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tv   News  RT  May 24, 2018 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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in the headlines tonight donald trump cancels what was supposed to be in a storage summit with north korea next month it's despite pyongyang going ahead with dismantling its only nuclear testing facility earlier today our correspondent was near that site underground network was destroyed he'll be reporting back tonight plus to. the french president bush's praise on russia for its international role as joined. as he joined rather for the international economic forum in st petersburg got all the highlights of that comment from day one and the russian defense ministry criticizes the latest findings from the crash investigators looking into the mh seventeen tragedy and twenty forty one of social media pictures
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instead of witness accounts. thursday night here in moscow thanks for watching this is our international with me kevin a lot of big stories to cover tonight to bring it up to speed with starting with this after days of uncertainty donald trump has canceled his upcoming meeting with north korea's kim jong il and that was june in singapore trouble gave his reasons to reporters spending much of his time in mentioning the u.s. military and its readiness to act. military which is by far the most powerful anywhere in the world powerful anywhere in the world is ready if this is and has been greatly enhanced recently as you well know as you well know ready we are more ready than we have ever been before our military as you know has been greatly enhanced greatly enhanced will soon be at
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a level that it's never been before never been before powerful anywhere in the world a lot of things can happen little came out earlier on american has more on the u.s. leaders decision to scrap the highly anticipated summit with north korea. the white house released the official letter trump sent to kim today and it says i was very much looking forward to being there with you sadly based on the tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent statement i feel it is inappropriate at this time to have this long planned meeting so the timing of trump's decision is rather significant this comes hours after north korea destroyed its only nuclear testing site filling yet another condition it agreed to for the sake of improving relations with the us now our correspondent was at the site and he was among the few journalists invited to witness it firsthand with just the.
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noble. fools on those very useful nuclear tests the one of them the north strong no treaty was used for the latest volley the nuclear test the other two were you would move quickly and told us that they had been ready to conduct. and we moved to put them. the. ones that we always sure we ready to make real concessions from the go it was quite impressive the explosions looked like small eruptions of will from on the ground so judging by that it seems that north korea is keeping its end of the bargain but trump cancel the meeting anyway and even though the decision came from the u.s. side the white house seemed excited about it prior to the meeting of the white house released a commemorative coin depicting the two leaders a meeting all smiles a to honor the peace talks and the peace talks were seen world over as
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a positive development and trump didn't shy away from taking credit for it i even saying that everyone said he deserved the nobel peace prize but towards the end of the letter trump sent to camp today terms said he was looking forward to meeting with kim in the future. there but considering everything that's just happened recently perhaps north korea should be cautious and dealing with the us i do see correspondent world trumps cancellation he says was triggered by a statement made by north korea's foreign ministry and that came in response to comparisons earlier made with libya from the u.s. vice president to pyongyang labeled a political dummy. this will only end like the libyan model ended if kim jong un doesn't make a deal some people saw that as a threat and i think. john bought made that statement. yeah i think that's what denuclearization means and we have very much in mind the libyan model from two thousand and three two thousand and four he was talking about if we're going to be
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having a problem because we cannot let that country have nukes we just can't do it the model if you look at that model with gadhafi that was a total decimation we went in there to beat up now that model would take place if we don't make a deal most likely president trumpet earlier war north korea could face the same fate as libya to remind you libya gave up its weapons of mass destruction in two thousand and three but still faced a nato intervention eight years later the director of the china national association of international studies victor go told us he thinks the u.s. has set the peace process back on the korean peninsula now. i did read a little double trump's decision to cancel the meeting scheduled. with the sit room leader of the day is a very bad of the developments and it's not constructive for the prospects of beauty a lasting peace on the korean peninsula is all about the help in colorado they
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should process not the united states the president trying to make that decision immediately after the destruction of the tested so that by the way and this even made the whole situation worse it made it less easy to trust the real indication of the united states and it also creates more difficulties for d.p. r. k. and its leaders to really come to terms with the future decision to meet with the president of the united states so the first time washington scrapped the story deals with north korea and don't accord to next looks at who's to gain from derailing any breakthroughs and why all this might sound familiar when he would predecessors had put on the table. this is a good deal for the united states north korea will freeze and then dismantle its nuclear program south korea and our other allies will be better protected the
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entire world will be safer as we slow the spread of nuclear weapons the deal did sound good but it collapsed a few years later the u.s. promised north korea two nuclear reactors five hundred thousand tons of fuel year and a lifting of sanctions but it didn't deliver fast forward to two thousand and eighteen you know there's a chance that it will work out there's a chance it's a very substantial chance that it will work out i think it will be very successful but as i always say who knows you know i often say who knows who knows how it all works maybe you want to perhaps the u.s. sees the status quo of seeing north korea as the ultimate threat as being something beneficial to south korea is spending billions of dollars making bases and paying u.s. troops essentially to be there to ostensibly protect against. the north now that being the case if there were to be peace in korea. there's going to be
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questioning as well do we need our troops there and so i think in that sense there are forces that don't want a resolution that benefit off the instability and allow us to maintain these troops and dozens and dozens of bases and posts in this small country in a region that we think strategically is or anime's of a government our friends of its military industrial complex and having a nemesis like north korea is a great excuse to pump up that military budget the request includes an additional four billion dollars to support the phaeton defense announcements to counter the threat from north korea no point seven billion to repair damage to u.s. navy ships and one point two billion in support of my administration south asia strategy japan is one. ally that stands to benefit from u.s. military expansion especially after the recent reelection of its prime minister who vowed to defend japan from north korean aggression weeks after p.r.
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yang's missile launches these election is about whether we can defend japan from north korea and ensure believe happily and the unpredictability on the korean peninsula has fringe benefits for some american rivals the south china sea has been a serious bone of contention as of late with the u.s. attempting to assert its naval presence there much to beijing's annoyance so the larger threat of north korea's nuclear program has shifted u.s. military attention that would otherwise be focused towards china and although russia doesn't directly benefit from its unpredictable neighbor it certainly doesn't mind a challenge to u.s. dominance in the region what these countries are just beginning to recognize is they getting into an arms race increasing in and as china is expanding its military operations it takes money out of the economic damages of the kind that the which we can is there a kind of the it's a very complicated issue except for those. who are essentially
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getting the short end of the stick this is something that must change countries as they begin to take the spread sheet. it will be to benefit the countries in the region from peace and north. so the setback in talks between the u.s. and north korea was one of the subjects that came up in talks between the two men will mccrone earlier on of these summits burge international economic forum. john byrne on his part did everything he promised before even blew up the tunnels and the files on his tests eight and after that we heard about the cancellation of the summit. then you know what i would really want is for that process already underway to decrease tensions on the peninsula as well as the process of denuclearization in disarmament of the pincher for that process to continue for the
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peta people. for peace on the guest list and international economic forum of the japanese prime minister and china's vice president they could be joined by some of the world's top business leaders to heads of international economic organizations will continue to check in a live other form of the next couple of days business restarts tomorrow hearing from the delegates and getting updates from news team in some petersburg. ok will german ninety fascist groups have issued a guidebook for potential rioters in the news tonight they want to encourage people to disrupt a gathering of the right wing alternative of germany party in bavaria next month peter oliver takes a look at the guide. alternative for germany will be holding their party conference in the beautiful but varied city of out this summer however until fascist groups of the turbaned to disrupt it going as far as to publish took guide for those wishing to turn up and demonstrate that contains more than a few tips on how to start
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a riot we suggest tracking and exploiting the f.t.'s weak points across germany so that we can guarantee the necessary space for protests in all spoke it's a very detailed guided includes maps of where their members will be staying the routes that they'll be taking in the best places to disrupt the event from and there's also a section that includes writing life facts everything the first time writer will need like how to block roads how to prepare paint to be hurled correctly but there's also some more unsavory instructions as well the best ways to burn tires to smash shop windows or to burn cars all without leaving any evidence that you were there or for that matter being able to be identified on security footage we wish you a lot of fun trying our instructions we showed the so-called right guy to a.f.p. spokesperson ronald glaser and asked him just how worrying it is to his members the
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meth just clear we know where you all are being we're going to come for you this is some kind of disgusting kind of intimidation but even not you know with anybody in the party it's considering any extra security measures. will expert security measures. can be helpful but we did not have any party gathering. without a lot of security around the police and private security organizations so it would be different this time we also spoke to the left party and asked whether they endorsed this guy. or if they thought the far left group anti far gone too far this time. it's less. traditional. which say never. and never again here fifty years a clearly anti human this. bring forward racist statements bring
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forward children t. or even work together. of context to militaristic fascist groups so we all the human list forces and actors in society have to stand together. to do resistance against the qualities of the. police in our expert are preparing for what's being described as an unprecedented operation some two thousand officers will be drafted in including reinforcements from nearby areas and they may well be needed fighting between demonstrators and police has turned nasty in the past as i found out firsthand during the anti g twenty right and how member last summer.
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where actually right between the police and the demonstrators right now so we're going to try and get out of the way. i. was the police in hamburg were also warned ahead of time that something big was being planned there and with just over a month to go before the a half day conference on the thirtieth of june. to see if they can stop a similar situation unfolding there peter all of our berlin. all right let's go back to one of the other top stories now to another. and french presidents talk and some petersburg earlier on at the international economic forum are correspondingly portraying because there is a closely following the russian leaders meeting with the french president i hide nice to see it's not looking very splendid idea behind you some productive talks to get a sense of a daily or. yes kevin and it was such
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a busy day but from the very beginning it wasn't it wasn't looking that it's going to be that way i can tell you that first when the two leaders appeared in front of the cameras there was none of this trump get together stahl tapping on the shoulder and it seemed that the presidents of russia and france were going to get away with some typically diplomatic language when they were going to talk to the press but when the actual conference began really what emmanuel macron was saying resembled a love letter to russia and after all he was speaking more than four times longer than his russian counterpart and he began with calling them our per share vladimir which means dear instead of mr putin but it wasn't just about how many nice thing surprisingly the french leader said about the
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country his visiting for the first time. it was also about the business deals that were signed and they were worth one billion dollars and they talked about so much and they brought up so many things i'm just going to give you a short list here i mean the list is not short. but just listen to this syria iran ukraine cyber security. sanctions multi-polar world freedom of speech and even football blog come back to that a bit later what's most importantly is that the greek to come up with a mechanism to bring competing syria peace talks flap forms also they want to work together to save the so-called iranian nuclear deal that the american president donald trump just recently dumped and in general once again perhaps an
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expect. mixter sorry mr macron of course praised russia's international role in numerous regions and conflicts. as you note i do acknowledge russia has increased its role in the international arena in particular the middle east the newly gained role of leader comes with responsibilities and i'm well aware of the role russia plays resolving various international conflicts. but i have to tell you that to the press conference was about two hours late surely it was because of the many topics that i was saying were brought up but also the dinner was lavish i have to tell you i just want to show you what was on the menu there pancakes with caviar as well as a crab starter then traditional russian soup but it was a french twist also sturgeon steak in venice that was the main course and that was
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all topped off with a chocolate cake for dessert now i just want to come back to the first seconds of the meeting when the manual macron was living sorry leaving his limo more potent hug him and he gave a boquet of flowers of sorry to mack ron's wife bridget that is something that latimer putin traditionally does lately but she didn't even have to come here according to the format of the visit although micron's wife did now going back to the and of the press conference a question that perhaps nobody expected when the whole thing was all about politics was whether emmanuel mark ron was looking forward to the world cup in russia and whether he wants to come to this country once again in about a month to support the french national team here's what he said.
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in the endo who travel here to support you will see only keep the drums makes it to the quarter final definitely here to support it as a mystic by nature and then we'll meet again with president putin. much more of that over the coming days now let's cover for you next the other big story tonight in the news the air crash team investigating the laser realigns flight m h seventeen which was downed over eastern ukraine in twenty fourteen well earlier today there revealed more of their findings admitting that they coincide with those of a blogger daniel hawkins has more on the findings of the probe and the reaction to it. i'm a seventeen was a civilian airliner heading from amsterdam to call alone poor it was brought down
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in twenty fourteen over eastern ukraine that the time the whole region was engulfed in the ukrainian civil war it was a battle ground with both sides the ukrainian armed forces and the rebels in the east blaming each other for this tragedy in which nearly three hundred people were killed investigations follow the dutch safety board the j i t the george diversification team both came to the conclusion that a missile of some sort most likely a book missile brought down this plane now they're saying today that this missile has been traced to russia now the russian side all along has denied this they've said they have evidence from radar from satellites witness accounts as well proving that no such anti-aircraft weaponry ever crossed the border and that russia had nothing to do with this tragedy this was their statement today we are concerned that the dutch investigation decided to base their investigation on images from social media that were edited what's more a number of the images that we used at the briefing were prepared by the ukrainian
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security services and were shown on a number of occasions by belling cats. we want to draw to everyone's attention that the dutch investigators have ignored witness accounts many eyewitnesses saw the tragedy themselves they are not images from social media they are real people who gave their testimonies on record to the european and american media and the russian defense ministry as you heard there was very critical of the j i t's conclusion namely the evidence that was discounted than the evidence that was used a lot of which relied on an organization called burning cat a citizen journalism and a group using open source data of videos from you tube images from social media to build their version of events with the joint investigative team themselves saying that many of the conclusions that belling cat had come to also fitted in with their version of events that we realize that the belling get investigation team already reached the same conclusions and published them so we as the joint investigation
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team have our own independent investigation and the conclusions we draw from it must be based on legal and convincing evidence which will stand in a courtroom so much of the evidence presented that was of course accused as refutable proof of russia's involvement or indeed russia's guilt in the downing of this plane but aside from having their evidence used in these of official investigations by link out of course as an organization has not certainly been short of both criticism and controversy as we can take a look at now and higgins who runs the website telling can be laid off admin worker who made a name for himself by analyzing weapons used in the syrian conflict never been to syria. doesn't speak arabic and he conducts its present reset from the content of his armchair and his home he gives himself admits he has no experience in the field before the arab spring i knew no more about
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weapons than the average x. books no no i had no knowledge beyond what i learned from arnold schwarzenegger and rambo. his tools of choice for uncovering global conspiracies for you tube and google billboards in the area kind of look the same but it wasn't really you know this isn't enough to say this is definitely the same there was you can see the path from the grass but again it's not a great match so we know the russians light. and the media loves him eliot higgins or dish blogger who's been analyzing the pictures of the wreckage thank you for joining the program but some are questioning his methods by the developer of the photo analysis program which pelling can't use to claim moscow faked satellite images and image forensics experts aren't fans either what he's doing is nothing more than reading tea leaves era level analysis as a method used by hobbyists but fellow obsessives are ecstatic about scrutinizing the link out analysis for his claim he's showing photos of two different book
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missile systems and an attempt to prove the weapon came from russia they say the one pictured in russia is a newer model because it features a recent modification and for the claim that no ukrainian books were in the area at the time of the crash well fellow bloggers dug up screen shots from ukrainian t.v. apparently showing a book missile system complete with radar in the area just a few days before the tragedy to follow this out we've been in touch with which stated that the russian government and media have resorted to conspiracy theories they say false claims and fake evidence in order to cover up the downing of a major seventeen furthermore blink out then went on to praise its own probe. and accurate they said we've been asking analysts and commentators for their thoughts on the mh seventeen teams latest interim results earlier today. the way it works it's what it the country's it consists of the angle it's taken from the starts the implicit bias in the way it's operating i don't think we're going to see any
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justice let alone fairness and accuracy in it in terms of its conclusion the methods of investigation in this case are is drearily familiar and reminds of other cases where the standard practice is to blame the targeted nation this year and last it's usually russia so you accuse russia you don't allow it to join your investigation you say you have evidence against russia and then you don't show anything because you can't show it you claim so there's a whole campaign the whole serial black p are involved in this and and there's nothing new here and therefore no justice won't be available no there are two factors which are very important one is the investigators did not have access to the site and secondly. the investigators said they haven't released all the information that they possess so therefore the holding back information we don't know who fired the missile and why was it we don't know that yet.
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and that so is looking so far tonight from moscow keep check of the headlines on our site. home for me kevin i want to get just over half an hour's time your programs continue in your part of the world after this break. for a world cup twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goalkeepers of all time but there was one more question and by the way was going to be our coach. guys i know you are nervous he's a huge star among us and a huge amount of pressure come out you have to go meet the center of the beach but how would you and will show the great game the grit to get you out of the rock at the back nobody gets past you we need you to get down there we have to go. a low as just i want to and i'm really happy to join that for the two thousand and
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three and world cup in russia meet the special one i was out there please share me to just take the rio p.r.t. team's latest edition to make up a bigger certainly better jersey. with nor make its manufacture come sentenced to public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the financial merry go round of lives and be the one percent of. the time we can all middle of the room sick. i mean real news real world. apply for many plebs over the years so i know the game and so i got stuck. football
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isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman to just kill you narrowness and spend each other to twenty million one fly a. book it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy great so well paul chance with a back. and makes this minute. but politicians do something. like put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure. more so more want to. have to go on to be pressed to supply them before three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the whys and the how. question.
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i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter to us is over twenty trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you longs to be ultra rich eight point six percent of the market saw a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred trade per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember is one in one business show you can afford to miss the one and only boom bust.


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