tv Going Underground RT May 26, 2018 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT
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be an exit you sure and then be the investigator you cannot be the judge and investigate and then execute but this is what the u.s. is doing basically the u.n. should be doing the job of the u.n. the u.n. should be doing this investigation widely and with the support of the so-called civilized western world which is obviously not source of allies as we have seen with the tortures and as we have seen also with the cover ups this is what the u.s. has been doing all over the world in every base that it has every time they can't someone allegedly someone who is linked to terrorism or at least someone who was against the u.s. imperial demands or requests inside of this country they are treated like animals even worse. billionaire philanthropist george soros is pouring millions of dollars into the campaigns of selected district attorney candidates in california at the same time leaked documents revealed that he is also spending millions on group in the u.k.
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looks at how far the billionaire is spear of interest extend. now with all this talk of foreign meddling you would think that the activities of a hungry and billionaire pouring money into american politics might get more mainstream media play george soros is a long time liberal money man and right now he's trying to influence the election of district attorneys across the united states basically he's pouring money into the campaigns of prosecutors he thinks will enforce the law in line with his liberal politics my name is noah phillips and i'm running for district attorney we've got some work and some healing to do to rebuild trust so we can keep sacramento safe forever. now getting supported by george soros isn't always a plus the man has plenty of detractors what does the out of state billionaire funding know with phillips campaign not telling us know whether to use unethical dangerous wrong for. george soros has been sticking his
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nose into politics around the world for decades he started out funding anti communist dissidents during the late period of the cold war more recently he's been backing best for britain and anti brags that group in the u.k. we've got one mission and that is to try and stop breaks it george soros is foundations have along with a number of other major donors also made significant contributions to i would indeed through his foundations he's contributed four hundred thousand pounds he's been working to try and repeal the abortion laws in ireland. the activities there have actually been deemed illegal with amnesty international being ordered by the authorities to return his donations that hasn't stopped him or even given him pause in trying to influence the politics of a foreign country that is just another example. also ensures.
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that huge. concern in their own question. soros recently experienced a few setbacks in hungary central european university which he's very close to was unaccredited so what did he do to move it over the border into austria george soros has no problem crossing borders moving money and creating a ruckus in order to further his political agenda the man has actually gone as far as to speak of himself and divined i admit i have always hob with an exaggerated view of myself and putin's to put it bluntly i fancied myself as some kind of good on an economic reform. or even both to a scientist like einstein but all this talk of washington corruption and big lobbyists don't forget about the big man himself george soros is globally oriented and he has no problem going to other lands and telling people how to live their lives they will mop and r.t. new york. the american journalist max blumenthal believes lobbying in the united
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states is a type of corruption covered up as business we get kind of a cook narrative that leaves out the real source of corruption in washington which is our allies buying influence and taking american policy over the brink in the middle east foreign governments are paying billions of dollars into think tanks. lobbying firms and even hollywood in order to curry favor in the us the term collusion can certainly be applied to this lobbying this is the story i think that everyone in washington is missing out on because it's considered business as usual and it's basically collusion only takes place one of the most peculiar stories of the week coming up in a few moments tests on shellfish in waters off west coast america revealed the extent of prescription drug use in the u.s. the details are quite extraordinary that's coming up in one thousand.
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twenty five years ago companies go public as a way to expand their be a viable corporation you have to meet certain criteria to for being a bible corporation and then you are allowed to go public now there are no such criteria so if you're essentially burning through cash and going bankrupt or using a public marketplace to bail out a losing position. i've
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been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime stamping each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you loans to the culture rich eight point six percent market saw a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per circuit per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one one business shows you can afford to miss the one and only buddha.
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just take seventeen minutes into the program welcome back now there are enough opioids in the waters off seattle on the west coast of america that shellfish there have tested positive for the drugs scientists say it reflects the high number of people in the surrounding area who take this absence. but what we eat and what we excrete goes into the puget sound telling me that there's a lot of people taking up to code on and you know in the puget sound area it's coming likely from the wastewater treatment plant so how is it all funded well clean muscles were put into more than a dozen locations and then three of the areas were confirmed to be contaminated waste water management cannot filter out the opioids and the muscles are unable to metabolize to drugs but other sea life can on may become addicted this is the first
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time scientists have discovered the drugs in shellfish their own believe it highlights the extent of the nationwide opioid epidemic in the u.s. now there have been more than two hundred thousand prescription overdose deaths in the u.s. since one thousand nine hundred between the two year and twenty sixteen or dose that's almost quadrupled six hundred fifty thousand opioid prescriptions quite a number are dispensed daily there policy researcher. thinks that overprescription is behind the epidemic. the real problem is not that you can detect oxy code and shellfish the the real problem is that over exposing the united states to this highly addictive drug has led to an epidemic of opioid addiction and overdose deaths in the united states doctors are prescribing opioids for very common problems where opioids should not be prescribed these are good medicines for treating pain at the end of life there are good medicines when used for
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a couple of days after major surgery but the bulk of the prescribing the bulk of the consumption in the united states is for long term common problems where opioids are much more likely to harm patients than how patients if other countries increased prescribe in the way we did in the united states i'm afraid that they will follow in our footsteps. there is a grim new assessment of progress for the united states in its strong mission in afghanistan government auditors say efforts have stalled our best and worst are failing and looking through the story first don't quarter. you'd think that after sixteen years the u.s. led mission in afghanistan would finally have something to show for its trouble well here's how the federal authority tasked with overseeing reconstruction sees it . between two thousand and one and two thousand and seventeen years government
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efforts to save the licencee cure in contested areas in afghanistan mostly failed the us government greatly overestimated its ability to build and reform government institutions in afghanistan a pretty clear picture from cigar the top brass in washington though wants to assure you they have everything under control now looking at a twenty eighteen as president gandhi said he believes we have turned a corner and i agree. the momentum is now with the afghan security forces and the taliban cannot win in the face of the pressures that i outlined you think they're talking about two completely different wars but they've been at opposite poles before just last year cigar said the u.s. failed to properly mentor afghan forces let alone give them the momentum to beat the taliban with the enormous personal and financial sacrifices already made by afghans in their international partners the country my have relapsed to control by extremists and terrorists and again us generals are reading from an entirely
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different script. afghanistan special operations forces are becoming the best in the region and the afghan air force is neighboring those ground elements there is more work to be done and it will take time however this remains a very very worthy investment failing or not u.s. military leadership doesn't seem to be that bothered about how much this war is costing either flashback to twenty fourteen cigar reported that afghan reconstruction had exceeded the true cost of the marshall plan you know the us is project to reconstruct all of western europe after world war two yeah it sounds like a budget busting hefty price tag for american generals though it's a necessary expense to get things just right for a victory we should be seeking to win this war counterinsurgencies take a while i think we have gone a long way to setting the conditions for what generally would usually is the
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defining factor in winning a counterinsurgency which is to set the conditions for government so the conditions for the rule of law set the conditions for economic opportunity go back farther to two thousand and nine and things already weren't looking so good then president obama had committed over thirty eight billion dollars to repair efforts in the region and that money was going to who exactly. our office also initiated preliminary inquiry. into twenty three allegations of fraud waste and abuse even then u.s. military leaders optimistically saw the situation as a great springboard for their military campaign i'm not prepared to say that we have turned the corner but i think we have made significant progress in setting conditions in two thousand and nine and will make a real progress in two thousand and ten it takes a lot to keep that optimism up all these years but one thing the us generals might have lost sight of is that if you plan to keep turning corners you'll end up right
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where you began donald quarter r.t. . they are stories for an hour a sideways look up the news coming up it's the latest edition of red ducted tonight with hosts lee camp after that to join kevin nolan for all the latest news updates this elderly live from moscow. a. lot. to look up that was not going to get up. there.
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but hold his hands do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or somehow want to. it's going to be for us this is what before three of them all can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters about how. this should. these we continue to discuss only about some amateurs of the maastricht. but the six spots i know we don't we are nothing to give to the next generation and reason for the rich the big problem to me utopian these is the reason of us kept.
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injuries among current enough to soak the kids will see how the robot shows real humors on the phone to film the whole feeling of a powerful symbols of the sea so you're welcome to use a book in a moral sense of what it might. want to make it of nothing of. a flood me. somethin that was. on long enough something outside of. the market and into huddles with my thoughts that's what i see now maybe i'm a bit i'm a bit old best see. you
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. ready to laugh but also be kind of depressed. i want to cover the agony the comedy show where americans in america covering american news are called foreign agents congress congress has finally stood up to do something about the out of control policing in this country but before i get to that let's take a moment to review the problem the issue just two days ago a video came out showing milwaukee police tasing and be a player sterling brown for the crime of parking in a handicap spot but he got off easy at the beginning of this month the police in our country have already killed four hundred people so far this year to give you
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something to compare that to in the years preceding april twenty sixth teen u.k. cobbs discharge their weapons seven times with three people killed seven. they had only fired or got seven times in a year your average american got discharges their weapons seven dogs just to open their beer can when the when the little metal tab breaks off you know ya gotta get the gun out. and then they fired three more times to celebrate once they get the vero. yes our cops have killed over four on hundred people so far this year and of the eleven hundred twenty seventeen killings officers were charged with the crime in only thirteen one percent of all killings by police just one percent or even charged with anything it's
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basically open season on americans by our own police forces well over half of all these killings began with police responding to suspected nonviolent offenses or cases where no crime was ripped. sorted in a little under half of the killings the victim didn't even have a gun and most of those who were completely unarmed and yet killed anyway were people of color so you see it's not that cops don't kill white people they kill tons of white people they kill more white people than wendy's baconator sandwich are right but. no it's that the white people cops kill are more likely to be waving a gun around the black people are often not on average police recruits get eight hours of training on how to deescalate a situation they get fifty eight hours of training on how to shoot things.
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so it sounds like shooting things is about seven times more important than trying to avoid shooting things. i mean eight hours i got more than eight hours of training on how to put on a condom in sixth grade sex. which i guess could also be called gun safety training. granted that particular gun safety training was from the gym coach doubled as our sec said j jerk. i'm not kidding which by the way is one of those horrific experiences and the kid can go through life it up boys all right when you're gonna make some whooping and you found a female who wants to make the would be with you you've got to put on an angler ok what you gotta do ok to do and then inevitably the first question one of the kids. college how do we get a girl to want to do that with us sorry if i knew that i would be praised
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to prove to her brains all right i'll tell you the right to be a millionaire selling books on how to get laid all right. my dog learned how to play ball quicker than you sorry doesn't work. any way where was i. yes deescalation if police did not kill people who were not posing a threat with a gun there would have been six hundred and thirty eight fewer deaths in twenty seven doing a fifty seven percent reduction but luckily we are in volved society we have all lacked good rappers and it is who's stand up for the people the voters right when something like this is happening and sure enough the house of representatives did indeed pass a bill the other day concerning police today and strong support of it or five six
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nine eight the protect and serve act of twenty eighteen this important bill enhanced penalties for anyone who intentionally causes harm to our law enforcement officers yes enhanced penalties for anyone who intentionally causes harm to law enforcement officers. oh up until now it was legal the harm a law enforcement officer i had no idea serious. serious it was a problem is this sobering were people just punching cops in the face or going ha ha you they don't like it but it's well within my rights to be out of a job half yeah that's really begun are now i'll take out a problem at all as the intercept said a couple of days ago the bills exemplify the very worst sort of legislation i once unnecessary and pernice shifts in defense of our lawmakers adult that does sound like the mission statement of congress. both the necessary and kurdish ifs
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but the three hundred eighty five congress people who voted for that bill will quickly tell you there is no rash of ambush style attacks on police all rash i tell you said lee we've seen a recent rash increase in violence against officers especially in ambush style attacks that i am concerned. of the number of ambush stella's shootings that we have seen this year the increasing levels of hostility towards the law enforcement community have given rise to an increase in ambush style attacks on police officers yes an increase in ambush style attacks in two thousand and sixteen there were twenty one deaths of police officers from ambush attacks and then in two thousand and seventeen it skyrocketed to eight attacks.
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twenty one to eight killed by increase in amber style attacks human a decrease in amber style attacks. it is true that even a single officer getting killed is too many and therefore thank god thank goodness congress stood up and finally made a murdering police officers illegal you know per for too long of we all accepted that killing or assaulting police officers is five it is just what you just another tuesday right you go to the market get a ghost on us all the cop who dies in who dies in the protective service sends a uniformed message that our country will not tolerate attacks on police which purposefully attempt to undermine the state so chaos in our communities and wrecked the lives of many of our finest citizens and their families so chaos in our communities and wrecked the lives of our finest citizens and families boy that sure sounds like what police do took thousands of families for years.
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as professor alex vitale said in his book the end of policing felony arrests of any kind are a rarity for uniformed officers with most making no more than one a year this is a big deal because it means most of what police do is stand around. going to find people to harass for doing almost nothing wrong they're almost never fighting lex luthor al capone's runnin down the street with a car full of money from the heist you know that's not really going on that much even when they're dressed up like they're you know get ready to fight darth vader there they're actually getting ready to assault some grannies for peace. or maybe some native americans who had the gall to want clean water or perhaps some black
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people who had the nerve to be black people. and if one black person calls another black person now they can be convicted of conspiracy to be black people. so if there's thousands of americans killed by police over the past decade about half of them not even holding a gun at the time of their murder and congress has done nothing about that why did congress just fall all over themselves to make assaulting police even more illegal as the intercept put it in our justice system blew lives are already considered to matter the most which is why police appropriation of the call for black lives to matter is so sickening this would be like thousands of americans were dying each year from stomach parasites so then congress almost unanimously passed a bill is titled parasite lives matter. and everybody as i always parasites were
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doing fine on their own they don't need more protection we need to heavily decrease and demilitarize our police forces we don't need guys with guns who know they're above the law running around everywhere we should write a. brief should switch to community empowerment and community policing where unless it's truly a. hedley situation you don't call the cops you don't invite into your neighborhood armed maniacs with a lazy afternoon of deescalation training under their belt. don't call the cops because your neighbors music is to laugh out or you smell of marijuana or a farm animal wouldn't stop following you hold. yes this is true this week an ohio man who called the police on a literal pig that was following him. he thought the only people who can
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handle this situation are poorly trained dude with firearms. and yes i'm attentional way of voiding the hacky pigs called on a pig joke alright if you want that job you can do it yourself you go your own project and you do the job you don't get that job here. how much you want to bet that the guy that called the cops on a pig is white because a white guy oh white guy figures cops will help him with that problem. but if a black man calls the cops for a way you word pig there the below probably shoot him all right and then the next day front page of the local paper violent african american killed by police after stealing pry faragher company from washington d.c. by the basis that you.
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are. welcome welcome only campanella take the news from behind as you may know google's long time unofficial motto has been don't be evil. ever since their early days and although they changed it to do the right thing a couple years ago they kept don't be evil in the employee code of conduct but last week it came out that google have quietly removed don't be evil. from even its code of conduct. and ironically this story hits a week after a dozen google employees quit because of the company's involvement in a military drone pride.
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