tv Going Underground RT May 30, 2018 4:30am-5:00am EDT
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clinton used a private e-mail server yeah and she eventually transferred top secret special access program intelligence onto that server which is that's the big issue is how she actually transferred how she was able to transfer that intelligence from separate skits on to her server the reason she used that service because of the clinton foundation and i think that the trump russia and nonsense i think the truck question nonsense is just one way to hide a giant money laundering you know no one can find what it is ha ha what it is what it is the exactly what it is it's really nothing to see here folks look away it's a way to absolve the clinton machine and to place blame on trump here i mean let me go to christopher in washington i mean i listen to two. brandon clapper basically saying you know surveilling spying on whatever word you want to use on the tram campaign was actually to protect them and to protect the united states why didn't they just tell the campaign hey i think we got some more reason right here you
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might want to be careful who you talk to i mean that would have been the right thing to do would have been a neutral thing to do if that's the case what it was because i don't believe it was because if it was that they would have done that go ahead christopher totally agree peter i mean if you look at the entire investigation of what's happened there hasn't been any sort of consistency going both sides in terms of just having a standard and sticking to it and it sort of shocked me throughout the whole soap opera of the hillary clinton e-mails that at some point there's going to be politics and there's going to be all that stuff but at some point there has to be some sort of unified standard if you're breaking the law you're breaking national security protocol you should be in trouble and if you look at i mean look at james call me i mean he's a beta male who's on his boring book tour he's a he's a clown it's about him it's not about the duty of the f.b.i. i think there's a they really need a facelift i think the brand is really hurting after all this and just tend to agree with with your premise and your lead in. to read before we go to the break here i mean i get. i'm still going to stick with my narrative is that i think that
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like sessions and and ray and others understand the implications once all of this is revealed about how the deep state colluded against the drum campaign that's going to put it's going to be an institutional crisis when this comes out go ahead charles. well look i think the institution has been in crisis for a long time you know robert muller was in charge of the f.b.i. from september fourth two thousand and one to supplant a fourth two thousand and thirteen then followed by james comey look at the number of disasters that occurred under their respective watches they couldn't find obvious clinton foundation fraud they missed the iranian one scandal they missed the laureate scandal they missed the scandal reorganizing confederation two thousand and nine forward you know what didn't they miss and the reality is that technological tools of ever stronger and we the american public the wider world need to debate about how much power security services should have protected our country snoop inside our country and then not to take care of that those secrets
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are disseminated around to blackmail politicians to blackmail donors and to be used for nefarious purposes i think we need to have our eyes wide open here a major league investigation anyone no matter how powerful who broke these laws needs to be investigated ideally indicted convicted and sent away to prison ok well you know a you know i before we do the break here mother did find those seventeen russian trolls in st petersburg you know don't underestimate him gentlemen we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on donald trump's spygate.
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join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guest in the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter to us is over one trillion dollars and. more than ten dollars i'm tempted. eighty five percent of the wealthy well you want to be all for rich eight point six percent market so thirty percent just last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and twenty rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one
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billion dollars a industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember one one you know for a minute the one and only. welcome back to cross like we're all things are considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing what president trump calls spygate. ok let's go back to los angeles ha charles made a wonderful point at the end of the first half of the program here is this what they're really afraid of with a second investigation because first of all the first one with muller has not. you know chris here in washington d.c. i mean if something really important about collusion with trump and russia would
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have been released a long long long time ago i mean how many leaks in there always leaks one direction have you noticed that anyway let me stay with a.j. here i mean they're afraid of this second. investigation because it really will reveal institutional corruption and i even think and this is where i think it gets really tricky and dicey because that goes beyond party affiliation and i think that's why they're very hesitant about this because it will in a lot more people not just one side go ahead ha well let's look at who has been investigating doll trump john. brennan lied under oath about spying on the senate james clapper lied under oath about the n.s.a. spying on americans james komi lied under oath about exonerating clinton before her interview peter struck in a text message said we can't take the risky use the word risk we can't take the risk of trump becoming president we have to engage in the insurer and in an insurance policy that we spoke about a mantra mccabe's office trunk should just fire
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a molar and tweet that text but then let's look at andrew mccabe he lied and he lied under oath twice and lied four times this is the office of professional responsibility at the f.b.i. so you have all of these people who are in immense positions of power lying either lying under oath or obviously part of not a conspiracy theory an actual conspiracy of individuals to achieve a political goal john brennan met with harry reid during the election to inform harry reid of alleged russian interference he didn't why didn't he inform president obama why didn't he meet president obama the n.s.a. the f.b.i. and the cia have a fifty thirty five billion dollar combined budget with for thirty five billion dollars the american people get moderate to high confidence and if you look at the d.n.i. and v.h.s. reports the two intelligence reports that all of this is based on there's nothing certain to zero evidence and there's a war there are warranty disclaimers stating that even high confidence the highest
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level of assessment even high confidence could be wrong yeah and they actually say in one of the reports don't take anything we say it's fact. so the intelligence reports are completely just basically opinion three hundred thirty five billion dollars of opinion you have the d.n.c. who never gave its computer service to the f.b.i. they hired crouse strikethrough hillary clinton purchasing through her law firm crowd strike paying crowd strike and also paying christopher steele infusion g.p.s. and glenn simpson for the still does if anyone colluded with russia it was hillary clinton well who purchased the steel right and it was a heartless russian source in a foreign country is the u.k. not russia here christopher watching the cable stations do you is it conceivable in your mind that president obama knew nothing about what his underlings were doing is that conceivable in your mind. it could be i mean i think there was
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a general awareness i mean certainly and he had to know sort of the obsessive instincts of hillary clinton wanted to be president i mean you know we heard the end it develops from election night in terms of the people that hillary clinton was most angry at was bill clinton barack obama and then donald trump it was everyone's fault but our own but we should definitely take a pause for a second to acknowledge hillary clinton's talent she can't even cheat in a way and you know i don't think that if you're cheating and you have all of this behind you you do when she can even cheat and win and the whole thing about you know three million votes she won l.a. and she won new york right you know it was a lecture of votes hillary clinton couldn't even cheat and win that charles i want to go i want i am not going to let obama off the hook here because it's been explained to me a by a number of people that have experience in high government is that such a coordinated plan such as we're discussing right now could not have been done without the white house knowing about it so what did he know and when did he
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know it charles i think you know i think that's absolutely the case i mean i think that in this narrow matter. the clintons in the obama's got together i believe in the june through november two thousand and eight timeframe they hammered out a deal the memorandum of understanding that supposedly regularized relations between the clinton foundation among the clinton foundation bill clinton the secretary of state is it is a complete piece of garbage it's not enforceable that wouldn't have gotten across the line if there were real lawyers a member of barack obama president the harvard law review hillary clinton smartest lawyer in the world you know from the very beginning this was an artifice the clintons had something on obama we don't yet know what it was and obama decided to play along he what he was in for two terms hillary was supposed to succeed him and then cover all the stuff up and so absolutely i believe certainly valerie jarrett is arry or consider a guest. she knew all about this and you know it's high time that we go back over
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this because the thing to remember whether you're a democrat or republican this is a horrible precedent that people are going to look back for decades and say you can get away this with this type of criminal behavior twenty years from now forty years from now maybe four years from now or two years from now somebody is going to try to do far worse than the clintons and the obama's did and we need to expose what happened we need to investigate indict convict and incarcerate people who did this and send them away for a long long time and take away all of their stuff you know ha i think a lot of viewers watching this program initially i think that were very partisan here and i think charles put in put it in the best possible words i mean i'm not doing this oh everybody knows my partisan politics but it's not being played out on this program i think what all of us are talking about is institutions and values and the rule of law and i think that's what really ties us all together i'm a conservative ha you're i know you're
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a progressive here but we're on the same page about. decency in public life and in officials being held accountable and this is why i think we need another investigation to see to make sure that the government officials expect particularly the unelected ones are held to account go ahead ha well absolutely and there's a famous c.n.n. clip of president obama saying it's absolutely impossible candidate trump should stop whining yeah and it's impossible that anyone could rig the election and he went on and on about how the experts and all the authorities and the most educated people would never ever stoop so low as to blame anyone for an election loss so trump should just stop whining then we have nonstop whining continual and never ending whining from from clinton and the democratic party. they're going to lose the in the midterms there or they have like what if
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thirteen or fourteen point lead in the house in the generic polls for both the house or the house in the senate they'll lose the senate or they'll the g.o.p. will keep control of the senate and keep control of the house and they're going to limp into two thousand and twenty trump unless there's something god forbid that's just unforseen trump will easily defeat democrats in two thousand and twenty because democrats don't stand for anything they think that people care about russian interference in the election cares nobody cares holes polls are showing that people are tired of miller muller doesn't stand for anything except if he could indict people on jaywalking he would there's no collusion with russia there's no evidence of anything. the interesting aspect of all of this is that democrats have convinced themselves that for example a trump jr meeting is some kind of example of treason trump jr never got any
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e-mails from clinton and even if he did they would have emanated from a server that was once on encrypted outside the us government that stored special access program intelligence and by the way anthony wiener had eighteen classified emails on his laptop and we don't even have to get into the pictures on that laptop so the issue here is the biggest cybersecurity scandal. in history you had a secretary of state hillary clinton who had special access program intelligence that was transferred somehow on to her server maybe brian pagliaro maybe justin cooper nobody knows right now but the d.o.j. is actually investing there but i'll bet it was answered but a.j. but a lot of people around the world know exactly what was on the had server it was like i'd open the door exact everybody stopped by ok and that's why i was i to i don't think of any kind of foreign to foreign intelligence service would have ever said anything about it i mean if you're going to keep getting this free information from
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the secretary of state why do you want to interrupt it let it get government no one in their right mind would have said. we have we have these e-mails nobody the intelligence community would ever do anything like that it was a gift it just kept on giving ok christopher lee let me go to you because. you know the motor investigation here i mean what does he have to show to prove that it is worth over all the long time period here i mean we you know paul man of ford had nothing to do with russia papadopoulos had nothing to do with russia i mean he lied to the f.b.i. none of these things had all those seventeen kids ok they can't even speak english and the most of the ads on facebook or after the election i mean i don't understand how m.s.m. b.c. and c.n.n. keep this going i mean most of it is silly ok go ahead christopher. no i think the point was made earlier about sort of like you're dedicated to this track and you
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just don't know when to stop i mean you've hit the brick wall and you're just you're focused on the gas i think they've committed themselves to that narrative for so long they wouldn't know what to do it themselves if they tried to do something else and in terms of hillary clinton's excuse i mean she wrote a whole book about it i mean it's like what happened it's the only it's the only book or the question and the answer is on the cover you know hillary clinton has and so i thought i mean that's kind of the way i look at it but in terms of mahler i think that i think it's problematic and i think that you know there's just been a lot of lost faith i mean now they're sort of harassing essentially trump's friends i mean some of his advisers yeah they've looked into their harassing their businesses their associates i mean again it's almost like the same issue we touched on this you know you're so committed to that you don't want to turn back but i think they need to have independent counsels look at all this stuff from now on so that people can at least have some faith or ever the compass falls it'll be fair and regardless of political outcome we're almost out of time i want to ask chris very real quick question i think carter page is going to get
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a very big check one day from the u.s. government yes or no what do you agree agree or not. it's possible you know i mean it's what do you think that maybe the mass demonstration what do you think charles garner page is going to have a payday check is going to be denominated big. ok start up with the big like ok they are i did i mean that's all the time we have here many thanks to my guests in washington in and in new york and in los angeles and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r.t.c. next time and remember. for a world cup twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goalkeepers of all time but there was one more question and by the way who's going to be our coach. guys i know you on the us he's
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a huge star among us and the huge amount of pressure come out you have to the center of the shuttle we're with you and we will show you all the great the great good you are the rock at the back nobody gets past you we need you to get the following let's go. alone. and i'm really happy to join the for the two thousand and three and world cup in russia meet the special one come on don't appreciate me just say the review the aussie team's latest edition to make up is bigger so i need to look. for manners sitting in a car when the fifth gets shot in the head. all for different versions of what happened one of them is on the death row
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there's no way he could have done it there's no possible way because the onus did not shoot around a corner. fifty years ago breaking within two cons again as a sleeping pill does this is what i believe because this is what he said to the sun to fix what terrible but not. across europe. legal battles demanding at least some compensation in two ways the physical damage itself as well as a constant reminder that the people who actually perpetrated this crime has never been the justice has been the.
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problem. this is boom bust broadcasting around the world from washington d.c. i'm part shelton thank you for watching coming up on the program today the phenomenally huge farm bill failed to pass congress it to snag why is it important fred kaufman author of bet the farm joins us from new york to bring us into the loop plus the philippines is heavily reliant on all with other fossil fuel to power their growing country but how are they trying to distance themselves from that party correspondent alex i live it brings us up to speed joins us from toronto to discuss and later we'll be joined by hilary one of which the founder and c.e.o. of drill marks who joins us to discuss rexx it and all of the calamity that has ensued as we approach the two year anniversary of the six referendum all of that
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and more coming up on today's show but first let's get some headlines pretty fast at a hard world one of wall street's largest computer driven kuan hedge fund and that's headed by called chin ski and manages roughly five billion dollars and is offering another fun and this fund will be open to outside investors world point currently employs more than six hundred fifty people one hundred twenty arp. ph d.'s with offices and twenty six cities in fifteen different countries. while investigators have not yet reported on the southwest airlines flight that took the life of one woman there are increasing calls for enhanced inspections since it's been determined that there were warnings about the suspect plane engine nearly two years prior to the accident lawmakers and regulatory officials at the u.s. federal aviation administration are considering increased inspections to date limited budgets and staffing at the f.a.a. have focused inspections on the greatest areas of need and threat airport on the
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southwest accident is expected in several weeks. and wal-mart says they will continue by on their buying streak as they endeavor to compete against amazon which reported on the program before that wal-mart recently purchased eight hundred seventy eighty seven rather percent of the indian company flipkart which is india's largest e-commerce company and at the end of april wal-mart merged with u.k. based asda grocer with their or larger rival j. sansbury while warmer currently operates in twenty eight countries around the world more appear to be on the way as their strategy shifts to owning or at least partial ownership of additional global retail companies. and now we move to talk about the farm bill a huge eight hundred fifty six billion dollars piece of legislation the numbers matter here while we don't talk about every bill time a bill passes the house or senate this one is different not only because it's huge
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and taxpayers foot the bill but because the farm bill impacts so very many people and a lot of people that you may be unaware about here discuss a fred kaufman author of bet the farm fred thanks as always for being with us this is the huge money program and it's paid for by taxpayers but what does the farm bill actually do why is it important. the farm bill has been a signature piece of legislation and bipartisan legislation since one thousand nine hundred thirty three bar every five years it has been passed into last monday and there is parts in it for everybody in this country the farmers get their price a porch they get their insurance that's for the rural population in the urban population we get school lunches we get assistance for food everybody is a part of this bill that also happens to be the largest conservation bill in the country in the country for land conservation the last when we saw it on monday that
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all that funding had been cut but it didn't pass the bill did not pass and congress is looking at a major impasse right now fred you and i both know about the farm bill as you know i worked on it for the several of the many many years but for our viewers the blue busters who don't let's talk about just a little bit more sort of the table setting here you say that it includes the food assistance program but we still have millions of people on food stamps food assistance why is that if we're paying to support them. well really what we're looking at here in terms of the snap program that's supplemental nutrition program is that before the commodity crisis of two thousand and seven two thousand and eight we had about twenty six million people in the program that shot up after the commodity boom of two thousand and eight and twenty eleven till about forty nine million people it is now back down to about forty two million people on food
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assistance and what we're looking at every year here is roughly a sixty five billion twenty billion split in terms of in terms of the money sixty five going to the herb in the supplemental nutrition and the school lunch programs and the twenty going too far farm assistance but the thing bart that's important to see is that in the past we could see these coalitions they were all in the urban with the suburban in the middle that has completely collapsed that is no longer the political reality of this country i want to get to that in a moment but i want to hit on a couple other basic issues in the farm bill first you mentioned earlier the and environment a lot of people hear the phrase they say well the farm bill produces pays producers farmers for not producing and one of those reasons is for environmentally sensitive areas so explain that a little bit more. well one of the this is this legislation allows farmers to put
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aside and conserve great parts of their acreage so that it can remain natural its it is the largest single program of this kind is the largest conservation program but also what we're looking at here is legislation which is taking away any kind of oversight for using pesticides that could conceivably harm endangered species it is taking away funding for clean energy programs and in farms and rural populations this is one high alert long with the work requirements for snap that it did not get one single democratic vote just crazy and i want to move on to sort of the politics of this but before we do i just want to say it also includes the farm bill real development programs and that is rural housing assistance. programs if you're a member of a rural electric co-op a lot of those grants and loans come from the farm bill u.s.d.a. and it also has a rural business programs to help fuel inject
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a smaller business in rural areas so if there's a whole wide wrath of programs that are included fred now let's talk a little bit about the politics here because it's so important this has been a bipartisan bill one of the reasons that i like working on it to work with republicans and democrats but it's broken down in a pretty big way why. well that's a really interesting that's a very interesting question look the politics in this country is broken and so what we're seeing is this extreme partisanship and the what we're seeing in the news is this idea of the far right the republican caucus is no longer following in lockstep with paul ryan that paul ryan the speaker of the house has lost control the scheduling he's lost control of his party and we have the freedom caucus saying we are not going to vote for this bill until we see an immigration bill and effectively taking themselves out of it now what is really going on here what's
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really going on here is we have a lame duck speaker of the house somebody who everybody knows is no longer going to be the speaker of the house and we're seeing a lot of political positioning who will be next in fact the freedom caucus just today demanded that mark meadows the far right of the far right throw his hat in the ring to be speaker of the house here's a guy who voted against funding for hurricane sandy here's a guy who led the efforts to shut down not just the farm bill but the entire government in two thousand and thirteen mark meadows i've got to watch out for these guys absolutely i mean my experience for as i jokingly say in government for too long a part of the problem perhaps is that trying to work across the aisle is the best way to do it and these outliers on the left or the right by the way really aren't the way to get things working and government to too many politicians say they campaigned against government how it doesn't work and they get to washington and they seek to prove it let me ask you this before we leave what do you think will
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happen in the midterm elections that's important we don't talk about politics one boom bust a lot but that's important because the tax cuts because the transportation infrastructure bill what do you think's going to happen. you know i am not a soothsayer. i am. i'm going to call the democrats bart i'm going i'm going to hope democrat. they control the house and the whole question of who will be the next speaker for the republicans will become immediately moot and absolutely a proud we will also be looking at the senate i worked in both the house and senate and the senate tends to be a place where cooler heads do prevail there is only one hundred of them so they will try to work in concert with each other we'll see that maybe we'll have you back after the senate passed the bill fred kaufman author of bet the farm thank you fred for joining us but thank you bart. and time now for a quick break but hang in here because when we return we'll talk wrecks it and to help us break down where the process stand will be joined by the c.e.o.
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and founder of strong market works which is the latest development but first we'll go to toronto work alex title of it will join us to talk about the philippines and their dictions the goal and what they're doing to move the clean energy back in a flash status. in july twenty second to him on an attempt to freedoms journalist working with a. militant shelling in syria. to own it his sacrifice quality has established a hundred all sorts of memorial they will recognize as well reporters who often risked their lives with the sake of the truth and through that piece you can submit to your published works in a video well written form until june the twelfth go to a t.v. dot com. match geysers financial survival guide link with those that you can.
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