tv Keiser Report RT June 1, 2018 12:00am-12:31am EDT
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don't you. argee gets exclusive access to a meeting between russia's foreign minister and the north korean leader our correspondent was the only international reporter allowed into kim's palace. plus italy's two main euro skeptic parties to strike a last minute deal to form a coalition government avoiding the need for a new election. u.s. imposes have to tariffs on aluminum and steel imports from the e.u. and other allies despite threats of retaliation. for the latest on the stories you can head to our dot com stay with us for the financial news in the times report.
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america as are those of the kaiser report yes you're in the right place for the right reasons but there's actually were in scams a bill i'm going to talk some headlines about scams bill that is the great crony capitalist predator economy of america everything is predatory lee price and that's what they strive for because that's what the number one investor in america warren buffett aims for he invests in companies that have predatory pricing power he himself has said that in his newsletters he's told people that's how i look at things that's how i best as anybody who is predatory pricing so first look at a headline looking at the end result of this and that is consumer debt is set to hit four trillion dollars by the end of twenty eighteen americans are in a borrowing mood and their total tab for consumer debt could reach a record four trillion dollars by the end of twenty eighteen that's according to lending tree a loan comparison website which analyzed data from the federal reserve anon
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mortgage debts including credit cards and auto personal and student loans americans owe more than twenty six percent of their annual income to this debt that's up from twenty two percent in two thousand and ten it's also higher than debt levels during the mid two thousand and one credit availability soared twenty six percent of income goes to service and these non mortgage debts non mortgage debt yes and that's up from twenty two percent in two thousand and ten and i'll say that is before obamacare came in and that's before all the student loan. debt took over that was after the financial crisis the ordinary person who was not warren buffett who is not jamie dimon who is not lloyd blankfein the ordinary person the only debt they could access was from the government and student loans in the form of student loans there were also no jobs going around so you might as well go and get real. educated and learn a new skill and go back to university so a lot of people when everybody went that's been degraded by the way they're all
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sorts of big names now telling you that it's not actually worth. college degrees no longer worth the debt load anymore but nevertheless people can access that debt and then continue to feed themselves and house themselves using their student loans for the last few years well now they have a huge pile of debt right and that's with interest rates at historic lows you know the curve starts zero and it extends on the zero line for a few years and then none so you get to the fifteen to twenty year to start to kick up and then you get into what we call interest rate apartheid if you're on a student loan or a credit card loan it goes like hockey sticks up to the teens and twenty percent tile and it's amazing that this was allowed to. kind of propagate in the economy clearly an example of an entrenched crony capitalist class like the warren buffet's completely disinter me that did this and gauging the economy as
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a whole the the entire population is going to fall off the edge of the earth again my god they keep coming back the earth is flat well i mean here's the chart of the total credit outstanding as a percentage of disposable personal income and you see it's been climbing since the eighty's but. it's important to note that these millenniums of these people gaining gathering up debts from student loans that those student loans are non dischargeable you can never just starts them in bankruptcy it's very difficult and your creditor is the u.s. government which can break your legs throw you in prison take your social security checks take your medicaid take your medicare checks take all your any money that you could possibly any nickel somebody gives you on the street they'll take up they'll show up the government will show up and take that nickel from you that somebody throws your way well yeah i mean that's exactly right it's not a pretty picture is it you've got
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a predatory capitalism. being financed by thugs otherwise those the us government which protects all of those the likes of jamie dimon lloyd blankfein and warren buffett who were told you just have to compete with them this is a meritocracy you just have to compete with them on the mean time born in one nine hundred eighty s. may never cover from the great recession partly because they have all those student loan debts which they can never destroy they've got to keep on making payments as soon as they earn above a certain amount of income that you've got to take you've got to pay it so it becomes difficult to compete but also what didn't happen to prior generations generation x. baby boomers are generations you know we didn't have that he's insane student loans or you know the tuition rates but we also didn't have obamacare and the basically the government the goons acting on behalf of these private corporations these private so called health insurance companies well first a tweet from john walker d.c. and it is really an appreciated how much they see
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a exchange that's obamacare was designed as a marketplace for people paying full cost and how it has turned into mostly a very inefficient welfare system was a few unlucky middle class people are stuck with so. i'll show you there's a few charts this is going to be a crazy story this is i love this obamacare story because were victims of it you and i have lived over in europe for twenty years we were able to pay cash for much of our health care over at the american hospital in paris as if you know it's a private institution you can go there anybody could pay it in twenty years there i paid as much as two months of premiums here in premiums don't get you health care actually you still have to pay for your medical care on top of that but just we're going to show you charts to prove that obamacare is a disaster or democrats won't say that they won't run on that everybody knows however it's a disaster especially those on lucky few middle class who don't qualify for the
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free care so these are stay. that expanded medicaid in from two thousand and thirteen twenty fourteen twenty fifteen twenty six hundred twenty seventeen so you see that there are uninsured rate collapse by half because people got free care they got medicaid which is you get free care you go to any doctor you get treated you going to emerge assume you get treated. most of those policies have no co-pays you just one hundred percent treated here in the states they did not expand medicaid these are the you know the dozen or so states that did not expand medicaid and you see they barely dented obamacare did not convince anybody to go on to the exchanges and pay for these huge expenses so in fact unless you got the free care most people didn't go on it the the few american chumps like ourselves who are part of the scam ville we pay thousands of dollars a month and don't get much in return right well i mean to get back to the quote there so they make the connection to welfare so there is the government has
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a welfare and medicaid that they cover but it medicaid is in america in case you don't know medicaid is basically an insurance policy paid health insurance policy provided by the taxpayer the u.s. government pays your medical care on their behalf however there are they do set prices for m.r.i. zur or various procedures that you might get medicare is for the elderly right so medicaid is. provided by the government to taxpayers to folks that can afford health care and i pay taxes and the tax revenue that i pay helps of fund the government's many kade cost but because the government would like to take the money i pay in taxes and bomb people defenseless people overseas and spend trillions of dollars they then come back and they tax me again something called obamacare they
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tax me again. to provide the health services that they say they're providing for people who can afford health care now here's my one simple question sense the tens of thousands of dollars a year we pay to offset the government's in a fit inability to fulfill their requirement. why can't i write that off as a charitable donation on my taxes it is a charitable donation i'm donating twenty two thousand dollars a year of charity to people who can't afford health care that's the way it's set up why can't i write that off well let's look at what united health group says the biggest health insurance provider in america and they having looked at all these exchanges participated in the obamacare exchange in america if you're poor enough you get free care you get medicaid if you're poor enough in certain states had expanded the level so medicaid you have to be under the the old medicaid you had to
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be under the poverty level and it was very difficult as a single guy you had to have children you had to be a woman you had to have a sick be a single mother essentially to get that free care and a lot of children a lot of elderly are on medicaid as well as medicare then they expanded it under obamacare that states couldn't raise the level of income that would qualify you above poverty level and guys could single guys could then get medicaid then if you're still earning too much you could still be subsidized so you go you have to go into the obamacare exchange and buy it is supposed to be open market many of the states really are your areas the county you might live and might only have one possibly two health insurance providers you have to go through it try to figure out be a competitive consumer drive these prices and of course the prices just go up ten twenty thirty percent a year never less proves that the pricing power is all on one side the the
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taxpayer continues to subsidize you there so when united health care looks at this and said united health group report says that medicaid costs forty three percent less than exchanges thus saving money for consumers in federal government public exchange coverages. more costly and less effective than medicaid to them first implemented in two thousand and fourteen as a cornerstone of the affordable care act public exchanges were in visioned as a new health insurance marketplace where millions of uninsured americans could shop for compare and purchase an affordable stable health coverage the new exchanges sought to provide subsidized coverage to americans who are not eligible for medicaid well in fact according to united health and with a look at it. and yet tax hers won't vote for this because it's socialism medicaid costs the government you the taxpayer forty three percent less than forcing those people onto a stupid exchange. it costs you way more cost you thousands of dollars more per
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year but because you're a fundamentalist and say well that's capitalism that's free market competition to force them into some exchanges with only has one health care provider but that's capitalism well let me say something maybe a model a controversial ok you know people are looked at because poverty rates are going up in america mortality rates are increasing mortality rates are increasing as allegedly more people are getting health insurance life expectancy is going down so america's had a huge health crisis despite the unbelievable amount of money being dumped into this wasteland and i think that this is contributing a lot toward an epidemic of violence in america now i recently saw some videos from a famous clinical psychologist jordan peterson who likes to point to the inability of young men to pair off and have a fulfilling relationship in this world as contributing cells are called yes
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they're rich. guys who can't involuntarily so they sell a bit so they kill people have already demonstrated that in my view i think the self crisis is more it is to blame for the rise in violence ok well we are end of empire days and end of empire days see a bread and circuses and i want to show another chart that again this is provided by united health group the largest health insurance group in america and they're the ones that saying doa put people on medicaid because this is stupid to have these exchanges because those public exchanges were meant to according to the c.b.s. show have twenty five million people on them by now but according facts in fact they. ten million people if you look at this this is the health coverage in the us twenty seventeen employer sponsored insurance provides insurance for one hundred seventy four million americans medicaid seventy five million medicare fifty eight million and the public exchange ten million and that i think that is like the sort
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of you know the coliseum the the gladiator sort of games is all of those ten million eighty percent receive subsidies from the taxpayer is two million people that are forced on to these gory exchanges where they're getting twenty thirty forty percent increases annually and they have to fend for themselves and the like provides amusement to people like these in cells who are angry because they can't find a mate. i think there's a correlation there as i pointed out but clearly the situation is leading toward a complete societal breakdown. well perhaps but nevertheless i'm just showing you that this is a scandal and one americans are going to pay seven hundred four billion dollars for this scam over the next decade well i guess it's back to friends it's well perhaps you know that's fact based and we don't live in a fact based world we live in a polarized emotion based crucible of nonsense conspiracy
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nonsense well we've got to take a break don't go away much more coming your way. say that. four men are sitting in a car when the fifth gets shot in the head. all four different versions of what happened one of them is on the death row there's no way he could have done it there's no possible way because the us did not shoot around a corner. italy's recent elections again demonstrate the e.u.'s neo liberal agenda is under continued pressure even under threat where is this grand historic project going on we understand the
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italian elections the german elections and drags it in totality. well you know they were kind of adopted because we were called pirates for so long . i mean they're in the small boats next to the hard pool of ships and it's. not something to. the little self to be told face already ninety percent of the dot and wall in that column or. concept fifteen scoops seventy five tons and they do it several times a day with the big fleets of power you get an idea of why the ocean. we have to understand we cannot stay still and just. be within this the deal going to the hours. i'm doing this because i want the future
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world to the future can generations to have and enjoy the ocean we have. feel. welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to turn to seth shapiro of alpha network seth welcome to the program thank you max big fan all right let's get right into it you say the media business is fundamentally broken how so and what do you do in a fiction over that alpha networks if you think about the major areas of the media
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business that we've kind of brought up with for a while cable made sense before the internet you had these hundreds of channels but at that point there was no broadband so there was nothing else there was no other game in town so economy the economics as doesn't make sense anymore people pay for hundreds of networks they watch maybe a dozen of them you tube seem like it would be a solution but as you know like most content creators can't make a living there three percent of you tube is make above the poverty line so that's not like you know a hothouse success as a business model price for most of them and news is the same stories over and over for an audience largely people what is alpha networks so we're doing is we're building a netflix like platform powered by this connected to a block chain and we're all about finding new authentic voices and then finding ways to take the audiences from some of those people cross-pollinate them to other audiences and build new new content rather let me play the role of jimmy song for a moment ok why block saying what does that add to your business because the part of the problem with traditional media is you have these huge budgets for movies and
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things that are kind of completely based on projections but they somebody's always disappointed so you have big budgets for t.v. show on the talent makes this massive amount of money and then if it fails the studio is upset because they spent all this money and it's a loss if the talent hits it out of the park then they feel like they got under compensated so if you can actually create a model where you're looking at the actual consumption and pay people for the views that they actually generated that's kind of a i think a big deal it's the it's different in a way from where we are now as cable. from broadcast different economics you're trying to help you're putting the distributor and the talent on the same side of the table because we both make money as you are you become more successful we both make more money right so the ad revenues are distributed to the consumer direct as well as to their to the can yes rights as to its outlet yes all right so now there's competition in this space for sure ok or not the first of the rodeo now
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that's true there right there along the line of bloody bodies what differentiates often outworks we're doing this with a really sophisticated series of a p i's not to get too boring and we're doing with watson with i.b.m. so we're using all the stack that they've been building for a long time to kind of create more intelligent networks and we're building from the ground up the tech to do this so if you add to our system your data is completely private we don't know anything about that we don't know that you're maxed but we're following everything that you watch more constantly looking for patterns that are emerging so for example kind of a crude analogy is brazil change their t.v. last like six years ago when i was over there and they were doing more kind of local brazilian content less western kind of global content and it turned out there was this interesting overlap between brazilian tele novellas and korean soap operas so the two countries had started talking about formats and there was a sort of weird completely non hollywood exchange of creative between brazil and korea and the time it got to be cool to develop more of that more out of brazil the
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show they actually turn the sound down because i perceive max and stacey as a telling novella right right they could just add their own voices they just said they just to fill in the gaps doesn't matter they can i can record that in air because yeah for a nominal fee so you were hollywood for twenty years but if you do they're still ab so i got to hollywood from new york from here about the time that the web was starting and there was almost nobody then who could code so i was a programmer and i've been a pretty. i'm a geek yeah how actually shocking to look at me yeah i don't get. that skill desperation i was a music producer here at a record label coming at n.y.u. and obviously all the money to write good reply there on the same time yeah it's a good school eighty three i think it's still around yeah the n.y.u. there are real real estate property developer and it's right out of the education business it's a much better business education's a horrible business right so let's move on to what the me too movement which is taken down some of the most powerful men in hollywood of the past decade miramax
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was a huge player and they produced like you know three hundred a movie titles come out here in hollywood there are later thirty of them huge prestige oscar winning case now they're gone basically there now is that change the industry now i don't think so i mean they're going to be more people like that will be more outings because it's been kind of a dirty secret for a long time but i don't know that it fundamentally changes the industry i hopefully it sensitizes people to the fact that not everything is how it appears but i my friend alec baldwin who is trying to report me to the f.b.i. last year is doing a deal with a ton of a similar platform where they're raising money via a block chain enable trip what's a girl say has like a three ok a list or a name peepee pop pop pop he announce they like that ok so are they are they. talent open to the managers of the agents that william morris is
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if you come to them and say hey i've got a block chain unable distribution platform that's going to give everyone a more equitable distribution all the success that's going on here what's their view of things thrive they're kind of more than ever in the private equity business because the old business that ca and morris and those guys were in was. representing huge movie stars that got you know north of twenty million dollar deals that's a harder business now the movie business isn't what it was or they did t.v. packaging so now increasingly they're trying to finance stuff and take equity and other things right go out so i think probably there will be more of them trying to matchmake between tech companies and at. because that's a growing business and well look at this to get more into the business model here so alpha networks it's a platform yeah ok like a netflix but you create do you do you create content yeah we got great content with radical media it was a major production company here in new york and l.a. oh or did they do that david letterman thing they do they do they do the letterman show they've got about four shows on netflix they do everybody from lady gaga to
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american expand on excess to access to platform you know well we're building it now but you'll access it on the web on a browser or via an app same way you would have access netflix is going to be in up by down the wire and now i'm getting a slice of the pie yes you are ok as i said this is a bit of a crowded space and like ok let me ask you this but here's a look really be the bad guy right you all right ok ok amazon has got a frickin here its platform and they they finance a ton of content every year now right and so why couldn't they put you guys out of business didn't intermedia you guys by simply offering a cryptic point well we know those guys and their shows that they're generally going to do are going to be big budget like licensing the old h.b.o. back catalog for two billion are doing original production data by my show i can't talk about that i way we're going to migrate to some different arcs as a group we're going to go to america would it be considerable you know to be more than just the dollars it would be over for because you know we only work here for
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a vodka that's all we get is that so let me consult my attorney yeah i think we can go to another system so what if i've just asked you nuts that's it we'll throw in will throw an eggnog and mango not i'm i'm over that now cable news viewer numbers are soaring with thirty million dollars because of the theater right because of the spectacle of you know it's trump how do you raise a lot i'll go from being a reasonable voice of the left to becoming an alex jones like foaming rabid psychopath kind of notice that he used to be relatively calm right now probably because. if the other side's in power even a good bit over to marks for now it's become a partisan hack yeah i think because that would you mind it when i just you know pick pick fights with my competition at the expense of the other i want more i don't know please kids like all right so m.s.m. bases because conspiracy theories and ok so the point is though that the consumer is left a bit adrift because they are tuning in to cable news and their news is it's all
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basically polemicists that's right there's no debate we were talking about william buckley earlier and his debate with the gore of the doll during the nine hundred sixty eight presidential as a dench election that opened the way toward an interesting debate format in american william buckley went on to host fire i and other shows and there was intelligent debate but then i guess under reagan they passed the fairness and media law which opened the way toward the rush limbaugh those who are just totally partisan and you are not required by law to have an opposing viewpoint right and so year and a veteran of this industry did that what did that do it seems my point being that it open the way to this hyper partisanship polemicist fox news drivel but what is your view what you think you're exactly right so when you want to figure out how an industry works follow the money now you've got more and more outlets that are preaching to the converted telling people what they already want to hear that are paid for by brands that want to reach that particular demo so
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a lot of that because we're going to i'm a right when you talk about these hot topic issues political issues everyone knows the wedge words and the buzzwords and they they're no one ever has a meaningful insight into the debate anymore they just know the words and they spew them out you they vomit the words out you you mentioned hillary clinton dell dell v.l. still spit out depending on their party affiliation a few words and then if that doesn't work that you get into a fight you get over a brawl right like there's no dialogue at all anymore in media in the news even the new i mean there. times was always slightly you know biased but now it's like a rip roaring friction propaganda yeah and t.v. used to kind of be a little bit more open and more theatrical like written about before like john lennon hosted the mike douglas show right back then you had people mixing it up something like working as joplin on dick cavett they go right exactly right you said you don't see that type of thing now tom slater with the last of the great late night talk show polymaths that's right now no more of that saturday night live
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and we'll have about thirty seconds they seem to have ignored comedy. you're racially they're just going with hyper partisanship yeah and pulling out a right right there's no there's no given it it's just the same banging on the guy in the white house every week right so you know there's no surprises there it's just it's just it's just it'll come back and i saw alpha networks as the platform. it sounds like you're entering a world of pain with this project and to the church i mean you're competing with some heavyweights in hollywood. take people out the stretcher if you cut into william morris as action or whatever i mean this is a cut throat business hollywood you know where you it's like i don't gosh if course i am you are yes all right ok so i'm ok like the waiter all right thank you this is the one that's going to survive anyway twenty seven bucks oh i'm worth twenty seven bucks so you know there shrewd that's right well thanks for being on kaiser more banks present to be on alpha network oh hey that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser of course me back eiser and stacy herbert want to thank our special
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guest seth shapiro of alpha networks if you want to catch us on twitter it's kaiser report and so next time. fifty years ago breaking within two grams again was a sleeping pill or just these would be because not true this is just the sort of thanks what terrible. trouble. then. across europe victims are starting legal battles demanding at least some compensation. in two ways first will the physical damage itself as well as the constant mind that the people who actually put the take this crime has never been able to justice and there's been a couple of. you
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never know what's around the corner you never know what's in the pub you can walk into excitement in fact now and that's where the adrenalin rush comes from. and you can easily move on definition and extreme some will support. the violence is a part and it's almost a schizophrenia. where you can do all these things and behave badly. they're born before the horse colorful all. the more so for the last. punishment and infirm for their role in all this from the start. of a broader where no five figure out really get a hold of.
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