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tv   News  RT  May 17, 2018 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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a new approach to russia has among the controversial plans confirmed to our to you by one of the parties poised to form italy's next coalition government also to come the u.s. senate has concluded russia did help donald trump get elected despite an earlier probe finding there was no collusion and he's an east african state of tanzania or accused of violently evicting thousands of indigenous people and burning down their homes all tonight a luxury tourism. they're welcome at four pm here in moscow you're watching international. five star movement
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has confirmed to r.t. this preparing a draft resolution alongside its euro skeptic i like the league party to form a coalition government quitting the euro and lifting sanctions against russia to appear to be among the major issues of the proposed draft after the document was recently leaked to the media r.t. charlotte dubinsky takes a closer look now at the development. many people see these two parties who are from the left and the right side of the political spectrum as being quite radical parties they're anti establishment they're anti e.u. and already that leaked documents and it details of course some jitters on the stock market with many investors selling off their italian assets when those leaks were put online so what's in the document what's causing this vexation they want to leave the single currency that would mean quitting the euro they also want the european central bank to write off some of italy's debts with two hundred and fifty
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billion euros they also talk about russia and relations with the country between russia and the e.u. saying that they want to scrap the sanctions that are currently in place against russia and want to see russia as being a trading partner and not a threat and also quite crucially they want to revise the e.u. migration rules that currently exist which mean that migrants have to apply for permission to stay in the first country that they set foot on well we have had confirmation from the five star movement that this document is authentic but we've been told that it isn't on document and there have been revisions since that was dated on may fourteenth however we are aware they've told r.t. that there is a final agreement that's already been put in the new agreement on russia but we don't know the wording of that yet but one certainly to watch out for given the
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tensions between the european union and russia so why is there anxiety about these two parties coming together is seen as being anti establishment and some fear that the suggestion that these two parties could form a governing coalition in in italy could actually threaten and destabilize the euro zone if you think about it italy is one of the three. crucial members of the euro seen including france and germany and if you think of it as being a three legged stool if you take one of those legs away then it could just completely collapse all around and that's what many people fear will happen with these two parties if they come together but let's be clear they haven't yet released a final document they're still working on that they want to form this governing coalition so that italy doesn't face fresh elections that there still seems to be some sticking points before that government can be formed well or injured. at the school of political science at the university of bologna or thinks if the deal is
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actually implemented it could influence the policies of the e.u. countries but i think the key factor here will be what the actual action of the government will be if a government is in place with this platform so rather than the words written in the agreement i think we'll have to see whether this government. actually starts starts governing starts running the country and which policies it actually tries to put into action so this could have an impact on other countries both in terms of the rhetoric towards europe and in terms of specific actions. now the greatest witch hunt in american history donald trump's labeled the ongoing investigation into election meddling it does come after the republican dominated u.s. senate intelligence committee concluded that donald trump was elected with the help of the russians that's something though the president has strenuously denied. the
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russian effort was extensive sophisticated and old by president putin himself for the purpose of helping donald trump and hurting hillary clinton so we've heard this story countless times but at this time the bipartisan republican led committee found that there was collusion now how is this different from every other story well republicans on the committee actually agreed with fellow democrats that not only did russia interfere in the election but the influence campaign was apparently directed by president putin himself to elect donald trump however just three weeks ago the house intel committee also a bi partisan republican led committee found that there was no collusion the committee found no evidence that meetings between trump associates and official representatives of the russian government reflected collusion coordination or conspiracy with the russian government now the democrats completely dismissed the committee's assessment saying that it was incredible that republicans couldn't see collusion throughout the investigation committee republicans chose not to seriously
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investigate or even see when in plain sight evidence of collusion between the trim campaign and russia and guess what democrats have pledged that they'll continue to investigate this collusion so now there are three separate investigations all contradicting each other and we're not even taking into account investigations conducted by the department of justice and homeland security other congressional committees and of course the infamous muller investigation all of those who phoned . or something whoever found there to be something could not explain what it was so you have to give you an idea of the ludicrous nature of this a number of organizations or tribunals that found no evidence of wrongdoing. some that found at camps desires and the ones that said yes we found something we could not tell you what it was that they found.
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now africa has long promoted itself as a safari holiday destination catering not least to well off travelers who advertisement like this one. but it does appear that the reality on the ground is often less rosy because safari parks have been looking to expand their territory and that according to a new study has led the government of the east african state of tanzania to massive actions of indigenous communities the evictions took off years ago births tensions rose after some twenty thousand people were allegedly left homeless last august and september alone with nearly six thousand homes deliberately damaged some of those
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affected have told their story. we got to come out of a fight. or not we got the model was got up like that across up because i want to forget that it was when i met. about that. on the white that there are no we don't but i forgot that while you're. on the go with a come on he's even got one of the lucky lucky. you know so uniforms a. closer union was in a suburb. called why do i. need to know my cousin. that when the phone calls that when i. go to those. who are mom i need one visit. one is all good people he says come on you're not religious lation landlubbers in the name of conservation the government tanzania has been dispossessed in the indigenous kluges these legislations have been used to be
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sickly deny them aside their access to grazing lands their access to water holes but not just that it has allowed some of the safari companies that are operating in the area to conclude that the local officials who have been intimidated who have arrested and beaten the villagers because they have tried to use their ancestral lands we also find that they have been violent addictions and these are all be carried out in the most rewarding tourism or some of the noise and in the absence of food it has led to widespread hunger managership and disease the kind of disposition that the record priest you shills are going to not just be forced out of their homes and lands with their messiah being forced out of existence while the head of one of the companies probed thompson safari strongly denies being involved in the eviction and its director rick thompson adds that they also work with local
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communities and the government to improve access to water or the activists on the ground to tell a different story. i really look at the government reading your twenty percent is coming the tourism and of all the boredom related are all this is because you know them probably actually know the solo economy. income so if the last released were at the end of all their lives but they don't have access to resources and will look up our resume look about. what. it is attracted by look for example what happened back and then in six governments of mixed it people from just our own private times and yet the cost to list but of was their whole soul much of our relation and ours where the houses were burnt you know all so. there was a law in the planning of well being you know when you live in
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a place you wronged it you have a structure you have your social services and now you're whole day just into the forest so if you will ask me well i must say how where. like i don't where they out you where you live in that's their home. now ukrainian court is expected to announce its decision on russian journalist kind of mission skin shortly who's in charge of the reno visiting news agencies kiev bureau i was detained on tuesday for alleged treason he was arrested in kiev and then transported to herson suddenly crying more than five hundred kilometers from the capital his relatives have had nothing since his arrest by thirteen a says that the journalist has a medical condition and needs medication. since the name was a yacht i learned about his arrest from the internet i then contacted his driver and he told me that it happened in the car park five people in civilian clothes
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came up to him grabbed him and bundled him into a car and left no one contacted me no one from the ukrainian service of official informed me about their arrests more than that i haven't heard from my husband since monday i can't get my head around this i don't understand what are this treason charges and what journalism has to do with treason. well off since he was arrested ukrainian security services also broke into the offices of free and obvious to ukraine the searches lasted more than eight hours and the houses of journalists working for the agency were also there's already been high level condemnation against actions many organizations are accusing the ukrainian government of an attack on media freedom and demanding the release human rights watch is also calling on ukrainian authorities to provide evidence to back up its charges against the journalist we discuss the case with the organizations deputy director for europe and central asia rachel demba. under no circumstances should the government be criminalizing speech and media activities that groundlessly and
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ukraine i think this is out of line with ukraine's these raids and the detentions are out of line with ukraine's obligations to protect media freedoms there's a there's an obligation to provide some kind of transparency about what exactly is grounding treason charges that's an extremely sure serious charge that carries a hefty prison sentence so they better continue to come forward with what it is that causing the grounds for this charge because working for you know working for ria novosti or having a russian passport are not grounds for or for a treason charge we and other organizations have have been expressing i think more frequently concerns about media freedoms in ukraine and judge him based on the fact that their world view the website down of last year and journalists who were who were either banned or were expelled because of the views that they project
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a couple criminal cases that are ongoing on that for example what i did ski and others based on what they you know based on things that people have said or written so. there are you know cases of killings of journalists that have that remain unsolved so i think we're probably quite were what concerned we were saying last year. you're watching r.t. still had three this hour an american activist against police brutality claims he secretly being monitored under a new f.b.i. program we'll have a look at that in detail just after the break. i played for many clubs over the years so i know the guy even so i got. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch to the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money kill your own isp and spend
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the trip to the twenty million. it's an experience like nothing else want to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy great chance with. the basics. what politicians do sometimes. put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure. some want to. have to go on to the press this is what before three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters of the house. question.
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welcome back and i want to france's biggest oil and gas companies has expressed concerns over the future of his helper ations in iran after the u.s. and i'm stable re imposed sanctions on the middle east states from position to quit the iran nuclear deal. for an exception. total will not be in a position to continue the s.p. eleven project and will have to unwind all related operations before the fourth of november two thousand and eighteen and less total is granted to specific project waiver by the u.s. authorities with the support of the french in your opinion authorities. for now from our europe correspondent peter all of the he joins us again good afternoon she paid it does look like does it that at least some european companies are perhaps getting cold feet now. while fairly bleak what we're hearing from to tal just there but certainly a lot more positivity coming out of europe's politicians the e.u. leaders have been meeting interfere the first time that they've got together since donald trump made the decision to pull the u.s.
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out of the iran deal and the message coming from those leaders is that they will do whatever they can to stand by the iran deal despite the u.s. pulling out. but is it as it was of a game of them are getting we will work to maintain the framework of the twenty fifteen deal in spite of the american decision and we will do so in a concrete manner by maintaining our political engagements by ensuring that our companies can stay in iran and also by getting all parties to pursue negotiations for a larger indispensable deal so europe's leaders are talking tough when it comes to this we understand angela merkel the german chancellor standing shoulder to shoulder with the manual mark on this however when they look across the atlantic or they may well see a group of people who quite fun to see a fight and certainly senior members within the trumpet ministration have said that they are prepared to use sanctions if necessary against european entities. is the
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u.s. prepared to go after companies in our allies like britain france and germany if they try to continue to do business the sanctions regime that is now in place is very clear about what the requirements are europeans are going to face the effect of u.s. sanctions already are really why would any business why would the shareholders of any business want to do business with the world's central banker been a national terrorism and it's not just that have been getting cold feet when it comes to spending money in developing business in iran we've already heard from the german insurance giant who said they're going to be winding down their operations in iran also the danish shipping company maersk saying they're going to wind up operations in iran as well if they don't want to get caught up in potential sanctions that are being well widely threatened by the white house on the trip administration ok thanks that was our peter over there for us in berlin
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well the u.s. national security adviser john bolton has also said that the summit between north korea's kim jong un and president trump will go ahead as planned that's despite having threatened to cancel the meeting if washington pushes for the pushes for the denuclearization of the korean peninsula without offering anything in return from a quarter has been looking at the issue. as washington pats itself on the back for pushing north korea to hit the brakes on its nuclear program america itself is going in the opposite direction in fact on the very same day that donald trump proudly announced he plans to meet kim jong un in june as officials at the pentagon rolled out their nuclear expansion plan. an evolving and uncertain job political landscape calls for the united states to recapitalize is to fast plutonium capabilities this is the savannah river site in south carolina a nuclear refinery built at the start of the cold war which the pentagon now wants to bring back from the dead it was intended to produce materials for nuclear
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weapons but was left half built and riddled with structural problems after the cold war though the plan was to flip it from being a bomb resource center to a peaceful energy producer. the savannah river easy a key department of energy industrial complex responsible for disposition of nuclear materials we still management environmental cleanup and environmental stewardship so the pentagon wants to weaponize a facility which was intended to be a nuclear arms burial ground but what exactly do they plan to produce pates bombs that when armed with nuclear warheads can create a blast to one thousand times stronger than that of hiroshima it's expected to produce fifty each year and the u.s. has been crystal clear as to why they need to pay it so badly back in two thousand and ten the obama administration's. with misplaced hope that quote russia is not an enemy it is increasingly a partner close quote anyone who watches the news today knows that this is not the
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case if it ever was president putin announced that russia is developing and building for new and horrific nuclear weapons nuclear deterrence is our number one priority defense mission forces warheads in c three people and infrastructure it's all part of the deter it is time to buckle down and get after all of its nuclear weapon. are popping up on both sides of the fence the u.s. and russia both saying they're responding to threats from each other although trump got in their first months before putin unveiled russia's new weapons we must modernize and rebuild our nuclear arsenal hopefully never having to use it but making it so strong and so powerful that it will be pure any acts of aggression by any other nation or anyone else the whole world has just signed a treaty to ban nuclear weapons they were one hundred twenty two countries except that the nuclear powers and that's where we are and russia actually ratified the
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comprehensive test ban treaty we never did now economists never voted for who made his nuclear power listen speech in march he talked about the entire bill istic missile treaty that back and. rush it was categorically against our withdrawing from me what it is that one stone in the national security system and so here we are. that was in two thousand now the race is on so we know get along then certainly the other countries are and. we gotta step think they do even though the u.s. has been pushing hard for iran and north korea to ditch their nukes it's hard to imagine who's going to a bay if the u.s. can't lead by example donald corder r.t. . u.s. activists fighting against police brutality is claiming to have been the first
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victim of a secret f.b.i. surveillance program. and took part in several protests he was who advocates for the rights of african american gun owners he's recently been released after five months in jail kim says the protests he took part in would never. if you look each of the four different coalitions in. protests we tear out. the our you know for out the way to go out under legal charges to. st louis you know where sharkey require a life changing you know what i mean go produce already will work in quest of next to borrow out to look we don't breed. a lot. of guns lawyers believe he was prosecuted under a new f.b.i.
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program that focuses on so-called black identity extremists according to several released documents the bureau is carrying out a special investigation into those deemed to be domestic threat striven by police brutality perceptions it was first noted by.


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