tv News RT May 23, 2018 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT
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creasing autism cases the world health organization has also recognized life estate as a possible carcinogen but. we've all gotten used to it the media hate trump and the president returns the favor in kind how is this mutually charged hate fest changed media and journals or just some corporate liberal media report the news anymore and his journals make a big profession in the service of partisanship. in some american cities the police . point to reputation people who walk on the streets of the united states who are at risk from the very people who are supposed to protect that people are no more afraid of police that. you can see something happening and this is like i don't want to. call the cops in.
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their lives chasing the same goods on the trigger you never know better safe than sorry i don't know that someone else is going to gun so. unfortunately around around here we end up killing our guns a lot told from such precautions place to. be . more than ninety g.m. crops a cultivated in the usa including corn soy potatoes rake seeds and alfalfa. together they form the majority of american agricultural exports improvise huff the world's council for. ninety full percent of rape seeds and ninety five. scent of sugar beet cultivated in the usa is genetically modified
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along with ninety three three cents of soybeans and ninety percent of course in corn. plus the usa is also a country in which the most powerful movement against g.m.a. and life to sate is growing. another rally is being held outside the doors of the environmental protection agency. or the road no place to see the most widely used to reside in the world they are where we please reader is being found in the water our air raid our street. bread. breakfast cereal breast milk and he assures one of two man and one of the three women are expected to get cancer reach your hand if
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you will more than one in your family with cancer. are you so sorry this is the state where i say this is a very high percentage this is a health crisis in america we have the highest rate of infertility and sterility and miscarriages is an important history thirty percent the fact is if we do not have the welfare of our children first before profit we destroying our future. then honey cuts is the leader of an organization called moms across america i had about her from henry who's worked with me in england another reason i really wanted to meet this woman was that she has managed to kill her own son psychologies. i have the same problem i have a son and she doesn't know which are recent connected with milk. and we've been drinking milk for what tens if not hundreds. dozens of years right as
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a human race you know why all the sudden measures i'm allergic to milk right and my sons two of my sons do. is it's not our kids. it's the food. from. new. jersey in twenty sixteen there was no requirements in the us to label the products packaging to show whether or not it contains trams shams finding a product with no jammers is a real challenge. even if you do succes does still doesn't mean there's no gleiser say so you'll see even in organic food markets. meat in america and especially canada where the america is free like so many now to more americans maybe even higher for certain want to the females over the age of thirty having insurance so by my belief it's not illegal to use the ground up and i say this being straight is trying to change because the story they're about minus the prostate and the body
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don't listen to that as the intolerance. in fact that there's been studies to show that one bowl of spinach back in the fifty's is equal now to several dozen bowls of spanish now there is actually less nutrition in our food and i attribute that to the pesticides which drop to deplete the soil and actually draw out the vitamins and minerals in the plants and in the soil if you don't have healthy nutritious oil you're not going to be able to grow healthy nutritious plants and you're not going to be able to feed animals healthy interest food which will then have less nutrition right so it's an entire cycle. now many americans eat a pound a day and that is just so much meat and you must consider not only the fats and i wasn't that good but that they're being fed g.m.o. feet and g.m.o. feed can have up to four hundred parts per million of life receive and if they had . suborning parts per million of life say to has even much higher levels of the
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other chemicals that are in ground up that are completely untested i don't know many people know this but the end product roundup has never been safety tested only though they call it the one active chemical ingredient. could supply sates homme people we write to monsanto to ask the reply simply informed us that all information can be found on the company's website which of course states that all products are safe and environmentally friendly we roast again hoping to make an appointment to meet a representative this time we were said to another website the longing to a company that promotes innovations in biotechnology we never have the opportunity to talk directly to anyone from on sunday.
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to not putting some the most of why small i mean a country moment. which one you're committed to more the next saturday how many revered if you divorce because. really it's. ok. my situation is also many many people in life and i got her generation started myself are sick for myself another condition to my cousins with cancer to my children with allergies and side orders and i've done of off work i've started school our grades in three different states. so i've heard apathy i her frustration anger mum's across america believes that the g.m.o. inclined to say situation could be changed if everyone paid attention to what's printed on packaging and only bought safe products demands full healthy food will generate the supply all the. healthy fish but if the consumer is to be able to
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choose what's he will she buys all products have to be labels properly that's what these women are fighting for their weapons of rallies petitions the election is. off to the workshop to send heavy cuts invited me and told me about how she cured one of her children's allergies and enough this autism took my resume. oh and then i. think so in the fall of two thousand and thirteen we noticed that he was having some difficulties in school a little tough math a little bit tough oversight and and again very angry and had a rash on his mountains well so that's when i realized that that's what classes he does it destroys the beneficial actuary actually targets the beneficial bacteria but at that time i also got a test if i don't laugh for my sake the test is urine and he tested eight point
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seven parts per billion positive in his urine and this was eight times higher than was found anywhere in europe when they tested eighteen different countries and we were all again because we realize that the meat he was eating was also a bit animals were being fed to you most which is highly sprayed we're going to see and he did it within six weeks we tested him and his life you see it levels are no longer detectable and his autism sometimes work on behavioral issues strong it's never come back it's been over two years. and i asked eating it in this kid said why are you even regular food like readers and shias and i said no you're the one who's eating the junk in not regular food i mean even the regular yeah you're eating normal food they're the ones who often. think and rhodey very good. and these guys encouraged me you know after we had a labeling. and pain here in california last i was crying in
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a parking lot and it's very very upset and then what you see me. all right even struck worst. in his stories send mentions professor sara lee me from france he studies the health impacts of genetically modified foods and round up no human health say that's rats the results divided the academic community being based back to severely criticized . we met the professor in california with the results of it we decided to take two hundred rats and give them. a diet. containing roundup and with roundup alone with a regular diet and we saw in both cases big memory tumors on rats and also
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kidney leakage very hard kidney diseases and liver problems and also the sexual homeowners where. so there were there was less strong and more estrogen the reverse way so we thought that this wasn't really a problem for g.m. moves on the long term consuming g.m. in the long term or having this prestige side in the long term in the temperature because it's a major pesticide of the world. there are some of our trees in the u.s. that have started checking topics like life to save content when customers ask. why do we do it more like you so. you know they get it will people using more and more and it will come back you may leave. soon. develop the. tech why. because life as it was considered safe. for
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many many many years. for that reason known that he developed a method to test for it in food because it was safe there's no need for that but the war health organization may come back and say it's not always possible carcinogen and with that i had to come up with a way to. close ties to live with. this for me and there's. there's no scientific proof that it absolutely does harm you there's no definitive that is a carcinogen and but lots of. possible the potential so it's not to say that it actually is bad for you but. it might in my view your children. contains life unfortunately because it's. been used for decades and everyone uses it. it's pretty much everywhere it's in also.
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it's almost impossible to avoid. because it's full water soluble even runoff water . before made in the organic but there are gates that doesn't mean that the farm next to them is working and if they do a five k. and it runs off there's possible temptations that they can occur and there's no equal voice. was what i purposely feed my daughter. liveline food. probably not but if i had a choice you know. if you choose scientists proof that g.m. put. extremely harmful on the human race to size surface to wills free of jam and
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crisis eight would be even be able to say as we passed the point of no ricin. transgenic pollen can travel dozens of clematis and so on and they reckon the parts jam crops more resistant and can full south natural vegetation and that could result in the side for the whole planet as the irresistible disappearance of not true does this city and eventually the sea life itself. travelling around the world i'll stiffer people the same question. what incentive do i think it's. it's impossible and nothing is impossible and nothing using magic potion. with conscious generational change. anything. and therefore injunction in the long run to the truck. to the person who
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create threats jim crow which was a g.m. from zero three. thinks the chimp groups are not the way cool so the actual designer of g.m. crops the first. g.m. to mostly because g.m. actually doesn't think g.m. crops a bit of the future. interesting and there are actually no g.m. most know. who it is news is that sales of conventional food has dropped four billion dollars this year and organic sales are rising thirty percent a year so we are really increasing a lot of sales by spreading the word like this by talking to each other by talking to our mom friends you know moms by eighty five percent of the food so i'm going to give eighty five percent of the kudos to moms and i'm very excited about that we have power as soon we're so important people break. their pocket.
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for if there weren't all politicians who were born rich your money user wonder why going through. a grocery store and you see a product that says go well which is known as receiving hero. who or. which is using a sugar all these things or whatever who are acquiring are out on the shelf i guarantee you the grocery store or themselves will bend over backwards to supply consumers want to eat we're not forced either through there was really no real choice but get it through fair as it. is you know what if it's cheaper than funerals. now has there been any changes concerning g.m.o. in crisis eight over the last two years well the u.k. government approved hill tests of jim weitz to taste can we roll and stuart people
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would start taking guys to say tests on mass in twenty sixteen that that's hasn't happened jazz. the u.s. introduced a little on products labeling packaging this now include information about any synthetic ingredients including chimera that consumers can only find out by scanning a special q cage with a smart phone which isn't particularly convenient as not everybody has one. cent honey cuts continues his legal battle fad to quit labeling but safeguards seems to be losing. in february twenty eighth sheen a federal judge in california rules that people don't need a label warning them gleiser say contents could cause cancer. so it's a misdemeanor not to see his new little so your reason also has a thought for sure it is we thought that this the subtle but again his name i. your
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mom would have known what the score was this might be zero have it out laura you know what i'm going go on video on your grass the ghosts of british girl must go for supper but when. i have now changed my diet it's completely and try to buy only organic products my son and i have started cooking at home more often i must say i didn't have to wait long for a result my son's allergy symptoms have gone. to a pub or d.s. now have reduced by fifty eight levels today but i don't want to retake the tests just yet i'm too scared. fifty years ago breaking and within to come together as
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a sleeping pill and just this is what i believe because i like to just want to share the scientific sweat terrible but not on the road. induction untroubled by. the war. across europe victims are starting legal battles demanding at least some compensation. in two ways first will the physical damage itself as well that the consumer mind that the people who actually perpetrated this crime has never been bought the justice and there's been a couple of. bad .
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headlines stories this hour north korea gears to close its only nuclear sites as part of a bargain with the us we've been given rare access to our correspondent reporting on the route. but as you can see behind me we're being greeted like celebrities who have no history will go to north korea. us ambassador to israel controversy over just with an altered photo of jerusalem with one of the most sacred muslim strewn moved on the place a jewish race for shit. germany admits about close to two thousand far right extremists there may be in legal possession of a firearm. just
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after seven in the evening here in moscow a beautiful sunny day wherever you're tuning in from right around the world welcome to our two international our top story north korea is gearing up to close its nuclear test site in the country's remote northeast there have been six nuclear bomb tests there since two thousand and six which were carried died inside a mountain it is the world's last officially active nuclear test site well north korea has described how the site will be dismantled saying there will be a controlled explosion to collapse all the tunnels will result in all the entrance points being blocked as well after that the above ground facilities will be destroyed some changes have already been observed by experts on satellite images
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taken in april and earlier this month buildings been demolished together with a real line artie's igor's of on off is among a group of international journalists who set out each other an arduous journey to see the nuclear facilities shut down. we. don't even know. don't. think so. we are shocked. shocked because from. all over the train yes well it's not journalist currently on board the train have an eleven hour trip in total a seat or seeing the windows covered for the duration of the journey and they're also given strict instructions not to open the blinds then to get to the remote mountain area crews will spend several hours traveling by bus and then finally an
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hour on thought to the site itself before boarding the train sent us his report documenting his journey from china to north korea's one son. we're in the beijing international airport and as you can see behind me we're being greeted like celebrities here those who go to north korea we've been here for the past couple of days and all journalists parts of this press tour have been amassed in the chinese capital because that's where we got our visas that's what we where we got our tickets so now we will be proceeding to check in to our flights those are the windows that we're waiting for the personnel and so i'll be signing off and meeting you hopefully greeting you from north korea itself next time so this is the . flights we will be taking to get inside north korea thing is we aren't even exactly sure as to where exactly we're headed because according to our media to
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documents we're going to the southern port city of one sound but according to our boarding passes we're headed to the north korean capital pyongyang so i guess the north the option but to find out on board of the place. it seems seems you know who's going to pyongyang or to one side ok one time ok thank you. so there are roughly twenty journalists here on this plane and so as we're going to one son i just want to give you what glimpse as to what's going on on board would be given out press releases like this one for example the pyongyang times it's mostly about politics but also features pieces like recipes for this rice and month cake and also we've been given and this very very karl colorful. magazine which features everything from the latest one as to what's been going like in the life of the engine on the supreme leader of north korea but also
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power if each is. young and the like to pieces like the ones for example how you speak the local be speaking for. so you walk out of any airport what's the first thing you expect to see it's a bustling crowd of people pushing and shoving it's a taxi drivers offering their often overpriced services well check this out nothing of this sort here it's just an empty parking lot and three buses that will take us to the city. look you want to. see. the world it's very rare.
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so you move. in while you can follow igor on twitter where he's posting details on photos from the reclusive country whenever he can really find out what kind of food for instance you might expect in north korea and have a look around the local hotels to see what they're like. although trump is casting dart meanwhile on the much anticipated summit with north korea that's to to kick off on june the twelfth during a meeting with the south korean president in washington from said that the event might not happen at all. we are working on something and you know there's a chance that it will work out there's a chance it's a very substantial chance that it won't work out that doesn't mean it won't work out over a period of time but it may not work out for june twelfth i think it will be very successful but as i always say who knows what's going to happen you know i often
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say who knows who knows a lot of good things going to happen a lot of bad things going to happen we'll see how it all works maybe make you want a lot of things change everything can be scuttled everything can be scuttled but washington appears to be sending mixed messages with the white horse issuing a commemorative coin ahead of the summit which depicts trump in the north korean leader together president trump out earlier war north korea it could face the same fate as libya just a reminder the north african country gave up its weapons of mass destruction but still faced nato intervention doesn't make albums from the ron paul peace institute believes such threats render washington a strange pick as peacemaker. there you have basically talking about libya as the model for north korea we know what happened to libya libya voluntarily gave up its weapons and was overthrown nonetheless if that's not a red flag to the north koreans i don't know what is i mean if i would north korea
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particularly watching it how the u.s. tore up the iran agreement i would believe if you have any mind at all you would be very very skeptical i think the u.s. is essentially irrelevant to the solution of the korea problem and that may be one of the silver linings of the fact that the trump administration seems to have no clue what it's doing the north and south are clearly moving ahead we saw that historic leading on the border we saw for talks progress moon was elected to do exactly what you're trying to do and i think it's actually the u.s. the intervention it's the neoconservatives who are isolating the us and making us irrelevant i think that the ball is in play with north and south korea u.s. is irrelevant at some point if a deal is made between the north and the south eventually the u.s. will have to be asked to leave. america's ambassador to israel has come in for criticism after he was seen posing with a rather controversial gift david friedman was presented with a photograph of one of the most sacred places in jerusalem but the image had been
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altered to show the jewish a third temple on the site where the islamic the dome of the rock is currently situated now the third temple is a biblical reference to a new place of worship to replace an ancient one which was destroyed the u.s. embassies asked for an apology saying the envoy was on aware that he was being given a doctored picture of the region is still reeling from deadly protests against the relocation of the embassy to jerusalem sure mideast correspondent paula slayer. the photograph immediately sparked fierce criticism from the muslim world saberi cut who is the secretary general of the palestine liberation organization the p.l.o. there's a friedman expressed to quote rude and hypocritical behavior you then have a tb who is an arab israeli law maker and comes from the israeli arab dominated political alliance called the joint let's and he has responded to the photographs by saying that this madman wants to bring peace a good thing you didn't put the embassy there at the same time we're hearing that
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the american ambassador has apologized friedman must not the word of the image thrust in front of him when the photo was taken he was deeply disappointed that anyone would take advantage of his visit to create controversy the u.s. policy is absolutely clear we support the status quo on the her arm al-sharif temple mount now here which is the organization from which the man who gave the president came from has expressed its own concerns about the incident it says that the man who presented the picture actually acted on his own behalf but the problem is that the american ambassador already has a record of controversy even before this event he is a supporter of israeli settlements in palestinian territory and in the past he's also called on the u.s. state department to stop calling the west bank israeli occupied territory and this incident comes at a very unfortunate time it follows the inauguration of the new year.
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