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tv   Documentary  RT  June 3, 2018 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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associated capital your clients this amplifies moves i did happen to speak to a former oil analyst for goldman sachs and he was saying this about the oil markets is that you should take billions of dollars to move the oil markets now it takes like one hundred million dollars and you could move the price partly because of the new regulations about how much are basically there's not enough inventory the market makers no longer are are in this market is they need to hold collateral against their positions right so what's the market telling us they'll say the market's telling us that we need to expand the liquidity and the inventory of the market makers in the bond arena which means that we have to reduce the banks a law they keep certain amount of minimum liquidity on their balance sheet we need to leverage the banks more because after they destroyed the globe in two thousand and eight and were bailed out by twenty dollars and then some very minimal new was came in about it keeping inventory and liquidity on your balance sheet they decided
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you know what jamie dimon needs another billion dollars lloyd blankfein even though a billion dollars so we need to roll back those regulations that could be even less on their books in a leverage economy even more and of anyone protests of the populist political uprising the market tells us that there must be cures disabuse of this notion this is market fundamentalism you know how different the jihadi is this market is yachties and something to be fair my personal opinion about those regulations is that we didn't need any new regulations because what the banks did was already illegal to smash and grab assets from individuals and pension funds was against the law i believe and they created these new regulations and were to pretend to the population that something was being done and that this that what happened was so unique and new and not and had never been known before but it was simple old fashioned crimes of finance so that was just a distraction but i do. believe that those regulations did have an impact
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particularly on smaller banks banks of the world are as we see tumbling have been very leveraged and there is no reduction in leverage for them and we see that in their market action but i also do want to say and i did say i would get to the start this chart shows why early vote and italy could would hardly produce different results italian electorate has seen little in way of wealth gain since your own creation while g.d.p. per capita is much higher in germany for italy are means below where it was upon euro creation this is by a bank of america merrill lynch this is germany this is italy as you see this is the introduction of the euro they weaved in lockstep together after the introduction of the euro but g.d.p. per capita since the financial crisis since these new regulations since the e.c.b. stepped into the markets and started buying certain bonds and and favoring certain participants over other germany has done well italy has done badly and you are not is that they're not for they are search google and you old x. times or germany or strike and play exactly what's happened the last five years as
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i predicted well we have to go to the break but when we come back we're going to be doing a whole lot more so don't go away. you never know what's around the corner you never know what's in the pub you can control excitement it's that not knowing that's where the adrenaline in much comes from. it is a real point it makes dreams through. violence is a part an example mars a schizophrenia. where you can do these things and behave well past.
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important people of course but before all. of those more so for the last. one this may and infirm. will get done for less than a start. over broader when the fight for your own really beautiful don't want to fulfill your. duties in his brief if you don't involve this constantly evolving and. welcome back to the kaiser report imus times are time now to go to south africa and speak with abraham cambridge of the sun exchange it's a new black chain company that got its start encrypt a few years ago and start join dot com
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a site that i found it so i'm very special interesting in this story it's an amazing story abraham welcome back to science and a long time coming so it's going to show you thanks for having me all right super you know there's one phrase pops out when talking about this story solar powered money which just shot to me from the very beginning and then you guys for many years a few years now so tell us a little bit about the study exchange. yes i moved to south africa or in two thousand. two thousand and fourteen is where the soviet industry in the u.k. and u.k. is not known for its sun as you well know because i saw his sort of history that was very much supported boys government subsidy and policy when i moved to south africa where there is a lot of sunshine there is no solar panels or he's that wasn't when i moved in on his beauty down to lack of access to funding for businesses and communities to go soeda out at the same time i was really getting into court and i are processions
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where fred is going to set a business up in voce so good so your energy i protect carcassi because the two things eyesores so complementary you go to decentralized any system that we're trying to build let's build it using a decent sized financial system because bitcoin is glue and universal any one of the world can now own a solar panel that's located on a roof here in south africa and the site is ideal set up to allow just up and knowing individuals anywhere in increments of less than ten dollars buy in and then lease oem so sells to factories businesses schools whatever whoever needs access to clean it who solar power of which there is no shortage all that's what's on exchange that's right to connect people who want to go silent to people that need to go sort of right and i love this story for so many different reasons first of all reminds me of a quote from buckminster fuller the talked about how earth gets a thousand times more energy every day from the sun than it is this you know there's an amazing amount of energy that comes and and the solar energy market is
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evolving quite rapidly and the cost of solar panels us dropping like microchips a cost of dropped over the heiress and some marrying these two industries a crypt. calling and solar you have a fantastic marriage that is disrupting a couple of industries simultaneously as to something the energy business and us to stop paying you could say the currency beza simultaneously i could talk a little bit about that. yes i mean if you look at that it was cool that level life cost of energy star how much a kilowatt hour of electricity is worth. so to parse out the cheapest form of power on the planet when you have lots of sunlight in here in south africa so but energy is now cipa due to this heat produced co co how so cheap a cold how about what great for what amazing pressure we just crossed is a civilization that we can now produce and if you directly from the sun more efficiently than through burning fossil fuels i mean what pray for is also i don't
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like currency so i i mean i mean totally i mean we've now got this is this this system to connect anyone to a solar panel any were going to somewhere else you know this is universal resources sunlight and now people get access by the bus was also using this universal financial let me go. right so again this is truly remarkable in many ways because the sun is a is energy and energy is currency you know we live in a world that runs on energy and that energy right now is dominated by hydrocarbons and the oil industry and as being now replaced by renewables and solar and sound the sun exchange allows for that currency that already exists it's called the sun the sun is already generating a currency called energy so some exchanges are allowing people to actually
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develop a passive income of cryptocurrency krypto income that bus from the sun right away i visualize it with we're converting photons into electrons into digital money and then it gets sent to wherever he's go and then goes about this the money gets converted so what the next stage of the process whatever the recipient of digital cards he wants to use with it and interesting one can even vision that we. united since we since he started this of the energy to moan the pick or network of becoming more and more over the topic but is actually people forget this sort of power once it's once you've been in finance this is producing energy for free for ever on the next twenty five years so if you were to finance a so-so with coining the big wigs and get destroyed duckies on circulating what we have done is created twenty four home is where the posted energy busts so what we did what we had to do is people who have cribs are converted into sort of cells
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because you will then creating a positive energy balance and thus creating an entirely new framework for growth for global economy you've got these post if the public saw it states know you can cost just sunlight so sells her cards he minds those things combine could roam into our financial system right abraham you know we have been in the crypt of businesses twenty eleven covering it quite extensively the first in the world to decide and we have looked at many projects we've seen hundreds of projects probably even thousands of projects but we have decided to give you guys a big come on board as advisors because this is truly a fantastic marriage of crypto and a monetary need and a utility value i mean this is this is talk a little bit about the utility value how it works this is genuinely a fantastic marriage of crypt al and and it and
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a banking model that's truly remarkable so talk a little bit about the fact that this really is a utility because energies are utility you know people pay their energy bill they pay their utility bill in this is this is utility application correct yes i mean the people of whom i hear. so much talk about what chain this blow chain that but very very few projects get to see an energy project is commercially operating in such a. is is the only one aware of that you could anyone actually use today and the reason why no he said today's we're not trying to reinvent the wheel will it be using the big point as a payment system for distributing valley's from a some of the panel in one country to there are others though silent annals in other countries and as well as what's operating. it is that that come a war going to war is that there are certainly i mean let me let me let me jump ahead so the sun exchange is currently working with the u.n. development program on a pilot program to bring cellar to the university in moldova tell us about that
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program why moldova and how exactly does a stock exchange set up that work yeah i mean that the objective of the science changes to it and they do so to projects to go ahead that previously what what. we're talking about projects that are less than a metal box so what would be considered in the commercial going industrial sector of the solar market which in a market like the united states and germany and i said there was like thirty percent of the industry but totally absent in emerging markets and the reason why is that true conventional institute investors are not willing to invest in that scale project and too small and they're also too big to be financed off balance sheet by the consumer of energy so it was a very specific financial systems are becoming in place to actually fill that gap and so this changes motor with twenty eight leases of commercial so dongs which guarantees low cost energy but the they would otherwise be paying and this is a no whom up front cost so we're running a project at the moment sort of how about
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a factory that manufactures bottles out of recycled plastic says here in cape town is a half a megawatt project the problem with this factory is a much cheaper a kong accessing will power from the grid it's not available when coming in and deploying a home for megawatt solar panels on that roof no upfront cost of them saving that money on a utility bill and those are battles getting so this is a solution for it there's a merging markets to go so it's. goes further yes me ok great. abraham you are doing and i see it initially in offering full disclosure and warnings need to be stated here so i'm an advisor to the company anyone watching should take that into account and do their own research right so we're not giving financial advice regulators of course are all over the i.c.l. market how has that impacted your fund raise yes i.
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see if anyone getting a vote with our i.c.a.o. needs to make sure that it is bear and if they qualify as an investor in the united states or any other jurisdiction where that is required but is it what we have issued is a utility token what we mean by that is not to your rewards token. we creating a rules program and anyone who's using the sun exchange can sun x. as they buy so sells and as they make small decisions and it was socially and not proof idea who won the most on it's the platform the high that it discounts and bonuses all and any sonics accumulated could be staked into a solar projects insurance fund for emerging markets and whilst they state that token they were zeb's with twenty percent paid in sonic's now the i.c.a.o. has pre-selling these woods tokens so getting them without a significantly reduced cost me would be a acquirable fruit program itself and in a much easier way so that's just
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a proposition for that the officers present in the rewards tokens and giving the boy easy and instant access to a maximum utilization size range buffalo and state the minnesota project insurance fund which is something that's needed i mean the problem with solar projects is that if the end consumer stops paying that bill then the project is devoted so this insurance fund is to create a buffer so in the event of a solar plant or fonteyn we can to cover the cost of relocating the soldiers at each when you cite. with a new office i cannot specific people but the fun is. right you know not a great feature and i once again as i've said love the project love the idea but when it comes to investments everybody needs to do their own research and i'm not giving that's one advice now abraham you're doing this on the bitcoin block chain which is unique because usually hear about these things on the assyrian block chain but it's on the on the on the big block and can speak a little bit about that well actually the sun exposure could easily all see
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transcripts of currency on the if they were low chain no one sits a little show on bruce talk on the big one but it wasn't ready at the time or we don't we all would be delighted to. make that happen right now because in the aussie transcripts are current we all used the big one gold chain for the rental payments so has people from buying so so for about will they are getting paid in between we've made make payments every day every month and we get it down to a resolution where we can do that in real time so we've got ahold of our technology roadmap is implementing the lightning network having a lightning node so we can actually stream the big queen in real time from point to production to the mode was so so as well it so that's our goal is to stream monetize on showing and bigger bloke with lighting and actually made was that not what we are working towards ok that's great hopefully can stay on for a second segment but just to recap here sonic stance best player using i think
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that's a brilliant explanation as you say you're converting photons into electrons into crept out and so anybody can buy into an income producing solar panel scheme to help anybody who needs energy so they are bringing about this network a fact and killing two legacy industries at the same time the hydrocarbon industry and the banking industry both get punched in the face. which we love to say anyway we got to go but thanks for being on the kaiser report thanks max and stacy great yet all right i also have you on for a second segment that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report was made by guys or in states like to thank our guest abraham cambridge of some exchange of your outrageous on twitter it's kaiser report and so next time but you know.
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about your sudden passing i've only just learned you worry yourself in taking your last wrong turn. to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath . but then my feeling started to change you talked about more like it was again still some more fun to feel those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it's one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind it's consumed with death this one defines speak to us there are no other takers. claimed that mainstream media has met its maker. fifty years ago
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pregnant women to come together as a sleeping pill or does this is what i mean because our two of us would share this thought the side effects were terrible but not all known as short induction and football will be here not the war. across europe victims are starting legal battles demanding at least some compensation. in two ways first will the physical damage itself as well with the constant reminder that the people who actually perpetrated this crime has never been before the justice and there's been a couple of. you
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never know what's around the corner you never know what's in the pub you're going to walk and you never know who's going to be there and it's the excitement it's that not knowing that's where the adrenalin much comes from through. only going is a means by definition and extremes to all for your support because you're prepared to fight for the reputation and name of your football club. the violence is a part of it and it's almost a schizophrenia gang culture like it's a part time gang culture where you can do all these things and be a god that. i.
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believe in islam is that least if i mean evolves it's constantly evolving. vertebral market zero zero. zero zero over towards zero. despite owning three restaurants he still prefers to tenderize and grill me to himself it isn't just his stuff and clients who called him the shelf shelf is the
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nickname of the founder of the wise men from gothenburg one of the most violent gangs of football hooligans in europe. back down extremity and into heaven anyways it was promising to sock it to football he wanted a family and everything install calm about it and now it's all more violent supporters and for them yes it was kind of easy targets for thought in doing trips over there risking pubs you know just to rest people and a few us finally had enough and like ok it will fight back. from me and it's more like self defense most of my view and sort of we've had to do this is that it is more office started going to trips abroad. i mean standing up i read stall or wrecked stuff i was stabbing was it stand in the face of the floor is a small like old school fighting storming pogs closing each other you know rewards you know people are using sticks and knives and bottles and everything would be
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going to get your hands on chairs now it's more violent but there roylance was more respect and we didn't have any leads and actually want to kill each other. and indiana if i die well you know he's actually died now it's more sportsmanship well for this fight. i don't i don't. i. i. might. get together on haunted posters both stated tykes foreignness wrong sixty plus and. when a young you really have to show yourself you have to participate in all the fights you have to go to games. or if i think it's really important if you and i will be along you can play can blame oh my girlfriend don't want to go we had to go. thank you.
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for the unfussy fight maybe six times a year i mention be too old to get away six times a year well. up these days you're going to have to train at least three times a week just so you won't cheat you up on my show you know i mean i've got to take out daughter twenty five the strongest try to sell me trying to foist on us my father to the team so you don't want to have someone who's just hanging over. the phone oh. no oh well.
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almost everyone uses to much show some training distanced. center of the base is starbucks and saying and i'm in may and i'm going to we tried to train together here. granted he did i think we see on monday for when they come where they would go you know that's going to try to get to the numbers with him playing with a piece and stuff like that so it's different every day. because sometimes we both are secluded gathering and sometimes we need to be in the central time if they want before or there may be a year later but there's they want to fart in time and we miss the group but also. the best way to find them there so if we're stuck. or just follow them to
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do something not to let them know before today most of the game it depends. we think there is still. the pub so we don't have a team firefighters on plus us with on third person and usually it's about the one two three minutes. we. get them. on the ground or they run away out there to save on business and so technical it's more about sceptical numbers feel some one on em games yeah rayman bang and everything so if we stand up we will start to. take a little bit of you know that it was an interesting. because it's a whole a club thing from scandinavia that probably the most crazy i think sony one of the most right wing fans. that's quite scary.
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if some of the extreme for. the wise men and badly boys such all of those guys it is all about the fight becomes about the confrontation clubs know every game but when you've got a local rivalry it will be if there is any violence it will be about who comes out on top.
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and. for the left it up a different image of the one in. the greek capital is divided into zones of influence between the greens and the reds and i said i goes into libya because supporting hooligans. are just like every day something a bit different. but. you know if i got down to long after the yes no amounts they come on the way down the same but if a comment go. that's what they want to. but i will make a start of it on the some of your limit on the gov some of the listings on essential scott's family and we sample moscow this is the world like you but i
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think it's a phenomenon in the next eleven so i don't know. why do we keep only become a focus a little bit on what we should be paying for you all going bust was an essential that's going on us that. steve only got the one without the long term this last one let us alone the. second i'm going to get on with it but the author might make it that way saying if get in last you know it's a confluence of the body's most. not going to do this and others like i could see so i don't think i'm one of the things you've got to psych. the we don't have them we don't. want to the full thirty no no if this is. just what they look. after thing on attacks on some of you it's use this. to. make you so much like i thought i've done my duty.
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said officer. of s. four hundred a month and a special almost on a fair amount of. rivalry between the fans of two athens based clubs nothing like us has become a war of attrition that has raged for decades the conflict has seen dozens of young greeks mutilated and even killed. every athens dumby provoke street fights in southern europe the fair play rules between hooligans are brayley observed the way a motorcycle helmets fight with sticks steel rods and often knives to. michelle for most of their own will.


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