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tv   News  RT  May 20, 2018 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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we thought of him as a bad leader one we couldn't control now he looked like he might be about to carry out all human rights atrocity so we decided it was time to participate or not permission to overthrow gadhafi and in that operation of course he was killed. so we succeeded in the short term goal get rid of gadhafi and deposed that government but then what happened we didn't have a plan for what was going to come next we thought that maybe by magic some new peaceful regime would urge everybody would cooperate and things together.
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just sit. there shaking very. small bit of. us. anything all day in santa because i was about been at. the dentist and it's mostly a cough and something you can do. it.
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good. luck with your mobile number on how we come up with. something on sandusky a new impulses emerge and i'm going. ok meet. my. d.d. . join me every thursday i'll be all excited i'm sure and i'll be speaking to guest in the world of politics school this list i'm showbusiness i'll see that.
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for a world cup twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goalkeepers available to us but there was one more question and by the way who's going to be our coach. you guys i know you are nervous is a huge star among us and the huge amount of pressure can remap you have to communicate the center of the digital with you and do solo the great the great the good you are the rock at the back nobody gets past you we need you to get down doing let's go. along as just i want to you know and i'm really happy to join that to for the two thousand and ten world cup in russia meet the special one come on south of. me to just take the radio p.r.t. teams latest edition make up is bigger than anybody just look.
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and see about one hundred and that's the mission to mars would reckon. that nationally how about. someone who can. finance in homes plus content but i've got my friends and some ask . you my love i'm hot. or can i. not
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mine i do and if it was that i do any kind of good even in the. month of ramadan was not the methane then obama. and the want them and feed on and on that i left him feed off any sessional fee our boss cost can elia. a national by any a vision i want to be just that i'm a company of young know what. i am. going to. do. the job because you go as
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a business that i called up the post of. the from the visited bs wrote a famous history of the cold uneasy and wars woody observes there is. the war or the conflict does not usually break out with the bigger the smaller country pushing up and pushing up and finally attacking that's not what happens it's usually the bigger country that gets worried and then attacks and you can see this pattern through history they call it sometimes the. trap and it's dangerous for the future because we united states is a power that's been used to being on the top and is now being challenged now you know out of nowhere neck. islamia what can
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be the mubarak got to be a leader but nobody and yet. i let medina problems but that a lot of the measures that he has. a lot of believe be too free he said then.
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he didn't. ok so they. must. i think the man and woman who called the f.b.i. and. now my feet how. beautiful but. you know when i left i mean. i think.
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we believe that we are an exceptional nation this is a phrase you hear a lot in the united states we call an american exceptionalism it means that we have a responsibility for the whole world and we need to make rules for the rest of the world because without us there will be chaos.
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and my name is dr king hussein and i am a white political scientist. in one thousand nine hundred three my country was invaded by the united states and we've been under an illegal and prolonged occupation ever since i've dedicated my life to not only finding out why the united states invaded my country but also how to bring the occupation to an end. kawai was a long term american project it began with religious missionaries they left from boston in the eighteen twenty six to go to hawaii and live there to spend the rest of their lives civilizing the poor savages and barbarians as we saw who lived in the white. world.
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this is the only policy on the back row. this was the executive monarchs building. by eighty ninety three was already a constitutional monarchy so it had three separate branches of government. which was here legislative and judicial which is across the street. the leader of these white awad actually came to washington to win permission from the president of the united states to overthrow the government of the kingdom of why he received that permission he went home he organized a coup in which the hawaiian kingdom was overthrown american marines were
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quickly landed to secure the new white government and a few years later the white became part of the united states. so this is the place that u.s. marines landed this road here is where they marched from honolulu harbor and they occupied this location right here when they invaded my country the honking the. so we're at right now this is where camp smith this is headquarters for the pacific command and it overlooks pearl harbor and pro harbor is a naval base for the united states so it falls under the command structure of the pacific command.
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and why it was taken by the united states were invaded in order for the united states to control pearl harbor because of hawaii's location its central central in the central pacific so there's a central location that ships. enter point ports after disarming refurbish. ports rearm and go back fighting. is a little bit of poor asian or indeed why i might be greedy so it was by this privilege that they were present all the things it was happy for you to be d.c. nine eleven and one third so what we see rising up out of that is because people are these. monsters that are asked to read the documents of an existing. document egypt basically saying we're right this book you are
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worthy of notable truth and you see so it's all still up again and the pious see from the newspapers that received. the wave developed an unusual. view of the world because of our location we have huge oceans and a couple of weak neighbors in mexico and canada therefore we've never had to have a foreign policy of clear cooperation with others we've been able because of our power to impose our will on others. won't we here. on a charter school. by school level that we're going to be visiting.
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the share with you folks who are a local one going to turn it over to you and your plans for less so. anything for you feel like we already know oh i was just standing national was this nation state and for fifty years we celebrated taking ninety three what we know that. or united states of america illegally overthrew home with no home of the of the united states maintain that paul or despite having no mule already that's losing their military why do you hear what i said military that threat of force violent sprouse weapons what you how else are they maintaining power in vikki climbed on the world and their population we just talked about how many yes pendejo to ours and in traffic we're all americans are willing to die was. but yours.
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we are the evidence. that the nationalisation where the evidence of the war crimes we're not the war crimes ourselves. what already is an independent country all that was overthrown in eighty ninety three was our government by the united states not our country so our country is still an independent state but we're not a control of our independence we're occupying. this book overthrow is in attempt to show the times that america overthrew foreign governments over
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a long period. the united states at least in a relative sense is declining in power in the world and we can still remain and i believe will still remain a potent dominant force in the world and we need to accept that the conditions of the past decades don't exist anymore and we're not used to this we're not ready for this psychologically americans have always been on top we think of ourselves as always getting our way and we're entering into a period when that's not going to be so easy the challenge is can we adapt our habits of dominance to a more equal multi-polar or. in
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some american cities the police. states who are at risk from the very people who are supposed to protect that people
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are afraid of. you can see something happening. rather than call the cops in. their lives chasing the. you never know better safe than sorry i don't know that someone else is going to. get. around here we are. true. i. was.
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i. was. the opening of the u.s. embassy in jerusalem on monday it was met with violent protests with sixty. over. the north. including.
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the opening of the. protests across the region. is. this. that little nerve we extend a hand in friendship to israel the palestinians and their neighbors may there be peace we pray for peace. through.
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the opening of the embassy went ahead as such a world despite the ongoing protests including right outside the gates of the new compound here's a quick look at why jerusalem is such a contested city. jerusalem is a city that's been a point of contention for nearly a thousand years ever since the first crusaders arrived to drive the muslim population away the nearly two centuries the area was governed by christian congress under the name of the kingdom of jerusalem but the end of the thirteenth century had been a crusade. on the muslim control with so much turbulent religious history today the area holds significance for christians jews and muslims alike all regard different
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parts of the old city to be their holy sites and since the formation of the state of israel in nine hundred forty eight israel considers jerusalem to be its capital the subsequent conflict with the arab neighbors. so israel captured and annex the entire city of jerusalem the move has never been recognized by the united nations it stuns firm on the idea of establishing the two state solution where israel and palestine exist independently so by president trump announcing moving the embassy to jerusalem he's on the line that the u.s. recognizes the holy city to be the capital of israel for the international community that goes against the notion that any change in the city status should come through negotiations a not a you know not for auction. angry crowd has gathered there protesting against him if he needs he needs radio police are trying to keep the crowd at bay why you have . i'm here to oppose the decision by the u.s.
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administration to relocate their embassy in the heart of the contested city in the heart of the city where thirty five to forty percent of its residents are living under occupation most of them are not citizens of any state and denied of basic rights i mean the group called all that's left for the diaspora jews against the occupation we're here because we oppose transcendence you know we think it's playing with the lives of israelis and palestinians alike in our lives and if it is not a game. what. was . meant to be anybody parliamentarian what do you what do you think about the whole incident we are. in a demonstration which has been liason by those that are produced but immediately after we arrived they attacked out attacked a member of the knesset just because we had it been the best thing i forgot and then they are that i pushed us to the back we are here to see that jerusalem east
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is ok if i did it today it should be the capital of the state of palestine the tensions are definitely running high here as you can see these couples in clashes and we're being pushed forward and. i'm not hanging out with us. you know what happened what happened back to right out the heart of the firefight up to me do not doubt it but there should be it is for me when i don't just let it . all if this coming as the embassy just across the road is opening so while the world is witnessing crime pictures of a historic occasion our future we see them in the sea opening just across the road are these kind of scenes i'm feeling with these a lot of anger and out of frustration and a lot of disappointment that the american government went ahead with this news the israeli army has commented on its handling of the protests insisting that they followed standard procedures while acting in self-defense against palestinian
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protesters it also says it used to live rounds in a selective manner we asked our guests for their views on the embassy. only a yearly miserable some people around us want us to expose tolerance to those who declare that they want to kill us who declare that they want to get into israel . by clutching called by a guy falls poorer than me they're just you know all of the regional high military our other one is not exactly on the island the narrator on a sunday or later in that has only two for for eleven years your start up always what policy has brought to the world you tell me you have anything resides raises schiffman and. a lot of n.r.a. anything jews are now a small minority and that population and the more of
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a minority they become the more undemocratic. and racist israel becomes there are zero israeli injuries zero israeli casualties over two thousand palestinians injured over fifty seven palestinians killed including oh i'll share you how magic. what do all of these protests hamas is not my favorite organization hamas is a politically bankrupt group which has completely failed to exploit israel's gross gross contradictions and to use them against the this increasingly race a state i have something to tell you we want to stop the policy and state in the future a two state solution is the international solution it's not the palestinian solution
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alone i do believe still that there is a chance for this solution but it will take courage and it will take resolve from the international community to step up. you know some of america's traditional allies have moved to condemn his decision to relocate the embassy some calling it a breach of international law and saying that already in flames a tense situation for some of the criticism was voiced an emergency session of the un security council on tuesday at the u.n. representative insisted that the unrest was not linked to the embassy move and would not be an issue with the sacred sites it has now been running on jerusalem's always tight does not prejudge what ever the parties might negotiate in a peace agreement it does not under mind the prospects for peace in any way and yet for some this is supposedly a cause for violence the un human rights council on wednesday voted to launch an
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international probe into the mass deaths of palestinians on the israeli gaza border washington condemned the resolution but the u.s. envoy suggesting the international organization has more important issues to deal with however as artie's caleb maupin explains nikki haley's accusations may prove to be a double edged sword. the day that the american embassy was officially moved to jerusalem it was a day of great jubilation for american and israeli officials what a glorious day remember this moment. but across the palestinian territories it couldn't have been more different in beleaguered gaza there was nothing but suffering and chaos our greatest hope is for peace the united states is prepared to support peace negotiations states is prepared to support a peace agreement in every way that we can and i don't think it hurts the peace plan. the peace plan will be introduced at the appropriate time there was certainly not any criticism of any of israel's extreme use of force by anyone in the trumpet
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ministration hamas terrorist backed by iran have incited attacks against israeli security forces and infrastructure so israel is not responsible for shooting mostly peaceful palestinian protesters some of whom were just children shot down by their own soldiers but if you're a place israel with syria suddenly nikki haley's heart bleeds for the dead in far less clear cut situations. yesterday morning. we awoke to pictures to children being carried in the arms of desperate parents yes all the talk about human rights does not apply to palestinian protesters they do not get america's support because they're not protesting in the right country. big protests in iran the people who finally get some wise as to how the money and wealth is being.


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