tv News RT May 21, 2018 7:00am-7:31am EDT
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nobody viewer of is it when meeting the two percent are you how is washington going to make everyone pay for i can tell you that's a strong majority of germans and you my view a strong majority of europeans every bia is the against the new one. does to not see didn't meet for. higher defense spending and. because and. soon the g.'s in the european union by. in defense meant this we have started to do that but. i would stick the oppose the idea that if you have to spend two percent g.d.p. . for book common defense and it's in my view an even higher percentage is. not debatable
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so trombones so says that those underpaying to the nato budget will be dealt with whatever that means that's almost zero whatever that's almost at the same time as he's threatening sanctions on europe over it on i mean why does europe and germany in particular allow united states to play quill them here and there because that's what it looks like from the outside. yes i. asked. you to would. be. american but if he was always a mixture. of megalomania and strict obedience so we never we never found the. middle so we need to need to discuss. people into a huff and need to tell the. american friends
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that until no. less exis was again on. full the full peace and stability. but but. since as. disappear as. the bill have more tensions will have to have more conflict. come closer. to the final to perhaps the final nobody nobody even missed a try but he know what it can be must be kind. to prevent a situation from happening. americans and the europeans in different comes but i know it's will be it's going to be difficult i know it all right so we're going to take a short break right now when we're back we'll continue talking to fred reagan's
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former vice president of the european commission talking about charming russian relations stay with us. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy foundation let it be an arms race off and spearing dramatic development only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. with politicians to do something that. we put themselves on the line they get
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the and. so we're back with ginter fed her again former vice president of the european commission discussing the i'm an easy german or russian partnership right so the new german foreign minister mr maass started his tenure by taking a tough stance on russia but just a little while later we see germany and russia standing together in support of the iran deal against american attempts to dismantle it can one of the effects of the iran do affair be to actually bring germany and russia closer together. yes i think i think it does we have a busy strong common interest here and perhaps it shows that many many other areas have common interests as far as the new foreign minister in germany is concerned.
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and they should give him a little bit of time i was slightly surprised when he made that announcement because this is. not to put his seed. in the coalition agreement and it's clearly not the policy. democratic party to which she belongs my my feeling is that a strong strong majority not only of social democrats since there are many but of those who will pollution once good and plenty leave the lesions with russia and strongly dislikes the complication of policy that we have seen during the last time in his first interview as german foreign minister mr mass was using words like villager and hostile was speaking about russia something no acting german
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foreign minister was heard saying before should be seen as berlin's mouthpiece here i mean at the same time chancellor merkel is meeting with putin and saying that relations with russia are strategic priority countries need to talk and there's a german government have a united line on russia at the moment or not. good good good good question. i'm not a member of this government so i do not know but i noticed the discrepancy beach to a bit you have mentioned and. i would not have used the terms which mr moss used perhaps it was not he will not repeat it my understanding is that chancellor merkel is billion much interested. in constructive solutions building and building confidence and she is the one who defines the guidelines. for input is see so give give to the
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present coalition in the debate time to adjust my understanding is the police finally the policy line bill be to try to corporally as much as possible like you have mentioned that the attitude that mr moggs has taken towards russia has brought sharp criticism from his own party members and other german politicians it seems that while the german chorus on russia is in line with the e.u. there is an internal political divide in the german establishment when it comes to relations with moscow how deep is this divide and how does it affect policy. yes. it concerns me busybody much what i what i can see since a couple of years but getting stronger and stronger. between.
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the normal population and to so called intellectual elites people people in the media people in think tanks people in political positions they have a much much tougher position than the german citizen and. we have we have similar similar situation as well that the elites in our country. are losing contact with the interests and the views of the people so this is see isn't it in a democracy. if people. have completely completely different views and if you ask me who should change. i think that. those people.
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and even. increasing tensions. at least think what they are doing so i agree with what you're saying because i have statistics here that said it's from their struggle it says that sixty eight percent of germans don't want to tell the stance on russia and overwhelming ninety four percent of germans think that good relations with russia are important will pay made of voters pressure the german leaders to find a softer approach to the german russian relations in the end. depends it depends on what happens in the reality is. to see is not is not a matter of bush its foreign policy is a matter of deets so so we have to see whether we can find common ground in. the interests like middle east like. perhaps even even ukraine
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in my view. we have common interests and of course and of course the economy. partnership it put a leash and ship needs substance we need to be need to do something and here we should not forget that it violet. between between germany and russia despite all the disturbing disturbing words and voices i still be a good to have strong touch the relations we have visitors strong economic relations be have extremely strong between people and organisations from the civil society be shouldn't be shouldn't be shouldn't underestimate that and yes i believe that finally. understand that we.
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have a particular this bun's ability to. make to make sure that russia is three to it as an equal in europe so even if there is a political decision in berlin to for example i don't know the sanctions on russia there are approach by all in all member states so our german is hands tied on the issue regardless of whether the government wants to lift sanctions or not. yeah. dissensions to central european ish your peon decision and. single country like so many cannot cannot change it the need we need to need a common decision but i believe if if if conditions which would allow the german government on as a government to say we do not need to sing along they would like to do that the sooner the sooner than later nobody really likes to sing it's not the french not.
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know what nobody really likes it and. i would hope i would hope context beautiful full enough atmosphere better at the climate and then the next step. in decision to lift the sanctions step by step. in one step it depends on the situation so meanwhile as germany goes along with you sanctions still manages to the lots of business with russia for instance building the north stream to giant pipeline natural gas into germany directly from russia so how does our lame balance this principle diplomacy approach with pragmatic pipeline projects. yeah i do. not see him not to in. the senate i was not involved in the
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decision making as far as i understand it the position was german government is that not seem to interest not only of germany but those interests of neighboring countries and the use in particular of poland and the budget countries and i think that mrs merkel made it made it clear that it does not does not mean necessarily that you. snoozing its importance as a transit country. i think the best solution would be to find a b. that is phys. the needs of ukraine and poland by guaranteeing that certain amount of energy bill be transported to these gun please . let's leave notes to. be neat.
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to meet the demand. because the demand is not. a must that it month is increasing as everybody knows so they're killed made it clear where every cent lay that nor strain to project shouldn't go forward until all the issues of ukraine's transit row are settled she said that there are political casa durations involved how does this go along with german government officials numerous statements that nordstrom to. commercial project you know it does not go along with that it does it does not. do not know what the german government. legally instrument to stop that and i don't think so so this was a political pull to do political statement in my view it would be wise to do as i have said to find the balance aleutian which also takes into account the interests of ukraine and of ukraine and poland but to is as you have said
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for economic economically absolutely important for germany and to the us to fuel up so why is no what stream two so dangerous in brussels i mean the germans are problematic people they wouldn't sign up for something if it were really strategically dangerous is it more infrastructure always a good thing. you know what. and your position. tough position against most most of. the. complaining complaining a lot and some other countries as well. have the sim situation. feel. by posture here. that he. made. a mistake one should have to try
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to have to have to pull out but that is spilt milk no again the best solution would be taking into account. the month for gust from russia. to say between two. of all right thank you very much for this interesting talk we were talking to. her again former vice president also european commission discussing european efforts to rescue the deal and germany's relations with russia that's it for this edition of. next time.
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twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goalkeepers available to us but there was one more question and by the way who's going to be our coach. you guys i know you are nervous he's a huge star among us and the huge amount of fresh camera you have to go i mean eighty percent of the. and you'll see all the all the great the great the good you are the rock at the back nobody gets past you we need you to get going let's go. alone. and i'm really happy to join the team for the two thousand and three and world cup in russia meet the special one. meets just at the reno p.r.t. team's latest edition to make up a bigger. book. seventy
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four design submissions. seven thousand pilings. to join judges. and eight hundred sixty nonstop days of what. a russian w.b. a champion. and a russian pop stuff. show you how and why the crimean bridge was built. witnessed the construction of a unique transport. that will help them out of crimea. most of those you know while google more familiar with it a bit but. between
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not sufficient. of the political spectrum of. radical. british. drinking water contaminated with human waste. monday morning here in the russian capital international a very warm welcome to. iran's foreign minister has lashed out at the e.u. for not doing enough to help tehran u.s. pressure has made european efforts to save economic relations with iran which were thrown into jeopardy by the threat of american sanctions after washington. the iran nuclear deal. we're going to do everything to protect french companies in iran
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because it's in economic interest there are dozens of french companies who have lawfully invested in iran and are doing business there and they must continue to have the right to do so. with the exit of the united states from the nuclear deal the expectations from the iranian public through with the european union have increased and the ease political support for the nuclear agreement is not sufficient some companies have already announced they are ready to leave for example of french energy giant total and. their multibillion dollar projects could be abandoned by november when american sanctions are due to be reinstated france's finance minister lashed out at the united states it's good news except we're going to accept the u.s. is the plan its economic policeman do you accept one way domination with respect. your response must clearly be noted. on friday the european commission launched
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a process to prevent e.u. firms from being hit by u.s. sanctions under it european companies will be able to get compensation and loans if they are affected and the director of international finance solutions associates shabbir razvi believes the e.u. is in no mood to be told what to do. i don't think european union is in the mood for listening to washington dick tot at this moment yes mr mock ron had a wonderful meeting in washington have a few weeks ago where mr mock ron has probably decided to become washington's pimp in paris however the other european union countries particularly germany is in no mood to listen to washington on the business relationship that they have developed with. iran over the years it's not in the interest of anyone to
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create huge distance between iran on the nuclear dean besides a financial measures diplomatic efforts are also in place for the e.u. energy commission and now in tehran on his first official visit to the country since trump pulled out of the accord. that sophie shevardnadze discussed the latest developments with who've been former vice president of the european commission. because not except that the americans dictate the terms of the business the american policy of taking hostage other nations and companies test a b. it has to be partnership to do is obvious. but the ship between the united states and do you opinion is entering a new new age it's it's not like it was in the past but. more or less the americans are to your peons share the same values. it is to
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europeans accept it that americans have to do to ship. to the americans. enough to provide security i think that's finished. it is not international the parties hoping to form italy's next coalition government are seeking the blessing of the country's president for a radical programme of action a poll has found that sixty percent of italians support the largely and new ideas agreed upon by the left leaning five star movement and the right wing likud party. must do something about immigration because it's a mask and like the college plan of course who want lower taxes especially for businesses so the league. we need to solve this problem with
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a more moderate approach but the five star and the league are going to make good on these promises it will be difficult because the powers the strong the. parties don't know hawkins now explains how the two opposing parties and that up working together. italy's on the brink of forming its coalition government with the parties presenting their blueprint on the country's future to the president but this is no ordinary political deal should it go ahead italy will be the only western european country and the e.u. founding member governed by populist euro skeptics this is got europe pretty worried italy first is the political slogan of those about to lead the country. we've told this to everyone even on the european level and from now on only italians come first now the northern league and five star movement have certainly had their differences in fact until recently there was no love lost between the two
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parties taking italy by storm fortunately for them the proverb the enemy of my enemy is my friend holds very much true with brussels firmly centered as their bad boy. the choice the italian people have made is a step towards freedom for the whole of europe away from constraints and insecurity we want to rebuild europe based on people not bureaucracy we want to be listened to otherwise all these sectors and industries that are suffering from injustice because of european treaties and directives will have to be reimbursed they share a dislike for conventional establishment elitist politics they both want change in the country's relationship with the european union and their policies on tax cuts that reduction and immigration will put them directly at loggerheads with other european heavyweights they're also both set on scrapping sanctions on russia but this approach has won them a historic election and continues to prove popular with the italian public or so
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far cards are being kept close to the chest so it's not clear who the nominee for prime minister will be both party leaders have ruled themselves out one thing is for certain though the next steps of the coalition at least helm and it starts towards brussels will hold even more intrigue than what brought them to power almost. that would be something really. especially for a country with such a long song you're just back from our for sure it's actually. something recent years songbirds that. to the success of the band and friends. there's a lot of. established sentiments out of iraq. with the three of the five star movement. but little is still vital interests on the opinions.
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of. a german newspaper has ended its collaboration with a cartoonist after he depicted the israeli prime minister as the winner of this year's a year overage and song contest here's the picture in question of the artist says he wanted to criticize binyamin netanyahu for exploiting israel's victory in the contest for his own political needs however some have accused him of resorting to anti semitic cliches i don't think. should publish dita hannity's cartoons he seems to be a hard line and seem right the to have is a very dangerous man and absolutely and semitic this has been clear for the last forty years no more idiots his caricatures important for shaping public opinion but there is no place for incursion anderson. after the outcry the newspaper pulled a caricature and apologize for printing it but the cartoonist. is defiant that the
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editors have apologized is their business i do not apologize the accusation doesn't ring true with me that the drawing can be regarded as anti semitic i did not mean it's that way i can criticize netanyahu is policy even as a german. in his work which has mocked and criticized other world leaders as well though this cartoon drawing comparisons between turkey's president of the one stalin and hitler however for that work he was defended by the german media we heard from israeli journalist gideon levy he says the european media is trying to avoid criticizing israel to avoid being accused of anti semitism whenever it comes to israel not only turn ateneo to israel in general immediately european media is being accused the symmetries while.
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