tv Going Underground RT May 23, 2018 4:30am-5:00am EDT
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with other with other types of outlets that was it was not in accurate association at all but they did that it's an intentional thing when you do that it's a certain type of grouping and of course it's a wide wide net so is there some are there some diamonds in the rough shore you know you got to look for it it's not on page one quote unquote you got to dig for it but it is there but as a whole they're not talking about the things that reflect with the average americans at all i mean there's harvard studies dedicated to that stuff where they spend about seventy five percent of the time talking about russia or something like that that's an important issue to about six percent of the population say percent yeah so they're not it's kind of they're all done to the point and they're on the east coast ok that's it and that's in washington d.c. here you know let me go let me go to rob here i mean i think all of you are familiar with i certainly know my audience is jordan peterson i think is
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a very interesting case where i've seen cable news it was n.b.c. and then the new york times i mean what how much it jobs they do again you can disagree with his approach and in some of the things he has to say i very much appreciate what he's doing and but the again we're going to have to employ the lionel terminology here the old mainstream move put it that way legacy media they really just go after that guy and n.b.c. and the new york times i have i have this strong feeling they never watched one of his videos ok. seriously but i mean that i'm getting into this ideological bend here i mean because someone like jordan peterson is really going against the current that's in the new or the old mainstream media and they really go after him i don't know if you know what i'm talking about go ahead rob. well one of the things that that i find really questionable with even a big paper like the new york times is and i look at this is probably budgetary
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a budgetary problem is do they have the money to do fact checking anymore are they not care i've written to the times about some iranians stories that they've had where it just seems to me nobody does do diligence anymore when i wrote from time incorporated for the various books if i were when i wrote something i had an editor researcher calling me asking me ok tell me what you have in your notes and if it wasn't sufficient it wasn't going in the story and now we seem to write more about our feelings than we do about our facts ok i mean and certainly on telling them a good one i think who did an issue let me go to line allow last forty seconds a lot of journalists so-called journalists write about their mistakes later ok go ahead lionel forty seconds before we go to the break perfect example of this recently there was a study about the president allegedly calling allegedly calling immigrants or dreamers animals when in fact he referred to m s thirteen now because the media the media today this is archaic ossified media is
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a runaway train that you have to feed constantly by virtue of the fact that you can correct yourself that breaking news can be correct they jumped with this idea that he referred to immigrants as being animals now before anybody knew it it was immediately repeated replicated and then later on with the idea that we can correct it later on when you had a deadline when somebody had to yell stop the presses it meant something in this rob says there is no fact testing. ok if it was a p.d. a.p. was the first to admit that they had been a mistake gentlemen i'm going to go to a break here after that short break we'll continue our discussion on media we're staying with our team.
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kind of financial survival job today with the money laundering first you to visit this cash in the three different. oh good that's a good start well we have our three banks all set up here maybe something in your something in america something overseas in the cayman islands it will pull these banks are complicit in the congress to decide to give much gold and say hey i'm ready to do some serious money laundering ok let's see how we did while we've got home got a nice luxury watch for max and for stacy oh beautiful jewelry how about. luxury automobile again for max you know what money laundering is highly illegal. much kaiser of course. welcome back to cross talk were all things considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing media wars.
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ok let's go back to ron in los angeles. i'm like many other people could be very critical on how president. handles himself or the rhetorical e how we deal with the press i think all that's fair game most importantly it should be about policy but it seems to me that the the the legacy media the cable stations again with the exception of fox to some extent they're actually imitating him if he can break all the rules then why can't we but at the end of the day the media loses because you know trump isn't held he doesn't say i'm a man of virtue that he's not a man of great values ok the american people that voted for him didn't vote for a choir boy but it seems to me that the the the legacy media they feel that they
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have the right to imitate donald trump and i think that is a huge disservice to the public go ahead ron it is a huge disservice to the public yes however i would offer the alternative i don't think the media is losing i think the american people are losing. i think that i think that the media at the end of the day really likes trump they appreciate the fact that he gives them click bait that he gives them the soundbites you know because he doesn't talk very diplomatically and they kind of help him get elected in the first place so they run with these little tidbits and you know it's not just the media working alone i would argue that the politicians really help out especially because the democratic party they have really no platform and they have no ideas so all they can really do is say hey we're not try. really bad and here's another sound bite and it's very very frustrating especially as somebody on the left so what i like to do is when people were complaining about the latest for
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instance with the the animal statement i read we read tweet them all and i'd be like you know what if you were tired you wouldn't have to listen to him anymore just a suggestion. a good point oh robbie it seems like it's his virtues signaling that's what i get what i get from the the old mainstream media the legacy media it's really does he know who's virtuous and of course the president united states has no virtue so the rest of us have that i can think that to a journalism was supposed to be about ok and i think that's one of the things that is really pulling everything down i mean there's so many important issues here you know the economy is booming i don't really think it's booming it's booming for the for the wealthy and for the finance financially well to do and when there's a need to be much more a microscope on that and also the the animals issue of immigration has to be talked about in a civil way it's something that everyone wants but no it's virtuous signaling you
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know let's look after the caravan in mexico ok for me this is this is a dead end that they're playing they're doing a complete disservice to the public go ahead bob. well it's incumbent upon the president and his white house to function the way it's supposed to i don't believe we even have a new communications director i understand how the white house works and a communications director is supposed to liaise with the other people on the columns team at the white house who then in turn work with their press cower parts in the press pool i don't think anything goes on there in terms of the white house conveying the white house and the president's policies and so there and you have something there is just a stagnation and an inertia so the press pool sits around twiddling their thumbs going what are we going to do today and there's got to be a dynamic there really don't you think on the white house but don't you think rob that a lot of people who are in the press pool there they don't really want they don't
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see this white house as being legitimate i mean they don't they don't talk to their their counterparts in the white house as equals because they look down upon them ok i mean you exceed in their faces a at the white house press gatherings you can see the contempt they have ok and i know you're laughing but i think it's really true i mean they are birch us ok that's but that's not what politics is really all about and that's what and that's not what people voted for go ahead like if you know if i could did this maybe rather self aggrandizing in a weird way but let me just say what we're doing right now first of all the amount of time than any of us have had to discuss an idea could not exist in the old mainstream media could not by virtue of time number two there are no advertisers here so there's nobody limiting what we say number three none of us gets any kind of a list from the producer ahead of time to try to ferret out ferret exactly what we're going to say to limit what we're going to say to contain domestic this is with all
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that's going on with russian media and foreign agents the most free form and i know . well that being gratuitous but if the old mainstream media tried that if somebody if any of the particular hacks you want to mention said you know what today we're going to try is it me i'm going to have somebody who is really good perhaps combative and i'm not going to tell the party line but i'm going to really provide a chance for people to come forward and not exclude them through filtration it might help but they can't because they are hollywood and entertainment is become almost the entertainment section of the military industrial complex a deep state depending on whatever you want to call it this is an agenda and now with obama going to netflix signing a development deal do you have any idea what that means this is apparatchik agit prop nonsense and people see through it and they're going to rebalance they don't understand the they've lost the war and the older times are done with it and people
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are going to rebound ok but you know let's be fair here i mean on a program no no no no no i will be i mean in time out i'm very critical of like c.n.n. and miss n.b.c. but. you know you're a progressive let's talk about fox here i mean i like i like tucker carlson very much i'm very open about that but then i watch hannity and i just think that's just you know the white house that's a white house press operation i mean and it's transparently an extension of the white house and i think that that is not journalism i know sean hannity is a partisan person he wears his stripes on his on his sleeves there but at the same time you get that you get to have really there's real collusion there what do you think ron well i think hyper partisanship and kind of like that type of punditry is just a quick paycheck and it's always kind of been in style who's the number one host right now rachel maddow rachel maddow is just the corporates left i mean because
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she's she's not left at all but she's kind of the corporate media version of the left response to a xan hannity shanahan and he was number one when obama was in office. she's number one now because trumps in office and it's giving people the these tribal little groups to get into and that's how we go about our business and i would also say you know the white house is in total disarray yes that's true there's more turnover than a third party pyramid scheme yes that's true however the media is no better at all i mean when the media was told to turn off their cameras there was not one person in that room in that press briefing room that had the courage to say no i'm not turning off my camera because this is my job my employer is very powerful and i'm not turning my camera off what are you going to do arrest me that story all go viral go ahead they all said yes sir or madam i'll turn my camera off that's not
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journalism that's access journalism that cinco fance it's nonsense and it's garbage and it's got to stop a full disclaimer here i am going to be submitting a pilot to barack obama's netflix company because i am in show business and with them i don't have to worry about them changing anything ok will you sign me up if you get the gig ok i'll certainly watch it there you know rob you know i've often thought of looking at the the white house briefings is that these people have already written their article and they're just looking for a soundbite to throw in the they really stood there soon i'll go first for the powers that be and again you know when i look at the quality in the aptitude of the questions that are being asked i just wonder. is this to see you know is this for what it was that two we had the classes for people that there was advanced placement for smart people and then what was the other classes for the slow people don't remember the term right now but i mean it's people are challenge did to
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lecture early they mean they really are challenge intellectually and if you ask a bad question you're going to get a bad answer hasn't anyone figured that out yet go ahead rub. one of the things that i find really idiotic that nobody is consistently calling out is watch a press conference with sarah huckabee sanders i'm not a fan of hers but a reporter will raise their hand and say so isn't it true the president a lot trump is lying about blah blah blah he's going to say no and then they go oh my god she's alarmed through what i what are they expect her to say somehow you've compelled me to admit. something that you haven't the american people the whole world god and everybody else is in every universe it's just it's like it's like the idiotic sportscaster that's like did you feel bad when you struck out and lost the world series what do you think and i was happy because i had money bet on the
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game i'm going to disney world if i call it out and i'm doing it right now ok lionel one of the things that we're up to the running out of time and i want to take sure you have plenty of time to finish up but one of the things that trump lives you know you know well first of all politicians lie all the time and my senses and it's not to defend the president because he said things that i'm very strongly disagree with but you know he's saying something he's saying something that somebody disagrees with this would mean it's a lie and i don't understand this troop that people are constantly going after that because if you use that level of analysis then i'm right then the maids in the mainstream media all the networks that they're lying all the time as well so if it's the same standard go ahead aisle with i going to a spelling bee and somebody gets it wrong and you say you're lying and saying not you shouted. but here's the thing is happening right now this is the marker right now it's clear what you're doing is when somebody goes back what it is a chapter comes back and asks as ron says perhaps the most stupid question in the history of mankind they don't say hey jake that was the most stupid question in the
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history of mankind he said you see how many lights you got this is reaching this is gone viral but it's stupid no said. thing is stupid our numbers are up because that's what it is this is a front what they do is what something that they can refer to later because what's happened is they don't realize it they are a truck this is beyond cd this is like to let go of the they're living in the past and they don't know what the star has burned out millions of years ago they're the last ones to be told ok line i'm going to give you the last ten seconds because you're so eloquent give us a word we need to look up in the bizarre us go ahead. the best one is mockingbird media and mockingbird when he referred to operation mockingbird and it refers to what is still in effect in effect an attempt by the cia to basically to have repeated as you alluded to and not reporters that simple rip and that's hash tag rocky heaters we're going to end on that note repeaters here were not repeaters on cross not many thanks and i guess the new york and in los angeles and thanks to our
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yet to stamp out to stay. active. and in game trade equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. in some american cities the police have built themselves cling to refutation of people who walk on the streets of the united states who are at risk from the very people who are supposed to protect. people and are afraid of. them and those. who can see something happening and this is like i don't want to. be a resident call the cops in those young men lose their lives chasing the same goods on the trigger you never know better safe than sorry i don't know that someone else
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is going to pull a gun so. unfortunately around around here we end up killing our guns on the dentist told from such preclusion this place to. sleep. this is boom bust broadcasting around the world from washington d.c. i'm part thank you for joining us coming up today on the program we talk about the china and u.s. trade war with author and international investors jim rogers and alex mohai live it looks at the enormous amounts of energy use for mining crypto currencies plus the president of the us cuba trade and economic council john cavil helps us take a look at the new leadership in cuba and how the cuban economy is doing all that
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debt ahead but first let's get if you had. to supreme supreme court of the united states has ruled that arbitration clauses can be used to prevent workers from taking collective legal action against their employers the five to four ruling written by chief judge by justice neil gorsuch president trump's nominee to the high court effectively overhauls the terms of employment. roughly twenty five million workers in the us preventing them from bringing class action suits a critical tool for individuals harmed by general patterns of employer abuse and the absence of class action as a remedy any of those twenty five million workers seeking to sue their employers would now have to file a separate legal case on their own and assume the cost and risk as individuals justice ginsburg read her dissent from the bench on a rare in a rare strong disagreement the result of the new precedent she wrote will be a huge under enforcement of federal state statutes designed to advance the being of
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wellbeing of vulnerable workers in other business related arbitration news over is facing their first sexual harassment discrimination lawsuit after rescinding their policy requiring binding arbitration for individual cases which they announced and we reported here last week to be clear still requires that all class action suits peers all through arbitration the former uber software engineer has claimed that she was sexually harassed paid less and suffered retaliation when she expressed her concerns about corporate culture. and in related news nine members of congress wrote to oberon monday demanding more information on how hoover handle sexual assaults that occur in their employees vehicles. and more positive gender and business news the new york stock exchange is welcoming their first woman president stacy cunningham the appointment was a promotion for ms cunningham from her previous role as and why he sees chief operating officer as coming hands assumption of the n.y.s.e.
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presidency also makes it the second major exchange with a woman as president after nasdaq where friedman took over in january of last year ms cunningham is credited with merging n.y.s.e. s former five trading platforms into one universal system outgoing president tom farley who i know i've respected for years took the reins of n.y.s.e. after the intercontinental exchange purchased the trading platform in twenty twelve mr farley will be moving on to become head of far point a private investment firm and we wish him well. hear discussed u.s. china relations and a foreign trade war could it be avoided is the author an international investor jim rogers jim welcome and thank you let's cut to the chase here president trump has been shouting about major tariffs on china and china says they're going to
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institute their own tariffs in response but is that a real possibility or are we just seeing major trading powers blowing a lot of hair hot air what you're to what your take at the moment it's there but and they say they're going to avoid it but bart what's going to happen is later this year or next year when things start getting bad in the world economy and the u.s. economy mr trump is going to have a start a trade war he's got trade war in his blood he's been talking about it for years and the people around him think trade war is good but it will come later one of the major turning points in this whole story occurred yesterday after secretary stephen the new chin announced that the u.s. was going to suspend china terrace pending the negotiations with china is this good or bad thing at this point given the trump administration's abit of saying one thing and doing the other for example the president was pretty harsh with regard to eat follow his announcement last week that they were going to work on actually
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lifting. sanctions and as opposed to what the commerce department wanted to do what do you think. well it's always good when you don't have a trade or even if it's just delayed yes this is better than what was going on before but also what has happened bart is this to try to suddenly realize oh my gosh the chinese buy a lot of our agricultural products he won the election because of agricultural states and if he makes the agricultural voters unhappy he's not going to win anything and that chinese have an ace that they buy a lot of american agricultural products that's particularly true with with soybeans that's our largest export and china is our our major a customer there you're we're absolutely right jim the financial times reported that chinese had cultivated mr minutiae as sort of their go to person and the meetings that they had yesterday they asked him to stay back secretary minu shit
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and then ask robert light hisor the. sidelining him the trade negotiator and actually it led to what's reported to we don't know this but reported to be an argument after the meeting between light hisor and mr minutiae with some profanities and a lot of this may just be inside baseball and much ado about nothing but some are asking whether or not this was potentially even bought out by the chinese jim you know let's get in with this guy and then maybe they'll be a conflict or are people just thinking on it too much i hope i mean maybe the chinese is that smart i certainly don't know but we do know that live houser lad has a very very strong on trade wars he thinks they're good he thinks he can win he doesn't know history and even if he knows that no trade war has ever been good he thinks he's smarter than history. he'll find out yeah history is an important thing you what you want you don't want to only use your rearview mirror as marshall mcluhan
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said but you you need to look at it for sure last week jim there was a star story we covered it but only peripherally and it was about a chinese state owned construction firm play. five hundred million dollars into trump hotel and golf course and indonesia and when we covered that we just sort of gave the facts just like the old dragnet series right just the facts ma'am but i'm wondering if you think there's any more to it than just that is that the chinese potentially trying to create some favor with the president. i have no idea if that happened you should watch artsy t.v. to find out what's going on but if they put five hundred million dollars into a truck project obviously they're trying to trying to make friends somewhere yeah they said it was part of this you know belton road initiative jim and let's move to that a little bit do you think the chinese might be worried about these tariffs cutting into their long term plans for the belton road initiative you know they are making
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all these great moves with with sort of in a vacuum of the u.s. right with south america with europe trying to to some extent i guess you could say co-opt them a cynic would say co-opt them into being part of this one belt road initiative but do you think they have that in their mind in dealing with the trade war. well we should all be worried about trade wars trade was have never ever been good for anybody even the people who are not in the trade or have suffered because trade wars have negative ramifications all over the world we should all not just the chinese not just we should all be worried about trade war all of us except mr trump and a satellite houser and a few other people but trade wars are not good for anybody and they never have that jim. market afficionado watch this all the time international investor in and we do see the markets moving mightily based upon you know every day until with regard to
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trade wars and positive signs coming in the last twenty four hours markets went up but additionally whatever month that have two months ago when president trump announced this markets took a tumble our global markets not just u.s. markets jim but our global markets strong enough to withstand a frontal trade war if it ends up turning to that. no hope i would pete no one has ever won a trade war trade wars have never been good for anybody never ever in the history of the world so no it markets many markets barter near all time highs america europe many markets are near all time highs and so they're vulnerable if we have a trade war and the other kind of problem so of course if we have a trade war you should be worried you should be very or you should learn to protect yourself well that's exactly why we had you on to to give that warning it to enlighten our busting viewers we thank you so much jim rogers the author and
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international financial investor thank you so much for your time jim sure bart anytime. and time now for a quick break but hang here because when we return there is an enormous amount of energy being used for crypto currency mining and alex hyla but you take a look with us plus there is new leadership in cuba how's that working out and how is the economy doing john cavil it's the president of the us cuba trade and economic council joins us with the latest as we go to break here the numbers the closing bell bitcoin is down and soar stocks oil is the only green arrow on the board today will be right. for a world cup twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goalkeepers available to us but there was one little question and by the way it's going to be our coach. guys i know you are nervous he's
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a huge star among us and the huge amount of pressure you have to go meet the center of the problem here with you and do a great game the greatest good you are the rock at the back nobody gets us to you we need you to get the ball going let's go. a low and yes i want to know and i'm really happy to join the team for the two thousand and three and world cup in russia meet the special one i was also. needs to just say the reno theology team's latest edition to make up a bigger. book.
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