tv News RT May 19, 2018 6:00am-6:30am EDT
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they need not follow this order and are found elsewhere will be shot. thirty three thousand seven hundred seventy one jews were killed in this two day operation of the nazis and ukrainian militia. another outrageous massacre was carried out by the ukrainian insurgent army and the bond era faction of the organization of ukrainian nationalists in german occupied polish foligno and eastern between one nine hundred forty three and one nine hundred forty four this genocide of poles was led by me call eleven thirty five thousand to sixty thousand people in vali nya and twenty five to forty thousand eastern. fell victim to this massive ethnic cleansing operation. sensing the inevitable loss of the german troops the organization of ukrainian nationalists who gave up on their former ally and began fighting equally against the germans and the soviet forces. in january nine hundred forty three
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u.s.s.r. troops started pushing the nazis back liberating one part of ukraine after another . western ukraine was the last ukrainian region held by the germans finally being liberated in october of one nine hundred forty four. bands continue to wage their guerrilla war against the soviet regime carrying out bloody raids on ukrainian villages and towns and leaving behind chaos and casualties. this war went on until the middle of the one nine hundred fifty s. when the last collaborators were either detained or fled the country. on may seventh one thousand nine hundred forty five germany unconditionally surrendered to the allies ukraine remained a part of the soviet union feel its. the peace after the
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second world war was short lived. the united states and the soviet union nations who allied together along with england to defeat the nazis tragically became foes as the cold war began. trade wars don't make any sense because the only way to keep these countries dependent on the dollar is that they have to export to the u.s. in exchange for dollars because they need dollars to be part of the global economy and so when you go into a trade war and you cut that off you kill you you put a gun to your head and commit financial suicide by killing the dollar which is what the trumpet ministration seems hell bent on doing in the months. we have to judge countries are certainly there's directives case per case so we
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need more objective but the reality is. you know media tries to get the facts but also believe in. their world view so this is where social media and direct communication comes in unfortunately it's sometimes called fake news or sometimes yes but it's sometimes actually a different world view the fact they just fake news by powerful people. across europe municipalities are taking their water supply back from private companies to me to people in the cells with simple song alone even some company else with so they can find private companies to take over the utilities many by the telescope was allowed to miss you guys so you got to be well on the going to be cool. i've been this is. just because i'm now looking. for you to lift. locals are ready to stand up for the basic human right of access to water
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it's about water. and the redistribution. downwards. the era of political and military tensions between the us and the u.s.s.r. lasted for nearly forty five years keeping humanity under the constant threat of nuclear war. in this battle the united states never lost sight of ukraine's importance. u.s. intelligence kept a close eye on ukrainian nationalists organizations as a possible source of counter intelligence against the soviet union. cia documents
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that just recently have been declassified shows strong ties between u.s. intelligence and ukrainian nationalists since one thousand nine hundred forty six from the cia agency report it is clear that they were not mistaken about the nature of ukrainian nationalist organizations or their leaders step on bond dare i himself according to an o.s.'s report of september one thousand nine hundred forty five bundy era had earned a fierce reputation for conducting a reign of terror during world war two after the second world war under another ukrainian nazi leaders fled to europe where the cia helped them hide. the cia later inform the immigration and naturalization service that it had concealed steffen bond darragh and other ukrainians from the soviets the operations involving ukrainians continued for many years the nuremberg trials of one thousand nine hundred forty five in one nine hundred forty six brought the political economic and
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military leaders of fascist germany to justice and revealed to the world the monstrous face of naziism and the crimes they committed but the ukrainian nazis were spared the same fate and some were even granted indulgences by the cia by nine hundred fifty four the agency excused the illegal activities of the zero un security branch. in the name of cold war necessity in one nine hundred forty nine nicola levitt the man responsible for the massacres in the lena was moved to the united states where he died in one thousand nine hundred nine without ever being investigated or pursued as a war criminal the cia moved to protect ukrainian nationalist leader nicola legged from criminal investigation by the immigration and naturalization service in one nine hundred fifty two perhaps pantera lost his use to the us or maybe k.g.b. agents outsmarted the cia but in one nine hundred fifty nine step on bond era the leader of the ukrainian nationalists was killed in munich where he was hiding under
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the name of stefan pople it would be fair to say that pantera became a major symbol of ukrainian nationalism by sheer chance for he was neither its only leader nor its most powerful one dimitrov don't solve was the father of the far right to tell a tarion doctrine in ukraine andriy melnyk was the leader of another faction of the un romance you have it was a general of the ukrainian insurgent army and others contributed greatly to the movement bonder was dangerous ideology suppressed by the communist authorities but supported by external forces never really died the seeds of ukrainian nationalism or passed from generation to generation unfortunately it was just a matter of time before they would once again blossom. in one nine hundred fifty four ukraine's territory was expanded even more when nikita khrushchev the leader of the u.s.s.r. and ukrainian himself generously gave the crimean region to ukraine. historians
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would argue about the legitimacy of this transfer for many years to come and sixty years after khrushchev's gift dramatic new events would take place in crimea was around the world are on ukraine as a crisis in crimea continues dozens of heavily armed men seize government buildings in crimea shit you crazy. just shrug your shoulders and say ok crimea is lost then the old arguments would heat up once again. the cold war would heat up and cool down by turns while both rivals were obsessive leave building up military capacity the turning point took place when the new era perestroika came to the u.s.s.r. with its new leader mikhail gorbachev in the middle of the one nine hundred eighty s. . perestroika meant restructuring towards liberalization and democratization it certainly had a positive impact on the international situation astonishing news from east germany
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by the sherman authorities have said in essence of the berlin wall doesn't mean anything anymore. but inside the u.s.s.r. the weakening of kremlin control had different consequences. in ukraine a nationalistic political organization not owed needed for people's movement emerged in one nine hundred eighty nine due to this mild openness. they advocated for independence of ukraine from the u.s.s.r. and became an incubator for leaders of ukrainian nazis. in one thousand nine hundred one one of them japanee book founded svoboda an openly radical nationalist party preaching the good old principles of bondage era.
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if you just. heard jew crane from the jews in russia ukraine for ukrainians and so on his statements got him fifth place in the simon visa and center top ten anti semitic world leader rankings of two thousand and twelve. but also sadly attracted numerous phone. dimitry are founded another extreme right organization treason for trident in one nine hundred ninety four. in april two thousand and thirteen became an assistant to a member of parliament from the opposition party who died. later that same year he would become the leader of the most radical ukrainian nazi group the right sector. laundry paro be would soon appear leading a whole army of ultra nationalist warriors. and the torch marches would once
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again light up the streets of ukrainian cities. with. the world drastically changed in august one thousand nine hundred ninety one when the u.s.s.r. de facto ceased to exist and the global political map welcomed many newcomers ukraine one of them in modern history it was the first time ukraine was truly independent and all on its own. the red flag came down over the kremlin tonight as president gorbachev resigned and or to an end seven decades of communist rule in the soviet union. the years after the disintegration of the u.s.s.r. became known as the crazy ninety's in all the post soviet territories. he's leaving
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behind fifteen independent states which share only a disastrous economy and an uncertain future after having been under a government controlled economy the free market dramatically changed the rules of the game new businesses emerged instantly in the first. all the guards were born overnight. the former country with no class division suddenly became stratified the chosen few became rich while the rest had to fight to survive. the settlers it was the pollution is a sinister herschel as it should. be which is that's the easy stuff going you know she still is letting us hopes listed when using your phrase in the world. so well as opposed to pollution is a. good. a waste in human you to do little good reason yeah you know well there's a and he joined in as many of you know dumbass they will. post the system might be
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good bush and i just want president going to bushel things when that eventually you will still at the appraisal of devastation the slushie chicago the people's growing discontent made ukraine more vulnerable to outside forces and a new kind of warfare was launched one not known before the color revolutions. illustrators clashed with police hundreds of thousands protesting the results of the election and calling for a new vote. ukraine has had to color revolutions and it's twenty four years of independence in two thousand and four crowds of people descended upon kiev marking the start of the orange revolution. at that time ukraine became once again a battlefield of two forces the russian and western governments the culmination of
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this conflict took place during the presidential elections in november of two thousand and four. the two major candidates western backed victoria go and russian leaning victoriano coverage almost equally shared the votes of ukrainians by the way calling viktor yuschenko western backed is not an exaggeration. his wife. catarina yuschenko is a former u.s. state department official and worked in the white house during the reagan administration the division was along geographic lines traditionally russian eastern ukraine voted for young age while western ukraine chose yuschenko by the announced result viktor yuschenko lost to victory on a co-feature but thousands of people didn't agree with it and they came to the central square of kiev on the twenty second of november. the situation received wide news coverage the country's election commission ignored reports of fraud declaring kremlin backed victory the winner international politicians such as
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former general secretary of nato. became frequent guests in kiev initiating negotiations between parties and they called very odd it will. be able to come to. the results of the negotiations however were often reached only on paper thus you shan't go never told the supporters to stop blocking government buildings in central kiev. therefore these nonviolent and very orange protests lasted for a month during which time the previous election results were no marred by massive corruption and new elections were announced an important nuance just three months before viktor yuschenko became a victim to a mysterious and still unsolved poisoning but it didn't prevent him from winning in the new election. though as we shall soon see there was much more than just the people's will that led to this victory this peaceful revolution and its leader
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warmly welcomed by the international community but the euphoria didn't last long yuschenko its government completely failed with reforms and lost its chance to establish democracy instead descending into infighting viktor yuschenko was not reelected for a second term but at. the end of his presidency he had the time to make one last gift to his supporters from western ukraine. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of global wealth he longs to the rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred trades per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars.
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china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one in one business show you can afford to miss the one and only boom bust. play seventy four design submissions. seven thousand pilings. to join judges. and eight hundred sixty nonstop days of work. a russian w.b. a champion. and a russian pop stuff to show you how and why the crimean bridge was built. witness to construction living in need to transport on terrain that will help dogs
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of crimea meet fausta most of those you won't go for more snow you're quite a bit but i will. the united states can always had tools to use and it's a tax on other countries. economic sanctions are are often just the beginning another thing you like to do is place some military pressure on the countries a talking about. and there has to be an effort to demonize that country and the leader of that country because. we have a responsibility for the home. and we need to make rules for the rest. because without us there will be.
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in some american cities the police a bill to cling to refutation of people who walk on the streets of the united states who are at risk from the very people who are supposed to protect that poor people are no more afraid of the police than it's often the most. you can see something happening in these it's like i don't want to call the cops let that happen rather than call the cops in those young black men lose their lives chasing the with the team goes on the trigger you never know better safe than sorry i don't know that someone else is going to pull a gun so yes unfortunately around and around here we end up killing our guns off the death toll from such but cool place to put in a week. headlines
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on r.t. international two shooting incidents rocked u.s. high schools on friday with eleven people killed. in here. to this year's. russian. hospital weeks after he was poisoned by a nerve agent but his whereabouts are. passenger plane crashes in cuba killing over one hundred people only three on board are reported to have survived. the ambulances and police. when we came here with.
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the two parties poised to form a coalition government unveiled a political program that has shock waves across europe. on saturday morning here in moscow this is r.t. international top stories for you right now. shooting incidents rocked u.s. high schools on friday one in the morning in texas and another just hours ago in georgia in the latest incident one person was killed and two others injured after an argument broke out at a school parking lot we understand crowds were leaving a graduation ceremony at the time. u.s. high school left ten people dead and ten injured inclusion of a graduation ceremony.
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i see him every day and i saw him with a short. trench. had a. good shot at our home and soon as the alarms went off everybody just started running outside and next thing you know everybody in that you hear. just ran. to the nearest or if somebody can i let go of my own. we all took off in the back and i grabbed turned around of trees you know i want to be inside and then i heard four more shots and then we jumped the fence and some dude's house and then we ran to the car wash. shooter has the information contained in journals of his computer and cell phone did he said that not only did he want to commit the shooting but he wanted to commit
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suicide after the shooting. and that's why this is the this is. where you see this that the shooter has been identified as seventeen year old demetrius by goats as he stormed a santa fe high school with a shotgun and later surrendered to police several homemade bombs were found at the scene and of the suspects home the governor of texas said information on pot gold sets computer suggested the crime had been planned in advance or just four weeks ago santa fe high school students took part in a nationwide walkout against gun violence it was part of the never again campaign for tougher gun laws started in february by survivors of the parkland massacre that was the third deadliest school shooting in u.s. history but they have become a worrying trend. we
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discussed the issue with international criminal law attorney jennifer braden she says parents should take greater care that their own guns don't fall into the hands of their children. you know we have one side going for more mental health issues screening wanting to protect that and the other side we have just gun control in trying to demonize things like the n.r.a. and i think there are aspects to both you know there are these gray areas which in america we're sort of losing when it comes to these political talking points so i think there are some gun control issues that i do agree with for example you know
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allowing american citizens to hold firearms and to carry firearms was a self-defense method meant to protect against against an attack on a stick government a government that become oppressive against the people and that was to protect our families and self-defense they never considered assault weapons as part of that self-defense or some of these mass military grade assault weapons and so we're also looking at families absolute failure to protect their children their young ones who are who might have issues the parents would know best from getting a weapon that could kill people when the parents have the responsibility there were just looking at a lack of responsibility on many aspects in us society here. over one hundred people died when a passenger plane crash in cuba on friday night shortly after takeoff from havana there were one hundred ten people on the board including six crew members and soon after the crash local media reported that four people had survived one of them however died on route to hospital three others are currently in
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a critical condition in the plane's flight recorders still have not been located another plane reportedly came down in a field shortly after taking off not far from the jose marti international airport it was heading to the cuban city of holguin and was already say a full investigation into the causes of the crash will be conducted at local reporter one has more. our plane that was on a local flight from have entered will begin on the northeastern side of cuba. tourist resort where lots of cubans live because we heard a bang and then there will be listeners and police. and when we came out here we could see smug. smooth police cars and fiber passing are going to get all of us and we've been told that the families. of those who lived in olguin of the victims are being ferried out being brought to have an on the night the. helping in the identification of the victims the three survivors
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are women and are in hospital one of them was being operated on the others are being studied there are cases being studied we don't know yet but we will know soon . they have promised a full investigation top cuban authorities were on the side on the scene of this tragedy the president himself president. has just been sworn into office he was there the minister of transportation was there everybody was there trying to help and figure out what happened it's a tragedy by all means it's a local flight a passenger flight that airlines had list from a mexican air company global air i understand is the name and the crew was a mexican crew also. but a very very sad situation indeed a boeing seven three seven with more than one hundred people on board.
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what looks like becoming italy's next coalition government has unveiled a radical program designed to alter the course of italian politics so it's something that could cause concern for the european union as i don't hold court or explains brussels are sweating a bit more than usual these days and it's all because italy's new euro skeptic government doesn't intend on playing by the rules it is important to abide by budget discipline and especially for it's really to continue to reduce the deficit it is important to stay on track being a good tambien also means being a good european citizen it needs to be repeated out loud especially now. the left wing five star movement and the right wing northern league party formerly fringe now turned government majorities are promising italians a government of change confronting the e.u. on immigration austerity and taxation from europe we have the unacceptable interference but an elected officials now is the time for legality secure its you
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and pushbacks with courage we will succeed in returning citizens the rights and returning it's elites who plays on the european stage the new government's plan for italy and europe is everything brussels doesn't want people before economic obligations as a senior official of the northern league described it they're demanding a debt discount an expansion of welfare programs and a reduction of taxes which would be a big blow to the e.u. as wallet italy is also telling brussels it's had enough bearing the burden of the migrant crisis the five star movement and the northern league team want to speed up the deportation of migrants and on top of that they're challenging something that's been a constant in the e.u.'s foreign policy for some years by saying drop the sanctions against russia last time brussels saw a similar rebellion was when an anti-establishment party took the reins in greece
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when an austerity sarees a party came to power what a headache it was for the e.u. greed to disagree. we didn't reach an agreement it was never on the cards that we would. we didn't even agree to disagree from where i'm standing but the greek experience could hardly have been considered a win for euro skeptics series about under pressure and agreed to a renewed austerity program and italy it seems both parties of the government coalition are getting along so far after they finalize their program they'll just need approval from the italian president if approved it would be the first e.u. founder state to be ruled by a euro skeptic government and that's starting to give brussels bigger worries than it originally had we have to brace ourselves for the worst scenario and the worst scenario could be no operational go from.
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