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tv   Keiser Report  RT  May 20, 2018 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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go ahead issue stocks issue as many shares are you want except for one thing if you're not making money you're stocks are not going to just be traded on this ponzi market and let people start piling up the value you've got to keep your shares where they are until you start making money and then when you're start making money and when you start paying dividends and that stuff becomes a legitimate equity instrument with a monetary connection to your company and a monetary connection to your prophet then we'll let you start trading ok but we're simply not just going to pay you know you make absolutely no money and you're just losing tons of money but we'll just let your stock go out there and let people ponzi it up with the possible future prospects in the speculative game that they play that's what i guess you could say this is simple solutions to hey you know if you make money you got to pay if you don't make money sure if you raise money but we're going to let you ponzi it up out there good point good point and i was a lot of the other point you make that they shouldn't be called dollars until they've actually until you've actually turned it into actual cash so while they are
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part of the stock market it should you should say that an apple share is worth you know of thousands something else google isn't in my and i in my rant i called it a thousand producers but whatever you pick a word other than dollars because people view that as actual dollars. john don't. so i was going to say i thank you so much for being here i really recommend people check out your book the ponzi factor we obviously don't have time to go into every little detail but it was really check it out and thanks for your work thank you very much we appreciate it if you go to a quick break but new york city burlington vermont boston new haven rochester portland maine and other cities i am live comedy events coming up in your town go to redacted torah dot com for tickets and details also on a brand new weekly podcast called common sense or you get that for free every week on i tunes spotify or stitcher i'll be right back.
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actually musically much if i do business in the system it's in the future in the street in the one nine hundred ninety s. . my mom is taking that to night and what does that have to do you. just published about. is a chemical plant to the east killed lee. was it was or was like used to be on the street. they used to sit in the front doors possible and leave. the kind of future scientists truth to context.
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on the human race to sign a surface to free of g.m. and chrysler state which will even be able to actually pass the points of never send. like so many flips over the years so i know the game and sorry guys. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch or the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money. to spend spend be true to the twenty million and one player. it's an experience like nothing else on it because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game great so what chance with. it's going to.
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welcome back to a special ops center adak tonight by the way i'll be back next week with a regular redacted to the live audience and all will bring them all back and but for right now let's talk with a congressional candidate trying to end the wave rule of corporate queen nancy pelosi in san francisco without further ado here's my interview with shah have been tossed. good to see again good to see you it's always great to be with you thanks so much for being here so you're running for us congress in san francisco i've known you for several years now you've been a long time activist and organizer you worked with the electronic frontier foundation what made you decide that now's the time to jump into politics and go up against good old nancy pelosi. really at least for the white house seeing an
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apologetic kleptocracy in the in the white house makes it particularly important for congress to play its constitutional role of check and balance in the executive branch and as an issue out as an immigrant someone who's fought mass surveillance for the last fifteen years to witness the leader of the democrats in the house basically and they bring the trumpet ministration while mouthing resistance to it was a little bit more than i could bear and i'm very concerned about the future of our country i'm very concerned about the aggrandizement of executive power about the war on drugs about the corporate control over our federal policy and if that's how it's going to be at least want to throw myself on the tracks and that's why i'm here yeah boy it seems like the corporate dems along with of course the republicans just want to give trump a dictator's toolkit or at least maintain the one that was created under bush and obama you mention surveillance the endless surveillance around our lives how do you
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how do you differ from pelosi on that. so in january nancy pelosi took action in the house to basically undermine a proposed judicial warrant requirement that would have constrained to mastic n.s.a. f.b.i. n.d.a. searches to ensure that if the government's going to spy on someone that has a reason for doing so we know that in at least dozens of cases and essay employees and contractors have used the surveillance tools that our government has constructed illegally and in secret to spy on their former lovers or ex-wives that's exactly the kind of abuse that a judicial warrant requirement would stop and it is exactly what she prevented from becoming law in the face of and this is important bipartisan support for a judicial warrant requirement you know a lot of people think about our politics system as divided between left and right which is the democrats versus republicans but increasingly that's not necessarily the accurate way it splits it's much more about center versus periphery because the
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establishment of the g.o.p. and the establishment of the dems and democrats they march in lockstep and the direction in which they're marching is not one that respects the rights and liberties of the american people and ultimately it is an effort across the wings of the political sphere spectrum take gang up on the center progressives and libertarians acting together to defend our constitutional commitments you know that's the vision and that's particularly how i differ from palosi one other thing i'd say there is aside from surveillance nancy pelosi was read into bush era torture of the sort that was implicated in the recent cia nomination and you know a lot of people were concerned about gina hospitals record on human rights but very few pin the tail on the donkey which is to say nancy pelosi learned about enhanced interrogation more than ten years ago and instead of raising an alarm as one would expect as one is required to do in that role she swept it under the rug and so
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whether it's surveillance whether it's torture and human rights whether. accountability for police violence on all of these issues she's really abandon the rights of her constituents and that's a big part of why i'm running i would describe nancy pelosi as the very embodiment of the party establishment she personifies it to a greater degree than anyone else in the party and when characterizing the conflicts in congress as one. that falls on the shoals of a partisan dysfunction that analysis which corporate democrats are very eager to promote obscures the litany of areas where corporate democrats vote with republicans to undermine the rights of the american people here in san francisco for instance there's an affordable housing crisis that's gotten worse and worse over the last several decades it's striking to look at the federal affordable housing block grants to the housing and urban development agency hud they've dropped dramatically over the thirty years that nancy pelosi has been in congress and she's helped oversee essentially the of this aeration of any federal support
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for local affordable housing markets and these are the kinds of roots of contemporary problems that few traces back and so you know whether it's human rights and torture by the cia which if you trace it back leads to leader pelosi office or at least one opportunity to stop it that was not actualized whether it's affordable housing and the crisis gripping urban centers around the country including here in san francisco so for this next question i'm going to do my best to burst a nation over a public and how are we going to pay for it such things where i want the money come from. it's a great question and the answer is very simple i can give it to you in one word pentagon corporate weapons contracts through the defense department account for trillions of dollars and i said that with teeth i think it's hard for people to understand the amount of money that is squandered on corporate weapons contract we do have real national security threats in the united states climate change is one of them that the pentagon has recognized culture in a lucky election hacking might be another
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a maniacal president instigating unnecessary conflicts might be a third you can't stop any of those things with a fighter plane even if it worked which it doesn't and even if it weren't the object of procurement malpractise which has been described by obama administration officials you know when the military recognizes boondoggles and congress continues to fund them even though their failed fraudulent programs that lack a strategic rationale that's a trillion and a half dollars available from which we could secure medicare for all affordable college early childhood development resources and the affordable housing block grants that are falling through the floor these social services are necessary for the livelihood in the well being of the american people we have the money it comes from taxpayers and at the moment it goes to corporate. quarter weapons manufacturers i do want to one point particular i'm very concerned about ending homelessness among veterans ten percent of our homeless population around the
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united states includes people who have served in uniform and when the defense department has a trillion and a half dollars to hurl at lockheed martin for unnecessary wasteful fraudulent weapons when veterans are sleeping on cardboard boxes in the rain i have a problem with that and i'm not willing to let that go down that's a big reason why i'm running to make sure that we get the money from the pentagon and divert it to rechannel it to the needs of working american people speaking of money i got to ask you the i think it should probably be the number one question of any candidate running for office do you take corporate money i don't you know we made a pledge not to accept contributions from corporate pacs and ultimately i mean to be fair i don't think most corporations would want to fund me anyway because i'm pretty explicit in my my aims and they tend not to overlap the interests of corporations there is one exception i don't take money from the biggest you know a set of corporations that share interests with some of the issues that our campaign is promoting when we talk about mass surveillance and the co-optation of
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the internet as a tool for governments to monitor their citizens you know one very well resourced very well positioned set of companies that shares an interest in resisting the global co-optation of the internet is the tech sector and tech companies that have been. largely quiet as the mass surveillance regime has become at a static at the local and the state and the federal level and even internationally those are companies that share the least theoretical interests in guarding the privacy of their consumers and i do hope that voices in that sector recognize the opportunity to defend share principles even though i am ultimately very concerned and much more concerned about people than corporations that is one set of companies that at least has a theoretical. interest however. quiet they've been about promoting yeah something you touched on i wanted to ask you about is you know you say you saw facebook go in front of congress and mark zuckerberg and they're asking about data mining and of
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course that whole business model of facebook and on top of that these congress people are asking about or are mentioning the fact that the n.s.a. is collecting all our data as well so the act holier than thou on facebook was kind of hysterical but also i was kind of struck by how they don't even seem to understand most of the technology that is controlling our lives is hugely impactful in our lives like do you feel we're we're quickly getting to a place where congress doesn't even understand what they're supposed to be legislating on. i would say quickly getting to a place i would say we have long been at a place where congress has no clue not just about it in the facebook hearings were a perfect example of what i would describe as congressional illiteracy about issues that are of global importance and yet we charge these people with making the law and it's absurd when the people who are charged with making the law reveal their
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profound ignorance of the issues that they're addressing it is not just facebook i mean most members of congress have no idea how the separation of powers works that's one reason why they haven't been as offended about the increasing authoritarianism and the rise of executive power and it's bipartisan intrenchments over the last particularly eighteen years there's a whole set of other issues and if you think about members of congress being basically. just selected from the richest class of americans and i think largely they are insulated from the pressures that working americans face it's another dimension of congressional ignorance because members of congress don't recognize that there is an urban housing crisis around the country they don't recognize that there is a health care crisis around the country when the costs of corporate health care are one of the leading drivers of both bankruptcy and homelessness and congress just continues to operate as if it's business as usual it isn't long been apparent to me that congress has either had its head in the sand or. perhaps of it's behind but at
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the end of the day as a literacy of congress is thoroughly. established at this point. in the final minute here i want to get to you know this is a very racially charged time and as things get worse in our country it's you know the people that feel the first brunt of it are the worst of it are going to be and could already be minorities and immigrants do you feel your background gives you a vantage in defending people of color right now. yes absolutely you know i am an immigrant muslim i've taken direct action with the movement for black lives i have . argued in policy for the immigrant rights movement. in the policies here and in the courts and in the media challenge the f.b.i. infiltration of muslim communities as well as quaker peace groups and more rights activists you know the concerns of any particular minority community and give us a lens through which to understand the corruption of the system that is abusing all of us in different ways right it's not just the war on drugs it's not just the war
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on terror and it's not just the war on immigrants and workers it's all of those things together and if we look on the other side of the equation from the targeted communities what we see is a government and military industrial apparatus that is increasingly corrupt and i do think that my position as a person of color as a constitutional scholar as someone long committed to intersectional resistance that i do have a particularly insightful lens on precisely that set of issues. thank you for joining me and i hope you've given nancy pelosi a run for money many thanks lee it's always great to be with you that's all for now but for free exclusive content takes the word redacted to four four four nine nine nine and then you'll be kept up to date with all of our videos also don't forget to subscribe to youtube dot com sites redacted tonight and then click the little bell next to subscribe because otherwise they will never tell you about our videos you got to click the bell until next time goodnight.
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genetically modified. the system to the street nine hundred ninety. tom is taking that and knights and what does that have to do to cheer him out. was just. almost swamped. life is a chemical giant least killie's. blows through the worldwide legal service the right to hold the beer is. there they use privacy
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and the runs of. possible damnation that. had occurred to just scientists truth to see in context really awful on the human race to sign a surface to wells free of g.m. and chrysler state which may even be able to see as we pass the points of never send. in twenty forty you know bloody revolution to crush the demonstrations going to be relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just no war here i mean your list book to do with the neighbor lose out on the new school in the middle of the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. those who to vote had invested over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. trade
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wars don't make any sense because the only way to keep these countries dependent on the dollar is that they have to export to the u.s. in exchange for dollars because they need dollars to be part of the global economy and so when you go into a trade war and you cut that off you kill you and you put a gun to your head and commit financial suicide by killing the dollar which is what the top administration seems hell bent on doing in the months. i was. the way. i. knew. i.
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was. the u.s. was hit by two high school shootings in a day with ten killed by a student in texas and another person dead in georgia. former russian spy circus group was released from hospital in the u.k. ten weeks after he was poisoned by a nerve agent and his whereabouts haven't been revealed. investigators in cuba start analyzing a flight recorder from a passenger plane that crashed shortly after takeoff in the honor killing more than one hundred people. in the party is poised to form italy is next coalition government on the phone a program with some radical euro skeptic policies.
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this is our international coming to you live from moscow i'm kate partridge thank you for joining us. friday saw two deadly school shootings in the united states one in the morning in texas and another late at night in sure. in the second incident one person was killed and two others wounded as an argument broke out in a school carpark following a graduation ceremony earlier a massacre at santa fe high school in texas less than ten people dead ten more wounded. we started immediately barricaded in the door as soon as we got in the classroom i mean a couple fellow classmates were trying to calm the girls down because they were just crying bawling you know that it was really like it was actually happening to
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our school and there are several people down there probably got a. lot of homework coming up we're going to get is. not my brain got shot in the hole and it seemed as though once one og everybody just started running outside it makes you think you know everybody looks and that you me or. you . are a. little dears he caught a. lot. playing dead so like if you dig you could see like maybe he shot this is what it is a. shooter has information contained in journals on his computer and a cell phone that he said that not only did he want to commit the shooting but he wanted to commit suicide after the shooting.
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spree that's the. biggest states. or the santa fe shooter there has been identified as seventeen year old student demetrius pengrowth says he stormed the school with a shotgun and a revolver reportedly sped the people he liked and killed those he didn't a total of thirty one people have died in sixteen firearm incidents in american schools since january that's two more than the number of deaths in the u.s. military in the same period the worst of the school shootings happened in paul found in florida three months ago.
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well international nur attorney jennifer braden says the problem of gun control is often oversimplified you know we have one side going for more mental health issues screening wanting to protect that and the other side we have just gun control in trying to demonize things like the n.r.a. and i think there are aspects to both you know there are these gray areas which in america we're sort of losing when it comes to these political talking points so i think there are some gun control issues that i do agree with for example you know allowing american citizens to hold firearms and to carry firearms was a self-defense method meant to protect against against an attack in a state government a government that become oppressive against the people and that was to protect our families and self-defense they never considered assault weapons as part of that self-defense or some of these mass military grade assault weapons and so we're also looking at families absolute failure to protect their children their young ones who are who might have issues the parents would know best from getting
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a weapon that could kill people when the parents have the responsibility there we're just looking at a lack of responsibility on many aspects in us society here. former russian spies sort of his scruples whereabouts are being kept secret following his release from hospital in the u.k. he and his daughter yulia were admitted ten weeks ago after exposure to a nerve agent in the city of schools pre. guess the of has been following the story . it isn't just the british we all love a story that ends well screwball case that was an ugly business a disgusting inhumane assassination attempt that thankfully failed it is fantastic news crew paul is well enough to live salzburg district hospital that he used there and detective surgeon bailey have been able to leave us so soon after coming into contact with a nerve agent is thanks to the hard work skill and professionalism of our clinicians who provide outstanding care to all our patients day in and day out
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fantastic indeed poisoned with one of the deadliest nerve agents in the world a mere drop of which can kill a dozen people and he's out of ospital in mere months miraculous almost that anxious to the good doctors this is a remarkable turnaround is that for us a remarkable recovery really it's amazing it's incredible how they were able to recover the public wants to see their hero as he leaves the hospital is that with the scribal know maybe him no wait there's armaan. old photo there's nothing no photos no videos of him leaving the hospital but it's also strange strange because the british government was ok with taking photos and giving access to alexander litvinenko who was poisoned with polonium who
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was dying not recovering who was in a horrific condition mr litvinenko was poisoned in the pyne by of the millennium hotel in mayfair in central london in two thousand and six and here we have missed the square pal who is far as we know no one photographed at the hospital we even wrote to the foreign office of the police the last. buttle for any information please see the gov uki page on the incident thanks very email i'm afraid this cripples are not currently doing interviews but who pass on your request and log your interest thanks nothing mr scribble isn't available you know thank goodness he survived and recovered thank goodness we sended well but a pity isn't it that no one's actually seen anything.
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a flight recorder has been recovered from a passion the plane that crashed in havana on friday killing one hundred ten people it was cuba's worst air disaster only thirty. there were one hundred thirteen people on board including five children and six crew members soon after the crash local media reported four survivors or though one died on the way to hospital three others are currently in a critical condition. or the plane came down shortly after takeoff in a field not far found chose a marty international airport it was heading to the cuban city of holdren huber is holding two days of mourning until sunday night local reporter camino has more details. plane that was on a local flight from have an it was a given all been on the northeastern side of cuba. tourist resort but there were lots of cubans live because we heard a bang then there were
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a lot of ambulances and police rushing by and when we came out here we could see smoke. there was a bang and a column of smoke then we sue police cars and fire brigades passing by. we've been told that the families. of those who lived in olguin of the victims are being further being brought to have an on the night the. helping in the identification of the victims the three survivors are women and are in hospital one of them was being operated on the others are being studied their cases being studied we don't know yet but we will know soon. they have promised a full investigation top cuban authorities were on the side on the scene of this tragedy the president himself president. was just been sworn into office he was there the minister of transportation was there everybody was there trying to help and figure out what happened it's a tragedy by all means a local flight
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a passenger flight that airlines had list from a mexican air company global air i understand is the name and the crew was a mexican crew also. but a very very sad situation indeed a boeing seven three seven with more than one hundred people on board. the party is likely to become italy's next coalition government have unveiled a radical program which could cause concern for the new artist all quarter explains brussels are sweating a bit more than usual these days and it's all because italy's new euro skeptic government doesn't intend on playing by the rules. it is important to abide by budget discipline and especially for italy to continue to reduce the deficit it is important to stay on track being a good to tally and also means being a good.


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