tv Keiser Report RT May 30, 2018 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT
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the deep state colluded against a tram campaign that's going to put it's going to be an institutional crisis when this comes out go ahead charles. well look i think the institution has been in crisis for a long time you know robert muller was in charge of the f.b.i. from september fourth two thousand and one to supplant a fourth two thousand and thirteen then followed by james comey look at the number of disasters that occurred under their respective watches they could find obvious clinton foundation for what they missed the iranian one scandal they missed the laureate scandal they missed the scandal reorganizing clint federation two thousand and nine forward you know what didn't they miss and the reality is that technological tools of god ever stronger and we the american public the wider world need to debate about how much power security services should have protected our country snoop inside our country and then not to take care of that those secrets art disseminated around to blackmail politicians to blackmail donors and to be used for nefarious purposes i think we need to have our eyes wide open here
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a major league investigation anyone no matter how powerful who broke these laws needs to be investigated ideally indicted convicted and sent away to prison ok well you know a you know i before we do the break here mother did find those seventeen russian trolls in st petersburg you know don't underestimate him gentlemen we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on donald trump's spygate. with gold make this manufacture consent to public will. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the final
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merry go round the certainly the one percent. we can all middle of the room signals. from the real news room. you never know what's around the corner you never know what's in the pub you can walk into excitement it's that not knowing that's where the adrenaline in much comes from. it is a moot point definition and the extremes who will support. the violence is a part and it's almost a schizophrenia gang culture where you can do all these things and behave badly.
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important people of course qualify but all. those more so focused on the loss of. punishment and infirm. roll on far less than the thoughts. i would roll over where enough i figure out i really did a poll that i was going to get. meaning in reason is that at least if you don't involve these constantly evolving the. tax rises financial survival guide stacy let's learn sal fill out let's say i'm not sure i get your thesis response banks have to fight wall street spot thank you for taking. destroy that's right. that's slavery.
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welcome back to cross like we're all things are considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing what president trump calls spygate. ok let's go back to los angeles ha charles made a wonderful point at the end of the first half of the program here is this what they're really afraid of with a second investigation because first of all the first one with muller has not. you know if you're in washington d.c. i mean if something really important about collusion with trump and rush it would have been released a long long long time ago i mean how many leaks in there always leaks one direction have you noticed that anyway let me stay with ha here i mean they're afraid of the
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second. investigation because it really will reveal institutional corruption and i even think and this is where i think it gets really tricky and dicey because that goes beyond party affiliation and i think that's why they're very hesitant about this because it will and a lot more people not just one side go ahead ha well let's look at who has been investigating doll trump john brennan lied under oath about spying on the senate james clapper lied under oath about the n.s.a. spying on americans james komi lied under oath about exonerating clinton before her interview peter struck in a text message said we can't take the risky use the word risk we can't take the risk of trump becoming president we have to engage in the insured and insurance policy that we spoke about a mantra mccabe's office trying to just fire a molar and tweet that text but then let's look at andrew mccabe he lied he lied under oath twice and lied four times this is the office of professional
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responsibility at the f.b.i. so you have all of these people who are an immense positions of power lying either lying under oath or obviously part of. not a conspiracy theory an actual conspiracy of individuals to achieve a political goal john brennan met with harry reid during the election to inform harry reid of alleged russian interference he didn't why didn't you inform president obama why didn't he meet president obama the n.s.a. the f.b.i. and the cia have a fifth thirty five billion dollar combined budget with for thirty five billion dollars the american people get moderate to high confidence and if you look at the d.n.i. and v.h.s. reports the two intelligence reports that all of this is based on there's nothing certain to zero evidence and there's a war there are warranty disclaimers stating that even high confidence the highest level of assessment even high confidence could be wrong yeah and they actually say
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in one of the reports don't take anything we say as fact so the intelligence reports are completely just basically opinion three hundred thirty five billion dollars of opinion you have the d.n.c. who never gave its computer service to the f.b.i. they hired crowd strikethrough hillary clinton purchasing through her law firm crowd strike paying crowd strike and also paying christopher steele infusion g.p.s. and glenn simpson for the still does if anyone colluded with russia it was hillary clinton well who purchased the steel right and it was the hottest russian source in the foreign country is the u.k. not russia here christopher watching the cable stations do you is it conceivable in your mind that president obama knew nothing about what his underlings were doing is that conceivable in your mind. it could be i mean i think there was a general awareness i mean certainly and he had to know sort of the obsessive instincts of hillary clinton wanted to be president i mean you know we heard the
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end it develops from election night in terms of the people that hillary clinton was most angry at was bill clinton barack obama and then donald trump it was everyone's fault but our own but we should definitely take a pause for a second to acknowledge hillary clinton's talent she can't even cheat in a way and you know i don't think that if you're cheating and you have all this behind you you do when she can even cheat and win and the whole thing about you know three million votes she won l.a. and she won new york right great job you know there's a lector of votes hillary clinton couldn't even cheat and win that charles i want to go i want i am not going to let obama off the hook here because it's been explained to me a by a number of people that have experience in high government is that such a coordinated plan such as we're discussing right now could not have been done without the white house knowing about it so what did he know and when did he know it charles i think you know i think that's absolutely the case i mean i think
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that in this narrow matter. the clintons in the obama's got together i believe in the june through november two thousand and eight timeframe they hammered out a deal the memorandum of understanding that supposedly regularized relations between the clinton foundation among the clinton foundation bill clinton the secretary of state is it is a complete piece of garbage it's not enforceable that wouldn't have gotten across the line if there were real lawyers a member of barack obama president the harvard law review hillary clinton smartest lawyer in the world you know from the very beginning this was an artifice the clintons had something on obama we don't yet know what it was and obama decided to play along he what he was in for two terms hillary is supposed to succeed him and then cover all the stuff up and so absolutely i believe certainly valerie jarrett is the eyrie or consider a guest. she knew all about this and you know it's high time that we go back over this because the thing to remember whether you're a democrat or republican this is
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a a horrible precedent that people are going to look back for decades and say you can get away this with this type of criminal behavior twenty years from now forty years from now maybe four years from now or two years from now somebody is going to try to do far worse than the clintons and the obama's did and we need to expose what happened we need to investigate indict convict and incarcerate people who did this and send them away for a long long time and take away all of their stuff you know ha i think a lot of viewers watching this program initially i think that were very partisan here and i think charles put in put it in the best possible words i mean i'm not doing this oh everybody knows my partisan politics but it's not being played out on this program i think what all of us are talking about is institutions and values and the rule of law and i think that's what really ties us all together i'm a conservative ha you're i know you're a progressive here but we're on the same page about. decency in public life and in officials being held accountable and this is why i think we need another
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investigation to see to make sure that the government officials expect particularly the unelected ones are held to account go ahead ha well absolutely and there's a famous c.n.n. clip of president obama saying it's absolutely impossible candidate trump should stop whining yeah and it's impossible that anyone could rig the election and he went on and on about how the experts and all the authorities and the most educated people would never ever stoop so low as to blame anyone for an election loss so trump should just stop whining then we have nonstop whining continual and never ending whining from from clinton and the democratic party. they're going to lose the in the midterms there or they have like what if thirteen or fourteen point lead in the generic polls for both the house or the house in the senate they'll lose the senate or they'll the g.o.p.
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will keep control of the senate and keep control of the house and they're going to limp into two thousand and twenty trump unless there's something god forbid that's just unforseen trump will easily defeat democrats in two thousand and twenty because democrats don't stand for anything they think that people care about russian interference in the election cares nobody cares holes polls are showing that people are tired of miller muller doesn't stand for anything except if he could indict people on jaywalking he would there's no collusion with russia there's no evidence of anything. the interesting aspect of all of this is that democrats have convinced themselves that for example the trump jr meeting is some kind of example of treason trump jr never got any e-mails from clinton and even if he did they would have emanated from a server that was once on encrypted outside the us government that stored special
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access program intelligence and by the way anthony wiener had eighteen classified emails on his laptop and we don't even have to get into the pictures on that laptop so the issue here is the biggest cybersecurity scandal. in history you had a secretary of state hillary clinton who had special access program intelligence that was transferred somehow on to her server maybe brian pagliaro maybe justin cooper nobody knows right now but the d.o.j. is actually investing there that. was answered but a.j. but a lot of people around the world know exactly what was on the had server was like an open heart and your exact everybody stopped by ok and that's why i was i to i don't think of any kind of foreign foreign intelligence service would have ever said anything about it i mean if you're going to keep getting this free information from the secretary of state why do you want to interrupt it let it get government no one in their right mind would have said. we have we have these e-mails nobody
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the intelligence community would ever do anything like that it was a gift it just kept on giving ok christopher lee let me go to you because. you know the motor investigation here i mean what does he have to show to prove that it is worth over all the long time period here i mean we you know paul man of fort had nothing to do with russia papadopoulos had nothing to do with russia i mean he lied to the f.b.i. none of these things had all those seventeen kids ok they can't even speak english and the most of the ads on facebook or after the election i mean i don't understand how m.s.n. b.c. and c.n.n. keep this going i mean most of it is silly ok go ahead christopher. no i think the point was made earlier about sort of like you're dedicated to this track and you just don't know when to stop i mean you've hit the brick wall and you're just you're focused on the gas i think they've committed themselves to that narrative for so long they wouldn't know what to do it themselves that they tried to do
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something else and in terms of hillary clinton's excuse i mean she wrote a whole book about it i mean it's like what happened it's the only it's the only book or the question and the answer is on the cover you know hillary clinton so i thought i mean that's kind of the way i look at it but in terms of mohler i think that i think it's problematic and i think that you know there's just been a lot of lost faith i mean other sort of harassing essentially trump's friends i mean some of his advisors yeah they've looked into their harassing their businesses their associates i mean again it's almost like the same issue we touched on this you know you're so committed to that you don't want to turn back but i think they need to have independent counsels look at all this stuff from now on so that people can at least have some faith or ever the compass falls it'll be fair and regardless of political outcome we're almost out of time i want to ask chris very real quick question i think carter page is going to get a very big check one day from the u.s. government curved defamation yes or no what do you agree agree or not. it's
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possible you know i mean it's what do you think that maybe the mass demonstration what do you think charles garner page is going to have a payday check is going to be denominated big. ok start up what's big like you look at our ideal man that's all the time we have here many thanks to my guests in washington and in new york and in los angeles and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r.t. see you next time and remember ross talk to us. in july twenty seventh team on an attempt to freelance journalist working with on to the militant shelling in syria. to only his second fight scotti has established the khaled on such a memorial day will recognize more reporters who often risk the most with the sake
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of the truth and through that peace you can submit to your published works in a video or written form until june the twelfth go to a dot on t. dot com. four men are sitting in a car when the fifth gets shot in the head. all four different versions of what happened one of them is on the death row there's no way he could have done it there's no possible way because the us did not shoot around a corner. well you know the cars they were kind of adopted because we were called pirates for so long. of being there in the small boats next to the hard pool of ships and it did. not. kill them all filth to be told fish already ninety percent of it
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daryn got any blown connor. consecrations coupes seventy five tons too and they do it several times. today with the cleats of our your get an idea my fortune. we have to understand we can all stay still and just. be with him this will be used he'll be going to use our arms. i'm doing this because i want them for the future world to the future can generations to have up and enjoy the ocean how we have. europe must be much stronger in making the decision at twenty eight can we around
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the table agree on tougher measures on these or china always or us in the end of the unfortunately easy answer to that so far is not the really europe is being too weak and that's why we end up being beaten on the head sometime by the chinese some time by the american and that got to stop. in the. next. to. nothing. sudden slipped up a little something to get. it.
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russian journalist who was supposedly murdered in ukraine turns out to be alive. faked his own water clock to have been killed. european project commissioner apologizes to italians for telling them how to vote the country's political stalemate causes financial jitters across the. syrian president bashar al assad sit down with you for an exclusive interview talking about the war in this country troubled relations with the us bring you a preview this hour.
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thanks for joining us my name is the harvey this is r.t. to the. russian journalist whose death made global headlines has revealed that he's very much alive because he budging because murder in ukraine was apparently staged to catch the people trying to kill him and he joins me in the studio with the details just this morning we saw a lot of finger pointing headlines across the media blamed russia officials quick to say that russia was the mastermind behind this operation but today's picture is now completely different there was clearly no matter as russia has been saying all along much to the confusion of everybody arkady by jango is alive and well and fat he appeared at a press conference together with the head of the ukrainian security services jointly they said that all this was done to foil some russian plot that was tipped off a couple of months ago that someone wanted to kill him and that somebody is now in
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custody and has been arrested as well that being said they will have to wait and see what kind of evidence if any that they have to prove that this was a proto talk has there been any reaction from moscow i presume has because they have been basically blamed left front said. for some involvement well russia is now in the sound of the fuel ria being falsely accused of killing the journalist russian foreign ministry spokeswoman as well said that it's great news that is a life that the whole operation of some is somewhat of a propagandist nature she called the scituate situation a masquerade and we've also had some strong words from reporters without borders as they called this whole stage operation pathetic and regrettable regardless of what motives kiev say that they were pursuing they also say that it was very dangerous for a government to play with facts but even if we look at the media reaction worldwide it simply being one of confusion let's take a look what on earth is showing on fred is very much
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a developing story we're obviously still getting information but it definitely is a very very bizarre one and certainly the russians will be quite angry at the fact that they've been accused of killing this man but in reality he is very much still alive as we're seeing now becky what is it's shocking and this will certainly only agrees to the middle of the a fake news conspiracists and didn't one of the twists is the killer of insists that this was about falling as you said a russian plot to kill this journalist and it's not the first time is it that the russian governments haven't been accused of trying to knock off journalists but a lot of tennis has been killed in ukraine recently over the years and many cases fingers were quickly to be pointed at russia but it tends out that moscow didn't have anything to do with them let's take a look at a few of these examples. so
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back to the current unexpected situation here and that with this latest bizarre twist now we're left questioning how much credibility we can actually put in camps where. most of artes going underground show afshin rattansi thinks that the way some media outlets covered bob chink is faked death might undermine public trust in their reporting it is at first sight bizarre i'm going to say journalists of course make mistakes i've made my share of mistakes but even in that clip from c.n.n. which is our becky anderson the anchor there doesn't respond to the news that they've been reporting all day about
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a russian journalist death is being nonsense by saying we have to check a bit better in the way we do our journalism and the twitter lines of all the mainstream that so that famous phrase the so-called mainstream media saying russia is to blame for this how could they do this now they'll be people questioning their media whether they're going to be told the truth but certainly today's events are going to be they're going to be quoted for days months to come certainly during the world cup as a any stories about russian involvement in murder in provocation in killing in who knows what else moscow is about to be accused of. here's a quick recap of how the bad check a story unfolded from marty's online project in case you missed it.
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and about my expectation is that the coming weeks will show that the markets government bonds and the economic development of italy could prove to be so drastic that this would be a possible signal for voters not to vote for populists on the left all right will he make those remarks after plans for a euro skeptic governing coalition were blocked by the president let's go uncertainty in italy has shocked financial markets worried about at least possible exit from the euro one of the leaders of italy's failed coalition says that the idea was never even in the program. or your data out of the markets are worried it could leave the euro that's because someone has been saying this government wants absolutely zero despite that never having been our plan when when the euro skeptic coalition failed to form a government its latest blamed pressure from the e.u. on these peter oliver has more now on the role brussels has played in italy's political turmoil. on sunday night when sergio mounts
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a relative italian president vetoed the proposal of a euro skeptic for the role of economy minister he essentially scrapped a coalition between the populists of the five star movement and leader nord but what he also did was he said essential center talian voters back to the polls he sent the markets crashing down and he sent accusations flying that the e.u. had put a bit of pressure on him to do just that well it also saw. the e.u. budget commissioner say that this down toilet turn in the markets was a message to a tally in voters for next time that if they vote with the euro skeptics then well they will see financial troubles on the horizon well mr has rode back from those comments now but he was also criticized at the time by some of his closest allies donald the european council president and john claude young of the european commission president all saying this isn't the type of language you should be using
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as a member of the commission from the populist solve norden and the five star movement well they were outraged by mr ting his comment saying that he was the type of person that viewed italy just a place to go on holiday or sensually these comments from they played right into the hands of the euro skeptics because they're now getting ready for new elections which could come as soon as september they can now say to their voters look we said last time they were trying to take your sovereignty away look what they did when we tried to put in place a government in italy so it was ultimately left to the european commission president to try and smooth things over between the populists and euro skeptics in italy and the commission in brussels it's in his fate does not lie in the hands of the financial markets regardless of which political party may be in power it. really is a founding member of the european union that has contributed immensely to european
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integration the commission is ready to work with italy with responsibility and mutual respect italy deserves respect as i said those elections in italy could come as soon as september and between now one polling day are sure to be a lot of people keeping an eye on what comments are coming out of brussels with regards to which feet which direction italy should proceed in the future. the euro skeptic coalition failed to form a government after the italian president rejected their choice of finance minister he was seen as anti european the president then appointed a pro euro prime minister. matter rather a sense granted italy's two populist leaders more time to form a government to stave off a snap election we spoke to an emmy pay for the five star movement ignored silk correll he believes that there's a problem with democracy in the e.u. it was a lie with mr warner the minister was appointed the from core leash
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