tv News RT May 30, 2018 2:00am-2:31am EDT
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the clinton foundation made russian uranium deal that's the forbade him article title if you just look at the public record new york times washington post you can see that millions and millions and millions of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars flowed into the clinton foundation and then something beneficial took place for the people who gave money to the clinton foundation that is a huge huge. scandal the reason that clinton used a private e-mail server yeah and she eventually transferred top secret special access program intelligence onto that server which is that's the big issue is how she actually transferred how she was able to transfer that intelligence from separate skits on to her server the reason she used that service because of the clinton foundation i think that the trump russia and nonsense i think the truck question nonsense is just one way to hide it a giant money laundering is no no no and for what it is ha what it is what it is
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the ills exactly what it is it's really nothing to see here folks look away it's a way to absolve the clinton machine and to place blame on trump here i mean let me go to christopher in washington i mean i listen to two. brandon clapper basically saying you know surveilling spying on whatever word you want to use on the tram campaign was actually to protect them and to protect the united states why didn't they just tell the campaign hey i think we got some more research right here you might want to be careful who you talk to i mean that would have been the right thing to do would have been a neutral thing to do if that's in case what it was because i don't believe it was because if it was that they would have done that go ahead christopher totally agree peter i mean if you look at the entire investigation what's happened there hasn't been any sort of consistency going both sides in terms of just having a standard and sticking to it and it's sort of shocked me throughout the whole soap opera of the hillary clinton e-mails that at some point there's going to be politics and there's going to be all that's. but at some point there has to be some
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sort of unified standard if you're breaking the law you're breaking national security protocol you should be in trouble and if you look i mean look at james call me i mean he's a beta male who's on his boring book tour he's a he's a clown it's about him it's not about the duty of the f.b.i. i think there's a they really need a facelift i think the brand is really hurting after all this and just tend to agree with with your premise and your lead in. to read before we go to the break here i mean i get i've still got to stick with my narrative is that i think that sessions and and ray and others understand the implications once all of this is revealed about how the deep state colluded against the drum campaign that's going to put it's going to be an institutional crisis when this comes out go ahead charles. well look i think the institution has been in crisis for a long time you know robert mueller was in charge of the f.b.i. from september fourth two thousand and one to supplant a fourth two thousand and thirteen then followed by james comey look at the number of disasters that occurred under their respective watches they could find obvious
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clinton foundation for what they missed the iranian one scandal they missed the laureate scandal they missed the scandal reorganizing confederation two thousand and nine forward you know what didn't they miss and the reality is that technological tools of ever stronger and we the american public the wider world need to debate about how much power security services should have protected our country snoop inside our country and then not to can take care of that those secrets are disseminated around to blackmail politicians to blackmail donors and to be used for nefarious purposes i think we need to have our eyes wide open here a major league investigation anyone no matter how powerful who broke these laws needs to be investigated ideally indicted convicted and sent away to prison ok well you know a you know i before we do the break here mother did find those seventeen russian trolls in st petersburg you know don't underestimate him gentlemen we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on donald
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global warming selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings peace to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battles of big stone and. the new socks credits tell you that will be gossip and probably by itself of the most important news today. often advertising telling me you are not cool enough and listed by their product. these are the hawks that we along with our audience loves watching. welcome back to cross like we're all things are considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing what president trump calls spygate. ok let's go back to los angeles ha charles made a wonderful point at the end of the first half of the program here is this what they're really afraid of with
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a second investigation because first of all the first one with muller has not. you know chris here in washington d.c. i mean if something really important about collusion with trump and russia would have been released a long long long time ago i mean how many leaks in there always leaks one direction have you noticed that and he let me stay with here i mean they're afraid of this second. investigation because it really will reveal institutional corruption and i even think and this is where i think it gets really tricky and dicey because that goes beyond party affiliation and i think that's why they're very hesitant about this because it will in a lot more people not just one side go ahead ha well let's look at who has been investigating. john brennan lied under oath about spying on the senate james clapper lied under oath about the n.s.a. spying on americans james komi lied under oath about exonerating clinton before her interview peter struck in a text message said we can't take the risky use the word risk we can't take the
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risk of trump becoming president we have to engage in the insurer and insurance policy that we spoke about a mantra mccabe's office trying to just fire a molar and tweet that text. but then let's look at andrew mccabe he lied and he lied under oath twice and lied four times this is the office of professional responsibility at the f.b.i. so you have all of these people who are in immense positions of power lying either lying under oath or obviously part of not a conspiracy theory an actual conspiracy of individuals to achieve a political goal john brennan met with harry reid during the election to inform harry reid of alleged russian interference he didn't why didn't he inform president obama why didn't he meet president obama the n.s.a. the f.b.i. and the cia have a fifth thirty five billion dollar combined budget with for thirty five billion dollars the american people get moderate to high confidence and if you look at the
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d.n.i. and the h.s. reports the two intelligence reports that all of this is based on there's nothing certain to zero evidence and there's a war there are warranty disclaimers stating that even high confidence the highest level of assessment even high confidence could be wrong yeah and they actually say in one of the reports don't take anything we say as fact so the intelligence reports are completely just basically opinion three hundred thirty five billion dollars of opinion you have the d.n.c. who never gave its computer service to the f.b.i. they hired crowd strikethrough hillary clinton purchasing through her law firm crowd strike paying crowd strike and also paying christopher steele infusion g.p.s. and glenn simpson for the still does if anyone colluded with russia it was hillary clinton well who purchased the sealed right and it was how this russian source in the foreign country is the u.k. not russia here christopher watching the cable stations do you is it conceivable in
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your mind that president obama knew nothing about what his underlings were doing is that conceivable in your mind. it could be i mean i think there was a general awareness i mean certainly and he had to know sort of the obsessive instincts of hillary clinton wanted to be president i mean you know we heard the end it's from election night in terms of the people that hillary clinton was most angry at was bill clinton barack obama and then donald trump it was everyone's fault but our own but we should definitely take a pause for a second to acknowledge hillary clinton's talent she can't even cheat in a way and you know i don't think that if you're cheating and you have all this behind you you do when she can even cheat and win and the whole thing about you know three million votes she won l.a. and she won new york right great job you know it was a lecture of votes hillary clinton couldn't even cheat and win you know charles i want to go i want i am not going to let obama off the hook here because it's been explained to me a by a number of people that have experience in high government is that such
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a coordinated plan such as we're discussing right now could not have been done without the white house knowing about it so what did he know and when did he know it charles i think you know i think that's absolutely the case i mean i think that in this narrow matter. the clintons in the obama's got together i believe in the june through november two thousand and eight timeframe they hammered out a deal the memorandum of understanding that supposedly regularized relations between the clinton foundation among the clinton foundation bill clinton the secretary of state is it is a complete piece of garbage it's not enforceable that wouldn't have gotten across the line if there were real lawyers a member of barack obama president the harvard law review hillary clinton smartest lawyer in the world you know from the very beginning this was an artifice the clintons had something on obama we don't yet know what it was and obama decided to play along he what he was in for two terms hillary was supposed to succeed him and
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then cover all the stuff up and so absolutely i believe certainly valerie jarrett is arry or consider a guest. she knew all about this and you know it's high time that we go back over this because the thing to remember whether you're a democrat or republican this is a horrible precedent that people are going to look back for decades and say you can get away this with this type of criminal behavior twenty years from now forty years from now maybe four years from now or two years from now somebody is going to try to do far worse than the clintons and the obama's did and we need to expose what happened we need to investigate indict convict and incarcerate people who did this and send them away for a long long time and take away all of their stuff you know ha i think a lot of viewers watching this program initially i think that were very partisan here and i think charles put in put it in the best possible words i mean i'm not doing this everybody knows my partisan politics but it's not being played out on
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this program i think what all of us are talking about is institutions and values and the rule of law and i think that's what really ties us all together i'm a conservative ha you're i know you're a progressive here but we're on the same page about. decency in public life and in officials being held accountable and this is why i think we need another investigation to see to make sure that the government officials expect particularly the unelected ones are held to account go ahead ha well absolutely and there's a famous c.n.n. clip of president obama saying it's absolutely impossible candidate trump should stop whining yeah and it's impossible that anyone could rig the election and he went on and on about how the experts and all the authorities and the most educated people would never ever stoop so low as to blame anyone for an election loss so trump should just stop whining then we have non stop
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whining continual and never ending whining from from clinton and the democratic party. they're going to lose the in the midterms there or they have like what if thirteen or fourteen point lead in the house in the generic polls for both the house or the house in the senate they'll lose the senate or they'll the g.o.p. will keep control of the senate and keep control of the house and they're going to limp into two thousand and twenty trump unless there's something god forbid that's just unforseen trump will easily defeat democrats in two thousand and twenty because democrats don't stand for anything they think that people care about russian interference in the election cares nobody cares holes polls are showing that people are tired of miller muller doesn't stand for anything except if he could indict people on jaywalking he would there's no collusion with russia there's no evidence of anything. the interesting aspect of all of this is that democrats
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have convinced themselves that for example the trump jr meeting is some kind of example of treason trump jr never got any e-mails from clinton and even if he did they would have emanated from a server that was once on encrypted outside the us government that stored special access program intelligence and by the way anthony wiener had eighteen classified emails on his laptop and we don't even have to get into the pictures on that laptop so the issue here is the biggest cybersecurity scandal. in history you had a secretary of state hillary clinton who had special access program intelligence that was transferred somehow on to her server maybe brian pagliaro maybe justin cooper nobody knows right now but the d.o.j. is actually investing their good i'll bet it was answered but a.j. but a lot of people around the world know exactly what was on the had server it was like
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an open heart and your exact everybody stopped by ok and that's why i was i to i don't think of any kind of foreign to foreign intelligence service would have ever said anything about it i mean if you're going to keep getting this free information from the secretary of state why do you want to interrupt it let it get government no one in their right mind would have said. we have we have these e-mails nobody the intelligence community would ever do anything like that it was a gift it just kept on giving ok christopher let me go to you because. you know the motor investigation here i mean what does he have to show to prove that it is worth over all the long time period here i mean we you know paul man of fort had nothing to do with russia papadopoulos had nothing to do with russia i mean he lied to the f.b.i. none of these things had all those seventeen kids ok they can't even speak english and the most of the ads on facebook or after the election i mean i don't understand
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how m.s.n. b.c. and c.n.n. keep this going i mean most of it is silly ok go ahead christopher. no i think the point was made earlier about sort of like you're dedicated to this track and you just don't know when to stop i mean you've hit the brick wall and you're just you're focused on the gas i think they've committed themselves to that narrative for so long they wouldn't know what to do it themselves if they tried to do something else and in terms of hillary clinton's excuse i mean she wrote a whole book about it i mean it's like what happened it's the only it's the only book or the question and the answer is on the cover you know hillary clinton half and so i thought i mean that's kind of the way i look at it but in terms of mahler i think that i think it's problematic and i think that you know there's just been a lot of lost faith i mean now they're sort of harassing essentially trump's friends i mean some of his advisers yeah they've looked into their harassing their businesses their associates i mean again it's almost like the same issue we touched on with c.n.n. you're so committed to that you don't want to turn back but i think they need to have independent counsels look at all this stuff from now on so that people can at
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least have some faith or ever the compass falls it'll be fair and regardless of political outcome we're almost out of time i want to ask very real quick question i think carter page is going to get a very big check one day from the u.s. government per definition yes or no what do you agree agree or not. it's possible you know i mean it's what do you think that maybe the mass demonstration what do you think charles garner page is going to have a payday check is going to be denominated big. ok start up what's big like you look at it all right gentlemen that's all the time we have here many thanks and i guess in washington and in new york and in los angeles and thanks to our viewers for watching us here darkie see you next time and remember us talk to.
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you never know what's around the corner never in the world seen the pub even the. excitement is that knowing that's where the adrenalin rush comes from. your knees and pointed in the extreme to. the violence he's a punk and. a schizophrenia. we can do these things and be highly. important people of course colorful little. more so for the last. one this man infirmed. more or less for the thought. i would grow older when the fight broke out really beautiful down down went up with a good. many of these amusing brief if you don't and the involves this comes from
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the involvement of. china says they're going to buy a lot more stuff from the u.s. . so trump is having a fact that meanies and weighing into the minutia of trade deals which president has done that i can recall usually they just paint a broad stroke and hope for the best so he's actually getting into the details of trade deals like how sympathetic. four men are sitting in a car when the fifth gets shot in the hand. all four different versions of what. one of them is on the death row there's no way he could have done it there's no possible way because the list did not shoot around a corner. of
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the. british doctors who treated a film on russian spy and his daughter revealed they first suspected an overdose and the late take proportions for what later turned out to be a nerve agent attack. also this hour the israeli navy intercepts a palestinian flag designed to trying to reach cyprus a local correspondent has been there reporting for us from one of those boats but if it is right you license coming. and very close to the public protest about. an f.b.i. informant or a spy if u.s. politicians and the media are confused over just how to describe the role of a tape which professor said to infiltrate the trumps election campaign.
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and tally in voters' express their outrage after the president blocks the euro skeptic coalitions plan for a new government. is joining us here on all the international live from moscow with me daniel wilkins whoever you are welcome to the program. now the british doctors who treated you near a script file say they initially thought the former russian spy and his daughter was suffering from overdoses medics only realized days later that a nerve agent had been used. as this report. well according to this documentary b.b.c. journalists were given access to the hospital and the medical staff who treated the script and his daughter yulia and during that program which was on tuesday evening
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on british television the doctors say that they were initially suspecting that it was an opioid overdose or some type of opioid linked illness and the thought of it being a nerve agent play didn't come to mind until it was mentioned that mr script was indeed a former russian spy or double agent and so it was then that protocols came into play to deal with a tux now there are those who have said that this has raised several questions relating from the program namely if those doctors initially didn't think it was a nerve agent attack and they didn't wear protective clothing or take protective measures none of them it appears poisoned or got sick as a result either that was some of the first questions raised also. perhaps none of the or difference of opinion amongst the doctors as to exactly and it should be not
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just how they got ill but how they were actually cured again not so clear exactly according to the documentary of what measures were taken in order to cure again mr script of the former spy and also his daughter u.-t. are now rushing chemical experts warn that the symptoms of opioid poisoning very different to those of nerve agent poisoning so different in fight that it would have been almost impossible to confuse the two and also pointing out that initial police response police reports didn't make any reference to weapons grade materials . police report stated. winning back and forth while seated on the bench and also raised his hands multiple times this description resembles a drugs overdose and the initial version was that the scruples were suffering from friends a little poisoning first tell tale signs of military grade substance poisoning or
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rapid pupil constriction spasms and urine or incontinence all the symptoms are absent from the initial reports and photos now it's interesting that the treatment for the nerve agent only began on the chews day yet they were taken into hospital two days before on the sunday and so two days without being treated for such a powerful weapons grade material yet the script managed to survive thankfully so again more questions raised there now of course moscow has been denying all along that it had anything to do with the attack on the script our family and also this whole period the last few months the russian embassy have been reaching out and trying to gain access to in particular usually a script of who is of course a russian citizen and they have been denied that access now yulia herself last week
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made her first appearance since the incident took place in early march and in the course of that televised statement that she gave she did mention that she wished to return to russia one day and that she also appreciated the russian embassies attempts to reach out but that she wasn't at that point anyway in need of her services so as far as julie is concerned at some point in the future she does want to return home but again for some watching that documentary aired on tuesday evening more questions than answers being put forward. to belgian police officers and a civilian have been killed in a shooting in early age the city's police chief says his staff were specifically targeted. this video appeared online soon after it said to show the scene of the shooting his motives remain unclear terrorism has been maimed as a possible reason according to the polls from prime minister the suspect was being
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monitored as a suspected extremists it's all about as. the gunman has been killed by police we understand that he got ahold of a weapon after disarming the two of the the two police officers that were killed them or because it was so hardcore i heard the two gunshots in a sort of person on the ground three meters away from me i saw the attacker running on my right taking a woman horse teaching going towards the school but what we're hearing from the interior minister belgian jambon is that it's anti terror offices trying to get to the bottom of the potential motive terrorism is just one of the scenarios that they're looking at right now when it comes to just who the perpetrator of this attack was we are starting to get more information from the local media that he's being reported to be thirty six year old man who had just been released from prison
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yesterday on monday the twenty eighth but belgium is no stranger when it comes to terrorist attacks attacks it is similar to this one if we look back to just last year in august of twenty seventeen two soldiers were attacked by a man wielding a machete they were just wounded there were also other isis inspired or isis claimed attacks involving police officers in october and orcus twenty sixteen and the thing is those soldiers on both police they were in the most part on the streets and more visible because of the suicide bombing that took place on the twenty second of march twenty sixth enough those three suicide bombers that blew themselves up in both brussels as airport. and on the brussels metro as well they killed thirty two people three people have been killed two of them police officers one of them a passer by as a gunman opened fire at the attacker was killed at the scene shot dead by police
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officers. a long running scandal over the monitoring of donald trump's election campaign has taken a new twist the president claims he was spied on or just the justice department is using informant takes a closer look at the latest twist in the election saga. there are many out there who would and do call into question donald trump's business process but there's no denying the guy is a branding machine and his labels have a tendency to work like gangbusters mark you know little mark he's a lion ted and they you know that's his name we can't have met rocket man sick puppy shooting rockets all over the place through kid hillary crazy very he's crazy is a bit but you know he does it with terms ladies hashtag where the buzz word is spreading like wildfire he came up with this one to remind anyone who follows his twitter which is everyone that the f.b.i. may have spied on his campaign through a confidential informant but that sounds all official and is definitely not scary
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or catchy q trump we now call it spygate you're calling it by gate adding a gate at the end makes it so much better doesn't it watergate deflate gate russia gate priceless and according to some anonymous sources that spoke with the a.p. terms choice of the word spy was not an accident he allegedly picked the term believing it to be more sinister and likely to be picked up by the media and if that's true boy was he right the revelations of the obama era political targeting grow more ominous by the day claims the f.b.i. may have been spying on his campaign these kind of upset with me read an article in the new york times seems to feel that there was a mole or a spy in this campaign ok no surprise that fox picked up and ran with trump's phrasing but seriously it's common knowledge that if a toddler is throwing a tantrum you simply don't give them the attention they clearly want the fake scandal the trump scripted for us in the media this week has
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a name one we're not going to repeat this morning and it has tweets to go with it which i am not going to read because reading those tweets is what he wants us to do three even joy get m.s.n. b.c. could have been a shining beacon of rationality for the rest of the media to look up to and not give trump exactly what he wanted but no. president trump has seized on this new branding effort to discredit the discredit the russian investigators and i don't really know where. spygate and it just went on from there after running out of steam either supporting or contradicting trump claims little hint either way it still works for trump they want on spending air time defecting the semantics at play here we give you the great debate of informant first by what's your reaction first to the tweet and second to the distinction between a spy term on the president is using and informants there one in the same a confidential informant is someone who is informing confidentially.
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