tv News RT June 5, 2018 8:00am-8:31am EDT
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it is sort of. go in around that big suit that is disney and full disclosure i've worked for disney companies before when i worked at miramax a couple others these are disney on property so i know a little bit about how they work and there's a lot of free stuff when you get above that bottom blue collar area when you start going into salaried employee and when you start getting the secretaries and not you suddenly get discounts on mattresses and cars and all this stuff and it's so great and free breakfast on friday as i was a. it was like free breakfast only simply given to you and you don't realize you actually go to the park and you realize that people are making like ten dollars an hour and this gusting especially in areas both in orlando and in the california disneyland those are not these are some of us expensive places in the entire country to live. and you've got you go to lawyers that were homeless the one point you know in the last two years i'm sorry if you're advertising yourself as disney we all love disney but if you're advertising yourself as the happiest
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place on earth keeper employees happy i mean to me it's like this is the great like example microcosm example one of the united states as a whole like we got everything we've got freedom we've got all this thing that was no go areas people throwing jail but we've got you know it's kind of like don't look below the surface right is there some serious mess called out over here and there's nothing it's like don't pull back the curtain. just what's behind the castle wall right and then don't look too closely because some of it's not really there were time of the parks and parks and resorts just those a lot of people think about the movies and everything else which is a whole nother area but parks alone made seventeen billion dollars in two thousand and sixteen. and disney according to status is the second most reputable company in the world in the world of nobody gets around that mouse but i will tell you there's a lot of things a little a little shaky and a little shady that make it not quite sort of the cheapest place not married yet.
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how bad shape this place over have to live and at what point are we going to start breaking up these big media companies sort of buying up everything does mean i'll buy stocks absolutely ridiculous to be better than no i don't care if you buy a pig you have to take care of your work perfectly article i love it as you go to break our watches don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on facebook and twitter see our poll shows at our t.v. dot com coming up we delve into the murky waters of who should or should not be fired for running past that old goal line above friendship and then we will also take a look at just how confident the old generation is changing the world with political commentator salvatore the master of the state to to watch in the fall.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy people in sunday shouldn't let it be an arms race based on often scary dramatic development that only mostly i'm going to lose east i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. about why too many flips over the years so i know the game and so i got. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the families it's the age of the shaper money kill the narrowness and spend each year we didn't twenty million and one player. it's an experience like nothing else going to be true so i want to share what i think from what i know about the beautiful game but great so will bowl chance with. the thinks it's minute.
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back in october of two thousand and seven the report was just a blog written and edited by joy-ann reid four years later in two thousand and eleven m s n b c hired reed as a contributor by january of two thousand and fourteen m.s.n. b.c. had brought reid on toasted daily to our talk show host numerous posts containing homophobic rhetoric were uncovered then more then we claim she was shocked then she said maybe not then she changed her mind again now buzz feed is reporting another unseemly post from october of two thousand and seven that contained a photo shopped image of senator john mccain's head on the virginia tech shooter's body and mess n.b.c. has continued to support reid despite the discoveries and even released a statement saying quote some of the things written by joy on her old blog are obviously hateful and hurtful they are not reflective of the colleague and friend
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we have known at m.s.n. b.c. for the past seven years. joy has apologized publicly and privately and said she has grown and evolved in the many year sense and we know this to be true but many are wondering why m.s.n. b.c. keep supporting joy reid while people like roseanne are not only given but then are swiftly removed from their platforms for similar transgressions a polite society so while the establishment laughs stay silent on read what do the next generation of voters think of this and their ability to do an actual change through our active as a shining us now from dallas texas former youth vote strategist for the trump campaign salvatore the master of the fair welcome. good to be back thanks for having me solvers always a fascinating conversation with your brother so i want to start amazon b.c. claims is the joy has evolved or changed your view seems right in the post which you know may be true a.b.c. claims that they are shocked but they knew what they were getting into with
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roseanne you know she's posted many things like the comments she wrote about in terms of valerie jarrett before so let me ask you why do you think there was a dip syria of two big political figures big celebrity type figures why is there a difference in how these two issues were handled. politics you know roseanne is now a trump supporter and of course it's not she works for m s n b c and its politics and if if m s n b c had to punish joy reid in any way they would have to admit that the problem exists on both side of the political aisle and they don't want to do that you know i look at the controversy and just one throw this in here to see what you want to have of the guy look at it and say you know what maybe they both should have been fired because we do live in that first amendment society maybe people who are outraged should have taken their outrage to their ratings you know and said i'm going to watch roseanne i'm going to watch joy every of these people i don't like but can we fire them private industry i guess but at the end of the day maybe they
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should have been fired you know just like always make it direct and let the market fire imagine what the market decided the market. sort of decided with joy-ann reid because our ratings have taken a huge tumble i mean there's only been going down a little bit since the election where she had the huge boost but it's definitely taken a hit one she's made a lot of attacks against bertie and anybody who's on that side and she's made comments now i find it strange that i must not be c.e.o. says oh it was so many years ago but she was literally hired by them in two thousand and eleven it's only four years later she was doing a show based on her blog called the read report so i find it weird that i'm not somebody she doesn't like that many do agree with you on the politics and part of that is that there is such a wide berth soule between neo conservative democrats and actual progressive liberal democrats you know people like joy-ann reid and hillary clinton as spouse of a very i don't want to call conservative because it's not like conservative when you are it's very warmongering and all of that and intervention was to and even the
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most genuine liberals and progressives completely we completely disagree with that it's not the kind of democrat or the left that we want when you see someone like john reed is this media war between the right and the left as manufactured as it seems and are millennial is recognizing that because as you're saying it's so obvious why joy-ann reid is still on the air and why other commentators not necessarily roseanne but even other news commentators have lost their jobs for speaking out on certain things what do you think. you know i mean look at keith olbermann and then you have this new controversy with samantha bee a t.b.s. i mean those were just as the poor and bad and you don't see the consequences i mean joy reid yes it was something done in the past and i think people do evolve she should have been suspended for a period of time some action should have been taken but it wasn't it does come down the politics are millennial exactly paying attention to those politics and not seem into a show based on that to see where samantha b.'s readings go in the next month or so
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after her controversy and i think that's we'll really be able to see how young people are reacting to it but i think in. general i think young people are just sick and tired of the hate on both sides i think they just feel the media is nonstop patriot no matter if you're listening to someone on the right or left they took it out often which is why you don't see much involvement with young people in politics you know you really don't let me ask you one thing about the samantha bee thing because this is what bothers me i don't have a problem with the c word i really don't it's so down on far my list ok to be upset about however you are concerned about your i but the thing that bothered me was that nobody talked about the fact that in her in that exactly in that same sentence that she said that she also said that should put on something tight and low cut and go tell her father to change a government policy that is deeply nested why is everyone is it just because it's easy to say what was a bad word and then everybody can go see they're all upset about a bad word you know it was to me it was like i don't care about that word i care
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about the fact that maybe that was the line but. i mean how did how did trump supporters feel and why weren't they more upset about that why are they so upset about it about a word i think they are and it's been said before i mean bill maher has said that multiple times on his show in a much more graphic way this samantha bee thing is interesting because it's not like someone spouted off on twitter or joy's blogs from years ago samantha bee had to write that out her writers had to approve it and refine it had to go through her producers had to go through the legal team at c.b.s. and then back down to the show for approval rehearsed on the teleprompter and then broadcast to her audience so in my opinion that shows clear network you know bigotry towards the trump family. shows the bias i guess that conservative see most of the time that goes not only with just the hosts of the show but do the producers have a legal team to the top executives because i think we got a lot of buyers in this country and also directed at all different types of people
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in this one of them so i hope that we can kind of rise above the coming year. one thing is interesting the associated press release a poll from the us political poll surveyed from the associated press center for public affairs research they found that forty six percent of people polled ages fifteen to thirty four believe that they can have at the very least a moderate effect on government now that's up eleven percent from just two months before i was a big job your youth strategists what is giving young people out of the political leanings what's giving young people all this hope and work thirty five and over kids with all that some of them that we've built up over the years you know where can we find some of that. well you know i've been tracking numbers like that since before my first book in two thousand and eleven and i've always kept up with them and you see this you know up and down with young people when it comes to politics when there's an issue they're passionate about and i think right now you
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saw back right after donald trump was elected with there was this movement that enthusiasm wanes and now it's going back up with the push for the stonewall douglas shooting down in florida. where young people are getting excited about getting out and making a difference when it comes to the second amendment in this country and so you see these ups and downs and i think i've noticed is that they always happen a little bit too soon because by the time that this hasn't reached its peak and comes back down and we have an election and young people don't show up and it's something that i've tried to change we would like to get more young people out to vote we saw an increase in two thousand and sixteen for republicans but it doesn't seem at least in midterms from what i've been looking at numbers wise that the last very long and i think it's just the issues that get them excited they they can't you know go up against the economy right now they're going after illegal immigration the second amendment cost of education a little bit with health care with young voters and that has them excited right now
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but it's you know does that enthusiasm last till we get to the midterms. if you can match those candidates who speak to the youth but also you know what you said those issues that you will get the youth riled up like you don't see that or the two parties ignore them and push them to the side you know. and you have no candidates on either side right now that are energizing young people yes they feel like they can make a difference because of you know a lot of protesting and i guess they think that makes a difference but you have no one on the republican side reaching out to them and we as we know republicans don't do a good job in the first place reaching out to young voters and we have no one on the democrat really reaching out you had hillary clinton who book tour about why she lost that's not inspiring of khomeini's books which they were interested in because it's too controversial. you know going out there making a fool of himself so you know you have no one energizing young voters and we'll see what happens on the grassroots level which is where it's going to have to start but
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right now you know there's no one really giving them an issue. and here really they just want to be heard and i don't think anyone's doing that and it's a really good point it's a very good point well i think it's you know and part of that is that the media narrative is always that there is there are only two sides there's the extreme left and the extreme right and that's how everything is and that's the only ones they'll discuss and that's a good thing by newsworthy yeah because it makes ad dollars it has nothing to do with i'm thinking that's actually you know it's worthy it's because they make money off it what do you think needs a change you got like thirty seconds left what needs to change to get those fifteen to thirty five year olds out there and ready and engaged so that when they're eighteen they're voting on their thirty five they're still voting. give them what they're interested in i mean we have huge problems in this country when it comes to young people making a start in life with the cost of education the cost of health care we're doing great on the economy and jobs but those are issues that matter and so if you just
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listen to them that's what i kept saying during the campaign and that trump did a good job of listening to young voters. and what they were concerned about if you just get out there and listen to them and show them you care a little bit that goes a long way in politics and anything else in life really as long as you listen to someone and show you care you're going to get them on your side most of. you thank you so much for coming on always a pleasure to hear your viewpoint always from texas always a pleasure taker. thank you for having to go. all right how god has recently both tyrrel myself traveled to the great continent and country of australia why you as well here's a quick peek at just what we have in store for you this week. the events of april twenty eighth one thousand nine hundred sixty historic town of port arthur tasmania for ever the course of history here in australia thirty five souls lost their lives gunman's madness massacre was the catalyst for the australian government to enact massive sweeping changes to the laws regarding ownership by and selling of firearms
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maybe it's time for the united states to start looking for help. yes coming up this week is going to be our our gun control special that we want to travel all the way down to australia for you don't want to miss it we talked to some pretty incredible people down there some names you know some you might not know but it's really pretty times yeah i think it really is a good thing and i think you'll learn a lot about the differences and how things are done there how things are good or bad but really what you find is we're not all that different even through these huge differences but we'll keep an eye on her attention with those layers because we peel back the layers in the gun debate that you remember her before all right that is our show for you today and remember everyone in this world we are not told we are loved so i tell you all i love i rolled into it on top of the wallets keep on watching those hawks another great day and night everybody.
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for a world cup twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goalkeepers of all time but there was one more question and by the way he's going to be our coach. guys i know you are nervous he's a huge star among us and the huge amount of pressure you have to be the center of the problem here with you and we will so all the great british you are the rock at the back nobody gets past you we need you to get down there we have to go. alone. and i'm really happy for joined our father thousand infield the world cup in russia meet the special one it was all to. meet just at the reno p.r.t. team's latest edition to make up a bigger certainly better just look. at
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. the church secret indeed priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it literally i like to call this the do graphic solution so what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot where the previous standard is not the highest ranks of the catholic church conceal the accused priests from the police and justice system to that end of that's known as the end and then i think you'll hear that it used this
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out in. this. case felt. president putin heads to vienna in his first official trip since beginning his fourth term of office ahead of the visit he had a fiery interview with an austrian t.v. channel. this is just as casual but pretty definitive it's this way if you believe this is. indeed because it was all of those and it would serve as a couple of thoughts about head to germany's chancellor is accused of turning a blind eye to corruption in the country's refugee agency. also this morning america's former top spy justifies u.s. intervention in foreign elections saying it's being done for the good of the people we analyze the facts behind that statement and. the next mission to the international space station prepares for the big launch we're at the baikonur
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cosmodrome in kazakhstan ahead of lift off. by their very good morning i'm kevin zero in this is art international thanks for being with us just after ten of the morning here in moscow and first in this bullet in the president has to make his first international trip after reelection he's expected in austria later in the day where he's due to meet with chancellor sebastian kurtz r.t.c. your correspondent or of explains the importance of the meeting. there is a wind of change blowing through europe or perhaps just a breeze but on the eve of glad to be a putin's visit here to vienna the austrian vice chancellor comes out and calls for an end the sanctions the sanctions have damaged our austrian economy above all else and i've always warned against pushing russia into the arms of china is high time
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to end these painful sanctions and normalize political and economic relations with russia not exactly shocking not these days not after the austrian chancellor himself came out and called the you. wes i'm reliable in that regard making up with russia might counterbalance things such as friends allies washington imposing tariffs on european goods a move that essentially began a trade war. so now we will also impose import tariffs this is basically stupid process the fact that we have to do this but we have to do it we will now impose tariffs on harley davidson motorcycles on levis blue jeans and borgen we can also do stupid we also have to be this stupid the logic here is that by normalizing relations with russia europe would be better able to deal with washington the idea
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is that the united states would behave itself properly we also need russia to solve problems i mean with skloot russia from the g eight now the problem is that the us is following a policy the other six do not want perhaps russia's return to the g. eight would be a counterbalance and allow for counter policy but politician say whatever suits them doesn't always translate into action it seldom does if anything and it's difficult to imagine the gargantuan and ponderous european machine changing tracks overnight or it used to be difficult to imagine we have to reconnect before i'm not very happy about the state of our relations books are getting a look at our differences on this but. it has to be brought to an. us the relations of taken some major blows recently tops decision for instance to ditch the iran nuclear deal was slammed by european
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signatories on the relocation of the us embassy in israel to jerusalem also calls it caused a nation austin freedom party m.p. your highness hope told us that russia and europe on the other hand have common interests. as well as for do you know exactly what the game is the american game in europe and what is in the advantage of austria and what is against austrian interests they know this and in the whole we have no conflict of interest at all with russia europe has no conflict of interest at all is russia the only conflict is an american russian conflict and this is leverage through europe so everyone knows to steer clear from being used by a certain non european power against russia is against their interest so that's what we know the only question is now. far they will dare to
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go what allies they will find in europe and his visit to vienna president putin spoke to an austrian t.v. channel the interview was so fiery at some points that putin even to switch to german to get a word in. it's just the reverse fifteen you go through three to me you have to move me to motorscooter you're pretty sure ticklish maturity that is going to the boom in their village where it. meets you didn't work like it if. you're going to miss causes cancer things a bit of a new president a loss was amused. yes just a scoundrel but the whole i'm sitting. here just going to. school. being really tired of the facts of it and i learned that you know. just about me in the road somewhere to think of the weight of a person it's about the tone of the interview putin did manage to touch on some important topics like the north korea crisis he also gave a detailed reply to accusations of russian meddling in the us presidential
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elections in twenty sixteen please him. we should because you just said that mr proposing is referred to as putin's chef and indeed that is his job he is a restaurant owner in st petersburg because what do you really think that a person who is in the restaurant business even if this person has some hacking opportunities and owns a private firm in this field could use it to sway elections in the united states or european country could it be that the media and political standards in western countries have reached such a low level that a russian restaurant owner can sway voters in the european country or the united states isn't that ridiculous. if you're stuck with there is such a person in the united states mr soros who interferes in affairs all over the world and i often hear from my american friends that america as a state has nothing to do with his activities i mean there are rumors circulating
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now that mr soros was planning to make the euro highly volatile but experts are already discussing this ask the state department why he is doing this the state department will say that it has nothing to do with these activities rather it is mr soros private affair with us it is mr precocious private affair with this is my answer are you satisfied with it was a quick. there's a limit on it i do not even want to think about it it is a dreadful thought i think this road the road towards the denuclearization of north korea should be a two way road if the north korean leader is backing up his intentions with practical actions for example giving up new tests of ballistic missiles new nuclear tests then the other side should reciprocate in a tangible manner and in this connection i consider it counterproductive to continue military activities military exercises and everything that is related to
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this i very much hope that the situation will move forward in a positive way. and you think you've seen it it is not our aim to divide anything or anybody in europe on the contrary we want to see a knighted and prosperous european union because the european union is our biggest trade and economic partner the more problems there are within the european union the greater the risks and uncertainties for us the mere fact that our trade with the european union countries has dropped by half from over four hundred billion to two hundred fifty billion speaks for itself why do we need to see a further drop why rock the european union in order to suffer further losses and incur costs or miss possible benefits from cooperation with the european union on the contrary we need to increase cooperation with the european union if we work at all or work more intensively with some than with others we proceed from purely
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pragmatic considerations. if you just said that there is proof accepted by everyone that assad used chemical weapons well not by everyone our experts think differently for example let's look at the alleged chemical attack in the city of door model which is the reason given for a missile strikes against syria look at the syrian troops that liberated that area but we immediately suggested to our partners that the o.p.c. w. commission go there it is a un unit the organization for prohibition of chemical weapons but instead of waiting one or two days and allowing the commission to work on the site a missile attack was launched on syria tell me please is this the best way to ensure the objective of t. of what happened there i do not think so i think it was an attempt to create conditions that would make it impossible to investigate thoroughly that is what it
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was you. just said that there is proof militants used chemical substances who punished them have they received any punishment did the coalition and attack them immediately i did not see anything like that because of. germany's refugee agencies being investigated for corruption it's accused of offering asylum for bribes chancellor merkel's noles been dragged into the scandal too with claims that she was aware of the problems but did nothing to reform the organization our europe correspondent peter all of a picks up the story for you as the cash for asylum investigation into the german federal office for migration and refugees all come from japanese speed public focus has turned to the german chancellor angela merkel and what she knew about the agency's problems its former head frankie didn't face gave an interview to a leading german sunday tabloid and which he said he held a face to face meetings with the chancellor and made it explicitly clear.
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