tv News RT May 21, 2018 8:00am-8:31am EDT
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because of british policy. know it's not directly because of british policy just a number of. violent events in libya i would have to check exactly which ones have led people to be disposed very uncomfortable being the head of this institution when that when he comes from the state department as i say each one of the countries that are named it is nato nations that are deeply entrenched and involved in campaigns or so so their critics would say destabilization campaigns using covert militants our mandate is to report on the scale of internal displacement in countries to try and understand the patterns to try and give us a sense of how these situations are going to evolve over time so that we can give the right kinds of tools to governments to policymakers to international agencies to better respond our role is not to carry out geo political analyses. of conflicts across the world even though of course we recognize the direct link
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between that and displacement but that's not what our mandate covers alexander but thank you after the break house theresa may signal the referendum on a united ireland. is a maze defacto coalition about the imminent consequences of breakfast and no amnesty for the british army or the irish republican army all the civil war going on about to have going underground. seventy four design submissions. seven thousand. two. hundred sixty nonstop days of. russian.
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welcome back this wednesday will mark twenty years since the people of the island of ireland voted on a referendum that approved the good friday agreement which brought on an arguably fragile peace but will there no be a referendum on a united ireland because the good friday agreement triggers an automatic vote if it appears likely a majority and ulster vote to leave the u.k. and tourism a has reportedly been in doubt about a majority voting to remain in the u.k. joining me now is the newly elected member of parliament for western rhone all of bagley all those things were going on leave the program just before we get to the united ireland it is forty four years this week with this one since the. massacre is what was the significance of that three hundred four thirty four dead or injured well it was all follow us tragic and it was the biggest loss of life the families are still to this very day it's taken justice their sake and justice for all those who were killed in the massacre and it's about it's at but the legacy and
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class happened. we were great them in the storm and post agreement which was four years ago we need the legacy to be up and run and we need to have legacy inquests and we have a leader stop and spend held by a court of law to be on lawful and stop in the funding for the inquest so we need all that up and running why does removing think that the government hasn't released papers relating to legacy issues like global warming well that's an issue for the british government we have called for them time and time again with calls for information to be released it seems that they have something to hate it seems like there may be a cover up by the british government but their legacy mechanisms need to be there they need to be explored so that all these issues can come to the fore well nothing's happening. in the northern ireland assembly the british prime minister drizzle has been talking about legacy issues are saying that she wants no search of the limitations a new. for u.k.
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soldiers involved in crimes are going to be drawn to the dhubri in a moment to keep power his prime minister they oppose that would soon we agree with opposition but here are the words of praise that may last week the words of the british secretary of state that was very offensive for the families it was the foundation for the families the map with current bradley and i put a two year that she should withdraw those comments or she should apologize to the families which she has offended for which government the comments that were made in the house of commons regarding the legacy were garden misrepresentation as to their legacy in class been in favor of those been prosecuted being armed forces rather than being on both sides which was completely misleading there's no doubt that tory government have prioritized their own self interests with the d u p over the interest of the people of north continue to do so by not calling the british irish intergovernmental conference and they seem to do so with bribes at all so it's about time the british government stepped up to the markets that put the interests
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of the people of the north before their own self interest with their pact. even lynn stream corporate media seems very aware of the bricks that referendum is going to impact on the good friday agreement what do you think of reports the tourism a has been saying that a referendum on a united. might go chin frayn's way if it were if it happened given that the good friday agreement says that if that's possible that's to be a compulsory river and well like if we had a referendum and if they want to we would automatically. and i think that's very appealing for people who live in an ireland more and more people are endorsing the inspection of irish another there's no doubt that breaks it has helped there's no doubt that perhaps it has opened up the constitutional debate around our land and there's no doubt that more people are endorsing an assertion of irish in a day we were probably as a part of what machinations are the british government to use and to gauge public opinion as to whether
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a border pool should be called she was in it on able to clarify about what first this isn't the first time that should be able to clear a version didn't just rule it out but she was on able to clarify what she's using to gauge public opinion as to whether unity referendum should be called in fairness for inaccuracy recently what is your vain think would happen if there was a vote on the united ireland and elsewhere but obviously want to united ireland i'm a republican i'm an ass less and i don't apologize for that obviously i want a united ireland obviously and have campaigned for a united ireland and it's aimed at the people in the north and protect her and i accept limon want to want to be part of a united ireland and that's the best interest for all the people off the island of ireland to be part of a united ireland so what would it mean a hard border because the irish the short you saying that the u.k. may crash early you completely because a really divided cabinet and downing street that would presumably mean a hardboard but the top the tory government are all over the place westpac said
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they don't have what they don't have a solution for the people off the north. it seemed to be the case that one after the referendum as regards to perhaps it was on call and that the people often are forgotten about and they were seen as a stumbling block for the tory government a hardboard it would be absolutely disastrous i represent the people of west roma supporter constituents say we are when every one district there's a bridge from strip to left first there's free flow of people free flow of traffic free flow of goods go over it on a daily basis and if there was a structure in our heart border to that it would be dishonest tourists for the people of the north as a whole he used to board a border of the irish sea what we would be if there is absolutely no border whatsoever but should have and have led the case for special status we needed them in part of the customs union on the single market we've continued to do so have continued to lobby with the twenty seven or any piece of lead to campaign for that and we will continue to do so on the time has obviously if there is
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a border. position is to support a good friday agreement it would you know be expecting that there is going to be groups in communities on the border who will believe that a return to violence or at least damaging infrastructure is inevitable but look i don't i don't think the commentary is to say that there's going to be fallon's is helpful for anybody we want to avoid violence for twenty years on from the good friday agreement i was six years old at the time of the good friday agreement was signed i benefit from the good friday agreement i grew up in a peaceful and society as a result of the good friday agreement and it's about it's about cherishing the good friday agreement it's about and the magnet and all its forms and it's about see and prosperous and for everybody and the only way we can say that is by special status i remain in the customs union on the single market that's the only way forward for the people of the north using huge areas like good friday agreement. for the t. shirt and if what we're getting from the chaos arguably from downing street if all that happened the great hord border and friends position is still just support and
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agreement like i was accused of selling out at that. soon frame turning into basically into fairness for all the good friday agreement was an international agreement the only party he didn't support it was. the people of the north continue to support the good friday agreement we had the anniversary just passed of twenty years from the good friday agreement on missing people from all sections of community come and celebrate the good friday agreement celebrate the place isabella day we have had for the people of the north but if there's a hard border what happens to west through what we have with opposed to hard border and heart brads that will continue to oppose that i was just elected recently with an if i was majority and that majority was the people of standing up and sent they didn't want a hard border they didn't want to hard drugs that and family continue to leave the campaign for special status so that we don't have a hard quarter or a big thank you well to hear the other side we're going to go outside westminster to speak to do you can be sammy wilson the charges were personal on bricks and in
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a member of britain's parliamentary committee on exiting the european union the d.p. is the paramilitary party keeping dres a main power as british prime minister sorry thanks for being on going underground again so how excited are you by your defacto coalition partners tourism is government saying it's going to a publisher white paper on the highlands it's not a white paper on ireland future it's a white paper which will the government's position on the whole range of issues which it has to negotiate with the. decision. a lot more detail and the quality is in the public to me and already has been given to the their disingenuous of course saying we need more we don't need more we don't like etc i think that the government is right to make it quite clear this is what we're going for. and then let put it up to the nih let's hear from
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you because you are so far the you have been allowed to be all or. how significant that when the prime minister stands up to them they back they have an agreement in the sand which we find on except what we said you're not signing up and it had to be changed the e.u. said it couldn't be changed it was changed they said they wanted legal text by march when the prime minister saw the legal tech she said no way and they said we can't move on she said tough i'm not signing up and they backed down again they said then that they wanted it fixed by june and again it hasn't and will be fixed by june with the french foreign minister going to june is able to transfer our foreign minister isn't doing the negotiation at the moment so you know it is quite clear and the prime minister should learn from this. i don't take any dictation from the stand up to them thank your feet and and they will give in when the white
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paper is revealed in a few weeks time will we be able to tell whether she has been played as it were well i don't know what's going to be in the white paper but i hope that she repeated it again in the house of commons that we will be leaving the single market will be we will be leaving the customs union and i would hope that the white paper would reflect both of those objectives because that of course what people voted for and that's the only way we're going to free ourselves from first of all having to pay billions of pines into the e.u. having to accept e.u. rules for the united kingdom being tied to the e.u. trade policy when we have got a whole world out there that is just we have for britain to do trig thing that's very hard to. as a result of course our economy will benefit that's what breaks it david davies says but you sympathize with the razor a reportedly davis apparently told me that
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a customs partnership could be or would be it was being reported illegal under international law well whether it's illegal and i'm not an international lawyers by counting a judgement up on tell you one thing is clear is a. who on earth would want to do trade deals with the united kingdom if as a result of any trade data when they sent good king those have to pay tariffs on them as if they were going into the e.u. and only when they have proven that they haven't gone into the they could claim that money back again is good. so apparently i mean jacob riis morg is the bookies favorite to replace. may at the last time i looked at the odds what did he make of this that she said when their response was well let's have a poll in a united ireland. yes this whole border issue with reference to bricks or maze or borders that i would not be as confident as you that's not
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a risk i'm prepared to take let me first of all to read from all denies that he ever said down i'm fairly convinced that if there was a referendum on united on tomorrow that the people of the north are would vote for me i'm within the united kingdom however as you seen in scotland the whole purpose of referendum is free off by niceness parties are not the will number to simply cause further destabilization that's why it's a rubbish idea and she ought to kick it as far as she can in fact she ought to kick in along with the idea of staying in the customs union on a single market oh no but it's a good case for me to go off the subject of bricks that i don't ask you what you made of tourism a explicitly a problem of saying there will be no amnesties for british veterans who are found guilty for crimes u.k. security services and so on no statute of limitations but i think you'll find that there will be a continual law by post from ministers and from backbenchers in the house of
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commons for what's called a statute of limitations because don't forget that terrorists. went to kill the security forces on the civilian population in northern aren't being given on the stand by your defector keeping this prime minister and the prime minister was explicitly saying that being no amnesty would you then your constituents again think if former all you see and so on the implication already in jail you have a case of your question is that every time we disagree with a prime minister we bring our we threaten to bring our dialogue is iraq is quite important more zoomable or we bring her dying that's not really a very tenable position on a day would be a very waste position for sales to we believe that we have got significant support within the conservative party we've got the defense secretary who as pushing for this and the proper thing for us to do for the. i believe that's what most of our constituents want is to continue to push the prime minister on this particularly but it's not a leaving the defacto coalition issue for the deal but that's it's
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a key as far working with our friends within the conservative party to try and force the government's hand and to just a statute of limitations so i wrote that. sammy wilson shadow bracks and spokes person of the day you be keeping tereza may and power in britain will be covering on going underground any convictions of british soldiers or ira volunteers as well as raise a maze white paper as and when they happen but that sympathy days there will be back on wednesday when britain's new home secretary addresses the police federation having lived in wales as the murder rate in britain's capital who would take new york see you on wednesday twenty years since the island of ireland voted for the good friday agreement.
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to drink water. on monday morning in moscow this is international news on the. iran's foreign minister has lashed out at the e.u. for not doing enough to help. us pressure. european efforts to save economic relations with iran which were thrown into jeopardy by the threat of american sanctions after washington scrapped the iran nuclear deal. with the exit of the united states from the nuclear deal the expectations of the iranian public towards the european union have increased and the e.u.'s political support for the nuclear agreement is not sufficient some companies have already announced they are
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ready to leave for example french energy giants total and on injury a multi-billion dollar projects could be abandoned by november when american sanctions are due to be reinstated france's finance minister lashed out at the us is good news except are we going to accept the us is the planet's economic policeman do we accept one way domination with no respect rules obviously your response must clearly be noted. on friday the european commission launched a process to prevent e.u. firms from being hit by american sanctions under it european companies will be able to get compensation and loans if they are affected by the director of international finance solutions associates shabbir razvi believes the e.u. is in no mood to be told what to do. i don't think european union is in the mood for listening to washington dick tot at this moment yes mr mock ron had
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a wonderful meeting in washington few weeks ago where mr mock ron has probably decided to become washington's pimp in paris however the other european union countries particularly germany is in no mood to listen to washington on the business relationship that they have developed with. iran over the years it's not in the interest of anyone to create huge distance between iran on the nuclear dean besides financial measures diplomatic efforts are also in place the e.u. energy commission and now in tehran on his first official visit to the country since trump pulled out of the accord. sophie shevardnadze to discuss the latest developments without going to a former vice president of the european commission. because not except that the americans dictate the terms of the business the american policy of
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taking hostage other nations and companies test a b. it has to be partnership to do so obvious. but the ship between the united states and do you opinion is entering a new new age it's it's not like it was in the past but. more or less the americans are to your peons shared the same values. it is to europeans accepted that americans have to do the ship and the americans. enough to provide security i think that's finished.
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the parties hoping to form italy's next coalition government are seeking the blessing of the country's president for a radical programme of action a poll has found sixty percent of italians us support the largely anti e.u. ideas agreed upon by the left leaning five star movement and the right wing likud party you must do something about immigration because it's a mess i'm going to college plan of course who want lower taxes especially for businesses so it's really going to harden immigration we need to solve this problem . i'm worried about how five star and league are going to make good on these promises it will be difficult because the powers that strong in the. r.t.f. don't know hawkins is now explaining how the two opposing parties wound up working together. italy is on the brink of forming its coalition government with the parties presenting their blueprint on the country's future to the president but
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this is no ordinary political deal should it go ahead italy will be the only western european country and the e.u. founding member governed by populist euro skeptics this is got europe pretty worried italy first is the political slogan of those about to lead the country. we've told this to everyone even on the european level and from now on only italians come first now the northern league and five star movement have certainly had their differences in fact until recently there was no love lost between the two parties taking italy by storm fortunately for them the proverb the enemy of my enemy is my friend holds very much true with brussels firmly centered as if they're bad boy. the choice the italian people have made is a step towards freedom for the whole of europe away from constraints and insecurity we want to rebuild europe based on people not bureaucracy we want to be listened to otherwise all these sectors and industries that are suffering from injustice
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because of european treaties and directives will have to be reimbursed they share a dislike for conventional establishment elitist politics they both want change in the country's relationship with the european union and their policies on tax cuts that reduction and immigration will put them directly at loggerheads with other european heavyweights they're also both set on scrapping sanctions on russia but this approach has won them a historic election and continues to prove popular with the italian public well so far cards are being kept close to the chest so it's not clear who the nominee for prime minister will be both party leaders have ruled themselves out one thing is for certain though the next steps of the coalition at italy's helm and it starts towards brussels will hold even more intrigue than what brought them to power on. that would be something really. especially for a country with such
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a long song you're just a prop for sure it's actually. something recent years songbirds that meant to the success of the band's friends and sources. there's a lot of. sadness and sentiments out of iraq. with the big three of the five star movement. but you know the still part of your unit is on the a team and. if. there's controversy in germany over a cartoonist depiction of the israeli prime minister as the winner of this year's euro vision song contest a german newspaper ended its collaboration with the author after a public outcry well that so show you the picture by the artist in question and the artist says he wanted to criticize binyamin netanyahu for exploiting israel's victory in the contest for his own political ends however some have accused him of
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resorting to anti semitic cliches i don't think seitan should publish dita hundred she's cartoons he seems to be a hardline anti seem right the to have is a very dangerous man and absolutely and semitic this has been clear for the last forty years no more idiots his caricatures important for sheep in public opinion but there is no place for incursion and disseminated. after the outcry the newspaper pulled a caricature and apologized for printing it but the cartoonist dita one inch is defiant. that the editors have apologized is their business i do not apologize the accusation doesn't ring true with me that the drawing can be regarded as anti semitic i did not mean it's that way i can criticize netanyahu policy even as a german there is another side to all of us in his work mocked and criticized other world leaders as well that this cartoon here drawing comparisons between turkey's
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president or the one and stalin and hitler but that time around when there was an outcry the newspaper defended the artist's freedom of speech we heard from israeli journalist gideon levy he says european media outlets are trying to avoid criticizing israel to avoid being accused of anti semitism whenever it comes to israel not only turn ateneo to israel in general immediately european media is being accused and the symmetries while any other leader can do whatever you want whenever you draw israeli states then whenever you criticize is that immediately it comes up all on the symmetries and europe is afraid really scared paralyzed of being labeled as anti semite rightly so by the way the only problem is that this has nothing to lose and this time it isn't
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