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tv   Documentary  RT  May 18, 2018 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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our own economic interests and remarkably the article goes on to point out that because of these are rainy and sanctions they're actually disgusting in very high levels in europe among the ministerial class of devising an alternative to the swift system again this is really important to the demise if the fewer dollars you have circulating the fewer the less power you have to mess up the system and destroy your enemies by cutting them off from the swiss system is censorship enabling right if the us doesn't like is doing astonished they can cut him off from all credit if the us doesn't like what's happening around they can cut him off from swift right that's such a ship enabling that goes against everything that you would normally believe is the story with free trade so america is on a free trade country it's not a capitalist country sonic believing in competition it's a monopolist country that believes in monopolization and then like to use the dollar as their bludgeon to beat people into submission and if you try to get out of the dollar whether it's syria iraq libya or iran just actually said they're
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getting out the dollar to go to euro boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom why dollars collateralized by violence ultraviolence i believe it was under obama actually that they first cut off somebody from the swiss system and again it was it was jim rickards who has done extensive writing and research about the dollar in gold an s.c.r. and he said that was. we could rule that day that we did that because yeah we we were like yeah we won that battle but we could look at records as to toe should not go. well as they point out european politicians are now considering what measures they can take to protect themselves from american efforts to force them to comply with american sanctions policy according to the e.u. is considering various avenues one of these he says involves looking at europe's financial independence what can we do to give europe more financial tools allowing it to be independent from the united states connected with this is a. pozole to set up
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a purely european finance house to oversee euro denominated transactions with iran and again that guy is the french finance minister you know in your denominator transactions the rent call up tony to libya bit pay and you can do bitcoin transactions with iran between germany and europe all day long for zero percent transaction fees and no restrictions whatsoever get with the twenty first century germany don't let america take france but remember get rid of all the troops by the way in germany that's a huge drain on your economy you don't leave us troops. were ever so i mean interestingly this system that we have now this with us dollar based system was basically set up because of the french finance minister under de gaulle called the fact that america had this gold standard and yet the dollar standard as well on top of it that they had an exorbitant privilege and they called back the three hundred million dollars worth of gold and that set off in motion the ending of the bretton woods agreement so here they are calling again they're pointing out like hey this
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is where it's subject to these crazy there's a goal moment is another de gaulle moment but quickly in the last headline here this is from reuters and they're talking about again these iran sanctions and the consequences and that is iran oil sanctions could advance china's pet show you and this is from reuters not from os china's position to be a chief beneficiary of the u.s. decision to withdraw from the iran nuclear deal as it would give china leverage to demand oil imports be priced in un several currency experts said on thursday so just just as invading iraq and spending lord knows how many trillions of dollars killing lord knows how many hundreds of thousands because we're not allowed to audit how much we spend we're not allowed to audit how many we killed but the fact is it benefited iran here again we're going to benefit china is like a blundering empire not that it's unique to the us every empire does the same thing they all become hubris to can think they can bully everybody rome did it spain did it britain did it everybody thinks they could do this and this is never different it's always the same. yes all is history our rhymes are whatever well they had
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a lot more crazy stuff coming in the second half so don't go away stay right there . summit are no summit that's the question north korea's threat of a no show in singapore on june twelfth is a reminder to washington that north korea will not merely cave to american demands if there's going to be an agreement it's going to take time and patience. applied for many clubs over the years so i know the game and sorry guys. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman each kill the narrowness and spending to get to the twenty million and one player. it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think what i know about the
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beautiful guy but great so one more chance with. the case it's going to. seventy four design submissions. seven thousand pilings. to judge judges. and eight hundred sixty nonstop days of work. a russian w.b. . and a russian pop stuff. show you how and why the crimean bridge was built. witnessed the construction of a unique transport artery that will help out of crimea. faster most of those you know won't go for more snow yet it abuts.
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welcome back to the kind of report i'm nice guys are time now to turn to gabriel abed he's the co-founder and c.e.o. bit barbadoes based crypto fin tech company making waves in the camera been gambia welcome thank you for having me on the show it's great to have you on the show because we get to travel around the world and find out what's happening in different places in barbados has suddenly become a hot spot encrypt tell us why. is seeing a lot of uplift from foreign companies coming in and setting up on our shores for talks optimization purposes beautiful beaches stable relatively stable economy but it's actually it's actually bermuda right now that's starting to start to become
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the mover and shaker in the pan caribbean as a matter of fact to be quite honest this entire caribbean star in the bubble you start to see st lucia and. many islands are starting to to rise up towards. having appreciation towards technology because of the value incentives that it offers there are other territories competing to be a go to destination for the crypt i went astray obviously and point rick out there make a big play for this and in singapore there's a lot of activity and hotspots in europe so in the caribbean now you mentioned that there are tax advantages as there would be in ireland for example ireland attracts a lot of companies for the tax advantage and the beautiful beaches and i understand that even though the government in these areas are becoming quite pro crypt are correct yes so just to correct something we said i'm definitely the founder of bet one of the founders i'm no longer c.e.o.
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i would be focusing now on more working with various central banks around the world so that while you're wearing a camel because you're now the armed wing. community taking on the banks and hand to hand combat well actually it was a gift from a friend and i were all white so it wasn't good for the cameras so oh i think that is a cover story i don't really believe it i know that there are some shenanigans going on but tell us more content you don't mean to interrupt well you know the shenanigans a lot of follies been happening in the caribbean region. i mean this is the reason why we built it was to start allowing the regions have more of a unified currency basis them or financial sector right now we're talking about a nation that's plagued with. multiple currencies. high remittance costs high sediment times high on back to population the under banks and in the region is actually quite upsetting all right you recently presented a speech to the bermuda monetary authorities on central bank digital dollars tell
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us about that typically when you introduce central bank digital currency is to central bankers it goes quiet over their head initially so they part of the process that is to educate central banks on the importance of this technology and what it can do for them from a perception of the center ridge the cash optimization from cash creation the point of where central banks yes in the inflationary world print money. printing money has both of a cost on a resource base cost an economic cost of course it also misses out some of the key points that we want to citizens which is accountability and transparency and so you start to educate these guys that the chain and because it isn't a scary monster it's something that you can wrap your head around as a matter of central banks can embrace it to build a parallel to that world so that you can actually start transitioning into the
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modern age of technology how is a dialogue going up and that's an excellent bit of homes been successful with a few central banks in the region. most pacifically the eastern caribbean central and why that's important is because eastern said caribbean central bank is a currency union of eight islands so that one central bank being a pilot and testone for a central bank there's no currency allows for islands to settle in between themselves another thing that you may not know right into island settlement that's made facilitated by block chain facilities they've not had before i guess what that kind of efficiency so you're an archipelago i believe is the phrase that would work in this case a group of islands yes and so. you need to have the block chain kind of clearing trades in these different territories and previously they would have gone through other jurisdictions to do these clearing trade right so that's a huge benefit so they see cost advantages most nation's most advanced time advantages economic uplift g.d.p.
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growth and bank citizens can now become banks because penetration rates of smartphones are over one hundred percent in some of the islands so now stable coin . is what you're talking about right so the stable point is a subset of the whole crypto space yes and it's the idea that you know if that tether teller is a dollar surrogate if you will that's crypto and that that's kind of a stable coin yes so tell us about that a little bit explore that well this provides facilitation to avoid volatility for those that wish to have the advantages of sending and receiving digital dollar with what could be perceived as a disadvantage in the. in the crypto space of the volatility so what is stable can accomplish is guilty to transact there's still feel right rain and you stable going to be stable going well bit itself as a company but they produce stable coins for governments they provide governments the tools to produce their own stable quick and barbados is an example the
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barbadian digital dollar is nothing more than the barbadoes dollar bought one two one by the barbells dollar which is the. still blocked and you know unlike ripple i would guess there's a big tree mine there is zero pretty mind is not possible the pre might have as essential. i mean that's another central bank is kind of like able to perform as a central bank but in the script a space to benefit of the entire archipelago and you guys it bit are facilitating that world spots it serves the the old world the central banks as a let somehow of a bridge into crypto and it serves the crypto world because it allows them to have the bridge into the traditional network because you can't take cash and convert cash physical dollars easy to pick one or other forms of my fanatical programmable currency but in the world of central bank there's zero dollars there's a bridge and a communicational path that can be built right fair enough now you facilitate a relationship has been enhanced the one year old crypto currency exchange already
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raking in billions why bermuda bermuda offered regulatory clarity for and i don't want to speak on behalf of binah because it's not my company although i have a lot of respect for the c.e.o. . when bermuda when the premier bermuda. good on his promises to let me get this straight but an answer is moving into permian it doesn't have a single headquarters as. the c.e.o. would have explained it by not exist in many parts of the world with different types of services in different parts of the world they're looking to do what i believe is compliance and bermuda which bermuda has a lot of compliance officers a very large set of compliance officers so it's quite ideal for them from the perspective does that bring in more i guess volume and business so that it's a good for the island of bermuda brings in jobs it brings in economic growth it puts them on the right if you're mentioning it shows become a little bit more know what i'm looking to get and all paid vacation. and i
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actually i should say that maybe. maybe. a bathing suit i think that would fall under the you know the threshold of what would be reasonable in this situation and maybe hook me up with a speedo yeah i could organize a flag on a speedo i thought i mentioned earlier i'm actually anyway let's move on charlie munger accuses you as a crypto currency trader or a demented. who harvest baby brains how do you respond we're changing the world makes us demented. retain the world for the better and these guys have had a chance to do it and they did nothing that's a choice for. decades to change the world and to make a difference right charlie munger for context is the partner of warren buffett over there i know i'm aware of his statement in the recent and you know he and warren have been badmouthing crept out and their own bill gates was there as well which and bill gates was is
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a hero of mine and you know considering some of the things that he wrote back in ninety five along the lines of digital currency as will help you on buying nations and we're literally helping a nation. in the caribbean and around the world with other central banks towards this exact mission of being able to solve people's problems right bill gates is a twice convicted predatory monopolist i'm not sure he's got a moral you know box on which to stand and lecture folks these guys they've made their way in this world and they've done well and. but they're definitely wrong they're more than wrong the mathematics in the system is pure and it's good and that the end of the day the consensus is amongst all of us clearly there is some screwless in that group because they said that oh they would short it if they could and yet it's easy to short bit going there's plenty ample right ways to short it going so they haven't even spent five minutes doing any research nouriel roubini makes comments about it obviously never looking at anything to do with the white paper paul krugman looks at this and he's famously said the internet would be as
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popular and we use less and never go anywhere and they have no feeling whatsoever for these two. the logical reason i was on c's guy is to explain something as novel in this field as public private key pair and crips and watch them fumble and then if they can even get their heads around the concept and then who are you to to judge my face currencies or protocols right so what is what is your five years from now what is going to be happening in your world what do you what are your goals what your five year plan a bit personal well both i mean because i think you two bit and you are kind of synonymous you know it together in a big way but we're just going to go in five years give us the picture well for but i see most central banks the monetary authorities adopting the bit process and the procedures towards issuance of their national currency base i see more bridges being built between digital losses and still currencies. there's still systems i
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see but finalizing on this multilateral clearing facilities between unions for example carry home and i see but being. the caribbean community the caribbean as one of the songs trade unions in the world called caricom and bit can help unify under a single trade union yes i'm saying there is here's just an interesting angle because typically the folks that are working for eleven look at the crypto space they see the lamb bios and they see all the cover stories on the business magazines and they don't think there's anything in it for them and you would argue that there is something very important in it for them yeah absolutely are you kidding me i mean you can look into this thing and says see bowls and ten x.'s and moon shots from those who want to scream for the working guy but for the working guy the main thing is right now that there's so many different industries that can be disrupted and involved with law change the transparency transparency accountability integrity but
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the crypto you get purchasing power is not inflated away by the central bank that's quite important you get saving real money especially in the feel. what we're doing we're issuing a long central banks issue the additional dollar but now you're providing a bridge between one of the in my opinion safest asa classes in the world bank when fantastic i mean this is such a multi-faceted story and when you're in the space as you are you get to wear the camel jacket and he also get to wear the big coing socks and i think that is a big point stocks to get a shot of the big client stocks this is the kind of forward looking fashion statement. that crypto pioneers can wear in public and get you know big applause for it but anyway we got to go gabriel thanks so much for being on the kaiser report. already well that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me maximizer and stacy herbert want to thank our guest gabriel abed he's the co-founder of bit of barbadoes based crypto finta a company making waves in the caribbean until next time by you know.
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across europe municipalities are taking their water supply back from private companies who feel intimidated people this will simple song alone even some company elsewhere though they invite private companies to take over the utilities many bought a hell of. a laxness you guys who got on the pier might be cool. this is. just a good time out. for you man but the lift hill brought up locals are ready to stand up for the basic human right of access to water it's about water but it's also over
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much more than water it's about the hurt and the redistribution of all as to birds and their debt downwards do you want or what. can a scientifically modify do can if in a system change in the food industry in the one nine hundred ninety s. . time is taking that and knights and what does that have to do with g.m. . almost swapped. is a chemical widely used kill we. listen. to through just like
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it is. describes it and runs off there's a possible temptation. that can occur in the future scientists truth to see in context really awful on the human race to science servants to wells free of g.m.'s in crisis eight which will even be able to see as we pass the points of never sent . twenty forty you know bloody revolution hitting the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it you know here i mean your list book did you agree with me in the new bill is that on your schooling you know the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. those who took part in the state over five billion dollars to assist ukraine enemies and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic.
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column will show has been looking enough to travel to many of the countries that qualified for the favor well called but there is one that stands out above all five times world champions welcome to brazil.
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so from christ the redeemer looking album beautiful rio de janeiro to one of the world's most iconic study of the american all. american all started here they saw iconic venue is hosting to frame for walcott finals the first in nineteen. when one hundred nineteen zero in fact was pretty. rough and then i was a witness over in the media tribune germany. in the two thousand and fourteen edition this is quite an incredible venue. something about. the rights of the museum when the famous brazil should. join us on the first episode of the stan collymore show he means very little introduction. to sing some paolo but he made
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a lot of history here in the stadium that's the ball of the goal one thousand it was. over a thousand goals but there's a famous one it's a penalty yeah a penalty and. they score and go with her majesty the queen come to the american or when i made that perfectly right through this before and right i think to five she came here on the cd sixty eight ok they were sponsored a product of construction here on the cd and they came here she was a fan of fela playing and we made a match for the queen here the king of soccer and the queen of england with. the queen and the duke of edinburgh yeah that's the that's the seats i mean the gold mine hundred these match for the queen one year before number one thousand nine hundred gold. the walkway of fame. on the sign of the great manager of the team in knowing. and
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here. or. what we now we see. when i was eleven. you'll dad was the reason will really. always want to do well not see the forest for the song i want it because. it's incredible you know i'm forty years old i still get emotional when i hear this. stuff. you are off to give you a big hug. oh the reason why i wanted to be a footballer so. thank you.
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imagine rewinding being that eleven year old kid and watching this they smile and these teammates quote things i've still never seen on a football pitch and this was one of the football but it was a plane that will cope the coke sportif. i'm very lucky to have a very good football career played with and against some incredible people but zico was the man. when i was an eleven year old inspired me to play football so more oh please god first how good was the brazilian team of nine hundred. to. study them but as you.
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call it for specific i guess for players like. in the brazilian national saying he looked like so for now. but he was you hero in that famous brazilian shirts bone marrow mill where i got a flamenco phrygian. sense and when they were it too if we. allow those of us on brazilian you. did. was just coming. in on me. nearly and i'm. cool. with british style he you. know via the lives. lost
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the push to them is those emotions rolled out of. me you know. look. if you're talking about four football historical documents it doesn't get much better there are journalists that will of course write great books about football and there are many many great books but for one of the fee for greatest players of all time to document his own goals his own performances i have never seen this before so this is the world. i grew up watching in this incredible team so we have. arland seven new against the irish russia in sivia as it is a producer is from seville. fall to have a free kick. started island row all this is for you remember this is the
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monster that's so there look the great man has written to him so one more full one . in severe yet one free kick no muzzle on the phone oh yeah argentina in barcelona to the no three one and then the italy one of the greatest world perhaps not for brazil but for. michael tardelli that you my friend yeah yes eleven job loss again this. yes i go yes that's. cheating the system does their jobs there's. no official ever head in the national city. police career. fascinated like me you keep notes of every game that's very unusual for a football out why did you do that. to the who are.
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the moment when the dog was monomial to the moon to put a fuzzy assume a douche org we follow. don't. benefit to cheer. on the hopes of a file of winning game as george will grab at us on his gold yak kill of utah fortune it'll probably no wish to see it be able to just signatures a fuzzier to couple up with. a sandwich stamp we. know it's an inside look at your first well corporate it is in the next door neighbor's argentina how excited we supply in your first world. problem i give the push here a couple. of us are those of. us think of a couple up on the moon just then logs on straws all.


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