tv News RT June 2, 2018 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT
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most allied to the united states. senate to see to and many other alliances promoted by the west and united states and particularly by brazil we also have the privilege of being the most sanctioned. that to any group of countries so while it sounds contradictory it is going to be and pakistan this shows that pakistan will do what is in its national interest it will know it's just the end of the. welcome back to the kaiser report imus times or time now to go to south africa and speak with abraham cambridge of the sun exchange it's
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a new block same company that got its start encrypt a few years ago on start join dot com a site that i found it so i'm very special interesting in this story it's an amazing story abraham welcome back to science and. it's going to show you thanks for having me all right super you know there's one phrase pops up when talking about this story solar powered money which just shot to me from the very beginning and then you guys for many years a few years now so tell us a little bit about the sun exchange. yes i moved to south africa or in two thousand . two thousand and fourteen is where the site industry in the u.k. and u.k. is not known for its sun as you well know because i saw his district there was very much supported boys' government subsidy in policy when i moved to south africa where there is a lot of sunshine there is no sun the bottles or he's that wasn't when i moved in his beauty down to lack of access to funding for businesses and communities to go
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soeda out at the same time i was really getting into court and i are processions where fred is going to set up a business up in voce so the solar energy carcassi because the two things eyesores so complementary you go to decentralized any system that we're trying to build let's go to using a decent choice financial system because bitcoin is global and universal and one of the woken our own solar panel was located on the roof here in south africa and the site is ideal set up to allow to stop annoying individuals anywhere in the world in increments of less than ten dollars buy in and then lease oem so sells to factories businesses schools whatever whoever needs access to clean up who solar power of which there's no shortage of oh that's what's on exchange that trying to connect people who want to go silent to people that need to go sort of right and i love this story for so many different ways and this first of all reminds me of a quote from buckminster fuller the talked about how earth gets
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a thousand times more energy every day from the sun than it is this you know there's an amazing amount of energy that comes and and the solar energy market is evolving quite rapidly and the cost of solar panels as dropping like microchips a cost of dropped over the heiress and some marrying these two industries a crypt. big calling and solar you have a fantastic marriage that is disrupting a couple of industries simultaneously as to something the energy business and us to stop paying you could say the currency beza simultaneously i could talk a little bit about that. yes i mean if you look at it was cool the level life cost of energy star how much a kilowatt hour of electricity is worth. so the power is now the cheapest form of power on the planet when you have lots of sunlight here in south africa so bad energy is now cipa there due to this heat produced co co how so cheap a cold and how about what great for what amazing threshold we just crossed as
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a civilization that we can now produce and if you directly from the sun more efficiently than through burning fossil fuels i mean will pray for is also i don't like currency so i i mean i mean totally i mean we've now got this this this system to connect anyone to a soda bottle any were somewhere else that is a universal resources sunlight and now people can access the universe was also using this universal financial let me go. right so again this is truly remarkable in many ways because as the sun is a is energy and energy is currency you know we live in a world that runs on energy and that energy right now is dominated by hydrocarbons and the oil industry and as being now replaced by renewables and solar and sound the sun exchange allows for that currency that already exists it's called
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the sun the sun is already generating a currency called energy so some exchanges are allowing people to actually develop a passive income of cryptocurrency krypto income from the sun right away i visualize it with we're converting photons into electrons into digital money and then it gets sent to wherever he's go and then goes about this the money gets converted so what the next stage of the process whatever the recipient of digital cards he wants to use with it and interesting one can even vision that we. united since we since he started this of the energy to moan the pic or network of becoming more and more over the topic but is actually the people to get this sort of power once it's once you've been in finance they so sell is producing energy for free for ever on the next twenty five years so if you will finance a so-so with coining the big wigs and get destroyed duckies on circulating what we
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have done is created twenty four home is where the posted energy busts so what we did what we had to do is people who have critter convert it into solar cells because you will then creating a positive energy balance and thus creating an entirely new framework for growth for global economy you've got these post if the public saw it states know we think it's just sunlight so sells her cards he minds those things combine could roam into our financial system right abraham you know we have been in the crypt of businesses twenty eleven covering it quite extensively the first in the world to decide and we have looked at many projects we've seen hundreds of projects and probably even thousands of projects but we have decided to give you guys a big come on board as advisors because this is truly a fantastic marriage of crypto and a monetary need and a utility value i mean this is this is talk
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a little bit about the utility value how it works this is genuinely a fantastic marriage of crypt and and it and a banking model that's truly remarkable so talk a little bit about the fact that this really is a utility because energies are utility you know people pay their energy bill they pay their utility belly and this is this is utility application correct yes i mean the people of whom i hear. so much talk about global chain this will change that but very very few projects get to see an energy project is commercially operating in such a. is is the only one aware of that you did anyone actually use today and the reason why no he said today's we're not trying to reinvent the wheel we're literally using the big quid pro chain as a payment system for distributing the valley's from a some of the panel in one country to their owners those island anil's in other countries and that's what that's what's operating. it is that does that cover all
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going towards the yes or certainly i mean let me let me let me jump ahead so the sun exchange is currently working with the u.n. development program in a pilot program to bring seller to the university in moldova tell us about that program why moldova and how exactly does a stock exchange set up that work yeah i mean that the objective of the science changes to your head and name so to projects to go ahead the previous week what what. we're talking about projects that are less than a metal box so what would be considered in the commercial going industrial sector of the solar market which in a in a market like the united states and germany and i said there was like thirty percent of the industry but totally absent in emerging markets and the reason why is that true conventional institution investors are not willing to invest in that scale project and too small and they're also too big to be financed off balance sheet by the consumer of energy so it was a very specific financial systems are becoming in place to actually fill that gap and so this changes model with twenty eight leases of commercial so to bonds which
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guarantees low cost energy then the they would otherwise be paying and this is a no whom up front cost so we're running a project the moment solar power a factory that manufactures bottles out of recycled plastic says here in cape town is a half a megawatt project the problem with this factory is a much cheaper they come accessible hour from the grid it's not available we're coming in and deploying a home for megawatt solar panels on their roof no upfront cost of them saving that money on a utility bill and there's a battle is getting caught so this is a solution for a there's a merging markets to to go. it goes either he's going ok great money. abraham you are doing and i see it initially in offering full disclosure and warnings need to be stated here so on advisors of the company anyone watching should take that into account and do their own research right so we're not giving financial advice regulators of course are all over the i.c.l.
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market how has that impacted your fund raise yes i. see if anyone getting a vote with our eyes the need to make sure that if bear any they qualify as an investor in the united states or any other jurisdiction where that is required but is it what we have issued is a utility token what we mean by that is not to your rewards token. we creating a rules program and anyone who's using the sun exchange can sun x. as they buy soda sells and as they make small decisions and it was socially improper. on the most onyx the pool for a platform to hire that at a discount some bonuses all and any sonics accumulated could be staked into a solar projects insurance fund for emerging markets i was the state that token they were easy but with twenty percent paid in sonics now the eyes go this pre-selling these were woodstock and so get in there without
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a significantly reduced cost and they would be a acquirable fruit program itself and in a much easier way so that's just a proposition for the guys there is preserving the rewards tokens and giving the boy easy and instant access to a maximum utilization size range buffalo and state the minnesota project insurance fund which is something that's needed i mean the problem with solar projects is that if the end consumer stops paying that bill then the project is devoted so this insurance fund is to create a buffer so in the event of a solar plant or fonteyn we can cover the cost of relocating outsiders at each when you sign. with a new office i cannot specific people but the fun is. right you know not a great feature and i once again as i've said love the project love the idea but when it comes to investments everybody needs to do their own research and i'm not giving and that's what advice now abraham you're doing this on the bitcoin block chain which is unique because usually hear about these things on the theory and
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watching but it's on the on the on the big block and can speak a little bit about that well actually the sun exposure could easily all see transcripts of currency on the if they were low chain nobody wanted to go and show on bruce talk on the big one but it wasn't ready at the time or we don't we all would be delighted to work for it still to make that happen but right now this is an e.l.t. transcripts are current so we all used the big one gold chain for the rental payments so as people from buying a so-so for a couple they are getting paid in between we make payments every day every month and we get it down to a resolution where we can do that in real time so we've got ahold of our technology roadmap is implementing the lightning network becoming a lightning node so we can actually stream the big queen in real time from point to production to the motorcycle so as well it so but our goal is to stream monetize on showing and bigger bloke with lightning and actually made was that not what we are
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working towards ok that's great hopefully can stay on for a second segment but just to recap here sonic stance best player using i think that's a brilliant explanation as you say you're converting photons into electrons into crept out and so anybody can buy into an income producing solar panel scheme to help anybody who needs energy so they are bringing about this network effect and killing two legacy industries at the same time the hydrocarbon industry and the banking industry both get punched in the face. which we love to say anyway we got to go but thanks for being on the kaiser report thanks max and stacy great. for a second segment that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report was made by geyser and stacey everett like to thank our guests abraham cambridge of some exchange of your outrageous on twitter it's kaiser report until next time but yell.
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well you know the thing we kind of adopted because we were called pirate along. there in the small boat next to the harpoon him and he did. the limo films did big fish already ninety percent of the dark on any phone that conner. come to pick the scoops seventy five times they do it several times a day with a big oh you get an idea. we have to understand we can still use to just. be with this he is going to use our arms. i'm doing this because i want them for the future world
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to future generations to have and enjoy the ocean we have. many european countries seven come to believe that we shed should get out of this the sunshine then come to something that gets to the. markets let's be honest and perk about the field. final decision on d.c. sure. has to come from watching. those washington is utilizing wind utilize would you trade rules. fifty years ago pregnant women to come together as a sleeping pill does this is what i mean because an actor does what he said just
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thought the side effects were terrible but not on the road as sean indulge one for boardwalk more to hear not the war then boom boom of across europe victims are starting legal battles demanding at least some compensation in something two ways first will the physical damage itself but as well that the concert mind that the people who actually perpetrated this crime has never been able to justice and there's been a couple of. people . who are shia. militia. that you know well
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my own mom come out. radially reinforced rammed earth bricks is what they really are. that's more than seventy houses about one hundred forty people with families. living here. it's really a way of forming semaphore. the sun's coming in and hitting the house and being stored in massive walls. sagebrush is the natural environment here but as we're containing the sewage and and using
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the plant stuff to process the sewage we create our own little voices here. this is. a church secret indeed catholic priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it quite literally i like to call this the do graphic solution so what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot were the previous standards not the highest ranks of the catholic church help conceal the accused priests from the police and justice system to that end of that's known as the end and then i think you'll hear that it used this out
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in. this. case felt. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy foundation let it be an arms race is on offense very dramatic developments only mostly i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. dropping bombs brings peace to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battle. to stop spreading tell you the gossip and probably. tell you.
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all the hawks that we along with all of. the headlines this hour the united states blocks the un resolution calling for the protection of palestinian civilians on the gaza border after months of deadly clashes with israeli soldiers plus. letter was given to me by. would you like to see what was in that letter. and how much how much how much after getting a letter from the leader of north korea donald trump says that a much anticipated summit between washington and pyongyang will take place after all. and a florida jury awards only four cents compensation to the grieving family of a black man who was fatally shot in his own home by police we talk to the family. to tell three children that their pain and suffering their loss of
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a father is worth. this is your world news from international the united states has vetoed a u.n. resolution that calls for the protection of palestinian civilians on the gaza border america's own resolution the blame the islamist militant group hamas for the ballance failed to get any support at the u.n. . the draft has been submitted on behalf of arab nations the terrorist group hamas beyers primary responsibility with allusion of mention of israel five times yet you couldn't bring. your third dimension hamas even once. don't you know how to spell it all those against.
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final outcome of today's vote is extremely disappointing but unfortunately not surprising that this session is another missed opportunity for this council we are offering a separate resolution the text as proposed does not reflect a balanced and impartial approach to the israeli palestinian conflict it is some us that has incited violent acts we regret that the american text does not adequately reference israel's responsibilities and obligations with regard to guns the majority of those killed by israeli defense forces in recent weeks were members of the hamas terrorist group who's responsible for gaza between blockaded by air and sea israel it is some asset has attacked the very humanitarian access points into gaza but those in favor of please raise their hand.
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of the talking seems to get nowhere there have been months of deadly unrest on the israeli gaza border on friday a palestinian nurse and volunteer was killed by i.d.f. fire she was among the paramedics tending to the wounded protesters in gaza r.t. spoke to the head of the hospital emergency department where she was taken. just say that as a twenty one year old mom died due to a gunshot to the chest the bullet was lethal causing severe bleeding in the chest around the auteur so when her corpse was delivered to the hospital we were surprised by the piracy facing the medical crews being targeted just doing that u.t. to treat the wounded medical crews are doing a wonderful job and we thank them for that doing that for the people. received a response from the israeli defense forces concerning the civilians being targeted and they say the third really examining any cases including the death of the nurse
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however the i.d.f. also stressed that hamas under talking as ations deliberately putting civilians in danger the latest on the occupation protest on friday also saw at least a hundred people injured. tensions are running high where the palestinian protesters who are very close to the front in the israeli forces acting. on the only. limit of the time to do. more tear gas being fired and have seen protesters as you see. tear gas is literally thing the place but also targeting the palestinian prime minister and here's another injury that was just right now from the new defense for injuries are coming injuries after injuries and most of the injuries today are actually beat and that right leg that's how we saw more than fifteen injuries in the right leg that
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israelis diapers continue to target the palestinians with live i mean it's you know and i do see at that time i think are ready to take every three that arrives thousands of palestinians continue to participate in the great march of return for more than ten weeks now the palestinians are holding one message to the world that they. have the right to demand then they have a very depressed. during those now two month long protests at least one hundred sixteen palestinian protesters have been killed by i.d.f. soldiers at the border and according to the international red cross thirteen thousand palestinians have been injured more than three thousand of those wounded by live ammunition well now the organization is looking to boost its medical assistance program at least for the immediate term here's how that stacks up it's going to cost more than five million dollars over the next six months a model included two surgical teams they're expected to conduct around two thousand operations on top of that fifty bed surgical unit as well as extra paramedics and
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supplies here's how the red cross describes the humanitarian situation in gaza right now. the hospital simply cannot grasp or deal with a bigger influx of violence. if we see the same amount of wounded arriving in your speed doors as what we saw on the fourteenth of may and would simply have hundreds of patients leading to death in the parking lot. was. tanzan i've already lost some of their limbs and became amputees and follows arms have been wounded including several thousands by live ammunition that's something that is overwhelming for any health system in the world the axillary deterioration of the humanitarian situation has affected all speed tours as i think we'd all clean for
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a structure so the capacity of the system to cope with this new inflicts is extremely limited and this is why the a c r c he says well. its capacity to whence where we've as a medical kit needs you're in gaza. was. you know when you are you know spit or legs of palestinian red cross and a speedo and in thirty minutes eighty were been wounded arrive when you are in chief and in eight hours five hundred cases arrive this is something that is absolutely unmanageable in most call in paris in new york but even more in gaz are which is already civilly weakened and butter old place a very difficult humanitarian situation that prevails in history. humanitarian assistance is very nice and this is why we decided to act even
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more but on top of the absent of geopolitical really even decisions the situation we know only worsen and worse than guys are now working on the head of a cliff. donald trump has reaffirmed his commitment to meet with the leader of north korea for a peace summit this month it's after the american president revealed to journalists that he'd received a very nice letter from kim jong un the thing is it's not clear at this stage whether trump's actually read it. a letter was given to me by him you know and that letter was. very nice letter or would you like to see what was in that letter you know you like with how much how much how much it was a very interesting letter and i haven't seen the letter yet i purposely did not really. have an open i didn't open it in front of the director but whatever is in
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it that letter was passed to trump by a former north korean intelligence chief who was part of the p.r. nyang delegation in the united states talks between america and north korea shadowed for the twelfth of june in singapore that meeting that was earlier called off by trump due to what he called open hostility we boy her as her own take on what's going on. it looks like him may have a cop. probably possibly maybe in case you missed it is that a feel good story of the so much. donald trump and came to my bold on tenterhooks there are you know some great show the new justin and selena tameka just as attractive are you glad that these are the two men with that fingers on the button as big date palms june the twelfth but trump pulls it off saying that a friend told him said that he got it from someone else that came with saying mean things about the u.s. vice president or something like that what was particularly annoying for came with
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it just the day before when he turned around desperate he wrote to me stop the whole mountain wouldn't be from what he said on twitter it was actually true that there he dangled some hope of a few days later saying i truly believe north korea has brilliant potential and will be a great economic and financial nation one day and still knows how to lead it. but i wonder if these two just get together top teasing us from the trunk of wallets to commit to getting rid of it every day with no malice really the only other harm came john will be mindful of the fact that libby is no gadhafi agreed to do just that but a few years later was dragged from the drain i am sure so you can see the argument for keeping it cheeky little did to her and you know. that's a come on down old give the boy a chance to grow up a mountain be.
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