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tv   News  RT  May 24, 2018 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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bipartisan way mike and i want to congratulate you and everyone else are going to read a few names because these people work hard this is all about the dodd frank disaster and they fixed it or at least have gone a long way toward fixing it my crape oh thank you very much steve dane stanky steve credible judge john kennedy thank you very much john heidi heitkamp id thank you very much appreciate it david perdue where's david. i love. a great guy he is jim risch jim thank you what a great lawyer i learned all about you one of the great lawyers i should think i have to use him. tim scott tim thank you tim great it's a great achievement and pat toomey who really does know the financial world i can tell you from experience right but great also representatives jeb hensarling
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fantastic fantastic job thank you. so you wanted to get near the table instead of getting over here everyone that's like the prime that's like the prime location until about ten minutes ago right i think me and now has the prime location. i know it is. it's all about location is this stuff. jim banks and the bar kevin kramer sean duffy tom amor. french hill bill housing. david custer patrick henry i always said patrick mchenry where is patrick c. greatest name in politics i don't know what every time i say patrick mchenry who's by the way does a great job site from every more important than the name i think you have the greatest name in politics if i had that name i would have been president ten years sooner telling you great name thanks patrick me
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a lot of. blame to loot can mire keith roff cos whiskey thank you very much claudia teddy and wagner. these are people that think we'll just leave it there don't trump figuring into another aspect financial regulations he had been speaking earlier bite of course what's going on in north korea he has polled died some hours earlier of a summit on june the twelfth with north korea and he said there are a few moments ago the most stringent sanctions will be put on north korea because of the nuclear program of course hours ago the wrapped up their nuclear program that they say there are several one in the country let's not cross to see mira connor washington correspondent who can maybe bring it right up to date why this is important why he was saying those things what's the updates on this samir what's
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happen today. well the timing of this is certainly significant it comes just hours after north korea destroyed its only nuclear testing site fulfilling just yet another condition north korea agreed to to make sure the meeting happened now our correspondent with at the site and he was among a few journalists who were allowed to witness it firsthand. with just the phone getting a nuclear test site inches from the noble we seriously fools on those very useful nuclear testing one of them the north strong know to be was used for the latest fall even nuclear test the other two were new and with koreans told us that they had been ready to conduct nuclear tests and the movement so for them to build these tubes is inside more of the real way over sure we are ready to make real concessions now being started to go itself was quite impressive the explosions
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looks like small eruptions of the nul from under the ground floor so we journalists couldn't really estimates and studio much damage would we today go to compete ongoing with the nuclear program as a whole but north korea says that after they made this scope the now world will expect something and with tehran you know we are right now we are on the way back to one song and so as soon as possible we will be finding more reports. so north korea is keeping its end of the bargain for the the sake of the meeting but even though the decision to cancel the meeting came from the u.s. side the white house seemed excited about it and they released a commemorative coin depicting the two leaders all smiles and meeting just ahead of the summit but the talks were seen world over as a positive development in bilateral relations and trunk didn't shy away from taking
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credit he even said that everyone's. said that he deserved a nobel peace prize for it but towards the end of today's letter trump signed off saying that he's looking forward to meeting with kim in the future but it seems that north korea should be a little bit more cautious dealing with trump in the future. or to washington correspondents in euro come with the op their thanks in euro yeah lots of different aspects to this lots of action one of them was picked up by our t's double quarter he has more now on who may be interested in jeopardizing any diplomatic breakthroughs. this is a good deal for the united states north korea will freeze and then dismantle its nuclear program south korea and our other allies will be better protected the entire world will be safer as we slow the spread of nuclear weapons the deal did sound good but it collapsed a few years later the u.s.
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promised north korea two nuclear reactors five hundred thousand tons of fuel year and a lifting of sanctions but it didn't deliver fast forward to two thousand and eighteen and yet another us administration is promising to strike a deal with pyongyang or is it you know there's a chance that it'll work out there's a chance it's a very substantial chance it will work out i think it will be very successful but as i always say who knows you know i often say who knows who knows how it all works maybe you want to so are we going to be tantalized with another good deal with north korea that's ready to go only to see it fail again perhaps the u.s. sees the status quo of seeing north korea as the ultimate threat as being something beneficial south korea is spending billions of dollars making bases and paying u.s. troops essentially to be there to ostensibly protect against a threat in the north now that being the case if there were to be peace in
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korea. there's going to be questioning as well do we need our troops there and so i think in that sense there are forces that don't want a resolution that benefit off the instability and allow us to maintain these troops and dozens and dozens of bases and posts in this small country in a region that we think strategically is or anime's of a government our friends of its military industrial complex and having a nemesis like north korea is a great excuse to pump up that military budget request includes an additional four b. . to support missile defeat in defense announcements to counter the threat from north korea no point seven billion to repair damage to u.s. navy ships and one point two billion in support of my administration south asia strategy japan is one ally that stands to benefit from u.s. military expansion especially after the recent reelection of its prime minister who
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vowed to defend japan from north korean aggression weeks after p.r. yang's missile launches these election is about whether we can define japan from north korea and ensure we leave happily and the unpredictability on the korean peninsula has fringe benefits for some american rivals the south china sea has been a serious bone of contention as of late with the u.s. attempting to assert its naval presence there much to beijing's annoyance so the larger threat of north korea's nuclear program has shifted u.s. military attention that would otherwise be focused towards china and although russia doesn't directly benefit from its unpredictable neighbor it certainly doesn't mind a challenge to u.s. dominance in the region what these countries are just beginning to recognize is they getting into an arms race increasing in and as china is expanding its military operations it takes money out of the economic damages of the kind of the which we
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can is there a is a very complicated issue except for those. who are essentially getting that we're sure to stick this is something that must change countries as they begin to take the spread sheet. they will benefit the countries in the region from peace and north. let's go live now to mark a moment director of the crisis research into chewed in the u.k. for more on our top story out of donald trump counseling the north korean nuclear summit you're very welcome to the program we just heard in fact from the. president a i'm not sure if you picked it up live a few minutes earlier he warned that u.s. weapons are again locked and loaded how much of a threat is that in reality do you think. in a sense all trump is speaking for both sides as murtha because his letter to came
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calling off the summit was remarkably amalia suggesting that he hoped that they could at some point beat in the future and the north koreans really needed to turn down their rhetoric those who say his remarks a few minutes ago sounded much more belligerent and in the sense that reflects the important ropey inside the white house and inside the washington establishment that in fact waving a big stick imposing very strict sanctions and implicit military threats has brought the north korean regime to the table and i think the you could say the vice president pence john bolton the national school to advise a school of thought seems to be winning the question is will this actually have the effect they want it could well be that the north koreans would also be ticals very belligerent in statements only a few hours ago may have been wanting to test how far trump was desperate for a summit in order to burnish his credentials because if you work in international terms at all trump has suffered several blows some more self-inflicted pulling out
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of the iran nuclear deal has called many of his allies in europe as well as russia and china and so on to be explicit expressing dissatisfaction his support for israel has said to the embassy of the united states to do slim it's also broken ranks with many of his allies so the north koreans may have thought that trump was under pressure to have at least one universally recognized foreign policy success and trump may not have wanted to be seen to be the person desperate for the summit but he has still left the door ajar many are pointing out that the timing of this is extraordinary canceling the summit within hours of pyongyang destroying what it says' it says so all nuclear facility. which your correspondent was there to witness your take. well i mean certainly that would seem to be a highly public demonstration the more the koreans were willing to stop nuclear tests and that at least was a step towards to nuclear a solution of course the must be people in pyongyang who say do we really want to give up our actual nuclear weapons small number of warheads that we have until
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we're confident that the united states and its allies want to tackle us equally the united states japan. south korea say we don't want to make any deal until north korea is completely disarmed and so there is this great problem of trust and it may have been that the south korean president on the north korean leader established a personal relationship with name it we've yet to see that established between the americans and the japanese for instance as the other major u.s. ally in the region so it's it's a terribly difficult situation and it could be that each side is trying still to lead towards a summit meeting but once the other one to come begging for it or to be seen to be the one who's demanding requesting that you'd become dizzy wouldn't you trying to follow donald trump statements on north korea alone going back and forth what's he trying to gain do you think by veering simle tamia sleep between the door is open we look forward to making progress and then we've got bombs on standby. well i
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think partly it's his personality tends to be erratic and belligerent but also partly i think his understanding of the north koreans is that they are very bellicose in the statements so therefore i have to really up the volume in order to get through it's also that he's torn in washington between in a sense that the campaign he ran on which was that he wanted to disengage america from any problems leave defense to countries like south korea to defend itself in japan and so on and the fact that he of necessity is surrounded by freshens of the national security establishment in the united states who regard that as an anathema as a break with what they see as a successful sixty or seventy years of policy making and so trump in some ways is the dissident inside the white house and at the same time because he is perhaps inexperienced because he's also book your real personality he is very difficult to predict now he would say look at richard nixon he was very difficult to get he made a great dramatic opening to china when people thought of china as the roto good and
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he maybe thinking that he can on a small scale with north korea achieve a similar dramatic breakthrough mark always a pleasure having you on the program thanks so much expert analysis from mark all men from the crisis research institute this hour. and he's continued after this with us. our senses did a remarkable job of keeping humans alive for a million years in terms of being able to hear see taste feel but now sense they are growing them in the machines of the robots have evolved past humans capabilities to see more hear more understand more feel more we as humans have to prepare for the fact that we are now becoming extinct.
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at the plate for many clubs over the years so i know the gaming sorry guys. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch to the final school it's about the passion from the families it's the age of the superman each a billionaire owners and spend be true to the twenty million one player. it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy great so will more chance with. at least it's going to. a quarter of an hour into the program very welcome back to the earth crush team investigating malaysia airlines flight m h seventeen which was done over eastern ukraine in twenty four dean has revealed more of its findings admitting they
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coincide with those of a blogger let's cross not to correspond dahlia hawkins who has been taking abreast of all those developments down what's come out of today's opted well the scope of the investigation of that safety board has been narrowing of course some of seventeen came down tragically in twenty four team that incident was followed by two investigations one by the dutch and one by the joint investigative team built up of international aviation experts in twenty fifteen and sixteen both of those investigations came to similar conclusions that the airliner was brought down by a missile and likely to be a book now the latest is that this book according to the joint investigation team came from russia it was russian made and was based in russia before going across the border as part of the fifty third aircraft brigade based in the city of course in western russia now the russian ministry of defense have denied any involvement consistently after that is incident they've released
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a statement saying that no such crossing of anti aircraft systems occurred between russia and ukraine and they have evidence to prove this from satellite and radar data saying there was no messiah launch as well as witness statements that they say were given to both russian and western media at the site of the cross take a listen to what they had to say. we are concerned that the dutch investigation decided to base their investigation on images from social media that were edited what's more a number of the images that we used at the briefing were prepared by the ukrainian security services and were shown on a number of occasions by belling cats. we want to draw to everyone's attention that the dutch investigators have ignored witness accounts many eyewitnesses saw the tragedy themselves they are not images from social media they are real people who gave their testimonies on record to the european and american media and the joint investigative team have said they even have a group of persons of interests who may be brought to justice they say in the
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future they haven't named and though so far they're keeping cards close to their chest they say that there is sufficient evidence now to build a complete picture of what happened over the skies of used to crane and twenty fourteen this is their statement earlier today. that we realize that the bell and get in this to get already reached the same conclusions and publish them we as the joint investigation team have our own independent investigation and the conclusions we draw from it must be based on legal and convincing evidence which will stand in a courtroom. the evidence of course there being the crux of the issue both sides have presented very different pictures of what went on presenting their own evidence from radar data satellite imagery and witness accounts the jury too though have said that most of their conclusions do coincide with that of blink at an amateur independent investigative organization taking. open source data
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social media photos etc to base their version of events let's take a closer look now at what evidence was produced there. and he had higgins who runs the website belling count the laid off admin work who made a name for himself by analyzing weapons used in the syrian conflict never been to syria doesn't speak a word of our there and he conducts his presidency set from the concept of his honor in his home against himself admits he has no experience in the field before the arab spring i knew no more about weapons than the average x. books i had no knowledge beyond what i learned from arnold schwarzenegger and run by. his tools of choice for uncovering global conspiracies for you tube and google billboards in the air it kind of looked the same but it wasn't really you know this isn't enough to say this is the same there was you can see the path from the grass but again it's not
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a great match so we know the russians light. and the media loves it eliot higgins or dish blogger and analyzing the pictures of the wreckage thank you for joining the program but some are questioning his methods like the developer of the photo analysis program which palin can't use to claim moscow faked satellite images and image forensics experts aren't fans either what he's doing is nothing more than reading tea leaves every level analysis is a method used by hobbyists but fellow obsessives are ecstatic about scrutinizing cats analysis bloggers claim he's showing photos of two different book missile systems and an attempt to prove the weapon came from russia they say the one pictured in russia is a new a mock because it features a recent modification and for the claim that no ukrainian books were in the area at the time of the crash well fellow bloggers dug up screen shots from ukrainian t.v. apparently showing a book missile system complete with radar in the area just
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a few days before the tragedy. well we have been in touch with belling count which stated that the russian government and media have resorted to conspiracy theories false claims and fake evidence to cover up the dunning of m.h. seventeen blink out then went on to praise its own probe as thorough and doctorate . moving on business political elites are gathering in rush's northern capital they are in sin petersburg for one of the main events on the business calendar the international economic forum now the figures are this fifteen thousand participants from member seventy countries including iran two hundred fifty c.e.o.'s who will be there over the coming days and we'll make sure you don't miss a thing. among the v.i.p. guests of the economic forum is french president among you all michael who we saw
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earlier speaking talking with vladimir putin artie's was following is a right. to short while ago witnessed the most intense debated moment of thursday and that's the first appearance of emmanuel macron and vladimir putin in front of cameras during the current french president's first ever trip to russia and the format of the visit suggests that he didn't have to bring his wife here but he did so he's here with bridget and it seems that lately any important woman who comes to visit lot of putin gets a bookie of flowers angle a merkel did so last week when she went to saw this bridget got a book a two and then they proceeded to the balcony and this is what they saw was told that the designers of the park this is just outside in st petersburg residence so back to the designers once they drew the inspiration from their site isn't that
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symbolic and i can tell you that hundreds of journalists i guess but less than that maybe just one hundred gathered there and they all remember including myself how just a short while ago and manual back on was holding hands with donald trump at their meeting and they remember how a few awkward moments led to people talking about their bromance and the journalist work yuri is weathering fraction of that chemistry will be seen here between mr macron and mr putin i can tell you that they had to translate as their but at some point it seemed they were speaking the same language and the translators weren't involved but other than that it was pure diplomatic rapprochement none of that tapping on the shoulder and. maybe it is easy to explain just think about it emmanuel mack ron's first visit to russia comes when at least on an international
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political chess board powers and moscow are on completely different sides but when it comes to one issue that is the radian nuclear deal just like angle of merkel and germany moscow with france at this point they are on the same page and very soon we will find out whether this particular matter will help the two leaders build small bridges and any case it's much easier to track the story of communication between macron and putin it is much shorter than that of angle merkel for example they've known each other with vladimir putin for more than two decades but it's still worth checking out.
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i respect him and i know him his tone and spot. we have lots of opportunities to align our positions and work together in key areas. we
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should never be weak with president putin when you all week. he uses it and it's fine that's again just going back to these numbers of the foreign participants two hundred fifty c.e.o.'s that does sound like an impressive number with the way things may be looking like right now when it comes to russia getting together with the rest of the world so loads still to calm and many things to watch out for . and even trying to from a very picturesque st petersburg well we will be continuing to check in life at the forum over the next number of day he's hearing from delegates and of course getting updates from our news team in sin petersburg and in a few moments time it's time for the latest watching the hawks so stay with us.
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it's not. just. here it is. that it is. it's got one on one look. at the foot of the plate. on vietnam was. every major crops being green in england now the prospect of a pine transcend technology in agriculture is being discussed extensively. that's. my guy is henry rowlands piece of toast piece of
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glass safe and then advocates for long term jama studies. henry is going to transform my ass a cheese tools fusion house full combat but now we're going to a meeting that's really very important to me. that ourselves sounds. pretty. lazy mile course as mom is a member of the house of lords and elected hereditary pests she holds the original elton a small the oldest title spare h. and the united kingdom lady margaret is also a farmer she has self assessment from the use of agricultural chemicals and has so
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many years now facing a post is proliferation. and instead of having. a function can. have an almost concrete job help. g.e. engines. can be used to ever give. you a few. years. when my brain goes dead lazy margaret is a grease to tell head poignant story at ten am offering fighting a safe. with ogata english putting. her disorder. first of every. time have a lady margaret is to be a farmer i say used to be because despite her affection for agriculture she had to
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give us how up after what happened to half who. we were drinking cheap because i mean i doot. and i was flush with it and it got into my range and bridge and then about three weeks after that i would go shop for morning and after a search to go back to bed when i got sicker and sicker and sicker and. stage my brain wouldn't work so what i was thinking was more conventional enough and i was very up in our parliament in boston actually going in there to fridge and the notion of writing my own if you touch my skin it was sort of sort of hard cry. for a long time lady margaret stuck to his couldn't work out what was causing such severe symptoms she suspected that she had been poisoned by the chemicals used in the sheep did. freshly out of cork to get worse than.


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