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tv   News  RT  May 30, 2018 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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as a weak sensitive and paranoid. tower of the wall as you're a woman who's worked in the workforce over the years is an open office wildly sexist and there's a does it like invite you know sexist remarks and like going in like that kind of thing now more than just you know being around and have we've all been around it's out there being around men you know i never found that i haven't had that experience i do find it funny there was a that the idea of the male gay yeah i'm not saying that men don't watch each other or that women don't watch each other we all watch each other but. because you know there's like i hear the study is that ok when you have an open office environment like you're seeing like is all that friend and like silicon valley and places are like ok nobody has an office it's all open big chairs everyone can see what everyone is doing or sometimes they put videos up on the wall of what you're actually doing on the computer like you know crazy stuff like that yeah but what's
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interesting is the women in the office in this study which was a pretty vast study i mean they interviewed twenty seven women thirteen men over one to two hours over the course of like three years of his intensive. and that included observation interviews seeing how they interacted people work the whole bit now women in the office said they felt that the new office set up this open office made them hyper aware that men were constantly watching. one woman told researchers if you were a female that would definitely get a comment from all the men because they would notice yours that makes it easier to notice like the good looking woman walking by in the office because you can see everything there's no hallways or like offices the hi jim. so that's what they call it. i'm not saying it like is that i'm not saying that doesn't exist men don't watch that women don't watch that we don't watch whatever you know something i find attractive i don't think that's that i think that it's going
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a step further to say that you know it's suddenly and open office allows men to do that that somehow it's the open offices fault that's what i find where there's issues about open offices first of all there's hierarchy issues whether you're male or female there's just general issues of loudness of juror is like everybody gets it you get the flu in an open office everyone has the flu and that's one of the many things and the thing is you work to a certain position and then you're sitting at a desk like everybody else and there's no understanding of what your position is but i have to say that this is an issue of behavior not design because the issues that were in the study that they found were totally across the board but most people you miss certain things you miss it's too loud it's too distracting you have to do all these things to make up for it but if there are men or women making inappropriate comments in the office if they're making people feel uncomfortable that's sexual harassment that's a restaurant that's creating a hostile work environment so do something about it or don't want to blame this
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because again boy then it's not bad behavior it's just the open office plan made them do it if we just had a look and also with this idea that a moment many of us you know a quiet place to go when things are upsetting dude it's not just us everybody nobody wants to hear bad news with the whole office watching nobody wants to be yelled out with the whole office right rather than making a sexism is you know will open offices are not making people sexist sex is make workplaces sexes period i mean if you just say i don't like it they were pretty close at the end of the day and when you when you look at this is a little kind of thing it's like that was just going out as much in closed off as was open office and i you know and this is a room and sexual harassment didn't happen in closed off. to me it all depends on the whether open or closed of the pens on the industry you're in at the end of the day and what's more beneficial for getting the job done and right training a professional environment to do your job at the office like great news or was going to be all because we're going to be all be all back and forth at each other
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and things like that but like some places i don't know i don't understand i mean maybe everybody is going to have bad behavior responsible for their bad behavior and make them stop their guitar and i'm going to break court watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered have a facebook and twitter see our poll shows that are too dot com coming up sean stone talks the death row case of cooper with the author of scapegoat. and then u.s. geological survey is asking hawaiians to please stop roasting marshmallows over lava flows stay tuned and we'll. show seemed wrong. well just don't call. any of these
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yet to shape out just come out to. engage me equals betrayal. when something you find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground . welcome to maximize your financial survival guide. yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain. as a report. thank you. thank you. thank you. as does a famously said the degree of civilization in a society is revealed by entering its prisons meaning that the best judge of
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a culture is how it treats its prisoners but what does it say about a society when some of its prisoners are only guilty of being framed this is the controversy surrounding the imprisonment of kevin cooper who in one thousand nine hundred five was convicted for the brutal murders of a california family and house cast but whose alleged framing by law enforcement is at the heart of the book scapegoat the chino hills murder and the framing of kevin cooper by author patrick o'connor o'connor recently sat down with our own john stone to discuss the case. that you so much for joining me today we're going to talk about kevin cooper and his case now most people may not have heard of kevin cooper especially outside of california but can you tell us first and foremost why is kevin cooper who is now sitting on death row in california such an important story. well i think it represents one of the in all of the mulched flagrant abuse or state power to frame a person for a crime he had nothing to do with it they wanted to solve this creation they wanted
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to they wanted to pin it on him. and so they used a lot of dirty tricks to do that it was a tremendous abuse of state power. precisely and then you know just to reflect upon the case this is one thousand eight hundred three we're talking about a quadruple murder a white family in chino hills area and the man who is penned for the murders is this man kevin cooper who had recently escaped from prison and even though the suspects were whites and even i believe the girlfriend of one of the suspects had reported saying i believe my boyfriend was involved despite all this what was the motivation for from the from your perspective as a researcher and author for pinning it on kevin cooper when all the evidence was actually pointing away from him. well. they sold the foul the crime scene. these murders were discovered on
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a sunday afternoon so all the like the coroner's office is you know our bodies down to the labs are crime lab people aren't they aren't the first teams holes or the send in the sudanese early inexperienced people into this incredible crime scene in the master bedroom of the ryans house and they don't take the blood properly they take it from there's blood everywhere in this room on every surface there's blood goodness for people who have been hacked to death with an axe and cut up with a knife penetrate it with a with a ice pick i mean this is a terrible bloody scene. it was no no no long as we know it was the right ever seen anything like it and then to have these inexperienced. crime lab people come in and take all the blood wrong. mix it all up together they didn't ever say segregate segregated and then like two days into the end of the investigation the the
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district attorney which is very unusual he got he got this idea to take down the entire crime scene take the walls out all the furniture out and put it out in the front yard. and then ship it off to a house where the temperatures were one hundred twenty degrees so all the blood evidence went by the board once they once they deconstructed the crime scene so they they had no way of. making any sense out of what happened in this house. so therefore i think they started looking for a scapegoat well kevin became a very convenient scapegoat when they found out a couple days later that he had hold holed up in a vacant house one hundred twenty five yards below this kind of a hilltop house that the ryan family lived in an arabian horse country in chino hills once they saw that he was there this escaped prisoner from
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a nearby the chino institute for men three three miles down the road big news they just thought it had to be him. and i feel that way there was a real motivation. a racial motivation to that. i think there is i think there was in this case. but. what i'm really thinking is they botched it so badly they botched the crime scene so badly that they are this more of a scapegoat thing than anything else. they have. they have information from the eight year old boy josh ryan he survived this incredible massacre and his parents master bedroom and was able to tell the people at the moment when the hospital there that his assailants were three white men and he also told this to
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a deputy who had interviewed him at the hospital later and. there was a family. guy and his wife were these these murders happened around midnight on a saturday there was this man in his woman they were trying to pull out of the only road that leads out away from the ryan's house is a one is a one way is a one road scoping lease road they were trying to come out of the driveway on english road when this station wagon being driven by three containing three white guys maybe four but the man saw three the woman saw four. went hurling by them and. went off into the night so we get we have the these people seeing this was the ryan station wagon by the way after the murders were committed they stole the ryan station wagon and then drove it down a very high rate of speed down old english road and then he see
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a who's went to a book are about a mile and a half down the street. where they came in and were obnoxious. there were three women in there want to melissa bell bottom missed and she said to the one of these guys who was hitting on him i hope you realize you're covered in blood at which point these these yahoos left. who were these yahoos and who are the real murderers in your analysis well for sure. diana roper. was her boyfriend was a guy named lee pearl who. they lived in mentor on about forty five miles from. he came home. for years earlier he had he had murdered a seventeen year old girl cover up cover up in a body parts and threw into
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a canal body parts were never found he's turned state's state's witness state's evidence and turned in this guy clarence ray allen a gang leader named clarence ray allen who ended up being the final man executed in the state of california when he was executed in two thousand and six at the age of seventy one or so so this is kind of a you know ironic thing but anyway so furl he only has to serve for years and he gets out and he starts his relationship with diana roper and then on the day that the night of the the ryans were murdered. thorough and thorough in girlfriend no other girlfriend of his. they come to this house an intruder. only stays long enough to take off he's
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wearing coveralls and he takes them off and threw them in the boat leaves them in the bottom of the walk in closet and then heads out with the girlfriend and a couple days later when these pants are starting to stink diana rover picks them up and sees that their cake and blood and they have white horse hair around the conflicts so she calls her father no father says comes over to my god we've got to call the sheriff's office and so diana roper calls and she says she has based on based on this and the fact that her boyfriend was no longer when he came home that night he wasn't wearing this tan t. shirt he had on that morning. she thought it was very probable that he was involved in these chino hills murders. so. this was the murders happened on these on june the sixth this is three days later june the ninth
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what diana roper turns in these these coveralls. that really implicate lee for all so i would certainly put least in this group i don't know who i don't know who his companions were i do know he went to the he went he was out that day with a guy named michael don't know. any might have been associated with another guy named kenneth but i have no clue whether those two people were involved but i have very high high percentage of confidence that leif earl was in that house and got was involved in the in this massacre of the runs. so if given that there is blood evidence and certainly this may have been before d.n.a. was being tested the way it evolved through the ninety's and was in the present day why is it that kevin cooper is still sitting here on facing death row given that there must be some blood d.n.a.
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evidence that would exonerate him. good point and they would. this what this cover all it would have been to would have would have excluded exonerated kevin cooper back in one thousand eight if if if they had ever been tested but when they turn him over. determine motive this substation like this is a human as is the biggest county unit in the united states san bernadino county there's like twelve substations so we turn it into this and you call your kind thoughts some station and the guy that went out and got to report it where did you make some reports is it down the homicide homicide never gets back to it. and by now they're focused in on kevin cooper so they're not to do i'm interested in bloody coveralls for old men trone when they got their convention seven cooper is the guy sure they never come out to see the. coverage and he never asked him to be
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shipped in so that a few months later when the first day when kevin cooper is going to be have his preliminary hearing it should be in the symbol the deputy that picked him up he burned he hasn't won an incinerator and dempsey dumpster kind of thing and throws him away so we don't have those coverage. as summertime is upon us ones and sticky treat remains a staple at bonfires and get togethers everywhere smores however residents of hawaii now the callaway volcano may want to rethink their marshmallow roasting techniques on monday the u.s. geological survey is volcano houser its program took to twitter to warn residents not to use volcanic vents or using lava to roast marshmallows i'm serious this morning was prompted by one curious twitter user who tweeted out the u.s.g.s. account asking if it is safe to roast marshmallows over volcanic volcanic events quote assuming you had a long enough stick that it according to u.s.c.
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has not only what the smores be poisonous gases and sulphuric acid a maybe even from these scorching events but they were pretty bad too as cool as roasting marshmallows over a volcano may sound we suggest you stick to bonfires like the rest of us so mazing satellite images but yeah don't feel like smores from hell all the debt. all right that is our show for you to remember everyone in this world we're not told we don't love the sort of tell you all i love you i am tyrol been through and i'm proud of a lot of people watching the sox have a great day and night. the american political soap opera widely known as russia gate appears to have no wind no evidence has been revealed the trump campaign colluded with russia there is mounting evidence the intelligence community or should i say the deep state
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monitored even spied on trump world. china says are going to buy a lot more stuff from the u.s. . so trump is having a fact i mean news and weighing into the minutia of trade deals. president has done that i can recall usually they just paint a broad stroke and hope for the best so he's actually getting into the details of trade deals like oh see if that.
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close. british doctors who treated a full russian spy and his daughter reveal a fuss suspected a overdubs and the late take proportions for war turned out to be a good time. so the saudis ready to maybe intercept the palestinian plots about trying to reach sabras a local correspondent has been reporting for us from one of the books. yet his right why six gun clubs are getting very close to the palestinian protesters. by us politicians and the media are confused over just how to describe the role of a cambridge professor. infiltrated election campaign. voters express their outrage after the president blocks the euro skeptic
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coalition's plans for a new government. to live from moscow i'm daniel wilkins thanks for joining us this hour. now the british doctors who treated you. say they initially thought the former russian spy and his daughter were suffering from overdoses medics only realized days later that a nerve agent had been used. i just report. well according to this documentary b.b.c. journalists were given access to the hospital and the medical staff who treated the script and his daughter yulia and during that program which was on tuesday evening on british television the doctors say that they were initially suspecting that it
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was an opioid overdose or some type of. illness and the thought of it being a nerve agent play didn't come to mind until it was mentioned that mr script was indeed a former russian spy or double agent and so it was then that protocols came into play to deal with a tux now there are those who have said that this has raised several questions relating from the program namely if those doctors initially didn't think it was a nerve agent attack and they didn't wear protective clothing or take protective measures none of them it appears poisoned or got sick as a result either that was some of the first questions raised also. perhaps none of the or difference of opinion amongst the doctors as to exactly and it should be not just how they got ill but how they were actually cured again not so clear exactly
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according to the documentary of what measures were taken in order to cure again mr script of the former spy and also his daughter. now rushing chemical experts warn that the symptoms of opioid poisoning very different from those of nerve agent poisoning so different in fight that it would have been almost impossible to confuse the two and also pointing out that initial police response police reports didn't make any reference to weapons grade materials. police report stated. winning back and forth while seated on the bench and also raised his hands multiple times this description resembles a drugs overdose and the initial version was that the scruples were suffering from friends a little poisoning first tell tale signs of military grade substance poisoning or rapid pupil constriction spasms and urine or incontinence all the symptoms are
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absent from the initial reports and photos now it's interesting that the treatment for the nerve agent only began on the chews day yet they were taken into hospital two days before on the sunday and so two days without being treated for such a powerful weapons grade material yet the script managed to survive thankfully so again more questions raised then now of course moscow has been denying all along that it had anything to do with the attack on the script our family and also this whole period the last few months the russian embassy had been reaching out and trying to gain access to in particular usually a script of who is of course a russian citizen and they have been denied that access now yulia herself last week made her first appearance since the incident took place in early march and in the
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course of that televised statement that she gave she did mention that she wished to return to russia one day and that she also appreciated the russian embassy's attempts to reach out but that she wasn't at that point anyway in need of her services so as far as julie is concerned at some point in the future she does want to return home but again for some watching that documentary aired on tuesday evening more questions than answers being put forward. to belgian police officers and a civilian have been killed in a shooting in the age the city's police chief says his staff was specifically targeted. video appeared online soon after it said to show the scene of the shooting his motives remain unclear terrorism has been named as a possible reason to the belgian prime minister the suspect was being monitored as a suspect but extremist. as more details. the gunman has been killed
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by police we understand that he got a hold of a weapon after disarming the two of the the two police officers that were killed the more it was so hardcore my heard the two gunshots in a sort of person on the ground three meters away from me i saw the attacker running on my right taking a woman hostage and going towards the school but what we're hearing from the interior minister of belgium the jambon is that it's anti terror offices trying to get to the bottom of the potential motive terrorism is just one of the scenarios that they're looking at right now but when it comes to just who the perpetrator of this attack was we are starting to get more information from the local media that he's being reported to be thirty six year old man who has just been released from prison yesterday on on monday the twenty eighth but belgium is no stranger when it comes to terrorist attacks attacks in
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a similar vein to this one if we look back to just last year in august of twenty seventeen two soldiers were attacked by a man wielding a machete they were just wounded there were also other isis inspired or isis claimed attacks involving police officers in both october and orcus twenty sixteen and the thing is those soldiers ambushed police they were in the most part on the streets and more visible because of the suicide bombing that took place on the twenty second of march twenty sixth enough those three suicide bombers that blew themselves up in both brussels as airports and on the. brussels metro is where they kill thirty two people three people have been killed two of them police officers one of them a passer by as a gunman opened fire at the attacker was killed at the scene shot dead by police officers. long running scandal over the monitoring of donald trump's election campaign has taken
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a new twist the president claims he was spied on or the justice department is using the informants. takes a closer look. there are many out there who would and do call into question donald trump's business process but there's no denying the guy is a branding machine and his labels have a tendency to work like gangbusters mark you know little mark he's a lion ted and you know that's his name we can have many rocket sick puppy shooting rockets all over the place through kid hillary crazy very he's crazy is a bit but you know he does it when it comes ladies hashtag where the buzz word is spreading like wildfire he came up with this one to remind anyone who follows his twitter which is everyone that the f.b.i. may have spied on his campaign through a confidential informant but that sounds all official and is definitely not scary or catchy q trump we now call it spygate you're calling it spygate adding a gate at the end makes it so much better doesn't it watergate deflate gate russia
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gate priceless and according to some anonymous sources that spoke with the a.p. terms choice of the word spy was not an accident he allegedly picked the term believing it to be more sinister and likely to be picked up by the media and if that's true boy was he right the revelations of the obama era political targeting grow more ominous by the day trump claims the f.b.i. may have been spying on his campaign he's kind of upset with the read an article in the new york times seems to feel that there was a mole or a spy in this campaign ok no surprise that fox picked up and ran with trump's phrasing but seriously it's common knowledge that if a toddler is throwing a tantrum you simply don't give them the attention they clearly want the fake scandal the trump scripted for us in the media this week as a name when we're not going to repeat this morning and it has tweets to go with it which i am not going to read because reading those tweets is what he wants us to do see even enjoy get m.s.n. b.c.
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could have been a shining beacon of rationality for the rest of the media to look up to and not give trump exactly what he wanted but no. president trump has seized on this new branding effort to discredit the discredit the russian investigators i don't really know where kid spy gave and it just went on from there after running out of steam either supporting or contradicting trump claims little hint either way it still works for trump they went on spending air time defecting to semantics at play here we give you the great debate of informant first by what's your reaction first to the tweet and second to the distinction between a spy term on the president is using an informant there one in the same a confidential informant is someone who is informing confidentially in other words spying you may call this person a confidential informant that sounds perfectly fine right but what if it's a spot.


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