tv News RT May 31, 2018 4:00am-4:31am EDT
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until he could do was to. shift in contact. mitten bought some decent side point i need them for hunting stab him. i'm not dead . until you go to. the university of glasgow. history professor braced conducts research at the faculty of corporate history. professor stokes is an acknowledged expert on twentieth century german business history. he read the doctoral thesis on the federal state government's role he also knows about the letter. in his time as justice minister. game. on.
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this previous to see the. recent talk in the nixon book and when the. bargain. for bin the intuition and by. the american political soap opera widely known as russia gate appears to have no wind no evidence has been revealed to trump campaign colluded with russia there is mounting evidence the intelligence community or should i say the deep state we've been spied on world. we've signed one of the greatest kill people. but there was one more question by the way who's going to be our coach. guys i know you are nervous is
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a huge start a month and a huge amount of pressure can remap you have to go meet the center of the beach but i'll be with you and you'll solo the great gate bridge to get you out of the rock at the back nobody gets past you we need you to get down going let's go. alone and just i want to and i'm really happy to join the father two thousand and thirteen world cup in russia meet the special one come on south appreciate me to just take the radio theology teams latest edition make up a bigger. book. you never know what's around the corner never know what's in the pub in the. excitement it's that knowing that's where the adrenaline in much comes from.
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and you can easily move by definition the extremes who will support. the violence is a part and it's almost a schizophrenia. we can do all these things and behave badly. important people the hospital all. the more so for the last. one this man infirmed . role. in this thought. i would draw older when the fight broke out really did a poll down down went up. meaning in these images that heath if you don't involve these constantly involved in. a fight for many flips over the years so i know the game and so i got stuck.
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football isn't only about what happens on the pitch put the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman each of killian narrowness and spending two hundred twenty million on one player. so it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game played great so well more transfer. and takes its minute. about your sudden passing i've only just learned you were a south and taken your last to bang turn. your at the top to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath. but then my feeling started change you talked about war
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like it was again still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our ark and i secretly promised to never again like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters in mind it's consumed with death this one difference i speak to him out because there are no other takers. claimed that mainstream media has met its maker. in london british victims of the active ingredient in come to go and have teamed up and formed a group called solidified trust. to bias aren't presenting his findings from the german archives. letters files of minutes outlining the role politics played during
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the criminal trial against the manufacture of good until these documents shed new light on what happened fifty five years ago. it isn't just british that it might survivors who are convinced they find allies in all british political parties. a day in february twenty fifth in an unusual debate takes place in the british parliament. which is the michael moore thank you mr. for over fifty years the little miters have been campaigning for justice particularly from the german manufacturers. know that over one hundred fifty m.p.'s of signed an open letter to the german chancellor with the prime minister add this to his busy agenda today so that we might get a decent and fair settlement for all concerned. i have on behalf of a constituent and she raised this issue not only through the european parliament
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but also with german authorities and i'll certainly reflect what the old gentleman says. more than one hundred fifty british m.p.'s from all political parties have signed a letter to the german chancellor. unlike germany britain does have a tradition of rebellion when dealing with the little mite the active ingredient in going together. the four hundred sixty six members of the little my trust not just fighting for compensation. they want those responsible for their disabilities to be held to account nick deliberate is one of them thinks they have almost succeeded who have which ties and to whom and with his chart to explain the connections to german politicians as well as representatives in the european parliament if they hadn't ended the trial as they did in the early seventy's then the evidence would have been available to the victims to use in their future actions against and others and in particular the u.k.
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survivors action in the seventy's would have undoubtedly have been ended in a much more favorable fashion two to the claimants as it was they didn't have the evidence they had to settle for a much bigger discount in the amount that they should have got than would have about had been the case if this evidence being available they would have got a proper settlement and that's what threw them out as they're after now. the british lawyer thinks evidence of that confidential meeting is crucial it took place in july nine hundred sixty nine but the ministry of health and bone. senior management for. come to guns manufacturer were invited to discuss the settlement of the counter gun case according to a note from the ministry. and the goal of the meeting is to reach a legal agreement with the company as to how country can victims can be compensated . when the parents association of the deformed children hints of the plans hand asks to see details of the meeting the minister stays under no circumstances will
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the association receive any details as address is explicit because art in document the. or would be. signs all of the how kind of all are. doing for along with. the dish to fill half a century later in the summer of twenty fifteen a meeting between british for the mind victims and representatives of the german government took place at germany's embassy and i think they heard the concerns we have they obviously refute the fact that they interfered in the criminal trial but they've never actually answered individually the documents that we put to them. the british m.p. simon hall was also present at the german embassy meeting. it was really i think meeting in two hobs the first half i thought was very positive the mood music coming out from officials on the on the german side of the table as it
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were it was very encouraging that they wanted to have a dialogue they wanted to see this brought to a conclusion we had to leave as we had to go back to the commons to vote and then the notes following that seem to suggest that they slightly dried up like clapton and it was very much we're not going to get involved with this this is the only meeting we're going to have to discuss this effectively that's the end of the news i think if there was anything which came out of the meeting which we had at the embassy in july of last year. that there had been a long debate point as to whether the drug which had been taken by british mothers had been manufactured in germany or could be manufactured under license in the u.k. and it is now very clear that the german officials taking tided the point that the thirty five trust in the u.k. has been making for many a long year that there was knows the manufactured in the u.k.
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and that which was taken by british mothers or expectant about those had been manufactured in germany. this is knowledge the cylinder might victims receive decades too late since the one nine hundred seventy s. people affected both a little might have only been able to file compensation applications with the german government anyone who does file an application must renounce all claims against the manufacturer go in and tell many european victims say they have received little or no compensation at all. the federal ministry of family affairs declined to be interviewed. nor would it comment on the meeting with british counter gun victims of the german embassy in london. it stated only that the counter gun trust fund grants financial support when claims are grounded. christi and or tell also applied for support. yeah i smile and a cloud from the rich don't have one as an instance of one as good. box spring bet
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. i was going to tarboro. madsen in english yeah and it's good night i showered so out of one no armor just. to get in on and off my macbook. clear investment of the east does baskets bookish ones and if you shop at the office of a new get this work. that he has but i'll put a third of our lives in our beds. beds are important and for alfred to be turned down on that basis is utterly ridiculous and so it's abundantly clear to me that applying to the isn't going to be a solution for us at all and so therefore for us to be subjected to a ridiculous system bureaucratic system at this point in our lives it's not going to meet our leads all we need is money that we can use in the ways that we know
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that will suit us best. the formosa little manufacturer no longer considers claims from the victims of the drug to be the responsibility. the tougher. side. and. of course with tiny unclogging going on him it isn't hard to get you double tough no fun to put up for when tiger seeded border. of i know him from life and until and just its. supporters not paid by grown until but the federal government. one of many who is applications to the german county gun foundation were denied this lorraine mercer sometimes i think. because. a few months back i'm. movin.
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it's getting most day for. some of the late complications are only now becoming apparent merson need supplementary oxygen just to be able to bring there is a fund in germany connected to their cause cancer gift which allows the later might is to apply to it for financial assistance there's also a fund that's been set up by agreement to apply to that but you can apply to them saying you wanted some more money but you have to prove first of all you've applied to a little more trust to get some money and it actually. no and they've applied to all the charities only applied to local governments get assistance when you've been rejected by everybody you can then bring a task they would like to contribute some money towards your. financial assistance but you're not really aware that because green atar hasn't made it public to the little writers outside of germany in fact the company established a private foundation. however does not want to talk about it nor do they want to
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discuss how application decisions are made they say they don't want to provoke envy . we played a joke government should be responsible for paying for those unmet health bills that we all have and no flame only get that money remains to be made. in great britain so robert nelson is a well known judge he's written to the german federal ministry of family affairs. the purpose of the letter was to bring home to the german government the problems that the flu the midas face and the shortfall in finances that we felt they had in the amount they got and the amount that they would in fact need i wrote it to the relevant minister and there was no reply as.
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for decades parents never knew what was going on behind their backs during the criminal trial they were only allowed to be spectators. the thalidomide manufacturers defense strategy was to convince the prosecution to agree to dismiss the case. they knew that they didn't just have the regional government justice minister on their side but the federal government too however the dismissal of a criminal case requires strict conditions at least according to the prosecution service. well no it's meant. well you know that they were kind of adopted because we were called pirates for so long. i mean they're in the smaller boats next to the hard pool of ships and you didn't. you might not be. the limo self did big
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time fish already ninety percent of the dot and he blown the collar. contemplations groups seventy five tons they do it several times a day with the big feet oh you get an idea my old school. we have to understand we can not stay still and just. be witness the deal before you go out. i'm doing this because i want the future world to future generations to have and enjoy the ocean how we have. kind of financial survival john today was all about money laundering first to visit this cash in the three different. oh good this is
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a good start well we have our three banks all set up here maybe something in your something in america something overseas or the cayman islands or do all of these banks are complicit in their tough talk or suit us up to deal with gold and say hey i'm ready to do some serious blue under ok let's see how we did well we've got a nice luxury watch for max and for stacy oh beautiful jewelry and how about. luxury automobile again from that you know what money laundering is highly illegal . much kaiser of course. four men are sitting in a car when the fifth gets shot in the head. all four have different versions of what happened one of them is on the death row there's no way he could have done it there's no possible way because the oldest did not shoot around a corner. what
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politicians do something to. put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. somehow i want to press. you to go on to be press this is what the before three in the morning can't be good . i'm interested always in the waters about how the. case should. but. there was. somebody did it look a little bit.
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russian foreign minister sergei lavrov meets his north korean counterpart to bring young home in pyongyang to discuss new denuclearize ation and peace efforts on the korean peninsula. a russian journalist who was supposedly murdered in ukraine turns out to be a low life arkady genco says he faked his own desk to support a crime then forced to have him killed. three european budget commissioner apologizes to italians for telling them how to vote as the country's political stalemate causes financial jitters across the elite. of the latest on these stories head to our team on stay with us for the kaiser report
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on the skyrocketing consumer debt in the u.s. and if you're watching in the u.k. or island bust is next. america as are those of the kaiser report yes you're in the right place for the right reasons. actually were in scams ville i'm going to talk some headlines about scams ville that is the great crony capitalist predator economy of america everything is predatory lee price and that's what they strive for because that's what the number one investor in america warren buffett aims for he invests in companies that have predatory pricing power he himself has said that in his newsletters he's told people that's how i look at things that's how i best as anybody who is predatory pricing so first look at
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a headline looking at the end result of this and that is consumer debt is set to hit four trillion dollars by the end of twenty eighteen americans are in a borrowing mood and their total tab for consumer debt could reach of record four trillion dollars by the end of twenty eighteen that's according to lending tree a loan comparison website which analyzed data from the federal reserve anon mortgage debts including credit cards and auto personal and student loans americans owe more than twenty six percent of their annual income to this debt that's up from twenty two percent in two thousand and ten it's also higher than debt levels during the mid two thousand and one credit availability soared twenty six percent of income goes to servicing bet these non mortgage debts non mortgage debt yes and that's up from twenty two percent in two thousand and ten and i'll say that is before obamacare came in and that's before all the student loan. debt took over that was after the financial crisis the ordinary person who was not warren buffett
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who is not jamie dimon who is not lloyd blankfein the ordinary person the only debt they could access was from the government and student loans in the form of student loans there were also no jobs going around so you might as well go and get real. educated and learn a new skill and go back to university so a lot of people when everybody went that's been degraded by the way they're all sorts of big names now telling you that it's not actually worth. college degrees no longer worth the debt load anymore but nevertheless people can access that debt and then continue to feed themselves and house themselves using their student loans for the last few years well now they have a huge pile of debt right and that's with interest rates at historic lows you know the curve starts zero and it extends on the zero line for a few years and then none so you get to the fifteen to twenty year to start to kick up and then you get into what we call interest rate apartheid if you're on a student loan or a credit card loan it goes like hockey sticks up to the teens and twenty percent
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tile and it's amazing that this was allowed to. kind of propagate in the economy clearly an example of an entrenched crony capitalist class like to warren buffett's completely disinter maybe it did disengaging the economy as a whole the the entire population is going to fall off the edge of the earth again my god they keep coming back to earth is flat well i mean here's the chart of the total credit outstanding as a percentage of disposable personal income and you see it's been climbing since the eighty's but. it's important to note that these millenniums of these people gaining gathering up debts from student loans that those student loans are non dischargeable you can never just starts them in bankruptcy it's very difficult and your creditor is the u.s. government which can break your legs throw you in prison take your social security
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checks take your medicaid take your medicare checks take all the any money that you can possibly any nickel somebody gives you on the street they'll take up they'll show up the government will show up and take that nickel from me that somebody throws your way. well yeah i mean that's exactly right it's not a pretty picture is it you've got a predatory capitalism. being financed by thugs otherwise those the us government which protects all of those the licensee we don't like blankfein and warren buffet who you're told you just have to compete with them this is a meritocracy you just have to compete with them on the mean time born in one nine hundred eighty s. may never cover from the great recession partly because they have all those student loan debts which they can never discharge they've got to keep on making payments as soon as they earn above a certain amount of income that you've got to take you've got to pay it so it becomes difficult to compete but also what didn't happen to prior generations generation x. baby boomers are generations you know we didn't have that he's insane student loans
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or you know the tuition rates but we also didn't have obamacare and the basically the government the goons acting on behalf of these private corporations these private so called health insurance companies well first a tweet from john walker d.c. and it is really an appreciated how much they see a exchange that's obamacare was designed as a marketplace for people paying full cost and how it has turned into mostly a very inefficient welfare system was a few unlucky middle class people are stuck with so. i'll show you there's a few charts this is going to be a crazy story this is i love this obamacare story because we're victims of it you and i have lived over in europe for twenty years we were able to pay cash for much of our health care over at the american hospital in paris as if you know it's a private institution you can go there anybody can pay and then in twenty years there i paid as much as two months of premiums here in premiums don't get you
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health care actually you still have to pay for your medical care on top of that but just we're going to show you charts to prove that obamacare is a disaster democrats won't say that they won't run on that everybody knows however it's a disaster especially those on lucky few middle class who don't qualify for the free care so these are stay. it's that expanded medicaid in from twenty thirteen twenty fourteen twenty fifteen twenty six hundred twenty seventeen so you see that they're uninsured rate collapse by half because people got free care they got medicaid which is you get free care you go to any doctor you get treated you going to emerge assume you get treated. most of those policies have no co-pays you just one hundred percent treated here in the states they did not expand medicaid these are the you know the dozen or so states that did not expand medicaid and you see they barely dented obamacare did not convince anybody to go on to the exchanges and pay for these huge expenses so in fact unless you got the free care
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most people didn't go on it the the few american chumps like ourselves who are part of the scam ville we pay thousands of dollars a month and don't get much in return right well i mean to get back to the quote there so they make the connection to welfare so the are the government has welfare and medicaid that they cover but it medicaid is in america in case you don't know medicaid is basically an insurance policy paid health insurance policy provided by the taxpayer the u.s. government pays your medical care on their behalf however there are they do set prices for m.r.i. zur or various procedures that you might get medicare is for the elderly right so medicaid is. is provided by the government to taxpayers to folks that can afford health care and i pay taxes and the tax revenue that i pay helps
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a fund the government met it kate cost but because the government would like to take the money i pay in taxes and bomb people defenseless people overseas and spend trillions of dollars they then come back and they tax me again something called obamacare they tax me again. to provide the health services that they say they're providing for people can afford health care now here's my one simple question cents are thousands of dollars a year we pay to offset the government's in a fit in ability to fulfill their requirement why can't i write that off as a charitable donation on my taxes it is a charitable donation i'm donating twenty two thousand dollars a year of charity to people who can't afford health care that's the way it's set up why can't i write that off well let's look at what united health group says the biggest health insurance provider in america and they having looked at all these
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exchanges participated in the obamacare exchange in america if you're poor enough you get free care you get medicaid if you're poor enough in certain states had expanded the level so medicaid you have to be under the the old medicaid you had to be under the poverty level and it was very difficult as a single guy you had to have children you had to be a woman you had to have a say a single be a single mother essentially to get that free care and a lot of children a lot of elderly are on medicaid as well as medicare then they expanded it under obamacare that states could raise the level of income that would qualify you above poverty level and guys could single guys could then get medicaid then if you're still earning too much you could still be subsidized so you go you have to go into the obamacare exchange and buy it's.
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