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tv   News  RT  May 23, 2018 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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board today will be right. with. sentenced to the public will. when the ruling closest protect them so. when the flaming. lips. with no middle of the room sick. the real news is. we are now experiencing the end of a thirty year bull market in bonds which means you are entering a period of rising interest rates and so the urgency to get deals done before that
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any cost is applied toward financing whatsoever needs to happen quickly so i predict in the next twenty four months we're going to see the biggest wave of mergers and acquisitions ever in history by a factor of ten just thirty or forty percent of everything that's traded out there gets gobbled up and taken pride. we've all gotten used to it the media hates trump and the president returns the favor in kind o. his this mutually charged hate fest changed media and journalism just the corporate liberal media report the news anymore and is joining a big profession in the service of partisanship. i am a scientifically modify do business in the system change in the food industry. nine
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hundred ninety s. . i'm talking taking that in the night and what does that have to do with jamming. was just. almost sort of. like it's a chemical widely used kill we. close it was there was like you should be allowed to just read. and. then they decided to take a bunch of. possible temptations that they had occurred to just scientists truth to see in context really full on the human race to science servants to a world free of g.m. and chrysler state which would even be able to actually cost the points of never send.
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the twenty eight team facebook c.e.o. mark zuckerberg public apology tour continues to refer to failing to protect privacy of users they've made a stop in europe now earlier today mr zuckerberg told leaders of the european parliament that facebook hasn't done enough but it's also become clear over the last couple of years that we haven't done enough to prevent these tools from being used for harm as well and that goes for fake news foreign interference in elections and developers misusing people's information we didn't take a broad enough view of our responsibility now is a mistake and i'm sorry for it. mr zuckerberg also said facebook is committed to europe noting their headquarters in ireland other key facilities across europe which dovetailed into a mention of facebook's plans to increase their european workforce up from seven thousand to ten thousand employees. u.s.
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video streaming service netflix has announced the details of a production partnership with none other than the former u.s. president and first lady barack and michelle obama the multi-year deal will reportedly pay the obama's one hundred forty three million dollars to create a wider array of content including scripted unscripted and documentary programs netflix and the obama's seem eager to pivot away from politics with the show's instead promising programming that promotes empathy and understanding between peoples. amazon and apple also are said to have tried to woo the obama's but the former president reportedly has a good relationship with netflix c.e.o. reed things and chief content officer ted serranos mr hastings was three fifty nine on the forbes four hundred list of the wealthiest americans for last year and made forbes twenty eighteen world's most powerful list in march mr obama a former national security advisor and ambassador to the united nations susan rice
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joined the netflix board last month. politico the us based digital media outlet is moving into asia after expanding into europe the company announced today it would be partnering with south china morning post the post is owned by billionaire jack ma who also founded the massive ali baba group as a result of the partnership asian readers will now have greater access to politico's mix of washington's conventional wisdom and insider tips lord help them unlike their expansion into europe political will hire no additional staff for their asian partnership for now political and the south china post will share content political publisher says this is just the first step of a partnership that could yield greater investments. we're talking about the energy used for crypto currency mining before the but new
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research shows that the mining is using up more energy than even some countries while the findings are somewhat debatable there is little doubt that the amount of energy crypto currencies are using is troubling artie's alex heil of its joins us in toronto with more alex thanks as always what is this news on the latest research telling us. well this is around one condom use prognosis what's going on his name is alex de vries he says that every six months that the use or the energy use a big coin is going up in that currently it's about consuming globally the amount of energy that ireland does as a country so that's a lot of energy here's a bit of a graph to give you an idea of which direction we're headed with this is a two thousand eight hundred bitcoin energy consumption for crack house and by degrees math computers that mine for bitcoin we have a good idea what that is is basically going in labor intensive. code and doing all
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kinds of equations to get these bitcoins out of there is very very labor intensive but the same currently is using that two point five gigawatts of power and on track to triple by the end of the year so this is like a lot of energy to be used every single second of every day and deprives also says that this is gone up in the past six months by doubling just as we're talking about doubling within in future months and this is due to the fact that where we saw bitcoin gold late last year it almost reached twenty thousand dollars u.s. at the value of one bitcoin and of course a lot of people became interested in getting into the market then and getting into the game of actually developing bitcoin now here's another reason but consumption has gone up because big coin as time progresses is harder to mine there's more equations it's more labor intensive and therefore it takes a lot more energy and time to get these bitcoins so energy consumption is up for sure the question is how long will this last and this question is how long will
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bitcoin last a lot of people don't have too much faith that the crypto currency will last at all well there are some crypto currency alex will exist that made it that it may be a bit klein i think that going to be around for a long time but certainly some crypto currency i think is here to stay so what can be done about this energy usage problem in the future. well you know there's a lot of specs to this energy usage and the fact of the matter is like you said i mean it's here to stay in one way or another the question is will it be less labor intensive will it be less energy consuming in the long run or is there a different way of doing it right now really it's not that big of an issue before you know a lot of this was being done in mongolia there's a massive chinese company out there so cool was being able to use to feel the electric grid for that now we're looking a big firms moving to places like canada and iceland where we have cleaner energy and also the way that it's done i mean we have to think about let's go back a couple of decades and people are talking about the internet saying the internet
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is going to be so energy consuming and there's not going to be a you know enough room or stivers space out there for all of us well there is and this might be the same story with bitcoin and other crypto currencies that we might be you know as saying the sky is falling when really it's not that this energy is actually there that it's available and that this part of the sector these crypto currencies actually you know really won't take up about much in the long run as we put more energy out there first of all and second of all as this whole industry progresses as you mentioned there's not only one cryptocurrency out there there's a whole bunch of them they're all fighting to get their place in the market and who knows who is going to be the winner in the end and how that's actually going to look it's all about blog change technology we know that's labor intensive but blotching technology is goes far beyond crypto currencies and it's something that might be used in industries all the way from health care to the food industry just to when we communicate just because this is curtis technology itself it labels
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movements of coins right now let's say through cyberspace and will do the same thing for your health records or for tracking if for example just basically you know something from far all the way to the table it's really interesting the way that this technology is moving and any way you look at it this will be or. around for a while so crypto currencies are not we're going to be looking at launching technology and that is labor intensive in itself and that's something that is can be very very helpful to us in the future so i'm pretty sure we're going to figure out how to put a little bit of space in our energy grids to keep it going you're probably right alex and you know it seems to me they could take all this heat that's generated from all these servers and maybe make that into something useful r.t. correspondent alex mann hyla bitch thank you as always thank you. after nearly sixty years of cuban leadership by either fidel aroud castro miguel
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diaz can now is elected as president by the cuban national assembly last month he has canalis served as first vice president and has been seen for years as the anointed successor to raul castro and other news last friday cuba suffered their worst airline disaster in thirty years when a airplane with nearly forty years old crashed killing one hundred eleven passengers hear dive deeper under these stories and catch us up on all things cuban is john president of the u.s. cuba trade and economic council john thank you for joining us we always appreciate it first the cuban leadership transition what should we know about the new leader miguel diaz canal and what's his agenda and role as cuba moves forward. right now president cannot deal as canal is trying to get through the last thirty days and what he's seen it's been rather challenging agricultural and industrial production continued to decrease oil prices continue to increase venezuela's
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ability to support cuba continues to decrease u.s. visitor arrivals to continue to decrease last week the tragedy of the airline crash and then the continuing negative political rhetoric from the trumpet ministration so he's trying to deal with all of that and the main question he has to answer is will cuba's traditional friends such as russia china countries on the african continent countries in the middle east will they be able to make up for the role the venezuelan no longer has and the answer is probably no which means that president kanada is going to have a trajectory of that's not going to be pleasant he may be a one term transitional leader to the next generation but he's going to have to make some tough choices they have a dual currency they have to solidify it's going to be very very rocky for him during the next twelve months you know i mean i think it's clear john that present
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majority venezuela can't help at all i mean they're struggling just to keep their country alive so i understand that part of it so who will fill the vacuum is i guess the the big question let's turn a little bit to that tragic plane crash the plane was reportedly operated by a mexican company under license by the cuban national airline and and mexican authorities have said that they will participate in the investigation what's the latest on that crash and is this going to be any sort of impact from this on tourism. it will impact visitor arrivals basically because of the the atmospherics and the optics even though it wasn't a coup by an aircraft and it wasn't flown by cuban pilots the fact is that cuba chartered it and it crashed now there there may be an opportunity here for u.s. air carriers american delta united jet blue southwest to come in and
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perhaps operate intro cuba flights on behalf of qubani and i know that there's been some discussions about possibly doing that which would enable you know greater safety greater consistency of interest. airline traffic well we know that american you know they've got a hub down in miami of course and they are sort of seen as the primary caribbean carrier down there but anything to ensure that things are safe would be a positive so this down tore down turn into or ism is it also due in part to you know the u.s. policy changes and and how much how much of that is is from the u.s. and how much is other market factors. u.s. visitor arrivals during the first months of two thousand and eighteen are down dramatically compared to the same period and seventeen and that is almost entirely
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because of the change in regulations by the trumpet. and when they made those changes they made them in a way that most of ministrations do which is to create a lot of uncertainty and generally when a traveler looks at a potential destination and sees a lot of questions and not a lot of answers they'll go somewhere else so the trump administration's regulatory changes have impacted in additionally there have been some issues with operations at resorts in cuba where tourists go because u.s. visitors aren't tourists but where visitors from other countries from canada from europe and into cuba struggling to maintain consistency if its products so they have they've got a lot of issues primarily it all comes back to a lack of foreign exchange and that's because of the commercial neck anomic
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policies pursued by the cuban government don't give off as much foreign exchange as they could and therefore they're suffering because of it john i know that you know we always go to it's always about tourism but there's also a problem with agriculture etc and we hope you'll come back some time to talk a little bit more take a deeper dive into the cuban economy john cab which thank you for your time. thank you bart. the u.s. postal service has had a tough time with the meet with meeting revenues for many years that even drew the attention of president donald trump several months ago around at the end a year where he tweeted that why is the united states post office which is losing many billions of dollars a year while charging amazon and others so little to deliver their packages making amazon richer and the post office dumber and poorer should be charging much more
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the president certainly has reason to be concerned about the post offices spill situation the post office has been in the red and losing billions of dollars each year for the past decade the president's concern is noteworthy however if you read the annual report to congress the post office mail delivery actually is one of the few money makers that's not the problem that said now the post office trying to hand over another moneymaker that get this a scratch and sniff stamp or stamps many of us recall the scratch and sniff stickers that kids love back in the one nine hundred eighty s. and ninety's the stamps are called frozen treat to the post office and are images are works of ten different pairs of popsicles by california artist margaret berg the smell range from watermelon orange to chocolate in root beer well the colorful scratch and sniff stamps get the postal service out of the red not likely but they will be fun. that's it for this time thanks for watching even catch boom bust on directv channel three twenty one dish network channel two eighty or streaming
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twenty four seven on pluto t.v. the free t.v. channel one thirty two or as always get us up at youtube dot com slash boom bust party we'll catch you next time. we've all gotten used to it the media hates trump and the president returns the favor in kind how is this mutually charged hate fest changed media and journalism does the corporate liberal media report the news anymore and is journalists make a big profession in the service of partisanship. that is that. much as you've done in all. the muscles. as you look. at it being that does not allow them to get outside of the knock on the. by then
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got the session on done on their own. by that is assessed that on. a study that's not a ten percent going on want. for someone but not so with. them you know support was if you have to go the whole multiple injuries among companies to soak them to yourself you hope the book but it shows you know what you're most on the phone to the phone number one if you would be a complete professional so this is a yes but you know there's a book in a moral sense. in my. own i'm a bit of nothing but i came upon a laugh aloud live on a bus is not something that was left up. and that's just my. own economic.
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data on next month's planned meeting with north korea's kim jong il. may be delayed or may not take place. we are working on something and you know this is a chance that it will work out there's a chance it's a very substantial chance it won't work at. least. i. protesters against a government reform or turn to violence demonstrators clashing with police and there are a number of injuries. and the british government is sharply criticized for its response to the ground felt fire almost a year on from the tragedy a public inquiry is. getting underway and looking into why seventy two people lost
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their lives in the london our. haven't done enough not nearly enough no that's not even close i can see. our thomas certainly glad to have you with us. now donald trump says his much anticipated summit with north korea on the twelfth of june might be delayed he made the comment during a meeting with the south korean president. in washington both sides had also previously floated the possibility of walking away from the talks. reports. well according to trump the summit could take place or it might not even take place but the president has never really been one hundred percent sure we are working on
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something and you know there's a chance that it'll work out there's a chance it's a very substantial chance that it won't work out that doesn't mean it won't work out over a period of time but it may not work out for june twelfth i think it will be very successful but as i always say who knows what's going to happen you know i often say who knows who knows but you know it all works maybe if you want everything to be scuttled everything can be settled but speaking of mixed messages on one hand a special coin is being produced just ahead of the summit of depicting the two leaders meeting and all smiles then there's trouble guaranteeing kim safety and promising that north korea will be a rich country he will be safe he will be happy his country will be rich but then on the other hand tribes threatening the libya scenario the model if you look at that model with gadhafi that was a total decimation we went in there to beat him now that model would place if we don't make a deal most likely but let's quickly remind ourselves what happened in libya in two
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thousand and three gadhafi renounced his nuclear program but despite that he was overthrown in a meta led campaign years later so not a fairy tale ending for gadhafi but it's not just rhetoric that could be jeopardizing diplomacy there's also joint military drills being held between the u.s. and south korea on north korea's doorstep but thankfully some are questioning the need to provoke young yang especially considering the historic meeting that took place last month between the north and south and this also comes at a very special time just as the u.s. is going back on its word to adhere to the iran deal pulling out of it entirely so i'm sure that north korea is taking all of these factors into consideration before agreeing to deal with the u.s. . we heard from analysts daniel mcadams and kevin martin about how the development will affect the recent detoxed well it is interesting to see how trump and this is top advisor seem to be at all odds with each other i don't know if his management
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style is to create chaos and see if some order comes from it or what in fact may be his style problem is that washington confuses the idea of negotiation with the idea of surrender the meeting for trump and him in singapore should have been the beginning of a dialogue of a process instead john bolton others have laid down the law here's what you've got to do i think bolton said tell us where we should send our planes to pick up your stuff and take it away i mean if i would north korea particularly watching it how the u.s. tore up the iran agreement if you had any mind at all you would be very very skeptical it's very important that people understand that president moon of south korea is really the most important president here not trump i know trump thinks it's always all about him but president moon of south korea i believe is the one who's really in the driver's seat here and they are playing a very important role both in terms of south north korea relations but also bringing the united states along it is possible that north and south korea could continue to build their relations there are
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a lot of economic issues that they could work on diplomatic issues rediff occasion of families that have been separated. meanwhile north korea is gearing up to dismantle a nuclear test site located in the remote north east it is the country's only no nuclear site there have been six tests there since two thousand and six party is one of the few news channels that has been invited to witness the destruction of the site and his ego stuff is in route. now it took us about two hours to get here from beijing that's where we got our visas that's where we got our plane tickets as we took a regular charter flights into north korea not many people on board only twenty journalists or so were invited many more wanted to come but well couldn't right now we're in the city over once and it's a south eastern city in north korea and it is a resort site the test site that is set to be dismantled it is lays some six hundred kilometers away from here and we will be taking an eleven hour train to get
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there and then we will be writing for four more hours by car and hiking for another hour but we're being told that the spectacle is well worth it the whole site will be razed to the ground technical buildings reduced to rubble tunnels in the mountains also blown up right now we don't know when this stripper when this is going to happen exactly but definitely in the upcoming days. it's turning into a spring of discontent in france with fresh protests in paris against president micron's social and economic reforms turning violent and he showed different ski earlier witness to how a peaceful rally descended in just a matter of minutes. the crowd is swelling here in paris this is just one of the around a hundred and thirty demonstrations taking place at cross fronts. gold gold gold rings. they've been joined by one of the main aligning unions to france
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which represents a life point seven million people across the country as you can see at the police here they're forming a line some barriers trying to stop some people from moving forward towards those crowds but really in the last ten or fifteen minutes or so this protest which was entirely peaceful has a chime for the worst. it. was just cool to see in the middle of clashes between the police and the protesters the police have come and pushed the protesters back you might be able to see the crowds about one hundred fifty meters away from. the scene to massive confrontations between the police and protesters could start to go with the protests this smashing up shops as you might have seen that smashing up bus stops the police responding to gas a week of kuta in that c.v.s.
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. car we've also seen some demonstrators who appeared to have been injured there was one man just sitting down a few moments ago with a blood a poor ring down he's had the police are in the middle of this action now where they're all skinniest to move away was. that. the. you know i knew he was getting involved to represent about five point seven million workers here in front but again that idea of voicing their concerns on the streets has been hijacked once more by the violence that we've seen. the small number of protests is. almost a year on from the ground fell fire in london in which seventy two people died a public inquiry has officially been launched it opened with emotional testimony from victims' families and survivors one spoke of how his son was stillborn just
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hours after the tragedy and please be aware that you might find some of the following video upsetting to watch. so i held my son. is what i treat my wife. she's made of the hardest that you don't know. it was a strength coach. more
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survivors will give their accounts over the next week or so the probe will then look into wider issues like the government's response time and preventive actions to your tutor has been to meet locals who say that they are frustrated at how little has changed it's almost been a year since the devastating blaze and what's left of the grenfell tower can be seen here behind the scaffolding it's a harrowing reminder of a tragedy that has left many questions unanswered. there are over one hundred towers lost in london alone similar to gun fell on.


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