tv News RT May 22, 2018 7:00am-7:31am EDT
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cast upward with sales of agricultural equipment projected to increase by fourteen percent the solid growth in demand the expected to give dear some insulation from the impact of the price increases. the serious fraud office or s f o in the u.k. has lost a major court battle with barclays the big bank a criminal court has dismissed charges brought by s.f.o. against a multinational bank for actions taken to raise capital from cutter after the two thousand and eight economic crash the s.f.o. has accused barclays of false presentations relating to an agreement barclays entered into with holding l l c and providing unlawful financial assistance in the form of a three billion dollar loan to carter court last bodes ill for the future of the s.f.o. which currently has no permanent director after their leader resigned last month barclays said in a statement that they expect the s.f.o. to attempt to reinstate the charges. c.b.s.
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corporation is in a fight with national amusements incorporated which owns viacom for who will control c.b.s. going forward national amusements is owned by the redstone family which also controls they would jordi interest in c.b.s. late last week the feud became frontal in court here to explain what's been going on and what to expect at c.b.s. is conservative t.v. and radio host steve malzberg steve thanks so much for helping us out on this set the table what's going on with these media moguls well let me tell you something this would make a great c.b.s. mini series or drama because it has intrigue it has everything you want to capture the public's attention all right so so the red stones through national amusements sherri redstone is the controlling member she is the current controlling shareholder of both viacom and c.b.s. they fall under the umbrella of national amusements and she wants a merger between c.b.s.
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and viacom they've had merger talks but they've been unable to agree to terms especially when it comes to management how that would be set up what the role of moonves the c.e.o. of c.b.s. would be etc so so that's that's that's where we are that's the overall message that's setting the scene as they say ok and then by the way we covered last week i think that les moonves the c.e.o. of c.b.s. of the second highest paid c.e.o. all companies all around the world but put that aside for a minute so last week last thursday there was a court decision what was this case about and what did the judge rules all right well c.b.s. went to court on the last week and they on monday and they said sherri redstone at redstone is interfering in the interests of the shareholders of c.b.s. by trying to force a merger and by by basically acting as a majority shareholder of a company the judge said he didn't see any into. ference but basically reserve the
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right to come back so let me tell you before that there is a decision on wednesday sherry redstone decreed that any c.b.s. once they issue a dividend c.b.s. wants to issue a dividend to shareholders which would effectively take sherry redstone out of the controlling interest seat weaken her voting position and and go from eighty percent down to about seventeen percent control of the company so cherie redstone issued an edict saying to do that the c.b.s. board has to have a supermajority ninety percent and so that was wednesday thursday the judge said she's not interfering and i know you want to hear about what happened what happened at the border shooting. they had the board meeting on right after the court decision on thursday at c.b.s. and they voted eleven to three not ninety percent not a super majority but they voted to institute that dividend and stripped her of her
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majority rule if you will when it comes to of voting influence as a shareholder majority shareholder of c.b.s. but that's not going to fly that's not going to fly at all all right so what do you expect going to happen here all right sherry read some says she will not force a merger but she is connected to a former special committee which will replace most of the board members of not all of the board members so she will have complete control and i think as time goes on she will force that merger and i don't see any way that this merger you know with with les moonves at the helm takes place but she will not be ousted she controls the votes at the c.b.s. as far as the c.b.s. control go you know and she can't be you know pushed out by some arbitrary vote by the board you know crazy thank you for the palin century conservative t.v. and radio steve malzberg your time. the end game of
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us present. donald trump's confrontation with china may be coming into view this week on sunday after an intensive three day summit with chinese negotiators treasury secretary steven the new ssion told an entertainment program on fox network we're putting the trade war on hold specifically mr mission said that they threatened tariffs of one hundred fifty billion dollars worth of chinese imports we put out a whole ball talks perceived mr pullback comes as many observers are noted little payoff from trump bluster based upon negotiating strategy on trade issues while walking back the tariff trat mr minuit threat mr minutiae also had to acknowledge that chinese officials had made no commitment on promises to increase imports from the u.s. much less than two hundred billion dollars in additional purchases that the trump administration said was on the table mr boucher also appeared to rule out any flexibility in treatment for the large chinese z t e specifically ruling out any
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pretty pro quo or relief from the company and exchange for chinese trade concessions president trumps national security advisers reportedly pushed back strongly after mr trump suggestion on twitter that be protected from u.s. sanctions and here to bring us up to speed on this whole issue is r.t. correspondent alex mann hyla bitch who joins us live from toronto alex thanks as always president trump came out guns a blazing a couple of months ago when it came to trade with china why the seeming change of heart here. everybody's so negative about this here from moody's as well so yeah this doesn't really mean not much well it does mean a lot actually you know trump came out as you just mentioned guns a blazing a couple of months ago you know the chicken little sky is falling type of scenario that's what trump does and china is very well aware of that they've studied this man back and forth so they know what's going on so he you know is trying to scare people and this is happening on so many different fronts by coming out hard and it
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is working to a certain degree and especially when it comes to somebody like or to a country like china now moving forward with a set a framework has been built now that doesn't mean anything in concrete terms maybe to you and me we're not hearing dollars and cents but to when dealing with china which is a country that historically has had things that go its way it's a it's a powerhouse any way you want to turn it this is actually a step forward now let's talk a little bit about that trade surplus let's bring up this graph so people understand what we mean by trade slower for the surplus is a massive gap here and what china is actually moving in the direction of saying hey you know what we're willing to reduce this willing to reduce that is big it's massive actually so that you were talking about the two hundred billion dollars or that's what china was actually pledging or at least the american side is saying they're pledging to do this by two thousand and twenty that there's going to be a two hundred billion dollars of trade coming from china that would be imports from
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the states into china which is a huge amount of money and this isn't sectors such as technology agriculture and energy all big sectors energy would have tons to win here we're talking about between forty and fifty billion dollars and one of the complaints or one of the the fears the chinese have had so far at least they're saying this which is a smart thing to say is we didn't know that you could supply what we need so we were you know a little bit hesitant about buying it from the states this is all talk it's all back and forth this is a game but at the same time china has a lot to lose here too and they know very well that they have to do with. this with the united states of america and making that trade surplus a little bit smaller or a lot smaller works out for both countries in the end alex you're so concise and it's so helpful all r.t. correspondent alex one heil of h. thank you as always thank you.
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we've spoken about wells fargo many times on the program more than i would like frankly but they seem to like the energizer bunny for bad bank behavior in that they keep going and going and going and always doing something wrong today we focus on their history the current circumstances and the future of bad bank be here and here to lend us a hand is the c.e.o. and founder of the sloan financial group angela sloan who joins us angela thank you for being with us i've given speeches over the years about the important role played by banks in actually developing the country in our growth but in all the way back to the railroads and infrastructure canals a telegraphic cetera and one of the key banks in that history of our economic progress expression as it relates to the american west as wells fargo they did a great job back in the day but they've made some major missteps in not just the last recent years but for a lot of years and i'm just curious you know you've spent your career and finance
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a trying to your for do sherri i assume trying to help average investors do what's right what do you think about this seemingly endless scandal at wells fargo. well i think it's disgusting to tell you the truth and the bank you know i think it was been doing bank account back since the one nine hundred ninety s. according to an article that was in bloomberg if you look at just scandal after scandal after scandal after scandal when does it stop when the regulators step in to protect our to protect our citizens where are the regulators in all this. well they've got they've got limited budgets unfortunately i know that but it raises a question about what's going on when they can't get caught and it takes so long. i wonder if you might for our regular boom busters who might not remember can you chronicle some of these past bad bank behaviors that wells. well you had the car insurance scandal where people were being billed for car insurance that they didn't
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need nor were they informed that they were going to be billed for this car insurance then you had a scandal where they were charging black mortgage holders more than they were charging white mortgage holders then you had all the fake accounts scandal and they got people getting credit cards that they didn't apply for it has been one scandal right after the other and you you ask yourself will you know where is management not this is management know because well that's a double edged sword you know if management didn't know it and that tells us that they're not doing their job if they didn't know it then that's just as bad i mean we went to work which was worse they knew it they were turning their head or they didn't know it because they weren't doing their job is why they're holding bad mom mom with you and the fines and even though they might seem like a very large amount to mean to an average person a million dollars might seem like a large fine so certainly you know ten twenty hundreds of millions of dollars may
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seem like well that's that's right they should pay but some of these banks are so large that even ten twenty even hundred million dollars might simply be a cost of doing business right. oh yeah that's a drop in the bucket to them and you take someone like myself i would have a padlock on the door because i can't afford to pay the response you take somebody who can afford to keep paying their sons and somehow i just can't get away with it start reading don't get a pay another fine so you have to ask yourself where are the regulators are they being paid to they like getting paid these big fines are they being paid to turn their hand where are you bringing letters that just doesn't make sense when it's so that on this scale this big where are the regulators why are you not doing your job and what about settlements and you know the settlements are a way to avoid long legal battles but in most instances the defendant doesn't even acknowledge guilt should the instance of the regulators actually insist upon admittance of guilt for these settlements. the guilt if we know they're
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guilty it doesn't matter to me if they admit they're guilty or not we already know that what matters to me is what's happening to consumer and when these big fines are being paid how much of it is being paid out to the consumer to heal the consumer and heal their wounds as to what's happened to them how many of it how much of it is being used to restart or what the consumer has lost and i can tell you there are probably restoring about pennies on the dollar what the consumers actually losing and in there is some situations back in the two thousand and eight where one very very large brokerage firm got hit with some huge huge fines and hardly any of that dribble down to the consumers' hands to restore what they had lost so at meeting yeltsin or here or there in my book as we know they're guilty they know they're guilty the question is how is the consumer being restored for what they lost where the regulators why are they not making them restore every dime
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that was lost to these consumers and in some cases it's hard to come up with a dollar amount you know if you've been given a credit. or credit account and it's messed up your credit score because you've had too many hearty inquiries or because. you shut it down and you know sometimes shutting down an account can lower your credit score i don't know how you would put a dollar value on that but these consumers need to be restored i couldn't agree with you more on that they do need to be restored that there's been some of that but certainly not enough angela sloan the c.e.o. and founder of the sloan financial group thank you so much for your time sure appreciate it thank you for having me it's been a pleasure. and before we go i want to put my former regulatory role hat on here and say that regulators are not on the take people are in public service for just that public service not for money certainly doesn't pay enough that said they are often too lax at being proactive they need to do better plus they're almost always
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very underfunded and therefore understaffed. and in addition they often lack the enforcement tools that is the law they don't have the law with them to punish nefarious actors and without the laws there's only so much regulators can actually do as far as anyone being paid off well it might not be a direct payoff but those members of the house and senate and other politicians around the world which support reduced regulation do often receive campaign contributions from those interested in continued lax regulatory policies i'm not suggesting that there are any payoffs or anything i'm not suggesting that i'm just saying. so you next time you. come. out of it that is our that our lab here. much as if that is all. good enough to tell us a little. fuzzy you've. been
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that doesn't. like on the and. by then got a session on the nod there in. by then is a shift the long. lost on nothing audience that of course is going on want. certainly not so it. can be a most of the wizard be out to get multiple multiple injuries among current and up to so the keeps a few books but the show's real your mars on the phone to the phone the book on the if you can book a complete professional services say you're welcome to it's a book in a moral sense of what my. own admitted nothing of a left off allowed me. something that was. on long enough
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something not set in. the model s. and the titles with my stuff know what up to now maybe i'm moving on moving forward after the. advice of many clubs over the years so i know the guy even so i got. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch with a formal school it's about the passion from the fans it's the. each of the superman each of killian erroneous and spending two hundred twenty million on one player. it's an experience like nothing else i want to because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy a great so one more transfer. and makes this minute.
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with this manufactured sentenced to public will. when the ruling closest to protect themselves. with the final merry go round. with no middle of the room sick. from the real news. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy to confront a shouldn't let it be an arms race often spearing dramatic developments only mostly i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk.
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we are now experiencing the end of a thirty year bull market in bonds which means we're entering a period of rising interest rates and so the urgency to get deals done before that any cost is applied toward financing whatsoever needs to happen quickly so i predict in the next twenty four months you're going to see the biggest wave of mergers and acquisitions ever in history by a factor of ten as just thirty or forty percent of everything that's traded out there gets gobbled up and taken private. but let's be. fair i'm the guy there. but. the.
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the u.s. is top diplomats lays out a twelve point zero ultimatum to iran but the hard line demands of being slammed at home and abroad as a battle ensues against the new nuclear deal. speech has not demonstrated how walking away from the. has made or will make the region safer from the threat of nuclear proliferation. also this hour the u.k. government is blamed for a lack of action almost one year on from the grenfell fire a public inquiry is only now getting underway into why seventy two people lost their lives in the london tower block. i don't think they're doing enough for the
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awful lot of government of a dollar loss not nearly enough no that's not even close i could see. and investigating the investigators the probe into donald trump's alleged collusion with russia goes full circle with the f.b.i. is now under the microscope for its inquiry into the u.s. president. nine am here in moscow and you're watching r.t. international with me becky aaron great to have you with us this hour now our top story opposition is mounting against washington's new proposals for the iran nuclear deal as the u.s. threatens to wrong with what it's called the worst functions ever on monday the u.s. secretary of state mike pompei i've put forward twelve demands promising unprecedented financial pressure if they're not met. iran must declare
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a full account of the prior military dimensions of its nuclear program iran but stop enrichment and support to middle east terrorists to ram us all to end its military support for the people of the throw all under review you have already syria iran must end its threatening behavior against knaves many of whom are us our we will apply pressure to financial pressure on the iranian regime leaders in tehran will have no doubt about our seriousness secretary pumpin speech has not demonstrated how walking away from the g c p has made or will make the region safer from the spread of nuclear proliferation we want the support of our most important allies and partners in the region and around the globe. certainly our european friends young stomach might want to preserve and salvage the iran deal because it provides additional security and transparency for germany and europe since we don't
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see any facts alternative a present we don't want to meet to deal with them they were a name president has given a phone response to the demands saying the u.s. calling state takes two to wrong and that the world will no longer cave into washington's bullying in his speech america's top diplomat also made a statement in which he appeared to encourage iranian people to question the country's leadership at the end of the day the iranian people will decide the time one. at the end of the day the reigning people will get to make a choice about their leadership if they make the decision quickly that would be wonderful if they choose not to do so we will stay hard at this until we achieve the outcomes that i set forward today. americans keep saying they have nothing against ordinary iranians saying they only target the government but in actual fact the sanctions affect the general public just as much. if we have. you know. that's not true that over again. the united states has closed its
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doors. and it seems the demands made by pump aoe on sitting well with the us media either some analysts even described it as fantasy merely the pipe dream of the wrecks but said washington's belligerence could cause chaos across the middle east and leave the us increasingly isolated. this is not the first time actually american administrations in the past have tried to actually destabilize iran from the inside but the problem with that is that the local governments in this part of the world from libya in syria in. various parts of egypt. in tunisia these disruptions for the for the stability of these countries created more damage and more harms for the rule of law for human rights for human dignity all over the region will be seeing that the wrong will not trust the united
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states for years to. the allies of the united states on the other hand even the europeans they cannot count on what the united states say. the stamp administration regardless of what their allies in europe are saying they withdraw from the deal that the europeans were supporting i think it will be very hard for the united states to bring europeans or are the sensors on board in order to support that pressure that they are talking. and i see a year on from the grenfell fire in london which claimed the lives of seventy two people a public inquiry was officially launched on monday and the moment was filled with emotion for those involved one survivor spoke of his still born son born just hours after the tragedy some of the following images you may find upsetting. my son. hoping it will create one. she's made of the hardest to do i
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look into wider issues like government response time and preventative actions that there were to reports from london. it's almost been a year since the devastating blaze and what's left of the grenfell tower can be seen here behind the scaffolding it's a harrowing reminder of a tragedy that has left many questions unanswered. there are over a hundred tower blocks in london alone similar to grand felt and people living here want their government to make sure that it is also like that does not happen again it's like a year now and we're still living in the same situation when we found out altered it was the truth when. it just costs us praise streakiness cheap material was just the lives of so many people and see this film comes on the street. so we know that
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it's obviously not safe before we took off in the garden at the moment for her to come on the program the homes were so what can the residents of tower blocks like these do in an emergency they advised used was to stay put but now according to the london fire brigade is being changed to similar tain is evacuation because of the farmable clopping however the government is yet to ban it to raise them a promise to spend four hundred million pounds to replace unsafe cladding on high rise public housing projects just sixteen other tower blocks have had their having material replaced with non combustible materials so all the authorities doing enough awful lot of government haven't done enough. to the needs of those of us which by going through in terms of the for their experience when family i don't think they're doing enough for them not nearly enough no i think the issue with the clothing they should have resolved upon our. throats i could see i mean we've
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gotten through one keeps it sort of coming over and sleepy nothing. what struck me as i've spoken to a number of residents who live here at the child courts estate in camden is the fear in their eyes at the thought that they too could have lost their lives and now they're after a clarification from the government as to what's going to happen next to resolve those problems and action to be taken the dear tutor r.t. . the u.k.'s housing minister has said that the government is listening to concerns and will discuss a policy review concerning a ban on flammable materials and construction when meanwhile over two thirds of former grenfell residents are yet to be re homed while some eighty two households are still residing in emergency accommodation we've spoken to a campaigner about the tragedy we haven't seen corresponding option on to see
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action it's difficult to believe the government what asked for consultation if would know that there can boss to all my tools still around buildings today we shouldn't discuss it in part of it we should take action today because we need to have a new dog they should be versity they should be presentation if there is no representation in democracy is not democracy is not just issue raj to cause more year to argue that we need a diversity in the team. to see that we view what was obvious how long. just as a group of filmmakers have been looking into the tragedy and its aftermath in the documentary called failed by the state you can watch on the red fish you tube channel and on facebook here's a quick preview. of what our it was my hope for twenty five years. for you. to hold in our world.
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