tv Cross Talk RT June 6, 2018 5:30am-6:01am EDT
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in front of the car and don't have somebody as nice as i to stop and let them pass most people just run them over but i stop you know actually when you talk about trans tweets and he gets away with it if you look throughout history and mad emperors the mad kings if you look at the series the tutors it's a good demonstration of this henry the eighth was deranged ok he killed all his friends he executed half the royal family to kratz all over everybody and everybody around him had to go. you're such a benevolent king and of course this is the same thing with the grotesqueness of charles and his tweets when you see europeans when you see asians when you see everybody responding as if they were close allies of america even though trump has tweeted like they're over there and we're never going to we're going to slap on some tariffs and we're not going to deal with those people in there like they have
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to be polite and pretend that everything is easy in america has become like british or european aristocracy and they have forsaken their role of telling truth to power years ago decades ago they've become an instrument of corporate power and very little media so i agree with trump when he calls people from n.b.c. c.b.s. a.b.c. fake news because they are. using twitter to go directly to the public has worked brilliantly and i take on bridge at insulting king henry the eighth like this because of course he did invent the church of england which in america became a biskup alien ism which is my my language and also let's a researcher then there are other stories that of you know in this hyper active media world where you have twitter all day long and you need you know excitement and people forget the news cycle within a few moments just like schoolgirls screaming at where they buried their. corn we
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have stories like that during story i don't know what really happened but some deranged pretend assassination a fake assassination that happened in ukraine because the ukrainian media or the lobbyist in the think tanks couldn't wait the ukrainians correlate with media amnesia station fake assassination of ukraine and all the major fake news networks in america n.b.c. c.b.s. and a.b.c. with this fact and it got egg on their face and it was quickly forgotten what exactly because the likes of rachel maddow couldn't wait for the real story to happen since i just grew up so they b.b.q. . oh i lost it i don't know i got it by car yeah is a fake story it's a fake assassination but just like the story about tax returns that she was so excited like it's tax returns i have this tax returns and they should be paid thirty three million dollars in taxes that year and she's like oh i guess that's not so we're going to crawl down rivero al capone's tomb that was the beginning of this fake news cycle he was ahead of the curve or old oh yes that was like twenty
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years ago people might not remember that but i'm going to talk to a story about well in twenty years time again people might not remember this guy mike i'm a rube by michael route here is profiled i think it's the new york times is one of these big papers has one million dollars of student loans how did that happen escalating tuition and easy credit have yielded a class of student loan borrowers with spectacular debt they may never pay back due to escalating to ition and easy credit the u.s. has one hundred one people who at least one million dollars in federal student loans according to the education department five years ago just fourteen people owed that much more could join that group well the typical student loan borrower owes seventeen thousand dollars the number of those who know at least one hundred thousand has risen to around two point five million nearly six percent of the borrowing pool according to the edge occurred cation department right and they know nothing about it when they go to these colleges and universe. yes they study things
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that have no marketable after a college value whatsoever like philosophy or. art school but they are willing to take on a million dollars in debt so that they can enter the workforce find themselves at the mercy of the government's military industrial complex that will say hey we figured out a way for you to pay off your debt become a drone operator and kill people remotely in villages across the world they're going to say this is quite multi-layered first of all we do need a dentist this guy mike maroon is an orthodontist doctors perhaps we need lawyers who knows we need plumbers we need electricians we need. people who can make our coffee for us we need these sort of people and we need to educate and train them right so there is a need for this but have we gone about it in the most arranged way possible we spent a lot of time just like i said about those squirrels they look really busy all day
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long running around trying hard to you know plant these little acorns that they got my mom or a stick of a million dollars a month to learn how to be a plumber not yet now they're actually making hard money cash and they have a savings account and they're buying the eighteen percent debt of the student loan repackaged in their make and big bucks mess and these ridiculous debt mongers in fact the u.s. government meaning the u.s. taxpayer backs almost all student loans and this happened under bush essentially during the financial crisis and banks and when all these bad debts and the subprime loans said and when the student debts the government took it on and of course what happened since the financial crisis is the debt to issue went up because the government is now backing the debt so everybody could take out unlimited amounts of debt this is something passed under then the collective stupidity in america keeps escalating yes even though we have paying millions and billions and hundreds. billions to in debt
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a whole generation of morons yes and of course many in our sort of a condom we value debt we think credit and debt are so there like that amazing coren this school has found it so good he's going to go bury this and make sure he find it later well of course in twenty five years time when the student debts expire this guy mike munro he owes a million dollars because he only borrowed something like six hundred thousand dollars to go to u.s.c. dental school medical school than dental school and. it keeps he keeps keeps building because he doesn't even pay anything down towards the principal he doesn't even cover the interest on the debt so. by law he doesn't have to pay it after twenty five years it just basically expires so in twenty five years his debt will be two million dollars even though he's going to pay thirteen hundred dollars a month towards as ten percent of his income have his after tax income according to
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the law here of your you know the government owns your debt essentially. in twenty five years time some taxpayers of the future will find his acorn which is a pile of debt that expires their collectively stupid and then they're going to monetize by repackaging these stupid student debt bombs and then sell them into pension accounts suttle go to zero every time we say. i think of this viral video that's out there now the fluctuating kangaroo or a few saying that but this kangaroo is flat is elating and then it waves away the with it waves it away and actually it was brought to my attention by a.p. reporter the in washington my only met only link to this flashlight in kangaroo so here's a guy who's in the press pool in the white house who has nothing better to do than to talk about hockey and flashlight in congress. should you be doing your job maybe in the white house and tell us what's going on he's actually the best one in the
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way of the five million and how did this stupid program and policy of trying to recover from the financial crisis by pushing the american people essentially into indentured servitude they go for twenty five years this guy has to give ten percent of his income really a throwback to my man and i got it oppressed brilliant as i'm ok with most of mr murray's debt came from grad plus a program created by congress in two thousand and five every moved loan limits and allowed grad students to borrow for any expense including rent and other living costs the law signed by president george w. bush was intended to ease student reliance on private. banks which had more strict repayment plans this is the packaging that they sold it to the american people we're just trying to help people in a private banks charge more general walking you notice that this is the opposite of
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the whole p.f. i how they sell it is they say the private sector is more efficient the government can borrow for a cheaper than the private sector but here they're saying the opposite they sold it puts us at opposite sorry but anyway whereas. i meant that a new word called debt walker debt whacker it's debt whacker as dumb as a squirrel that's what i'll say instead what graham squirrel and fluctuating kangaroos and madly much more coming your way after the break don't go away. in july twenty seventh take on an attempt a freelance journalist working with a. militant shelling in syria. on a sacrifice he has established a holiday such as memorial day the reporters who often risk the sake of the truth
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secure early financing several years ago i'm now guys in this company the sun exchange and they're working with the united nations development program to trial a plan to monetize solar energy that's right solar money you might call it welcome back ever ham is going to be back i can access the sellers tax on exchanges currently as we mentioned working with the u.n. development program on a pilot program to bring cellar to the university of moldova so how does a judge success in this case like what are they looking at abraham then looking at getting the most markets particularly the countries which are landlocked like most over with energy natural resources other than some has been the goal is to enable these countries to go so quickly and easily as he had in markets where so industry is still rather immature of the design is just mission is to enable anyone to go so groovy and easily but we've also been working with a so when foundation since two thousand and fourteen so electric chain group in
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issuing these so when bonuses to anyone who owns a soda bottle we bought it was an exchange so we can issue the sort of points to customers and they also range n.t.p. was we're hoping you would be now well just to apply this model it's of moldova so mostly moldova moldova has a great demand for energy and without that access to cheap whodunnit g.e. then development goals of it is one of the one of the key to the mechanism goals is to enable access to clean energy so you need to be but a very very strong interest in getting this model to be proven in eastern europe so success for them is to have this program for the whole eastern europe potentially the rest of the world i mean. some exchanges says i'm to be is this is globe who platform to enable who anyone who is only going to work anywhere else in the world and you would be p.c. to write for those just joining us you know we've been talking about this for
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a bit now so as you point out anybody anywhere can get involved in the solar energy business and derive an income from the cellar energy. and this solves problems in areas that have no access to energy because they do have access however to the sun and this is really creating a whole new market now the efficiencies in this are quite remarkable because if efficiencies encrypt zero are phenomenal you can stand pennies around using the crypto network it doesn't really cost anything to send pennies and the cost of solar energy is plummeting and so all the components of this business model the raw materials the components the prices falling so this allows for that income to be generated here capturing something from the sun the sun the god the apollo god apollo is you know what another thing i was thinking about this abraham i'm curious what your thoughts are people talk about universal basic income and you know if
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everybody had a wallet attached to the sun every want to get an income from the sun yes that is it isn't such a good point i mean the point is that most people who woke today live in apartments already to the combination so even if they wanted to own a solar panel they come because they don't own a roof so the worsening change does need to anyone so now bodhisattvas out somewhere else on earth and we've broken down that ownership to a single so zone and you can lease now so big somewhere else in the planning and an income for twenty years for me so it's been a true cost of going so that we reduce by three orders of magnitude equals more than ten thousand dollars to go solar. now people go so do it in increments of less than ten dollars and that's that's what we believe is that everyone should have the right to be able to access and hone his solar power and blow chain payments of a name about resolution and the speed and the transparency so on will this kind of
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business model so follow up on that point let's say hypothetically i'm running the united states of america and i've got a multi-trillion dollar budget and i decide i'm going to allocate five hundred billion dollars to the solar income and i'm going to get open up wallets for everyone beneath the poverty line i've now given some energy currency from the sun into the pockets of millions of people at a cost effective rate correct yeah i mean actually take three hundred fifty billion dollars to provide basic electricity access to every single person in africa and the six hundred fifty million people who don't have access to power so. globally three point four trillion dollars has been placed into clean energy today as does from institutions and individuals so the monies that we can sort of how the planning if we want to just lacked the platforms and the mechanism through which to do this and exaggerate the process and but as fortunately what is now come to
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fruition and while you've been growing your company china has basically driven the cost of solar down tremendously. can you give us some breakdown on the cost of setting up a solar operation let's say in malda or wherever yes so we're looking now at the installed price who was. below one dollar what we did who are looking probably now down to maybe around eighty cents a walk which is completely unprecedented now you can now completely unsubsidized the plant in a country with no tremendously brilliant sort of conditions and it's to be completely commercial commercially viable i mean the projects that we're hosting here in south africa we always talk around eleven percent are zero or ten to eleven percent. our own projects such as the one that is about who are not open now and that's what we're trying to achieve in a limited markets as are so so prices continue to come down to see the not always so the price the whole of the solar installation cost is coming down the road some
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aspects prices go up such as the actual labor and installation costs some of the copper in the cable in those ghost do come up so it's not a completely rosy picture for the whole so sector but food should be the most expensive art being the solar panels that eight have continued to come down is as a scale kick in right now remember last year we were talking about the possibility of plugging a crypto miner into this that work for i think start going away we're talking about at the time where you could plug a start going to end or a minor into what was happening on this platform and not only generate solar current c but crypto mining encounter i don't know how far along we are in that discussion but i'm i'm hoping to revisit that sometime in the next few months because interest and so things. are ok and it is winter right now so.
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i wouldn't recommend budgie smugglers. least who are the same time well fair enough well let's say good bye for now thanks for being on the show abraham cameras from the sun exchange thanks very much well that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max geyser and stacey herbert like to thank our guests abraham cambridge of the sun exchange if you want to raise us on twitter go to kaiser report until next time. someone else will seem wrong but i will just don't. i mean you get to shape out these days attitudes and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground.
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faced with frustration and dismay for america's allies even members of the g.o.p. donald trump is sticking to his campaign promise to recast washington's trade relations with the world the reaction has been loud and swift only on the verge of a global trade war. the reason we call these our ships is because they're a ship to sail on the seas of tomorrow that's kind of why we call it that they're
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not a house house needs power lines coming in and gas lines coming in and so we had lines going out and water lines coming in. a nurse ship is a bessel or machine that provides all of these things there are six things that humans need on this planet they need water they need comfortable shelter that doesn't use fossil fuel they need electricity they need to treat their so each and some way and they need to treat their garbage in some way and they need food these housing units called earth ships address all of these things all over the world and these are the same six things that humans all over the world need to have addressed . living in the ship community here in the greater welds there's about there's more than seventy houses about a hundred and forty people with families living here who know what when i was little i used to feel like some kind of like. a fairy
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a living there because you know it's so very. very organic very unique looking a something like i was a woodland fairy living man a secret castle and. it feels really feels really solid and there's this sense of solidity living inside an earthen structure itself there's this sense that. we connect to something steve. cooley kind of see the little to. that we can get the house conventional. materials. because it's a little more connected to the outdoors as well you know when you're indoors but it's quite comfortable i think to a few people can compare you know being in a suit to a womb in a sense to you know sweat loads like once you're inside of it you do feel much it you feel that you need to being taken care of. as you say and you feel the solidity
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you really feel careful but at the same time it goes in both directions so you need to take care of your house you house to take care of you properly. we just close the skylights which are basically the hut during the day evacuated through the skylights and because it's now night time we just want to hear at this time to stay inside the house so every night which is close to the close it's retaining the opening to release. we used tires for the structure of the building we call them. radially reinforced rammed earth bricks as what they really are the tires are radially reinforced with steel for being tires but that works perfect for a radially reinforced brick. full of pounded compacted earth
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they become compression bricks and they're laid just like bricks and they will last forever termites don't eat them they don't rot and they're tremendous structure and tremendous thermal mass and thermal mass is what you want to hold temperature mass holds temperature and that makes it so that the building stores heat. for the winter and the heat is brought in with the sun. absorbed into the walls and given back when you need it most at night. so two buckets just went to. this point you're not going to be really wailing on this third thing yet because the church still thought i was free so we're going to
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do is i'm going to use a tool to push the material into the sidewalk of the time. i feel welcomed everybody here and welcome you not just this session but to a global family that had this from all over the world students from eight different countries speak english. ok so this is a list. my friend and she's from portugal i come from slovenia my name is mario. i was born in recent minutes moved to put. two years ago it was kind of our dream and then we got slammed with this super storm and everything changed you know three hundred sixty degrees night in day so there were twenty. came down things so you
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guys are grateful i'm sure you know we are there to not think we're ready you know to go back there to help reveal them but if we go from there ground. from everything that happened recently from puerto rico to mexico this house this type of house is very good because it's resistant to hurricanes as well ask. makes also if we think of california and the wildfires that they have because you have the ties are protected it's all covered with a berm this house could also protect you know from fires in the future. so here's a simple survival it's the first one that we've built ever and since then we have built several all over the world. come on in you're welcome. so these houses are called simple survivals because the systems themselves and also
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the way that they can be built should be easy for anyone in the world with a set of plans and basic training to be able to build the systems themselves are sustainable the same as in all other us ships but they're very basic and they have a lower cost in terms of disaster relief the electrical system in this house is also very good for traveling because this is our storage system which consists of a car battery and then it has different fuses which can be found anywhere in the world and also an inverter it works with a flexible solar panel which is on the roof which you can also travel with so with two bags basically you can go with your solar system. so all the water that's being used in this house comes from the ring it's being harvested on the roof and then it's getting stuck in systems which are behind the house and then from there it
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comes to this water organizing module which is as i was saying very simple and i'll show you exactly how it works so let's say if you want to make sure that you have enough water in the morning for the shower when you come back from work let's say you basically open the valve that activates the pump and they were hoping. that basically that it was full so once it's full it just overflows but because we have cloth on the ground the want to get through cycle by the plants again and. this is the water use is it all the rainwater yeah our water it's parasite remind me of his pants over there one of the n.p.r. i mean the other one goes through several filters that screen people.
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so this this into the houses where the black water is. so you can see it's really changed. the landscape out here where it's sagebrush is the natural environment here but as we are containing the sewage and and musing the plant starts to process the sewage. we create our own little oasis here. in the toilet is flush the pulp panel sucks up the water and flush the toilet with it cleaned that used water so that's reusing the water the water is used for washing dishes then the water is used for watering the plants and it's cleaned up by the plants then the water is used pumped back to flush the toilet. then it goes outside and does landscaping so that's a conservative four time use of water and as you can see the sun's coming in it's winter the sun's coming in and heating the house and being stored in massive walls
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that absorb the heat and then give it back. and then the electricity of course comes from photovoltaic panels from the sun and the house is built using bottles and plastic bottles and kay and. i first learned about michael reynolds when i was in a college class and someone mentioned they were talking about the environment and immediately the idea of building with tires and repurpose materials resonated with me i thought that maybe if you could create your own self sufficient power and be disconnected from the grid you could create your own political and social power that would not be so heavily influenced by corporate or government and trysts about personal freedom. and you see i even dug it out a little actually put some more of you do i really do
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a little house bag and so. we're going to start another big. i moved here strain of extra school and i tended to go. and. started working there is existing already. a mountain community. for ships and so i started working up there. just doing basic stuff mixing in. entry level. this is. the first earthship community this is an extreme say that no one thought it was ever possible to build on a site the state that demonstrate you can build anywhere in the world would be impossible to believe that shot house on the site why because to level the pad that you need for the foundation you have to dig so.
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