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tv   News  RT  May 17, 2018 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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headlines for this hour international leaders reiterate that commitment to the iran nuclear deal. business ties with the country. simply not enough. numerous probes into alleged russian interference in the u.s. election senators concluded russia did help get elected despite an early. no. east africa's tanzania is accused of the thousands of indigenous people and burning down the hall to make way reportedly.
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a worldwide headlines here live from moscow this is the international a very warm welcome to hear. the european union has come up with an action plan to keep the iran nuclear deal alive after the u.s. reneged on the agreement the leaders reiterated their commitment to it as they arrived at an e.u. summit invalid to introduce measures to counter u.s. sanctions however european business is working in iran are not entirely convinced as. joining us here on the program i. know you plan to respond to u.s. threats to actually punish those wanting to do business with iran. well the talk has been very strong from the european side it's the first time that the twenty eight member states of the leaders of the twenty eight member states of the european union of met since donald donald trump pulled the united states out of the around deal and what we've really seen on their way into that summit was the big
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guns of europe coming out and saying that they still committed to the iran deal despite the u.s. having nothing there anymore thanks for that as it's much of a game of them are getting we will work to maintain the framework of the twenty fifteen deal in spite of the american decision and we will do so in a concrete manner by maintaining our political engagements by ensuring that our companies can stay in iran and also by getting all parties to pursue negotiations for a larger indispensable deal the twenty fifteen agreement needs to be completed with the nuclear agreement after twenty twenty five and agreements on the ballistic activities and the regional presence of iran. all the words coming out of that angle are merkel also is very committed to what we heard a money were saying just there that despite the u.s. they're going to stick with the deal as it was written however they may find that they don't have the muscle to back up that big talk because when you have to take in what you have to take into account of course is the dollar the u.s.
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financial system and the fact that a lot of big major businesses are so intrinsically linked with the u.s. it would make them very difficult would make it very difficult for the for the european nations to say well we're going to stand up to the u.s. and that's really what's being reflected in business we haven't seen the positivity from the politicians there if we look at the likes of the german insurance giant they've said they're going to start winding down their operations in iran also the danish shipping giant mess because they've also said they're going to do the same thing and the latest words coming out from the french oil giant total they were supposed to be in. setting a billion dollars over a number of years in a rainy and. rainy and operations there they've said there may well pull out of that billion dollar deal they've already spent some forty seven million dollars there since twenty seventeen they're prepared to just cut their losses and move along it would seem total will not be in a position to continue the s.p.
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eleven project and will have to unwind all related operations before the fourth of november two thousand and eighteen unless total is granted a specific project waiver but the us authorities with the support of the french in european authorities. the questions being asked whether europe is actually strong enough to provide those guarantees that companies doing business with iran wouldn't be subject to u.s. sanctions and it doesn't seem like they've come up with those just yet but we have heard from donald tusk the other donald if you will in this european commission president who said well he gave us a summing up of how he sees the relationship between europe and the united states right now looking at the latest officials of president. someone could see them fitting. that news. about turkish speaking to europe should be grateful.
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that if you knew that and. you will find one of your. well it's worth noting that just about everybody has been making me statements also talking about the importance of the transatlantic relationship however what form that relationship takes in the coming years well it does seem that could well be in for a change artie's peter oliver thank you. now amid the rift with the e.u. washington's new top diplomat is promising a more direct approach to foreign policy during a close meeting with stuff secretary of state michael reportedly talked about bringing swagga back to the u.s. state department in our case it's america's essential brightness and it is aggressiveness born of the righteous knowledge that all cause is just special and built upon america's core principles i don't think it is that's unique to mr pompei
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i think you have an attitude throughout the political class here in washington that's almost like like a real recrudescence of the view of the soviet union we are the vanguard of all progressive humanity peace progress is socialism archy's peace progress and human rights and then we're right and everybody else takes their cue from us i think that kind of arrogance unfortunately is very standard this goes beyond in my opinion just simple patriotism love of country and even a sense that our values are something that are dear to us this seems to set up a kind of amount to limit this attitude that we set up on high and judge everybody else and unfortunately this has been all too familiar not certainly just under this administration but i would say at least since nine hundred ninety one when the cold war ended through the bill clinton george bush and barack obama administration. it is often international their republican dominated u.s. senate intelligence committee has concluded that donald trump was elected with the help of the russians it comes off the house intelligence panel which also has
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a republican majority absolved the trump team of any collusion. the russian effort was extensive sophisticated and old by president putin himself for the purpose of helping donald trump and hurting hillary clinton so we've heard this story countless times but at this time the bipartisan republican led committee found that there was collusion now how is this different from every other story well republicans on the committee actually agreed with fellow democrats that not only did russia interfere in the election but the influence campaign was apparently directed by president putin himself to elect donald trump however just three weeks ago the house intel committee also a bipartisan republican led committee found that there was no collusion the committee found no evidence that meetings between trump associates and official representatives of the russian government reflected collusion coordination or conspiracy with the russian government now the democrats completely dismissed the
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committee's assessment saying that it was incredible that republicans couldn't see collusion throughout the investigation committee republicans chose not to seriously investigate or even see when in plain sight evidence of collusion between the trim campaign and russia and guess what democrats have pledged that they'll continue to investigate this collusion so now there's three separate investigations all contradicting each other and we're not even taking into account investigations conducted by the department of justice homeland security other congressional committees and of course the infamous muller investigation all those who phoned. or something whoever found there to be something could not explain what it was so you have to give me an idea of the ludicrous nature of this a number of organizations or tribunals that found no evidence of wrongdoing. some that found i had camps desires and the ones that said yes
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we found something i could not tell you what it was that they found both democrats and the republicans on the senate intelligence committee have also with the same time agreed to back no money to leave the cia and you know house bill has been accused of being linked to the torture of terror suspects with trump praising her for being tough on tyra also saying torture works she reportedly ran a secret prison in thailand back in two thousand and two which so-called enhanced interrogation techniques were used the intelligence committee backed candidacy with ten votes to five during her confirmation hearing of police twice forcibly remove people protesting her nomination of a possible involvement in torture one of those protesters was cia veteran ray mcgovern he shared his views on hospitals appointment with us. the record is very clear that she supervised waterboarding of al machinery at that like say in
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thailand she pretty much admitted that but then she classified the information so that would be healthy held from the public the senate committee that sent that recommendation up to the full senate today is the same one that bought into this charade about russian interference in our election this is a committee that defends the intelligence community defends the torturers defends the people who eavesdrop on all americans this is a committee that is sort of joined at the hip but the intel issues people that is supposed to supervise most americans are abysmally ignorant with respect to what's going on and most of them have been led to believe that russia and feared here in our election in two thousand and sixteen for and i dare say is very little i would say no significant evidence that has been it used to show that that is the truth
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that is very sad. africa has long promoted itself as a safari holiday destination catering in particular to well off promise with ads like this. however the reality on the ground is often less glossy so need to constantly expand their territory and that according to a new study has led the government of the east african state of tanzania to evict indigenous musts communities on mass defections in the two thousand between august and september twenty seventeen alone some twenty thousand people were allegedly left homeless after nearly six thousand homes were deliberately damaged and here
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are some of the affected locals telling their stories. we got to come out of the fight. or not we got the model was kind of like that across that because i want to forget that it was when i met. about thirty. women are whatever no we don't but i forgot that while you're. on the go with a come on with him in the not to get an a for like a locket. you know so uniforms or. clothes and the idea was a. quarter why do i. need to know my cousin. got in the hope that when i. go to those. who are mom then the one visit to one is over for good assess come out in the legislation and landlubbers in the name of conservation the government or tanzania has been dispossessed in the indigenous kluges these legislations have been used to
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basically do not i them aside their access to grazing land access to water holes but not just that it has allowed some of the safari companies that are operating in the area to conclude that the local officials who have been intimidated who have arrested and beaten the villagers because they have tried to use their ancestral lands we also find that they have been violent addictions and these are all being carried out in the most rewarding tourism or some of the noise and in the absence of food it has led to widespread hunger managership and disease the kind of disposition that the record priest you shills are going to get not just be forced out of their homes and lands with their messiah been forced out of existence. two safari companies were looked into very closely the head of one of them thomson safaris i strongly denies being involved in any of actions were thompson says that
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his company worked with local communities and government improving access to water but activists on the ground tell a different story i really look at the government and in your tent assented i mean the tourism and of all the boredom related of all this is because of their you know them protection you know the social economy. income so if the pastoralist a way that handle their lifestyle but they don't have access to disclose this and we look up on prison they look about. it is a tragic event and look for example what happened back in two thousand and six the government and mixed it to people from this our impoverished times and yet the pastoralist but it was their whole soul much of our nation and now we're where the houses were burned you know all slow that logical. child to go see there was no in the planning when they could be you know when you live in
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a place you wrong you have structure you have a little social services and now you a whole day just to do the harvest so if you ask me well i must say how black market place like i don't where they at least where you live in the us they're home and this is on the international and still to come in this program through a high profile football players have had their loyalties thrown into doubt ahead of the world cup by a very simple photo session we'll tell you all about it after a very small break.
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they put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be present. to be. the full story of the more people are. interested always in the water. and it's good to have you with us today a u.s. national security advisor john bolton has told reporters that he's sucking the
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summit between north korea's kim jong il and president will happen it's off to pyongyang said it make reconsider the meeting if washington offers nothing in return for north korea totally ridding itself of old nuclear weapons on technology . takes a look at the issue. as washington pats itself on the back for pushing north korea to hit the brakes on its nuclear program america itself is going in the opposite direction in fact on the very same day that donald trump proudly announced he plans to meet kim jong un in june his officials at the pentagon rolled out their nuclear expansion plan. an evolving and uncertain job political landscape calls for the united states to recapitalize is to fast plutonium capabilities this is the savannah river site in south carolina a nuclear refinery built at the start of the cold war which the pentagon now wants to bring back from the dead it was intended to produce materials for nuclear
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weapons but was left half built and riddled with structural problems after the cold war though the plan was to flip it from being a bomb resource center to a peaceful energy producer. the savannah river easy key department of energy industrial complex responsible for disposition of nuclear materials we still management environmental cleanup and environmental stewardship so the pentagon wants to weaponize a facility which was intended to be a nuclear arms burial ground but what exactly do they plan to produce pates bombs that when armed with nuclear warheads can create a blast to one thousand times stronger than that of hiroshima it's expected to produce fifty each year and the u.s. has been crystal clear as to why they need to pay it so badly back in two thousand and ten the obama administration's. we would misplaced hope that quote russia is not an enemy it is increasingly a partner close quote anyone who watches the news today knows that this is not the
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case if it ever was president putin announced that russia is developing and building for new and horrific nuclear weapons nuclear deterrence is our number one priority defense mission forces warheads in c three people and infrastructure it's all part of the deter it is time to buckle down and get after all of it nuclear weapon. are popping up on both sides of the fence the u.s. and russia both saying they're responding to threats from each other although trump got in their first months before putin unveiled russia's new weapons we must modernize and rebuild our nuclear arsenal hopefully never having to use it but making it so strong and so powerful that it will be terror any acts of aggression by any other nation or anyone else the whole world has just signed a treaty to ban nuclear weapons they were one hundred twenty two countries except that the nuclear powers and that's where we are and russia actually ratified the
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comprehensive test ban treaty we never did. congress never. made his nuclear power in march he talked about the anti-ballistic missile treaty that back and. it was categorically against our withdrawing from me what it is that one stone in the national security system so here we you know. that was in two thousand now that race is so well we don't know get along then certainly the other countries are and. we've we got a sceptic there so even though the u.s. has been pushing hard for iran and north korea to ditch their nukes it's hard to imagine who's going to a bay if the u.s. can't lead by example donald corder r.t. . a u.s. activist fighting against police brutality who was released after five months in
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prison and claims to be the first victim of a secret f.b.i. surveillance program. but logan took part in several anti brutality protests and advocated for the rights of african american gun owners he claims he's been secretly monitored by the f.b.i. since twenty fifteen over his anti police statements the f.b.i. reportedly alleges that made a facebook post in support of a man who killed police officers over prosecutors failed to a stop loss he posed a threat. you know due to the state of being part of different coalitions and campaign needs. to. be are you know out the way to go out under legal charges too. much. as well as you know better shockey require life changing you know what i mean i go through this over
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a little work in clair's the barber lives to look down there is. a lot of. lawyers believe he was prosecuted under a new f.b.i. program according to several released documents the bureau is carrying out a special investigation into those deemed to be domestic threats it focuses on so-called black identity extremists and in the case of but logan police confiscated several weapons in his house the activist himself claims though his protest was never violent but black history or is this a way for true. or to simply. let he who may disagree with the united states so sure from now on the policy. my case is this and the crew how the word terrorist is.
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with the united states i mean are. we sent a letter to the f.b.i. asking them to clarify the links between the case of what i came by and the alleged black identity extremist program or the agency did reply saying it has no comment. world cup recently took place. about rough sleeping children from all around the world over two hundred young people representing twenty four. child world cup. football and. more was in attendance.
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this is. without. children the world.
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with us here. with my colleague. seventy four design submissions. seven thousand pilings. to join judges. and eight hundred sixty nonstop days of work. a russian w.b. . and a russian pop stuff. show you how. long the crimean bridge was built. witnessed the construction living you need to transport. that will help them out of crimea faster most of those you know what google more familiar quite a bit but.
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when lawmakers manufacture consent and instant of public wells. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the financial merry go round of lives only the one percent of. the time we can all middle of the road signals. mean real news. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the us is over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime families each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you longs to be old for rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred
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three first racquet first second and fifth going roasted for one hundred thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars a i industrial farms but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need remember of one one business shows you can afford to miss the one and only buddha. it was in the one nine hundred fifty s. that our secretary of state john foster dulles proclaimed our policy in his global .
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we started as a continental empire by clearing out the native peoples and other foreign forces and we became an overseas empire by taking islands in various parts of the world and then after the second world war we began a global empire now we are playing on the whole billiard. denied states has always had a variety of tools to use in its attacks on other
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countries. economic sanctions are are often just the beginning another thing you like to do is put some military pressure on the countries a true talking about and there has to be an effort to demonize that country and the leader of that country particularly in our own caress and in the press of that leader's own country. americans love to think there were intervening in other countries to overthrow evil people and if that's true you have to make the person look evil. and nineteen fifty one out of it is came to power in guatemala to being a looked at but the people in washington the u.s. president received the usual courtesies of a state visit. years ago i wrote a book about how the united states overthrew the government of quantum alaw in
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nineteen fifty four. the case of water is a great example of american call for action during the period of the one nine hundred fifty s. when covert action was at a peak. the country lost its legitimate government and hundreds of people lost their lives. to. those new c.e.o. will you decide as you say to move to this.


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