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tv   Keiser Report  RT  June 1, 2018 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

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they are country to flee to the united kingdom and other places due to austerity and all sorts of e.c.b. policies upon their you know european community policies upon their country well the same thing is that now happened in italy where the five star movement in the northern league formed a government and then the president of italy who is constitutionally allowed to do so basically said no because your finance minister is anti euro and wrote a piece he had written a piece about basically that the euro was a disaster for italy and we're going to suggest perhaps it really was yanis varoufakis. because he became the finance minister of greece reported introduced interviewed him many many times over the years when he used to be an icon it was for virtually games he said the people of italy voted against technocrats implementing austerity for the many and socialism for the very very few now they have an i.m.f. apparatchik as pm was a plan to implement more of the same could italy's president have given the full
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but populous a greater gift that's always the same we've covered this since the beginning of a very poor it's austerity for the many capitalism for the many and socialism for the tiny tiny few right well as we've lost our focus on the show and we asked them point blank i know i did who will be the next to get the treatment that greece got from the troika the i.m.f. the e.c.b. the e.u. they gang up they destroy a country for profit it's a it's a smash and grab and the greece was destroyed they had a referendum and then they didn't pay any attention to the referendum they didn't want the troika road and look what happened in greece it turned it into a pit it turned into a shell it turned into garbage and now the same bankers are getting together because they need like a shark always something to destroy to eat and consume so we were trying to figure out would it only be next or spain. they were the two likely candidates so i guess
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as we've been saying that for five years that this was coming and i guess doubt italy will be the next meal for the i.m.f. well spain wasn't an option really if you look at the charts we're going to come into is that they never abided by the master treaty of under three percent of g.d.p. deficit italy has done so and they've abided by that and thus destroyed their economy in a time when you know in the recession when they should have been actually helping the economy and the scylla tating liquidity and transaction and credit unlike what happened for germany and stuff so let's however look at the technocrats the european commission this was a tweet from a journalist from deutsche of who interviewed a european commissioner who is a german who is a european commissioner for budget and human resources and so here is the tweet from bernard thomas riegert of deutsche of l. the markets and a darkened outlook will teach italy's voters not to vote for populist parties in
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the next elections told me the e.u. commissioner oettinger in exclusive interview for deutsch of all news and strasburg i can only hope that this will play a role in the election campaign so it looks like it will be another election in italy probably in july or august. and this guy oettinger who is good or hermann oettinger a german politician and now a european commissioner he's saying that because the markets have reacted so negatively that italian voters should basically learn a lesson and not vote for a populist again right the key phrase there is the markets will teach quote the markets will teach according to the technocrat the german that as we've been saying again going back to two thousand and eight so almost ten years i've been saying this concept which i will say again there's something called market fundamentalism it's a belief that markets are. all knowing all seeing and that the people in the
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technocratic space defer to markets as fundamentalists or as fanatics will if you refer to religious fanaticism and so he believes that the markets know all and that the markets are punishing attalia and without giving notice and and being honest in that the markets are manipulated and many of the ways that we have discussed on this show this is a market manipulation scheme made to smash and grab the assets of italy by the way they have thousands of tons of gold i suppose that's part of the booty that the bankers are looking to pilfer as they use markets as a weapon of mass financial destruction again as we've been saying articulating proving emphatically with out equivocation or any pushback from any journalist or government official has never down a-k. so never let's talk about the story again so the point is that the markets in this
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case are the e.c.b. are the governments are the central banks of the world because just like greece just like italy the e.c.b. has been mostly buying their bonds and the italian government and the talian banks so the bond holders are the ones being bailed out once again it's the bond holders not the market you know equity markets or property market people who are getting out participants who are getting a bailout it's the bondholders that you know always in a negotiation there's supposed to be two sides the story you know everybody has to give and take but like with greece the bondholders didn't give a tiny even fraction of a haircut none the same with italy they don't want to give any haircut nothing because that cannot be. you know ever becoming an established principle we've really negotiated the history of capitalism no longer is the creditor ever part of the equation and they get everything one hundred. sent you the debtor
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is abused so here is a tweet to the response to that odin jr who's saying that the markets are going to punish the voter well this is a different take markets spooked by political coup in hash tag italy default probability has jumped to twenty percent and here's italy's five year default probability you see the chart looks pretty good exactly if i have a credit default swap on those bonds are making a lot of money yes that's part of the weapons of mass financial destruction that's the market signal that they point to and say oh you can vote for populism you know who owns america's bonds who owns america's bonzo china how we might china to do to america what the i.m.f. is doing and italy i think i'll be an actual an experiment on market terrorism expressed in the geo political basis let's see china do have a go to this do america what the our members do in italy so to see that through through your metal i see i do want to point out that the i.m.f. has not yet involved in italy it's all about they european central bank and the
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european commission and the euro zone so the i.m.f. in fact had advised those other troika members to basically allow a debt restructuring in greece and they were next because there's good cop bad cop with them next week will be saying i messed involved almost ninety nine point nine percent guaranteed day so i want to also point to another tweet here this is from tony's hassle of tea today's rise in two year italian government bond yields in perspective one day move greater than anything seen in financial crisis or greek crisis so again this is the cost to ensure the bonds the spike in context going back all the way to two thousand as you see it's a one day move that is pretty shocking how much it's gone up but you know there was somebody who responded to them called crypto macro and it's interesting this response because this is something i've heard in relation to oil markets and that is. markets have changed since the greek crisis market makers now hold thin bond
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inventories due to higher associated capital or climates this amplifies moves i did happen to speak to a former oil analyst for goldman sachs and he was saying this about the oil markets is that you should take billions of dollars to move the oil markets now it takes like one hundred million dollars and you could move the price partly because of the new regulations about how much are basically there's not enough inventory the market makers no longer are are in this market is they need to hold collateral against their positions right so what's the market telling us they'll say the market's telling us that we need to expand the liquidity and the inventory of the market makers in the bond arena which means we have to reduce the banks a law they keep certain amount of minimum liquidity on their balance sheet we need to leverage the banks more because after they destroyed the globe in two thousand and eight and were bailed out by twenty chilean dollars and then some very minimal
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new were lost came in about it keeping inventory and liquidity on your balance sheet they decided no it jamie dimon needs another billion dollars lloyd blankfein even though a billion dollars so we need to roll back those regulations that could be even less on their books than a low energy economy even more and of anyone protest with a populist political uprising the market tells us that there must be cures disabuse of this notion this is market fundamentalism you know how different the jihadi is as much as yachties and something to be fair my personal opinion about those regulations is that we didn't need any new regulations because what the banks did was already illegal to smash and grab assets from individuals and pension funds was against the law i believe and they created these new regulations and were to pretend to the population that something was being done and that this that what happened was so unique and new and not and had never been known before but. it was
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simple old fashioned crimes of finance so that was just a distraction but i do believe that those regulations did have an impact particularly on smaller banks banks of the world are as we see tumbling have been very leveraged and there is no reduction in leverage for them and we see that in their market action but i also do want to say and i did say i would get to the start this chart shows why early vote and italy could would hardly produce different results italian electorate has seen little in way of wealth gain since zero creation while g.d.p. per capita is much higher in germany for italy or means below where it was upon euro creation this is by a bank of america merrill lynch this is germany this is italy as you see this is the introduction of the euro in lockstep together after the introduction of the euro but g.d.p. per capita since the financial crisis since these new regulations since the e.c.b. stepped into the markets and started buying certain bonds and and favoring certain participants over other germany has done well italy has done badly and you are not is there not for they are search google and you old x.
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times or germany or strike and they'll explain exactly what's happened the last five years as i predicted well we have to go to the break but when we come back we're going to be doing a whole lot more so don't go away. in july twenty seventh on and also to the freelance journalist was on. militants in syria. jonah sacrifies t.v. has established a photo such as memorial day to the reporters who often risk the sake of the truth and through that. you can see your published works in a video form britain form until june the twenty. two don't auntie don't come.
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italy's recent elections again demonstrate the e.u. smeal liberal agenda is under continued pressure even under threat where is this grand historic project going how should we understand the italian elections the german elections and gregg's it in. many european countries several times believe that we shan't should get out of this is sanctioned and come to something that gets through the. box let's be honest. to the see the final decision on this issue. has to come from watching. those washington these guys and we need you tonight to do three rules.
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welcome back to the kaiser report i'm asked guys are time now to go to south africa and speak with abraham cambridge of the sun exchange it's a new block same company that got its start encrypt a few years ago and start joint dot com a site that i founded so i'm very special interesting in this story it's an amazing story abraham welcome back to science and spent a long time concerts going to show you thanks for having me all right super another one phrase pops out when talking about the story solar powered money. shot to me from the very beginning and then you guys for many years a few years now so tell us a little bit about the sun exchange. yes i moved to south africa in two thousand. two thousand and fourteen is where the site industry in the u.k. and u.k. is not known for its sun as you well know because i saw her history there was very much supported voiced government subsidy in posi when i moved to south africa where
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there is a lot of sunshine there is no sort of animals or he's that wasn't when i moved in his beauty down to lack of access to funding the business isn't me he's to go solo at the same time i was really getting into court so i. processions where fred is going to set a business up in voce so the solar energy carcassi because the two things eyesores so complementary you go to decentralized any system that we're trying to build let's build it using a decent sized financial system because bitcoin is global and universal and one of the woken our own solar panel is located on the roof here in south africa and the site is ideal set up to allow just up and knowing individuals anywhere to go in grants of less than ten dollars buy in and then lease oem so sells to factories businesses schools whatever whoever needs access to clean up who do solar power of which there's no shortage of oil that's what's on exchanges that trying to connect people who want to go silent to people that need to go sort of right and i love
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this story for so many different ways and this first of all reminds me of a quote from buckminster fuller the talked about hat earth gets a thousand times more energy every day from the sun than it is this you know there's an amazing amount of energy that comes and and the solar energy market is evolving quite rapidly and the cost of solar panels as dropping like microchips a cost of dropped over the heiress and some marrying these two industries a crypt. calling and solar you have a fantastic marriage that is disrupting a couple of industries simultaneously is disrupting the energy business and a soft thing you could say the currency beza simultaneously could you talk a little bit about that. yeah i mean if you look at that it was cool but a little life cost of energy star how much a kilo our electricity is worth so to parse out the cheapest form of power on the planet when you have lots of sunlight in here in south africa so but energy is now
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cheaper there due to this heat produced co co how so used to be the cold how about what great for what amazing threshold we just crossed as a civilization that we can now produce and if you directly from the sun more efficiently than through burning fossil fuels i mean what pray for is also i don't like currency site i mean i mean totally i mean we've now got this this this system to connect anyone to a soda bottle and he were somewhere else and you know this is universal resources sunlight and now people can access the universe was also using this universal financial let me go. right so again this is truly remarkable in many ways because the sun is a is energy and energy is currency you know we live in a world that runs on energy and that energy right now is dominated by hydrocarbons and the oil industry and as being now replaced by renewables and solar
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and sound the sun exchange allows for that currency that already exists it's called the sun the sun is already generating a currency called energy so some exchanges are allowing people to actually develop a passive income of cryptocurrency krypto income from the sun right away i visualize it with we're converting photons into electrons into digital money and then it gets sent to wherever he's go and then goes about this the money gets converted so what the next stage of the process whatever the recipient that disregards he wants to use with it and interesting one can evolution that we. united since we since he started this of the energy to most of the pic or network of becoming more and more over the top pick but is actually people forget this sort of power once it's once you've been in finance they so sell is producing energy for free for ever on the next twenty five years so if you were to finance
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a so-so with coining the big wigs and get destroyed duckies on circulating what we have done is created twenty four home is where the posted energy busts so what we did what we had to do is people who have crypto convert it into solar cells because you will then creating a positive energy balance and thus creating an entirely new framework for growth for global economy you've got these post if the public saw it states know we didn't cost just sunlight so it was good to currency minds those things combined could roam into our financial system right abraham you know we have been in the crypt of businesses twenty eleven covering it quite extensively the first in the world to dis al and we have looked at many projects we've seen hundreds of projects probably even thousands of projects but we have decided to give you guys to come on board as advisors because this is truly
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a fantastic marriage of crypto and a monetary need and a utility value i mean this is this is talk a little bit about the utility value how it works this is genuinely a fantastic marriage of crypt al and and it and a banking model that's truly remarkable so talk a little bit about the fact that this really is a utility because energies are utility you know people pay their energy bill they pay their utility belly and this is this is utility application correct yes i mean the people of whom i hear. so much talk about what chain this blow chain not but very very few projects that i'll get to see an energy project is commercially operating in such a. is is the only one aware of that you could anyone actually use today and the reason why no he said today's we're not trying to reinvent the wheel we're literally using the big point of change as a payment system for distributing the valley's from a some of the panel in one country to their owners those island anil's in other
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countries and that's what that's what's operating. it is that is that come a ball going towards the yes or certainly i mean let me let me let me jump ahead so the sun exchange is currently working with the u.n. development program in a pilot program to bring seller to the university in moldova tell us about that program why moldova and how exactly does a stock exchange set up that work yeah i mean that the objective of the science changes to it and they do so to projects to go ahead the previous week what. we're talking about projects that are less than a metal box so what would be considered in the commercial going to industrial sector of the solar market which in a market like the united states and germany and i said there was like thirty percent of the industry in the absent in emerging markets and the reason why is that true conventional institution investors are not willing to invest in that scale project and too small and they're also too big to be financed off balance sheet by the consumer about energy so it was
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a very specific financial systems are becoming in place to actually fill that gap and so this changes model with twenty eight leases of commercial so to bonds which guarantees low cost energy then the they would otherwise be paying and this is a no whom up front cost so we're running a project the moment solar power a factory that manufactures bottles out of recycled plastic says here in cape town is a half a megawatt project the problem with this factory is a much cheaper they come access the will power from the grid is not available when coming in and deploying a home for megawatt solar panels on their roof no upfront cost of them saving that money on a utility bill there's a battle's getting caught so this is a solution for it was a merging markets to to go. it goes either he's going ok great money. abraham you are doing and i see it initially in offering full disclosure and warnings need to be stated here so on advisors of the company anyone watching
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should take that into account and do their own research right so we're not giving financial advice regulators of course are all over the i.c.l. market how has that impacted your fund raise yes i. see if anyone getting a vote with our eyes the other needs to make sure that it is bear and if they qualify as an investor in the united states or any other jurisdiction where that is required but is it what we have issued is a utility token what we mean by that is not to your rewards token. we creating a rules program and anyone who's using the sun exchange going to run x. as bait buying so to sells and as they make small decisions and it was socially and not for. everyone the most onyx the people for our platform the high that the discount some bonuses all and any sonics accumulated could be staked into a solar projects insurance fund for emerging markets and whilst they state that
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token they were easy but with twenty percent paid in sonics now the eyes go this pre-selling these were woodstock and so getting there without a significantly reduced cost me would be a acquirable fruit program itself and in a much easier way so that's just the proposition for that the officers present in the rewards tokens and giving the boy easy and instant access to a maximum utilization size range buffalo and state of minnesota project insurance fund which is something that's needed i mean the problem with solar projects is that if the end consumer stops paying that bill then the project is devoted so this insurance fund is to create a buffer so in the event of a solar plant or fonteyn we can cover the cost of relocating insiders at each when you sign. with the new office i can muster said the people the fund is. right you know not a great feature and i once again as i've said love the project love the idea but when it comes to investments everybody needs to do their own research and i'm not
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giving that's one advice now abraham you're doing this on the bitcoin block chain which is unique because usually hear about these things on the theory and watching but it's on the on the on the big block and can you speak a little bit about that well actually the sun exposure could easily off the transcript like currency only if they are low chain no we don't want it so don't show on groups talk on the big one but it wasn't ready at the time or we don't we all would be joyous to. make that happen right now because in the l.c. transcripts are current we all used the big one gold chain for the rental payments so as people from buying a so-so for a couple they are getting paid in between we've made make payments every day every month and we get it down to a resolution where we can do that in real time so we've got ahold of our technology roadmap is implementing the lightning network becoming a lightning node so we can actually stream the big queen in real time from point production to the mode was so so as well it so but our goal is to stream monetize
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on showing and bigger bloke with lightning and he made was that not what we are working towards ok that's great hopefully can stay on for a second segment but just to recap here sonic stance best player using i think that's a brilliant explanation as you say you're converting photons into electrons into crept out and so anybody can buy into an income producing solar panel scheme to help anybody who needs energy so they are bringing about this network effect and killing two legacy industries at the same time the hydro carbon industry and the banking industry both get punched in the face. which we love to say anyway we got to go but thanks for being on the kaiser report thanks max and stacy great all right also we have you for a second segment that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser authorise me max geyser and stacey everett like to thank our guests abraham cambridge of sun
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exchange if you're not a racist on twitter it's kaiser report until next time but. you never know what's around the corner you never know what's in the pub you can walk into a nice excitement it's that not knowing that's where the adrenaline in much comes from. communities and plentiful and the extremes the world produces. the violence is a part and it's almost a schizophrenia. we can do these things and behave like bad. important people in hospital for a little while. more so for the last. one this may and infirm.
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will follow us in the start. i would roll the way in the fight but you don't really get a poll down down going to get. meaning in these music beast if you don't know the evolves it's constantly evolving. radially reinforced rammed earth bricks is what they really are. there's more than seventy houses about one hundred forty people with families living here but. it's really a way of forming. their sons coming
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in and hitting the house and being stored in massive walls. sagebrush is the natural environment here but as we're containing the sewage and using the plant stuff to process the sewage we create our own little. fear. of it we've. in july twenty seventh seen. a freelance journalist working with on t.v. a militant shelling in syria. to own it his second final scotti has established a memorial they will recognize more reporters who often risk their lives with the sake of the truth and through them please you can submit to your published works in a video or written form until june the twelfth go to a law. office selling you on the idea that dropping
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bombs brings police to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battle of going. to stop the predator tell you that the because of the public by file for the most important news today. off of advertising tell me you are not cool enough to buy their product. all the hawks that we along with our audience will walk. well the. people. who are sure. that you know well. i don't want the world on.
12:00 am
the trumpet kim summit is back on that the u.s. president says he will meet of the north korean leader in singapore on june twelfth spite earlier calling off the talks. and comes as the north korean leader plays host to russia's foreign minister with r.t. the only international challenge given access to kim jong un's palace. if only someone told me where exactly we are right now this is how suddenly you get treated to cranberry juice at kim jonathan's residence fellow i can barely remember being given such access at the other v.i.p. locations around the world i'm absolutely shocked. and the u.s. blocks a u.n. security council resolution calling for an international force to protect palestine .


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