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tv   Boom Bust  RT  May 17, 2018 8:30am-9:01am EDT

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that's their fifth the picnic reid is currently the chief financial officer at the telecom company and a veteran deputy to the outgoing c.e.o. reads first big project will be a holdover as the company attempts to safely digest its big recent acquisition of liberty global the multinational telecom company the eighteen billion pound deal announced last week gave u.k. bass boat a much stronger position to compete in the continent telephone telecom sector their biggest rival will be deutsche telekom which operates the team mobile brand. and in crypto currency news crypto currency exchange operator coin based in san francisco is taking the world crypto to high frequency trading or h f t is the cheetahs as i've called them due to their enormous speed the exchanges has been inviting trading firms to co-locate and coy bases data center in that way a much larger exchange do such as nasdaq cboe and the network stock exchange this will give the h a t cheap as
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a few microsecond advantage over other traders bases promising that change will bring extremely fast processing times and reduce the bid ask spreads advocates credit the service with bringing down the biggest spreads on stocks and in futures base also stated they would be thoughtful and deliberate in their effort to make sure that does not create an unfair advantage for some traders over others. as we've reported previously karelian the british multinational which manage massive construction projects and served as a contractor for myriad government services ranging from school meals to prison maintenance is going through a liquidation well there again in the news this time big time due to a report released yesterday which documents what the report calls quote reckless hubris and grew. lead and quote among the board of directors the report also blames
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the government for a large accounting for firms and regulators for a lack of appropriate oversight of the company for more on this we're joined from london by r t correspondent ali thank you so much for being with us it's late over there we know we're very much appreciative what's the latest on this scandal. so this is a scandal which is really rocked both the corporate world and the political establishment here as well and the select committee the group of members of parliament who have responsible for looking into this come out with their report and they've been dumbing as you mentioned there of everyone across the board from regulators to the accounting firms and in particular with regard to the so-called big four accounting firms that walk a p g a y p w c essentially saying that these four giants need
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to be broken up to avoid a situation like karelian rising again and frank field he's the chair of the committee and he said the directors were too busy stuffing their mouths with gold perhaps an indication of exactly how he feels towards the corporate culture which has grown up around this country and which has led really to that kind of complacency which allowed the collapse to take place now the report in particular says the following about casey k.p.n. g eight says it was complicit in karelians questionable accounting practices and it points out that. were paid tens of millions of pounds for their accounting services questioning exactly what they were doing allowing such a collapse to take place and such a response from lawmakers here is a good to really prevent such
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a thing happening again because of course karelian the knock on effect of collapsing how to huge impacts on other contractors loss of jobs and basically an all round hit to the economy here that lawmakers will be keen to see doesn't happen again you know isa we went through this back in the early two thousand as in the states with the sarbanes oxley law which. it was essential to put in place to try and take away some of the sort of collusive power of the big four and it did some good where you had to switch accountants every few years but they knew that it was coming back around to them you know every you get your shot again so there was sort of pay to play still with the big four and we saw a lot of that with the great recession back in two thousand and eight so you know i think regulators now it appears over there in the u.k. are are looking at this do you think they'll be some potential change in the law
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they actually will do something and break them up that could be i mean this is been. the the report from these done piece suggesting that the competition the markets or thorough the regulators should be looking into breaking them up it remains to be seen of course these a hugely powerful funds who will no doubt push back against any any threat to their hold and a threat to their power but there is the political hunger and you know we have a government in power who've been hit by a number of scandals and so there will be that political appetite to win back trust by fighting against the so-called culture of corporate greed there will be probably a recognition as well by those in the industry that things like the karelian collapse just simply call it how can it get so while those big companies would on balance of the pushback to stop any meaningful reform that could perhaps punish
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them in any way i'm sure even they will realize that these reforms will be for the greater good of but just their industry but the economy on a whole a pre-show your insight r.t. correspondent ali thank you for joining us. not long ago we reported that some economists have suggested that the eurozone powerhouse economy of germany which accounts for about thirty percent of the eurozone output could be headed for a recession and like soon like next month well now the first quarter growth reports are out and it does show that german economy slowed precipitous lead the economy grew at only point three percent as opposed to the q three and q four growth rate of six percent and here discuss the e.u. economy and more from the e.u. capital of brussels is danielle de martino both founder of money strong and author
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of that up daniela so good for you to be with us i know it's late over there so let's get right to it if the largest economy in the eurozone is slowing what does that per ten for the entire new. well certainly it suggests it suggests that things are very difficult and that they are going to become even more difficult for mario draghi going forward because the european central bank has been so very slow normalizing its monetary policy and you know i think that the optimists right now are trying to say that this is a one quarter aberration but no matter what metric you look at bart i mean there's a very there's very tangible evidence behind that q one g.d.p. being cut in half whether it's industrial production factory orders consumer confidence investor confidence manufacturing retail sales you name it they've all
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really hit a wall except for the fact that german workers are now able to command higher wage gains than they have in years and we also got news out yesterday that french workers wage gains are running at the fastest pace in five years you know i've only been here for a few days but i'm starting to get this insatiate and that they've also got the issue of slowing growth and rising inflation bar you remember what that's called i know you were around then should i know that and you were at metacritic we see in the background all the flood you at the european parliament today and speaking about quantitative easing i'm really interested in what you said and the reaction you have tell us. well you know it was very interesting there were a lot of there was a debate that occurred after i delivered the keynote speech and there was a gentleman who was very much an advocate for e.c.v. policy in the good that it was done and yet he was he was also saying at the same
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time that fiscal reform had to be undertaken and i asked him a very simple question i said if you keep interest rates for these sovereigns at such low levels that for governments there's really no price to pay for borrowing money why would they ever implement fiscal reforms if they can just continue borrowing for effectively free rates and he had no answer for me. while the great the great question you put put to him i mean if we look at what's going on with the e.u. leaving we see problems in. italy i mean what your projection so far we're going to have q q ier the e.u. is going to have q e three what september and then phasing out at the end of the year is that your sense that they're still on that path or they may be going to slow down with this g.d.p. slowdown. you know i'll actually be paying more
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attention to the e.c.b. meeting in june then i will be paying attention to the federal reserve meeting just to see if druggie strikes a more dovish tone one of its counterparts one of the governors the e.c.b. from france was out earlier this week making very hawkish comments and also by the way saying that tapering and beginning to raise interest rates should not be dependent upon any countries that happen to have debt issues within twenty four hours of this french governor making these comments we get the leaked memo out of italy that really stand that was all the buzz here in brussels it wasn't just so much that they wanted to back away from that treaty potentially abandon the euro by the same token they want actual debt monetization bart forgiveness as two hundred fifty billion dollars of euro in order to reduce their debt to g.d.p. this was an explosive memo that i hope gets more press across the ocean back in the
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united states we're happy to talk about it more we always appreciate you giving us a heads up on things we should be looking at before we go danielle let me ask you you talked about the buzz over there and i'm not interested in really idle gossip but with all these sanctions taking place and pulling out of the iran deal. are you hearing from people that is you know sort of disheartening with regard to the u.s. leadership role or is that not something you've been listening to. well you know i was at a dinner yesterday evening with people from all over the european union and that really didn't come up what did come up however because of what has occurred with us pulling out of the iran deal was the fact that it puts germany in a very precarious position bart because if they don't act by the twenty third and
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ever tally tory situation begins to unfold and germany is as weak as it is as we started discussing then the united states could potentially put germany's automakers in its crosshairs that would be the worst case scenario and i fear that that would actually put the german economy which as you said is nearly a third of the e.u. economy overall straight into a recession so we will have to see if these trade talks continue to heat up then you know we do appreciate you coming on so late i know it's eight thirty nine o'clock there we really appreciate it even later actually. the founder of money is strong and author of thanks very much for your time safe travels. time now for a quick break but hang here because when we return we talk companies and stock performance with the founder of stocks arm or plus artes darryl cohen told us sit on the nonmilitary you just heard groans and there we go to break numbers at the closing bell all green arrows on stocks with
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a bit taller than paul and closer to one thousand dollars today will be right back . in twenty four to you know bloody revolution to the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just the lawyer who put him in your list put pretty with the blues out on the school in the middle of the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. those who took part in this today over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic.
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led. the. united states is not only another part they cannot be a partner they have not a broker they have taken the seeds of that in the out good they did think of the solution they saw in this region to what is the listeners extremists in this region have been doing since and bravado them initially by this i mean again as a these engines and actions more than any time before moderates in the arab or people like me have been destroyed but it was such actions such fascism such apartheid being excited by israel and israel getting away with it i think this is opening the get off mel in this speech. welcome back twenty first century fox news has reached a settlement with eighteen current former employees at fox news over alleged racial
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and gender discrimination for about ten million dollars the leading plaintiffs kelley right had filed a class action lawsuit last year alleging that she and colleagues said repeatedly alerted executives to a horrid intolerable on lawful and hostile racial discrimination at the cable news and entertainment channel fox news has been under scrutiny in recent years a series of stories on sexual harassment at fox led to the departure of fox news founding leader roger ailes and star host bill o'reilly and over has announced that they will and their much criticized policy of requiring riders and drivers alleging sexual harassment or discrimination to resolve all claims through binding arbitration many observers say over was smart to make the change sooner rather than later and reap some public relations benefits. and updating a story brought you last week the seattle city council is yielded to pressure from amazon and scaled back on a proposed head tax on large employers five of nine city council members support of
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the original proposal that would have raised an estimated eighty six million dollars to be used to build affordable housing and provide services for the hall list but that left supporters one vote short of the sixty needed to overrule mayor jenny durkan who said that she would use her veto to block the so-called amazon tax the scaled back tax will only raise about forty seven million dollars per year and will expire in two thousand and twenty three unless the council votes to renew it seattle council members who want a leading head tax supporter and boom bust guest on the topic replied on twitter writing given extortion from jeff bezos and goliath alike clout of amazon even smaller taxes a huge victory pushback on corporate bullying. and corporate capital investment in the u.s. is back in a big way credit suisse reports that capital spending by u.s.
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companies is up twenty four percent over last year at one hundred sixty six billion dollars now for the first quarter of twenty eighteen that's twenty four percent is the biggest quarterly increase cents twenty eleven the tradeoff for all of that capital expenditure which can yield long term profit boost is a near term knock on stock prices meanwhile retail sales were also up for the month of april but by a more modest amount of point three percent grocery and clothing stores were some of the bigger winners while restaurants were down by point three percent the growth figures held up even after canceling out the impact of increased spending due to higher cost of gasoline. and now if they have some fun we turn to talk about some companies and their performance and projections for the future with the ever investment and always informative melissa arm of the founder of stocks wish list
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a welcome back the boom busters love it when you join us they always learn something i want to start with the u.s. cyber security software company semantic which makes what we all know the norton anti-virus software some mad text has been in the news because of the audit committee and the board of directors which of the knowledge that the whistle blower has gone to the securities exchange commission but potentially related to improper reporting by the company on the news late last week semantic stop druck like a stone twenty percent in a day and then yesterday on a call with reporters the c.e.o. greg clarke didn't do any good by saying he couldn't comment on the matter what's going on with semantics melissa. well it did drop it dropped in the last week and the stock is now in a down trend it's definitely not a buy list a little bit since that first big drop but also really the company really isn't stating much and so it's turned out there that they're counting practices are being investigated by the f.c.c.
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which which is trouble that signals trouble and because they're not really disclosing a lot of information about it i think it's worrisome for investors and the stock really is not a buy and we don't know what's going to happen or how long the investigation is going to take but supposedly they've been being investigated since april of this year you know those little blower things may in the past you see take some real seriously and you know that could take a long time so we could be in the doldrums for a while as you as you suggest let's move on to another interesting company kraft. the maker of the famous. and the oscar meyer wieners the hot dogs and the philadelphia cream cream cheese and april banks were saying the stock would be a buy in the mid seventy's but then warren buffett said he was going to get off the board he wasn't taking any of the money the berkshire hathaway owns twenty seven percent but now they're down to fifty four bucks fifty two week high was ninety four dollars so they really did take
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a terrible tumble what's your take on kraft times melissa that's another one that's at a terrible down trend in fact when you look at the overall market which is strong in an uptrend and you look at stocks that are well known companies like kraft you can't help but feel bad it's like g.m. in jeans and a terrible downturn to one that's a well known company no one's really say minton best they're buying kraft i don't know why but i know that it's not a bite so probably gets well over seventy maybe even seventy five and that's a long way away from now we'll see how the next earnings reports it's not impossible to get there but it's not anywhere close to being a buy right now institutional investors just aren't buying it i wonder we. i did a little thing on our show a couple weeks ago you know they came out with a few months ago this combination of catch up and mayonnaise mayo chop and i wondered if maybe they had jumped the shark that it was just too much that this was too cutesy but you think that they could potentially pull out of all this
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. i'm very hopeful and they're not that far away from being a by i mean i think they closed today right around fifteen fifty nine or something like that so it was a good solid strong earnings report or maybe a couple strong warning earnings reports till the end of two thousand eight hundred maybe by the end of the year and two thousand and nineteen if the markets stay strong maybe the stock can turn around you know it's not like all is lost or this it's not like i said like g.e. g.e. looks just absolutely horrible but when you look at kraft it could recover it could recover in the next six to twelve months will it will the company find better ways i don't know why they're selling maybe there's just too many brands out there that are not name brands that are providing cheaper costs for these products you know i don't even know what a little pack of eight ounce cream cheese cost now that's kraft i haven't bought cream cheese for a while but i'll tell you there's a not charge when you buy brand names in the grocery stores and so maybe people are just not wanting to pay it they're tightening up a little bit could be while the others don't have mail chop let's go to wal-mart
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which was trading about eighty four bucks today down from the fifty two week high of one january it was seventy five dollars a year ago is now a good time to get into wal-mart you think. i would wait because wal-mart can start tomorrow morning and i will say this i don't know what wal-mart does on the earnings it's tomorrow morning before the bell but i will say this it's going to have a move that will significantly impact the stock now what do i mean by that exactly i mean that if wal-mart gap's down on the earnings tomorrow morning and breaks eighty two it's going to sell off like a banshee and it is really going to sell off because people have been trying to support the stock at that number for the last week and the stock has not looked good since the original earnings out at the beginning of two thousand and eighteen in fact it has never recovered since the high of that are in its report it has fallen and is nowhere near the highs now if they kept up and there are good expectations for these earnings again i have no idea what it does but a lot of people think it's going to report well if it has
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a positive reaction on the earnings and gaps up to run ninety bucks it's going to fly it's going to be a buy it's going to move higher it's going to catch up from all the since the beginning of the year and it's going to probably move back up into the highs sooner rather than later so watch wal-mart wal-mart is one to watch to the levels or buy it at ninety or shorted under eighty two or sell it if you're in it longer ready to go it's really going to tank melissa we never have enough time you always give us such great information and now we have something to look forward to tomorrow with their report on all of the founders thank you we really appreciate it thanks thanks for having me. and we all know about the incredible important job done by drones in the military but what are the new innovative and important non military uses artie's then cohen tells us dan this is a really interesting field it's going to be big bucks starting to be big bucks now but it certainly will in the future what's happening while civilian civilian drones
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have many many uses amazon's service to deliver products from local retailers and fulfillment centers has gotten a lot of attention but they're actually not the only companies involved also fed ex is involved u.p.s. they are developing this technology d.h.l. is working on what it calls a parcel copter and these companies say that drone deliveries are really kind of the future of that type of service there's a company called mater net that's attempting to combine delivery vans with aerial drones and a company called starship technologies that's building a fleet of self driving robots that old to deliver local goods drove very cool and if you look at sort of the most innovative thing so i get the logistics and everything what's out there this sort of cool and cutting edge well i think one of the one of the really important things is emergency services how they are utilizing drones so drones are being outfitted with thermal imaging devices on cameras that
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have basically provided emergency response teams with a great solution for identifying victims that are difficult to spot with the naked eye a company called fly ability developed a collision resistant drone to meaning it could you know run into a wall and bounce off instead of falling to the ground that that's extremely important in confined areas like a chimney or you know something like that police departments of course are using drones and i mean that's been pretty controversial more controversial in terms of how they use them for surveillance but they also use them for traffic collisions. you know analyze these for crime scenes for active shooter situation is even also i would i would check out how conservationists are using it and using drones in these innovative methods to protect and study ecosystems global ecosystems they used to monitor and track animals they deal with poachers other things like that you know
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trespassing areas actually that super important impressive thank you so much r t correspondent dan cohen really appreciate it you. and that's it for this time thanks for watching we should catch boom bust on you tube you don't dot com slash boom bust r.t. we'll catch you next time. the united states can always had a tool to use in its tax on other countries. economic sanctions are often just the beginning another thing you like to do is place some military pressure on the countries attorney talking about. and there has to be an effort to demonize that country and the leader of that country. we have
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a responsibility for the home. and we need to make rules for the rest. because without us there will be chaos. for a world cup twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goalkeepers of all children but there was one last question and by the way it's going to be our coach. guys i know you are nervous he's a huge star and the huge amount of pressure you have to go meet the center of the beach but tell we are with you and we will show the great game the greatest good you are the rock at the back nobody gets past you we need you to get the ball going let's go. a low as i want to you know and i'm really happy to join us for the two thousand and three and world
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cup in russia meet the special one it was also appreciate me to just sit there. theology teams latest edition make up a bigger sound he. looked. like a one off selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battle but they don't. produce offspring to tell you that the because of the public myself of the most important day. off the bat has been telling you i'm not cool enough to buy their products. are the hawks that we along with our audience will watch. a play for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside. football isn't only
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about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman to kill the narrowness and spending to do the twenty million album fly a. book it's an experience like nothing else on to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy my great so what chance for. a nice minute. i i. i i. i. i i.
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the new approach to russia has among the controversial plans confirmed by one of the parties poised to form italy's next coalition government. come the u.s. senate has concluded russia did help donald trump get elected despite an earlier times probe finding there was no collusion and he's in the east african state of tanzania they are accused of fraud and clear fixing thousands of indigenous people i'm burning down there all tonight a luxury tourist. four pm here in moscow you're watching the international. star movement is.


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