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tv   News  RT  May 28, 2018 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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who is now a dissident who recently got beaten you know because you want to toss out a competent question but my peace plan you know based on that great mcgowan psychical what he says that trump should be glad to know a dream of his nobel peace prize since the novel peace prize is already discredit by being given to a bomb and that the nobel peace prize committee in north will let them come to donald trump and say congratulations and all that drop and get your price if you need ten don't have to save us time for the war because we never want to leave you the only way to save their noble peace prize after obama gorbachev are a part of and others ok let me go back to before we go to the break here i think which i don't want to go into it in great depth but i mean you know we had on my pump a zero come out with his twelve points for in dealing with iran here i mean we can compare that which was all quite ludicrous and very much a ridiculed by foreign people in the foreign policy blob it seems to me that does mirror the north korean strategy meaning there really if they really haven't
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thought it out very well go ahead alex you know we have twelve steps to a war is really what it was twelve steps to regime change but i mean i think you're right peter can't overstress the fact that it's not only the libyan model that north korea is nervous about it's the iranian model that libya north korea is nervous about let's not forget it's only been a couple of weeks since the united states broke their agreements with iran so there's no doubt that. i'm looking at what happened in iran. yeah north korea has already made two significant gestures of real significance they have detonated their tunnels that they used for nuclear detonation and they unilaterally returned three u.s. spies so they've obviously done their part but even both in this sabotaging this not only referring to the threat of libyan regime change but by demanding that north korea completely denuclearized right from the get go without anything to force that meeting and saying good morning for. there is
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a peace treaty signed before there's fear any type of face steps and this is a way of raising expectations but when actually said that he wanted the talks to go forward as soon as possible so that nothing could be done to then step steps later and jump right to more serious measures we all we all know what that means essentially what bolton is saying first surrender and then we can sit down and talk ok and this is exactly the same message gentlemen that the u.s. administration is sending to rahm we're going to go to a short break gentlemen after that after that short break we'll continue our discussion on some real new stay with art.
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for a world cup twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goalkeepers of all time but there was one more question by the way was going to be our coach. guys i know you on the us he's a huge star among us and the huge amount of pressure you have to the center of the problem here with you and the great great you are the rock at the back nobody gets past you we need you to get the ball going let's go. alone because i want to you know and i'm really happy to join the team for the thousand and three in the world cup in russia. the special one i was ok she needs to just say to redo the aussie team's latest edition to make up a bigger. look. dropping
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bombs brings peace to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battles of big stone. the new socks credit tell you that will be gossiping by files a little before the day. of the bad guys and tell me you are not cool enough and such to buy their product. these are the hawks that we along with our loved ones. join me every. time i'm sure and i'll be speaking to get the politics. i'm sure i'll see that. welcome back to crossfire were all things considered i'm peter remind you we're discussing some real news.
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ok gentlemen it's switch gears i just came back from the st petersburg international economic forum obviously in st petersburg one of the things i find really quite remarkable not the fact that mccrone was there because he'd just been in the united states and you know we've got a lot of hugs and you know that his dandruff and taken off his shoulder but he didn't do anything. in st petersburg look very very different the there was an open in brace and we had the john they drop a nice prime minister there we had angle merkel that is visited putin twice in sochi gone to china there seems like a lot of movement on the table right now go ahead well in general if isolation is about fifteen thousand international business figures coming to st petersburg that's a very nice a situation i wish many countries in europe these kind of isolation by the indeed there are i think it was a success you know mr monk wrong and and come to st petersburg
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however in general i don't think mccrone really has the power to he'd like to he'd like to have their confrontation with russia unfortunately there you know that article about getting rid of so-called energy dependence on russia. a lot of other discriminatory calls us about relations with russia they're written in they're always in the norms of the european union mr monk simply doesn't have the power to change them and i think this is something that a lot of people don't understand but you know do we get alex in cyprus here i deme is absolutely right a lot of this is really kind of written into stone here but i think there is we're in a moment right now where people are beginning. to look at options something we haven't seen on this scale in my lifetime at least ok i mean i you do have the europeans actually considering different ways of moving forward because of the growing
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mistrust with trump's white house go ahead alex in cyprus we're seeing the world under president trump and just as president trump its natural size in his art of the deal foreign policy practice it works both ways and we're seeing the europeans we're seeing we're seeing micro and you know we're seeing russia and china also weigh their options and look at their negotiating leverage when dealing with the united states as well as when dealing with each other so i think we're seeing a lot of jockeying for different positions we're seeing the national interests of countries come back to the forefront and this is really all because of trump's instability in some predictability but also his style of bringing you know everything about foreign policy too to a transactional level it's all about negotiations and so it works both ways and the europeans i think are now are starting to realize that they can exercise their their options mark yeah well i you know i see your dismissals work as usual go
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ahead i mean i think we have to take all of this with a not just a grain of salt but a good dash of salt over the shoulder because mccracken seems to have this type of simpering ego as thick personality where he has to kiss the rear end of whoever he's in the room with and played to whether that's trump or. as we saw it i mean to add insult to injury and his recent trip to the white house evidently the tree that he planted that he and his wife planted with his teacher his wife whatever the the story is they're planted in the white house grounds was then dug up after he left so. i think. he certainly i mean is that breaking the mc what i wear to work more than others i'm breaking those. it was widely reported the head of the i.m.f. the french president the japanese prime minister and the chinese president that's in or that's isolation vice president or vice president you have
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a second in command in china that that is international isolation. but this these steps by. merkel visiting sochi been visiting china for a second time coming to russia talks of reconciliation mccraw of the the obvious must stakes were made when talking about reconciliation with russia where you read a lot of the. words it's very clear who made the mistakes that yeah exactly this is we shouldn't we should be happy for this but we shouldn't take it for more than it is this is normal realist balancing this is what states do when states other states do things that angry with them they. send a message that they have other options to explore and that's why you know this is a marx absolutely right but what is not right or kind of. out of balance is it and
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we've mentioned this on this program before trump doesn't care you know he doesn't care about the implications and we have said here he's playing to his base i'm sure he's got a checklist in his pocket you know he's checking them through i mean is unpopular in his why of moving to the embassy to jerusalem going out of the iran deal being very fickle when it comes to north korea i mean these are these these are things he ran on well i think we should always remember that we're not being told by a state where polls by an ideology and the problem with trump is that he is aggressive stupid dangerous but he does not understand this ideology he was not certified by them he won unexpectedly and the conflict gave it to him even though he. all the things that they want that he bomb syria he he was very threatening to north korea he did everything they usually do continuing threatening of venezuela to ensure the underwriting transaction on right thanks and you know
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russia russia russia should these sanctions exit legend because that's what is water bottles it seems o.b.l. just a little and the funny thing is that they're the democrats and the european liberals and used him coops with russia they continue to use him even though he has done more anti russian things than any president in history of the united states before him i mean to me this is all just him bought it in that terrible loss you know that the democrats have made and they want to support them just let me remind our listeners don't put too much into that lawsuit there i think that is a job there for you in russian federation russian intelligence trumps competing in judo in a song gendered. to me it's like this is crosstalk on the ground ok it's not a that's serious and. it's bill gates and santa claus on the loose you know jericho and jordan a silent it's likes you and mother three s and stormy daniels invited last month
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you're not going to do in their minds they were stormy daniels free zone here. maybe go to you know in cyprus but one of the interesting thing that the and i'm agreeing with demon is that it's it's an anglo-saxon cobol here that is the anti russian i mean obviously elites in europe got to play along with it because that's the cue that they're given from the berlin i'm sorry from washington but it seems to be very anglo-saxon when continuing this anti russian rhetoric and policies they see the europeans that is something we have european leaders coming here to moscow and to negotiate negotiate is the beginning of the beginning of a process go ahead alex you are right in the beginning i believe. even stated. it's essentially that you know that russia is and it trickle part of europe i mean he was he was very clear in his statements that he does not want russia to drift through east but you know let's let's not forget that trump is not a statesman or
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a good lad he's a business guy so i don't think you really understand any of this stuff that's going on i think you brought everything to a business level and let's face it being a real estate tycoon in new york is probably a very dirty business and you make agreements and you break agreements and you twist arms you can do a lot of stuff that you know may be seen below their belts in foreign diplomacy and trump is bringing a lot of that to the world stage and you even had russian president putin say that it seems to be right now that you know the new rules are all about breaking the rules and that's very much an allusion to how trump is dealing with a lot of the foreign policy issues to date and it's a very good point i mean you know it's breaking all the rules but you know if you're always breaking the rules you can't make a new rule and that is the big problem here right now mark i think trumps art of the deal is like a mafia don when john bolton brought up the you know the the lead. option
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for. north korea. trump replied well well that's not what we're planning the libyan option we totally decimated them that was a decimation he said and it case you don't know what that means that was with the omen roman legionary practice of killing why the out of every ten people and north korea has already been through worse than that they're the u.s. . hellacious bombing campaign of north korea during north korean war so that it could have been well received there but then he said that is that's only if we if you break that if you don't sign a deal that's the only time decimation so either side on the bottom line or get decimated that is a mafia don threat simultaneously this whole scene. and international economic forum was overshadowed by trump's trade war on global trade i've not not just globalization but trade with allies trump has put affectively
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sanctions on south korea he's put tariffs rounds of tariffs on china sanctions on russia syria north korea iran he's promising the biggest sanctions in world history because they don't trump the truck around with his little fingers loves everything big bigger that and it is he likes to exaggerate the size of everything but he's also threatening sanctions in two ways over both iran and the completion of nord stream against his own allies in the e.u. right which is sure to you know really what all of them in europe really interesting and i'm glad you brought up the energy security we could dream of because you know there's a lot of things that the europeans will go along with with the with the americans traditionally. not specifically with from now but their energy security is something that is very real and very much theirs and i see in the germans are leading that push back that they will have north stream we also have the pipeline
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will be coming through turkey so i mean it looks like they're yeah well if that's if you want because turkey is always a wild card but i mean this is an issue that is very real and very important to them and russia is a reliable partner we've seen some of that but there are two different things the european union and europe europe needs russian gas the european union needs to damage russia basically why did they destroy the project. the sols was a savior for europe you know it was going to bring cheap energy to the to a more problematic state to that end to greece but they did everything before the project to be fair the germans rule the south stream so they can get. oh energy all of you have been through that is you know there has to me that she's a target so i do know that i'm going to have the judgment run out of time here many thanks to my guests here in moscow and in cyprus this is the end of our broadcast
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segment stay with us with the extended version on our you tube channel see you next time and remember across the uk schools. you never know what's around the corner and never know what's in the pub even to walk into the sack simon it's that look now and that's where the adrenalin rush comes from. can begin is a move by definition and the extremes will fully support. the violence he's a part of and it's a almost a schizophrenia gang culture where you can do all these things and behave badly.
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they're going to befall a whole disqualified all. of us both also focus on the loss of. punishment and infirmed then one month while all of us from the start. of a broader way enough i figure out i really did a poll down down went up i'll get. the meaning in reason is that least if you're not on the involves it's constantly evolving and. i've been saying the numbers mean something they've matter us has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime families each dish. eighty five percent of global wealth you longs to the ultra rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent just last year some with one hundred to five hundred three per cent get first shot and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building
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two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one one just shows you can afford to miss that one can only be anybody. fifty years ago breaking within two concerts as a sleeping pill does the sword only images like to. the side effects were terrible but not unknown. across europe victims are starting legal battles demanding at least some compensation. in two ways first of all the physical damage itself as well that the constant reminder that the people who actually perpetrated this crime has never been able to justice and there has been a couple of. italy's
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president appoint an interim prime minister after derailing a euro skeptic coalition by blocking one of his cabinet picks prompting calls for his impeachment. but i mean i'm wondering if we are in a democracy definitively italians to side with the germans to side with the french to cite. the u.k. condemns israel's use of force against palestinian protesters it's revealed british firms are selling a record number of weapons to the country. as we speak to a black activist stand to the neo nazi rally in the u.s. he says police tried to press false charges against him.
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good evening and welcome you watching our international. yet more political turmoil is on the cards in italy after the country's president plans for a euro skeptic coalition he also appointed a former international monetary fund official as the interim prime minister to really stress the need for close ties with europe. the new owner will be a role within your remains fundamental as is our continued participation in the euro area his appointment came after the president rejected the euro skeptic coalition's choice of finance minister the media reacted quickly denouncing the president for acting as a quote king who blows everything up dubin ski has the story. well what we know is that italy will have an interim neutral prime minister he's called carlo
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quarterly he's a former director of the i.m.f. and he now has to form a government that government then has to be approved by the italian parliament if they don't approve his choice of a government full of ministers then italy will face fresh elections as soon as or ghost if his government picks are approved in those elections are likely to be pushed into the first half of the twenty nineteen well why are we here well that's because the italian president had vetoed the choice of the economy minister put forward by the attempts to form a coalition by the league and by five star movement that man that was rejected was eighty one year old barlow so a sort of owner who is known as a financial expert but he was vetoed because he was seen as being too euro skeptic and even on sunday the italian prime minister was saying look guys just give me somebody who is not so against europe and i will approve your government general
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good i approved all the proposals for the ministers but i did not approve the name of the minister of economy can i ask that ministry and author it if political figure from the coalition parties who is not seen as a supporter of a line that could provoke italy's action from the euro well the coalition leaders these are the leaders of the league and the five star movement angered by that decision by the italian prime minister saying that it absolutely not democratic they see that they've got the support of six out of ten voters in italy and they are seizing that what's happened in italian politics problem and i'm wondering if we are in a democracy and if in italy the italians decide what the germans decide the french decide it's incredible. this is the actual point we'll have a great problem in italy this is not a free democracy where the. leader of the league also went on to make accusations against german politicians and the german media saying that they were interfering
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and that comes after we saw the publication of a number of german magazines basically putting out what they thought of that potential coalition government one the weekly dish to go had described italians as being scroungers another had used its front cover to show a van with the italian flag on it and the symbols of those two parties actually driving off a cliff meanwhile the new prime minister carlo got out early has been speaking today about what he sees as the friendship with europe and the e.u. as being absolutely essential to italy and we already know that his appointment has been given the seal of approval by brussels he said that they fully support the decision but it's almost there is still much turmoil in italian politics and you can be sure that both five star movement and the league will be using what's happened over the last twenty four hours or so to drum up support whenever italy
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holds its elections next just to give you some background a general election almost three months ago resulted in no party securing a majority but a coalition pact was eventually formed with a political novice appointed prime minister he resigned though just a few days later after failing to form a government market politics professor at the university of milan told us the president appears to be playing to brussels june. in seventy years to plan to give me told about seventy years in there has been nothing like that before it's pure politics and i'm not saying it's not following the constitution is it of course is making a political move he was will be afraid that stuff boehner is this far is that he whine and meet with the banker for very many years who's going to take italy out of the euro zone and you know he wrote it you know this civil and god will do and flit
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about six or seven months ago in iraq and it was like you'll be playing to get out of the euro so i'm not saying this was a move that was decided in berlin or in paris that clearly it was a move for the eurozone former italian prime minister matteo renzi is the latest guest on r.t. so discussing why the country is politically divided you can watch the full interview like we have a lot of seen the problem singlish is surely migrants surely the luck of employment govern employment is one of the most important problem on my counter but the engine out of a part of europe i thought the economy and finance now because the obvious not working from any kind even if it's a very line one formula it's cracked also you for using to bolt.
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some counters very reach you see they go up one of the skepticism that some alternative for them in germany with a very good performance in economy it's a strange message so is not only economy it's also economy he's also going to meet but there's not only gonna. be my county is not on the money's problem because the rich not to use the. vault for probably spark for years cannot. please this is the time for europe to come back to greet the two great the great the us i am but the my my passport and i'm so proud to be telling but they also proud to be european. israel defense forces have raided
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a palestinian refugee camp in the west bank allegedly hunting for suspects who killed an i.d.f. soldier the day before. feeling and put suggest that dozens of soldiers entered the refugee camp in ramallah early on monday morning thirteen palestinians are believed to be wounded during the raid as clashes broke out when soldiers used tear gas and live ammunition against stone throwing protesters residents claim a number of palestinians have also been arrested. meanwhile u.k. weapons manufacturers enjoyed record sales to israel last year a new report by the campaign against arms trade revealed british politicians at the same time condemn israel's use of force against palestinian protesters on his jaclyn booga connects the dots. after israel's use of life fire against palestinians on may the fourteenth there was condemnation in much of the world not least the u.k.
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yesterday's horrific massacre because of left at least fifty eight dead the loss of life we have seen is tragic and extremely concerning. such as is destructive to peace efforts and we call on all sides to show restraint the launch of life is extremely concerning we continue to employ israel to show great restraint yet despite those strong words for years britain has been ramping up how much weaponry it sells to israel since two thousand and fifteen numbers have skyrocketed up eleven four in the span of just two years and those sales include star power rifles weapons sites in munition for small arms anti right equipment and other items similar to those used by israeli forces against unarmed protesters. the u.k. doesn't keep data on how such equipment and weapons are used after being sold until
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that can be established m.p. has put forward a motion to suspend sales altogether in the lords of the extensive use of. israeli forces against palestinians in gaza the house calls for a suspension of u.k. sales to israel unless it can be demonstrated that weapons and components imported from the u.k. soley in accordance with the consolidated criteria that motion did not make it to debate and while just after the killing of protesters britain did join the chorus of countries calling for an independent investigation when the un put something a war crimes probe to gaza to a vote the u.k. abstained calling into question just how important the truth is to teresa mayes government and leaving london in the comfortable position of condemning potentially her effective uses also in the guns to carry them out they are always about actually the increase. in critical occasionally the more the more shareholder.


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