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tv   Boom Bust  RT  June 5, 2018 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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percentage of the world they way they want more than fifty percent of the vote all of the people who actually came to the pools they had the full right to suggest their prime minister when the president said your month that i would try to separate that that was a scandal but obviously there are some changes taking place in the u. because i think two years ago three years ago the european commission would simply push their idea through you know because they're not in league and the price that committed and want to see and they called for and then to enter russia saying sions in their so-called government contract but now when the head of the european commission or uncle of your joint car or you would carry in french when he is saying i'm caught in this i do think we have to reconnect with russia not forget and what our differences are but the russian bashan has to be brought to an end and of course when such things you hear from the head of the european commission something has to change inside the european union to look at the i think may be
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again cautiously optimistic is that there may be the awareness that it's not the rise of the populous left it's not the rise of the populist left right but it's really the failure of the center of these centrist parties in are they going to get on board and understand that people are going to vote for alternatives so i don't think you understand the danger that this populist democracy presenting to the european union finance that you like your lecturing us on no more. because the thankfully the talian figurehead president rightly recognized that the euro is greater than democracy acted to defend it by preventing this this joint far right far left government finance minister who was very critical of the euro from being appointed. the e.u.'s budget chief i think says it best to go on for
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over an injury and he says it is unacceptable and acceptable for our talian still vote for populists the markets will teach them how to vote ok alexander could react to that because i think that was really the best quote of them all. but maybe you know that it gets down to either you promote and work or through the process of democracy or you don't and in this case we had glaring poorer examples of one or the other go ahead. why have these two parties the one star movement and all the really now become the dominant parties in italy they become the dominant parties in italy because the mainstream parties in italy the democratic party who former communist party by the way some people might be interested to know became a sensually transmission belts for all the alters they were getting through
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frankfurt and berlin and brussels they were no longer responding to each halley an electorate they were responding to do what they were being told to do from the center now given that this is in italy we've had twenty years of economic recession and stagnation we had a thirty five percent unemployment amongst young people we have had lower living standards it is hunter going to jump in here gentlemen we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on real news stay with our. play. from many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guys. football isn't
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only about what happens on the pitch put the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money kill the narrowness and spending two hundred twenty million on one player. it's an experience like nothing else i want to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy a great so will more chance for. the base this minute. this is. a church secret indeed priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it literally like to call this the geographic solution. what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is
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a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot were the previous standards not the highest ranks of the catholic church conceal the accused priests from the police and justice. that's not going to. welcome back across like we're all things we consider to mind you we're discussing some real news. the moment to go back to the e.u. story here when it on the tail end of what alexander had to say in london all of this is going on with a looming trade war with the united states so add that into the mix well there is
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a big split in the u. on on economic matters particularly on the so-called north stream you know the gas from russia going to europe and it's exactly the same kind of split that we have or . they used to pull out from the iran deal. and some other european states there for the ring and pull out they want to protect criticism from the e.u. and they're against the north korean project. and what is very interesting is this cynical editor of the united states i mean the spokeswoman for the state department . did night i'm caught in the room according to which the u.s. all opposed the pipeline you know that will sell gas to europe well it's not a militia is the rule of the example but i believe through. the issue of the rule of the. about iraq not even weapons of mass destruction before the american invasion or of. a russian drone is bob good been actually
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a research we're going to get to that story ok since you brought it up mark in that explained the resurrection of a russian journalist in ukraine who's and russian ok i think i got them right ok so this journalist opposition activists are our county back janko he's a veteran of the chechen war he tried on the russian side the russian side he tried to get out of military duty by claiming mental illness in fact he got caught bribing a doctor to claim he was mentally ill he ended up not serving when his parents broke in there was commanders office and threatened the chain themself to the radiator then he volunteered to go back to the second shot you're in war as a contract soldier then he became anti-war then he became anti russian government this is a guy who really has no love for his country and there the country doesn't have much love for him he celebrated the death of children in
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a fire in cattermole recently saying burn burn he said he celebrated the death of a red army choir and journalists that were on route to syria for a performance saying they were as guilty as putin and he posted on social media that he promised to come back to russia on the first nato tank coming into moscow so this is guy is quite a character let me go let me can you feel good bring us up to the present here i mean i mean this this whole scam here i mean the reason why i am interested. in the story i'm not interested in interested in this guy at all ok but he's a caricature of the hollywood stuff here but really look at the western journalists exactly how they react to this they they took it as gospel from the government in kiev that the russians are behind it there is not any evidence whatsoever that is the case if material that he is they have more famous russian journalist to live in
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now in ukraine you know and he has been before that story happened because he also covered the dog possible from the ukrainian side he was with the ukrainian soldiers sworn been doing it he's now a poor boy you are which is funded by the us absolutely and russia is such a test really of the american embassy and the russia you know is such a totalitarian country after. he returned to russia lived here for three years and only left again for your brain in two thousand and seventeen in the end of two thousand and seven so when the news came that he was border was found by his wife right next to his apartment after three frauds of course all of the officials in ukraine and in the west with the notable exception of president poroshenko himself started saying that they're sure it was russia let me just quote their ukrainian prime minister the russian to put it third in machine didn't give bob. and his high principles he was a true friend of ukraine which told the wall prudence and of all of the russian
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aggression well if it's the current the same kind of truth that bob spread about his death then you can imagine what kind of truth the ukrainian people is that will you let me go back to london to alexander. the story for me the only importance of this story is the fact that shows that western media will take anything hook line and sinker from the from the folks in here that will paint russia in a very negative light and we do have the world cup opening up in russia very shortly this is just another way to tarnish russia's reputation. go ahead alex well indeed and if you actually look at the british media reaction when. there is a huge sense of betrayal and anger with ukraine surprise surprise surprise there is angry because of the yeah. they expose this narrative
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and in this case a fool and a normal lot of people are very upset and angry with ukraine for doing that. that is one of the most remarkable things people who say well the terrible thing about this story is it's going to mean that putin and the kremlin ganda machine are going to be able to explore this to prove that oh thing i am not i am certainly not exploiting anything i am jews shining the light on this because that is the only antidote to this kind of propaganda here mark go ahead jump in ok so the whole sort of i mean obviously has some good planning here the ukrainian m.p. who was in on this the said that it was done in the style of sherlock holmes because sherlock holmes also did something like this and it was very successful for him i had to tell it to this writer and be but try comes as
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a real character i mean it is. doing very well there so here so we have a fake killer who actually used to be part of these ukrainian alter it actually was very to. do a fake victim the world's first verified crisis actor lazarus returning just like the scribbles from the dead i think they must have shot him with it with certified nova chuck dami blanks only ten times more powerful than v.x. which means essentially harmless right the supposedly the guy who hired this killer they're saying. has links to russian intelligence he says he's actually linked to ukrainian counterintelligence there may be a business saying go because he is partner and some of these are very sit on a german ukrainian venture to build a site sniper scopes for the ukrainian intelligence services and there's a disagreement over who owned this company so some people say that it was all part
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of an elaborate corruptions don't you love our line of business that this is so entertaining if so ukrainian sort it let me just walk in and not show the reaction of the western press to all of this affair by option is alive but still kill him that is their reaction and i'm great a blogger but it comes from that i think he found the most humane areas headline about this the stunt may end up feeding the crammed into spin machine so how to construct a quantum so that i just love it though spend your russians will you was all lies to prove that we have to lie this is impossible this is unacceptable but in fact if you analyze the story there is something in common something in common that the bob wrote it has with russia couldn't story war never happened but there was a hysterical reaction and there where you well all the old cold war propaganda
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machine started to work in the west and now it just can't stop you know with bob has to stop abruptly because of his recent action with drama over the years there's no thing as you know the constant war we started this program damon was pointing out that you have newspaper clippings and those are those are physical you can save them but in this day and age people just wipe the internet clean ok i want to change topics here alex i want to go to you in important stories and getting a lot of coverage is that the u.s. wants to move missile defenses in the system into europe presumably because of the withdrawal of the united states from iraq. and deal but iran is somehow a threat to europe this is this is very provocative behavior on the part of the u.s. considering europe is staying with the deal with the iranians go ahead alex. but he isn't surprising and i think the point to make about and ballistic defenses and all the rest is that the united states has been driving now at least twenty years.
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and is going to continue doing so. every opportunity to do so. they're directed against russia that is to me in refutable irrefutably true you know it's interesting because i don't see this security necessity mark but these systems are very expensive aren't they i mean someone's going to be cashing in on this or they're extremely expensive and i'm sure the trumpet ministration will try to get the german government to foot the bill is his constant complaint if you're going to say to the german government don't know you can't import cars or cars in the united states you're insane events but you have to take our assuring that they're not spending enough on their nato spending to counter the russian threat that is actually far closer to them so the u.s. wants they're already putting these missile defense and that was and poland romania alaska at sea in south korea now they want to put them in germany there is also talk about a new u.s.
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military base on the. east germany towards the border with poland put the polish government is now begging dropped they want to pay trump two billion dollars for u.s. military forces that put a base in their country while people around the world are protesting for the thousand against us for our military is this tiny in iowa hole in the us to occupy that it is bizarre their behavior it's because everyone in poland has an auntie in chicago here i mean let me go to the mayor is rapidly running out of time here when one of the interesting things is the. at the end of the second world war nato was put into place to keep the americans in the germans down in the russians it seems that the trumpet ministration is doing everything possible to rearrange the country's maybe to keep germany down but it's pushing the united states we had we had mccrum. visiting st petersburg with quite a few overtures towards
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a lot of near putin even calling themself an equal to the russian president so the problem is that a lot of russian resolutions ideas in try and use documents so it will take a long time for europe to get rid of this pressure from the united states but i call europe will soon or way to liberate itself not by the european union itself but by some other form you know probably individually ten seconds mark yeah. we have further stretch colombia if asked. there's only got about this is another expansion while trump is preaching against nato and saying that europe isn't spread spreading enough for nato the fed's policy wants u.s. military bases that in germany now colombia says this is just foreign policy as well these gentlemen will drop out of die many thanks to my guests in moscow and in london this is the end of our broadcast segment stay with us for the expanded
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version on our you tube channel see you next time and remember across rules. join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. leveled off selling you on the idea of dropping bombs brings peace to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battles but still. the new socks credit tell you that somebody gossip the tabloids less files a little more news today. well i'm often asked as he tells me you are not cool enough and let's define your product. these are the hawks that we
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along with our audience will watch. some can say anything he wants to say and he can't fire you know it won't be another election until twenty twenty and he's gliding into a twenty eighteen probably won't even list and many representatives and support in the in this election and this year. low job current job. to go of course the little go through. who oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh sorry for conclude. video here.
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were some snow there were details. but i'll say that the way the law was written. i didn't have it in my mind i would be walking around the corner of a totally free person but i'm thinking ten fifteen twenty years here which is also a lot yes a lot but not in texas standards because texas turns out last census like it's
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candy. to these are the two options that could happen here and we need your vehicle copout. ok and where do i fall from that from here you would fall this way that way so that doesn't make sense it makes sense or ok the other one is if i'm getting in the vehicle and you're turning to do what have you got to do is. yes he's already here. so that's what happened and what's going to happen you're going to follow this with like this and this is what happened this is what they said i'm not sure if i'm going to be equal. i need your vehicle and then i. i'm not sure if he felt like this or like this but he felt he felt toward you as he were to you so is this guy here getting in. this wasn't this guy getting the only option if he fell for discover here shoddy compound he went over it he
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could get in a vehicle that's the only way if this guy was leaning forward on the street where he was given a big green get shot from inside the vehicle and that's what they all say that he wasn't getting in the vehicle when the shots were fired yet he said yeah but they said he did it and he said i didn't see it because i was just getting in the vehicle because he's wanted done it. this guy was one of them hidden in the only option that's the only person that can shut it and i just they ramrodded let. this guy get in because one that i shot him that's they forbade us don't want to get it done. some good magic or clean shoot stole and it drives. it goes very fast so what happened in between and we were just brought in the longer it's. it's we get out there. i get go knock on the door nobody answers and i'll come back or nobody answers because i'm getting in on the if you know if there was a pontiac grand prix or grand am to your car if if you're sitting there or see
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someone else in a present seat and you have to lean your seat forward yeah first for the person to get the back seat oh you liked is two shots back and where were these bullets placed and i had no clue i was sitting in the passenger seat. so he it turns out was. but here first statement he said the bullets were on the right of his head right that's why we get because he was like this months probably going to get in here yellow and probably had in there i don't know exactly where they had a modest know they had him somewhere in the journalism you know they had been left . they could have put him on the left that's it that's in the papers. could have had a mindanao. pretty sure. on
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the on the second murder. is my worry is that they could be based on the way they were made a statement as one of the forensics are so important because they have those and all that i was going to insist on is no d.n.a. there's no fingerprints. and life organs there's no one from your birth me. first you stated that cleaned took the final shots right you know in your first state in the first i.v.'s why did you do that i'll try to save more but i told him if he were friends of no more of a lot longer and a. father told investigators first to investigators i'll translate more. can i ask you a very very honest question and i hope you're not offended but this is my common sense again speaking so i'm not attacking you and i'm not judging because i wasn't there this is what i think. i think it's really hard to believe that someone
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lies in court to protect his friend. and will not lie to protect his own life. i never lied in court to protect my friend you said. that was a statement we have a statement but it was really really important it was your first statement you said clinton shot this guy he knew. he killed him he said. sigurd i never thought he would get i figured you shoot someone in it you think they're going to. do it do you want to trista come out true to the. well everyone says something different so. i want to show you standing the truth. and you say gee.
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that turn comes when you are ready yes but the dog is still there should be out and it's going to play anyway. you're like this here. now to to hit it in the shoulder to shoulder. and one of the co-defendants said.
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he was actually aiming. for from twenty centimeters off then you can hit him in the left no. with your left hand then you should have to you'd have to reach around like this or disguise oh here hold a gun shooting. maybe you can. go that side without. where. you'd have to lean yeah and then know to go here what are you doing. but why would it jerry belief this if it seems so clear to us prosecutor. if the prosecutor has a. good story. he'll get people to believe it now to defend. his attorney's got to be regarded to counteract that.
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clearly didn't have a good attorney no he didn't so that's that if you don't have a good attorney. most time you lose in your way. and i'll get the body felt when he was shot stabbed over and over to the torturing room towards the sterile and sagar. was it was the oil that he was moaning he was mony mony it wasn't moving but he was mine and what did she do. no clint had a gun i had no gun i hope put him in the trunk and you have no gun. and what were your options oh i'm not going to win now that i think back on it i
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could win i love that easily that's what i think i want my god i just seen this guy kills one person and they could easily say ok i will go take care of these people who are just snitched on me the cops are actors. i was thinking off. in the meantime this this victim is moaning in the trunk. so i didn't feel like i need to help this guy more what am i going to do to save him by myself other than contact the authorities. she didn't do that either. so i looked at it was already. bored after sitting in the car thinking i can i can call nine one one or i can just inform someone mostly guess what i had says something actually i do say some of the hospital i salute and we could just drop my boss at the mercy woman take off this somebody else person he should've just haven't learned out of the cameras on the hospital. it is so tight. in.
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they took him out there sort of creek. the only way to moderate the creek and in a very cold finish are the last two shots were unnecessary then my prick. who shot mark mark did what i. claim told him here so it. could put him out of his misery i mean he or you laid on it with it so he threatened mark and. so you grabbed a pillow stuck the gun in the pillow tried to have a pillow. darnell or mark. but i know there was a pillow cause he fired shots in the pillow so they put the paint on the head just on the back of his hand someplace else and then they shot him mark the spot with what gun twenty two are all over kids can tell you i said all three of my guns. only one i didn't have used. but.


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