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tv   Keiser Report  RT  June 3, 2018 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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head of state to recognize the posing transitional council as libya's legitimate government issuing a death sentence to take up. by the way how are we going to spell khadafi is it with a g as a. consultant. with a q then the story of the fifty million euros started to come out gadhafi told french media that it's thanks to him he became president and so are cozy is mentally deficient that's not nice to call a politician we refer to them as. and in the french. i wouldn't say that he's mentally deficient but sarkozy did try to ban star closing blue dolls while touting him self as a champion of the free market the invisible hand can do no wrong until it starts poking with needles shukri gonna was libya's oil minister took notes on the
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three payments made to start closing in two thousand and twelve the french news website media part started to leak documents about the fifteen million votes one day later dunham's body was found in the danube river now officially the cause of death was a heart attack. where he just happened to be on a river and just happened to fall into the water you know a telltale symptom of a heart attack is being struck by a sudden desire to take a dip in one of the sixteen as seen on t.v. a lebanese arms dealer testified and worried enacted that he delivered. in suitcases to start closing but that can't be credible testimony in time to be and that's obviously a higher performer you know and maybe they should have gotten somebody better because he's not that good of a my. son because he denied the allegation that you received cash from libya to fine. and soon two thousand and seven campaign stated basics like you need. to do.
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what a disgrace. what on public television you know well aren't you ashamed to court a man who has been in prison if it looks. it was a yes or no question you could have just no last year u.k. parliamentary inquiry found that there was little hard evidence that could offer you was actually targeting civilians but you have to understand where nato is coming from. to doxy sounded pretty really angry in his speeches that was the evidence that they used to convince the world that he was indiscriminately slaughtering his citizens he was yelling france which an initiator of the military intervention was motivated by good nomic and political interests not humanitarian ones in other words african countries get global
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economic dominance basically continuing in the middle of the old pathway i mean we are at it best know that libya today is divided between three rival governments that seems like many governments and a myriad of armed groups backed by external powers like the u.a.e. and egypt that seems like too many proxy wars you know and security gap there's no time to do you know ok but before nato invaded libya had less of its population in poverty than the netherlands libyans had access to free healthcare education electricity and loans and women had great freedoms that had been a flop the u.k. had an inquiry france has this gregson investigation everyone's coming to terms with their past even the swedes confess swedish meatballs their national dish are actually a turkish recipe you know what those meatballs were to use to do a some. you know like might want sided dresser and my lopsided. but the u.s.
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remains in denial the truth is too anti-war for the mainstream media and too leftist for the left because apparently killing families far away is something everyone can get together and agree on you know it might not have been entirely a personal vendetta or an attempt to whitewash for cover ups are closing his campaign financing but it must be godly. reporting what was there that was there with their luggage at night. we have to go to a quick break but don't forget you can check out all of our videos at youtube dot com slash redacted tonight i make sure to follow us on twitter at redacted tonight we'll be right back. you never know what's around the corner never in the world seen the pub even. saw
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it and it's not and that's where the adrenaline in much comes from. and good news is going to move in the stream through all forms. of violence is a part of. the schizophrenia. where you can do all these things and behave like. they're born before the horoscope us a little more for the both of us both more social there's a loss. on this man and for him the real good on follows from the start. of a broader where no five really did a poll done that would have. meaning in these news that least if you don't like the evolves it's constantly evolving and.
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we have the privilege of being most of the united states. to see tools and many other alliances promoted by the west and the united states and particularly the members will we also have the privilege of being the most sanctioned. of that to any group of countries so it sounds contradictory it is going to be. about stunned this shows that pakistan will do what is in its national interest it will know it's just cool with the wind of one of us. welcome back what's upwards activists. for the record years
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ago i'm the one you came up with it's arm we're back to miss it was me you guys i vented it no big deal i also came up with the redactor hards that did not work out anyway this next topic i was aware of its existence of course but the sheer scale of it blew my mind it's poverty in america hears my breakdown. late last year professor philip alst in the united nations special rapporteur tour on extreme poverty and human rights spent two weeks busy in the united states to find out whether or not the existence of extreme poverty in america undermines the enjoyment of human rights by its citizens survey says he has it.
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according to alice than the united states is one of the world's richest most powerful and technologically innovative countries but neither its wealth nor its power nor its technology is being harnessed to address the situation in which forty million people continue to live in poverty forty million people that's the population of france. if you added twenty five million to it the population of france is actually sixty five million but forty million is still alive it's like seven ireland's. i should just drown with seven irelands to begin with. hey professor austan what is the biggest single challenge the biggest single challenge is to convey the sense that poverty itself is a violation of human rights what that really means is that it's a political choice that we make in different societies that we're not going to address extreme poverty would discount to let people languish in that condition
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amen those are insightful words about poverty i just didn't realize they were going to be coming from a guy who looks and sounds like the embodiment of old money not the judge a book by its cover but this guy vibe like he's in possession of golden coal oil ends from the era of king nebuchadnezzar of ancient babylon i suppose he's going to rich splaying poverty to all of us man i really have to stop being so judgmental. especially because alstom has a record of consistent impartiality which makes his statement un-american poverty all the more credible yeah i got to see past this guy's blinding whiteness yes i know i'm white too but not that white anyway during his mission the good professor went to alabama california west virginia texas d.c. and puerto rico impart he said i met with many people barely surviving on skid row
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in los angeles i witnessed a seven cisco police officer telling a group of homeless people to move on but having no answer when asked where they could move to i heard how thousands of poor people get minor infraction notices which seem to be intentionally designed to quickly explode into an able dead incarceration and the replenishment of municipal coffers that's right sadly it's incredibly expensive to be poor in america which is like the worst oxymoron i can think of. it's actually like the only oxymoron i could think of. i know there's other ones but it's hard to just like come up with them on the spot you know. jumbo sure am we're back on track now let's roll some really depressing statistics with ironically optimistic news. u.s.
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health care expenditures per capita are double the o.e.c.d. average and much higher than in all other countries but there are many fewer doctors and hospitals per person u.s. infant mortality rates in two thousand and thirteen are the highest in the developed world americans can expect to live shorter and sicker lives compared to people living in any other rich democracy u.s. the inequality levels are far higher than those in most european countries in terms of access to water and sanitation the u.s. ranks thirty sixth in the world plus a whole bunch of other horrible. this is shocking to me because i was always told that america is the greatest country in the world nobody ever told me america is the greatest country in the world at keeping people bowl or that's messed up and here's something else that puts the x. in american exceptionalism not to be confused with putting the x. x. x. in american exceptionalism. years ago i actually worked on the set of that video
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shoot trust me you can never own see the erotically a haunting image of a bald eagle furiously making love to a fredo pie while confederate civil war reactors pleasure themselves the zero dark thirty trailer in the background. ousting concludes in practice the united states is alone among developed countries insisting that while human rights are of fundamental importance they do not include rights they guard against dying of hunger dying from a lack of access to affordable health care or growing up in a context of total deprivation at the end of the day particularly in a rich country like the usa the persistence of extreme poverty is a political choice made by those in power with political will it can readily be eliminated so why are we eliminating it where's the political will more specifically where's all the money going i'll give you
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a heads it rhymes with irrational nonsense yep you guessed it national defense. weight military intelligence there's another odd similar or i was. so i don't have time to delve into all the ways that are waging of endless war and military spending is bankrupting the country but i do have time to lip sync eisenhower. and not even the go to military industrial complex farewell speech i've got a deep work on for you all from his nine hundred fifty three chance for peace speech and him. every gun that you meet every war you're wrong
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every rocket fired signifier in the final green. room both are not going to go to work. and are not good. wow eisenhower's words still ring true today and that was really empowering to do but strike trump axed i am remember one person walked into a room when he was supposed to go this way and he said he was going this way and he walked in and he went this way and everyone said what happened. that was less empowering it was more like a freaky stroll down dementia road reporting from downtown l.a. john if redacted tonight i never want to lip sync again ever i was scared is essence was going to like seep into my brain somehow and then i'd
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have to be trouble to. go anyway i am thrilled to now be joined by my fellow redacted correspondence natalie mcgill and they only care of on the let me ask you this natalie so you did a story about prisons that was very informative very funny also incredibly infuriating are there any aspects of this story that you didn't get to go yeah so obviously there's this concern about the expanded role that private prisons are going to play in the midst of all these b o p budget cuts and last week the house of representatives they passed a bill called the first step act this allows nonviolent offenders with good time so-called good time credits to serve the rest of their days in a halfway house or home confinement even honor and stuff like that but since the d.o.j. reduced funding for halfway houses there's this concern particularly among democratic lawmakers that these are going to be run by private prison companies instead this
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was sounding like a positive thing at first tentatively but i knew if i just sat there and listen long enough that something awful was going to go. they owe me you. grew revealed a lot about the bizarre relationship between gadhafi and sort of cozy you want to talk about some things that you didn't have time to fit into your segment ok how much time do i have now. thirty minutes to an hour because i can really go on forever yes in two thousand and three khadafi ended his diplomatic isolation and first visited france as. mentioned in the piece he was best friends with sarkozy before even when he. was just a minister in the french government and then when he ran for president khadafi helped to help him fund the campaign. but anyways it's interesting that in twenty eleven the whole oh western countries turned against gadhafi even though everybody
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had a friendship with him in the u.k. and now documents are coming out the u.k. the m i six was cooperating with gadhafi to torture victims so they would just. soak it up he would basically buy weapons from european countries and he would also cooperate with intelligence from other countries and help torture people as well so khadafi was. you know part of the. you know part of the crimes that we were committing to. rights what i want to say is naomi thank you guys very much for joining me for this very special all correspondence episode. you guys are amazing that's our show but we have started posting daily news updates and exclusive videos at redacted tonight. you can also get them by
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texting the word redacted to four four four nine nine nine it's free in the u.s. and check out our podcast moment of clarity it's free on i tunes and stitcher until next time goodnight and good friday. july twenty second to. the freelance journalist working with. militants in syria. so the sector focus has established a solid answer to the will of. the reporters. the sake of the truth and through that piece you can submit to your published works in a video or written format until june twelfth go to a t.v. dot com. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest on the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then
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. fifty years ago breaking and within to come together as a sleeping pill and does this is what i mean because octets does. the scientific sweat terrible but not on the road as shown in dutch one troubled love. war. across europe victims are starting legal battles demanding at least some compensation in something in two ways first will the physical damage itself as well there's a constant reminder that the people who actually perpetrated this crime has never been the justice and there's been a couple of. the
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. palestinians mourn the death of a nurse shot by israeli forces on the gaza border while treating injured protesters also. letter was given to me by kim young children's oh would you like to see what was in that letter all your life with how much how much like how much after receiving a letter from the leader of north korea donald trump says a summit with him will take place after. a florida jury awards four cents in compensation to the family of a black man shot and killed in his own home by police heard from the families. who have to tell three children that their pain and suffering their loss of a father is only worth
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a penny. they're broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is our international i'm sean thomas glad to have with us. the palestinians are mourning the death of a nurse killed by israeli soldiers during protests on the gaza border on friday here is a video of her soon before she died. she also said if you come. and visit. and there's nothing better how are you going to miss sasa possibly. miss some. kind of moving off and stop being. so that i. thought to put them on the left some.
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people have been posting pictures of rose on. twitter and expressing their condolences the young nurse was among the paramedics tending to wounded palestinians at an anti occupation rally gaza based journalist and kodori attended the funeral. we are now in the funeral of her son and no shot at twenty one year old palestinian female that was shot by the israelis night raised yesterday on the tenth week of the great much of return rest that was so when she was trying to rescue the lot of the palestinian protester that was shot by the israeli snipers near the front has been volunteering as a paramedic for ten weeks of the great much of return she has been working as a volunteer for more than two months thousands of hundreds of females palestinian paramedics palestinian journalist palestinian female all mourning her death everyone is so. sad this is filling the place. my daughter was shot by israeli forces they deliberately targeted her it wasn't around it was
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a sniper they knew she was a paramedic she was the first female paramedic in the field she used to buy medicine for the injured who couldn't afford their own treatment knows that i was with her son when she was killed we were trying to get the injured from the fans when the israelis tossed approaching their snipers target us with tear gas we were suffocating and then they started to shoot randomly one of the bullets entered us his results chest result was pointing to her back and then she fell to the floor our message is a humanitarian one we go to the border to rescue injured people we are unarmed we're wearing paramedic uniform and we have is medical tools and that sent to help the injured twenty one year old died due to a gunshot to the chest the bullet was lethal causing severe bleeding in the chest around the eye or. when her corpse was delivered to the hospital we were surprised by the barbarity facing the medical crews being targeted just doing their duty to
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treat the wounded medical crews are doing a wonderful job and we thank them for that doing that for their people or to ask the israeli military for a comment they replied to that they investigate all reports of civilian deaths but that hamas is to blame for deliberately putting civilians in danger hours after we received that statement the i.d.f. said it had struck ten hamas sites in response to rockets fired from gaza into israel. now earlier the u.s. vetoed a u.n. resolution calling for the production of palestinian civilians on the gaza border and washington put forward its own draft blaming hamas for the violence but it failed to get any support at the security council. the draft has been submitted on the nations the resolution offered by kuwait represents a grossly one sided view it would kuwait a resolution. reflects the current situation terrorist group hamas bears primary
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responsibility for the awful living conditions in gaza. poses the main threat to palestinian and israeli civilians hamas is a major and pediment to pete use a response song who is responsible for gases being beseeched by year and she and if not having access to basic necessities is ridiculous it is hamas that has consistently diverted humanitarian assistance into military infrastructure who is responsible for the detention of hundreds of palestinian children and is room united nations sides with terrorists over israel as the kuwait resolution does. including. those against. a separate resolution the text as proposed just not reflect the balanced and
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cultural approach to the israeli palestinian conflict and we regret that the american does not adequately reference israel's responsibilities and obligations with regard to this resolution rightly places responsibility where it belongs those in favor of. this session there is another missed opportunity for this council. the meeting is adjourned. well since the so-called march over turn began two months ago at least one hundred sixteen palestinian protesters have been killed by i.d.f. soldiers according to the red cross thirteen thousand palestinians have been injured many of them by live ammunition the organization is now boosting its medical assistance program in the area and the initiative will cost more than five million dollars over the next six months it includes two surgical teams which are
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expected to conduct two thousand operations also a fifty bed surgical unit as well as additional paramedics and supplies here's how the red cross describes the humanitarian situation in gaza. the hospital or simply cannot grasp or deal with a bigger influx of violence. if we see the same amount of wounded arriving in your speech doors as what we saw on the fourteenth of may and would simply have hundreds of patients leading to death in the parking lot was. tens of have already lost some of their limbs and became amputees and follow zones have been wounded including several thousands by live ammunition that's something that is overwhelming for any help system in the world the accelerated deterioration of the humanitarian situation has affected all
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speed doors as ethically that all came frustrate troops so the capacity of the system to cope with this if we were new influx is extremely limited and this is why v.a. c r c he says well. its capacity to whence where we've as a medical kit needs you're in gaza was. you know when you are in a speech or eggs of palestinian records in the speedo and in fifteen minutes eighty weapon when did arrive when you're in chief and in eight hours five hundred cases arrive this is something that is absolutely unmanageable in most schools in paris and new york but even more in gaz are which is already civilly weakened and butter of the place a very difficult humanitarian situation that prevails in history. was
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. humanitarian assistance is very nice and this is why we decided to act even more but on top of don't. absent of geopolitical really wrong decisions the situation really only will only worsen doesn't know he's working on the edge of a cliff. donald trump has confirmed that he will meet with the leader of north korea later this month that was after the president received what he called a very nice letter from kim jong il and although it was not clear whether trump had actually read it. the letter was given to me by him you know and that letter was. very nice letter or would you like to see what was in that letter. with how much how much for the call much but it was a very interesting letter and i haven't seen the letter you know i purposely didn't
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know. i haven't opened i didn't open it in front of the director. or the letter was passed to trump by a former north korean intelligence chief who was part of the delegation in the u.s. the summit is due to take place on june twelfth in singapore it was earlier called off by trump and due to what he called open hostility toward his point boyko brings you her take on the stormy relationship between trump and kim it looks like trump and kim may have caught up. possibly maybe in case you missed that feel good story of the south. don't look around. there are you know some rate thing you just didn't send me you know i'm not getting as i try to argue that these are the two men with that. big date june twelfth.


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