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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  May 17, 2018 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

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no doubt about that bought. clear that the e.u. are prepared to stand up to him now and he'll obviously have to or is advisors will have to reflect on where they go now hopefully it will be a wake up call for the whole trump and you know he will start to see sense but if he doesn't there is a real danger the relationship so i was still further. italy's five star movement is confirmed to r.t. this preparing a draft resolution alongside its euro skeptic ally the league party to form a coalition government quitting the euro and lifting sanctions against russia appear to be among the major issues proposed after the document was linked to the media on the show the dubiously has details. many people see these two parties who are from the left and the right side of the political spectrum as being quite radical parties they're anti establishment they're anti e.u. and already that leaked document and it details of course some jitters on the stock market with many investors selling off their italian assets when those leaks were
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put online so what's in the document what's causing this vexation they want to leave the single currency that would mean quitting the euro they also want the european central bank to write off some of italy's debts with two hundred and fifty billion euros they also talk about russia and relations with the country between russia and the e.u. saying that they want to scrap the sanctions that are currently in place against russia and want to see russia as being a trading partner and not a threat and also quite crucially they want to revise the e.u. migration rules that currently exist which means that migrants have to apply for permission to stay in the first country that they set foot on well we have had confirmation from the five star movement that this document is authentic but we've been told that it isn't all document and there have been revisions since that was
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dated on may fourteenth however we are aware they've told r.t. that there is a final agreement that's already been put in the new agreement on russia but we don't know the wording of that yet but one certainly to watch out for given the tensions between the european union and russia so why is there anxiety about these two parties coming together is seen as being anti establishment and some fear that the suggestion that these two parties could form a governing coalition in in italy could actually threaten and destabilize the euro zone if you think about it italy is one of the three. crucial members of the euro seen including france and germany and if you think of it as being a three legged stool if you take one of those legs away then it could just completely collapse all around and that's what many people fear will happen with these two parties if they come together but let's be clear they haven't yet
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released a final document they're still working on that they want to form this governing coalition so that italy doesn't face fresh elections that there still seems to be some sticking points before that government can be formed. there and lecturer at the school of political science at the university belong you thinks that if the deal is actually implemented it could influence the policies of other e.u. countries i think the key thing here will be. the actual action of the government will be if a government is in place with this platform so rather than the words written in the agreement i think we'll have to see whether this government. actually starts starts governing starts running the country and which policies it actually tries to put into action so this could have an impact on other countries both in terms of the rhetoric towards europe and in terms of specific actions. some new revelations of emerged in the german media about this group our poisoning that story and more
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after the break. for twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goalkeepers of all time but there was one more question by the way who's going to be our coach. guys i know you are nervous he's a huge tournaments and the huge amount of pressure you have to the center of the beach but how would you. agree. you are the rock at the back nobody gets past you we need you to get the ball going let's go. alone. and i'm really happy to join us for the two thousand and three and world cup in russia meet the special one. needs to just read the review p.r.t. teams latest edition make it up as we go.
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join me every thursday on the alex simon chill and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you then. come back there's been a possible game changer in the script poisoning case a new report by german media suggests the birdland obtained decades ago and that he shared it with his allies the nerve agent was used in the incident involving the former spy said. the u.k. blames russia for the sack claiming it was the only country that possessed the substance has more on the revelations. letter headline grabbing revelation in this german media report is that the german intelligence agency the b n d has
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handed a sample of the novacek nerve agent since the early one nine hundred ninety s. it was apparently brought over by a former soviet scientist moreover according to these reports the sample was analyzed in sweden and then it was passed on to germany's nato partners including the u.s. and the u.k. the german media investigation also says that this goes to show that russia has been producing novacek which is something that moscow categorically denies but coming back to the formula itself it appears to have been a pretty badly kept secret earlier this month the czech president milan stehman said that the czech republic had produced and stored albeit a slightly different strain of the nerve agent to the one used in souls brave but nevertheless that country shouldn't be hypocritical about this. small amounts of money were produced in the czech republic we know well and we know where it will be
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critical to britain such a thing. however politically moscow has been cast very much as the unequivocal perpetrator of the soul's bre attack to reason may said that it was highly likely that russia was behind the attack on the script take a lesson where all called for news about the identity of the culprit no other country has a combination of the capability the intent and the motive to carry out such an act . alternative explanation but. this is. close even arguable to forgive. the plausible explanation that's what the politicians have said but the head of the government here in the u.k. that was analyzing and identifying the sample of the nerve agent used in the attack porton down the head of that government lab hasn't been able to confirm the origin
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of the nerve agent itself used in salisbury and now some news outlets are saying that these revelations show that a whole wrong of countries have had a sample of this nerve agent for nearly two decades now and as one of the newspapers that published this investigation has said this british theory that the poison could only come from russia shares unjustified confidence for the german intelligence officer run of rupert believes that the reports are plausible. police reports as far as i been reading it didn't actually go in from other reports sunspots of it's. in particular this research group ok present some ministers were prepared to talk
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about it who participated in this operation so it sounds plausible to me. all the more because germany had already had the best german government previously trying to acquire. chemical weapons for one and has the ingredients for this horrific stuff can be bored and it almost everywhere if you have the formula for you all you need is highly secure the border to show basically it could be done anywhere. a stifling of free speech that's the cry from twitter users to news the messaging networks launched algorithms that will suppress some accounts for the recent changes are part of a project called serving healthy conversation introduced back in march the changes of race concerns throughout the social media community laugh out loud twitter is going to start shadow burning accounts who even follow all talk to
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people who violate their terms of service what a brilliant plan so now twitter is planning to censor any tweets reported for abuse really no check to see if the tweet was actually abusive whatever that means. dear traitor in jack i never complain about how you run your business but your new hiding treats policy has me concerned about censorship i understand your goal is to stop touring but i found a block feature works incredibly well for that it's very difficult to differentiate between people such as myself who campaign around privacy and freedom of speech and people who are equally passionate about some sort of less worthy topics maybe hate or whatever and the algorithms at this moment in time haven't actually been that effective in some of the recent job and there have been some very senior bloggers
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some very senior influencers on social media who've been caught up in just about as myself included unless we can have a little bit more jew process. you're actually stifling free speech. africa has long promoted itself as being a safari holiday destination catering not least well off travellers through ads like this. but it appears that the reality on the ground is often less rosy safari parks have been looking to expand their territory and that according to a new study has led the government of the east african state of tanzania to massive fictions of indigenous communities if actions began years ago but tensions rose
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after some twenty thousand people were allegedly left homeless last august and september alone with nearly six thousand homes deliberately damaged some of those affected of told their stories. we got to come out of the fight. or not we got the model was kind of like that across that because i want to forget that a woman i became was when i met a lot about thirty. women are why there are no we don't but i forgot that while you're. on the go with a come on he made enough money to get on a. you know so uniforms a. clothes and the idea was a. quarter why do i. need to know my cars in. the hope that when i. go to those. who are mom i don't need one visit. one is over for good assess come out in the legislation and land
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lawyers in the name of conservation the government or tanzania has been dispossessed in the indigenous kluges these legislations have been used to be sickly deny them aside their access to grazing lands their access to water holes but not just that it has allowed some of the safari companies that are operating in the area to conclude that the local officials who have intimidated who have arrested and beaten the villagers because they have tried to use their ancestral lands we also find that they have been violent addictions and these are all been carried out in the name of toward a tourism arsenal dinars and in the absence of food it has led to widespread hunger managership and disease the kind of disposition that they report priest you shills are going to not just be forced out of their homes and lands with their messiah been forced out of existence. the head of one company probed thompson safaris
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strongly denies being involved in the evictions and its director rick thompson adds that they also work with local communities on the government to improve access to water like this on the ground though tell a different story idea look at that government and in your twenty percent is coming the tourism and of all the border lane are all this is because you know the protection you know the social economy. income so if the last realistic were at endemol the livestock but they don't have access to resources and will look up and present a look about. what. it is attracted by a look for example what happened back in again in six governmental addicted to people from going sour in private times and yet the pastoralist but of was their whole soul much of my relation and they were where the houses were burned you know
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all so. there was no in the planning where they could be you know when you live in a place you wrong you have a structure you have a social services and now you're whole day just into the forest so if you will ask me well i must say however. like i don't where they out you where you live in the us they're all. the syrian government has agreed to meet with u.n. officials to discuss a new constitution for the war torn country that announcement was made after talks between presidents bashar al assad and the emir putin in southern russia auntie's into trying to have the latest. first of all nobody knew about this before an evening announcement by vladimir putin spokesman sell in the last six months the leaders of russia and syria met three times twice here and tsotsi and once in syria and in all cases nobody. who was happening in advance now
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this time they were talking about fighting terrorism and also further political steps to end the syrian civil war most notably light armor putin said that he is expecting syria to be completely free of all foreign armed forces the syrian president bashar assad said that he will send a delegation to the u.n. to become a part of the so-called constitutional committee and geneva it was at the syrian national dialogue congress here in saatchi that the delegates a few months ago first came up with the idea to create this new u.n. mechanism the constitutional committee was meant to get everyone on board the syrian government and as many elements of the syrian opposition as possible but previously damascus refused to take part obviously the goal is to
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reform the syrian constitution well it seems on thursday here in tsotsi a lot of our putin convinced bosh are assad to change his mind. thanks saying with this is a me you want you all to international to stick around latest updates coming your way at the top of them. i can tell you i have killed thirteen people with missile strikes and there are one thousand six hundred and twenty six unnamed enemies that were killed in all the missions that i completed and i know that i know that for a fact and i know each of these persons was a human p. they had a family they had friends they had lives and we ended the possibilities are and.
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across europe municipalities are taking their water supply back from private companies to me to peep out the cells with simple song alone even some company elsewhere though they invite private companies to take over the utilities many by the telescope was. allowed to miss you guys who got booked but you're right on the come up because. i've been this is just because i'm out of it before office and where you're not able to lift a bill brought up locals are ready to stand up for the basic human right of access to water it's about water but it's also over much more than law or it's about to hurt and the redistribution of all as to purchase their debt downwards be warmed up.
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welcome to the alex salmon show where it's dead and dining street as this week the cabinet split into two to ponder the talents of approaches to but accent and the customs arrangement with europe two groups of three senior ministers have been battling the midnight oil studying in respect of plans the sole point of agreement according to environment secretary michael gove is that neither model is absolutely perfect so in the absence of perfection can the prime minister unite the watering factions to produce a coherent policy on blacks that almost two years after that fateful e.u. referendum which brought them into power to govern is to choose but there's
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a no fit into any chance someone said to be unable to choose is to give the appearance of being unable to govern this week we'll look at may's customs conundrum the first over to tasmania if you tweet julie mills and your messages. well we've had a terrific response to last week's show particular in a way sion to our fantastic young american activists from the u.s. we me says what amazing articulate mature and intelligent young women i hope the go out into this world and make the changes happen for all our six outlets some talk he's a brilliant host bob says i think maybe trump lives on feedback he tweets something outrageous and then reads the feedback then tracks to marry and after working the mumbo jumbo through his heads what scotty says medea benjamin we love your three wishes kid and says fantastic final show of the usa special highlighting the rural urban divide young old and the changing demographic of the u.s.
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see if only the average americans but as educated as these lovely young woman could just have says your she was a breath of fresh air interesting guests would never get the chance to highlight their cause an octave as i'm on any show in the u.k. so more power to you thank you uncle joseph bob says i know fine of alex salmond but yes i'd agree one hundred percent that the show was a triumph for example a decent programme on. the rambling one the following week not so good. i sympathise with you for trying to stop alex from rambling but it's not easy then susan says so love the alex i'm unsure we need the sense making conversation daily learning loads and feeling cheated by the mainstream t.v. even more than before not a picture of what we're missing out on here is the scottish broadcasting taking all thank you so much susan my back. from deadlock in downing street to good luck in the palace of westminster where the bombs and bought of masses of the cutting up rough from the government. having over top of the government no less than fourteen
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times on the legislation is this a case of the peers against the people or is in fact the house the logs who have caught the public mood today we look at the government's lamma through the lens of thought island beyond the silent island a fireman because behind tony's amazing. inability to solve the irish a big to manage but. with no border in ireland no one who watched a trilogy of programs in ireland at the start of this year would be told surprised at the government's present and dangerous dilemma the three key figures we interviewed then ports on the u.k. proposals this is what they had to say. david davies lights to mention is american canadian border. and i don't know why he keeps mentioning that because they always have to do is google this and you'll see the massive queues of traffic
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. waiting for the checkpoints so that's precisely the example you use this is precisely our fear i listened to theresa may and i listen to others from the english tories saying that. don't worry about the border in ireland ireland will be fine on the one hand and then insisting that britain will leave the customs union leave to single marcus and so on and of course the reality is that those two positions are completely at odds with each other i think the tories have played a very dangerous game no way can ireland or show daryn and or will arlen's be the collateral damage in the midst of all of the us my worry is of course that the parliament some of the paramilitaries the smaller operations have not gone away they do not enjoy public support but give them a cause and that cause could be a camera on a border it could be you know it could be
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a mobile patrol on the border because here's the thing we enjoy a completely open and free border after brags that whatever we get will be less than that so i have a government caught between the irish rock and some very hard cases among the blacks that the i'm a democratic unionist party on whom they depend for the commons majority i asked john tong professor of politics the university of liverpool how much of the european impasse is being dictated by the board of politics of ireland how surprised are you professor tong that the prime minister has reached this impasse on the customs union issue. i'm not surprised at all this was always going to be a major problem and basically treason is now casting around for solutions which frankly appear workable anyway and would almost certainly be rejected by the european union and by the irish government it doesn't matter whether it's the
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so-called max flack solution maximum facilitation which frankly is a betrayal of what the government initially said because initially said they said that there would be no new infrastructure of the border but relies upon the installation of new technology so it's inconceivable that's going that's going to be accepted or whether you go for the customs partnership arrangement in which you get the bizarre spectacle of the u.k. leaving the european union elect and yet still collecting the e use taxes or tariffs and basically reimbursing traders neither is a very practical solution neither addresses the essential problem of a reinvigorated border which the vast bulk of people on the on the violent do not want where you go from where you go for customs partnership you do have a stronger border and that was what we were told simply would not happen and it is the issue of the irish border that's very much at the heart of this customs.
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absolutely and it was trees of many who said in the break that referendum campaign in one of the very few assurances about that border it was treason may herself who said it was inconceivable that the border could remain the same but if you go back to december it was quite clear what the agreement was between the u.k. ireland and the e.u. that there would be full regulator eone customs alignment if a satisfactory deal could not be found between britain and ireland and we're still miles away from a satisfactory arrangement between britain and ireland so the default position will be full customs and regulator of the alignment that simply has to take place and britain is almost friendless on this at this. and remarkable professor tong that the small island of ireland or at least the irish interest for no border has marshalled the total solidarity of the european negotiators and do you see that situation changing here you see said the irish question dominated british politics
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but the irish question is dominating european union politics now because you know that frankly the u.k. is almost bereft of allies on this issue all the sympathy across europe or lies with ireland the fact is that the border. whilst it was silent whilst it was a political fact rather than a fence most people could tolerate that most european union countries knowledge than hailed the good friday agreement as a fantastic piece of peace making its architects won the nobel peace prize it was internationally lauded for the government to try and drive a coach and horses through that agreement really you know we will be considered as reckless by the vast bulk of european union countries the all ireland i mention of the good friday agreement strand two makes little sense in the context of bragg's it brought the good fight it was predicated upon seamless cross border trade and
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therefore you know although the good friday agreement only assumed common e.u. membership it's it really is struggling to function once the actuality of briggs it takes place assuming it goes ahead on the twenty ninth of march two thousand and nineteen and that's an acceptable you've got to remember the good friday agreement was voted for by huge majorities on both parts of the on the violence it was supported right across the globe frankly and countries are not going to stand aside and simply see the good friday agreement torn asunder by e a unilateral action from the united kingdom the mission of bomb is a a well read man but do you think is familiar with the churchill quote that the duty steeples of for a man and tyrone are no dominick to british landscape are you. saying there are no dominate the politics of the continent of europe. and the european union more broadly have been insistent almost from day one the day after the referendum took place that they will stand by island and that on the border question the has to be
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a solution that is acceptable to the republic of ireland they've not budge from that position now the u.k. government has come up with a whole variety of slogans and cliches since that referendum saying there will be no return to a hard border that we no infrastructure the british women's already hinting that rowing back from that no you infrastructure because it's talking about technological solutions well you technology has to be put in place somewhere i wouldn't want to be the first person in strength to install border installations it's not just myself that would say that the chief constable of northern ireland has warned that it would be reckless to try and install anything at the border to try and reinvigorate a border there was a conflict about that border that cost three thousand six hundred lives only recently to try and reactivate a border which was you know which had largely gone silent and where people whether they be yunus or nationalist on the island of ireland were enjoying the benefits of seamless cross border trade and activity to try and jeopardise that by making the
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border more than a political fact and turning it into something more serious you know i think it's damaging it's been evil to see the damages done to british irish relations which it hugely improved the governmental level in the context of e.u. membership you can almost trace the improvement in relations to the day they both join the e.u. way back in january nine hundred seventy three you saw the contribution of the european union in terms of massive peace programs which benefited the situation in northern ireland now what you've got is the first really retrograde step that reinvade reinvigorates a border which has long been unpopular. and finally professor of tone the prime minister has a divided cabinet the house of lords is in revolt scotland and wales i'm not happy and the irish border issue is dominating all how long has to these or me got to come up with a solution well time is to.


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