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tv   Sophie Co  RT  June 4, 2018 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

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and you get feedback all the time when i was in government i used to get through the press very open. criticism critiques and suggestions and what have you. i think what is more important is knowing what you want to do knowing what you believe and knowing what your principles are and your major priorities and then that i spent a lot of time publicly sharing them over the media events. physical move meetings with groups of people every day the schedule had ten to fifteen meetings every day so people asked when do you do the thinking that's a good question it's a constant process absolutely but did you ever think of coming back to the pakistani politics actively i mean you do great stuff my kind was economy i'm not a politician i'm a technocrat and. that's why. to some extent. and my working style was very different eighteen hours a day seven days
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a week and. then but since i was elected i had a constituency for the election almost got killed in the process as you would know and so on and so forth so it was a unique set up which was tailor made for that time so i want to take some of your views and. maybe suggestions so what's going to happen after the election i spoke to him down hon not long ago he struck me as someone very charismatic but also very smart and someone who knows what he's talking about what do you think of his chances of becoming prime minister would he be the right person for your country i think to me the right person would be whoever wins the vote at the ballot box if you believe in democracy and if you believe in the. responsibility and ability of the people to express their view the leader they will select has to be the chief executive of the country he has elected
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a good team of people as you know one person cannot run all the affairs of the state and there are other parties too we have three main parties and then there are a lot of other important parties who have religious leanings who have other job graphic connections in certain part of the country and i think all leaders will. have to present their point of view to the public the public is much more politically conscious today than it ever was then again i give credit to the media if you look at the penetration of media in the country it has gone up exponentially which is very very positive so in terms of principal parties the current party which is the pm will and has a big footprint and i'm sure they'll be active and incumbency can be a plus and minus that time will tell. then you have. the. people's party they have
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a following too and. then you have b.t.i. which is mr party the you are more attracted to a party like that. they have. to run the province which is a very good thing i think this whole concept of political parties running the province for them going at the national level is a healthy concept because you get to understand the organs of the state and what makes things happen and what makes things not happen so i think the of but experience now than they ever did people's party has run the federal government and the provincial government have sinned and be a million has run but jobs are largest problems and of course at the national level they have been active so all these components of. the state have their own dynamics and their own sort of approach to handle that or to say that body it will
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come will be will come for me sitting in living abroad and not breathing the every day would be unfair but i can i'm really confident that the electoral process will be quite transparent again media is very important but you can't stop them somewhat aspartame except for the internal pakistani problem as well so touched upon whatever is going on right now between pakistan america at the fact that america is accusing pakistan of sponsoring terrorist groups and maybe thinking of putting pakistan on a temporary. terrorist sponsor list also cutting aid to pakistan oh that so he said to me you know maybe american sanctions will hurt the country but following the american line will hurt pakistan in the long run even more what do you think i suppose you know his the history of pakistan u.s. relations can be. go back since park was formed as you may know we were the most we
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have the privilege of being the most allied of the united states sent to see to and many other alliances promoted by the west and the night states in particular we've been members oh we also have the privilege of being the most sanctioned. of that to any group of countries so while it sounds contradictory it is contradictory and this shows that pakistan will do what is in its national interest it will not just go with the wind one way or the other and if it means disagreeing with a friend or some other stakeholders if that is what national interest desires that will be done you cannot always be. agreeing on every issue in the book so i feel very confident that our press is free it's plays a pretty active role parliament is active the debates etc that forms and influences
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public opinion so all that all those factors being. the the executive which is the government question and then decide what suits national interests as regards us back standardisation it's i think boxed on as a country. has shown to the us that when they really needed help after the situation. reached a stage which was. needed to be managed. sacrificed a lot we gave them bases we give them a move fly i still want you to find that the war in afghanistan is costing pakistan a lot the remnants of that whole election is pakistan alone our people are dying up the. infrastructure is affected are there money stand yeah absolutely so i think this is. dialogue is needed and now us as a new government so i haven't had experience with the trumpets. ministration but
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with president bush and his team. i thought they were very balanced and it is reasonable and i'm sure the current government would also be the same way we have to make our case so if you don't mind i'd like to touch upon few points of us pakistan relations pakistan has recently posed travel restrictions on us diplomats and that's an answer of yours restriction to pakistan diplomats working working in washington do you think it's just a diplomatic tit for tat or is this a sign of a wider crisis between us but i know this is this was started by the state department the united states and this standard norm whether it's pakistan or any other country that if somebody puts restrictions on your diplomats in that country you at least at least will have the same restrictions on them in the host country. this should never happen because once you have accurate it'd
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a diplomat to work on the within the confines of the country abiding any security location where nobody's allowed you should have reciprocity and allow them to function there's no point there coming into the country being a diplomat and they can travel after it to a certain area or after a certain type so i'm against these rules i see what's going on it's really pakistan's decision to apply the same. restrictions i think is correct in the sense that it's reciprocal nobody can say we're not allowing our people to go wherever they want to go and you shouldn't go anywhere and i think the very essence of diplomacy is contact and connectivity. and if you get that you are really sub reaching a sub optimal level in your diplomatic interaction so it doesn't help either side there are no winners or losers in this game it's a win win or lose lose at the same time you sat us pakistan relations were always
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complicated and at the same time just recently state department has called pakistan an ally and war on terror and that's after i think one mention that he wants to put pakistan on a temporary terrorist sponsor list cutting aid this diplomatic spat so it's almost is like it's sending mixed signals to pakistan how should pakistan in print interpret this only pakistan should raise the ante even more my personal advice to the leaders and leadership and foreign ministry is to raise the issue probably more actively in the press the united states is a very open society and we must get to all the stakeholders through media through one on one interaction etc and the u.s. culture doesn't mind if you are open and blunt and they're not shy they have seen all the issues and neither are people shy so i think we should be more more
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articulate and sort of open about it use the media use civil society groups us is a very open society so you can go to many think tanks and get your view explain and it sort of filters through to you can go to the press which is different than think tanks you can go to other civil society groups who may or may not have influence and that's how you get. closer to the country and get your point across every country must know the stakeholders in the other country they want to interact with and know how what is the best key to open that door that's what diplomacy is all about so i think buck son is doing it but the. probably. mr as will then take a short break right now when we're back we'll continue talking to. former prime minister stay with us.
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i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of the global wealth you long to be ultra rich eight point six percent market saw a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred trade per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one one business shows you can afford to miss the one and only pool
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by. joining me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest on the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. movie. child's seemed wrong on one old rule just all. the world is yet to shape our disdain because to add to it and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. truth.
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radially reinforced rammed earth bricks is what they really are. there's more than seventy houses about one hundred forty people with families living there. it's really a way of forming say a man. their sons coming in and heating their house and being stored in massive walls. sagebrush is the natural environment here but as we are containing the sewage and and using the plant sort of to process the sewage we create our own little way says here.
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and we're back talking to shell pakistan's former prime minister mr aziz china is another huge topic it has promised to invest fifty seven billion dollars in pakistan it already has become number one or number one seller to the country it has an issue to trilateral talks between pakistan and afghanistan now to my view this kind of help never comes for free there are always strings attached what do you think what what would pakistan has to do in my response i have been closely involved in. china activity in my eight years
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in government first as finance minister who is the prime minister and. as a professional. coming from the financial sector you know. i didn't get involved for any personal gain or benefit i always get involved for my country's benefit. and i found them very professional very understanding of our situation so in my experience and i'm still active. and i visit china regularly i can't look you in the. there's no sinister or hidden agenda on either side on the one one draw why would you complain if you are living in a house in this beautiful city of st petersburg and if somebody wants to build a connecting that city to the rest of the country or even another country why would you complain and obviously you will pay the money bags
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a lot of it is funded by loans but if you've been wanting to do that work for developing countries resources are difficult to come by so here you have. to improve domestic travel for your people and if you build roads if you build if you will water storage is generation is another area back on is short of power why would i complain now it's fashionable to find sinister. objectives in any good thing happening to a country but i can i can do this is people so watch out what's the agenda the agenda is peace progress and prosperity that's all ok so here maybe you are a true technocrat i agree you're being very technical about things but i want to talk more in chip political terms. if what you're saying is true and there's really no strings attached that brings the chances of pakistan and china being even closer as friends as an alliance even more so if that alliance happens do you feel like.
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we will see some of the breaking away completely from washington no i was just coming to that but you interrupted me which is that none none of this is directed against a third country not just washington there are many of the stakeholders in. all what we're doing is for our own good if you if somebody can come and convince me that you are adding thousand megawatts of power. by building a dam and that will that has some will to motive against say our neighboring countries be it india. etc. i would be the first to say that's not the case so if i'm getting better roads better infrastructure better connectivity better digitise asian there's nothing technocrat of geopolitical about this it is simply your friends want you to be more stable more strong and that's how you get alliances not alliances in
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a formal way sometimes they're asked to choose their small oil to someone oh they're also selling their goods. all a lot of the it is tied usaid chinese they this sell their material to you and frankly if i need generation capability and if a particular country is giving me export credit right then china also does that russia has also given us loans when they built the steve milligan karate they were the actually they the soviet union at the time built our first statement with a loan and we paid because i was in finance i knew exactly what was going on so the point is we tend to look for the hidden agendas and my view is that the agendas are all open of course if a particular country gives you a couple of billion dollars to build infrastructure their clout in the country
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increases but they're also selling their goods they're also generating goodwill and to me in the ecosystem you build for diplomacy all these things add to the brand of the relationship between the two countries and then there's also iran right and the deal is on the verge of collapse united states is actually trying to slap sect slap sanctions anyone who continues is a business with iran pakistan has boosted its trade cooperation with their own lately costly gas pipeline plans do you think all of that could be in jeopardy now do you think like. pakistan will still continue doing business was iran regardless of their ads to sanction countries doing business with it so you would not care about america no ask me interested as a sanction from the u.n. or america we will then have a dialogue with them and see what the sanctions are we contributing. in
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the process of looking at sanctions by not following the we are doing something which is somebody dances no we have to buy that. someplace so we buy it from our neighbor and the each case is different in nature of sanctions sanctions the loose . the type of sanctions imposed and very it gets very technical so obviously if there's a un resolution saying you've got to do something then we can do something but it's bilateral the flexibility is very much there. is the peace in afghanistan is a never ending topic for pakistan negotiated peace in afghanistan seems like what the afghans themselves are supporting right. when you talk about u.s. pakistan relations are being extremely diplomatic other pakistani politicians much less they seem like. they seem to think that maybe the relationship between the two
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countries could be on the verge so if there is a collapse between these two countries in their relationship can there be a consolidated peace process involving all actors i don't know what other people say but i can tell you what i say here is that i have a pretty good understanding of the us also having lived worked for us for thirty years and. the us has a point of view but i think we can do business with the u.s. i think there are many ways to build that relationship the way the key to good financial management in today's environment is have options have different avenues to get to the same objective and u.s. is not the only option it is an important option and we have always said we want closer relations and we want to excuse me grow our linkages with them but if it doesn't meet our national interest nobody can authorize it to be done so i think to give a general sort of or have a general view that anything the u.s.
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does will hurt pakistan is not true there's a lot of stuff we can do and we have had relations as i said we were the most allied the us and then we became the most sanctioned the us but still even in that environment we were buying selling goods to each other and people were going travelling everything was not however dealing with the us is a very complex relationship so it has to be managed accordingly i mean you can't run away from that event but somebody is giving you aid and they have certain rules and regulations either you agree with them or you go somewhere else the united states would argue that the main stumbling point between america and pakistan is pakistan's alleged help to the. stream is group the the afghan taliban
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your former boss sheriff has admitted to it as well many other pakistani politicians the press has admitted to it and the general argument is it was support the tout taliban in afghanistan because we don't want india to go into pakistan into afghanistan so let's assume that's true and pakistanis arming the afghan taliban who is it is there no better ways to deal with india than supporting it who is i think i think look taliban have nothing to do with india so if anybody is mentioned to you please tell them to talk to me. and sole objective on the taliban. and afghanistan actually more than taliban is to have peace in afghanistan pakistan will be the biggest beneficiary of a peaceful strong vibrant of the. we will be the biggest loser if understand is weak if one is than is has got
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a lot of. terrorist activity and other things happening who will be the biggest loser part of us we will be and this thing is very contagious terrorists don't recognize borders we should get away from this mindset that you know here's the line so they have a problem we don't know this thing blows like so we disagree with musharraf when he admits that yet have the same statement is actually is and to the views we hold a lot of but i think the congress of his statement. read several statements but not this particular one is that we sacrifice a lot for them and then when he. enters they were called were being trained but in pakistan to go fight and liberate the country we were part of the whole effort with the united states and others that's well known to your country too but they knew exactly what was going on when
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americans are we don't know a lot of the blue you know out of context and say ok guys let's go and we are treating we're going to train you know it has to suit our national interest also so when americans are accusing pakistan of sponsoring terrorists and i know that pakistan is actually fighting a real war against terrorism at home against its own homegrown talents absolutely yes this is a fallout of what happened in the world it is weird to me because once again i'm not just getting this out of nowhere and i'm stating things that politicians are a country that i you know are saying what a lot of were you saying prime and former prime minister and the washer evokes the knowledge that pakistan is actually supporting him using other extremist groups for operation i was talking about the terrorist attack in mumbai and it's not the first you know usually of understand this we're talking about. finally as a terrorist i read all of them so for me it's just weird how could
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a country be fighting a real war on terror on its own territory but then also be financing terrorist groups outside and this has to do with india and i think there is enough evidence that in the old supporting terrorist groups in pakistan so i don't know what gave first and what game second but if that happened then both countries become. part of the solution and part of the problem and that's what you are seeing i think then that's what if you see press reports in isolation you me not really get to all of it but no country in their right mind will support terrorism particularly pakistan which has been a major victim and it's not just in one area it's all through the country because the citizens are free to travel so we are fighting terrorism with all the resources at our disposal disposal we believe that the solution to crisis in a with honest
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is not through terrorism it should be through economic development good governance and pakistan two parts and it applies to both and also if we get all create jobs open opportunities for people give them hope that isn't will come it has come down in pakistan but not in not completely eliminate. thank you so much help me take good luck with everything. love and war hard sell you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the chickenhawk forcing you to fight the battles that don't. produce talks but to tell you that the gossip and public by fell for the most important day. off the bat
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doesn't tell you on the whole enough to buy their product. all the hawks that we all have are or will walk. by. the church secret indeed just like priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it quite literally i like to call this the do graphic solution so what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot were the previous standards not the highest ranks of the catholic church conceal the accused priests from the police and justice system to that of
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that's known as the i didn't and then i can flip out at tuesday's out in. this. case felt. welcome to max keiser financial survival guide. looking forward to your question of them. yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain don't let this happen you watch kaiser report. well. was was was. was. was. was. was.
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standing. germany's chancellor stresses her commitment to the iran nuclear deal the israeli prime minister arrives in europe to lobby against. european parliament looks into the misuse of private data. cambridge while more revelations show the phone company was involved in a secret country insurgency operation in yemen. also ahead this hour president putin signs new legislation that aims to give russia greater scope for retaliate against foreign sanctions. and french authorities scramble to tackle the threat of radical isolation in prison r.t. travels to europe's largest.


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