tv News RT June 5, 2018 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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dollars to go to u.s.c. dental school medical school then dental school and. it keeps he keeps keeps building because he doesn't even pay anything down towards the principal he doesn't even cover the interest on the debt so. by law he doesn't have to pay it after twenty five years it just basically expires so in twenty five years his debt will be two million dollars even though he's going to pay thirteen hundred dollars a month towards as ten percent of his income have his after tax income according to the law here of year and you know if the government owns your debt essentially. in twenty five years time some taxpayers of the future will find his acorn which is this a pile of debt that expires or collectively stupid and then they're going to monetize by repackaging these stupid student debt bombs and then sell them into pension accounts suttle go to zero every time we say. i think of this viral video that's out there now the fluctuating kangaroo there are
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a few saying that but this kangaroo is flagellating and then it waves away the with it waves it away and actually it was brought to my attention by that a.p. reporter the in washington my only met only link to this flashlight in kangaroo so here's a guy who's in the press pool in the white house who has nothing better to do than to talk about hockey and flashlight in congress. should you be doing your job maybe in the white house and tell us what's going on he's actually the best one in the way of the five million and how did this stupid program and policy of trying to recover from the financial crisis by pushing the american people essentially into a denser servitude they go for twenty five years this guy has to give ten percent of his income really a throwback to my man and i didn't just believe as i'm ok with most of mr murray's debt came from grad plus a program created by congress in two thousand and five every moved loan limits and
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allowed grad students to borrow for any expense including rent and other living costs the law signed by president george w. bush was intended to ease student reliance on pride. banks which had more strict repayment plans this is the packaging that they sold it to the american people were just trying to help people in a private banks charge morris you notice that this is the opposite of the whole p.s.-i how they sell is they say the private sector is more efficient the government can borrow for a cheaper than the private sector but here they're saying the opposite they sold it just opposite sorry but anyway whereas jabberwacky. invented a new word called walker. says dumb is a score oh but also. squirrel and fluctuating kangaroos and lee much more coming your way after the break don't go away.
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ever see a. dog. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race in his office hearing dramatic developments only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk.
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this is. the church secret indeed carefully priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it quite literally i like to call this the do graphic solution so what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot were the previous standards not the highest ranks of the catholic church conceal the accused priests from the police and justice system to that it has known as the i intend to include that it is this out in. this. case both.
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welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to return to south africa speak with abraham cambridge of the sun exchange now after helping the company secure early financing several years ago i'm now guys in this company the sun exchange and they're working with the united nations development program to trial a plan to monetize solar energy that's right solar money you might call it welcome back ever ham is going to be back i can access the stillers talks on exchanges currently as i mentioned working with the u.n. development program on a pilot program to bring cellar to the university of moldova so how does a judge success in this case like what are they looking at abraham then looking at getting emerging markets particularly countries which are landlocked like most over with energy natural resources other than some so the goal is to enable these countries to go so quickly and easily as he had in markets where this sort of history is still rather immature of he decided to take his mission is to enable
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anyone to go so groovy and easily but we've also been working with the soul when foundation since two thousand and fourteen so the electric chair group been issuing these so when bonuses to anyone who owns a soda bottle we thought it was an exchange so we could issue the sort of points to customers and they also ranged n.p.p. were hoping you would be now want us to apply this model it's of moldova so moldova moldova has a great demand for energy and without that access to cheap whodunnit g.e. then development goals of it is one of the one of the key to the mechanism goes is to enable access to clean energy so you need to be but a very very strong interest in getting this model to be proven in eastern europe so success for them is to have this program for the whole eastern europe potentially the rest of the world i mean. sun exchanges system to be as this is a global platform to enable who anyone who is only going to work anywhere else in
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the world and you would be p.c. to write for those just joining us you know we've been talking about this for a bit now so as you point out anybody anywhere can get involved the solar energy business and derive an income from that seller energy. and this solves problems in areas that have no access to energy because they do have access however to the sun and so this is really creating a whole new market now the efficiencies in this are quite remarkable because if issuances encrypt zero are phenomenal you can stand pennies around using the crypto network it doesn't really cost anything to send pennies and the cost of solar energy is plummeting and so all the components of this business model the raw materials the components the prices falling so this allows for that income to be generated cyr capturing something from the sun the sun the god the apollo god
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apollo is you know one another thing i was thinking about this abraham i'm curious what your thoughts are people talk about universal basic income and you know if everybody had a wallet attached to the sun every want to get an income from the sun yeah that is more significant is on such a good point i mean the point is that most people who woke today live in apartments already discrimination so even if they wanted to own a solar panel they come because they don't own a roof so the worsening change does need to anyone so now bodhisattvas out somewhere else on earth and we've broken down that ownership to a single so zone and you can lease now so big somewhere else in the planning and an income for twenty years for me so we're going to cost of going so that we reduce by three orders of magnitude equals more than ten thousand dollars to go solar. now people go so do it in increments of less than ten dollars and that's that's what we
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believe is that everyone should have the right to be able to access and hone his solar power and blow chain payments of a name but resolution and the speed in the transparency so on will this kind of business model to follow up on that point let's say hypothetically i am running the united states of america and i've got a multi-trillion dollar budget and i decide i'm going to allocate five hundred billion dollars to the solar and come and i'm going to get open up wallets for everyone beneath the poverty line i've now given some energy currency from the sun into the pockets of millions of people at a cost effective rate correct yeah i mean actually take three hundred fifty billion dollars to provide basic electricity access to every single person in africa and the six hundred fifty million people who don't have access to power so. globally three point four trillion dollars has been placed into clean energy today that's from institutions and individuals so the monies that we can sort of how the
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planning if we want to just lacked the platforms in the mechanism through which to do this and separate the process and but as fortunately we're just now coming to fruition and while you've been growing your company china has basically driven the cost of solar down tremendously. can you give us some breakdown on the cost of setting up a solar operation let's say in mild or wherever yes so we're looking now at the installed price who was. below one dollar what we did who are looking now down to maybe around eighty cents a walk which is completely unprecedented now you can now completely unsubsidized the plant in a country with no tremendously brilliant sort of conditions and it's to be completely commercial commercially viable i mean the projects that we're hosting here in south africa we always talk around eleven percent are zero or ten to eleven percent. our own projects such as the one with is about who are not open now and then as we would hope to achieve in the emerging markets as are so so prices
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continue to come down to see the not always so the price is the who saw the installation cost is coming down there are some aspects prices go up such as the actual labor and installation costs some of the copper in the cable in those costs do come up so it's not a completely rosy picture for the whole isn't so sector but food should be the most expensive art in the solar panels that eight out continue to come down is as a kick in right now remember last year we were talking about the possibility of plugging a crypto miner into this that work for i think start going away we're talking about at the time where he could plug a start point end or a minor into what was happening on this platform and not only generate solar currency and come but krypto mining income i don't know how far along we are in that discussion but i'm hoping to revisit that sometime in the next few months
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because interest in a start line is is picking up again i guess because we helped finance us back a year ago or so out there start showing so there's a lot of synergies now on your blog you recently pointed out that shining a profitable light on plastics on enter exchange announces an opportunity to earn from solar power south african plastics industry can expand on that yet plastics are a huge issue white i mean they literally put clogging up our rivers and oceans but the beautiful thing about plastic is it doesn't actually last forever it can be reused so there are factories that manufacture plastic bottles and all these factories capable of using one hundred percent recycled. p.c.b. the plastic i am sure that goes into making both of those so here's the thing that's stopping this from a to b. simpler economy is the energy it takes to recycle is both so we decided. factory computer diary plastics they manufacture drinking both who bottles with detergent
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and they would have about fifty percent recycled plastics into the mix we're hoping that by shining a light on this this top it but we can and we encourage them their customers to demand one hundred percent recycled. plastics going into guidance down factory because they're really what we're trying to great we really believe in the bottom line social environmental and economic that's what all of us in exchange projects are about we believe it is possible to make money and do good same time there is no ways no one of the other and in fact is going to be the on the other side you actually prefer to make more money by being more. environmentally conscious and i'm just connected condition just capital to these projects right there it's a money maker to be environmentally conscious because you're taking all of the what corporations call the externalize costs and which is going into environmental pollution and degradation and you're turning it into a positive income stream how is the south african government reacting to cryptocurrency and block chain innovation what's the regulatory framework like. the
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local municipality hears of them has been very very positive about some exchange they're very supportive of what we're doing because it's about use case you know we actually on utilising this technology for good we can even direct foreign investment into south africa providing energy instead of energy and would reduce energy cost to businesses joining the economy upwards and braiding creating jobs in south africa for installing solar pumps we've created i don't know how many jobs with training people how to install the maintenance on the pumps this is happening so it's actually an amazing use case the government is favorable and posted towards they what they are concerned about is is some of these schemes and and period schemes they're always going to happen but not just encrypts a bit don't you know fashion money as well so those things people are going to have to keep an eye on it in terms of actually demonstrate to them what we've got could be said or you can do as an extent. it is being looked at very favorably how about the tech talent in south africa have a rich source of local talent to draw from yes this is amazing i'm here and he's in
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cape town and here we've probably go three four different businesses including leighton lapsley who could write and and or did very small contracts in jo'burg where our tech team is based we have two three blokes in engine is up there now sorted into training our will is systems our smartphone tracks and exploring and testing like being paid by the network painted rails to increase the frequency and reduce costs on the payments we're making so it is all happening down here it's a group great industry and it's driven by needs and the opportunity that comes from that need and it is an amazing organization. who we think code which produces some of the brightest best talent in coaches and we've got to have one of the one of the best students now working with us full time to be on track and it is amazing to have such great resources available so i was down here to her stocking
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to rand nooner hood as a trainer from south africa he's a south african and i sent him the press release about us becoming advisors to sonic stance he was very excited said he knew your company very well he suggested we all have a made up down to south africa he said he'd wear a speedo yes and this naked called and saying oh a bar i don't know that he's famous for that in south africa this is news to me as ran noon or actually famous for doing naked pole dancing in south africa do you have any insight into that i don't know i met rand we. last year to raise money for one of our solar projects at a time so it was the future he came down to was that he was wearing clothes. ok potable and it is winter right now so. i wouldn't recommend budgie smugglers and i'm pretty wet at least. he wore the same time well fired up well let's say good bye for now thanks for being on the show abraham cameras from the sun exchange
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thanks very much well that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max geyser and stacy herbert like to thank our guests abraham cambridge of the sun exchange if you want to raise us on twitter go to kaiser report and it's a life time. four men are sitting in a car when the fifth gets shot in the head. for a different version of what happened one of them is on the death row there's no way
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you could have done it there's no possible way because the list did not shoot around a corner. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter to us is over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten thousand dollars timestamping each day. eighty five percent of global will you long to the ultra rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent just last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one one distance shows you know. two minutes one only.
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this is r t headlining this hour president putin heads to vienna on his first official trip since beginning his fourth term in office ahead of the visit and he had a pretty animated interview with austrian t.v. . critics this with you taking this christmas concert. if it isn't the president. also this hour america's ambassador to israel gives some less the diplomatic feedback to journalists covering the violence on the israeli gaza border. dispute over the. war of annihilation a damning new report from
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a leading human rights group accuses the u.s. led coalition of potentially breaking international law as it battled to liberate the syrian city of rocket from myself last year. there is rally nusrat from r.t. international in moscow my name calling welcome to the program first off let's get on with president putin's visits to austria that show you their life now that is vienna where president putin due to arrive shortly it seems officials are lining up waiting to. see in the screen this is his first international trip since starting his fourth term as president and he was last in austria though in vienna in twenty fourteen. that was. the north stream to gas pipe going workings and the project for
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that so this is going to form part of this trip as well. on this visit is going to be the austrian chancellor sebastian curtin self relatively newly elected of course he took power after election last october thirty one year old forming a coalition with some right wing parties to form a government that now among some of the other issues are going to touch on this a lot between austria and russia of course that north stream to gas pipeline that i mentioned this meeting marks the fiftieth anniversary of russian gas exports to ostrich so there's a lot of history there of the kremlin press office says the leaders are going to discuss the development of russian austrian relations as well as compare some ideas on some of the red button world issues as well but also hold a new briefing later in the day after they've had their talks and we will be showing you that live here on r.t. international the person you can see there is alexander vander bell and he was the president of austria waiting to greet president putin on his arrival in the coming
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minutes. with. head of the visit r.t. senior correspondent explains the importance of that meeting. there is a wind of change blowing through europe or perhaps just a breeze but on the eve of glad to be of putin's visit here to vienna the austrian vice chancellor comes out and calls for and then the sanctions the sanctions have damaged our austrian economy above all else and i've always warned against pushing russia into the arms of china is high time to end these painful sanctions and normalize political and economic relations with russia not exactly shocking a lot these days a lot after the austrian chancellor himself came out and called the u.s. and reliable in that regard making up with russia might be. and to balance things such as friends allies washington imposing tariffs on european goods
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a move that essentially began a trade war. so now we will also impose import tariffs this is basically stupid process the fact that we have to do this but we have to do it we will now impose tariffs on harley davidson motorcycles on levis blue jeans and we can also do stupid we also have to be this stupid the logic here is that by normalizing relations with russia europe would be better able to deal with washington the idea is that the united states would behave itself properly we also need russia to solve problems i mean we exclude russia from the g eight now the problem is that the u.s. is following a policy the other six do not want perhaps russia's return to the g. eight would be a counterbalance and allow for counter policy but politician say whatever suits them doesn't always translate into action it seldom does if anything and it's
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difficult to imagine the guard they are joined in ponderous european machine changing tracks overnight or it used to be difficult to imagine we have to reconnect before i'm not very happy about the state of our relations look at the look at our differences on this but does. seem. to be brought to him and. usa your relations of course have taken some major blows recently donald trump's decision to ditch the iran nuclear deal was slammed by european signatories and the relocation of the u.s. embassy in israel to jerusalem also caused widespread consternation austrian freedom party m.p. hunters who says that russia and europe on the other hand have some common interests. as well as for you know exactly. what the game is the american game in europe and what is in the advantage of austria and what is against austrian
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interest they know this and don't know we have no conflict of interest at all with russia europe has no conflict of interest at all is russia the only conflict is an american russian conflict and this is leverage through europe so everyone knows to steer clear from being used by a sort mom european power against russia is against their interest so that's what you know the only question is now. how far they will dare to go what allies they will find in europe. before heading off to vienna president putin spoke to an austrian t.v. channel now that interview to get so animated at times that at one point mr putin even had to switch to german just to get a word in. this debate in the biggest city of the union to. your first ticklish majority that he was going to the boom that they lived to do it it. didn't
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. seem to. see it in this because it's going to do things if it doesn't the president elect was used to it was a. yes you just put them before you can see that you know. you're going. to be excited but it's not something that i learned that muhammad you know. just. the thing to do it of a person despite the tone of that interview mr putin did manage to touch on important topics like the north korea crisis and he gave a detailed reply to accusations of russian meddling in the u.s. presidential election in twenty sixteen. pushes. and you just said that mr proposing is referred to as putin's chef and indeed that is his job he is a restaurant owner in st petersburg because but do you really think that a person who is in the restaurant business even if this person has some hacking opportunities and owns a private firm in this field could use it to sway elections in the united states or
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european country could it be that the media and political standards in western countries have reached such a low level that a russian restaurant owner can sway voters in the european country or the united states isn't that ridiculous thing that if you spoke with a ship wouldn't there is such a person in the united states mr soros who interferes in affairs all over the world and i often hear from my american friends that america as a state has nothing to do with his activities i mean there are rumors circulating now that mr soros is planning to make the euro highly volatile experts are already discussing this ask the state department why he is doing this the state department will say that it has nothing to do with these activities rather it is mr soros private affair with us it is mr progressions private affair this is my answer are you satisfied with it will that.
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and there's a limit and if i do not even want to think about it it is a dreadful thought i think this road the road towards the denuclearization of north korea should be a two way road if the north korean leader is backing up his intentions with practical actions for example giving up new tests of ballistic missiles new nuclear tests then the other side should reciprocate in a tangible manner and in this connection i consider it counterproductive to continue military activities military exercises and everything that is related to this i very much hope that the situation will move forward in a positive way. and you think you've seen it it is not our aim to divide anything or anybody in europe on the contrary we want to see a knighted and prosperous european union because the european union is our biggest trade an economic partner the more problems there are within the european union the
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greater the risks and uncertainties for us the mere fact that our trade with the european union countries has dropped by half from over four hundred billion to two hundred fifty billion speaks for itself why do we need to see a further drop why rock the european union in order to suffer further losses and incur costs or miss possible benefits from cooperation with the european union on the contrary we need to increase cooperation with the european union if we work at all or work more intensively with some than with others we proceed from purely pragmatic considerations. of you've just said that there is proof accepted by everyone that assad used chemical weapons well not by everyone our experts think differently for example let's look at the alleged chemical attack.
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