dot com and coming up. israel and the politics of embassy. watch in the. design submissions. so john judges. that eight hundred sixty nonstop days of what. a
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russian w.b. a champion of it. and a russian pop stuff. show you how and why the crimean bridge was built. witnessed the construction of a unique transcode on terrain that will help the cause of crimea. faster more soldiers yeah while google more familiar quite a bit by trying to. apply for many flips over the years so i know the game inside out. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money kill the narrowness and spending two hundred twenty million on one player. it's an experience like nothing else i want
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to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game but great so what more chance for. a nice minute. and in recent weeks one hundred palestinians have been killed and ten thousand others have been injured at the hands of israeli troops that's according to palestinian health officials things escalated and when the u.s. relocated its embassy to jerusalem and held an opening ceremony earlier this week on monday forty thousand people took to the streets and demonstrating against the relocation of the u.s. embassy as a result at least sixty people were killed marking the latest incident in
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a series of protests along the border between the gaza strip and israel although israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu praises the u.s. embassy moved there rabba league and the french government both condemned it calling it a legal and a violation of the united nations security council resolutions surrounding the conflict the us isn't the only country with an embassy and jerusalem today guatemala followed in the u.s. it's footsteps opening a new embassy there as well other countries have expressed interest in relocating their embassies to jerusalem however it's still unclear whether they will actually follow through for more on the story and what that means for media's coverage may have messed up we are joined today by all there and journalist max blumenthal thank you so much for days max now at least as i said earlier sixty people there were killed in protests on monday and human rights groups are saying that just because protestors were approaching crossing or damaging the fence on the gaza israeli
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border does not amount to life lost or serious injuries so much do you think israel was out of wind and use excessive force here you know i think we really have to consider the feelings from the israeli perspective of that sense i mean the poor electrified sense of the poor. militarized walls that actually are perched with machine guns remote controlled machine guns you know that's really what we're hearing from the likes of the washington post editorial board which referred to those fifty eight people who were killed shot by snipers with leeds laser range finders from long range at some points as nominal civilians nominal civilians not even civilians so of course israel used excessive force but what i want to do is kind of interrogate the context behind these killings ok israel decided they made a calculated decision that they could not hold back this mass of protesters with
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tear gas alone or with rubber bullets and these are the kind of methods i've seen on display in the west bank there is too many people and they're going to have to kill some of them and israeli official yesterday actually said that they don't have enough room in jail cells for them so they're just going after you know kill a few actually said that. and the reason behind this is the logic of seeds and occupation and the logic the internal logic of a jewish state now the people in the gaza strip most of them about seventy to eighty percent are refugees if they come back to israel what is now israel what used to be their land where their homes are and they start reuniting with family members and they start coming together with people from the west bank and people in jerusalem and they're no longer in this warehouse this human warehouse there's no more jewish state because the jewish state is predicated on a jewish demographic majority it's as if the us had declared itself a white christian nation and had to shoot mexicans coming in because they're not
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white that's israel's logic here and that's why we see not just excessive force but what israel's doing is actually defending ethnic borders that really calls into question israel's claim to be jewish and democratic let's talk about the u.s. and guatemala both moving to bear and. your is a lot and other countries are in talks about doing the same can you tell us why you believe this is a bad move and what could come as a result of this it's amazing the us managed to get guatemala one country to join it they call it the coalition of the billing i mean quite a mall is just basically been owned by the us ever since the us removed your cobol arbenz in one nine hundred fifty four in a cia who had the dictator rios montt carrying out reagan's wishes and commit committing genocide against the mayans in the eighty's and guatemala as economy basically subsists on u.s. aid and remittances from immigrants or in the u.s. so it basically does whatever the u.s.
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wants the rest of the world not totally on board with the u.s. moving its embassy to jerusalem what the u.s. has done is consolidate the israeli colonization of jerusalem but more importantly i think you look at like richard haass who's the head of the council on foreign relations here in the u.s. the premier face of the foreign policy establishment condemning trump's decision to move the embassy why is he doing that it's because what the u.s. has done under trump and this decision was paid for by right wing pro israel billionaires is blow up the peace process blow up the two state solution forever and remove the u.s. as a broker which means that u.s. empire has less influence in israel palestine that's why richard haass is condemning the decision so there's also this interesting dispute going on on twitter publicly but obviously it's no no the issue of turkey and israel because turkey expelled is really at ambassador and the consul general heightening tensions to a place we really haven't seen since maybe two thousand and twelve between the two
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countries even though they've cooperated for the last six years on syria they've had a very mutual agenda. and yet now the tensions are being why is turkey doing this and what could this mean for the region if turkey and israel are hostile to each other now that's a that's a great point. and we don't know. where this is going to go but you can go on twitter right now and look at. him his put her account in benjamin netanyahu twitter account and they're in a flame war they're actually trolling each other on twitter no one's got more between right now the netanyahu or no on is definitely doing this for domestic consumption he's trying to pose as the leader of the month the islamic world he's trying to show that he's as the true supporter of the palestinians and netanyahu is catering to his domestic base they hate or don't want they generally hate muslims so you have the flame war in public what's going on in private is entirely different remember there was a massacre of the turkish aid boat the mavi marmara by israeli commandos in two
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thousand and ten then six years later erdogan goes ahead and normalize relations with israel they commence military cooperation as you said they're working together in syria but now something different is happening in syria and that's where i'd look turkey has consolidated its position in northern syria it's working with iran and russia through the sochi a stand up process yes down a process there the real peace process and israel's trying to interrupt the peace process because it wants syria to be perpetually at war so this could actually lead to serious friction between turkey and israel which means friction between turkey and nato and the us and further withdrawal of u.s. influence in the middle east. and then in terms of the overall middle east game you mentioned earlier you're saying that it's basically israeli say pro israeli billionaires that are pushing this agenda as far as why trump is relocating the embassy to jerusalem in do you don't see it maybe like it's a biblical some biblical aspect motivating it is it purely money and neo con
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influence there are two factors at play you name to both number one the neo con influence sheldon adelson the casino billionaire bernard marcus the founder of home depot and paul singer a vulture capitalist who tanked argentina's economy these are the three figures who contribute the most to the groups in washington they contributed forty million to protract super pacs and twenty sixteen sheldon adelson was part of the delegation in jerusalem so there's the likud make money then there's the biblical prophecy christian right characters robert jeffress gave the invocation at the opening of the embassy robert jeffress is someone who said jews mormons and muslims are going to hell. then pastor john hague gave the closing benediction john hagy cornerstone church in san antonio the biggest christian zionist figure in america has said that hitler is half jewish and that the anti christ is a half breed jew this is the figure that was brought to give the cot the invocation and the benediction in jerusalem alongside jared cushion or the orthodox jewish
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presidential son in law amazing right what trumps catering to two bases here is catering to his donor base and his main street main constituency in the bible belt the christian right and that's what this is about and it's going to have devastating consequences on the ground speaking of constituencies netanyahu was over the last few months he's been the israeli police have recommended that he be indicted for corruption charges he's been embattled all year you don't hear about it very much do you think the political landscape of israel is going to be changing this year because of potential watergate moment and is the situation with the you know the the escalation of conflict and in the with palestine a part of. out of that political internal political process in israel yeah i mean i'd urge everyone watching this to watch pills documentary crime minister on netanyahu is corruption scandals and you know she went to israel and showed how although all the top police officials were calling for netanyahu is indictments there were protests in tel aviv major protests every week across israel calling for
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his imprisonment then suddenly you have him exchanging rockets with syria and iran deal is destroyed by trump which was a major part of netanyahu is agenda and now the embassy's move to jerusalem and he's taken all of the talk about corruption and his his own criminality according to the israeli police completely off the table and that is another major achievement for netanyahu i don't know if we're going to be seeing a watergate moment here that we have about a minute now but we could talk but you're saying you really think that netanyahu is going be able to consolidate his power and make it to the next election he's create he's completely controlled the israeli press he's basically working with one of the top billionaires who runs the major tabloid in israel know that. he does go to trial it will be extremely dramatic and if he is not. found guilty if he's not found guilty the people who put him on trial including the attorney general who has high hopes to be the head of the israeli supreme court were gone
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the israeli supreme court their careers will be destroyed and netanyahu will go down as the hero of his right wing base what is the public support like for his public support is not widespread but he has the most powerful constituency of anything in israel and they're the most rabid constituency that any prime minister in israel has ever commanded frightening stuff max thank you so much for joining us thanks for having me really appreciate your time appreciate it thank you. very much ahead of its time roman legend mark is too only a cicerone what's the lamed want to be thin ape and how much like us well since they're all may have started. we've been on to something when it comes to genetic evolution but even so one thing at least by a mile just how clean the ugly apes are compared to mankind you see a new study by north carolina state university found that our chimpanzee cousins are not only genetically similar to us but superior and one pretty shocking sense
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personal hygiene the primates far less lazing than their cousins apparently have a habit of making their beds every single day what the standing outcome that their homes contain far less fecal an oral bacteria than ours and definitely alas than that of an average dorm room bed so take that cicero and not only are they not ugly but they're cleaner till i make my bed the morning don't you i do you know you should really make your bed the morning this is like a public service announcement guys make your bed the morning because it sets the mortality in the mentality for the day people who make their bed the morning they tend to be a lot more proactive less healthier more inductive like you said i didn't start with the bed and that is our show for you today remember everyone we are in the world we are told that we are loved enough so i tell you i love you i am and i am actually bank people watching those talks have a great night. across
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europe municipalities are taking their water supply back from private companies to me this is the simple song alone even some company elsewhere they invite private companies to take over the utilities anybody else throw bush. i wish you guys you got it well and the poor might be gone. this is. for you to lift bill brought up locals are ready to stand up for the basic human right of access to water it's about water but it's also over much more than the war it's about the hurt and the redistribution of all as to. date
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downwards do you want or will. looking at the latest official so for the. someone who see the thing. with friends like that who needs enemies the rift between the e.u. and the us is deepening as block leaders push for greater independence from washington. with numerous probes into alleged russian interference in the us election republican senators concluded russia did help donald trump get elected ultimately contradicting the findings of an earlier republican probe. a recent report accuses the tanzanian government of violently evicting thousands of indigenous people that are burning their homes all of that to make way for so-called luxury tourism.


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