tv Documentary RT June 5, 2018 4:30pm-5:01pm EDT
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you have amnesty international saying to quote that there was a horrifying use of live ammunition against armed protesters now the latest figures we have from the gaza health ministry are that one hundred and nineteen people were killed in nine weeks of violence the situation on the ground is still tense and unfortunately we're bracing ourselves for those figures to climb. form of there also in tel aviv waiting to talk to us journalist and filmmaker david she david welcome to the program just been reading up about you i know that you've been promoted for officially immersed in what's going on there for years now from human rights through to the religious underlying causes of this and you know how complex it is in gaza right now so what do you make of the u.s. ambassador's comments have a lot of journalists show a lack of willingness to understand those complexities. well it was actual quote was keep your mouth shut until you figure it out so essentially he's saying you can't report on any massacre doesn't matter the death
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toll goes up into triple digits or if there's medics or whatever journalists are being shot you can't report on any massacre unless you first frame it within a narrative that justifies it. you know this is ridiculous this whole trumpy an attack everything is fake news unless you declare the narrative as we see it the thing is this is suddenly not anything new and just as you know this is been the case in the us for some time but in israel it's been this way for a decade under an attorney who constantly attacking the media he's got most of it in his back pocket in the sense that the largest newspaper in the country is owned by his political patron sheldon adelson the largest selling newspaper in the country idea of the horno that he's right now an attorney who is under investigation criminal charges for engaging in backroom deals where he was promised by the publisher of this newspaper positive coverage so this attempt to control the media spin in any case even when your own eyes tell you this is an outrageous
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massacre sadly it's nothing new in israel but you know this is creeping all the more into trying to dominate the news narrative outside when these images get out try to shut it down and essentially it's gaslighting trying to bully the media into stopping all reporting of it but. it's really friedman himself that we should have a look at his views it's not only about the media it's about his own advocacy so you know in the past we've had different ambassadors to israel who you know could be accused of bias but friedman he isn't just supporting the israeli government his political positions actually eclipse them on the rights he's in support of the farthest most far right for. actions of the israeli government and beyond it he's actually coming in support of groups groups that are openly advocating for expanding israel's borders for ethnically cleansing the non jews living in the
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country and turning the country of israel from an effing ocracy that privileges jews on the basis of their ethnicity turning that country into a theocracy were it will be fully governed by jewish religious law these are the types of groups that friedman is supporting is signaling his support for and that is very scary he is actually further right than the current israeli government if you can imagine that and what about maybe giving the benefit of the doubt to other journalists outside of where you are in their coverage of the great march of return and the protests that we've seen over the past nine weeks or so because it is a deeply emotive issue that's been running for decades if not longer it's not something that can be summed up in an article in a short t.v. piece or in a in a tweet but would they be accused you think of some have been accused of being too critical of israel being a little soft on israel. unfortunately we're living in an era when it's almost impossible for anyone to criticize the israeli
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government's actions no matter how deplorable they may be because they will be instantly be accused of racism instead of examining you know are the actions of the government based on racism we are looking at any critic of those racist actions being accused themselves of racism and sadly it doesn't even matter if you yourself are jewish or even if you are yourself israeli even jewish israeli journalists like myself will get accused of the same thing of course in israel anti-semitism in the world but it's frankly horrific that this claim is being used to shut down the conversation there is an overwhelming amount of coverage of what's happening people just have to see what's happening now of course there's context of course it's in. and to know the history but there's a lot of history that's not being reported also there's no way to confine it into just a few minutes if we look at the facts and i think it's pretty clear that they're overwhelmingly demonstrating that the israeli government isn't just trying to
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defend itself but is actually trying to destroy any idea of palestinian nationalism any idea of the chance that there could be some levels some measure of equality on the ground in the last decade under netanyahu and previous governments we've seen the settlements expand and expand and expand. under siege what opportunity people have they realize there's no more two state solution and in fact friedman and the trump government are supporting the of parted solution the one state solution in which israel controls all the land from the river to the sea and in that territory in which jews are only forty nine percent of the territory for there to be jewish rule for jews to have more rights than one jews time at the u.n. part of talking a lot of just yesterday in fact just so we have to leave it out i'm going to lose
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the satellite link with you very early so we're going to leave it there to apologize so we get to talk at length a journalist a filmmaker in tel aviv david thanks very much for your time. just internationals accusing the u.s. led coalition of committing potential war crimes during last year's operation to liberate the syrian city of rockets from islamic state the rights group says there's strong evidence that america and its partners used indiscriminate and disproportionate force and that the impact was catastrophic more now from others to see. this amnesty international report a dubbed war of and they had nation devastating tolls and civilians in iraq a syria is a very highly critical analysis of the airstrikes that were carried out by the u.s. led coalition that involved britain and france on the city of raka from june to october twenty seventeen in their fight against isis and this amnesty international report talks of decimated families and neighborhoods says that not enough was done
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to protect civilians and that some of the attacks resulted in violation of international humanitarian law and indeed talks of potential war crimes as a result of the these strikes the report finds that hundreds of people died and thousands were injured despite the coalition saying they did everything they could to minimize casualties you know when you're finding it and it me. uses noncombat as collateral damage you know it's very difficult when you when you fight it we like to completely avoid. any casualties of war like that but i can tell you we have a process that we go through. to minimize you know civilian casualties the cost. the coalition's claims that its precision air complaints allowed it to bump islamic state out of iraq while causing very few civilian casualties do not stand up to scrutiny on the ground in iraq we witnessed a level of destruction comparable to anything we've seen in decades of covering the
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impact of wars well amnesty international interviewed one hundred twelve civilians in as many as forty two locations of airstrikes for this report and some of their focus was specifically on four families who had lost very big numbers of family members in these airstrikes they look at one family that lost as many as eight members in one airstrike another lost sixteen another family lost eighteen and a fourth family that lost as many as thirty nine people in those airstrikes and of course while we know the coalition says that in this case as others they did all they can to minimize casualties and in these kinds of scenarios according to them this is inevitable according to amnesty international that is just not good enough and they have called for investigations and justice for the victims of those strikes. are going to buckle under pressure for inaction over an asylum corruption scandal in germany we'll have the details about for you after this quick break.
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would normally this manufacture consent to public will. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the flame of very good lives and be the one percent. we can all middle of the roots of. the real you. can say. anything he wants to say and he can't fire you know it won't be another election until twenty twenty and he's gliding in twenty eighteen probably won't even many representatives support in the end there's
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a lot this year. back germany's refugee agency is being investigated for corruption it's accused of offering asylum for bribes chancellor merkel's now being dragged into the scandal with claims that she was aware of the problems but did nothing to reform the organization our europe correspondent peter all of the reports next from berlin. is the cash for asylum investigation into the german federal office for migration and the refugees are all on speed public focus has turned to the german chancellor angela merkel and what she knew about the agency's problems its former heads frank here didn't fly skaven interview to a leading german sunday tabloid which he said he held face to face meetings with
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the chancellor and made it explicitly clear that his agency couldn't cope with the pressure is being put on it refugee policy. there was no structure or organized development in the form of specific tasks set of priorities or occult collation of personality acquirements since no instructions were available everyone could work as they saw feet in response to those claims a spokesperson for angle merkel had this to say. of course there was an ongoing intense process of changing the work of the german federal office of migrations and refugees when the refugee crisis broke out i'm just trying to make clear that mr vice is repeated reported on these changes in the prove months to the how the federal states the blunder stock the cabinets he has spoken at press conferences and again and again to the public and major league the chancellor was informed about the plan of the reform and the measures taken in this agency. the
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investigation began after it was alleged that an employee at the un fought for us in bremen wrongfully granted asylum to twelve hundred people on the list though security services say were two islamic extremists one of whom they describe as an actual terror threat while forty four others belonged to islamist groups prosecutors allege that the female employee took both money and gifts to grant asylum wrongfully between twenty thirteen and twenty sixteen as the investigation continues she did nice those charges against her politicians both from the opposition and from within and glimmer of course on coalition partners saying they want answers. it is not about accusations it is not about vindication of a conspiracy theory but rather about a sober investigation. we have to investigate the accusations of negligence and corruption and we have to do it quickly and everyone who was involved should give
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testimony the former refugee card to nato and the interior ministry there is a way to be done in this investigation last month the country's largest opposition party alternative for germany launched a last. suit against anglo merkel's refugee policy they say that the chancellor's decision to welcome around one of the half a million refugees to the country should have gone through a vote in the book on the stack and the fact that it didn't it's unconstitutional and so we put a legal cross in front of the court to question whether there there is a legal. explanation or a legal reason to open our borders hopefully we'll have a special committee to go into that scandal well the point we're making is probably the scandal is not something about the one. office environment and has to do with political responsibility and we have to look who is responsible for everything what has happened there but for now the big question remains if the
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chancellor knew that the migration refugee agency was struggling why was nothing done to relieve the pressure betrayal of r.t. early. exits nine days and counting until football's showpiece tournament kicks off right here in moscow thirty two nations are going to battle it out to get their hands on the world cup trophy and a bit earlier we got a possible look at the biggest prize in football. i'm really proud to tell you that there is more than just a special reason for me to be wearing this golden tide because here in this studio right now we're going to show you a very special shiny golden guest can we please have a lot for. the actual true free world cup winners get their hands on after the final the winning team will lift this exact trophy above their heads and this is the one that they
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keep only for a short while. before the ultimate possession they get a called the so-called winner's trophy which it looks like exactly this one but only made of bronze and it's a gold plated bronze so even lionel messi seen as the best footballer today can't touch it indeed this is the one in on li made of eighteen karat solid gold. official for a world cup trophy and only heads of state and people world cup winners can touch this magnificent full price how far has the trophy traveled on its tour trophy traveled from kaliningrad to a lot of us talk literally a massive geography we estimated that around forty million people lives in the nearest proximity to the cities where the traffic visited any special moments in russia in kaliningrad for instance a young guy made
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a marriage marriage proposal to his girl and it was really really touching and almost you know i almost had tears in my eyes and a lot of new words coming to see this trophy after their wedding there was. a longtime fan of football he was around sixty years of age and the guy was crying and i haven't seen you know a sixty year old guy crying this side of the trophy. well as the excitement builds over which country will lift the world cup in the final in moscow next month our teams been picking the brains of one of the best football coaches around the same arena on how the tournament will play out and we're inviting you to challenge the special one and make your own predictions or those of you. to be able to contradictions because you know where you live please do with that also all right it is the world it is so this is a little bit of. so if you feel you're up to testing your knowledge against the might of merino head to our facebook or twitter pages and follow the hash tag match
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merino to make sure you don't miss any of the games that the two rounds of predictions from the group stage to the knockout with the first starting this coming wednesday so head to r.t. dot com you can get more information there about our world cup coverage with a marino and our other footballing greats on team. my that's it for now watching across what's happening in vienna as the russian president meets so with the chancellor of austria we'll bring you that live when it happens for now that the line. was.
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chose seems wrong when old rules just don't call. me. yet to seep out just because that's ok and in games from an equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. i played for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside out it's. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch pull the funnel school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman each kill the narrowness and
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spending two hundred twenty million on one player. so it's an experience like nothing else on to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game played great so one more chimes for. and thinks this minute. hey this is max a bit about your this is a report only got on good stuff for you today. max but i want to bring up the issue of squirrels because the squirrels in this world are the bane of my existence we have many schools around here in north carolina and you know i notice because they're always dodging in front of my car
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and then i have to screech to a stop and they were running in front of the road and they have a little acorn in their mouth and they're like they think i'm going to stay alive and i spend all day long so so busy so engaged in burying all these acorns all over the place because they're stupid and they have a bad memory so they don't learn from history that the fact is that they lose their cones all the time though there are so afraid of somebody stealing it and this is how stupid i think we as a human race are this is a very interesting analogy that you're making there what the squirrels you know they've got their own economy coming down hard on the squirrels they have nuts and other squirrels fine and it's a big economy it all works out in the squirrels have been around for a long long time they were here before humans were here their ancestors and they'll be here after all gone because they've got a unique way of surviving this world well even think about it they bury these nuts
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and then other squirrels find it now look at this whole resistance movement in america and the media space we have they basically ran on a platform of outrage and looking for anything to get the other side fired and now it's back firing on a lot of media personalities here in the united states from the left wing the from the resistance i might point out joy read a. our samantha bee everybody's looking we as a media and cultural people are spending our time searching i go some thoughts on us well we're searching for those little knots and have been planted the seeds the acorns and nuts and somebody planted in an old blog post from like twenty years ago and we're trying to say fire that person fire that person yeah you got the squirrels versus the maximum credit tours in the white house that have lunch roasting up squirrel meat of all these media personalities here's the deal
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you've got basically profanity arbitrage you've got a profanity arbitrage in the making you see tron can say anything he wants to say and you can't fire on you know it won't be another election until twenty twenty and he's gliding into twenty eighteen probably won't even lose many representatives and support in the in this election this year so he says something outrageous he says something profane that's not profound in any way and then celebrities like a star silberman or it's a samantha baby or is roseanne barr and this got to be some guys too in this mix can't think of any at the moment but they say these outrageous things they tweet these outrageous things and the course corporate america will immediately fire them and they are out in the street because there's profanity arbitrage so it reminds me of we were living in the south of france if you recall and we live next door to
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a very famous chateau and this is where the rolling stones recorded one of their earliest records as style main street exile on main street and a lot of the locals try to keep up with keith richards with his heroin use and they all died but keith richards lived because keith richards is immortal but everyone else died so it's like these guys are the equivalent of the squirrels that run in front of the car and don't have somebody as nice as i to stop and let them. yes most people just run them over but i stop you know actually when you talk about trans tweets and he gets away with it if you look throughout history and mad emperors the mad kings if you look at the series the tutors it's a good demonstration of this henry the eighth was deranged ok he killed all his friends he executed half the royal family to kratz all over everybody and everybody around him had to go. you. you're
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such a benevolent king and of course this is the same thing with the grotesqueness of charles and his tweets when you see europeans when you see asians when you see everybody responding as if they were close allies of america even though trump has tweeted like they're bimbo's over there and we're never going to we're going to slap on some tariffs and we're not going to deal with those people in there like they have to be polite and pretend that everything is ok in america has become like british or european aristocracy and they have forsaken their role of telling truth to power years ago decades ago they've become an instrument of corporate power and very little media so i agree with trump when he calls people from n.b.c. c.b.s. a.b.c. fake news because they are. using twitter to go directly to the public has worked brilliantly and i take on bridge at insulting king henry the eighth like this
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because of course he did invent the church of england which in america became a biskup alien ism which is my my language and also the religious right the there are other stories that of you know in this hyper active media world where you have twitter all day long and you need you know excitement and people forget the news cycle within a few moments just like schoolgirls screaming at where they buried their eight corn we have stories like that story i don't know what really happened by. pretend assassination a fake assassination that happened in ukraine because the ukrainian media or the lobbyist in the think tanks couldn't wait the ukrainians correlate with media amnesia station fake assassination of ukraine and all the major fake news networks in america n.b.c. c.b.s. and a.b.c. with this fact and get got egg on their face and it was quickly forgotten what exactly because the likes of rachel maddow couldn't wait for the real story to happen since i just grew up so they b.b.q. . i lost it when i don't know i got it by car yeah is
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a fake story it's a fake assassination. well there we're breaking into that edition of the carter report you can watch it online we're going to take you back to our big story of the day after they missed put in blood they were put into visit to vienna the austrian capital he's currently been signing some documents with the chancellor of austria who's now speaking that's two of them life in there and it's a great responsibility and we're very hopeful that the pressure will contribute to . peace all settlements there are so that the peoples in these countries can. finally enjoy peace. as you know australia is and active member of the ira paean union on the first of july i will cheer. you on and e.u.
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council. and we will discuss all important issues and including the sanctions and where hopefully things too like there will be progress in relation between the e.u. and russia. on and on so to speak you know eastern ukraine are much help perhaps in minsk agreements will be. implemented this is the sin there are that we wish happened for all of us living on this continent and this can come true thanks to our joint efforts and it'll cause the relations i'm very much hope you can for further progress in our relations in the let's roll of relations between our. two the benefits of all of the involved parties. that will be in line with our own stadium tradition of court every day and will
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will. to invest even more effort. along this track. so we. constructed. the united nations and other nations in order to find acceptable. by diplomatic the military means thank you very much once again for visiting australia for they. had. i have had. with president obama and you had a discussion and i. further dialogue further exchanges between. circles and dear mr chancellor ladies and gentlemen first of all i would like to think. the u.s.
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government for their hospitality. this year we are meeting for a second time with. mr. r. first i was in moscow and this meeting was friendly and very helpful and it really confirmed the friendly nature of russian or soon relations testimony to that is the growth of our mutual to turnover which increased by forty percent last year and continues to grow in the first quarter of this year our doubled. this visit takes place against the background of. sending the first contracts between then soviet union in austria for gas shipments. throughout these five decades russia has supplied what you consume is with gas in
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a stable and reliable manner and moreover rush is russian oil and gas are also transfer. added to other european countries to austria therefore it would be no always statement to say that russia and austria jointly through joint efforts contribute to in hewing energy security of the entire european continent we jointly work on expanding our cooperation in the area of energy today our leading companies gazprom an m. file they say a contract for gas shipments up to the year twenty forty two austria we are also continuing the implementation of the north stream to line and the austrian federal chancellor has confirmed that austria considers this project to be a purely economic undertaken undertaking we also discussed the technical and the india.
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