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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  June 5, 2018 10:30am-11:00am EDT

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i do not think so i think it was an attempt to create conditions that would make it impossible to investigate thoroughly that is what it was what we just said that there is proof militants used chemical substances who punished them have they received any punishment that the coalition and attacked them immediately i did not see anything like that because. germany's refugee agency is being investigated for corruption it's accused of offering asylum for bribes chancellor merkel's now also been dragged into the scandal too with claims that she was aware of the problems but did nothing to reform the organization our europe correspondent peter all of a picks up the story for you as the cash for asylum investigation into the german federal office for migration and refugees all bump up is speed public focus has turned to the german chancellor angela merkel and what she knew about the agency's problems its former head frank here didn't face gave an interview to
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a leading german sunday tabloid and which he said he held a face to face meetings with the chancellor and made it explicitly clear that his agency couldn't cope with the pressures being put on it refugee policy. there was no structure or organized development in the form of specific tasks set of priorities or occult collation of personnel at acquirements since no instructions were available everyone could work as they saw feet in response to those claims a spokesperson for angle merkel had this to say it's not too late and there was an ongoing intense process of changing the work of the german federal office of migration and refugees when the refugee crisis broke out i just want to make it clear that mr vice a reported on these changes and improvements to the head of the federal state. it was not said about the situation in bremen which only came to light in twenty eight in the transfer was not given such information but she was aware of organizational
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problems that existed in the agency the investigation began after it was alleged that an employee at the un fought for us in bremen wrongfully granted asylum to twelve hundred people on the list though security services say were to islamic extremists one of whom they describe as an actual terror threat while forty four others belonged to islamist groups prosecutors allege that the female employee took both money and gifts to grant asylum wrongfully between twenty thirteen and twenty sixteen hours the investigation continues she didn't ice those charges against her politicians both from the opposition and from within angola merkel's own coalition partners saying they want answers. largo it is not about accusations it is not about the vindication of a conspiracy theory but rather about a sober investigation. we have to investigate the accusations of negligence and
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corruption and we have to do it quickly and everyone who is involved should give testimony the former refugee card to nato and the interior ministry there is a way to be done in this investigation last month to come. tree's largest opposition party alternative for germany launched a lawsuit against anglo merkel's refugee policy they say that the chancellor's decision to welcome around one of the half a million refugees to the country should have gone through a vote in the stock and the fact that it didn't is unconstitutional and so we put the legal course in front of the court to question whether there are there is a legal. explanation or a legal reason to open our borders hopefully we'll have a special committee to go into that scandal well the point we're making is probably the scandal is not something about the so one one office environment and has
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to do with political responsibility and we have to look who is responsible for everything what has happened there but for now the big question remains if the chancellor knew that the migration and refugee agency was struggling why was nothing done to relieve the pressure betrayal of r.t. . or less likely to just nine days count until football's biggest event kicks off here in russia who could forget that larry what better time than a catch up with a former brazil defender and two time world cup winner cafu speaking to us to give us some insight into how his nation might perform at this summer's big tournament. expectations are really high not only concern in the world cup in russia but also concerning the world cup in general especially regarding the brazilian team pressure is high you are fighting for a world cup with the brazilian team there are more than two hundred twenty million brazilians that's hundred and twenty million football coaches two hundred and twenty million football fans so there is additional pressure on players to have
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a great world cup when we come to a world cup we come to when no one plays at the world cup just to see if it's late we come to ween of course sometimes it doesn't happen the way you wanted to but you can be sure that the and the lack of commitment and brazil is going to have a great world cup after their much more that the come just quick reminder route but on top of the past one of the champions the last five told them it's france ninety eight brazil italy spain and the current trophy old germany team is fired up we get those pictures right and ready to go with our special coverage for you for world cup twenty eighteen it's going to be russia's first time in this huge of it.
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the. great summer to come so look forward to tomorrow as well. launch pad three crew getting ready to start their mission to bring those pictures live you know you love a preview coming up right.
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anything. you can fire you know it won't be another election until twenty twenty days gliding in twenty eighteen probably won't even many representatives support
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and there's a legend that this year. federal prosecutors working on the trump russia probe of accused the us president's former campaign manager of pressuring witnesses to give full servitors out of a trial full mana for said to have failed to register as a foreign agent when he lobbied for ukraine in twenty twelve but next as the nation explains when it comes to meddling the us is a past master of the magic meddling in the two thousand and sixteen us presidential election still dominates headlines stateside russian meddling into the twenty sixteen election russian interference in russia is again trying to disrupt our elections russia did meddle in the two thousand and sixteen election but he didn't
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need a history lesson to understand that foreign meddling is a global game one that the u.s. plays very well. through our history when we tried to manipulate or influence elections or even overturn the governments it was done with the best interests of the people of that country in mind given the traditional reverence for human rights according to studies between nine hundred forty six and their two thousand great powers intervened one hundred seventeen times in foreign affairs with the u.s. making up a large chunk of those statistics. part design of the cold interventions in other words situations when great powers that intervene in elections in other countries in an attempt to determine the election result the united states intervened in elections of this in a do one elections in this manner in forty seven countries for this purpose between one thousand nine hundred eighty six and two thousand here's
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a few examples the say i publicly admitted it was behind the notorious nine hundred fifty three case of iran's democratically elected prime minister he insisted on oil should be nationalized which perhaps wasn't in the best interest of iranians or washington's it seems so he was overthrown and the shells were all installed for the next twenty six years to safeguard the west's all ambitions in the country and so that all ended and the west an islamic revolution. the one who's in the me is america there is not based on prejudice or pessimistic points of view but rather it stems from experience from a pre-planned real understanding of the actual realities of the world from a wrong to chile two decades on and the cia is supporting a bloody military coup in south america the pinochet government prisoned torches and killed some forty thousand and also political enemies including us citizens and the f.b.i. surveillance like caesar peering into the colonies from distant rome nixon said the
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choice of government by the chileans wasn't acceptable to the president of the united states the attitude in the why. house seemed to be if in the wake of vietnam i can no longer stand in the marines then i will send in the cia with this in mind is alleging russian meddling in the us election a little hypocritical the reelection campaign a former russian president boris yeltsin was secretly managed by three american political consultants they spilled the beans to a us magazine about their collaboration with the clinton white house to bump up his approval ratings the american spoke no russian and work through translators he began secretly laying out an american style campaign to counter the public sentiment running against yeltsin the plot was thrilling so much so showtime made a movie about it based on a true story told to russians how deeply the family you could not just government
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whether they wanted to win. the election were held today apparently stalin. it seems as though outside intervention in domestic politics is as old as politics itself and when it comes to u.s. meddling it's all change your country for the best whether you want it or not. continue to track all the problems in guatemala the official death toll no from the volcano has gone off as read sixty nine authorities say only seventeen of them have been identified probably so far seems though sadly the number of dead skin to grow further scores of people still missing is the urgency works to try and retrieve bodies but the covered in layers of destroyed villages there over three thousand people have moved to temporary safety shelters works being hampered by the lack of electricity in most heavily affected areas on top of that a double whammy a five point two quake struck off the coast of guatemala the volcker if way go to
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the moment and really living up to its name volcano of fire kicked off on sunday covering nearby villages and coffee farms or well it's considered to be the biggest eruption in guatemala at over a century now check this video the moment it all happened. there is a reality. fifty six mission to the international space station is set to blast off on wednesday from baikonur launch pad with an international crew again on board is expected to take the crew two days to reach that orbiting lab jacqueline is the first time for her to go and they couldn't wait she's at the launch site is going to bring us all the details for the she is now. we rode into the baikonur cosmodrome as the sun was
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rising in order to catch the first glimpses of the craft as it left the assembly platform to slowly surely and ever so cautiously make its way to the launch pad. the so you system is actually made up of two parts the rocket and the spacecraft itself first out of the gate was the rocket which contains the most eye catching aspect the first stage boosters which pressure around twenty metres long it will burn for only one hundred eighteen seconds before falling away at which point the second the third stage rockets take over the top half is the actual spacecraft and it can also be broken down into three sections at the very top of the orbital module where the global sit for take up. currently the site you system is the only one in the world used to get crewmembers back and forth to the international space station behind me you can see the rocket taking its final position on the platform
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before takeoff. to its final in place here at launch pad one also known as the garden start named in honor of yuri gagarin the first man ever launched into space back in one nine hundred sixty one and that was just a few years after the first artificial satellite was also launched right from here and on wednesday i'm going to get a chance to witness my very own lift off. yes we talk about for ages we go but live feed tomorrow so check in with us tomorrow to to get all the latest recalls altie dot com as well if you can't make it live but some of those looking for so far this choose a long time with me kevin owen as a sale was more for most of the call of you stay with us to our next programs right after this break in your part of the world.
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i. don't. sit at the table for her after. dinner. for her. in july twenty second team on an attempt a freelance journalist watching was on t.v. a militant shelling in syria. so on his sacrifice quality has established a hundred all sorts of memorial they will recognize more reporters who often risk their lives for the sake of the truth and through that peace you can submit to your
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published works in a video form britain format until june the twelfth go to alone don't come. out to play for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money just billionaire owners and spending surge of the twenty million one playa. it's an experience like nothing else on here because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game but great so will transfer. and base this minute.
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this is boom bust broadcasting around the world from washington d.c. i'm part children thank you for watching coming up today will the whole back of some financial regulation healthy economy or risk another big bank bailout financial policy advocate bartlett nailer from public citizen and mcdonald's has increased the use of automated rather than hiring more workers is this part of a wave of robot replacements our team is actually banks takes a look and there's more reaction and positioning on the trade front as a coalition of finance ministers from europe and canada. warning to u.s. treasury secretary stephen smith and with the united states are two thousand high lives that has the latest from toronto and before we go i'll tell you about a study which shows how the game companies in tendo and help our brains all that
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directly ahead but first let's get to a few headlines the global economy is slowing down that's the verdict of a number of recent reports including the global purchasing menu fractures index from analyst at i.h.s. market and j.p. morgan the index fell to a nine month low of fifty three point one in may down from fifty four point eight just two months ago furthermore the baltic dry index a shipping cost tracker as fallen twenty two percent in the past month indicating a slacking in global demand while no sudden drop are quick economic slowdown as indicated other metrics such as low but low government bond yields and world events including trade tensions strikes and political turmoil in europe may impact and result in a more rocky economic road for the remainder of the year. social giant media facebook made written agreements with at least sixty device makers to allow them to
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access personal information of its users including religion relationships event plans and political beliefs according to the new york times device makers with agreements with facebook reportedly include apple amazon blackberry microsoft and samsung among others the agreements with facebook also allow the device makers to obtain personal information about the facebook friends of people who use their devices the times reports that most of the agreements are still in effect although facebook did end some starting in april the month after the cambridge analytic a scandal. the agreements may violate facebook's two thousand and eleven consent to create with the federal trade commission which was meant to protect users a facebook vice president defended the agreement says consistent with the consent decree and facebook's own stated policies that same representative also said device makers unlike at makers are considered service providers and therefore they're not subject to the limits of the two thousand and eleven consent decree. u.s.
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tech giant google has moved to preempt a growing rebellion among their own workers by not renewing project maven the project was an alliance with the u.s. department of defense to apply artificial intelligence or ai to images for better targeting of drone strikes the maven contract envisioned a payout as large as fifteen million dollars but an internal google e-mail intice of pay to grow into as much as two hundred fifty million dollars per year and serving as the first of many similar weapons projects the head of google's cloud computing division which managed project maven revealed the change in a weekly employee meeting using ai for war and weapons development picture the terminator movies is highly controversial with many experts absolutely opposed to such applications other tech titan notably amazon and microsoft have a number of pentagon contracts but have not seen this kind of internal pushback that impacted google in this case
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a number of employees cited google's motto don't be evil to argue for google to quit project maven. and the federal reserve has proposed a change to the so-called volcker rule the provision named after a former federal reserve chairman paul volcker was crafted in the wake of the great recession and included as part of the wall street reform and consumer protection act of two thousand and ten more commonly known as dodd frank five. different financial regulatory agencies devised the final regulations based upon the law specifically the volcker rule made it unlawful for banks to speculate using their house accounts that is it made it illegal to use investors or bank money for purely speculative purposes they could still speculate but only as a legitimate business hedge the reason being big bank speculation on things like mortgages related to credit default swaps those c.d.'s were part and parcel to the
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economic calamity and led to a big bank bailout using taxpayer money to the tune of seven hundred billion dollars well now the fed is proposing to scale back the volcker rule some like me who had a hand in writing and voting for the original volcker rule are extremely concerned that if adopted the new fed weakening rule will once again open the big banks floodgates to increase and unbridled speculation but that's just my take here whether this is another person who worked on the original volcker rule and has been following this proposal closely bartlet naylor the financial policy advocate at public citizen thank you again for being here this is such a interesting issue and troublesome in my view that it's coming just when i felt like maybe a lot around the world were taking what was done in the u.s. and saying ok this is how we protect markets what's your take on the circumstance yes it's troubling that the federal reserve and the other agencies are falling in
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line to weaken this rule you mentioned hedging that's one of the clear problems now these bets can be taken and be called a hedge and the bank won't have to explain what's being head just there's another rule that the other provision that says if you're trading less than ten your book is less than ten billion dollars they're largely unregulated if you're less than one billion dollars book and trading assets that are basically are not regulated at all made major rollback i mean ten billion dollars seems like real money to people like you and i and i suppose. there's a lot of the boom busters out there watching so it's pretty much a a a hands off for less than a billion you're saying and for ten billion of your book your trading book at a big bank it's reduced regulation that's not right and and what they say is that if you're hedging you need not explain what you're hedging which means that if you make a bet you can call it a hedge and not explain what you're you know hedging against so it's opening the
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gates to to more speculation so let's explain for our viewers how this works so say i'm a bank customer and you're the bank and i want to buy you know a bunch of crude oil futures well then you say well i'm going to buy the crude oil futures for bart but since i'm the other side the bank is the other side of this you want to offset that risk so you place an appropriate hedging bet by buying future is another way or maybe going short on the futures that's a legitimate use of this right and that's part of market making and ideally we want a robust liquid market for the exchange of such commodities and futures that you don't want it on the other side where the banks just say hey we've got some either funny money that is maybe parts money overnight he's not using it overnight or it may just be bank profits that they have in a pool and they want to go out and speculate on that to make money on that that's
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what this is really all about they can't do that that's right and again imagine how much money you get paid on your checking account it's pretty much zero because of f.d.i.c insurance at a huge amount of money is made available to the banks abundant and cheaply take the morgan has one point three trillion dollars in deposits for which is paying essentially no interest it's got about eight hundred billion of that deployed in two loans the rest of it's the hair as funny money now some of it is it's needed to be liquid in case there's a news will demand for. the return of those deposits but a lot of that money unfortunately is in speculation the volcker rule says you can't it does say you can make markets and it's in that market making exemption that a lot of the mischief is taking place there's still many things about this that are interesting one is that one of the reasons when i was commissioner that i fought so hard leap for this rule was that there were a couple large banks and we were talking earlier sort of beat the heck out of them
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bunch i want to mention their name but they were two major investment banks that actually encouraged their own customers to invest in a new product a financial product and then when their customers had populated that filled to the brim they took the opposite position because they were speculating to make money on their own customers now they were tried with that but that's what the volcker rule is trying to get at and to just trust the big banks that they're going to do the right thing we've just seen time and time again that it could be a problem do you think that this opens the door to potentially another big bank bailout or is that a little bit of a stretch well obviously i hope it doesn't unfortunately loan making goes bad gradually and over time bad bets happen pretty quickly so what happened with a g and the failure of their ability to pay off those credit default swaps what happened with some of the other problems that bear stearns and lehman brothers were bets
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that went bad really quickly when the other side decided you know this isn't worth as much as we thought it was so i mean lehman brothers just three or four months before its bankruptcy was doing well its auditor gave it a clean bill of health that stock was not so bad and then immediately b. became clear that it bets its bets were bad even after the crisis the so called well managed bank j.p. morgan discovered that its london whale position was actually a five billion dollars loss sending the stock market stock price for that company down by about thirty percent so bad things in speculation can happen very quickly. one of the things that made the original volcker rule for the law was passed in dodd frank and then these five regulatory agencies including the fed c c o c c c f.t.c. my agency they all had to do it at the same time and we did it i think it was on december twelfth december twelfth ok it was snowing that day i remember it was all over t.v. because nobody else came into work the federal government closed and it actually
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didn't really snow that day but they closed the government anyway the bottom line is that it took these five different financial regulators to all do it is that going to be the case with this new proposal is they're doing it in a staggered fashion as you mentioned the federal reserve did it last wednesday the f.d.i.c did that next day your agency did it this morning as. they secured the securities and exchange commission is scheduled to do it tomorrow i should say the control of the currency also did it last wednesday those are the five ok and what should we be looking for if people want to comment for example on this whether or not they agree with you and i are in sync on this one but people have other views how do they comment what do they do they have to get the proposal first right get the proposal the easiest way is regulation it'll open a search page and you can mention the volcker rule it actually hasn't appeared in the federal register yet it'll be several days maybe even a week before that happens and it should be self-evident of where the where you can
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comment and needless to say the government officially welcomes comment public citizen members comment and we reach out to our members and more than one hundred thousand commented last time in the rule that remember that you proposed and we certainly welcome that this should not be a rule that's fashioned and and opined on simply by banks this is too important real live americans main street americans should and they are able to comment we certainly welcome that we thank you for helping that process along bartlet nadler thank you public citizen appreciate it and time. offer a twig to re-explain chang here because when we return our tease alex about harlow has the latest on the war as a group of finance ministers say there is unanimous disappointment with the united states plus artes ashley banks looks at the increased use of at mcdonald's and before we go i'll tell you about something new at nintendo and how brains maybe the .


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