tv News RT May 31, 2018 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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if we don't we are going to lose the battle for the hearts and minds of the voters tell me why people would believe in europe if we can see so much if any french company or european company asked to go to washington with a lawyer was a little hurt and so on and the police can they do business can you tell me if i can do business here or there this is not acceptable on a point of view i am a goal is i believe in the national sovereignty i believe that europe is it makes me stronger that's why i mean europe but if europe all going to sort of a collective collapse because this is what's happening nobody is making decisions this moment we are weak on many fronts and women see us by the way. also for chinese companies or russian companies together if i had this kind of behavior by china and i have or by russia we need to react the same way as my
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discourse is not specific to the anti us it's an tes a weakness of europe but i think it's not only the european union that is suffering from kind of treatment by the united states i think there are lots of grievances in russia there are also grievances in china and as you mentioned before europe was able to put forth a blocking law it also did that in concert with other countries for example ninety five there was also the u.k. mexico canada that passed similar legislation what are the chances of putting together such a call listen at this point of time not just the european unity but the european union joining forces with other countries who may be unhappy about the american practices. saul's i'm on you know i'm not i'm not in charge at the moment so i absolutely don't have going for i don't know what is going on in the in the corridors of the european council so i don't think we have the
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end of the story yet. clearly they have been meetings between the ministers they've been talking to the iranian they've been talking to russians i'm sure by then my call discuss it with president putin in simple terms will we have to try and find a way and means to at least keep the agreement with iran together because it is important for strategic reasons so you do actually put your bags on the european union actually having some skill in the will to resist and you could have so because otherwise look it's going to be very bad because the european union is now going through several crisis at the same time if at the same time we're not able to tell the american you know you can't do this we need to be respected then the crisis in europe we continue to escalate and you can start worrying about the
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future of the organization i do the only way we are going to convince the voters next year we have a european election that this whole thing deserved a reprieve and i believe it deserves predicted but the only way you're going to convince people is it makes it relevant right you can put the borders against migrants you can put take europe against american or chinese behavior you can have a policy that you russia and ukraine don't go really so yes you need to beef up what's supposed to be a european union mr lish we have to take a very short break now but we will come back in just a few moments. in
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july twenty second team hunted a freelance journalist working with on to militant shelling in syria. to own it is such a fine scotti has established a memorial they will recognize more reporters who often risk them with the sake of the truth comes through the use you can submit to your published works in a video form written form until june the twelfth go to a dot on t.v. dot com. the american political soap opera widely known as russia gate appears to have no wind well no evidence has been revealed the trump campaign colluded with russia there is mounting evidence the intelligence community or should i say the deep state monitored or even spied on truck world.
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welcome back to well the party here at lotus former friends secretary of state before in trade mr lowe's just before the break we started talking about whether or not the european union can muster enough power its you stand up for itself and you know we had a former obama administration official in charge of j.c.b. away on the show just a short while ago and as much as he wanted to protect the iranian deal he was absolutely convinced that the europeans. i have no choice but to come along and support the united states and that and incidentally that happens to be the opinion of the majority of the russian experts who also believe that you know the europeans may sound indignant for a while but at the end of the day they will do what's required of them i mean missing something fundamental about the europeans and their ability to stand up for themselves for their rights for their interests i don't know many things have changed since nineteen ninety six even the ownership of many of the european
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companies you're talking about globalization and so you have all kinds of interests in the shell of the american interests and so on which make it more difficult for governments to a private company to do with the do when you have the unions to twenty eight countries it's much harder to make decisions zero here is asian that this is a major political problem not it is not just a question of the strategic consequences on the ground it's not only the impact on the companies it is the impact on now so from what is a point saying that i am an independent country or an independent european union if i have to submit to what mr pompeo says the hardest sanction in history. decided by him if if we don't give
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a collective thing. on sudan or whatever or ukraine because of the behavior of russia ukraine and its collective. and there isn't a political agreement that this is the right parties that's one thing but if ses move along good agreement then we should be able to say look we don't agree taking a back to the issue of terrorists when trump extended this latest exemption and we're speaking just on the eve of him deciding whether or not tariffs are going to be applied to the european companies once this latest exemption was granted the european commission issued a whole statement that they will not negotiate on death threat but just this week the news came that the german finance minister is going to meet with the european commission trade representative and the americans to discuss this terror specifically and what i want to ask you is whether you believe in principle it's a good idea for the europeans to ask for individual concessions rather than trying
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to push against what you i think quite rightly termed the us legal imperialism in other words should they be asking for a privilege or should they be asking for rules that are commonly applied to everybody no no it's not mix issues the the what you just talked about this terrorist trade and. we. have different areas with different countries the issue is is more fundamentally was a respectful national sovereignty or not and it's a turning point you know if we miss a point and. i'm not capable to show we must be respected then i think it would be a very deadly who holds the future of the u.s. but mr bush when you say i agree with you that tara is a individual but at the same time for example the other day c.n.n.
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wrote an article suggesting that the way china can deal with its trade deficit trade imbalance with the united states is by reorienting its. imports from the european union so let's say the united states still buying airbus and by boeing and that's not its individual but it's also relevant to your interests in a pretty direct way you mentioned your grievances against china before. and i think that makes and i only want to give and if i were russian i would be much i was a little more worried when my question is more about whether this issue should be decided on the quid pro quo basis or indeed whether there is a common valley in trying to come up with some common approach because you know it could be argued that the union the european union has never said a word when russia or even china was treated unfairly by the united states
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if the european union now experiences a problem should anyone really be concerned not. only is because of political problems. and i and i and i want to help resolve this political problem but i need just the russian side as the west nothing is happening and we have this sort of at the center of every six months and it's a lose lose situation i've told mr level of this morning you know how do we get out of the books nobody wants to isolate russia certainly in the front so let's get out of it show us how we get out of this ukrainian mess i thought i didn't know it so we who have to show you how i don't know i didn't go into ukraine you did so we're going to we're going to fix this ok so this goal it only russia that has to fix it for everybody involved quite agreed everybody has to make gestures but people are waiting because the things on the. on the part of us the level of
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mr we didn't know that and to just get out of here is what kind of gestures i tell tell me what kind of gesture is progression me only just a very simple we need to see. move movements of troops out. there if there's not interest they don't need them acting i mean they say if you don't want to get into this at this point there is a series of steps to be taken by all sides. i think it's very important for two shows a way and then to process stuff and if that treatment the unfair treatment you're talking about is linked to a political situation which i find quite different from zero rest of the issue of trade what i meant by unfair treatment is not only sanctions related to the ukrainian case for example i'm sure you know that one of our biggest companies who saw it was just sanctioned by the americans and nobody actually knows what for i mean it's supposedly related to their latched interference in the elections but
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those reasons have never been really laid out i think this accumulation on sanctions on russia is not exactly a good idea frankly i think the hysteria thing on going back to the cold war is not a good idea and we should deescalate all this but whether there was an interference in the u.s. election i think if you look at the f.b.i. report it's very easy if you look at their very worst i think it would not i am very basic academic create here of you know what i have read it university thesis and you really think it's a serious piece of work you know american police and judges they do their job is it a major interference in the election of course not was there any difference most likely. the russians alone to interfere of course not so. is this a reason to escalate this into a new cold war and
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a whole world of sanction probably not. we should think this seems to me with a little bit of wisdom now i do not believe that this have bit. of heating on the head people with sanctions all the time is necessarily the best way to move them except on serious issues ukraine's ace's now let me ask you because there was a change of the. both of those since the war and there was a nine hundred ninety you don't do these things you don't want to see it was a goal of us over. this illusion and i really do not want to get them to. i mean when france interfere is in countries like libya for example or even in syria it never for some reason things about you know doing those matters in quite the same terms but let's not get into that because i want to really did libya's sons of his know what their leader was a sovereign state did you hear me say that this was
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a wonderful idea now but i mean if. this thing the international community everybody will you cannot demand russia to be you know holier than the pope when other countries behave in that and i'm not trying to sound apologetically but i think it's a valid discussion about it one of the rules apply it is a discussion not saying i find western strategy. since the end of the cold war extreme you're brilliant otherwise we would not be the situation. being the climate we have between russia and the west the worst since the end of world war two today is. stupid and tragic the european union has filed preliminary complaints but the w.t. was seeking to pressure the trumpet ministration by targeting u.s. goods produced in states that don't go into the white house you know we're talking
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about on holiday davidson bikes produced in response and you know whiskey from kentucky etc. it seems to be a very specific case of mixing politics and economics you know you try to pinch us economically we will try to hurt you when it hurts the most politically is that a fair game as far as europe is concerned because the europeans have long been very moralistic when russia tries to mix politics and economics what would you. trump is doing what he does he's doing what he does because it she'd into his electorate but i'm asking you do you think it's a fair game of course is a thing what's wrong with well i mean what's wrong when you subsidize got gas for your neighbor and expect a certain political outcome to happen there what's wrong with bad but apparently you know in your crane the european union didn't like russia having both economic and political leverage but economic and political rivers have always been. into existence marxism in this country for
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a number of years well it was only but i mean the world where we've been told by the europeans this is not there had to wait to do that and i'm just struck that the european you know you're hearing about that you know in itself was built on the cutting tax tariff remember it was a custom union strings of markets with a low free circulation of people and consolidate democracy and peace so the link between openness and trade and openness of society has always been xeni line of the western countries so you cannot you know we tend to discover that politics and economy links of course selling the traditional free trade school really in the anglo-saxon country and all of the. u.k. germany u.s. so that the more it's free choice happy that's why as a public and about the u.s. was always pro trade trump is not proof we trade and use this. in a very spectacular way. but you know and china has
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a point the difference it was china is huge by the way we have a huge deficit in france with china we need to fix it we are too complacent the problem is there is no trade as you know in europe trade policy is federal you have a permission to do that and it's so you need to show collective power in order to do some said mr lucas don't you see the irony in that because i respond to this half an hour talking about you know this bare knuckle of prose by donald trump and what you're actually telling me that it's ok to be you're itself implying that kind of points known them when you have to protect your interests you you may take measures that are necessary to protect your interests when you have a huge deficit that you accumulate with china which is in part because of unfair practices not or woods that it's also the hunger of consumption of the u.s.
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for cheap products but there is also in. very dedicated strategy on the chinese side which is not always fair to destroy production in the west or in russia and says very cheap products are unfair competition. you entitle to defend against that yes you must that's one issue but please don't confuse with. well anyway mr military have to leave it there thank you for being with us today i'm i hope our viewers can keep this conversation going on our social media pages ask me this here again same place same time here on the wall for part.
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four men are sitting in a car when the fifth gets shot in the head. all four different versions of what. one of them is on the death row there's no way you could have done it there's no possible way because the list did not shoot around a corner. but . none. of that. somebody did it live up to the body.
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russian foreign minister sergey lavrov says during his meeting with his north korean counterpart in pyongyang that the north korean nuclear problem cannot be solved without lifting sanctions. a russian journalist who was supposedly murdered in ukraine turns out to be alive i katie about django says he faked his own death just sort of kremlin plots to have been killed. sometimes the european budget commissioner apologizes to italians for telling them time to vote as the country's political stalemate of course is financial just is across the e.u. . before more no stories go to our website called at the top of the hour roy sushi
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will be here with the full news post and but before. crosstalk investigates the so-called spying scandal in the u.s. . oh and welcome to cross talk we're all things considered i'm peter lavelle the american political soap opera widely known as russia gate appears to have no end well no evidence has been revealed the trump campaign colluded with russia there is mounting evidence the intelligence community or should i say the deep state monitored or even spied on trump world should there be a special investigation into the misdeeds apartment of justice the f.b.i. and the cia.
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cross talking spygate i'm joined by my guest christopher ne why i'm in washington he's a republican strategist in new york we have charles or tell he is a private investor in writer as well as host podcast show sunday which arles and in los angeles we crossed to ha goodman he is a columnist journalist published in the huffington post salon the hill and other publications right gentlemen cross in fact that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate gentlemen who are calling this program spygate and i have it in quotes ok because i'm quoting the president of the united states and that's what i want to delve into here. i always go to the person who gets up early into the program that's obviously you in los angeles because i'm exactly on the other side of the world of you right now we're calling it spygate but i was thinking maybe a better title would be the three stooges brennan called me and clapper i think you know where i'm going go ahead ha well one question i have to ask is why is buzz feed's suing the d.n.c.
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for evidence to corroborate the still seeing. and why did the united states government feel it was necessary to spy or to infiltrate trump's campaign using stephanie helper even before the still the cia the next question is what crime is trump said to have committed they've investigated trump without even accusing him of a specific crime in watergate you had a break in the cover up you know what happened with bill clinton with hillary clinton she transferred top secret intelligence onto an a once on encrypted server there were crimes and then cover ups or investigations based on those crimes with trump there is no predicate crime is no crime that he said to have committed. buzz feed is suing the d.n.c. very likely because there's no evidence to corroborate the steel of the cia which was used by james comey in the f.b.i. to go ahead and get a face of war and on carter page they already wiretapped everyone within trump's
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campaign they already called trump presidential candidate trump and incidental communication they even took one of his servers from trump tower they found nothing there was no evidence of anything there's no evidence that anyone collude with russia but most are pro trying to fire a mole or tomorrow and simply you know head but. you're making the point here and let me go to christopher in washington is that if the deeper they go into this the more we see that there is collusion here but it's collusion within the intelligence community and ha the facts man that's why i love him how my having him on the program the facts are out there he just gave you a whole list and i'm sure he could go much further i mean why shouldn't there be more focus on that because when i watch brennan and clapper on cable t.v. they're getting more and more hysterical as if it's getting closer and closer to them go ahead in washington christopher well i tend to agree with my colleague in
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the sense that when you look at all of the things they've been looking at they get you get to these ten general things that have nothing to do with the actual investigation and they're just constantly looking into things and constantly looking into things i think what we have is you know this is like being on a roller coaster of being nauseous and just not being able to get off i mean especially for the american voter in terms of you know can you trust these politicians and then can you trust the. investigatory apparatus that you're supposed to build the trust looking into these things and then you look at vesta gators that are you know have hillary clinton posters on their wallet and their their spouses are donating to campaigns it really makes a nauseous i think at this point a special counsel should really be brought in for all of these things i mean we just it's like a roller coaster you can't get off you're not. so i tend to agree with what my colleague just said before me you know. jeff sessions is being criticized a lot for not being more proactive and we do know that he recused himself and we
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have the new f.b.i. director ray i mean i can do think and this is my own personal theory is that they realize there was so much collusion against a campaign within the intelligence community that it would really shock the confidence in these agencies and i think they're really kind of puzzled on how to deal with this because with every single passing day we see more and more dots connected not with russian trump but how the intel community colluded together to go after this candidate and that and we as president i mean it's seems at least patently obvious to me go ahead charles in new york. you know i think the real story here is even more diabolical than we're talking about i think it goes back to june two thousand and eight when hillary clinton conceded to barack obama that he would be president and agreed to help there's a public record of her meeting in dianne feinstein's house and i think ever since then team clinton and team obama have been conspiring to weaponize the i.r.s.
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the department of justice the cia the tech services etc to punish enemies of you know their their branch of the democratic party and to reward friends whether it be to go after the tea party in two thousand and ten to get barack obama reelected in two thousand and twelve to try to build a position for hillary clinton in two thousand and fourteen and to try to get her elected in fifteen sixteen that's the larger narrative and in the beginning i think donald trump wasn't in a position to take that narrative on because his base was still you know wondering if he'd make it through the perilous honeymoon period where generally you do get a break and now we're in a place where eyes are opening and we're realizing you know what happened from two thousand and nine to two thousand and seventeen under barack obama was a mirage low interest rates made it look as if a big deficit spending made it look as if everything was going well in reality we are now we've been party to the grossest abuse of power by an administration ever in the history of this country going all the way back and that's the real story
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it's not so much two thousand and fifteen sixteen and for that reason we need congressional investigations joints committees we need the media to do its job people like well goodman and other down r.t. frankly who are not down with mainstream don't hold your breath and don't hold your breath ok i watch chris cuomo a couple days ago i mean i don't know what is wrong with that guy but it's delusional the problem with people like chris cuomo i'm not talking now to a.j. is that they're so that's invested with this can their own conspiracy theory of their own making here that they don't know how they can find an exit now i mean they just keep doubling down on the most absurd. cure things when there are some really big things right there staring us all right in the face here i mean the liberal media doesn't want to concede it made a mistake because they know how to can make concessions about so many other mistakes they made go ahead ha in l.a. or i had the great pleasure of interviewing the charles or told numerous times and he's absolutely brilliant and he is probably one of the foremost people in terms of
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knowledge about the clinton foundation and clinton foundation scandals and the interesting thing is that ross story actually wrote a hit piece on me recently and they said oh my goodness he's focusing on the iranian cell goodman and there is a verbatim article title from the new york times cash flow to the clinton foundation made russian uranium deal that's the forbade him article title if you just look at the public record new york times washington post you can see that millions and millions and millions of millions or hundreds of millions dollars flowed into the clinton foundation and then something beneficial took place for the people who gave money to the clinton foundation that is a huge huge. scandal the reason that clinton used a private e-mail server yeah and she eventually transferred top secret special access program intelligence onto that server which is that's the big issue is how she actually transferred how she was able to transfer that intelligence from
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separate skits on to her server the reason she used that service because of the clinton foundation and i think that the trump russia and nonsense i think the truck question nonsense is just one way to hide a giant money laundering you know no one can find what it is ha ha what it is what it is exactly what it is it's really nothing to see here folks look away it's a way to absolve the clinton machine and to place blame on trump here i mean let me go to christopher in washington i listen to two. brandon in class. basically saying you know surveilling spying on whatever word you want to use the term campaign was actually to protect them and to protect the united states why didn't they just tell the campaign hey i think we've got some more research right here you might want to be careful who you talk to i mean that would have been the right thing to do would have been a neutral thing.
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