tv Boom Bust RT June 5, 2018 7:30pm-8:01pm EDT
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america and its partners used indiscriminate and disproportionate force and that the impact was catastrophic were details from a list to see a true this international report dubbed war of and they had nation devastating tolls on civilians in iraq to syria is a very highly critical analysis of the airstrikes that were carried out by the u.s. led coalition that involved britain and france on the city of raka from june to october twenty seventeen in their fight against isis and this amnesty international report talks of decimated families and neighborhoods says that not enough was done to protect civilians and that some of the attacks resulted in violation of international humanitarian law and indeed talks of potential war crimes as a result of the these strikes the report finds that one hundreds of people died and thousands were injured despite the coalition saying they did everything they could to minimize casualties. we did everything we could in our intelligence assessment
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in our planning to minimize to the maximum degree possible any chance of civilian casualties the coalition's claims that it's precision air campaigns allowed to bump islamic state out of iraq while causing very few civilian casualties do not stand up to scrutiny on the ground in iraq we witnessed a level of destruction comparable to anything we've seen in decades of covering the impact of wars you know when you're fighting an enemy. uses noncombat as collateral damage you know it's very difficult when the when you fight it we like that too to completely avoid. any casualties of war like that but i can tell you we have a process that we go through. to minimize you know civilian casualties at all costs well amnesty international interviewed one hundred twelve civilians in as many as
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forty two locations of airstrikes for this report and some of their focus was specifically on four families who had lost very big numbers of family members in these airstrikes they look at one family that lost as many as eight members and one airstrike another lost sixteen another family lost eighteen and a fourth family that lost as many as thirty nine people in those airstrikes and of course while we know the coalition says that in this case as others they did all they can to minimize casualties and in these kinds of scenarios according to them this is inevitable according to amnesty international that is just not good enough and they have called for investigations and justice for the victims of those strikes well going back r t was in syria while the u.s. led campaign to liberate iraq and was ongoing here are some of the reports filed by our correspondent on the extent of the devastation and how residents were affected by the bottle. the u.n. estimates that's an average of twenty seven people are being killed in iraq every
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day nothing is left in iraq except for destruction because of the coalition and the strength of the coalition will worsen some villages were wiped out some neighborhoods were demolished in the likelihood more than eighty people civilians were killed in two u.s.'s strikes near the syrian city of bragg many have been killed among the my cousin died in iraq in an astronaut and the massacres in iraq were committed by isis and the coalition warplanes together what can i say the streets are full of good bodies. the international nuclear watchdog house confirmed that iran is preparing to restart activities of a compound that can produce nuclear weapons tehran earlier sent a fish a letter informing the organization that it is stepping up its enrichment capacity . right now the electrical infrastructure and utilities in the towns are ready for
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hundreds of thousands of separative work you know we started the work yesterday we sent a letter about the start of some activities to the i.a.e.a. . well the developments come with the iran nuclear deal of course on the verge of unraveling the twenty fifteen accord was the result of long drawn out negotiations that lifted international sanctions against iran and then turn to run gave up its nuclear aspirations and significantly limited its enrichment program but now that the u.s. has scrapped the agreement sanctions are being imposed as the again and washington is warning there's more to come we will apply unprecedented financial pressure on the iranian regime the leaders in tehran will have no doubt about our seriousness these will indeed end up being the strongest link in history when we are completely . well the european union has reacted to ron's latest move saying that although it doesn't constitute a breach of the deal the revival of enrichment activities by tehran exacerbates the
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already fragile situation in while both iran and america are putting pressure on europe issuing h threats and ultimatums is the us going to impose sanctions on european companies that continue to do business with iran i think it would give the answer you know the answer is it's possible it depends on the conduct of other governments. european countries seem to expect the iranian people to both suffer from the sanctions and give up the nuclear energy activities abiding by the j c p o e limits i'm telling those countries that this is a dream that's never going to come true this will never happen. a little earlier i spoke to sayyid mohammad marandi a politics professor at university of tehran he believes iran is shown remarkable restraint and that the ball is now in europe's court. thing without a doubt the iranians have shown
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a great deal of patience so far when the americans pulled out many expected the iranians to pull out immediately as well because after all this was a multi battle agreement and the united states is the key and agonist and if when the united states pulls out the. agreement really becomes almost meaningless however the iranians showed patience and they told the europeans that if they're willing to grow backbone and stand up to the americans protect their citizens protect their business people and their corporations and companies and banking and financial institutions with real commitments if there have solid if they bring forth solid commitments to show the iranians that they're willing to do this then iran can stay within the agreement but otherwise if the europeans are just going to give verbal support and back down and allow their companies to be sanctioned and punished by the americans then there's absolutely no reason why the
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iranians should stay in agreement. germany's refugee agency is being investigated for corruption being accused of offering asylum for bright chancellor merkel has no also been dragged into the scandal with claims she was aware of the problems but they did nothing to reform the organization or europe correspondent peter oliver reports from berlin. as the cash for asylum investigation into the german federal office for migration and refugees all. speed public focus has turned to the german chancellor angela merkel and what she knew about the agency's problems its former head frank here good advice gave an interview to a leading german sunday tabloid which he said he held a face to face meetings with the chancellor and made it explicitly clear that his agency couldn't cope with the pressures being put on it refugee policy. there
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was no structure or organized development in the form of specific tasks set of priorities or occult collation of personality acquirements since no instructions were available everyone could work as they saw feet in response to those claims a spokesperson for angle merkel had this to say. and of course there was an ongoing intense process of changing the work of the german federal office of migrations and refugees when the refugee crisis broke out i'm just trying to make clear that mr vice is repeated reported on these changes in the prove months to the how the federal states the blunder struck the cabinets he spoke at press conferences and again and again to the public and major league the chancellor was informed about the plan of the reforms and the measures taken in this agency. the investigation began after it was alleged that an employee at the un fought for us in bremen wrongfully granted asylum to twelve hundred people on the list though security services say were to islamic extremists one of whom they describe as an actual
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terror threat while forty four others belonged to islamist groups prosecutors allege that the female employee took both money and gifts to grant asylum wrongfully between twenty thirteen and twenty sixteen as the investigation continues she did nice those charges against her politicians both from the opposition and from within and glimmer of course on coalition partners saying they want answers. it is not about accusations it is not about vindication of a conspiracy theory but rather about a sober investigation. we have to investigate the accusations of negligence and corruption and we have to do it quickly and everyone who is involved should give testimony the former refugee card and the interior ministry there is a way to be done in this investigation last month the country's largest opposition party alternative for germany launched
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a lot. suit against anglo merkel's refugee policy they say that the chancellor's decision to welcome around one of the half a million refugees to the country should have gone through a vote in the book on the stack and the fact that it didn't is unconstitutional and so we put the legal class in front of the court to question whether there there is a legal. explanation or a legal reason to open our borders hopefully we'll have a special committee to go into that abscond well the point we're making is probably the scandal it's not something about the so one. office environment and has to do with political responsibility and we have to look who is responsible for everything what has happened there before now the big question remains if the chancellor knew that the migration refugee agency was struggling why was nothing done to relieve the pressure peter all of a r.t.
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early. on police in the u.s. state of maryland have broken into the house of whistleblower chelsea manning after she posted messages on twitter hinting at suicide. in your account joins us live from washington d.c. with more on this samir it does seem to be a divide here between people supporting officers going to help somebody who looks suicidal and those who say yes but you don't need to be armed to the teeth to do it bring us up to date. right this all started on may twenty seventh when chelsea manning posted what seemed to be suicidal tweets and then that prompted police to raid her apartment with their weapons drawn and everything and these are known as wellness checks and they're conducted when police believe someone is experiencing a mental health crisis and this was all captured on camera in the video showed
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officers breaking in searching her apartment with their weapons drawn manning who's also running for senate wasn't at home when this happened and her friend believe it or not was actually relieved when she found out that manning wasn't home saying that the raid it could have resulted in manning's death if she was at home and now mental experts are opposed to these so-called well those checks and they argue that they should be done by the police in the first place the american civil liberties union they've also raised concerns about this saying that suicide people need suicidal people need professional help and not police raid but the montgomery county police department they feel differently they said that they only conducted the raid after receiving calls from quote concerned parties and when they were asked about the need for weapons the police captain said that the disses decision to draw weapons depends on the officer and the circumstances but as for manning her friend says that she is safe and she's also asked to give manning more space but to
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provide us some statistics these great sometimes don't end very well in two thousand and eighteen a loan officer shot dead sixty four people but it's certainly suspicious that it happened to chelsea manning who was in prison for leaking government documents so we're just have to go in we're just going to have to see what happens after this yeah thanks for talking us through the latest developments of american life in washington d.c. . the fifty six mission to the international space station is set to blow off store phone with a from the baikonur launch site in kazakhstan on board our internet. a crew of three are expected to take two days to reach the orbiting laboratory. is the look at the launch site. we rode into the baikonur cosmodrome as the sun was rising in order to catch the first glimpses of the craft as it left the assembly platform to slowly and surely and ever so cautiously make its way to the launch pad.
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the so you system is actually made up of two parts the rocket and the spacecraft itself first one of the gate was the rocket which contains the most eye catching aspect the first stage boosters which pressure around twenty metres long it will burn for only one hundred eighteen seconds before falling away at which point the stack and the third stage rockets take over the top half is the actual spacecraft and it can also be broken down into three sections at the very top of the orbital module where the crew will sit for takeoff. currently the site you system is the only one in the world used to get crewmembers back and forth to the international space station behind me you can see the rocket taking its final position on the platform before takeoff.
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the system is finally in place here at launch pad one also known as the garden start named in honor of your car and the first man ever launched in the space back in one nine hundred sixty one and that was just a few years after the first artificial satellite was also launched right from here and on wednesday i'm going to get a chance to witness my very own liftoff. it is hard to believe but it's just nine days and counting until football's showpiece tournament kicks off right here in moscow thirty two nations will to get their hands on the world cup trophy and earlier we in fact got a close up look at the biggest prize in football. i'm really proud to tell you that there is more than just a special reason for me to be wearing this golden tie because here in this studio right now we're going to show you a very special shiny gold and can we please have
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a lot. is this the actual proof the world cup winners get their hands on after the final the winning team will lift this exact trophy above their heads and this is the one that they keep only for a short while. before the ultimate possession they get a so-called the so-called winner's trophy which it looks like exactly this one but only made of bronze and it's a gold plated bronze so even lionel messi seen as the best footballer today can't touch it indeed this is the one in on li made of eighteen karat solid gold. official fee for world cup trophy and only heads of state and people world cup winners can touch this magnificent pulled the price how far has the trophy traveled
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on its tour trophy traveled from coming to light it was talk literally a massive geography we estimated that around forty million people lives in the nearest proximity to the cities where the traffic visited any special moments in russia including russia for instance a young guy made a marriage marriage proposal to his girl and that was really really touching and almost you know i almost had tears in my eyes and a lot of new words coming to see this trophy after their wedding there was. a longtime fan of food bowl he was around sixty years of age and the guy was crying and i haven't seen you know a sixty year old guy crying at the side of the trophy. well as the excitement builds over which country will lift the world cup trophy in the final in moscow next month r.t. has been picking the brains of perhaps the most famous coach out there just
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motoring you on how the tournament is going to play out and we invite you to challenge the special one and make your own predictions a little bit of emotional to be able to contradictions because you know we're pleased to win but they also want my players to go on the whole it is so this is going to be tough. and if you feel up to testing your knowledge against the might of marine you head on to facebook or twitter and follow the how much marine you to make sure you don't miss any of the games there will be two runs or predictions from the group stages to the north garth's with the first starting on witness day do get involved in the world cup very fast approaching now is a cashless future is something that should be welcomed in the face of the recent visa blockades watching the hawks it's the can do about on its next.
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well reduce some lower. that's undercutting but what's good for market is not good for the global economy. salutation. insert taps lad swipe return and click those are the new sounds of current seahawk watchers gone are the days of the ching and the jingles and jangles of paper and coins this is the a of the bank card the credit card and the mobile plat pass plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic everywhere and if you're not swiping tapping or inserting plastic to spend those magical numbers on your bank statement your double clicking your mouse banging away on your keypad or swiping your touchscreen but what happens when those small important
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pieces of plastic no longer work the swipes in the taps no longer be the role of receipt paper at the register the touch screen reads decline what happens then after hard currency is gone the way of the video store in the dinosaur this past week in the good books of europe got to experience first hand what happens when that imagined scenario becomes reality yes beast the card holders across the united kingdom found their cards no longer working thanks to what the credit card giant is calling a hardware failure from personal card holders the businesses u.k. vs the customers and europe use of customers for over twelve hours half a day got declined for making purchases and payments forcing many shops and bars to go cash only or risk closing down thankfully basis reporting this hardware failure was not the result of anything criminal and that they have no reason to believe this was associated with any unauthorized access or malicious
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event. but the cold harsh realization that comes from truly realizing the tight rope we are on will definitely linger in the minds of those affected as we continue to move further down that paperless wireless line we have to ask just what will happen if the grid goes down and our wealth and purchasing power vanishes in a microsecond. the so the questions that arise when you are watching the hawks. with the. like you know that i got.
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sick so. well of the logic of science i robot and. cashless society when the wonderful isn't that interesting yeah right like i mean this is one of those stories that when i saw a break i was like oh this is like a harbinger of what could come because i like we all kind of have that weird feeling in the back of your skull like what happens at the plug gets pulled you know what happens if i can't go and use my magic magical card or tap it or you know and my magical numbers on this computer screen that i see that says i have money what about doesn't exist anymore what that just goes down that's creepy right yeah and you're looking at it so it happened around two thirty in the afternoon and started at eight thirty in the afternoon which i think it's horrifying to think that at that time of day right right after lunch and then right before people are going home suddenly none of your i don't think i had a on a friday. you get to the pot then you're like oh have
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a pint and they're like no you all right now. gary among other things i mean whatever you want to count what if you going to i mean how many people were literally. right and then this is like you and how you can very passionate more yeah i mean it's interesting because it's like less than twenty seventeen was the first time ever that actually you know credit cards or bank cards over took cash for retail payments in the united kingdom now that's according to figures from the british retail consortium but that's of course time every twenty something according to be dissipated where do you hear this number according to beas a payment processing through its systems accounts for this one in every three of all retail spending in the u.k. one out of every three in us it would be like one out of every three us dollars for those years of use out that's a monstrous number that's all put on credit cards it's all run through visa. or these are just like putting credit these are now everybody has
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a debit card you have all of these things that everything we do is done through these cards because you can't do anything without it you can't do things and casting more it's rare that you can find a place where you can rent a hotel room with cash or you can but you can't rent a car with cash right now i mean there's places what won't even take i've been it at an airport and gone to pay cash for something get it out the gate and they just literally like i don't even know what to do it knowing they have called three managers to figure it out and that's the thing that kind of scares me because this isn't just about whether you have plastic or whether you have a piece of gold or a piece of tin or something that stamped inside is that it's giving banks a lot a lot of power and that's really scary it's kind of like cashless society is this you from euphemism for you know bank payments i mean you know here we are everything's every transaction passes through a bank card companies phone providers payment processing the more processing you
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know you have to pay money in order to use their own money and then brett scott. who writes i wrote in the guardian had said that in granting financial corporations complete control of our money system every hour every economic interaction ends up log in their database this for analysis and this is the part that really scares me because i don't think our credit is being checked the way it was before i think what they're doing is another source of data but they are selling off to probably politicians and research servers and everything else they're selling all this data off because they know everything about us how we spend where we spend and essentially how we move money from ourselves to to them to somebody else and i don't like everyone so you give people the be so or that whatever their card you know they have it you know you give it to the obstructive everywhere you drove you know based on those pretty much all of your spending habits appear with these are just so you know how many people are with these to get this in twenty one point
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they said one point nine billion cards in circulation like credit debit right billion cards in circulation twenty sixteen two point eight billion cards in circulation and experts are predicting by twenty twenty one three point eight billion cards just be we're not including american express master card all but three point eight billion cards what happens if what you saw in would becomes the trend that plugs polled and suddenly boom well one thing to think about is that while this wasn't malicious activity or a hack that's the thing that scares me is you could have something taken out in a heartbeat or is it backed up is it taken care of because. it's kind of iffy you know it's kind of maybe would be nice to for federal reserve actually back the u.s. dollar buy gold again that would be cool but we can only hope for so. who's the leader of the club that's made for the one percent am i c k e y
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m o u s c yeah that's the house that the mouse built disney. just got burned as for months at or bernie sanders zeroed in on the corporate behemoths grand canyon style wealth gap between the skyrocketing salaries of its corporate suits and the rock bottom wages for the blue collar workers in the happiest place on earth in los angeles are to correspondent now fascist wayne has a story. it's only deja vu looking a lot like twenty sixteen all over again senator bernie sanders is blasting disney for making billions in profits while failing to pay employees what he called a living wage sanders told the crowd he wanted to hear the moral defense of a company making nine billion in profits four hundred million for their c.e.o.'s as a thirty year old worker is going hungry a senator saying a similar tune in twenty sixty anybody here making a living wage or mislead the sanders took to twitter on friday saying i have a feeling a.b.c. will not be asking on its nightly news program tonight how disney can make nine
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billion in profits well three quarters of disneyland employees can't afford basic living expenses in another tweet sanders posted a video criticizing coach chairman and c.e.o. bob iger for making a reported thirty six million dollars in twenty seventeen the video also claims that i got received one hundred million in stock awards for disney's deal with fox this as through the video centers claims a whopping seventy three percent of disney employees aren't making enough for basic needs it also says one out of ten disney workers reported being homeless in the past two years sixty percent of disney employees said they were food insecure meaning they couldn't afford a nutrient dense diet and although a one thousand dollars bonus was promised to employees after president trump's tax deal was signed into law the video says more than thirty seven thousand will not receive the bonus that is unless they sign a contract agreeing to more low wages according to workers the average salary is ten dollars seventy one cents an hour disney responded to my requests for
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a statement saying distain is now negotiating an increase. wages to fifteen dollars an hour by two thousand and twenty two years ahead of california's minimum wage and the statement goes on to say that sanders really criticizes does need to stay in the headlines that they're launching an educational program to help for their employees to breeze in anaheim the toughest suites are. not the happiest place on earth by a long shot if you're working a seventy five percent of the employees they're trying to i like how they brag like oh we're going to bring it up to fifteen an hour by two thousand and twenty i'm sorry i'm sorry you could do that eight today and be it's actually twenty dollars twenty to twenty four dollars an hour that actually gives people a truly living wage meanwhile hey let's give the president a company of thirty six million you know my dad sort of before there's a guy i actually agree that i think that we should not talk we could talk about basic minimum wage but let's talk about like an upper stopgap you.
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