tv News RT May 28, 2018 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT
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you never know what's around the corner you never know what's in the pub you're going to walk into excitement it's that not knowing that's where the adrenalin much comes from. and you can easily move by definition in the extreme so will most of. the violence is a pot and it's almost a schizophrenia. where you can do the sleeves and behave badly. you're going to be full of force call this a little while for the both of us both more so for the last. one this man infirmed . real good on follow us in the thought. i would grow older where no really did a poll don't get. the meaning in reason is that brief if you don't and the evolves
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it's constantly evolving the. old. one else seemed wrong. but old rules just don't all. get to shape out just a few cuts to educate and in detroit equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. people we continue to discuss only about some amateurs of the mastic. camp but six bucks and we don't we are nothing more than to give to the next generation and he's going to reach to be proud to be european these is the reason all of us can.
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welcome back we just heard from palestine chief negotiators a barrack at talk about what he believes a possible solution is to end the violence in gaza to hear the other side of the story i'm now joined from manchester by rafi blum the co-chair of northwest friends of israel rafik thanks for coming on going underground who is to blame for the massacre in gaza because of the united states moving its embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem well i'd like to correct you initially and say the massacre in gaza some muskets are blamed for any deaths they've confirmed that of the sixty dead fifty eight a members of hamas islamic jihad have claimed another thirty another three and let's be clear this protest and these deaths were not because of don't trust moving the american embassy to jerusalem these processes are quite clear late because hamas has lost its strategic advantage your sources extracts and feels the
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need to reinvent itself and so it's instigating these riots knowing full well that they're not going to get anywhere using them as cover for attempted terrorist attacks and infiltration into israel and so if anybody is to blame for any of the deaths it's clearly some us a sense of billions to a sovereign border fence when they know the dangers because the international community does not accept that it is a border fence because it is in violation of un resolutions would you though support an inquiry to vindicate what you just said there it to answer your first point first actually the border with gaza and israel is the international armistice line there is. no debates over the holidays line not a border yeah but there's nobody does no debate it's not because not called the green line is that there's no sort of you know going to be any attempt to renegotiate those borderlines any final status solution so it's israel sovereign bought us in terms of an inquiry i believe that the i.d.f.
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has done all its accounts and mitigates as many sort of injuries and casualties as possible i think it has clear rules of engagement it is clear rules of engagement and i think that we've seen that hamas of use these riots and as an attempt to infiltrate we've seen videos of people actually getting onto the other side with knives with meat cleavers with weapons shouting and you who think that priory don't you think it acquire you would vindicate your position and that is after all the position of the israeli government why not i mean when someone is shot dead in london at a demonstration there'd be an inquiry. my answer to that is there's a i'm not a member of the i.d.f. but i feel confident that should there be an inquiry yes it would be indicate the i.d.f. is obviously asked that because the united nations human rights commission has voted twenty nine to two to independently investigate but israel will not support any independent investigation into the deaths but i think you have to look at the united nations you know human rights council is massively biased against israel in any event and
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a number of countries abstained from that vote as well including the u.k. it's not the united nations security council it's not the united nations general assembly it's united nations human rights council which has been known for years so it's used by a stroke or resolutions against israel i'm just saying that you mention the united nations armistice line isn't there a problem here with israel continually opposing u.n. institutions because when is israel going to abide by a united nations security council resolutions but it's interesting you say that because of course the united nations resolution two forty two doesn't state doesn't call for withdrawal completely from any occupied territories it calls to exalt in one hundred sixty seven borders it calls for withdrawal from this from occupied territories in return for peace and security so when you quote united nations resolutions you have to apply it to both sides the united nations resolution two forty was very very clear withdraw from occupied territory in return for peace and security israel does not have peace and security when its neighboring arab
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countries and the palestinians offer it peace and security you know why not focus on that why not say to them why you are biting bayonets nations resolutions it's also offering this of peace and security it's a two way street this resolution was not one way that a solution of course is conditionality according to the international community and there's certainly no conditionality on the status of jerusalem u.n. security council two three three four in december of twenty sixteen as recently as that so why is israel celebrating the breaking of that resolution well when you say jerusalem. speak where jerusalem was the capital of israel in one nine hundred forty s. forty eight forty nine it's the place where the government sits where they just reset where the executive sets it's where any foreign diplomats who comes to israel to meet with their israeli counterparts comes to visit them it's where heads of state go it's never been a capital of a palestinian state to my recollection correct me if i'm wrong and so therefore jerusalem is the capital of the jewish people it's been historically the cup of the
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jewish people for millenia for the young so there were un resolutions there that settlement in east jerusalem are a flagrant violation of international law united nations resolution says that obviously you know i don't i don't believe. that any part of jerusalem that is not part of israel let me tell you something i was in israel three weeks ago i spent a day in the west bank i spent a day with an easter is that with many students the knights and they said to me very very clearly they would rather remain under israeli sovereignty and become citizens of israel than live under palestinian authority rule and it's interesting because in one thousand sixty seven when israel recaptured or took control of east jerusalem and of the holy sites it offered every palestinian or every arab resident at the time to be system citizenship now they collectively said no but at the end of the day those citizens of those residents of east jerusalem benefit from all the benefits that you get from living in israel and they said to me very clearly i've heard it with my own ears that they would rather remain under israeli sovereignty and be part of the palestinian authority is finally i don't know what you thought
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of the media coverage of what's been happening near that buffer zone between the armistice line but britain's nato ally turkey has compared jews to nazis and their treatment of palestinians indicative of what you've been hearing from so many sides of the international community in the past few weeks i mean first of all i would say that you know any comparison of of the israel palestinian conflict to the nazi it's abhorrent and it's actually absent that israel has not been committing acts of genocide against the palestinians indeed the palestinians now number some. four point two million people in one thousand forty eight there were six hundred forty thousand is rather pretty rubbish at genocide if that's the case no it's completely wrong turkey speak to the folks on how cunt to eat who has been engaged in the massacring of kurds the ethnic cleansing of kurds and that's a fact that israel dealing with the palestinians and i was at the areas border crossing three weeks ago the palestinian authority stopping for atrocity in gaza
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they've asked the salaries of fatah employees in gaza they forced early retirement of thousands more some us are using palestinian civilians as human shields for terror acts israel is the only entity that believes in increasing the prosperity of gazans of ordinary gazans and understands that that will lead to potential peace and an increase in potential peace so the international community in turkey especially is in no position so that it is not about anything right people and thank you. thank you very much. there's something very different paul weller wrote the political song going underground appears in a new documentary charting the career of a designer who has arguably influence how people look across britain and all around the world the subject so i like call him curator john simons with over six decades in retailing help to define british modernism john welcome to going underground what do you think of a film that seems to imply that every man in britain owes
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a debt to you in some way when they get dressed in the morning i had a very long career in men's clothing you know even since before i left school and i think it's great that. the film depicts that and explains it to some extent without being big headed it would be true to say that they can't be many people have been touched in some way or another who hasn't had a harrington jacket or hasn't heard something that we that we were the inspiration for that and callers have like and i'm sure we were we went pushing them since sixty two sixty three is quite a long time ago and so when you opened you had a shop in east london then in west london and you had clothes coming in from the united states at a point it didn't start off like that it started off with us running around looking for people who could take this to pieces and copy it take this to pieces and copy
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and they were big manufacturers because we were actually kids you know we wanted just small quantities so it's always teething troubles in that you know ambition was to go to us so i started going to the us around sixty six sixty seven and that was an awakening you know i suddenly found this whole world of wall to wall ivy league clothes shirts. stay precious trowsers all that whole ivy league stake and yet it was the working classes of this country i loved your shoulders and your clothes and that fashion in the united states was was richer people it was everybody everybody i'm telling it was everybody with big stores button down shirts pollard i'm high there were millions of them it was a disposable society you know everybody everybody wore. short pants and
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the bottom high fashion the waist what's coming in short pants narrow at the bottom margin in the waist you know here for us the voices in the film like paul weller who wrote a song which this program is damed after he said he says it was about identity and that it's somehow linked to music an art and it was you know was not like a group identity you know when we're young we want to plug into something so that we have kind of unanimous feelings about things. and that was what was happening at and slowly i remember the first day when we got in enrichment the ivy shop which is an iconic name now. i think we took. sixty five pounds sixty five pounds of quite a lot and nine hundred sixty four we were absolutely over the moon you know and that's think it works. because it's a point made by the broadcaster robert elms in england people didn't talk much
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about clothes and he makes the point that the jewish emigres room europe came over big history of tailoring in jewish communities in your oh yeah and they they were allowed to talk about men's wear whereas the post-war generation the kids if we'd only have them or did start to talk about it you know they got a football but they still like their clothes and they wanted to have a shared interest in clothes and they would come along to the ivy shop every week and what we doing what we doing what's new would you think of what was said in the film about how when working class britain took motown music and other forms of african-american music to britain it somehow became both music is always linked with some of the very different so your taking of ivy league fashion for me and i we lay back to jazz because a lot of our influences were on the jazz lp calibers the blues. modern jazz quartet
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. chip by coal these people they all wore ivy league it's not just poor well of the musicians suggs from madness to turn band is on and he says he kind of brushes it off quite quickly that skinheads obviously adopted the hiring joe that was associated with a little tirade about some of the right wing politics in the race it's do you think where they came into your show scary and we didn't go skinheads we had what you call suede heads which were sophisticated skinheads and they were less racist whether they were just i wouldn't. want to say that it was modified but but gradually that element did come out of it and. the west indian guys come in where and look and they were really happy in the shop they come along on a saturday and they say i want to parity blockbuster is their big heavy shooter used to sell repair that was their nickname from the blockbusters what size are you
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going to go no i got take that. take that you know i don't seem to have many to imes. so we never had a problem of that so you know we always loved the fact that we had all different people and different backgrounds coming in but conscious about the media frenzy of more than rochas the kind of gang we very happy today we were very seventy's we were to a great extent we created that as either an offshoot or directly of what we were doing today identity arguably is high fashion labels yes months of working class not necessarily tailoring curated by by one. mostly in the same fashion these days are very much to do internet publicity who they have on board. and people want to follow their vision we're a little bit underground but we do have
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a big following. very big following by people who feel they're a little more in touch with the reality of clothing what about the fact that you are such an early importer from southeast asia you talk about shoes from korea yeah i do that what do you think about the explosion in that kind of trade you can blow things may well with good craftsmanship i started to go to spain and all these different people and notice the american. almost setting up factories there so i began to realize that it was happening all around the world. you know there were capabilities of manufacturer and we found some really good stuff waiting career i just went to an office in the city so the korean guy showed and so was i wanted a couple months later they copy so that we ok. we were off. that seven a show will be back on wednesday when as commemoration hearings continue at the
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inquiry into britain's worst tower block grant felt we hear veteran grime mc marcy phonics his new song and why he believes it prime minister drazen may is taking liberties until then you can give each of us by social media with your wednesday one hundred seventy six years to david john francis try to assassinate british queen victoria he said damn the queen why should she be such an expense to the nation. if we continue to discuss only about amateurs of the maastricht. come back. and we don't we have nothing to give to the next generation reason for the rich to be proud to be european these is the reason all of us can. fifty years ago britain and within to conjugate and. as
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a sleeping pill does does or doesn't leave because a lot of those who said this thought the side effects were terrible but not on the road is short indulged in football. you're not warm. across europe victims are starting legal battles demanding at least some compensation. in two ways first will the physical damage itself as well the call to mind that the people who actually perpetrated this crime has never been born the justice and those being the couple. at the moment it is anyone's guess where the korean negotiations stand against donald trump is the wild card also is the u.s. isolating itself on the war on stage.
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about your sudden passing i've only just learnt you worry yourself in taking your last bang turned. up to us we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry. so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath. but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was again still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our ark and i secretly promised to never again like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind it's consumed with death this one difference i speak to you now because there are no other takers. to claim that mainstream media has met its maker.
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italy's president appoints an interim government headed by an ex i.m.f. official that amid calls for him to be impeached after he rejects that would be coalitions euro skeptic. minister i'm wondering if we are in a democracy and if it's a new talents to solve this is the actual point i have a great problem in italy. as the u.k. condemns israel's actions against palestinian protesters it's been revealed that british firms are selling record numbers of weapons to tel aviv and also to come we speak to a black activist stabbed in the n.r.c. rally in the u.s. who says that police were trying to press charges against him.
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but i welcome it's two pm here in moscow you're watching international our top story this hour's breaking news because italy's president has just appointed an interim prime minister former international monetary fund official locata really does come after sergio. rejected the center right coalition's pick for the post of economy minister citing his euro skepticism as the reason why the new interim prime minister's government will still need to be approved by the parliament elections will now be held either later this year or in twenty nineteen so to help us dissect some of this is charlotte across the story first to charlotte just talk us through there what was announced. well what we've had announced by the italian president is the man that he would like to be italy's interim prime minister his name is carlo quarterly he's a former director of the international monetary fund in fact he was the director of
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fiscal affairs between two thousand and eight and two thousand and thirteen and he's known as being a mysticism is now he got that name because he cut public funding in italy and the italian president sees him as being the safe hands to lead italy through this political turmoil which has deepened since the two coalition partners who come together to try and form an italian government this is the league and the five star movement have decided they will no longer pursue that why has that taken place well that's because we heard in the last few hours that the italian president had rejected the idea of the man that they had put forward to be italy's next economy minister his name is paolo sivana he was rejected by the italian president because he's seen as being a euro skeptic to euro skeptic in fact in his recent book the eighty one year old
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economist had actually described the single currency as being a german cage well what does this mean well first of all as you mentioned there andrew the italian parliament first of all it now has to approve the choice by the italian president for the interim prime minister if that approval is given then we could see elections later next year if that approval is not given and that this deal is far from signed and delivered given plenty of opposition in the italian parliament that italy could see fresh elections as soon as all goes to the two thousand and eighteen what we know that this is the longest cold war period that italy has been without a government eleven weeks so far what we've. getting some reaction from the heads of five star movement and the link to that appointment of carlo quarterly as the proposed interim prime minister of italy. german journalists and politicians
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insulting italians a big lazy tax evaders freeloaders and ungrateful people and we should use a finance minister the they like no thanks. but this is the actual point i have a great problem and italy this is not a free democracy. where brussels has long shown its opposition to the idea of those two parties populist parties actually forming a government and before we had that latest development today of the italian prime minister saying that he wanted to take over the reins of italy we had some reaction to brussels to the political turmoil in italy which is the euro zone's third largest economy confidence that is time has to do and president of the republic will prove to be as always serving the interest of italian citizens.
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well the rejection of the italian prime minister to the coalition governing idea of who they wanted to run italy may not bode well with the electors who will possibly be going to vote to the polls again in august of this year or a little later both the parties the five star movement and the league had been driven by the populist vote in italy have been anti e.u. in a lot of their sentiments of talked about renegotiating some of the e.u. treaties they talked about deporting more immigrants from italy that also talked about lifting sanctions with russia all of these things completely against the ethos of what we hear from brussels well they'll be hoping that they can write high as they hope many people will be unhappy with what they see as taking the hands of democracy out of the will and the hands of the italian people and been taken into the hands of one man italian president ok thank. you there are europe
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correspondent with the update thank you well just to give you some background then an election was held nearly three months ago no party secured a majority however a coalition pact was eventually formed with a political novice appointed prime minister he resigned just a few days later after failing to form a government we spoke to a member of the five star party one of the coalition partners and he says they rejected economy minister survive was not anti europe. incredible point is that the candidate mr boehner was the first saying italy has to stay in the e.u. in the euro zone but there's to be more stronger in the east if you show to bring some good point at home what martha raddatz said today in a t.v. conference was that it was not ok because in the past you criticize the you so can you imagine a democracy where an minister cannot be a minister because he has some political idea you can be healthy you can be
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a problem you've been dried just guilty for something by you cannot be a problem if you have some good idea. well former italian prime minister matty renzi is the latest guest and. discussing why the country is politically divided you can watch the full interview later today we have a lot of single problem a single issue is surely migrants surely the luck of appointment of an employment is one of the most important problem of my county but in general a part of europe. in france now because it was not working for many counties in the score after all so you for using to about. some countries very rich you see them grow up one of the scepter business in my county is not on li mani's problem because the rich ne.
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vault for a popular spot for years an art. please this is time for europe to come back to greet us to greet the great the us. now the u.k. sold a record number of arms to israel this year according to a new report by campaign against arms trade and it comes as british politicians condemn television use of force against palestinian protesters with more his. after israel's use of life fire against palestinians on may the fourteenth there was condemnation in much of the world not least the u.k. yesterday's horrific massacre because it left at least fifty eight and the loss of life we have seen is tragic and extremely concerning. such as is destructive to
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peace efforts and we call on all sides to show restraint the launch of life is extremely concerning we continue to employ israel to show great restraint yet despite those strong words for years britain has been ramping up how much weaponry it sells to israel since two thousand and fifteen numbers have skyrocketed up eleven fold in the span of just two years and those sales include star power rifles weapons sites munition for small arms anti right equipment and other items similar to those used by israeli forces against unarmed protesters. the u.k. doesn't keep data on how such equipment and weapons are used after being sold until that can be established m.p.'s put forward a motion to suspend sales altogether in the lords of the extensive use of. israeli forces against palestinians in gaza the house calls for. sales to israel
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unless it can be demonstrated that weapons and components imported from the u.k. . in accordance with the consolidated criteria that motion did not make it to debate and while just after the killing of protesters britain did join the chorus of countries calling for an independent investigation when the un put sending a war crimes probe to gaza to a vote the u.k. abstained calling into question just how important the truth is to teresa mayes government and leaving london in the comfortable position of condemning potentially her effective uses also in the guns to carry them out. they have always been about . actually they have increased their arses or else like in critical occasionally the most wool the more shareholders go i'm with you the i'm with you the album shadow right i'm going through the roof i think i really believe that there is damage.
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