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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  May 30, 2018 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT

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all of their. trump has appointed a new commander of u.s. and nato forces sorry in afghanistan the u.s. led mission to help afghanistan get rid of terrorists started in two thousand and two shortly after the nine eleven attack lieutenant general austin miller becomes the eighteenth commander of the seventeen year campaign and that means on average the afghanistan mission has had a new commander every year but the latest u.s. watchdog report says the campaign has brought little good to afghanistan.
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well some in afghanistan who had hoped that america's presence would assure a new era of peace and stability for the country have paid a heavy price with more his arteries. back in august twenty sixth an afghan man named his son after donald trump but that was before trump's top television for the white house now after being inspired by trump's business achievements outlined his books the afghan man hope that giving his son the same name would bring about the same sort of luck but we're very happy to name our child after the best politician and i hope he will become a politician like donald trump as well i gave my son this name to make him lucky and i want to see him as smart and mindful as donald trump but that's backfired miserably the family was driven out of their hometown because his community took issue with the child's non muslim name now he's purportedly fled afghanistan after
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seeing the reaction to my son's name and also the taliban directed assassination of the man who awarded president from the medal i don't feel safe this comes after the taliban assassinated one of the afghan men who minted a gold medal honoring the us president back in january cold in the b. and his friend a far hog bari raise money to produce a special gift for donald trump to thank the state department for toughened stance on pakistan we are suspending security assistance security assistance only to pakistan at this time in till the pakistani government takes decisive action against groups including the afghan taliban gombe was killed by the taliban and that's according to a taliban spokesperson sadly appreciation for donald trump isn't exactly body armor his friend who was involved in producing the medal for a party now fears for his life and he blames that washington for failing to protect them. the americans are all friends and can help us in fact we would deceived
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because we thought the americans really appreciates all work and our intentions we thought the us is a superpower and values friendship but it doesn't nearly seventeen years ago the us invaded afghanistan to eradicate terrorism but after all these years to even those who still have trust in washington. seems that it can't be protected somewhere on. washington d.c. . now suspicion has fallen after a russian journalist kremlin critic was killed in the ukrainian capital. was shot in the back while entering his apartment so let's get more details now from our going. what more do we know then about this incident well. it was a forty one year old russian journalist who died from gunshot wounds in ukraine's capital kiev he was found in his apartment by his wife who called the emergency services but he later died from these injuries was a war veteran correspondent he worked for
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a number of russian media outlets as well as being a contributor to the b.b.c. and the guardian he was well known though for his criticism of russia's actions in syria and ukraine and took part in many opposition movements as well after he left russia in february last year he moved to settle in ukraine to work as a t.v. host now local police in kiev believes that his journalistic activities are probably one of the main reasons behind his killings pap's judging his criticism of the kremlin in the past now they also say though that he never reported any threats to his life or asked for security assistance now ukrainian. publicly stated that putin's regime is targeting those who are unbreakable but russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov has said before this investigation has even started the thing that is quick to be pointed out to russia. this is becoming a trend for example the scruples unsubstantiated accusations but let's investigate
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them linked to the use of a chemical substance and duma they said was responsible the investigation hasn't started yet but that's bomb. and another tragedy last night russian journalist. was shot in his own home. prime minister already. it was carried out by the russian security services investigation hasn't even started yet. the russian foreign ministry has also and learned the alarming number of violence against journalists in ukraine that's cost our minds back to some of these where russia has been falsely blames. was a crane in russian gen the ukraine engine this story who dies in two thousand and fifteen now russia was immediately blamed for the death but he was killed by ultra right activists for his pro russian views and moving on to shermer a russian ukrainian janessa who was killed in two thousand and sixteen not by the russians but by a bomb detonated by ukrainian security services and in two thousand and seventeen
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then this phone and call the former russian deputy was killed but was russia behind this night was closer to home his wife's ex-boyfriend ordered the killing now back to where the police have ruled out suicide but now the russian investigative committee have opened up their own investigation and have urged authorities to look closely into the matter. ok thanks an issue that was an issue with the late. george yard international going to take a quick break when you soon too. they
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put themselves on the line. they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure. that you'd like to be that's what we're hopeful extreme of more people. interested always in the waters of our. welcome back not donald trump has repeatedly called the investigation into alleged
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collusion with russia a witch hunt but according to one democrat this is a move the kremlin's playbook. expects. according to a top democrat in congress if you use the term which on to and you say it over and over and over again which of which are and which you may be a dupe of the kremlin listen to maxine waters talk about trump he's a lying about which but you notice that he says will turn it over and over again he has learned some of the russian tactics about how you you know deal with getting people to believe you you say it over and over again so repeating something over and over and over again is a russian thing that may not be the wisest thing for the democrats to say they've had the same song on repeat for roughly two years russia has hacked into a lot of things the criminal clan russia was meddling in our election russia undermined hillary clinton tov or russian hacking operation these hacks have taken
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place by russians intelligence committee says that russia is behind this in some form its goal to do with russia and of course ian brown sugar rush is a russian so if trump invented the term which why did the democrats use that exact same term back in the one nine hundred ninety s. when bill clinton's sex scandal was all over the headlines smells like a double standard to me speaking of double standards remember how the democrats pounded the podium against gina haskell the new cia chief there are two reasons that i oppose this nomination miss haskel support for torture and her willingness to destroy evidence of the cia's use of torture and i have serious concerns about. her confirmation and what kind of signal sent this lady is the real do i'm telling you we're here with everything we possibly think she answered didn't flinch at all well it turns out that while this controversial interrogation program was going on democrats in congress were getting briefings the entire time and did nothing about it and now after the dog and pony show at the hearings is over gina haskell is
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getting the job and why is gina haskell the new cia chief because two democrats voted for her to an intelligence committee looks poise. to indorse president trump pick to head the cia and you know house bill today this clears to pass her confirmation of cia director if she gained support from democrats senate democrats back when she was secretary of state hillary clinton was always criticizing countries around the world for their human rights record she even pushed obama to send cruise missiles to libya back in two thousand and eleven supposedly to defend human rights yet at the same time her personal foundation the clinton foundation had no problem getting donations from the very countries that she was criticizing and sooty arabia giving twenty five billion dollars are all of these countries you talk about women and women's rights so these are people that bush gays. buildings these are people that kill women and treat women horribly and yet you take their
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money so the democrats talk one way and act another i'm not sure where we're finding all these russian tactics their cost making reference to because they seem to be practicing double standards all along. archie new york. now in other news this afternoon william browder a british finance seeable in today in russia for tax fraud was briefly detained in spain before being released we can get more details and i would check if he joins us in the studio just for this in the movie what more information is there about what happened last december in moscow court sentenced browder nine years in prison for fraud and tax evasion back in the ninety's he was one of the biggest international investors here and russia and tell a bunch of everything went south and his firm was investigated for tax fraud now earlier today he tweeted that he had been arrested by spanish police posting a picture of what he said was the arrest warrant and said there was listed that fraud was the criminal charge there involved shortly however this is the picture of
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the arrest warrant and there you can see that fraud was listed here and shortly after that he posted that he had already been released and claimed. interpol had actually advised the spanish national police not to honor here we have not to honor the russian interpol red notice no red notice is essentially just an international arrest warrant and then went on to actually accused russia of abusing interpol now for their part interpol has come out saying that there is not currently nor has there ever been a red notice for bill browder and the spanish police said that he was not arrested simply detained while they looked into their arrest warrant they had them file which turned out to be no longer valid now broader may have just been making assumptions based on past cases where interpol refused to enforce russian warrants for him saying that they were politically motivated which is the stance that moscow denies so why do they say then that it's politically motivated what's the basis of saying that there's a lot of history between browder and russia he's actually the man behind the
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magnitsky act which is a u.s. law that blacklist russian officials accused of corruption or human rights violations and it's named after sergei magnitsky who works for broadhurst firm here and russia he was arrested during the investigation and was later found dead in his prison cell and ever since then broader has been on the warpath condemning the russian government in seeking to find as many people and hold them responsible for magnets as possible so there's quite a lot of bad blood there sure ok thanks jackie that was you go with the latest on that story now one of the things driving knife as well as gun crime in britain according to police is a form of rap music known as drill they've asked you to delete videos which they say glamorize violence often and we've seen this in london we have gangs screaming drill videos and those videos the tone to it and say what they're going to do to each other and specifically what they're going to do to who very quickly you will
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see these associated with lyrics which is a rise in violence violence serious. so to give you some context then drill music is a type of rap originating in chicago concerns about its message do originate from the fact that the word drill is a slang term for weapon it's lyrics also often containing at reference to the shady side of street life we spoke to rap artist who says that removing rap content from the internet is not the best way to fight violence i think they're trying to paint a picture of young black as being criminals and trying to villainize them take away the responsibility from themselves perhaps take away the responsibility from the from the system from the government. i don't actually believe that the intention of this is even to remove violence because removing music videos from the internet is not going to remove violence we need to look at those communities see what's going on to see what help they're actually in the address of your address and give them
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more support music is actually saving lots of these children's lives. well rap music is not the only thing being blamed some video games are thought to be the reason for recent school shootings to control the city's being stirred up by first person shooter games and many say they should be restricted or they rap artists again says that people should decide for themselves what except what is acceptable content never experienced any incident where we're at music instigate violence and i've witnessed violence i'm actually from the same kind of community these young for my witness one as i witnessed lots of different rappers are talking about violence was never the music was never the reason any of those things are possible any of us were involved in this worrying how far could go cause what was next who gets the decision to say this one is too violent this one is ok when those things are taken out of our hand and definitely have to promote hands of the police who have already been proven to use braces tactics to target those communities.
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watching out international says coming up to half past two in the afternoon here in moscow we're going to be back again with more news in about thirty five minutes although we've got a web site so you full of stories you can have a look at you can find that at r.t. dot com. close. for a world cup twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goalkeepers
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of all time but there was one more question and by the way who's going to be our coach. guys i know you on the us he's a huge star among us and the huge amount of pressure come out you have to communicate the center of the shuttle with you and do all the great the grid you are the rock at the back nobody gets past you we need you to get going let's go. alone. and i'm really happy to join the team for the two thousand and thirteen world cup in russia meet the special one. needs to just read the review the aussie team's latest edition to make up is bigger than you better just say look. the american political soap opera widely known as russia gate appears to have no wind well no evidence has been revealed to trump campaign colluded with russia
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there is mounting evidence the intelligence community or should i say the deep state monitored or even spied on from world. greetings and salutation. all the world is a stage hawk watchers especially in the wild and woolly world of western politics where more often than not the bigger that the tricks equals the higher yield from the proverbial box office of political power points and defense spending and nothing nothing brings out the spending more than the classic tale of good versus evil and thankfully the united states who curiously always cast themselves as the action movie good guy has built for itself and its plucky wise cracking european allies some classic the islands to choose from these days you've got kim jong un in
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north korea iran in the ayatollah always a big box office draw for our allies in the middle east like saudi arabia and israel and of course there is our classic old foe russia and our bond villain in waiting president vladimir putin since the alleged d.n.c. hack in the election of donald trump russia has been put back in the villain spotlight stoking age old fears at home and abroad as well take poem for example where it was recently discovered that they offered the united states a two billion dollar boxoffice that exchange rate brand spanking new u.s. military base yes because that is truly what the world needs right now yet another u.s. military base in a document obtained by the polish news portal outlet the polish defense ministry states poland is a stud fast ally of the united states and is committed to advancing our shared interests and values which are increasingly being threatened by russian
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interference a permanent us presence in poland will ensure that both nations can continue to advance strengthen and protect these values and interests and as we know nothing plays to the hearts. brings up the pentagon and the u.s. congress more than shared interests values and two billion in military industrial dollars so with nato advancing russia getting typecast in the united states collecting allies checks i think it's time to start watching the hawks. what. it looks like. at the bottom. like you know that i got. to. leave the.
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welcome everybody to watching the harks i am i robot and while it. was years ago i got confused sometimes twenty eight tina eating when are you sure by maybe one thousand nine hundred five. that's where we're at you know it's all right so poems offering two billion dollars joint kind of funding that kind of lure us to build a permanent military base there because they're so afraid of evil russia they need a military base there. yet the us is the one to invade countries the us is the one to build a global empire like all of that so it is always off to me. on the other hand happy that like they're offering to help pay for it i mean you don't see that very often you know usually who are the ones attacked u.s. taxpayers are the ones like clip in the bill for all these bases but they're pleading. they're pleading this letter that reads like
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a love letter they're just like please please we love you look great we are look a well we get along it's like you know it's like you know they're asking their uncle to come over and build the garage that you know to store their car in but not like wanting to just go play in. the defense ministry pleaded that they are committed committed to share the burden of defense spending making the decision more cost effective for the u.s. government that allay any concerns for congress in uncertain budgetary times seems like it's like buddy roemer we used to play red light green light to go there we grew up together we're buddies i hope you pay for the police. yeah it seems it's a bit like i hate going to conflict two things that make this a sports metaphor of all things but this feels like will build you a stadium and then you can come nearer and win win more war winning war winning yeah i don't i find it very odd first of all as you said we don't need bases i find
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the idea that this somehow having a military base there will will help. work together against interference which was apparently some facebook ads so i'm just a little confused over how a military base with guns and bombs and takes and french writer jets and missiles is going to help keep the russians from posting facebook i guess they have fears of russia's going to just invade poland when what he's saying it's like why would why would they do that. that's the big that's the kind of you know they always point to well look at like crimea look at this look at that it was in the crimea either right i love how again how the north say it's again bringing up crimea like she just it's suddenly because desire again because they need something but here's the deal you didn't care you didn't care while they were going on in
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care about what i was actually happening to people and they never do until it's news where they where where were all the great insider reports from crimea the russians dragging the able to the. don't know story none wrote as if it's some sort of logo as. you know that was relatively peaceful there although i mean why would the medo the united states who pays what it's all just gross i think it's really a disgusting situation and nobody on and you side is right from my perspective because they're literally sitting there there's this two percent that everyone has to pay. but it's a bit like you know vito corleone and say you owe us to our son of whatever you like and you know we'll make sure you're protected if there's a war. i find that a little weird it is and this two percent is suggestive the agreement that they'll pay those spend that much on defense. but twenty seventeen according to
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sign magazine just five of the twenty nato members actually had met that required and here's the thing trump has been saying the administration is saying this you know we're you know. they're fold or else or else i visit all of those in a kitty it's like or else what. what they're you what are you going to do close bases that would actually be a good idea. threatening i don't understand why you would put threats into the most of the day that's ridiculous that they go spend two percent of their gross domestic product on. on war which means bias in the united states so everybody at raytheon can make america executive bonus this year let's not forget that you know the u.s. has got military bases with eighty countries around the world pirate what's cool anybody about. for about three years to researchers in the u.k. went about studying the facts of
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a thousand person office while they were transitioning from a traditional workspace to a newly designed open office plan lead author dr allison hurst found in the study that called doing gender in the new office that women in particular felt anxious about the idea of being constantly watched and felt they had to dress a certain way however there was also evidence that workers felt more equal as everybody was more approachable in an open space it was also seen by some as a chance to dress more smartly and fulfill a new identity now this study didn't really find anything particularly new and in two thousand and eight australian study of open office plans they concluded that research evidence shows that employees face a multitude of problems such as the loss of privacy loss of identity low work productivity various health issues over stimulation and low job satisfaction when working in an open office plan work environment and yet the headlines following the u.k. studies release claim that they study you prove the quote unintended sexism of office
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open office spaces asked if they encouraged sexism and even framed the alleged sexism subtle openoffice plans have a lot of problems for all workers male or female but is using sexism to explain the open office plans failure is just another way to paint women as a weak sensitive and paranoid you could. turn over the wall as your woman who has worked in the workforce over the years is in open office wildly sexist. does it like invite you know sexist remarks and like. and like that kind of thing now more than just you know being around and have we've all been around it's up there been around i mean i've never found that i haven't had that experience i do find it funny there was a that the idea of the male gay yeah i'm not saying that men don't watch each other or that women don't watch each other we all watch each other but because you know
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there's like i hear the study is that ok we do have an open office environment like you're seeing like is all that friend and like silicon valley and places are like ok nobody has an office it's all open big chairs everyone can see what everyone is doing or sometimes they put videos up on the wall of what you're actually doing on the computer like you know crazy stuff like that yeah but what's interesting is the women in the office in this study which is a pretty vast study i mean they interviewed twenty seven women thirteen men over one to two hours over the course of like three years of this intensive. and that included observation interviews seeing how they interacted people work the whole bit now women in the office said they felt that the new office set up this open office made them hyper aware that men were constantly watching. one woman told researchers if you were a female that would definitely get a comment from all the men because they would notice yours that makes it easier to
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notice like the good looking woman walking by in the office because you can see everything there's no hallways or like offices the hi jim. so that's what they call it. i'm not saying it like is that i'm not saying that doesn't exist men don't watch that women don't watch that we don't watch whatever you know something i find attractive i don't think that's that i think that it's going a step further to say that you know it's suddenly and open office allows men to do that that somehow it's the open offices fault that's what i find where there's issues about open offices first of all there's hierarchy issues whether you're male or female there's just general issues of loudness of juror like everybody gets it you get the flu in an open office everyone has the flu and that's one of the many things and the thing is you work to a certain position and then you're sitting at a desk like everybody else and there's no understanding of what your position is but i have to say that this is an issue of behavior not design because the issues
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that were in the study that they found were totally across the board but most people you miss certain things you miss it's too loud it's too distracting you have to do all these things to make up for it but if there are men or women making inappropriate comments in the office if they're making people feel uncomfortable that's sexual harassment that's a rassmann that's creating a hostile work environment so do something about it or do a lot of blame this because again boy then it's not bad behavior it's just the open office plan made them do it if we just had a look and also with this idea that a moment many of us you know a quiet place to go when things are upsetting dude it's not just us everybody nobody wants to hear bad news with the whole office watching nobody wants to be yelled out with the whole office watching right and they're making a sexism is you know we're open offices are not making people sexist sexist make workplaces sexes period i mean if you just say i don't like it i don't wear a pretty close at the end of the day when you when you look at this is a little kind of thing it's like i was just going.


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