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tv   Documentary  RT  May 20, 2018 7:30pm-8:01pm EDT

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a crime by israel but heather nauert thinks it was self-defense either way she doesn't have time to talk about every journalist who's been killed and apparently his death doesn't fit in with washington's agenda. r.t. new york. the rift between the and the us is deepening over the iran nuclear deal brussels energy chief has reassured around the block remains committed to the agreement if they would came during his first visit to iran since donald trump pulled washington out of the accord the european union did we routed it. the states this impromptu with it all from the joint comprehensive plan of. all nuclear deal there was absolutely unanimity among us because of the government that the union will the disagreement will stick to the commitments made and the disagreement looking at the latest officials
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of president. one could see the thing. with. him while france is finance minister a sensationally lashed out at the us for trying to be the world's economic policeman. gibe comes as the trump of ministration threaten to sanction e.u. firms doing business with iran it's good to do or we're going to accept the us is the planet's economic policeman do you accept one way domination with respect international rules obviously your response must clearly be noted. after america quit the iran nuclear deal and announce sanctions on tehran and u.s. officials told allies to also fall into line iran deal had lifted restrictions on tehran in exchange for a hold on its nuclear program. on friday the european commission launched a process to prevent e.u. firms from being hit by u.s.
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sanctions european firms would also be able to get compensation and loans if they're affected and says finance minister added the companies working with iran should keep going but. we're going to do everything to protect french companies in iran because it's in our economic interest there are dozens of french companies who have long fully invested in iran and doing business there and they must continue to have the right to do so to go on the director of international finance solutions associates that shabbir razvi believes that the e.u. is in no mood to obey the u.s. i don't think european union is in the mood for listening to what dick tart had this moment yes mr macron had a wonderful meeting in a washington a. few weeks ago where a list of marc broad has probably decided to become washington's pin in paris
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however the other european union countries particularly germany is in no mood to listen to washington on the business relationship that they have developed with. iran over the years it's not in the interest of anyone to create huge distances between iran or the nuclear deal. a bridge linking mainland russia to the crimean peninsula was officially opened on tuesday the longest bridge in europe will reduce the region's reliance on sea and air transport and allow more tourists to visit crimea has been a popular some a destination for russians for more than a century. thanks
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. thanks. thanks. thanks. thanks. thanks. thanks wolf. the first to use the new link was in fact this cat which lives in the area and has its own social media account where this video was posted and now enjoys
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a hefty following. the russian president was soon to follow in the cat's footsteps . so you believe that you were. for the putin drove across the ninety club it's a bridge in a command truck passing from the mainland to the city of. construction which is the joining him or the right. well everybody however is so pleased about this new bridge and there was an article in the washington examiner which suggested that kiev should blow it up the russia that article even went into detail about how that could be done little commentator john bolton it believes that who goes beyond acceptable free speech it's par for the course the people who pose as journalists in washington are nothing more then weaponized lobbyists and so when a lobbying firm attempts to get its bills or its or its funding through for new weapons
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systems or war systems they often call on one of their engaged journalists to do the dirty work of saying something publicly that they couldn't dare say and then using the right of freedom of speech in america the journalist can call for anything it wants murder execution bombing attacks on civilian bridges and so on so that's what this is and if we're talking about a new level yes we've hit a new low a new low outward call by a journalist so-called journalist for an attack on a civilian structure so to come around twenty thousand people have reportedly been evicted intends anea bring you that story after this short break. what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line they get accepted or
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rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure. most somehow want to. have to go on to be pressed to supply them before three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters about how. best to. apply to many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch to the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money killian a loan has been spending to get to the twenty million flying. it's an experience like no one else want to do because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy a great chance with. the phoenix this morning to.
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come back africa has long promoted itself as being a safari holiday destination catering to high and travelers through this. but it appears that the reality on the ground often less rosy safari parks have been looking to expand their territory and according to a new study that's led the government of the east african state of tanzania to evict indigenous communities and on a huge scale evictions began in the early two thousand tensions over rose after some twenty thousand people were reportedly left homeless just last august and
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september alone at least six thousand homes were deliberately damaged some of those affected have told their stories. we've got to come out of the fight. or not we've got the model was kind of like that across that because i want to get that it was one i know a lot about. what that there are no we don't but i've got that while you're. on the go with someone who's in to get on a local like you. who know the plans of. those and yes there was a sub. called why do. we need to know markos is. not enough to cause that when the people. can do to those. who are mom then the one visit to one is all good people and says come on and i'm not sure religious lation and landlubbers in the name of conservation the girl. has been
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dispossessed in the indigenous. these legislations have been used to be simply do not i dare access to greasing land access to water but not just that it is allowed some of the foreign companies that are operating in the area to conclude that the officials who have intimidated who have been arrested and beaten in the villages because they have tried to use their ancestral lands we also find that they have been violent in big shoes and these are all be carried out in the me most rewarding terrorism. arsenal denies and in the absence of it has led to widespread hunger managership and disease the kind of disposition that the report released you shills are going to not just be forced out of their homes and lands with their messiah and enforced existence the head of one company probed thompson safari
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strongly denies being involved in the evictions is director rick thompson adds that they also work with local communities and the government to improve access to water activists on the ground though tell a different story if i look for example what happened back in two thousand and six government i've looked at people from going sour and iraq times and yet the pastoralists i don't was their whole soul much of my religion and there were where the houses were burned you know all so. there was a lot in the planning of well being you know when you live in a place you run the you have structure you have our social services and now you're whole day just to do the hardest so if you'll ask me well i must say however. like i don't where they are where you've been asked their whole. moscow has issued a diplomatic memo to ukraine raising concerns about the safety of russian
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journalists in the country comes after security forces raided the offices of a russian media group and detained its director kill the shin ski who's in charge of rhian obviously as ukraine bureau was detained on tuesday for alleged treason on thursday a court in ukrainian city of. rule to detain him for sixty days. the security service rate of on the offices of ria novosti ukraine lasted for more than eight hours homes of journalists working for the agency were also searched there's been high level condemnation of kiev's actions many organizations are accusing the ukrainian government of an attack on media freedom and they're demanding the release and we discussed this with rachel denver she's deputy director of the europe and central asia division of human rights watch she says complaints over media freedoms in ukraine are on the rise. under no circumstances should the government be criminalizing speech and media activities that groundlessly and
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ukraine i think this is out of line with ukraine's these raids and detentions are out of line with ukraine's obligations to protect media freedoms there's a there's an obligation to provide some kind of transparency about what exactly is grounding treason charges that's an extremely serious serious charge that carries a hefty prison sentence so they better continue to come forward with what it is that causing the grounds for this charge because working for you know working for ria novosti or having a russian passport are not grounds for her treason charge we and other organizations have have been expressing i think more frequently concerns about media freedoms in ukraine. you're watching our teams or national or why not about with more and often i don't.
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have. a laugh out loud here. michael are you laughing all the way to get it out here a little keep you. hate the enemy sorry it is being but that they are allowed them to camp david outside of that my county get. by they got a special on auditing. but it is a shift of all. the stuff. that's going on more. some some certainly not so it. can be no surprise was it the how did it move the multiple injuries among countrymen to soak them up yourself you hope the look of shows reality on mars on the phone to the book on the if you can book a complete profitable so the say yes but in the book i'm
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a loss of what my. hanumant of nothing of a left off allowed me to see you telling me something that is a lot like a gun on one must something outside of. the hamas has a little huddles it must that's what amounted to maybe i'm a bit older than. i would normally guess manufacture consent instant of public wells. when the room in closest to project themselves. in the frame and larry go around to listen to the one percent were told. to ignore middle of the room signals. to leave the room i mean the real news is
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really the world's. long. term. harm her. welcome to well the part of the united states and the philippines have a curious history together once a colony down a staunch military ally when you least now are trying to take steps to redefine and rebalance its relationship with washington and by extension some of its friends and both how is it going so far well to discuss that i'm now joined by alan peter cayetano secretary of foreign affairs of the philippines secretary it's
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a great pleasure great on a welcoming you're in the studio thank you very much for coming on for the honors mine thank you very much for having me now your visit to moscow comes at a time when. you can't even describe the relationship between russia and the united states intelligence i mean it's a it's a big mess i don't think we can even put some label on it i wonder if you believe this trip of yours will be noticed in washington where the friends in need their friends in the russia the russian federation president putin came today the philippines while we were fighting terrorists are we and we owe it to russia to also come and show our friendship where there are world issues are not being discussed our bilateral relationship is strong and we wanted to be stronger now let's discuss your relationship with the united states first because obviously it has a much longer history then your relationship with russia i heard you compare your
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relationship with a washington to that of a family with a kid who came of age and wants to charge his or her own path which means meeting with people that the parents do not necessarily approve of and do you yourself come from a very well placed family i'm sure you're on earth you're catherine requests of everybody else's is that how the philippines relates to the united states the well my father a filipino from the smallest town in metro manila and my mother is an american and my. mother my father loves my mother very much but always said that the americans cannot dictate to the filipinos what to do and it's up to the filipinos to chart their own destiny a president that that comes from this generation of appreciating the history noting that there were no points in the history at times that we were taken advantage off but nothing also that the strong military ties and the aide and the help and the
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people to people relationship there's three point five million filipino americans or filipinos in the in the u.s. having said that you know it's like you love your parents but they can dictate your life to you know so little about the secretary i think in every functioning family the parents remain the authority figures even after the children leave the house this is what i'm trying to get from you how much of of an authority you vast in the preferences in it in the opinions of the united states at this point of time well that's precisely what we want to change you know. we we will not swallow hook line and sinker that we have called one or the same interest when our interests they verge we will pursue what this in our best interest when their common interests we should pursue it but gone are the days when anything that the west or. america say is good for us you know we're not in the cold war i came from
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well some people say we are in in an even worse period than to call it the older students today students for international relations from the cold war mentality we should have the coldplay mentality you know and it's all about fixing ourselves about you know seeing the light and being honest with each other we live in a multiple or world and the u.s. and other great powers have to find its place in the new world order now the new policy of independence is. associated first and foremost with president hu judging from polls remains quite popular among your country man but as you yourself never tire of saying the philippines is a democracy and therefore can elect somebody with a totally different vision help us understand here how much of the current poster is tied directly to the president his personality and how much of it is
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institutionally driven that bill out lost him. well in the sense that president that that made no gave no illusions and during the campaign said this is how i'll treat china this is how i will treat the u.s. i don't want any one dictating upon the filipino people i'm accountable only to the philippine no people so in that sense it's very institutional in the sense that it's very personal it's really the president under our constitution that the foreign policy but our constitution says independent foreign policy meaning a foreign policy for us but in the past we've always said whatever the u.s. or the west that's right for what is your sense of your own people's desires do you think that kind of irene taishan is going to stand for longer than four years that he has it now my godfather was always telling me in the time that we had walkmans
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if you ask anyone do you want an i pod no one will say i want the night but because you didn't know what it is' he didn't know what i tunes to us so you know we are now discovering what independent foreign policy is what it is to have mature friendship with the us what delling them that we want a mature relationship with russia we have a dispute with china but still we want the relationship with china and the rest of the world so it's too early to tell but i can say there's a lot of excitement there'll be a lot of benefits for the chinese people the filipino people the russian people we have a lot of chinese filipinos but when the former president went again to china they were just quiet so now there are some noise or some people are quiet in the u.s. but they know that the people to people relationship you know but still different from the international relationships of state to state now there isn't asking you because the philippines is definitely not alone in adopting this more versatile
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foreign policy what you say is very. how for example the pakistanis. describe their relationship with the united states and other actors it doesn't look like a broader trend the question is and it is often asked by our american colleagues is whether it is likely to make asia more or less stable i mansour question by a direct example so you talk to the americans and they saying they're increasing their presence in the south china sea and in a sea because. the chinese are also getting more aggressive and building some defensive posture and putting military assets on some features in the south china sea and according to the americans the sea lanes there are too important for world call murs you talk to the chinese they'll tell you that seventy percent of their economy passes through that channel and commerce is still important to that so both are saying the same thing but from an opposite point of view so what do we do if
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filipinos will be pro chinese are doing be pro america or do without both of them were pro filipino and you guys have to talk and work out this region. so that the us in a sea and the philippines will be caught in between so i think it's not just a trend it's the right thing it's really difficult not to be caught in between especially as town just but it's not the cold war anymore there's no left and right through right than wrong or evil and good you know it's a multi-polar world you have bilateral relationships you have multilateral relationships you have transnational crimes you have to resume so you know we have to get we have to find a way not only to live with each other but to find the world order where all of us have an opportunity for great and i ask you though we just discussed a little bit the complexity of your relationship with the united states how you try to rebalance it while retaining the positives i'm sure your relationship with china
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i mean it follows a different trajectory but you would agree perhaps that the court. that is just as complex and challenging on a personal level on professional level who do you find more challenging the americans or the chinese when you negotiate. oh well as i said in think back in the us the americans are veterans but we're saying we're off to college and allow us to pick our own friends the chinese our roommate you know their close neighbors so regardless what we do with each other and how we treat each other it's going to affect our economy our people are security. you know so. the complexity comes in not in the bilateral relationship but in the overall. regional and world grieve agrees and in the world order so it's equally. challenging but we are speaking this frankly to our american counterparts and to
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the members of the u.s. congress who care about the philippines and we think to a frank discussion you know we'll get somewhere now you just mentioned your talk at the council on foreign relations last year and in that talk you also suggested that the russians i beat cautious in pursuing a relationship with a philippines because of the says deeply ingrained called war perception of your country as a very very close american associate not even an ally it would say i think more like an associate more and ate how far have moscow and manila gotten. have in practical terms my perception is that both in moscow and manila there were policy makers who say you know take it a step at a time be cautious this just might be a connection between press and then put in and press have been there or very good talks between prime minister medvedev and president there you know but from that time on you know we have had for example we were buying arms from the u.s.
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and because certain members of course. and that's were making noise about alleged human rights violation you know when we need that the most of what's in there but here comes china and here comes russia despite policymakers in beijing and moscow saying let's be careful let's see what's happening you know took a leap of faith and came to manila and don't get me wrong the u.s. also helped us in malawi and the australians the japanese you know and we appreciate this but what we're saying is that we want that much your real friendship we may be a smaller country well that that friendship also has a material benefit. is all it's not only friendship but we're not that far away i mean russia or not and i have a perfect question for you on that subject because i think you have some very funny amazing metaphors i heard you say that with ten million filipinos living abroad you
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guys print in long distance relationships i think we here in russia and a bit more said that to me tend to develop stronger ties with those who are either close to us and these dos we can reach to territorially through land what could possibly breach this eight more than eight thousand kilometer distance but been in manila discovery i think the more we discovered russia and the more russian discovers the filipinos will find out that we have a lot of things in common. we both have a strong sense of identity and are finding our place not only in society in the world but both of us just you know want to get along with the rest of the world have enough food that they will know we're also often misunderstood in our intentions right that this is one one of the things me because of again the cold war mentality i mean again it's always spock aged in some western media that this
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is correct this is so wrong you know so we have to judge countries actions and leave theirs directives case burke. you know you can it's everything the us the historic or you can of those i say everything the u.s. is wrong so we need more objective but the reality is. you know media tries to give the facts but also leans. their worldview so this is where social media and direct communication comes in unfortunately it's sometimes called fake news it sometimes is but it's sometimes actually a different world view package just fake news by powerful people now i know that russian particularly is interested in marketing its nuclear power and transferring the expertise to the and to the philippines i wonder is that something that may be of interest to you particularly the nuclear energy issue from what i understand it's quite a contentious subject in your country we are interested in everything that they saw russia and we hope that we can interest russia with everything that's filipino from
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our warm hospitality to our beautiful islands countryside mountains from your sophisticated military hardware to your transport that vehicle is exciting motorcycles you know i ask you specifically about it then you know this from what i knew if you actually built one nuclear power for but it never went into operation because villian wind of that was infested with corruption we pay of course u.s. . company under the guidance of international financial institutions the us which corruption has been exposed in the last few decades so the contention is not the use of nuclear power itself or aid or help or fresh or russian technology the issue of more of the location of where d. but that.


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