tv News RT May 30, 2018 5:00am-5:31am EDT
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the process stand will be joined by the c.e.o. and founder of strong market work which is the latest development but first we'll go to toronto where alex pile of it will join us to talk about the philippines and their addictions the coal and what they're doing to move to clean energy back in a flash status. in july twenty seventh team hunted a freelance journalist working with a. militant shelling in syria. to own it his sacrifice quality has established a hundred all sorts of memorial they will recognize more reporters who often risk than months with the sake of the truth comes through that peace you can submit to your published works in a video or a written form until june the twelfth go to a. match geysers financial survival guide liquid assets not those that you can burn in zigzags quite easily. to keep in mind no out
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of the team into a place of better watch guys or board. well you know the fires they were kind of adopted because we were called pirates for so long. i mean they're in this small boat next to the hard pool of ships and it's. a lot tougher than. the little self did big cold fish already ninety percent of the dot i need to call in the conference. to conduct fifteen scoops seventy five tons two and they do it several times a day with a clean collar you get an idea of why the ocean which. we have to understand we could not stay still would just. be witness the
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deal going to go. i'm doing this because i want the future world to the future can generations to have and enjoy the ocean we have. welcome back as we've reported on the program in the past the supreme the u.s. supreme court has ruled that state gambling on sports is now permitted it will certainly be big business but for some gambling is already big business and sports betting can be just another profitable product to their current offerings that's particularly the case related to native americans who have for thirty years already garnered an important revenue stream for their people that assistant providing
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support for everything from health care related services to education and job training native american tribes from california to connecticut and many many places in between are now maneuvering to ensure that they get their share of the tens of billions of dollars in projected sports betting revenues but the fight for who will win the sports betting battle will be contentious and will in large part be based upon individual state agreements with native american tribe here's what we know where there's lots of money there's plenty of pronounce possibility of perverse actions that can contort fairness or be watching this space and we'll have more on it in the coming days and weeks. h.s.b.c. the large global bank is moving forward with facial recognition for customers to twenty four countries including the u.s. u.k. and china which can log on to h.s.b.c. net just using their faces h.s.b.c. says the move will increase security and save customers time they also say that
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there is only one in a million chance of a mistaken identity using the new software. as with many nations the philippines are moving towards clean energy but one problem exists for that country a reliance on coal that it's finding hard to shake r.t.l. it's mahela bitches and toronto with more alex as always thank you coal seems to be sort of the addiction of fuel for a lot of folks but it's a dinosaur in many ways why are the philippines having trouble changing up the dirty fuel for something cleaner. well with the philippines it's a big problem in the sense that this country's having a massive push forward to grow its economy and it just happens that whole of the coal is a part of its infrastructure obviously an older infrastructure but they need power to be able to push them forward here's a graph just to give you
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a bit of an idea of what coal means to the philippines look as well forty five percent of the energy in the country comes from coal only twenty five percent renewable some politicians are saying that this is a necessary evil to build infrastructure such as roads and airports etc but from the private sector also many people know that manila when you look at asia has more cranes up than any other city so they're building high rises more than anybody else in asia and the fact is i have a lot of ex-pat money coming in meaning that you know people from the philippines that left that are sending money back home from the states and from canada or elsewhere are investing so they are building quite rapidly the country is vast and it has a lot of potential that within the philippines there's a company called philippine solar they're sort of solar philippines and that company itself is saying you know what we need to build a new infrastructure and we could bring down costs for energy by forty percent so this is the problem is that the national cost to put those solar panels together
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put that structure in there would cost obviously a lot of money but if we're talking about coal we also think pollution in the philippines that's something different as well it's so costly that in fact as the philippines the bills for people are higher than anywhere else when it comes to energy at least higher than in asia and what they talk about coal there seventy five percent of coal in the philippines is actually imported from australia and for in didn't eat out recently that just this past march for the first time in thirty years the philippine government has raised taxes on coal and tariffs they were looking at about forty percent now or three four hundred percent of arrays and that means that coal is getting more and more expensive in that country. and president a tard like him or not is one of those guys the does things that he does a hard core this is an example of that and he wants to clean up their environment. it's really interesting you say that you know they're importing. all this call from australia and indonesia i mean you know they look at an island they they don't have
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a lot you know fuels that they can burn there so i am interested in what they're doing for renewables you said i think it was maybe twenty five percent but that's actually higher than i thought it's not is it just solar that they're using for the renewables alex we're looking at geothermal we're looking at a different types of technology wind power is not some really big there's a lot of sunshine and you know if you really have to put pinpoint it down to what to target is do it look like the mat is playing hardball what island boruc now this is a tourist island i don't know if you've been there i was there in two thousand and ten two thousand and fifty a tourist island that's multiplied in the mount of tours that it come there to target has called it a cesspool so what do you do he shut it down and he's saying you have six months to clean up now this is the whole thing with just listen to these numbers when it comes to this island of burra that's just about four square miles and we're talking about a country that's made up of seven thousand three hundred islands and it's one third
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of all their tours go to this one four mile squared island which is absolutely incredible that's two million tourists a year and president atar day said shut her down shut her down thirty three water pipes that are illegal they found of their spewing all kinds of stuff into the water where people are bathing diesel fuels coming out of all their you know jeepneys and whatever else that are of transporting people around and said no more we're going to electrify the island we're going to make the roads wider and we're going to clean up our act and i just imagine it anywhere else in the world where you have a president saying that knowing the tourist dollars coming in and everybody seems to be on board with them. that's the amazing thing we know that this guy is through the roof with ratings in its own country and he's doing some incredible stuff for the environment there moving forward the always interesting and informative r.t. correspondents alex mile of it thank you so much alex and.
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we are less than a month away from the two year anniversary of the united kingdom leaving the european union breck's it today we thought it a good time to get an update it was june twenty second of twenty six team when the u.k.'s brecht's referendum was approved by voters by fifty one point nine percent which set the stage for the u.k. to formally leave the european union and last year was called article fifty of the treaty of the european union was formally invoked by the u.k. signaling that on march twentieth of next year twenty nineteen the u.k. will officially leave furthermore british prime minister theresa may made clear that she would not seek permanent membership in the european single market or the e.u. customs union since that time there have been myriad negotiations and back and forth related to trade between the e.u. and u.k. and immigration issues among many others the entire circumstances created many
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challenges and here to bring us up to speed is a brit herself for which the founder and c.e.o. of strong mark hillary thank you so is a delight to have you here we really appreciate it so bring us up to date on where we stand are we still at march next year for them leaving and what are the set the table for us. thank you and yes just to make sure that i've jewels that isn't british and american but that we're very happy for that by the thank you very much but let's look at it i think we can look at it big picture to stop it i think we could look at a historical example if we look at the number that millennium bug when everybody was panicking and of course the media there was lots of talk about that but everybody dealt. it really well so well in fact and so much was fixed that when it actually came to that deadline there was no catastrophe there was no disaster so as to appoint any formal breaks it is still it's march to two thousand nine hundred so we still have almost an entire year to go there are many issues i think the specific ones are about which countries are reacting how and which ones have
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already voiced their opinion that they are going to make it difficult like japan or open arms like canada is different by nation you know we've been following the sort of a tick tocks of some of the go she is in the u.k. keeps saying well we're going to go in and negotiate with individual members of the e.u. and they thought that. the e.u. official who sort of used to be the financial regulator guy so i know michel he he said no no no there's no individual to go she's no bilateral that no it's going to be or what will be twenty seven e.u. members right exactly because obviously i want to do a deal directly with germany and call markel wanted that too and the same thing with france and that was they put a stop to that i think also being smart about someone i hate sort of admit this but they were out forecast in the u.k. with regard to new zealand australia. the u.k. was trying to do a deal where it was truly a new zealand and then jumped in and now they're going to start negotiate
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a little slot it fastidiously that's the advantage that they have and what it what it was was the anticipation that of course the u.k. would be able to turn to the commonwealth countries so that was an easy thing to anticipate india's being a little sticky also they've already imposed some high tariffs on scotch i think some of the things that are going to be positive though other theresa may has already said that definitely there will still be a lot of our collaboration with regard to around science with regard to the investment in programs like horizon twenty twenty and erasmus there was those technological programs in conjunction with brussels i think that's very important in the u.k. you mentioned india you talked commonwealth countries. and you know obviously that's the big kahuna the number three economy in the world and they are soon to exceed the whole u.k. economy too so you're ok but what about other commonwealth countries i mean there. the u.k. is not going to make good on all the trade with the e.u. because of like the falkland islands or something so what other commonwealth
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countries might they look to well canada as i mentioned has been very open and definitely wants to have a great relationship with the u.k. post that and he though if you think about it only represents a nation although vost in terms of geography is really the economy's about the size of italy and spain combined so it's not knowledge and off to sort of say the deal of course the us i mean not not part of the commonwealth but an english speaking anglo nation but trump obviously wants a deal that is pro u.s. and there's lots of issues in england with regard that we don't really hear a lot about for example on they call it chlorinated chicken the way that chicken is produced in the united states and the chemicals that are involved and also the welfare of animals that's a big concern in the u.k. and the u.s. wanted to have those relaxed and that wasn't accepted by well chlorinated chickens to. us we don't like those corny chickens said to me i'm actually a european body if you know this case two weeks later than an american body american body so american body is preserved for two weeks and an english body and
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a european body to case immediately it's because of the preservatives and as my americans friends say yes. no no no it's crazy what we do to food ok so let's talk about immigration that's a big one out there too so when you go to europe the europeans are just going from one country to another a lot of flourishing little winning number to us so how is that going to work there i mean the right now the e.u. is saying no you know just you just don't have regular access you're leaving. what's going to happen because they want to make it more difficult that's the issue i think what will happen happening in english at the moment is actually a little bit of a labor shortage particularly in around manufacturing and you. finding that sixteen percent of english companies now british companies are instituting programs to have older labor retained and that's going to be something that's going to be a saving grace very interesting is there anything we should be looking at in the next few months that could be a big stumbling block it seems like all these things we've talked about immigration
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trade exciter they're working through them not necessarily easily but they're working through them or is there anything in the future as we look to march of twenty nineteen that could be a big stumbling block i think that's going to the positive aspects of ai that's going to really help because of the artificial intelligence that theresa may want to keep investing in will help with europe but the stumbling got to answer your question specific or probably be the i wish border how are we going to solve the porous border from ireland and what's your shoe on that artificial intelligence theresa may want to continue investment as a huge push in the public sector in england to make a vast amount of investment there so that will mean that will be positive that's a lot of investment across europe too because she wants to continue relationships with brussels i see so it's an economic thing working i don't know telegin help us borders but it affects immigration because so many of the obviously i'm smart talent is also coming from europe in terms of the ai industry super thank you for explaining that you were afforded to see your stroll mark hilary you are the founder and c.e.o. thank you for being with us i lost nothing to be here. and that's where we go p.f.
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chang's the upscale chinese food restaurant is now moving to of all places china the arizona based company admits that its version of chinese food tastes much different than what chinese consumers are used to and so they market the restaurant located in shanghai as quote an american beast one thing is clear especially for those of us who have been to china the taste preferences between people of the united states and china are decisively different for example general tso's chicken a common american chinese menu item is essentially fried chicken maybe chlorinated fried chicken. and with syrup or honey which is appealing to americans it's not something favored however by the chinese in fact general so is known there is a chinese statesmen and military leader while most of p.f. chang's menu items in shanghai will be the same as those served in the u.s.
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one addition to the chinese menu as they duck spring will roll which actually includes a relative ease some question if the taste will appeal to chinese consumers will chinese consumers really be all about cauliflower tempore or rick's northern style spare ribs or dynamite shrimp only time will tell but that's all the time we have for this time thank you for catching us you can also catch us on boom bust that directv channel three twenty one dish network channel two weighty or streaming twenty four seven on pluto t.v. the free t.v. app channel one thirty two or as always hit us up at youtube dot com slash boom bust r t c n x time.
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with hopes and institutions to. put themselves on the line they did accept the reject. so when you when the president should. do something want to listen. to going to the press this is what the three of them do that. i'm interested in the war. you know. you never know what's around the corner you never know what's in the pub you're going to walk into excitement it's that not knowing that's where the adrenalin much comes from. and you can use a nice blend definition and the extremes will fully support. the violence in the pot and it's almost
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a schizophrenia gang culture where you can do all these things and behave like badly. us important people of course colorful all. those muscle folks that's going to last . and this may end in firm. moral and good on far less than we thought. i would rule when the really did a poll down down went up with a good. many reason is that at least if you don't and the involves it's constantly evolving the. thirty. s. . i.
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british doctors who treated a former russian spy and his daughter revealed they first suspected in overdose and later taking precautions but later turned out to be a nerve agent attack. lines these really maybe intercepts of palestinian flu trying to reach cyprus a local correspondent has been reporting for us from one of the boats but we feel it is right why six golf clubs. close to the palestinian protesters. and f.b.i. informant. u.s. politicians and the media are confused over just how to describe the role of the cambridge professor who infiltrated. election campaign.
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and italian voters expressed their outrage after the president of the euro skeptic coalition is planned for a new government. over to stay with us now though for the financial news the cause report. this is the kaiser report hopefully so i just want to follow up a little bit on the last episode we did because here's a headline related to dead unicorns why the end is coming soon for the biggest tech bubble we've ever seen expect to see more dead unicorns unicorns of course in this context are companies startups worth more than
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a billion dollars there's like one hundred couple hundred of them in the united states but he says about over half of them are actually fifty percent overvalued this is keith wright a professor of villanova school of business so we should be seeing dead unifor and soon well you know the change for returns over the past ten years as i just read every man zero migrated into the startup space on the unicorn space but the liquidity never came to the aftermarket never came the cash flow never came so now they all have to go over the cliff of the abyss big proving once again the world is flat of course there are eighteen these are dead unicorns held by silicon valley investors they have deep pockets and of course they could afford to perhaps lose all of this but they're competing with china which has i guess a bigger market but also more capital to work with and you know they're in the race to see who can create more monopolistic sort of positions of course these unicorn
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holders from silicon valley have donald trump to crush competition like which was crushed and now that brought. china to the trade table they're supposedly negotiating trump keeps on almost getting a trade deal with china and then backing out by a tweet so we don't know but we do know that trade war averted china vows to buy more from the u.s. but truce will take time the consensus follows two days of negotiations between teams led by the chinese vice premier lew he and u.s. treasury secretary steven chu and so time is agreed to by more u.s. agricultural goods. and energy products and this is supposed to close that what two hundred a three hundred seventy five billion dollar trade gap with the united states there's china refer to these startups as unicorns or maybe dragons of the unicorn as a global thing i wonder you know it's a little as if you really have to ask based on something but you know i'm not sure but yeah ok so china says they're going to buy a lot more stuff from the u.s.
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and so trump is having an effect i mean is that weighing into the minutia of trade deals which president has done that i can recall usually they just paint a broad stroke and hope for the best so he's actually getting into the details of trade deals with echoes. you do have to recognize that in the west we're not seeing the coverage the media coverage and the actual power that china has on the ground over in asia because i have seen reports that the reason why why did why did trump to the extraordinary thing of saying we need to come to the table because he lost all these jobs we don't want to destroy seventy five thousand jobs and we don't want to destroy c.t.e. and they apologized well apparently they were also u.s. goods piling up at the ports over in china and china has a huge buying power and exporting power and all these u.s.
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companies have massive factories over in china so they have a lot more leverage than we can possibly see here because of course our media doesn't cover it because they have a more important story that they're a little conspiracy theory that they're focused on nevertheless there are you know that china apparently has a lot of negotiating power in terms of twenty eighteen elections midterm elections coming up in just a few short months as places like iowa and nebraska where they were really squealing about the impact on their agricultural exports some of these places you know their their number one. destination is china they also live four to five trillion dollars in reserves more than a trillion or so in dollars the dollar still world reserve currency so yeah they've got a lot of operating leverage on the ground but a macro economically speaking the u.s. federal reserve bank bank of new york still has the ability to crush them at a moment's notice if we so choose their basically their equally powered the world's largest debtor the world's largest creditor they are equally powered they're
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equally powerful and that is a great huge fight that is the fight of the next few decades what is not a great power which is no longer a great power is the united kingdom versus germany fighting the euro european union versus trying to come up with the brakes a deal i have to headlines here this is from bloomberg and they often to this i actually printed another article but they change the headline at all the time but boris johnson warns may to get on with it and deliver brags that so he's warning that she has to get on with it he wants to become the new prime minister which probably makes more sense of a clown and charge like treece amaze us ineffective we might as well have an ineffective clown because we have a clown here italy has clowns everybody has clowns this is new policy but the u.k. has admitted that they're going to have to pay a huge divorce bill and this breaks it exit if it ever happens this somebody they
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break it did feel is figuring out how the op back in to various deals that the president gave them the right to opt out right so just to add is something i thirty thousand more civil servants in the u.k. and that's the whole point of bragg's it is to increase the size of government under satcher the mandate was to take g.d.p. and address it so that government was a less a percentage of g.d.p. breaks it just reverses that whole trend and makes the government now a bigger part of g. pay which is highly anti-growth so i mean i'll read you some of boris johnson's exact quotes he's the foreign minister foreign secretary for the united kingdom theresa may is the prime minister in case you don't know a lot of people may not hear much about the united kingdom but he said that outward free trade in countries what they want to hear from us is that we are getting on with it with confidence and breo in zap. so over that's what
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a clown does you know these that's a given he was going. courting water so i like your idea that the u.k. needs a clown station to compete with the berlusconi's and then only the trump clownish behavior in america and other global clowns i mean to compete in this global economy you need a clown force johnson's caliber he's a world class clown well if you don't have the authority in the power to be a state's person then you might as well be a clown because you've got to compete for global attention right so johnson's comments however are his strongest since teresa mayes team agreed last week on a controversial compromise that could keep the u.k. tight t. e u trade rules for years after the divorce the proposal got a frosty reception from brussels and prompted jacob response to commands enough conservative lawmakers to engineer a leadership challenge to say he was losing faith and tree some may book the united
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kingdom is part of the body of the european economy as a seventy three trillion dollar trading block you know the whole brags it is like your liver deciding to separate from your body and to say we're no longer part of the body were the independent liver and by the way everything that comes in and out of the liver we now have to introduce another organ called the deliberate exit blipper attacks and then oh wait a minute that doesn't make any sense so we're going to reverse all that there's no way to separate the u.k. from europe it cannot be done it will not be done if it does it's in name only they make change. the color of their passport but that's you cannot you cannot separate the two boris johnson in their delusional when we were just in new york there were two guys walking behind me downtown you know the financial district and i heard them one guy complaining that his office was moving to frankfurt because their office in london was closing down because of this break set thing so get another
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headline here about the u.k. economy it is it has been hit definitely by this whole breaks during two men who knows what's happening whether or not breaks it happens i think people will still be talking about pricks in twenty thirty years' time when it won't have actually happen nevertheless landlords left with four shards skyscrapers worth of empty space in the high street bloodbath this big companies like jamie's italian all of these chains. carluccio. they have a whole bunch of them listed here but the fact is that in figures compiled for the evening standard colliers international forecasts that the blood bath and the retail and restaurants sectors will leave at least six point two million square feet in the u.k. vacant this year of that six hundred thirty thousand square feet isn't london of the property agent examined statistics from the local data company and go deportable it looked at stores which have closed either because firms have collapsed or restructured using a company valan.
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