tv News RT May 18, 2018 7:00pm-7:26pm EDT
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if we are to listen to advice every once in a while our policies especially on trade especially on these sanctions issues are far more sharp or short sighted than the europeans views on them and we had to take european leave yeah and we'll certainly we've seen that even over the russia sanctions there's been a divergence when it comes to. banks and financing and corporations that have interests interest but they can go back to the question of how much of these sanctions regimes that we're seeing imposed on countries like iran and russia could be tied to u.s. oil interests that's what the iranians are alleging is that trump is promoting u.s. oil interests domestically and other sources as opposed to allowing iran and russia to provide natural gas and oil to the i think a lot of it is based on oil and not just oil but even downstream industries as well you know if you look at the iranian oil industry part of the problem in iran is that they don't have the facilities to export the oil they haven't used their their ports and their export facilities in so many years that harbors need to be dredged
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spare parts need to be ordered and because of sanctions they haven't been able to do any of that well at the same time we have a fracking industry here in the united states that cannot be profitable unless oil is sixty dollars a barrel so the goal is you work with the saudis to tighten supply you keep oil above sixty dollars a barrel that way the saudis make money we can continue to sell weapons and american fracking companies make money and you put the iranians out of business at the same time that's you make the most of anyone i've heard john thank you so much for joining thanks for having me leisure time thank you. and as we go to break watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on facebook and twitter shows are. coming up. and into the hawks and celebrate the one year anniversary of robert mueller is investigation or is trump calls and some of us would agree america's great. to watch in the hot.
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seventy four design submissions. seven thousand pilings. to join judges. and eight hundred sixty nonstop days of work. a russian w.b. . and a russian mob stuff. show you how. long the crimean bridge was built. witnessed the construction of a unique transport artery that will help out of crimea. faster most of those won't go for more snow yet wait a bit but. the
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united states has. to use its tax on other countries. economic sanctions or are often just the beginning another thing you like to do is place some military pressure on the country music you're talking about. and there has to be an effort to demonize that country and the leader of that country. we have a responsibility for the whole. and we need to make sure the rest. does without us there will be.
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but until. today marks one year since special counsel robert muller took up the investigation into the so-called a russian interference into the twenty sixteen elections and miller stream has recently concluded they cannot indict a sitting president as has been the case since nixon was in office and was
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a real for. in the clinton administration it's unclear whether miller would challenge this in court if investigators were to find criminal advocates i guess the president as for now president trump has continued to denounce this investigation calling it an illegal and unwarranted witch hunt tweeted earlier today congratulations america we are now into the second year of the greatest witch hunt in american history and there is still in no collusion and no obstruction this week the senate judiciary committee released eight hundred pages of transcripts from interviews with the numerous figures involved in the june ninth two thousand and sixteen meeting at trump tower the pages to not reveal any russia meddling. to quote the meeting was instead primarily focused on a russian adoptions which is exactly what i said over a year later and my statement of july its twenty seventeen trumps critics say wheeler's team and its prosecutors are building
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a major case against him and his aides however we still have yet to see any evidence that russia did indeed meddle in the twenty sixteen elections to discuss where we stand a year into this unprecedented legal standoff we're joined today by investigative reporter lisa stranahan welcome aleve thank you so much for coming on to the show today you bet now if polish team has acknowledged huge early on you that they lack the power to indict the president what exactly is the point of this entire exercise well i think the point has been pretty clearly blackmail and foreign policy what they've done is they've created a situation where donald trump if he does anything that seems remotely not mean towards russia like i mean literally that's where the bar is set he's going to be accused of oh look he's colluding with russia and everything else and the reason they do this and and i've been saying this for over a year as long as i've been watching this well over
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a year. this is about. things that the united states government has done in places like syria that if the american people actually knew what was going on which is very clearly that u.s. tax dollars have been used to murder christians murder shia muslims over in syria they go wait a minute with what we've been doing so what they've been able to do is by burying the facts under this sea of russia gate stuff they've put trump in a position where literally what what can he do if he says so for instance when he was and every time he's tried to do something like oh i'm going to get troops out of syria suddenly a gas attack happens remarkably every few days after that so this is part of a of a big wide campaign and the one of the ways you can see that by the way is with this trump tower meeting the trump tower meeting they just released twenty five hundred ages of documents there's a i'm not a lawyer thank god but. this is
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a legal term which is burying people in paper right that the trump tower meetings very simple an italian listen it's guy a russian attorney who i've interviewed was in there about a guy named bill browder and magnitsky act there you go i said and ted a quarter of a tweet right that everything else is hiding that simple reality that's what was going on it was a short fifteen minute interview. vessel and sky it does not speak very much english at all so the meeting went i'm sure like kind of confusing for everybody which is why you're seeing all these different statements out of it because again i've interviewed her she speaks little tiny speaks a lot more english and i speak russian but she doesn't really speak english and so it makes the going the conversation much slower and more confusing on an already confusing topic and they've just taken advantage of that but what is there is confusion because it's. judah's comments and what is this russian adoptions issue
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that he's referring to ok so real briefly bill browder a american born he was the biggest hedge fund investor in russia and he was charged and under investigation for tax fraud in russia he got kicked out in two thousand and five the raid his office in two thousand and seven and so he turns into a p.r. campaign where he's making himself out to be the victim he's already been tried in absentia and convicted in russia and it's very clear we i posted six hours of depositions of this guy and you tube anybody can watch depositions and he tells a very different story there than he does to the senate so what the adoptions are about is the way browder turned himself victim he created the same called the magnitsky act and part of the retaliation for us passing this magnitsky act which is nuts on the face of it basically it says we're going to sanction people in russia who weren't charged with
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a crime. not much less convicted not even charged so it just it doesn't make sense one of the retaliatory things russia did was stop u.s. adoptions of russian babies so it relates but did you get that part right just explain to me like a minute after explain it now imagine we don't speak the same language and you're paul man a ford or eric you know donald trump soon you're busy you want to get on to the next thing everything i just said would have been like. gobbledygook because they were looking for dirt i mean that's the only thing i get out of is that trump jr want to dirt obviously on p.b.s. which can't and the speculation campaign doesn't want to side exactly right but he didn't get there so naturally now the issue doesn't become well the russians provided dirt it becomes well to see trump jr wanted dirt so that must be criminal and implicate that and the champaign is crowded like you say it's clearly not to who who doesn't want bad information about the other person but it's also important
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precedents guy does not work for russia she's an independent attorney this was not a meeting an official meeting and everybody has buried the fact that the facts are really simple about this in all of the. security of the the point being very simple yet there was nothing revealed from this fifteen minute meeting despite thousands of pages right why is that the two did issue a committee can then turn around and say that they agree with the committee's assessment that russia did meddle in the election well they had the intelligence the senate committee had two very credible sources talk to them that was john brennan the former head of the cia and former indiana clapper remember him he's the guy who lied obviously painfully lied was caught in a lie and then the statue of limitations that was their sources so clapper is also the source on c.n.n. by the way that was anderson cooper all the time and that's exactly the right source that but well that's what we're here for here's what here's what you you.
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usually do write usually if you're trying to get to the truth you'd say we're going to bring in one person who thinks this and another person who thinks that we'll get two different sides instead they've got two liars these are both people who've lied under oath right who said yes the intelligence report that we gave you that was right that's what they said and they haven't there's a guy geoffrey carr geoffrey carr not a trump supporter at all a technical guy who's looked into this cyber security guy the guy from word fent c.e.o. word france these are all independent technical people who've looked at this and said this story of russian hacking makes no sense a car like i say he is not a truck supporter at all but he's like look technical facts are facts and this is bogus but they don't want that they want to political. you know this is this is about politics and so brought pressure it's about propaganda because the ongoing
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the ongoing investigation creates headlines every day and creates if we start an investigation of you just suddenly people go will you there must be something to it a good percentage of people would just go you know they don't just do that right exactly and speaking of headlines lee would you say that the u.s. government and mainstream media are upset with this narrative of russian meddling in the elections and would you say that this investigation at the sensually a waste of time or some sort of destruction well it's not a waste of time for them it's been massively successful as evidenced by the fact that donald trump who ran on a policy of nonintervention pulling troops out of afghanistan. pulling troops out of syria has now shot missiles two times into syria i would say that's a very successful what they call a psych up right john kiriakou isn't he he can tell you more about that because he was in the cia this is a psychological operation that's what they're trying to do and it's been
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a remarkably effective at affecting the target which is strong absolutely so then on a related note the part of justice inspector general horowitz he announced that his report of the department's handling of the twenty sixteen hillary clinton case is complete do we expect any bombshells come into that one. well put it like this and maybe that's a pretty big you know explosive like dynamite stick you can throw around but if you throw it in the atlantic ocean it doesn't really quite have the impact right and what i'm getting at is there could be a big bombshell in there now will the media cover it will the media coverage fairly know so anything that comes out from this report is being thrown into an ocean of stormy daniels shall we say where it is these completely meaningless b.s. stories that the media is absolutely obsessed with they have spent more time in stormy daniels and they have even tried to explain to people what the magnitsky act is or what the difference between sunni and shia is or any substantive issues and
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so what we're going to find out is what we've known which is there was squarely conduct about around the investigation into hillary clinton's private e-mail server what we won't find out i guarantee you is why there is still no prosecution and that this is such an obvious case where there should have been some charges at least for lying to the authorities for hillary clinton said there were no that we know already for sure that material has come out when she in whom aberdeen both assured people we had no classified material we know that's not true right so. do you think that try. to be able to use anything consider this his and you know it's his part of justice. to be able to push anything forward or what kind of obstruct obstruction will he face if he wants to use this report of a capacity well i mean he's looked at jeff sessions is to trump supporter jeff
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sessions has been in and the way to trump as well jeff sessions has been the single biggest disappointment you know there is people at a high hopes a lot of people are trying to supporters sessions was the first guy to come out and supported trump ok jeff sessions new sheriff in town and the new sheriff he's been hiding in the in the deputies office the whole time there's nothing on sessions on this so the fact that there hasn't been an indictment yet what they say at least on charges of lying to. federal officials and the people investigating the system very clear but john kiriakou you had on he was sergeant yesterday if you're applying that standard who admitting absolutely is guilty of violating the espionage well you seem to hit the essence of the essence of hypocrisy like a you know at its finest for the torture issue being carried out who had ray mcgovern now being arrested as only two guys yes it for torture when our own government was involved in torture many many times we thank you so much for joining
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us yeah thanks for having me appreciate it thank you. big tech and social media have been on the rise especially ever since the arrival of i phones and androids but are they victims of their own success well it's at companies certainly seem to think their customers may be victims of the very smart phone addictions that feed apple and google's profit margins and a stunning move companies are now experimenting with ways to limit the amount of time people use on their smartphones and social media apps leading the pack is google whose android phones will now offer the option to set your own time limits for how long you want to spend and any single act where the icons disappearing all . your home screen once you hit your answer gramma's following suit and a more subtle way rolling out a feature that gently reminds you just how much time you've wasted stalking your exes the latest trouble call vacation for once we can say thanks to big brother for
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the record i do not stock my access shot on it. going to say i used to have an ad that android i guess but i could i phone to take over the world so i will get the experiment and that is our show for you today remember everyone in the world we are not told you i love the not so i tell you now i love you. and i am actually bank people watching those who have a great night. you know stuff. across europe municipalities are taking their water supply back from private companies to me this is the simple song alone even some company elsewhere they invite private
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companies to take over their utilities anybody tell us. a luxury mr gus you got it while on the pier my because. i've been this is. more you than bill bennett bill brought up locals are ready to stand up for the basic human rights of access to water it's about water but it's also over much more than water it's about to hurt and the redistribution of our west. and their debt downwards we want our. i can tell you i have killed thirteen people with missile strikes and there are one thousand six hundred twenty six. unnamed enemies that were killed in all the missions that i completed and i know that i know that for a fact and i know each of these persons was a human being they had a family they had friends they had lives and we and the possibilities are.
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ten people are killed in a school shooting in the u.s. state of texas several explosive devices were found in the area witnesses described scenes. because he was scared i didn't know what to do you know my everything shot up my heart started beating real fast i didn't know what to do you hear blue. just like. german chancellor angela merkel's on an official visit to russia with brown and u.s. sanctions topping the discussions. it's not all about politics here and saatchi asked about coal and cement their decades long friendship and value not to let disagreements route things. also former russian spy said his scruple he was
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poisoned by nerve agents in the u.k. in march she was discharged from hospital but moscow says it is still being denied access to him in violation of international law. good evening thanks for joining us here on r.t. international where we start this hour with breaking news because a passenger plane has reportedly crash shortly after takeoff. in cuba this is according to information from local media no details have yet been confirmed with relation to casualties however it is believed that there were more than one hundred passengers on board that plane we'll bring you more details as they come in. in other news today ten people were killed in a shooting at a high school in texas police have also found explosive devices in the area let's
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go live now to a correspondent stateside that. seems like that death toll has risen slightly from last time we spoke yes at this point we are confirming that ten people are dead as a result of the shooting at santa fe high school which is roughly thirty miles south of houston texas now around eight am the school went into lockdown people heard shots in the hallway we understand that at this point two people are in police custody one of them is alleged to be the shooter or the suspect who carried out the shooting the other it's not clear who that person is there is a second person that has been detained now we are getting reports that the shooter is being identified as a male seventeen years old at a student at the school however these reports are not confirmed these are police on the scene reporting what's happening. we have one suspect in custody and one person
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of interest to tell you we could confirm multiple fate tell of these believed to be fewer than ten at this. now at this point the school has been evacuated all the students have been taken to another high school nearby where they're being reunited with their parents and friends who are undoubtedly deeply worried that they are among those who lost their lives and at this point a school has been evacuated and as it was being searched the authorities found items that they thought were possibly explosive devices and it has now been determined by the bureau of alcohol firearms and tobacco which is on the scene that indeed these were explosive devices that were found on the premises of the school and also nearby furthermore there was a bullet box that was found perhaps you know planted exactly we don't know exactly why it's there questions are being asked at this point now some of the witnesses to what what occurred have described to the media what they witnessed these are some
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of the people that were there at santa fe high school when the shooting began we all took off in the back and i grabbed turner into the trees to see you know i want to be inside and then i heard four more shots and then we jumped the fence and some dude's house and then we ran to the car wash and i saw some girl she had a you know she got shot in the kneecap i guess and she had bandage around tissues limp and then firemen came and it was scary i didn't know what to think you know my everything shot up my heart started beating real fast i didn't know what to do you know my friend got shot in the hole and soon as the alarms went off everybody just started running outside and they think you know everybody and you hear boo. just ran. to the nearest or as i can i call it my own. now the phrase school shooting has been part of american vocabulary for a long time it seems to be
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a frequent occurrence in the united states for individuals to walk into educational institutions schools and universities elementary schools high schools and begin. shooting this is on a frequently happens in the united states since the beginning of this year it has occurred twenty two different times and that's an average of one per week there has been an average of one school shooting per week in the united states in twenty eighteen there a frequent occurrence school shootings are let's let's take a review of some of the more tragic mass shootings in school shootings that have taken place in the united states in recent months.
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